#hes sooooo nasty i need him terribly
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niccolites · 1 month ago
febrile (or; input vs output)
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He expects some kind of betrayal, for you to hiss and snap at him. Image of the NCPD, accepting your cyberware one week and raiding your clinic the other.
Instead you stand to the side and watch with him as the other officers dig through your stuff. They’re a bit too enthusiastic, your tray gets flipped over and your bench kicked over to check underneath and it isn’t righted again.
Simon watches you, uncaring that he should be watching his men. You tilt your head back and look up at him, you aren’t half his size but it’s a close thing. He thinks he likes that, watching the top of your spine disappear into your neck just to look at him, the arch of your throat. Traces his eyes over it, tendons and a vulnerable jugular, pushed out for him.
or: Simon is a member of the Night City Police Department and you're a ripper doc. It is his job to catch criminals, but even he can admit, he's taken a different approach for you. CYBERPUNK!AU
TAGS: Dubious Consent, Power Imbalance, Size Kink, Unhealthy Relationships
read here on ao3
Simon’s got a bug in his system that is turning his vision white at the edges when he finally visits you.
Not that he has much of a morality regarding visiting ripperdocs. Sure, they’re criminals and as a member of the NCPD, it is his job to arrest and charge criminal activity, but that was a rigid rule set decades ago. These days, the split between the NCPD and a common gang is that the rules the gang lives by aren’t written into the law. But, allowances are allowed on both sides.
Simon has never cared much to think about it. He sees some other officers have that blank look in their eye after they finish a shift, others who seem to revel in being able to do whatever it is that they want. Simon just does as he’s told. If he’s told to save the woman who survived a cyberpsycho attack then she is tossed over a shoulder and brought to the ambulance. If otherwise, a nod is all he needs to know that there are no witnesses. Finger, gun, trigger. The explosion in the palm of his hand, kicked back and caught. Delivered.
Maybe it has left a screw loose in his head. Not his job to analyse that.
Flouting the law as and when it suits the law is a part of the job. Not one that Simon has much indulged in, he must admit. Any murder, extortion, crime that is involved in the ‘etcetera’ part of his work, has been asked of him. His fellow officers flout the law as and when it suits them. Illegal weapons, killing a perp who gets too mouthy, maybe getting a bit too handsy with a victim. Simon hasn’t been much interested in the ‘benefits’ he can reap with his badge.
However, after a job where the NCPD took down a group of scavengers, Simon’s vision starts getting spotty. He’d had to jack into one of the victims to see if they were still alive. Horrible static, bad channel. They hadn’t been. And seemingly willing to haunt him from the afterlife, leaving a pesky virus in his system.
There are NCPD designated docs that he could go and visit, but the idea of letting one of their starched, freshly pressed hands go worming around in his cyberware makes his skin crawl. Years before his official service, he’d had all his kit installed by a ripperdoc, and he hadn’t had an issue he couldn’t fix himself since.
He spends a few days just trying to deal with it, still able to hit his shots using the noise that all criminals insist on making. He can still mostly see, even a few days in. Maybe not make out features, but people are blurry and morphed shapes that approach him and he puts them down with the same accuracy as before.
It’s not long before his captain pulls him up, though. Forces him to admit the bug, and issues a new command. Sort it out.
Standing in the doorway of your clinic, hidden in his civvies, here he is. Sorting it out.
You’re in the middle of muddling around with some of your equipment, humming to yourself before you must catch sight of him. The blur of your figure jumps, as your face comes into profile. You must be intimidated by the sight of him, something that he registers with a cool type of pleasure. Even not in his uniform and clearly strapped with all of his weapons, he blocks the light coming in from your doorway. You must see the metal of his left arm, nothing human left there. The gas mask that covers half of his face, black and stark against the pale of his skin.
“Hello. How can I help?” you ask, shifting something up your forehead. It distorts ths shape of your head and he realises that they must be massive goggles. Ridiculous, he imagines you must look like the image of the crazy scientist from old stories; you probably have a lab coat on. He wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your reputation, known as one of the best ripperdocs in Watson, even if you are as cheap as they say.
Ripperdocs are the gray area in Night City. Criminals, yes, but the hassle of actually taking down ripperdocs is more than it’s worth. Not that Simon tends to give a fuck about the politics, or the give and take of crime vs law. He is a bullet, pointed in a direction and shot out.
“I got a bug in my system,” he says, taking another step into your clinic.
You nod, gesture for him to take a seat on your bench. Something out of a dentist’s nightmare, he imagines, but he takes a seat nonetheless. Despite lying down, everything in him is as tense as a straight line. Gaze landed and caught on you, lazy as he watches you drift around your clinic. His vision is filtering your clinic as starkly white, the outline of your light grey. You both may as well be in void, he can only see the outline of objects as they get close to him.
You swing your chair around and pick up a wire. “You cool if I take a look?” you offer, gesturing with the wire. His forearm is already tense with the instinct to catch your hand before you can plug that into the side of his neck. His metal gasmask covers the slot anyway.
A beat, in which you look back at him. He considers making it awkward, telling you no or something. Settles on nodding and watches the way you flounder for a moment when you realise you can’t reach the slot. You’re paused, flatering in the space between the two of you.
“Can you take off your mask?” you ask. Your voice is deliberately light, but he can hear the catch of annoyance underlying your tone. It makes him want to grin, wonders how you look right now, if you’re frowning at him or trying to hide it with a smile.
“No,” he tells you. A beat. You don’t move or attempt to say anything else. Stalemate, when he can’t see how you look. “There’s a catch on the side, you unlatch that to reach the slot.”
You don’t say anything else, and he’s irritated by that. Relying on noise when the other individual doesn’t want to make any noise just leaves him listeless. You reach up, click open a section of his mask and plug in. You turn away, pull what must be a tray towards yourself. You must have plugged him into your laptop, your figure hunched towards it.
You cluck your tongue, goggles shifting across your brow as you gaze at your screen. “This is a nasty one, how’d you catch this?” He decides that’s not relevant and watches you instead. You give him a quick glance, head tilting his way, but decide to shrug off his strange silence. “I’ll just be a moment while I clear it. Seems to have caught onto a lot of your neural sensors, I’m surprised you can still walk.”
His chest doesn’t puff out with pride, but it’s a close thing. You tinker away at it, finally clearing it from his system. The whites that had clouded his vision clears, and he can see you in high definition finally. Can see the pores next to your nose, the frizz around the strap of your goggles as it disappears into your hair. You’re giving him an evaluating look, your eyes intent even as the rest of your body is deliberately loose. You don’t seem to have much chrome on you, thin lines of metal around your eyes, and a scanner on your right palm. He doubts you have much more.
“There we are, good as new,” you tell him, leaning back in your chair with a pleased huff. You give him another long look, but this time he can see the widen and pinprick of your retina. He wonders how he comes up in the scan that you must’ve pulled up the second he was in your doorway. Cop, ex-army, de-commissioned, KIA but here, in the (mostly) flesh. You don’t give any of it away, just shut your laptop and unplug him.
You hadn’t asked for payment upfront, and he imagines just walking out. Wonders if you would scowl at him, if you would expect it, maybe scowl for once. Drop that calm look on your face in exchange for something a bit uglier.
There is a long beat that he draws out to see what you will do, but you only sit patiently. You turn back to your laptop, tapping away on something else now. It’s not fun if you’re not biting, he sends you what he decides must be your standard fee, watches you tilt your head to the side at the chime of money exchanged.
He doesn’t thank you, just gets up and leaves. You didn’t close the latch on the side of his mask, and he considers marching back and making you do it, but decides to save it for another day. He closes it himself for now, and fancies that he can feel the finger print that you left behind on it, evidence.
The first warrant he comes back with is legitimate. Cyberpyschos are going mental over the bridge, and they have a faint enough lead that shows some of the cyberware tracing back to yourself. He knocks on your door and watches your face when he presents it to you.
He expects some kind of betrayal, for you to hiss and snap at him. Image of the NCPD, accepting your cyberware one week and raiding your clinic the other.
Instead you stand to the side and watch with him as the other officers dig through your stuff. They’re a bit too enthusiastic, your tray gets flipped over and your bench kicked over to check underneath and it isn’t righted again.
Simon watches you, uncaring that he should be watching his men. You tilt your head back and look up at him, you aren’t half his size but it’s a close thing. He thinks he likes that, watching the top of your spine disappear into your neck just to look at him, the arch of your throat. Traces his eyes over it, tendons and a vulnerable jugular, pushed out for him.
He imagines reaching over and holding his hand over the soft column of your throat. You’ve left it bare, you’d likely barely have any time to start flailing before he’d squeeze with intent and you’d drop, caught in the palm of his hand. If you can sense his thoughts, you don’t give it away, just watch him in return, blinking like a stray cat. Curious but wary.
“You know, Officer Riley, if you wanted to see me again, you didn’t have to bring the official signed document,” you say, gesturing with the hologram that was on the chip he presented to you. It’s slightly flirty, but cautious, like you’re padding around an interrogation room, but you don’t know what he’s done yet.
He doesn’t say anything. You smile back, as if he had responded, and let it lie. Your eyes are sharp, he imagined he could hear the whir as you scanned each of his men as they came in, but your smile and limbs are loose, like you are unaware of everything. Your teeth are blunt, but he imagines the cut of one against the metal of his forearm.
They don’t find anything, and one of his men huffs, giving you a dirty look. You’re asked what you work as and your smile doesn’t slip. “I help those with addiction, this is a place for them to speak, to be treated,” you answer.
“Treated?” one of his men pushes, giving Simon a look. It’s a terrible lie, so bad that Simon reckons they’ll have a hard time proving it’s not true. This is a shitty area, there’s likely 3 gonks in the alleyway outside lying in the gutter, high. You’re also liked enough that they could grab a random off the street and they’d lie for you easily enough.
“Simple brain dances, meditations,” you explain, rolling your head back to give Simon another look. The smile is gone, eyes gone guileless. He squints at it, suspicious and the corner of your mouth gives the faintest twitch. “Honestly, officers, whatever it is that you’re looking for, I’m sure I would not be of any help.”
One of his men steps forward as if to grab you by the arm but Simon barks at him to step back. You haven’t looked away, but you look analysing again, like you had looked at the virus in his system. “We’re done here,” Simon announces and steps back before you can say anything else. Leaves you with your trashed clinic and his warrant on the chip he gave you.
Simon falls asleep later and dreams of you with a scalpel in your hands, and when you cut into him, there is no blood.
Simon sees you again, but this time you’re outside. It bristles him, seeing you standing on an open street. Your sides are bare and before he can think about it too much, he’s cut his eyes around every alleyway around you. Making sure that there is no one on the rooftops. Traffic roars past and he grits his teeth. There's been a spike in drive-by shootings, gangs nipping at each other’s heels in a show of territory.
He’s over to you before he can stop himself, a hulking mass at your back, shielding you from the view of the road. He would tell himself that he is doing his duty as an officer, but he has always been a self-interested man, and never cared much to lie to himself. 
You startle as his shadow swallows you up, turning around to blink up at him. You squint at the sight of him. “Officer,” you greet. He grunts in response, which makes you almost roll your eyes.
You turn back to the stall you were standing at, humming over some mods for sale.
The man at the stall is terrified at the introduction of Simon, pale and nodding mindlessly as you start to barter. Simon imagines if he flashes his holster then you would even get the mod for free, a thought which amuses him. You'd likely get even more annoyed, which he does want to see.
As if you can sense his thoughts, you wrap up the exchange quickly and step away, Simon following at your back. “There something you want from me, officer?” You ask, giving him a look over your shoulder. He stares back at you, unyielding.
He’s unsettled suddenly, imagining how often you must be outside of your clinic. He hadn’t thought of it, had only imagined you were constrained in those four walls. The door had shut behind him and he had left you there, a still picture until he would return eventually. Waiting, like a good girl, sat by the door.
“You going home?” he asks you. Tells you.
You give him another look. He wants the crack of your skull in his palms, like the clean split of a watermelon. Wants to parse through your thoughts, wants to have them before they even fully form on your own.
