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coralcatsea · 1 year ago
HetaGame List:
Unfinished vs Complete
There aren't many lists or wikis that clearly list the games' statuses. Most say "ongoing" even if they're discontinued, and I can't easily find the last update.
So I did some digging to try and figure out which games were complete, discontinued/abandoned, or ongoing (meaning the creator is active). I also tried to figure out which were unplayable.
However, I couldn't figure out all of them, so if I made a mistake or you have information on one that I don't, please let me know!
HetaOni (Tomoyoshi/Pianodream) (discontinued)
RomaHeta (Tomoyoshi) (unplayable, discontinued)
Escape from Siberia (Miryuha) (discontinued)
HetaHospital (Atomic-Crayon)
Hetalia Islands (Jezzica95)
Hetapocalypse (Schwer-von-Begriff) (unplayable, discontinued)
England's Disappearance (Maggy-Neworld)
Reconditis Mysterium de Olympus (MsEirtaku) (ongoing)
Mnemophobia (Asahi)
HetaGeist by (Atomic-Crayon) (discontinued)
HetaFear (Atomic-Crayon)
Project Espanya (Quasi-Harkness)
HetaOrigin: Redraw the World (Jpopkitty)
Ibtalia (Mayburger) (discontinued)
Dreamtalia (Kyokoon64)
Lincantropo (Itou Itsuki)
HetaFire (LeanneVlogzFilmz)
Blood of the Rose (animeArtluvr469)
Imaginary Nightmare (KingDespair)
Hetalia Floral Orchestra (Dream-thunder)
Hetà: The Last Age (Acquazzone)
Cancel a Format (Tomoyoshi)
Late For A Very Important Date (FandomDrowning)
Hetaipseity (Lilica)
Freedom (MapleSweater)
HetaOni (Cookie) (remake of the og w/ fanmade ending)
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years ago
Well, this is more of a personal pick because I do not know that much, but these are some that pop up in mind.
1. RomaHeta, HetaOni & HetaQuest
Putting this together because one or two of these pop up when the world ‘Hetagame’ came up. I called this the big three, at least in my opinion. Hetaoni english version exist, but Romaheta and Hetaquest doesn’t have yet as far as I know.
2. Dreamtalia & Diamantalia
Those in the Hetagame circle will know Kyokoon, so they will know Dreamtalia and Diamantalia. 
3. Send to Siberia & Escape from Siberia
A two-parter. A more mature hetagame.
4. Blood of the Rose & HetaFire
From the same creator. The source of the instant classic meme “Your eyes are like emerald. I truly am jealous.”
5. HetaIpseity
Can be count as the newest generation of Hetagame, but quickly become an instant classic. A must play for 2P fans.
6. Hetalia Floral Orchestra
Can also be count as part of the newest generation to become a classic. A must play for magical girl/Pretty Cure AU fans and the female characters.
7. Persona Power Hetalia
Crossover with Persona. A lesser known, but influential for me. At least this game is what I think of when someone say “World Academy AU” hetagame.
8. HetaOrigin: Redraw the World
A fantasy human AU, one of the well-known one and a personal favorite of mine. 
Poll??? Open ended hetagame poll???
Hey guys! So I'm currently writing a series of video essays meant to be a retrospective on Hetalia and its fandom, and the first video is about Hetagames. I intend on playing and reviewing 10+ popular Hetagames, and I want a general consensus on what you guys think the most popular/influential hetagames are! Thanks in advance!
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helltalia-inc · 3 years ago
So, as I expected I know mainly old Hetagames (around 2012-2015) but I found some new one in my search too! A large part of these games have for contributor Kyokoon64 so you will see her a lot in these and all of the links are deviantart links. I didn't verify if all the links to the games works. (I'm not sure I can put links in the askbox but I will try!)
Anyway, there's a TON of hetagame, I couldn't put everything in there. So half of them are Hetagames I know or heard about, some are random I found from creators I appreciate!
Dreamtalia : https://www.deviantart.com/kyokyo866/art/Dreamtalia-v5-3-Full-Game-607028552
HetaSparkle :
Diamantalia (chapter 1 only) : https://www.deviantart.com/kyokyo866/art/Diamantalia-v2-0-Chapter-1-553010389
Lachrymose :
(Hetagame) Cauchemar :
Project Hetaloid :
"Two Young Men Venture Into The Forest And Have A Surprising Experience" :
House of winter :
First Date [Hetalia GerIta Game]
Hetarella :
Heta something :
England’s dissapearance :
Tamago no tankyuu :
Hetafear :
Heta hospital : https://www.deviantart.com/atomic-crayon/art/HetaHospital-Ch1-455391186
While England’s away :
Dangantalia :
Shambles :
Twotalia :
Judge Jury and Executioner (Chapter 1) :
48h :
Snowfall :
The hetalia experiment :
Corpsetalia :
Escape from Siberia :
Licantropo :
Heta X : The end of the world
Hetalia floral orchestra :
Hetalia : World of analogue :
Hetaorigin : Redraw the world :
Wow!!!! This is an amazing list of Hetagames! Thank you so much @chibiclem ! ❤️ I will link this as it is, since you had so much work putting this all together 😊
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unitnation · 5 years ago
An Introduction
By: unitnation
June 15th, 2013
The package arrived at the doorstep. The man picked up the package and brought it inside his dorm. He opened it and it was a DVD case that said
The man opened it and put the DVD in the DVD player. The logo of the UN appear. Suddenly it showed United Nation looking at the screen.
