vintagewildlife · 1 year
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Atlanta heteropods By: P. M. David From: Deep Oceans 1971
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batterymaster01 · 7 months
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Just a fun reminder that "avians" evolved twice independently on Athrmagaia!!
Pachyalatans are a type of heteropod, a non-modular xeno-vertebrate. The streaked cavyhawk is a Polypteran, a clade of volant Euathyrmatherians that outcompeted the Pachyalatans in the "bird of prey" niches.
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talesofpassingtime · 11 months
The demotic curiosity shown by these abstruse creatures of the abyss as they crowded around the house of their guests had been indescribable-and likewise indescribable, amid the blur of flitting forms scurrying past the gondola’s windows, had been the mad grotesqueries, organic nature’s secret faces: predatory mouths, shameless teeth, telescopic eyes; paper nautiluses, hatchetfish with goggles aimed upward, heteropods, and sea butterflies up to six feet long.
— Thomas Mann, Doctor Faustus 
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xtruss · 1 year
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Left to right: a pelagic nudibranch, crab megalopa and soapfish all photographed at about 16 feet. Photograph: Robert Stansfield/Media Drum Images
Discovered In The Deep: A ‘Night-Time Migration’ of Marine Life – In Pictures
These images were taken by underwater photographer Robert Stansfield, from Southampton, UK, on a blackwater dive in the open ocean surround the island of Cozumel, Mexico.‘The blackwater dives never fail to amaze me with the crazy alien-like life forms that drift past out in the open ocean, well away from a reef,’ says Robert. ‘The idea is to see the largest biomass migration on the planet. Every night a huge volume of life migrates up from the mesopelagic zone up to the epipelagic. This night-time migration gives us the opportunity to see life at the surface that normally lives well beyond recreational diving depths.’
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A Squid, Photographed at 5 metres in Cozumel, Mexico. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Rainbow Tripodfish, Photographed at 5 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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An Atlanta Heteropod, or Sea Elephant, Photographed at about 20 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Flying Fish, Photographed at the Surface. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Transparent Oxycephalus Smphipod on a Hydromedusa, Photographed at about 18 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Male Argonaut on Salp, Photographed at 19 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Pelagic Nudibranch, Photographed at 5 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Crab Megalopa, Photographed at 5 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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A Soapfish, Photographed at about 5 metres. Photograph: Media Drum Images/Robert Stansfield
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bowelflies · 2 years
Pterotrachea coronata, a species of heteropod (AKA sea elephant), which are a taxonomic superfamily of free-swimming sea snails
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hahabboh-blog · 7 years
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作者heteropod (阿龍) 看板cookclub 標題[問題] 請問磁鐵刀架好用嗎? 時間Tue Aug 29 01:56:21 2017 小弟最近刀架壞了想換個新的 在網拍上看到了磁鐵刀架這個玩意兒 覺得很酷 刀具全貼在牆上 一目了然 非常想買 不知道有沒有人有用過?好不好用呢!? — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/cookclub/M.1503942983.A.D88.html 推 charmmy1120:...
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vintagewildlife · 1 year
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Carinaria heteropod By: P. M. David From: Deep Oceans 1971
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batterymaster01 · 8 months
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A brief, currently unfinished glimpse into the non-Athyrmatherian megafauna of Athyrmagaia's own personal Australia, Austrus!
These are Aardmen, Heteropods that, while "humanoid", are only about as intelligent as cats. They fill two trophic niches, using their upper mouths for browsing and trunk-like, nostril-derived lower mouth for myrmecophagy.
The bizarre structure on their groin is a genital tail, a sort of secondary vertebral structure that has been allocated for breeding. In the Aardman's clade, these are tucked into a unique pubic pouch while not in use.
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todropscience · 11 years
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Heteropod (Atlanta peronii ) a marine free swimming gastropod!
Photo by Alvaro E. Migotto 
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vintagewildlife · 2 years
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Heteropod sea snail By: Ron Church From: Invertebrates of North America 1972
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