“Yeah, I got what I needed,” you reply. He grunts, follows you until you tilt towards the side streets that lead back to your clinic. Barely any safer, but at least it’s not the open street, and he has his orders to patrol here. He watches you as you disappear around a corner. His gums itch, his tongue flexes in his mouth. He is a wild dog held back with a tattered leash, but he respects it all the same, heads back to his post, but keeps his ear tilted in the direction you went in.
He comes back again, and the warrant isn’t even real. He stares you down, wants you to open it, wants the reaction to his baldfaced lie. You take the chip and step aside to let him in. There’s a cut across your brow, purple bruising around it and he can’t look away from it. White in his vision again, he’s starting to suspect you’ve put another virus in his system, infecting him. He blinks and it clears, but the distrust stays like a rotting in his core.
He wants to dig his teeth into the edge of the metal in your palms and peel it up, wants the imprint of his teeth somewhere on you that you couldn’t replace with technology. He thought about you while he fucked his fist in the shower, and you had been beneath him, teary-eyed as he broke you in on his cock. He wants to fuck you until you drop that questioning look in your eye and bare your throat for him again.
“Look at the warrant,” he tells you. You smile up at him, like he is someone charming. He’s not, and he wants the reaction that he has sought out of you.
“Won’t it just say what all of them say?” you point out, leaning back against your desk. “Something that may have something to do with me, and here you are.” He stays silent, stares you down. “Do you want me to be a criminal?”
“You are one,” Simon rebuttals. That’s why he’s here. You need to be, he needs to catch you. He dreamt of chasing you down a network, jumping between wires and static until he caught your hips in his hands and crushed them. His desire for you is entwined with the dichotomy of your identities. He isn’t much interested in forcing you to become a legal law-abiding citizen, as he is pushing the two of you further into the roles that you are in.
“You know what I mean,” you add, pushing off of your desk and stepping towards him. A step away and he reaches his metal hand out, clamps your jaw in his palm. You let him, like you always seem to do, and it’s like pure heroin, lights something up in him.
“Who did this?” he asks, your chin in his palm, his thumb on your eyebrow. Right on the cut. He thinks if it was him that put it there, he might dig in a little, but he wasn’t. It’s hidden from view like this, with the edge of your eyebrow, disappeared behind his ugly, metal thumb.
“Got jumped by some asshole who thought he was hot shit,” you say, easily. The way you say everything, no pit-stop between your brain and your mouth. He wants to dig his tongue into the back of your throat and catch the words there, drink them down.
“Who?” he asks. You shrug and he shakes your jaw like a bad dog. “Who?” he repeats, tone biting. There’s a twitch in your eye at being roughhoused but you don’t step back.
You give a name, raising an eyebrow at him. He vaguely recognises it, some asshole who’s been causing trouble in Watson. Some wannabe gangbanger. He butts his head against yours, too hard to be truly affectionate before he leaves. His gas mask bumps against your cheek, leaves a red mark on your jaw from where his metal fingers dug in.
He shoots the fucker who jumped you, and dumps his body in the river. He watches it float, knowing it’ll be found. When they see the NCPD bullet extracted from his brain, he’ll be dumped back out again. Simon thinks about allowances, thinks about ropes of wire and how they snap. Rubber ripped, coil exposed.
He comes to see you again, this time in the middle of the night, wanting to see what you look like when you’ve just woken up. He imagines you’ll be pliant, let him shift you around as he wishes, sleep in your eye and a dream still dragging on your limbs.
You open the door and rub your eyes. Your hair is a little ruffled from your bed, blinking up at him with thick-cottoned eyes. He smiles with teeth beneath his gas mask at how awareness flickers into your eyes before you force a yawn. You’re so quick, which is why it’s always so satisfying to catch you.
“Something I can help with, officer?” you ask, leaning against the doorframe.
“Let me in,” he tells you. Demands it of you. It would be so easy to force his way in, but he likes it when you do as he tells you to.
“You got a warrant for that?” you ask, scrubbing a hand over your jaw. Eye him like he’s your patient again, like you’re finding that virus in his system and cutting it out.
“No,” he replies. Watches your expression, the subtle tick of your brow at his bold-faced honesty.
He wonders if you’ll shut the door on him. Make him peel the metal back to get in anyway. He would, he’s saved up his allowances and he plans on cashing them out on you.
You give him another long look before you step to the side and let him in. The door slides shut with a wheeze and a soft thunk.
“Is there something that you would like to say, Officer Riley,” you say, as if it’s a question but your voice doesn’t lilt at the end. He wants to catalogue every one of your reactions and keep them to himself, squirrelled away, out of the sight of anyone else. That is something beyond liking you, beyond attraction. Simon feels possessive of everything about you, like he might cave someone’s skull in if they saw too much of you.
Simon’s never been too much of a talker, he steps forward and crowds you into the desk that has all of your equipment on it. You blink up at him, perfectly still in the way that prey animals are, when they know they’re caught. The rabbit-like flutter of your heart, caught in the palm of his hand as he cups your neck. Thumb against the soft give just beneath your chin. “Simon,” he tells you, although he knows you already must know. He never told you he was Officer Riley, knows that you must have pried your way into whatever confidential information that you could find on your scan of him.
“Well, that doesn’t feel appropriate, Officer Riley,” you point out. Your calm tone is undermined by the kick of your pulse. His fingers flex, held back with a trained restraint. He likes knowing you’re afraid of him, like that you talk back to him anyway. Like watching a kitten yowl at a beast. Cute.
“Simon,” he repeats, bending his head closer to you, A hunch in his shoulders, and his face still isn’t that close to yours.
A quiet beat. “Simon,” you repeat. Your voice is flat, as if you’re trying to take the enjoyment out of it for him. He huffs with something like amusement. He gets his rocks off here, having his way in your clinic, the feel of your skin against the scar tissue of his human hand. You could be scowling or smiling, and he’d like either once he’s got his fingers in your mouth.
He reaches his other hand up and undoes his gas mask, lets it drop off and sets it on the desk next to your hip. Hoists you up, catches the kick of your leg, steps into the cradle of your thighs. “There we go,” he tells you. Your eyes have taken in the exposed section of his face. Ripped skin, some replaced by chrome, most of it left to heal as is. He knows that he is an ugly sight, a hulking, horrible man, hunched over you. He doesn’t care much what you have to say about it.
He ducks his head and looks you in the eye, even playing ground. You glare back at him and he grins with teeth. He hopes that you bite him, seals his mouth over yours. Your tongue is wet and he tilts your head back, wanting to get into your throat. You bite his tongue and he groans, his other hand pushing your hips into his. He grinds into you, huffing into your mouth. He memorises each point of your teeth, sucks your tongue into his mouth and blinks at you with half-closed eyes.
He pulls back with a wet smack, which leaves your cheeks flushed. “Show me your tits,” he tells you, hands flat on your desk, framing your hips. You don’t move, glaring up at him again. He gives you a lazy look, like you’re boring him now. If anything, the hateful look in your eye has made him even harder, if it were possible. “Now.”
“Such a dick,” you mutter to yourself, reaching for the buttons of your pyjama shirt and slipping it off. There’s a fine tremble in your hands before you still them with a calming breath. He was right on his first impression of you - that you barely have any chrome on you. Your skin is soft looking, no harsh metal on your torso. Restricted to the framing of metal around your eyes, your right palm. 
He smooths his metal hand up your side, watches gooseflesh and vellus hair raise in its wake. Cups one of your breasts in his cold metal palm. Almost coos at the sight of your nipple pebbling as his thumb swipes over it. Restrains himself at the last second, but gives into the urge to give you a mean pinch as retribution for your filthy mouth. You jump, a hitch in your breath. He smirks at you, hopes you can see the chip in his canine. “Behave,” he tells you, reaching for the waistband of your bottoms. Maybe once he’s drunk his fill, he can indulge the bite of your mouth, but his skin feels stretched thin over chrome and bone, and he wants what’s his and he wants it readily.
There’s a jump in your abdomen as his hand dwarves your hip, tugging your pyjama bottoms off and tosses them behind him. He spreads your thighs, peaks at the curls the cover your sex. All of the dolls in Night City are clean shaven. He likes this better, likes that you hadn’t been expecting him, and here he is anyway. He makes a mental reminder to bin all of your razors if he gets a chance.
He parts your sex with two fingers, huffing at the sight. So sweet, even with your strange looks and your filthy mouth. Sweet as sugar down here, your hole fluttering, your clit hidden under its hood like it’s shy. His hands are a cage around the span of your waist, squeezes in warning before he thuds to his knees and flattens his tongue against you. You whimper at the contact, manage to strangle the noise just barely. When he seals his mouth over your clit and sucks, you yowl, thighs kicking out. He squeezes them in place over his shoulders, barely jostled.
He brings one hand down from your waist, lifts his head, a string of saliva connecting him to your clit. It’s out now, throbbing and awake. He spits on it, watches you flinch with it. Spittle drips down, sits on the slick that has gathered at your hole. He feeds you one finger, groans as he watches your flesh part for him, and feels how hot you are inside. You're tight, he can feel muscle clamp down around his index, clinging to him. “Need to relax, sweetheart, or my cock’s gonna break you,” he tells you. It almost feels like a struggle to even feed you one finger, something that leaves a strangled feeling in his chest.
“Do one,” you reply, eloquently. But you don’t kick him off you or anything, so he just gives you another look. He’s being too indulgent with you, he knows. But, it’s better to let a puppy misbehave so they know what’s not tolerated. Training for another day, he lowers his head and licks at the stretch of your pussy around his finger.
He slides his finger in and out of you, gives you another when your panting starts to hitch up, rubbing his thumb over your clit when you whine at the stretch. You start whining out swears, hips jolting forward and then back again as if you want to come, but don’t want him to give it to you.
His third finger is pushing it, he knows because you start clawing at his scalp, sharp little nails. He groans hot onto your clit, which has you shaking. You’re wet with sweat, he can see the shine of it on the curve of your belly, on the strip of skin between your tits.
He slows the pump of his fingers, idly toying your clit with his tongue. He debates if you should be allowed to come. He doesn’t want you knowing that he finds your pissy words amusing, doesn’t want to overly encourage it. However, you haven’t tried to run, or punch him or anything of that ilk. He knows that you can’t help the kick of your hind legs. He pinned you down with teeth at your throat, and he knows that you’re trying so hard to behave. Besides, sinking his cock into you is already going to be a struggle, nevermind if you aren’t loose and pliant for him.
He curls his fingers, sucks your clit, chasing your orgasm like it’s his last meal. A test in his restraint. He thinks that he wants this more than you do. Your lungs stutter, shaking as your hands cradle his head. You’re muttering to yourself, ‘please’ spilling out of you, again and again. Another mean suck and your shriek, back bowing and he feels the clench of your cunt around his fingers.
He fingers you through it, until you are almost sobbing, trying to crawl away from him, but held in place with his metal hand that has slipped to the small of your back. He gives your clit a kiss, mean and hard just to watch it throb before he gets up off his knees with a groan. He;s getting too old to be kneeling on tile like that. He’ll fuck you in a bed next time, if you’re good.
He slides his fingers out of you, unbuttons his trousers. You stare at him, vaguely out of it as you try to catch your breath. Awareness seems to slam back into you as he fishes his cock out. He’s big, he knows this, but the way your eyes widen like he’s pulled a gun on you has him chuckling to himself. “That’s not going to fit,” you tell him, tone dead.
“Enough flirting,” he tells you, catching your legs over his forearms and dragging you to the edge of your counter.
“You’re deranged,” you snark. He’s amused, watching the anger tugging at your scowl, naked beneath him, and your slick caught in the curls between your legs.
He gives the side of your thigh a firm smack, catching the jump of your body. “Watch that mouth, or I’ll put it to use,” he warns you. You glare up at him, but don’t say anything else. A shame, but he does have to have a firm hand with you.
He takes his cock and grinds it against you, parting your curls to get to the hot, wet flesh beneath. He catches the head of his cock against your clit, slicks himself up, knowing that he’ll need it if the greedy suck of your cunt around his fingers is any indication. He pulls back and lines himself up. He understands what you’re saying, the mushroom shaped head dwarves the small hole that flutters as he presses against it lightly. It’s hard to imagine fitting in there, even given that he has tried to prepare you.