UN: Welcome. You have chosen or been chosen to represent 1 of 200 glorious Nations. I am United Nation. Son of League Nation. The first formal Peacekeeper. As you may know, Hetahumans are an advanced human race that has roamed and walked the earth with humans for thousands of years. We have lived, survived, and shared this planet with the human race. Thanks to are advance technology, we are advanced by 20 years. Your job as a hetahuman is simple and is split into three categories.
Hetalians: Representative of the stereotype of a Nation.
HetaOrigins: Representative of the people of a Nation.
HetaNations: Representative of the Government of a Nation.
You will work from 7:35 am to 2:35 pm. You will get paid at least $1,000,000 an hour. Do keep in mind, once you take the job of representing, it is permanent. So please, relax and have fun. For it's a beautiful world.
The video ended.
???: Hm. Interesting.
Veliciono turned off the TV and looked through his window. He laughed.
Veliciono: Ve. It is a beautiful world.
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ask-badlydrawnseborga · 6 years ago
🎮- Favorite video game(s)?
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-tuwns on owo twanswatow-
//Oh man! I have a lot of favorite videogames! I’m such a huge fan of videogames so I’ll list some normal videogames and even include HetaGames!
//So as far as your “normal” videogames, I really love Little Nightmares with its amazing visuals and its ability to tell a story with no words and Doki Doki Literature Club who has secrets and little knickknacks embedded into the game. Of course, I enjoy first person shooters and rpgs like Tales of Graces and Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. Not a huge fan of Sword Art Online but I loved the option of being able to make your own character and I’m very much a huge fan of that ^^’.  
// Speaking of rpgs, Hetagames! I love hetagames a lot. And some of my favs include HetaOni, Escape from Siberia, and HetaQuest (though its no longer available). Now I want to give a little shout out to some of my favorite HetaGames real quick with links to the game.
// Out of all of them, this HetaGame has to be my favorite! The graphics, storyline, and just everything about it makes me a huge fan of this game. I especially love the little cut scenes and the coding for the game. When it comes to HetaGames, this has to be my favorite hands down. I don’t want to say too much about it but let’s just say its my all time favorite for a reason
Hetalia Floral Orchastra
// Okay, you guys probably saw this coming as it features the Ladies of Hetalia and of course micronations!! My boy gets his arc in there and you don’t know how much I screamed when I finally got his arc for the game! I loved it so much and yes sorry he automatically makes a game better. Magical Girls + Micronations = Amazing Game!!
Heta X, Between Two Worlds, and World of Analogue
// I grouped these three together because they are all 2p HetaGames. Yes they have all different storylines which I recommend giving each one a play. But the one I wanted to go into more detail about is Between Two Worlds. Why? Well… I not only play their rpg but I also read their fanfictions which are amazing. I love the call backs to their fanfictions and I can pick up their headcanons from the rpg which is a really cool to see. Also, I was the one who helped to make the boss easier to defeat and defeated the boss without the cheat code. It was hard as hell but I kept that version of the game as a token of my accomplishment.
// But yes these are some of my favorite games that I just had to give all a shout out to and also because I love to give support to creators!
// also for making it this far and reading all of that, here is bonus sketches and pictures ft in my normal drawing style… which changes a lot… maybe ill do an art raffle one day ft my actual style… cuz i reached 500 followers and ive done nothing to celebrate
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// hope you like it! and yes this is from my other actual ask blogs
-turns owo translator off-
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mseirtaku · 2 years ago
I'm sure you'll get a fair few Hetagame developers chiming in with some of the same hetagames I'll be suggesting, but I figure I'd put down as much as I can think of off the top of my head!
[ 'The Classics' ]
HetaOni by Tomoyoshi
RomaHeta by Tomoyoshi
Dreamtalia by Kyokoon64
Escape from Siberia by Miryuha
HetaHospital by Atomic-Crayon
Imaginary Nightmare by KingDespair
Hetalia Islands by Jezzica95
Hetapocalypse by Schwer-von-Begriff
These next Hetagames aren't as old as The Classics, but they're still pretty iconic within the Hetagame community.
[ 'The Well-Known' ]
England's Disappearance by Maggy-Neworld
Lincantropo by Itou Itsuki
HetaFire by LeanneVlogzFilmz
Home by angel-of-britannia
HetaGeist by Atomic-Crayon
Hetalia Floral Orchestra by Dream-thunder
HetaFear by Atomic-Crayon
Project Espanya by Quasi-Harkness
HetaOrigin: Redraw the World
Now, these games are more recent, but these are what I would consider to be the modern classics. Hetagames has come a long way since then!
[ 'Modern Classics' ]
48 Hours by BlueLobsters
HetaIpseity by Lilica
Mnemophobia by Asahi
My Friends Invited Me To Go Camping But My Only Experience Is Reading Guidebooks by DeathSquadOfficial
Shadowtalia by Rvi (Russia-Vi)
And because I love promoting my friends' stuff, a list of recommendations:
[ Eir's Favourite Games ]
The Lion's Path by Hebigami-Okami
Child's Garden by DeathSquadOfficial
Monochromes by Resoyani
Freedom by MapleSweater
Hungary? Like, I'm Hungry? by Resoyani
Judge, Jury and Executioner by BlueLobsters
Late For A Very Important Date by FandomDrowning
Hetà by Acquazzone (Tbh, I like ironically lol)
Naturally... I can't possibly list every Hetagame in existence, nor do you have to play all of them. I wish I could give exposure to every single Hetagame dev out there! But yeah, these are my 2 cents to this post, and I hope it was helpful enough~
Poll??? Open ended hetagame poll???
Hey guys! So I'm currently writing a series of video essays meant to be a retrospective on Hetalia and its fandom, and the first video is about Hetagames. I intend on playing and reviewing 10+ popular Hetagames, and I want a general consensus on what you guys think the most popular/influential hetagames are! Thanks in advance!
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