You don’t seem to understand how bullheaded Simon is, though. He hasn’t chased anything that he hasn’t caught yet. A tense of his wide bicep and he starts to push into you, metal hand on the base of his cock, the other lightly rubbing your clit in circles to get you to give way.
There’s a moment where he thinks it might not happen, you’re starting to flush, face shining with sweat. Then there’s a shudder and your cunt parts, splits, sweet fruit halving and the head slips inside. You both groan, his head dropping onto your collar as he pushes further into you. You’re slick, he can feel your cunt sucking at him.
You start to whimper as he pushes further into you. His thumb rubs up and down on your clit, insistent even as if you try to cringe away from him. Shallowly thrusts, keeps pushing until you start to give way. You thump your fist against his chest, the impact bouncing off of chrome. He barely acknowledges it, and continues grinding into you.
He bottoms out, groans into your collarbone. “There we go, there we are, sweet girl,” he tells you. The muscles in your back loosen at the praise, feels tense flesh give out into his metal hand.
He pulls fully out and slams into you, and you whine, hands on his shoulders and clinging. “Simon -” you start, but he shifts both his hands onto the back of your knees and pushes them up to your shoulders. He can see the stretch of your cunt around him like this, the spread of your legs for the monstrous size of him. He feels dizzy with it, can’t stop himself from pulling almost all of the way out of you before slamming inside. His eyes almost roll back into his head, and you sob, nails digging into the flesh that he has on his back.
Your knees over his forearms, he braces his hands on your hips and he starts thrusting into you, pleasure zipping up his spine. Breathy sounds are punched out of you each time his thighs slap into yours. There’s a heat rising in him, catching and flaming.
He lifts his torso up, looks down on you. It’s like he thought, the prick of tears in the corner of your eyes, the swollen spread of your pussy around him. He drops one of your legs in favour of flattening his palm against your throat. Your pulse is fat in his palm. He catches it there, feels the ricochet into the meat of his hand.
You clench down on him and he groans, bares his teeth at you. “You like that, huh?” he asks you, flexing his fingers over the tendons of your neck. Your mouth is open, he can see the pink flash of it in your mouth. You try to shake your head but another hard thrust just sends it rocking back instead, another moan gritting through your teeth again.
He digs into you, flexes the metal in his legs to thrust into you hard and fast. Exertion is an old friend, and he takes it into his stride. He is only starting to pant a little, but you’re running hot and have been for a while.
Pleasure is molten hot at his pelvis, and each time his hips meet yours, cock kissing your cervix, his vision whites out at the sides. The virus that you must have planted in him is deteriorating in his system, leaving him almost mindless. He’s chasing you, still, even with you caught between his body and your desk. Breath like steam pouring out of his mouth, saliva pooling under his tongue as he realises that you’re within reach.
You stare up at him, eyes wide. The vision of your head held up by his hand is enough to finish him off. He slams into you a few more times, groaning deep in his chest while you squeak, spills hotly in you, grinds to draw out the spark that glares in his vision until he stills.
A moment of quiet, air thick with sex and sweat. He drops his head against yours with a thunk as your skulls collide. Feels the buzz of your grunt in your throat with his hand still nestled there.
“You got a bed back there?” he asks, temple against yours.
“Not telling you,” you mutter, sounding wrung-out and gutted. He snorts, scoops you up in his arms, stepping back from your desk, holding you up. Still have a smart mouth. But, he has the patience to get that out of you. Not all of it though, but he won’t tell you that.
A week later, a missing report for a ripperdoc in Watson hits Simon’s desk. He shreds it, and it sounds like the chime of an allowance, cashed in.
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foulserpent · 5 years ago
ned meets sheogorath (1836 words)
cw: suicide mentions
"HELLO Nedirael! Glad you could make it out here!" the voice boomed, familiar and all the more alien for it. 
Ned stood across the hall of a grand throne room, weary and bedraggled and half clad in a weak leather armor he’d found himself not needing. A great tree loomed in back, its leaves an autumnal blaze of reds and oranges that bathed the room alien sunlight. Two torches burned a bright icy blue and a pink to either side of the throne, setting the stained glass to either side into a dizzying array of sparkles far too overwhelming to see what they depicted. Everything seemed to bend inwards, space itself being pulled to a singularity at the center.
There sat Sheogorath.
They looked a lot like Xikeel, much as they did when they had appeared to Ned weeks before, almost a decade after he had last seen his friend alive. They were a brighter red and crowned with teal horns, with scales that reflected with iridescence in every color he could imagine and some beyond that. They wore a robe almost equal in vividness and fluttering ceaselessly. It hurt Ned's head to try and see where embroidered fabric ended and tiny, colorful butterflies began. 
Perhaps most striking of all was the beard. How the hell had she grown a beard?
"Hi, Xikeel." Ned said as he made his way down the aisle.
Sheogorath shifted in their seat, resting their hairy chin on three hands with an expression of exaggerated annoyance. Some butterflies swarmed upwards, before settling back into the shape their sleeve.
"Don't you know my name?" Sheogorath asked. "I didn't work so hard just for nasty little mammals to come in here and call me all manners of nonsense words."
The butterfly-robe scattered yet again, their little bodies intertwining and blending like paint on a brush to form another scaly arm. The daedra began to drum that hand onto the throne.
Ned grimaced. If there was any doubt that his old friend had really changed into something else, it was dead and buried.
"For fucks sake Xikeel," he said, ignoring the daedra's many eyes rolling. "I thought you were dead, I thought- I thought the Blades took you out, or you went off and, uh,"
"Tried the same thing you did? And did a better job at it?" Sheogorath grabbed the edge of thin air and lifted off of their throne. They made a great show of crossing their legs in midair, before slouching into another relaxed position. 
"No, no, no, your friend just got lost. Can't blame her. It's sooooo much nicer here than out there!" They punctuated by even more arms flinging themselves into existence in a gesture of pride, before dissipating into more fluttering insects.  
"So, what actually brings you here? Surely not just to stand around and gawk."
“I-” Ned started, but he was interrupted. 
"I hope you like my palace? And my realm? I changed things up around here. My saints really want to kill you, and most of the beasts here wanted to eat you or lay eggs in you, but I told them, 'no! This is a guest of honor!'"
The Golden Saints half hidden in the dizzying light of the room gave no acknowledgment, though they all stared down at him with unblinking needle-slit pupils. Ned continued to ignore them.
"Okay, so if you aren't Xikeel, then what makes me the goddamn ‘guest of honor’?" He asked.
"I mean, if you want my Saints to hunt you for sport I guess I'm open to-"
"No, no, I'm good." Ned interjected. “I’m just. What happened to you?”
“Nothing happened to me. Well, something did. Happens every thousand years or so, but I’m back to normal. I’m my own man. I’m brand new!” Sheogorath cheered, then lowered their head in seriousness. “And to answer your obvious question, your friend helped with that. So I returned the favor. Said goodbye for her. Like, ten or a hundred years or something late, but I did. Sorry, I forgot.” 
Ned felt his head start to ache. 
“I didn’t come all this way to listen to this, I mean holy fuck are you getting this?” He threw his arms out. “I thought you were dead.”
“Well, that’s kind of a you problem, isn’t it?” Sheogorath yawned.
Ned’s rubbed his face in exasperation, sucking air between his teeth.
"Xikeel... Can you please-" He paused, a stupid question forming in his throat. He already regretted it before it clumsily fell from his tongue. "Please just stop it?"
Sheogorath gave him a blank stare.
"Oh, okay!" The daedra said. 
With a puff of smoke, Xikeel stood before him. She was as he remembered, small and spindly, dull red and broken-horned. She wore the same cheap shirt and trousers as that final day. Everything was just as he'd last seen her, standing in the doorway ten years ago, saying "I'm going out" and getting only an "okay" in return, walking out of the door and out of his life and out from the world.
Ned froze at the sight of his friend. He could scarcely bring himself to breathe, feeling as if the very act would blow her away. She gave him a smile - just slightly parted teeth. Not an argonian smile, but one she would give to him, to Martin. A gesture that could soothe a mammalian friend more easily than the subtleties of argonian facial expression. She smiled under blank, golden eyes.
"Did you really think that would work?"
Ned went cold.
Xikeel's body twisted back into oblivion.  It stretched and lengthened until they were something like a dragon, long and blazing and too familiar. They danced in airborne circles around Ned, trailing sparks as they passed.
"Alright, here's one for you. Imagine you find the last surviving shard of your family, blackout drunk, drowning in a river!" They spat the words like venom.
Ned's stomach dropped even further.
"And you pull it out and pull the water from its lungs, and you say, 'Please don't go! I need you!'" They shrieked. A mockery of tears bubbled up from Sheogorath's many eyes as the daedra swam in dizzying loops around the man. "I need you so much! I can't do this alone, please!" They cried.
"And after all that, after everything, it does it again. And it punches your idiot face when you try to stop it!" Sheogorath spun one last loop, catching the tears in their cavernous mouth before swooping up towards the ceiling.
"I'm sorry." Ned said.
He had just wanted to die. He had enough of getting back onto his feet only to have everything he built be ripped out from under him again. He had been so tired of being kicked and beaten until he was reduced to some scarred thing that somehow hadn't yet learned not to rest its head in any open hands that were offered to it. He had only seen one way out. God, he didn't want to hurt her. 
Sheogorath now twisted in tight spirals, filled with some frenetic energy and half screaming.  "Yeah, that really is the kind of thing that changes a person! You're getting it now!"
"I'm sorry." Ned said. "I'm so sorry, Xikeel."
Sheogorath dropped like a shot bird, landing on four legs with a heavy thud. They crawled towards Ned with a terrible speed. The man flinched but did not move. The daedra loomed to their full height, sticking their whiskered snout into his face.
"Who are you apologizing to?"
Ned's face contorted with pain. Finally, a sob tore through his throat.
"Who are you apologizing to?!" Sheogorath roared, yellow eyes flashing like stars far beyond the border of their face. They cut golden fractals through his tears.
"Who are you apo-" Sheogorath was cut off as the man flailed, batting their face away. Ned stepped back, frame now wracked with sobs. He dragged in a shuddering breath, and screamed.
"Fucking STOP IT!"
The palace was silent. A heavy absence now choked out the air. Ned's shuddering gasps came to Sheogorath as if through water, a thick dark river their gills fluttered against in vain.
"Xikeel.. I know... I know..." Ned trailed off as he broke into sobs.
Sheogorath hadn't felt the man's touch. They weren't this body, they were the whole room. They were the whole city. They were the whole realm. The body was merely a face for it, cradled in the daedra's own churning belly. How had it felt the man's touch?
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
The daedra did not have tear ducts. Their eyes could hardly even be called eyes, really. They came and went as they pleased. 
"I'm sorry."
Sheogorath did not know if it was the man who now spoke, or their own. They didn't move closer. They just sat on the ground and bent their head.
Bridged in misery, the two rode out their sobs.
"This place isn't safe for you." Sheogorath finally said. Their voice came out a soft monotone. It was smaller now, too much of a fragile hollow-boned thing to come out of a god's mouth.
"I know, I know."
"People who come in here have a hard time getting out, sometimes."
Ned laughed. It caught in his throat and shuddered into another sob. "You think?" He asked.
Sheogorath slithered next to him. He didn’t look at them, far too occupied with wiping tears from his face, which fell in spite of his efforts. His wet face sparkled in the firelight, and he was smiling in a way hurt things do. Sheogorath took one last look, setting all these features to memory and holding them close.
Ned finally looked her in the eyes.
Without another word, Sheogorath opened their mouth and swallowed him. For just a split second, Ned saw an alien sky full of stars. He was a weightless mote, adrift in a sea that stretched shoreless long past any horizon. Wind whipped his sides, eroded him away to a core and back again.
Then, warmth. A sun that was not his sun caressed his skin yet again. He realized, with a start, that he'd been holding his breath.  
He opened his eyes.
Ned stood on the edge of the portal where he had come in just a day before. Brightly colored butterflies drifted around the edges, burning to sparks as they hit the barrier and flaring back into life as they bounced away. He was alone again. Unharmed and untouched, with eyes still burning with stars and tears. His breath came in shudders.  
He was facing the twisted reflection of his own world, far away beyond comprehension and close enough to touch. It was morning. There was the lake near Bravil, the treeline in the distance. He thought he even saw the dim outline of the tent Shap had pitched to wait for him.
The message was clear. It was whispered in the wind, punctuated in the beating of chitinous wings.
Go home.
"I’m sorry.” Ned whispered.
Go home.
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blackicephantom · 4 years ago
The black dragon and the coward CH. 10
You won't believe this but it is done!
I have to say, covid is neither nice nor fun. It's ugly and exhausting as fuck. So please everyone, stay safe and healthy.
tagged: @patolemus - I hope you haven't given up on this *wink*
- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
Tsuna closed the door behind himself slowly and gently. He had much to think about. But where to start? What was next?
So much to do and plan and just not enough time. With his eyes on the ground the boy didn't see the three others that were approaching him, at least until it was way too late.
The sound of multiple and heavy steps caught his attention but when he looked up he wished he didn't. His favorite tormentors were on their way towards him. And Tsuna knew that no one would help him. They would just get angry and ignore everything around them if he caused a scene now. And Nono wouldn't be fast enough to get to the door, or him for the matter. With a rather tired sigh the brunette surrendered to his very obvious fate. Hopefully they don't dump him in the forest, for their own sakes.
Just the next moment he was grabbed and everything went dark…
In the forest
Reborn and Fon had shared a small breakfast before the latter departed again. "I'll try finding two certain someones. Who knows? Maybe my dear nephew knows something." A dismissive snort was his answer and even the Stormdragon had to chuckle. His nephew was…… special, to say it simple. He knew almost everything but wasn't prone to share. With anyone…..
Well, almost. Sweet little Tsunayoshi got even the young and moody Clouddragon to trust him. He was the only one who would get straight answers from the youngling. It was truly fascinating.
It wasn't long after Fon had left that Reborn got a certain feeling of unease. He went to the entrance of his den and looked at the surrounding area. Sharp yellow eyes tracked the wildlife: spooked birds taking flight, scared bucks running through the underwood. Something wasn't right. That's when a familiar scent hit his nose. The smell of warmth and something sweet with vanilla….. 'Tsuna!'
Without a thought Reborn jumped down from his perch, right into the forest. He knew that his draconian form would be way too big and too noticeable. So he decided to stay human, at least for now. Just before hitting the treetops he opened his wings and took an easy glide down. Once on the ground he called for his most trusted and oldest companion, someone who was always at his side. His call was nothing more than a rumble, maybe a growl, but it was answered none the less.
A green chameleon crawled down from one of the trees, only to wander up the offered arm until he sat atop Reborn's fedora. "Keep your eyes open Leon. It seems we've got unwanted company. Again."
Blending with the shadows of the trees the dragon tried to follow the scent of his boy but it was more difficult than it should be. There was something else at play, he just couldn't explain it. It was like… like something was overriding Tsuna's smell. Something rather disgusting.
Rising his sensitive nose to scent the air again he almost gagged. Right there was foul magic in the air. Someone was trying to keep their presence a secret and doing a damn shit job.
A short tap on his hat made Reborn look up. It seems Leon found something interesting. There was a fresh trail on the ground. It looked like something was dragged around…. Or someone. A snarl ripped itself out of his throat. If this is what he thinks it is, then someone's gonna die today. "Please be my scout Leon. Try to find the intruders and give me their location."
Between one moment and the next the green chameleon turned into a sparrow and flew fast and agile through the forest. Reborn in the meantime hoped against hope that he's wrong. But what were the odds? With the last day still on his mind and the boys horrible luck it couldn't be anything else. 'Please be OK. For the love of god, please be alright!'
. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -
Tsuna awoke with a terrible headache and to the feeling of being dragged somewhere. 'Ahhhhh, kidnapping my old friend. How I didn't miss you.'
Loud laughter caught his attention and he tried to listen, but whatever Mochida was saying was lost to the sound of the animals around them. Trying to look around as supple as possible the brunette tried to get a general location or position. But some of his memories still hadn't returned, to his utter dismay. Which means he has absolutely no idea where these idiots were taking him. They were in the forbidden forest, that he knew. But they had to be past the regular path, because the trees were bigger and still looked healthy, unlike the ones closer to the village.
How the fuck are they even pulling him along? His hands were tied, OK. But he could see. Also OK. His head hurt aaaand, jep, he was gagged. 'Better job than last time.' was one of his rather stray thoughts. Sad enough that this happens often enough that he even has something to compare….. 'Wait…… if we're in the forest, away from the path, then there are just a few places they could take me to.'
Tsuna thought and thought even harder, trying to recall the map he had memorized, while still being dragged through the dirt.
Another look around showed him the mountain to their far left. Which means they're taking him somewhere else than usual. 'Just where the heck are we going?'
A bump in the road caused the boy to wince, which alerted his captors to the fact that he was awake. There went his cover.
"Hey boss. Looks like Dame-Tsuna is finally with us again." That's the only warning he had before he hit the ground. Groaning Tsuna slowly turned around and got on all fours. But before he could get up one of the others kicked him in the rips and then again in his stomach. It looks like they had a bad day or something. It's not often that they hit the valuable spots right from the start. Sooooo. Well, nothing more.
While still protecting his poor belly, the younger was suddenly grabbed by his hair and pulled up, only to come face to face with Mochida and his grimace of a face. The raven haired looked him up and down only to sneer. “I have no fucking idea how you got that dragon to spare you. But one thing’s for sure: it won't happen again.”
Tsuna would have loved to say something, but right before he could Mochida let go of him. With one last kick he was ordered to finally get up and to walk on his own. `Not my fault they kidnapped me.´ groaned Tsunayoshi in his mind.
They walked for quite some time, without a break. And the brunette had to say that he started to get tired. His legs felt like lead and his headache was also still present. And let’s not even start with his poor ribs….
Just behind the slowly thinning treeline came a cave into view. It gave off a feeling of dread and gave the young heir more than just the chills. `I believe this is one of the places we were warned about. But some of the Arcobaleno made sure that no human should ever arrive here…..´ Out of the corner of his eyes Tsuna saw a small and rather strangely colored sparrow. Instead of it’s usual brown and gray feathers it had green ones. And it didn’t sing either, not even a little chirp or trill or something similar. It just sat there and watched them….
Then Tsuna's eyes widened. `Of cause, how could I forget! That’s not a bird, that’s definitely Leon!´
Relief flooded his whole system and he could have cried from joy. Where Leon is, Reborn is not far away. He learned that the hard way back then. But this joy was short lived. Not only did Leon take to the sky, hopefully returning to his partner's side, but his intuition started to ring all and every alarm bell inside his head. Whatever lived in this cave, it wanted not only him for dinner…… That’s when he heard the growl and a rather nasty sounding hiss. A feline then. Next thing that came into view were big and ugly paws, perfect for ripping prey apart and slicing through more than just flesh and bone.
`Oh shit.Oh shit.Oh shit.Oh shit.Oh shit.’ was all that came to mind. Tsuna didn’t need to see the redish looking fur or the big fangs to know what stood in front of them. It was a Subspecies of the sabretooth tiger, one native to their region and very VERY deadly.
There are very few who encountered one and got away safely, or at all.
`It won't happen again. I’ll make sure of it.´ Those were Mochidas exact words……
No. Nononononono. The madman wanted to feed him to the tiger, with no chance of defending himself. The closer they got to this cave the more he started to struggle. He tried to free his hands, but that caused much of a ruckus and his kidnappers noticed. The dumbass that most probably came up with that plan started to crackle until he was outright laughing. One of his goons came up to him, only to tie another rope around his hands which he uses to pull him along. But Tsuna leant in the opposite direction and tried to dig his heels in. No one and nothing would get him even close to this thing. Nope, No way. That was as much of a death sentence as being thrown into a dragons den.
The damn gag prevented him from screaming but he still tried. But that just earned him a slap to the face. The tiger started to salivate and didn't take his eyes off them.
Tsuna struggled again, harder than before. He pulled with all his might, always with sudden movements in the hopes that the one leading him would let go out of surprise. Hyper intuition and survival instincts kicked in, closely followed by a rush of panic. No teaching could keep this feeling away but they could suppress it. The rope started to rub his wrists raw and cut into his skin but Tsuna didn't care. He needed to leave, NOW! In a last minute effort to rip himself away he stumbled on purpose, crashing into the one walking in front of him. And then, when he finally let go of the makeshift leash, Tsuna turned around, grabbed the damned gag and ripped it out of his mouth and started running. The sabretooth tiger, scenting worthy prey, set off after him. The thud of the paws equaled the thundering of his heart. The young Vongola didn’t care what happened to the other three, he just wanted to get away.
Ducking around the trees Tsuna tried to lose the big predator but the beast was hot on his heels. Every once in a while the animal would try to sweep him off his feet, trying to take him down with his claws. But his intuition warned him just in time so that said claws hit nothing but thin air. The longer the chase went on, the more agitated the tiger got. With every hit that didn’t connect the beast growled louder, jumping farther, running even faster and Tsuna was reaching his limit. He tripped on a single root and the beast behind him took it’s chance. Jumping down right above him the poor boy just rolled away and struggled to his feet.
Then he remembered what Reborn told him just before leaving the village: ‘Should you ever get into trouble….’ He took a deep breath, his lungs struggling to comply due to the exercise ‘...... call out for me.’ and gave a shout. “REBORN!”
Just then his pursuer pounced and pinned the boy beneath it’s bulk. Sticky saliva dripped down its fangs and landed on his face. Still struggling writhing, winding anything to get away he couldn't hear the trilling of a sparrow, nor the growl of a predator way bigger then the fucking sabletooth tiger. The only thing soothing him were those familiar, gleaming scales.
With Reborn
Technically he knew that Leon traveled as fast as he could but somehow it was still too slow for him. Right that moment his friend darted through the trees, right towards him and flew frantic circles around him. It must be worse than anticipated. “Lead the way” was all he said and off they were. Upon noticing which way they were going, Reborn growled again. When he had Tsuna back he would fucking eat the idiots that dragged him here, no matter if he gets sick afterwards. He could hear a frantic heartbeat and the huffs of breath from the one chasing after the boy. Then there was a crash, the sound of someone falling and landing hard on the unforgiving ground. Next came something that would stay a long time in the dragon's mind. One yell, one call to him, his name screamed atop of exhausted lungs.
Changing while still running came naturally to him, crashing through the tree on all four was just as naturel. But when he saw that thing trying to bite the brunette's head off, he lost it. With a deep and mighty growl he lunged forward, catching the feline by surprise and throwing it off of the boy. When the tiger readied itself to jump again Reborn wound himself around his precious boy, his long neck and open maw just above the other, yellow flames flickering out between his fangs. Two predators, one on the hunt and one on the defense. The outcome of this was decided the moment the Sundragon arrived.
The sabertooth took its chance and tried to pounce again but Reborn had enough. He snatched it while it was still airborne, closing his maw around it, piercing though its skin and hide and then fucking incinerates it. Not even a small whine could be heard. The only thing that remained was the ashen corpse. Once sure that no other hunter was nearby, the dragon changed again and turned to Tsuna. Tsuna, who was still bound and struggling to breath properly. Tsuna, in whose eyes tears started welling up. Tsuna, who looked just like the little boy from so long ago. Without thinking about it Reborn cut through the rope with his sharp claw and then embraced the now crying boy as tight as he dared.
Tsuna was just so glad to be safe and to be held in the arms he had missed without knowing why.
I haven't beta read this, it's almost midnight and I'm tired. Please excuse me. I still hope you enjoy! *wave*
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colorado-springs · 7 years ago
2x16: Orphan Train -
I have a love/hate relationship with this episode.  Let's get to it.  I’m putting some of this under a read more because apparently I had a lot to say.
How horrible are orphan trains?  It's all so sad.
Of course Dr. Mike thinks it's a fantastic idea to bring them all into her home where there's already not enough room.  It doesn't help that the kids are unruly.
The Hank and Myra stuff in this episode is what saves it for me but it's also very controversial, at least by today's standards.  When he comes into her room, she's clearly not interested.  But it's also her job and part of her contract.  Does that make it okay?  No... but it's her reality whether we like it or not.  Hank owns her.  He also loves her in his own twisted way and she has complicated feelings for him as well.  I'd venture to say that Myra doesn't want to have sex with any of the nasty men who come into the saloon but she doesn't have a choice.  We look at it now and will most likely all come to the conclusion that it's rape but she also happens to be a sex worker who is contractually obligated.  Where do you draw the line?  What's okay and what's not?  I think it's a really compelling part of Myra's plot and I'm interested to see what others have to say.
Dr. Mike gave away all the kids' clothes.  Nice.  I do appreciate Matthew's look in that scene.  I like the hair.
All the adults care about is if the kids can work.  Grace and Robert E's reaction... ugh.  It's definitely like a slave auction.
And here's good ol' Hank 'wanting to adopt'.  Mmhmm sure.
In all seriousness, I'm sure it would be incredibly hard to find homes for the children.  People back then, especially folks in a town like Colorado Springs, didn't have the means to care for a bunch of children.  Most families were probably struggling already.
Oooh Sully eyeing the Rev when he has his hands on her.  And now Dr. Mike wants Sully to take one of the kids????  Sometimes I wonder if she's on drugs.
Those damn kids broke Colleen's mirror.  That's sad.   Dr. Mike doesn't care either.  Yes, they need to be charitable and have some compassion, etc., but Colleen and Brian are still kids themselves and it's not a great position for them to be in.
Okay, so what Hank is offering is really not too terrible at the end of the day.  You know, aside from the gross men.  You get food and clothing and a place to stay and you get half of what you earn.  That's all extra money if you don't have the other expenses.  It's easy to see how it would be appealing from the outside looking in.
THE REV SHAVED!!!!!  And Dr. Mike is into it.  She's also happy to leave her own kids behind and take the orphans swimming.  So frustrating.  She's always so focused on saving the world that she doesn't see what's happening right in front of her.
Robert E and the boy are so cute.
Myra's little chat with Jennifer is so good.  She wants to protect her from the life.
I just can't with the rev asking Dr. Mike to marry him.  GTFO.  Sully (and Matthew) get to witness a kiss too.  Awesome.
Matthew confronting Dr. Mike!!!!!  YESSSSSS.  The kids are not having any of what Dr. Mike is saying.  Good for them. She's the worst this episode.
Hank gave Myra a lot to think about.  She wants out of her contract but she also doesn't want Jennifer to work at the saloon.
This episode feels sooooo long.  And so is this post.  Yikes.
Ha!  Brian spilled the beans to Dorothy and she printed it.  That's a fun way for Sully to find out.  Their spat was good.  This episode doesn't seem entirely out of place really.  I mean, they're not in a good place after the Catherine stuff so it sort of works that she might consider another man's proposal.
Myra is staying on extra in her place.  Aww.  This scene between Hank and Myra is so sad.  They have such a complex relationship. I really do believe that Hank loves her and has separated the business part of it out of the equation.  Other men in that time owned their wives and expected certain things of them.  It's not like Hank is really much worse.  He just happens to also profit from the situation.
Well, at least Dr. Mike doesn't love him but it's sad that none of the kids found a home.
Dr. Mike's apology was nice too and the kids deserved it.
Oh boy.  What an episode.
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shewhowantsmouseears · 7 years ago
even more “stupid vampire/blind as a bat” notes
1) How they met: Minnie was visiting the village one day, having recently needed to move from her last home as the people chased her out when they found she was a vampire. She’s not really upset or anything, happens a lot, just chalks it up to a misunderstanding.( A misunderstanding that involved torches and pitchforks.)  As she walked around the village, the parasol she was using to block out the sun is blown away by the wind! Oh no!
Meanwhile, Master Mickey is out on the town, needing to find a fourth maid. The last maid quit when she found out he was a vampire. Again, he’s not terribly sad or angry, it was just miscommunication. (Miscommunication that involved screaming and throwing a cross at his head.) That’s when he sees a parasol floating in the wind. Curious! He grabs it, and that’s when he hears a sweet little voice calling out, “Oh, my parasol~!”
As one can expected, they look at each other, bing, love at first sight! ... Before she swiftly grabs the parasol so she won’t burn to death. However can she thank him, brave sir? Oh, it was no trouble at all. There’s some held gazes and shy introductions... and then Minnie freaks out again because the carriage she rode to get here rode off without her - taking her luggage with it! She has no money or clothes! Weep. But Mickey, gentleman that he is, offers her a place in his mansion, free room and board for work! That’s too kind, Minnie insists, but Mickey won’t hear otherwise. Minnie silently made a vow to one day repay him for his kindness. Mickey made a similar promise to himself - MARRY THIS ADORABLE GIRL BECAUSE HOT DANG.
2) I remembered that Morty and Ferdie, Mickey’s nephews, exist and thought it would be funny to include for an “episode”/chapter where they come for a visit. And Mickey, who hasn’t seen them since they were born, thinks they’ll be sweet little boys he can dote on (and prove to Minnie that he’s good father material)
... Except they are nasty spoiled rotten boys who make his life hell. (Our mansion is bigger than this. And we have way more servants. Your food stinks. You’re boring.) Just as he’s about to pull off his ears, Minnie comes home, delighted to see the “little darlings”. And apparently Morty and Ferdie carry the family trait of “instantly smitten at first sight”, as that’s exactly what happens when they see her. But that doesn’t mean they stop being little hellions, hiding behind Minnie and whining that Uncle Mickey is sooooo meeeean. Now now, I’m sure you boys will find a way to get along with your uncle! Let’s go to the kitchen, I have lots of sweets for good children.
Morty and Ferdie decide that if they can convince they’re “better” than their uncle, surely she’ll want to come live with them! and Mickey finds himself jealous of all the attention Minnie gives to the boys, doting on them every hour. Minnie, of course, has no idea how the boys feel about her or what everyone’s doing. The “competition” goes to ridiculous degrees, including the twins trying to prove their superiority by how fast/high they can climb, but it does wrong, and Morty falls! Minnie catches him, and in that instant, Mickey, Morty and Ferdie realize how selfish they’ve been. They’re family, they should care about each other. Yes, from now on, they’ll work harder to understand each other, as uncle and nephews...
... And then Minnie notices Morty got a little scratch from the fall. “Aw, does that hurt? There there, pain pain go away.” And she kisses his cheek. “Does it hurt anymore?”
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cardxqueen · 7 years ago
graycana & lokana tbh
Meme // Accepting
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Cana’s more likely to say something hurtful, but I think Gray would be more likely to do something emotionally hurtful, like walking out in the middle of an argument and leaving on a job without telling her. 
who is emotionally stronger?
I think when it comes down to it Cana is, although Gray would be strong for her when it came to Gildarts stuff.
who is physically stronger?
Gray.  They’re probably pretty evenly matched when it comes to magical power, but Gray is definitely physically stronger than her.  Not that Cana is a weakling by any means, she does lift all those barrels.
who is more likely to break a bone? 
Gray.  Cana is more of a long range fighter, using her cards as projectiles, whereas Gray tends to get into physical altercations while fighting someone.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Cana.  Although there are a few things Gray could say that would destroy her.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
Gray probably, but it would take awhile.  Also depends on the subject of the argument
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
Cana.  Gray’s much more likely to get injured.
who is in constant need of comfort? 
I think they both have deep wounds from their past, and it would just depend on who happens to be more effected by them that day
who gets more jealous? 
Cana would be more likely to voice her jealously, where as I think Gray would just kind of sit there and grumble.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
Gray. In terms of walking out and needing some space, not necessarily ending the relationship.
who will propose? 
Gray would be the one to actually pop the question, but I think Cana might be the one to bring up the idea.
who has the most difficult parents?
Gonna have to go with Cana since her father is the only one of their parents still alive.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
Cana more often than not, but Gray would if he was feeling protective.
who comes up for the other all the time? 
The Fuck does this even mean?
who hogs the blankets? 
CANA, although Gray doesn’t mind since the cold doesn’t really effect him.
who is better at cheering the other up? 
Cana.  She knows what to say.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Gray, although it’s less playful slaps and more groaning/grumbling.
who is more streetwise?
I think they both are
who is more wise?
Cana probably when it comes down to it.
who’s the shyest? 
who boasts about the other more? 
Cana does
who sits on who’s lap?
Cana sits on Gray’s lap
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Cana is more likely to say something hurtful, Loke would be more likely to do something he doesn’t realize is hurtful, but he would do his best not to try to be hurtful.
who is emotionally stronger?
Loke, although he has his moments when Cana is strong for him.  Cana has a lot of unresolved issues that effect more often.
who is physically stronger?
Loke.  He excels at hand to hand combat, and I imagine being a celestial spirit gives him an added boost.  Although Cana is competitive as fuck so she does her best to keep up with him, using other skills.
who is more likely to break a bone? 
Cana, she’s merely human after all.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Loke knows the best thing to say to upset her, but would only very rarely actually say those things, if ever.  Cana is more likely to say upsetting things.  The one thing she knows would really upset him, saying that as a spirit he is an object/tool she would never say, even in the heat of the moment.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
Loke.  He’s more level headed than Cana is, although if Cana said something really hurtful she’d apologize after she had the chance to cool down
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
Loke treats Cana’s wounds.  Since he can pop back to the Celestial Spirit World to heal he doesn’t often need any treatment, where as Cana has to heal on her own.  Loke would fret over her being hurt and be overly attentive to make sure she was taking care of herself.
who is in constant need of comfort? 
Cana, for main verse.  She has a lot of insecurities and unresolved emotional wounds from her past
For AU verse where Lucy died in a tragic accident Cana tries to comfort Loke as best she can while dealing with her own grief largely on her own.
who gets more jealous? 
THEY BOTH DO.  They both have very flirty personalities.  Plus there’s the added bonus of getting the other jealous enough to drag them somewhere private to “mark their territory”.  Sooooo many hickies 
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
Loke would be more likely to pop back to the celestial spirit world if Cana was being irrational and he knew there was nothing he could do to calm her down.  Cana would be more likely to storm out in anger/frustration.
who will propose? 
Loke, in some grand romantic gesture that leaves Cana face palming
who has the most difficult parents?
Cana by default.  Gildarts is still alive, and do celestial spirits even have parents?
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
Loke.  Cana’s more reserved when it comes to PDA, unless she’s super jealous.  Loke would be the one to hold her hand, or wrap an arm around her shoulders/waist.
who comes up for the other all the time? 
The fuck does this even mean?
who hogs the blankets? 
While they were partners but not actually together and ended up having to share a bed they both would.  It would turn into some kind of unconscious battle while they slept.  Leading to Loke cuddling up with her in his sleep because she’s warm and somehow managed to steal the blankets
When they actually finally realize they do have feelings for each other they go to sleep cuddled up so there’s no real blanket hogging.
who is better at cheering the other up? 
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Cana doesn’t playfully slap Loke, she just gives him this un-amused look and shakes her head with a deep sigh.
who is more streetwise?
Loke.  He’s been around A LOT longer than Cana, but she’s pretty street wise herself.
who is more wise?
Loke.  Again he’s been around a lot longer than Cana, though she can be wise herself at times
who’s the shyest? 
Cana.  She’s a little more shy about PDA, but not by much.
who boasts about the other more? 
LOKE, he’s much more likely to boast about how great Cana is, sometimes unprompted.  However Cana would get all up in someone’s face if they were shit talking Loke, or if she perceived it as an insult.  If anyone knew he was a celestial spirit and made some comment about him being an object or tool she would try to ‘politely’ (at least polite for Cana) correct them, but if they continued she would get all kinds of nasty and tear them down verbally until they were a blubbering mess on the floor.
who sits on who’s lap?
CANA.  Especially if she’s wearing something to tease him with.  She’s a TERRIBLE tease.
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noblehope · 7 years ago
Take your time, Whitney - but if you would be so kind... -airmails u my URL-
   send in a url because positivity. || NOT ACCEPTING
my opinion on;
character in general: OKAY so I love this nasty nasty boy. If he were real and even if I didn’t know about his plot twists I’d still want him to stay 20 feet away from me at all times though cause he’d creep me out. Also he really doesn’t deserve to be that pretty. He’s just oooozing these great aesthetics, his talent is soooo cool, and like if you ignore his creepiness he’d be good company (sorry I couldn’t do that irl but I’d be like the last person he’d be interested in talking to anyway so that’s a blessing) if you enjoy anthropology. He’s one of the characters that I actually know the MOST about because of ah, some people I’m not friends w anymore, and just friends I have now (like you) that really pour a lot of research into him.
 I can understand those who don’t like him, and that’s fine because he’s fucking gross, but he’s such a great character to me. Not person, but character! Out of everyone in the franchise excluding Junko and Haiji, I feel he’s– probably the one who’s very much without a doubt a villain. Even compared to the other serial killers of the game they’re all… like Touko’s seen as sympathetic since she really doesn’t WANT TO, and Syo even is “trained” after they survive the killing game, and Hoshi only did so for revenge (that’s not… a real excuse but it’s definitely more sympathetic since they took everything away from him). But Shinguuji is murdering women for his sister who was in love w/ to have friends, which is… uh? Like, how did he???? Come to that conclusion???? That that was the best thing to do? And he’s totally okay with it! I really need to read his FTEs sometime….I uh, have a lot of feelings about him so I’ll stop here. 
tl;dr love the guy, hate the guy, he’s hot when he shoudn’t be.
how they play them: OKAY WOOOOOW KEIKO, You are so so so sooooo dedicated to him I love reading your metas? You research so much for him, it’s stunning! Shinguuji is such a HARD character to play and you have all my respect for that, though really, I can and will say the same for all my shinguuji mutuals! Really, you all take so much effort into him that I don’t see everyone do for every muse??? But like, because of his character it makes SENSE to be that dedicated and researched! Basically what I’m saying is Shinguuji attracts well-learned muns who love learning :> I’m absolutely in love with your portrayal! You take him seriously and I love how you explore and pick at his brains like you do. I love your verse idea where he isn’t a serial killer and his goal is just for people to meet his tulpa? That’s just so… wtf, that’s heartbreaking. I love it. Thanks for making me sorry for him ghfghdfgh. Basically, love it!
the mun: Oh, Keiko. Keiko. You are just… you’re always like showering me in compliments and stuff and I just really am floored by it all cause I just want to say all the same back to you. It’s happened so much lately I feel like a broken record, but really! You’re one of the people I’ve met coming back, knowing immediately that, “I will be getting along with this person and they will become important in my life!” It’s so easy to talk to you and you’re always interested in my ideas and I’m always interested in yours. I want to talk to you more, I have so much to say to you again when we get the chance. So really, thank you for everything! Like I know I followed you first but!!! You didn’t have to follow back, and you did, and now we’re here and I’ll always talk about how you’re really cool and easy to talk to because you are! I really like that you’re you.
do i;
follow them: the very first day I believe! I can’t see myself ever unfollowing
rp with them: i don’t unfortunately, I would love to correct this soon
want to rp with them: ^^^^^^
ship their character with mine: gfgmdmgffdmhmm i’m… really terrible to sonia, i’m so sorry. You know this. Yes, I think it’s a very interesting ship, and if going with canon Shinguuji its got very… thriller/horror movie vibes to it, and I dig that as it fits along with his character very well. I really wouldn’t mind doing so with you, but as we haven’t even roleplayed yet it may be a bit unfair to even plan anything when we don’t now how our muses will feel ic you know? Though, it’d probably have to be some kind of au as though while I am multiship and not ship exclusive, I… do not want to deal with another shinguuji stalking and murdering sonia even I have my limits lmao. Also, it’d be complicated af for both of them and ah… they’d be good friends at least?
what is my;
overall opinion: I really really like Keiko and I think you will too!!! So please follow them if her muse doesn’t freak you out with all the incest and serial killing, especially to my mutuals who are cross fandom and may not be aware.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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astalkingirin · 7 years ago
Alright, Awakening thoughts, they were long so let's put it all on tumblr instead of in more transitory form. I feel like this is something I'd regret but also I don't use tumblr as tumblr so maybe not.
Gross terrible dwarf wasn't that terrible actually for the part of the game he's mandatory but I did ditch him immediately so he was never around the rest of the female companions which is probably why. His banter with the guys is okay, probably because neither of them had any buttons for him to push. I'm still sad I didn't accidentally kill him by staying at the city, though. And why would an alcoholic with a compromised liver do better at the joining ceremony anyway?
I did so much worse at sucking up to everyone this time, because I was trying to continue playing the Warden I'd established while last time I built my personality around someone it made sense to be friends with these guys. As a city elf, I was sympathetic to class issues and generally forgiving of mass murder as long as you promised to not mass murder later unless you really needed to, BUT nobles are assholes and mages are scary and I totally do not regret killing that kid. That dovetailed nicely into gameplay because I was running through the game with minimal strategy/party management, so any time there was an enemy spellcaster I just sprinted at them to deal with it personally and a whole bunch of time I killed the guy only to keel over from curse of mortality.
As a result, I got along best with Sigrun. "I ruined this person's life but I had no choice!!!" Of course you didn't the dwarves are SO MEAN they betrayed me twice over (also they poisoned my sister) and also fuck da police and really you did her a favor by getting her to come to the surface where people are only awful some of the time. I gave her half the alcohol I was still carrying on me from last game. I'm actually not certain I maxed out anyone else. Also, all of her prickliness was for people trying to start conversations with her, and you can't really do that, so she was only cranky and unapproachable to everyone else. Relatedly, I found the whole thing about "hey the casteless took up arms to defend this place!!!" to be deeply uncomfortable and the people who said fuck it, let's make a break for the surface had the right of it. Like yes, they did prove they weren't worthless - but you shouldn't be sacrificing yourself covering the retreat to prove you're not worthless to the people who insisted you were worthless in the first place and left you behind to die. (Also I really can't buy they "accidentally" "forgot about" the casteless during the evacuation. A city's worth of dwarves don't accidentally sneak out of anywhere.) Pick up the weapons to do a fighting retreat toward the surface, let those assholes slow down the darkspawn with their deaths the way they meant for yours to. And relatedly NO SIGRUN JUST DITCH THE LEGION OF THE DEAD YOU OWE THE DWARVES NOTHING! You love the surface! You love everything about being up here even more than you hate everything about being down there, at the very least get yourself killed fighting forest demons or something instead of the deep roads.
Anders just has no standards, so even though my responses to everything he said were along the lines of "mages are scary" and "sounds fake but okay" he was just really grateful I didn't hand over my healbot to someone challenging my and my entire organization's authority (after I had previously murdered the last assholes to try that). I think the problem was that my character is forgiving of actual crimes but cranky about lying while he comes off as someone scared to tell the truth. If he just said, "I think mages should get to kill people!" I'd be all "lol cool I also enjoy murder" but he kept trying to argue they weren't dangerous as the underpinning for his argument so I kept responding with "are so!" So I guess the other half was that he wasn't enough of a killer because I got on great with straight up assassins. I am still not over that you give him shiny stuff to make him like you. What is with mages even. How are you shallower than Zevron. Anyway, I feel bad because everything about him was so sad. It's like he'd lost his inside voice during solitary so now he just babbles whatever's in his head out loud and tried to cope by sounding like he's doing it on purpose as a joke. I don't feel like there's anything my non-mage Warden could ever do to really change anything about that, though - sure, he's grateful for whatever you do for him because he has such awful expectations, but it's for the same reason I can't see him believing I'd do anything more than what I demonstrated. It's not like Morrigan where her low expectations are because she's had limited human interaction so she's willing to accept new data points. Also I would like to throw my hat into the bloodsplattered ring - Anders didn't kill the Templars, because he wouldn't lie if he had. He didn't do anything at all because magic is so bad and they're here to keep him from doing any of it, right? After they were dead, he engaged the darkspawn, which explains why it was such a close thing.
Got on well with Nathaniel once he accepted I was right to murder his dad and take all his stuff (still mad BECAUSE TORTURE CHAMBERS NATHANIEL was not an option), and honestly, he barely even put up an argument before then, he was just mildly huffy no matter how nasty I was about it. Nathaniel is just so much a people-pleaser. Actually, that seems like a thing for the rogues. He made a good stab at friendship with Sigrun that got rebuffed for class issue reasons, then came back for a strong second try by saying he totally understands class issues suck. I'm so sad he rebuffed Anders' one attempt at finding common ground because Anders rejects all overtures coming from other people I could see. Also, like, maybe you could have someone ELSE get those phylacteries, Anders? Maybe a person who not only can't be tracked by those things but can straight up turn invisible? And whose entire skillset is based around sneaking into places?
Justice was creepy as fuck A+++++ I only regret I didn't get more of Polite Spirit In Rotting Corpse trying to talk to people. Also, that bit about the lyrium song was very intriguing, especially since it not only came up with the darkspawn, but the Mother seems to think going to the Fade is tied to hearing it.
I only had Velanna on my side for a bit because I was trying to keep the same people in my party but I thought it was hilarious that even if you make no real effort to be convincing she's just like "huh, a split second of self-reflection is enough to make me realize this does all seem like a total setup, whoops!" Then I went straight to the city so she was still in my party and we went to the merchants to tell them I'd dealt with the problem and she was sooooo uncomfortable. Like, not remorseful so much as embarrassed she'd screwed up so bad. Also she was spamming some spell that changed her skin so it was like she was trying to hide the whole time we were there but ineptly because she was no longer in a forested environment and it was as hilarious as every picture of animals failing at camouflage ever was. I realize this is not supposed to be seen as part of her characterization but that's what I love about videogame canon.
The actual plot...I don't know really. So the Architect wants to free darkspawn, but also he said nothing about making it so the darkspawn stop killing everyone and I don't know how I'm supposed to believe his claim he didn't want to kill the Wardens when there is one alive one left, but with broken legs who dies when I find him. And I'm on the side of blights being good for precisely the reason he points out, they kill off massive numbers of darkspawn. (I think it'd have made sense for the reason this Blight was weird is related to the fact there's been a longer than usual time between them - that means the darkspawn population should be much higher.) If he was talking about peace between our peoples, that'd be great, but no matter how many chances I gave him to say that, he kept avoiding the subject. I let him live mostly because my Warden generally let anybody live who wasn't actually in combat with her, and I feel bad about how I overruled my companions and their completely reasonable WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK opinions on that.
I guess it makes sense that waking up as a broodmother would make you way more likely to go crazy, so it really wasn't any more misogynistic than the initial setup already was, but it still meant there was this whole gendered conflict between the rational man of progress and the crazy woman whose feeble mind broke under the strain. And given the Architect was supposed to be unique, why did he have to be a guy anyway? Given the darkspawn are all getting born of regular race females it’d be plausible that a female one might be more lucid, maybe it’s a more successful clone compared to the male form.
(Why does it make total sense that someone can completely transform into an enormous flesh lump and asexually churn out billions of monster babies by magic, but only if they have a regular uterus first? Men are the ones who produce huge numbers of gametes forever if we're being "realistic".)
I actually really loved the shortness of it - the one thing that actually did bug me about Origins was that, although they did have the one big early event, I kept crisscrossing the map doing sidequests so it took me forever. Having fewer total things makes me less able to fritter away my time and so makes it feel like there's a real time limit, and it also made me stress less about completing sidequests properly since redoing it wouldn't be such a trial. Plus the limited party is less painful when it's actually conceivable to replay the game over and over with different people.
I like the idea of having to choose between the city and the keep, but I don't get why killing a few darkspawn to allow evacuation wasn't an option. It'd be one thing if I had to pick initially to stay/go, but I already walked all the way to the city, I can spare five minutes before setting it on fire. Somehow I'm suddenly at the chantry and people are talking about staying and me routing the darkspawn and geeze, you guys wouldn't let the refugees in because your city was too good for them, I didn't actually mind this place burning down. It seems like the point of tension is supposed to be about saving the city itself (the jewel of the region, etc) vs the keep itself, so I don't think it'd have been too much of an issue to have a third option of letting the people escape and getting to the keep slightly later for a harder battle or something.
I wish there was more talking. I accidentally killed the mages because I accepted the quest to find out what it was and then they started attacking me. Also did I really murder people over moonshine because of a prank letter? It seems like there's mostly the option to resolve things peacefully when that's obviously a bad idea, like with the demons and darkspawn. Maybe I wouldn't have kept letting demons gallivant all over the countryside if I had more of a choice about if I wanted to turn every band of mooks into chunky salsa. (Game could also have used a system where resolving things peacefully didn't cheat you out of leveling and items in return for nothing at all.)
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cometkins · 7 years ago
gonna ramble about dnd don’t mind meeeeeee
so i’ve been thinking of having theo convert to following sune from following auril and i wanted to use that as a chance for his gender fluidity to become more of a thing bUT
every time he’s tried to deal with sune’s followers they’ve called him ugly and basically belittled him and have just been very shallow. he very much values the love and forgiveness aspect of her dogma and its something he’s been struggling with and trying to fix, and in theory he’s happy with beauty and finding beauty in the world, but in execution i think he’s hated every aspect of it he’s come across.
most of sune’s followers seem to interpret it as physical appearance and i don’t think that’s something he can even be made to care about very much. like, i think he’d enjoy exploring his physical appearance since he has a lot of self-confidence issues and is highly self deprecating and definitely doesn’t think of himself as attractive, but it’s kinda like. you know that shitty thing makeup wearing people have been doing sometimes where they’ll make fun of people who are new to/not as practiced with applying makeup and be really nasty about it? that’s the vibe that’s been coming across from sune’s followers
and like. i think theo hates a lot of aspects about his appearance and body due to his trauma from decades of assault and i had him start taking more illusory/appearance changing spells so that he could also explore his fluidity that way and i thought exploring makeup and things like that via sune could be a thing, but i think he’s going to want to distance himself sooooo far from sune’s followers, he’s probably more likely to ask our bard for makeup advice before the paladin who follows sune.
like i think sune could ultimately be good for him, but this dissonance is going to be difficult for him. because like... being super shallow about appearances and calling people ugly because they’re unfortunate and dirty and making them feel terrible about how they look is. ugly??? and not loving??? it’s hateful and rude. like all of these people might be outwardly beautiful but they’re all ugly souls in how they behave
like if it was finding beauty in the world no matter the circumstance, spreading kindness and forgiveness, working to preserve the beauty that is the whole fascinating world? i think theo could understand that. at this rate he’s probably going to try and speak to sune herself to get answers because he’s very confused and frustrated and kind of angry too?
though tbh i think even the love and forgiveness part is something he’s still struggling with, even if he hasn’t expressed it. like. theo is so obsessed with trying to feel happy and find normalcy and trying to regain the life he had before he was enslaved and i think he’s going to just. end up hurting himself more? like. he keeps being physical with shouri whenever he can but tbh i feel like he’s doing that because ‘this is what we always did together’ rather than ‘i want this’? and he’s still extremely hurt by being abandoned, especially by shouri. boy was alone for 60 years and he had to sustain himself, defend himself, shelter himself, and keep himself sane all on his own. i don’t think he’s over that at all. he’s ultimately decided that trying to be happy with shouri and his clan is what’s better for him in the long run, and that’s probably true, but he’s like. trying to force himself to do that without working out how hurt he is and is just kind of hurting himself more in the process?
like, he’s tried to move past his traumas and what’s hurting him without addressing them or working through them and it’s hurting him more. shouri abandoned him after over 100 years together, shouri took the position he’d spent decades breaking himself to prepare for, shouri slept with another woman, shouri didn’t start looking for him until a few years before they finally met up again, shouri never defended him to the clan when they tried to make him jump through hoops to come back or just mistreated him. all of that is built up and theo is trying to act like everything’s fine but it’s really? not? stacked together i think theo feels less than, like he’s unimportant, and he’s angry that it took cheating on him for shouri to grow a conscious and try to find him. like honestly if i could go back to the start of the campaign i’d have theo be much angrier at shouri and try to deck him in the face or just run away in complete fear and have them try to repair their relationship rather than just jumping into things. i think he needs a real apology and to probably even try to start over.
anyway, getting back on track, i think if he can truly work through whats happened to him and try to embrace sune’s teachings in his own way that’s satisfactory to himself, it could be good for him. at the moment though, if it continues to work out as shallowly as it has, i think he’d need a different god to try and follow. i had somebody like pelor or the everlight/sarenrae in mind but we’ll see how it all plays out.
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tellywoodtrash · 8 years ago
ishqbaaz 12.07.17 lb
plain text version here. 
self confidence goals: ragini 😊😊😊
anika’s hiding and snooping game be hella weak. 🙄🙄🙄
god this baagad billa looks 🔥🔥🔥 in black. i can’t even. meri saansein ruk rahi hai yougaiz. 😧😧😧
lololol the speed jis se anika prakat hui when ragini touched shivaay. 😆😆😆
“kaadha? what’s kaadha?” “this? this green green item is kaadha! drink this, and your health will be TAN TANA TAN TAN TAN TAARA!”
Tumblr media
hahahahahaha shivaay’s faceeeeeeee. 😂😂😂
this family is super big on its weird kaadhas. i’m on team ragini. it looks weird and hell no to drinking it, no matter what you say, billu in black. 😒😒😒
pfffffffffft, these two be eye-fucking riiiiiiiiiight in front of her. kuch toh sharam karo. 😶😶😶
ragini makes valiant second attempt. 😌😌😌
success! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
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lmaoooooooooo if looks could kill, there’d just be scorch marks on the floor where billu previously stood. 🙃🙃🙃
i’m not falling for this tej-jhanvi nonsense again. tej’s a dirty dog who will never sudharofy. he doesn’t deserve to even be on the same continent as jhanvi. 😑😑😑
“kitne dino baad hum normally baat kar rahe hai!”
yeah it’s so sad when someone trying to set you on fire and that puts a damper on civil conversation. 😕😕😕
ugh this simpering conversation is sooooo boringgggggg. im fwdinggggg. 😣😣😣
yup. fully called it. 🙄🙄🙄
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... someone tell me where REAL bechaaaari svetlana is though. 😐😐😐
time for regularly scheduled Faraq Fight of the hour. 😊😊😊
baaat ka batangad. kaadha diya, zeher nahi. untwist your boxer briefs, billu. 🙄🙄🙄
he’s getting angsty and mad at her for believing that ragini is his fiancee, when that’s exactly what he wanted in the first place. stupidddddd boy. 😑😑😑
he’s thissss close to blurting out the truth. he’s this close to growling “how could you believe i could be remotely interested in anyone else?” 😌😌😌
oh ho, kabab mein omki. 😒😒😒
...yeh dikhaana tha? iske liye achcha khaasa sexy shivika moment kharaab kiya tha? 😠😠😠
ok rudra is the unfittest gym bunny i have ever seen. 10 crunches take it out of him???? son, i haven’t exercised since 2003, and *i* can do 10 crunches. 😕😕😕
also @ acp anda (as @vishwaspur calls her): who the fuckkkkkkk exercises with hair alll khulaaa and flowing around? 😑😑😑
caaaaasual misogyny time. nice to see that bit of rudra’s personality is constant. 😒😒😒
pfffft, shivaay and his tarafdaari of baby brother. 😆😆😆
i honestly love how much shivaay babies rudra. it’s fucking adorable. 😚😚😚
ugh svetlana, girlllllllllll, you can honestly do SO MUCH BETTER? it painssssss me to see you waste your hotness on terrible tej. 😫😫😫
i just realised that i want svetlana and jhanvi to get together. like, as a couple. two amazing, beautiful queens. haaaaye. imagine the flawless. 😍😍😍 #jhanLana #makeItHappen
oufffffff, can this scene enddddddddd already? 😑😑😑
oh boy. what plan? will they steal jhanvi’s face next and put her in the freezer dabba? 😟😟😟
sarcasm singh oberoi needs to shut it. 😒😒😒
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omkara is me. i am omkara. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
oh god are they going to sabotage his gym equipment? IT COULD KILL HIM, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS! 😧😧😧
of course pedantic singh oberoi has to sit and read the user manual. 😑😑😑
i relate with omki’s frustration level sooooo much rn. 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
why are pinky/shakti on the DBO set of OM? 🤔🤔🤔
ooooooop, shaktiji calling pinky out on the reallll issue. 🙊🙊🙊
oh dang. shaant shaktiji is shaaant no more. 😬😬😬
pffffffft, bhains ke aage been kyun baja rahe ho shaktiji? go do some pooja-paath instead. 😕😕😕
but yeah, this is the slow start to the pinky ka redemption track, methinks. she’ll continue with her ragini wala plan for a while, but then she’ll do something that’ll be her “ek kadam” and the family will forgive her and accept her. whatever. i don’t even care anymore. i just need her to stop being so nasty so i can stop hating her. it’s exhausting. 😖😖😖
“ab toh aaj yeh machine rahegi, ya main rahoonga!”
famous last words. 🤐🤐🤐
📰📰📰 tomorrow’s headlines 📰📰📰: oberoi scion (no, not the hot and short rude one. or the one with the hair. the other one.) killed due to stupidity. absolutely no one surprised. we’re amazed he made it this far. 
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eeeeeee callback to “haath chod” moment of yore! omkiiiiiii. alavoooooo. *pulls his cheeks* 😘😘😘
i need the mom of a hot guy to throw her son at me, the way pinky is throwing shivaay at ragini. 😌😌😌 #suchSexPositive #muchProgressive #Wow 
ragini’s amazing faces of the day: 
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how the fuck is dadi expecting this whole fucking taj mahal sized mansion to be painted IN ONE DAY?????????? 🤔🤔🤔
awwwww bulbul and her adorable baby cheenkein. 😊😊😊
pft. what a contrived issue. and these idiots are sooooooo useless. 😒😒😒
literally just some pics of shivika being attractively annoyed/annoying: 
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this is suchhhhhhhhhhhhh a stupidddddd “problem”, lord. literally just watching for shivika and om’s hella beautiful faces. 😒😒😒
wow. gale force winds blowing inside the room at romantic scene. amaze. 😐😐😐
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so... gender reversed fairy lights scene from IPKKND/DBO then. but with... gym equipment. sure. 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
it’s amazing how little fucks i give about these two as a couple. i’m literally more invested in prinkveer. 😕😕😕
OH MY GOD WHY WON’T THIS SCENE ENDDDDDDDDDD????????? FWD FWD FWD FWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. can’t believe i’m having to sacrifice on bulbul screentime/rikara romance for this BS. 😒😒😒
there. there’s the beginning to pinky’s redemption. she’s going to try and expose him for jhanvi’s sake. but it’s gonna backfire and he’ll expose the truth about shivaay to fuck her over. oyyyy vey. 😬😬😬
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these threeeee fucking idiots. don’t they have their own love/sex lives which are in shambles to attend to? khade ho kar vicariously getting kicks from the most thanda “love story” in the history of the world. 😒😒😒
greattttttt. back to square one. 😑😑😑
shivaay: “tum log ladne ke bahaane ko dhoond kyun rahe ho? come on, be nice to her, she helped you out.”
oh my god. OH MY GOD. irony just died a thousand fucking deaths right now. *lays flowers at its grave* 😧😧😧
ragini: comes to talk to shivaay.  shivaay: literally ignores her to turn to anika and randomly ask her what SHE’S up to. 😂😂😂
ohhhhhhhhh shivaaaay. why you even started this whole stupid engagement drama when you don’t even have the mettle to act on it for 10 minutes is beyond me. 🙄🙄🙄
oh nooo, ragini ki choppppp. 😋😋😋
pinky’s gonna do it. she’s gonna blurt it out. 😗😗😗
yuppppppppp. she’s... 
oh no, shaktiji is putting addddchan. and misunderstanding her intentions. 😐😐😐
ok, when someone is going to SUCH lengths to prove their story, it’s shady af. 🙄🙄🙄
yes pinky, please use your tedhaaa dimaag for productive things like these. leave your son alone for like a day, so he can get laid already.  😑😑😑
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produced by same company as chamko detergent??? 😁😁😁
of course he doesn’t know what manjan is. #burgerBachcha 🙄🙄🙄
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“shivaay, aap na meri baat kabhi nahi samjhenge.” “main toh tumhe hi nahi samajh paaya, anika. tumhaari baaton ko kya samjhunga.”
ooooop. things suddenly serious. though, is he talking still labouring under the misunderstanding, or does he Know™ about what she did? 🤔🤔🤔
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“story kahin se kahin bhi pohunch jaaye, lekin yeh dono har do minute kisi na kisi pillar ke peeche hi milenge.” “ya phir RK pose mein!” 
lmaoooooooooo 😂😂😂
anika be like bitch i don’t have time for this passive aggressive emotional garbage. ANIKA OUT!!!!!!!!!! 😒😒😒
hahaha khanna be hardcore shivika shipper from literally day 1. shivaay have dinner with some other ho? NOT ON HIS WATCH! ❌❌❌
pft such contrivedddddddd excuses. and these idiots are falling for it too. 🙄🙄🙄
how nice and convenient that there’s such strategic mood lighting that makes their skin look perfect and glowy. 😌😌😌
THIS ISN’T THE FUCKING STOREROOM. THIS IS THAT... ok idk what to call it, but it’s that random performance hall type space in their house. 😐😐😐 
waaah lighting got even more romantic. and there’s dinner too! 😇😇😇
me: waaay more excited about the food >>> the man. 😊😊😊
ooooooooooh. things getting serious. and angstyyyyyyyyyy. 😌😌😌
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azworkingdogs · 6 years ago
4 Home Remedies for Your Dog’s Stiff Joints
I am lucky enough to work in veterinary medicine.
I LOOOOOVE dog training, but interesting enough I also love veterinary medicine.
We joke at work that it is an addiction.
I make low pay.
I don’t have 401(K)
I don’t have medical benefits
The job is hard on my body and requires I lift large dogs and get muzzles on aggressive dogs in .02 seconds so no one is bitten.
I clean up poop
I get covered in blood
I also get covered in anal glands and other nasty bodily fluids
Maggots are even a staple
Sounds like fun, right?
Trust me, appreciate your vet techs!!!!!
Anyway, I see a lot of stiff and limping dogs.
It is a staple in any clinic.
And, it is heart breaking.
Limping equals pain.
And, dogs are stoic and don’t usually complain unless the pain is severe; which makes it more heartbreaking.
So what can you do to help your friend not suffer from these pains?
At our clinic we sell the only glucosamine and chondroitin that is tested to be pure and in correct dosages.  Like other supplements the efficacy of the supplement is dependent on how much supplement actually makes it into the pill or chew.
Swimming is one of the best exercises for arthritis!
Swimming is non-weight baring which means the dog can exercise without putting stress on his joints.
The floating in the water helps alleviate pain.
And, interestingly enough chasing a ball and swimming in the water can be exhausting for your dog (which is s good thing).
I am a judge for the sport “Dock Diving” where your dog runs down a 40 foot dock and jumps into the water.
30 minutes of practice and swimming will wipe out even my athletic dogs.
My only piece of advice is to find a “dock diving pool” (they are cropping up everywhere)  that is clean or a body of water that is clean.
I was born and raised in WY and all the water there is pretty clean.
I currently live in MD and the water is disgusting.  A friend of mine, in the Navy, accidentally fell in the water and had to have a cocktail of injections because the water is so dirty.
Each week we deal with skin infections on dogs that swim in dirty water.
So if you opt to take your dog swimming… just make sure the water is not going to create it’s own problem.
Need help getting your dog to swim, try this.
To actually find out more about competitive dock diving I recommend an Ultimate Air Dogs event.   They will also help teach your dog to swim at an event!
I know that it sounds counter intuitive to take your dog for a walk if he has some arthritis.
However unless your dog is non-weightbearing or has an acute injury; walking actually helps to strengthen the muscles around the affected area.
When I was 18 I had a Rottweiler with horrifying hip dysplasia.
I didn’t have the money to have surgery for him.
I put him on supplements.
I provided him with pain medication when he needed it.
And I walked him.
We walked slowly and we didn’t walk for terribly long distances.
But we walked.
The walking built his muscles in and around his hips.
The muscles, therefore, kept his hip joint closer to the socket without causing it to slip and rub.
Muscle wasting makes arthritis even worse.
So even if you don’t take your dog far, give him a little therapeutic walk.
Soft Beds
Interestingly, my dogs often prefer laying on the cold floor!l
But, dogs with arthritis can truly benefit from laying on a comfortable bed that keeps the pressure off of their painful joints.
Back in the day, when I was 18 with the dysplastic Rottweiler, we invested in a child’s bed so that he could be comfortable.
He loved that bed.
It alleviated his pain.
The nice thing now, is that they literally make tempurpedic beds for dogs.
Memory foam will help them to find some relief.
Yes they can be expensive but they are worth it.
I have several soft beds scattered all over my house for my dogs to sleep on.
They even make chew proof beds that are guaranteed.  Again, they can be a bit expensive but they are well made beds!  I have had to go this route for my Malinois!
Weight Loss
Weight loss is the #1 way to help your dog not suffer.
Again, working in the veterinary world probably 90 % of the dogs we see are overweight.
Imagine carrying around an extra 50 or 100 pounds.
It would hurt your back.
It would hurt your knees.
It would hurt your elbows.
It would hurt your feet.
It would hurt your shoulders
And, it would hurt everything else that was constantly bearing that weight.
You would be miserable.
I watch some of the gastric bypass shows on TV and I feel terrible for those people, everything hurts.
Your dog is the same.
He may not carry 50 pounds.
But 2 pounds extra on a chihuahua is a big deal.
15 pounds on a Lab is a big deal.
Ideally you should be able to feel your dogs ribs, without pushing too hard.
Heck, I can see my Malinois ribs and he is in perfect shape.
When you have an arthritic dog, being underweight is sooooo much better than being overweight.
Do your dog a favor and cut his food back so that he is not uncomfortable.
If you have other home remedies for your dog’s stiff joints, let us know in the comments!!
The post 4 Home Remedies for Your Dog’s Stiff Joints appeared first on TheDogTrainingSecret.com.
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mnh7eruyu-blog · 7 years ago
so im writing an ua... any suggestions?
   Epilogue There I was standing in the middle of the Milton Gurgusses Community College Cafeteria. I had this terrible nauseated, butterfly-ish feeling in my stomach. I glanced down at my timer 36 seconds it could be any of these strangers. 28 seconds. 15 seconds. Oh, wait maybe I should back up a bit.
Chapter One
My name is Eleanor Gurfiler, but everybody calls me Ellie. It all started 2 weeks ago at around noon at the Cafè Chocolaté. It was the only coffee place in town, so if you wanted something actually WARM-ish you went there because the school’s coffee was nasty. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Marinara the elderly couple who owned the shop was as nice and as sweet as. Well, Chocolaté! Oh, I’ve digressed. So there I was sitting across from Isaac, my best friend, in our favorite booth. At that time my timer said 2 weeks 1 day 56 minutes 27 seconds.    “So, Ellie, what do you have planned for this summer?” asked Isaac.     “Nothing much,” I responded, ”Just interning at the MGCC for Dr. Alfredo”. “Oh gosh, the last summer before we go off TO college, and you are going to spend AT college?”    Isaac’s plans and my plans didn’t exactly line up. We had just graduated the week before and all he wanted to do that summer was go clubbing to find a rebound from his dead-beat boytoy, Ethan. Who, by the way, had dumped Isaac so his daddy would pay for him to go to Yale. All I can say is that was the worst weekend ever. Back to my story… “Yes, Isaac I am going to intern for two weeks, you know it was one of the stipulations in my scholarship and besides--”. “ But when will I see you again if you are interning?”. Man, Isaac could be such a whiner sometimes. But, he was just like the brother I never had, and WAY better than my four sisters. “It’s only until the end of the term, it’s only gonna be for two weeks,” I explained for the 50th time. “ But you only have,” Isaac stopped short and abruptly grabbed my left wrist, “ 2 weeks 1 day 32 minutes 2 seconds left until you met him. Or her of course. You can never be too sure.”    “He or she won’t come in the way of our friendship. What could break the everlasting bond of two arms broken by monkey bars?” “Two casts? Fine, but you have to stamp it.”    He reached over the table and we pinky-promised that we would see each other at least twice a week. Mrs. Marinara came over with two steaming cups. We finished our cups in silence and walked home. We had lived next to each other since we were in diapers, and every time he walked me home he made joked that he was better than whatever current crush/boyfriend I had because he walked me home safely. Tonight he didn’t though. I should have said something about it but, instead, I simply said goodnight and we each split ways. I to the left, him to the right. I spent the next two weeks interning with no happenings. Just the regular stuff, I started my summer reading list, setting up my schedule, and overall trying to relax a bit before summer vacation was over. I also arranged to work at the Cafe with the Marinaras. I was an hour and a half away from my timer running out and had no other plans so I decided to walk around campus for a bit. I walked around for 45 minutes before I started to get hungry, so like any person with a lick of common sense, I went to the cafeteria. I got my lunch and walked to a table instead of going to the library as usual. After I ate I still had 20 minutes on my timer, so I reached into my bag and grabbed my phone and my copy of The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger for my summer reading list. First I tried video chatting Isaac. When he didn’t pick up, I turned to my book. I had been stalling to finish it, but I had plenty of time know. As soon as I had closed the epic tale of Holden Caulfield, I glanced down at my timer. I had 1 minute. For some reason, I will never ever be able to explain, put my things in my bag, and stood up at the front of the cafeteria. So, there I was standing in the middle of the Milton Gurgusses Community College Cafeteria. I had this terrible nauseated, butterfly-ish feeling in my stomach. I glanced down at my timer 36 seconds it could be any of these strangers. 28 seconds. 15 seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. Somebody knocked into me and I started to fall. 3, 2, 1. Seconds before impact, he caught me. “Hi,” he said. I had my eyes closed, braced for impact. When I opened my eyes the stranger who had caught me was...Ethan?!? All the sudden the room went dark.
Chapter Two
Yep, I had fainted. Sooooo embarrassing especially in front of my soulmate. If you haven’t figured it out that’s what the timers are for. When I came to, I was in the nurse's office with an ice pack on my head and a very worried Ethan at my feet. “Oh my god, you’re awake. How are you feeling? I brought you here as soon as you passed out.” Ethan explained frantically. “ Yeah, Ethan I’m OK. Please don’t freak out. I just want to go home. Could you walk me?” I asked. I was still feeling a little woozy. “Uh, yeah… um, ok. Ok let’s go” “ Just a minute,” interjected the nurse “ Before you go I need to make sure you’re clear. ” Ethan excused himself so he could go get our stuff rounded up. “ You’re timer is at zero. Is he…?” the nurse asked without actually asking. “My best friend’s ex. Yes. My match. Also yes.” I answered. “Oh, well I hope the best for all three you. Especially when you break the news to your friend.” the nurse said. “Thanks…” “Well you are all set to go.” said the nurse. There was a knock on the door. “Mrs. G., I have a nosebleed again” stated a voice from the other side of the door. “Coming, Clay,” said the nurse, who was apparently Mrs. G. I walked out to find Ethan loaded down with two backpacks and a duffel bag. I took my bag from him and we awkwardly walked out the door, arms linked. CHAPTER 3    “So, how’ve you been since graduation” I started, still in shock, my match was Ethan. At birth, hospitals in large cities surgically implant timers into newborn baby's wrists. It was government mandated so that children and adults wouldn’t have to go through the heartbreak of divorce if your first guess at your soul mate was incorrect. Except, you never knew who had the same countdown as you. Yeah only a little bit stressful. “I’m good. I got my acceptance letter to Yale on Monday.” Ethan said, making little to no eye contact. “That’s good….” I said “Where are you going to college at? Didn’t you get that full scholarship the bank was giving?” “Yeah. I’m going to Yale as well. I interned the last two weeks with Dr. Alfredo. Yesterday was my last day.” “What are your plans for tomorrow? Maybe we could catch a movie or something?” asked Ethan looking hopeful. “Actually, I’m going to hang out with Isaac tomorrow. He’s going to want to know all about today, and we haven't had much time to hang out since I was interning the last two weeks. What about Saturday? Oh, wait, no I have a campus tour on Saturday. When would work for you?” I asked. “Actually I have a campus tour on Saturday too. We could carpool up and catch lunch afterward,” said James. “ Sounds like a date!” I agreed. “Does it?” Ethan asked with a wink. “Here we are, your house. I’ll pick you up here at 9:45 on Saturday morning.” He leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the top of my head. “Bye, babe,” he said as he walked down the block to his house. I was standing, grinning like an idiot when I turned toward my house. Isaac was sitting on his front steps, mouth open wide in shock. “Oh. My. God. ”  Isaac asked.
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