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mashand · 6 months ago
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ashyclown · 6 years ago
Cookie Run by someone who never played aka @nonbinary-thing it pt. 2 ft. The costumes
Ion (Red Dread): Lava monster
Dark Choco (Young Prince): Still Asgore 2.0... bUT YOUNGER
Beet (Farm Ranger): Apple Jack
Carrot (Bouncy Bunny): Snow Bunny
Cotton Candy (Love Messenger): Post service
Fig (Forest Custodian): Gold
Wizard (Arcane Mage): Arabic stereotype
Cinnamon (Fortuneteller Apprentice): Witch
Snow Sugar (Frozen Yarn): Voodoo doll
Popcorn (Cinephile): Sollux gone wrong
Angel (Jelly Walker): Please kill me again
Mint Choco (Mysterious Virtuoso): Phantom of the Opera
Gingerbrave (New Frosting): Still the muffin man
Snow Sugar (Aurora Cloak): Frozen 4 - The Elsaning
Fairy (Lily of the Valley): Fairy godmother
Yoga (Piece and Love): [Last time on “Releasing all the sounds that are trapped in your mind”] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Rockstar (Flaming Guitar): Hipster
Pistachio (Justice Armor): Athena
Princess (Red Rose Gown): Bell cosplaying Aurora from sleeping beauty
Knight (Rose Armor): Prince Charming
Tiger Lily (Snow Warrior): Crazy old cat lady on level 420
Herb (Herb Tea Barista): Death
Pirate (Pop-up Barrel): [You are a pirate but bass boosted]
Orange (Sun-kissed Summer): Wii Sports Tennis Mii
Soda (Tropical Fruit Punch): Fortnite kids younger fortnite kid brother
Werewolf (Lonesome Shiba Inu): Furry
Muscle (Green Brocoli Giant):  [in 2Ds voice] It's making me want to D I E
Cream Puff (Dark Magic Hat):  Good Witch from "the Wizard of Oz"
Alchemist (Forbidden Flask): Hawwy Pottew
Wizard (Azure Flame Staff): Hermione
Gingerbrave (Tuxedo):  Again the Muffin Man, bad boi edition
Cream Puff (Almost Great Detective): Sherlock genderbent
Herb (God of Grape Juice): Dionysus
Skating Queen (Black Swan): Yuri on ice genderbent
Ninja (Mummy): Is that the muffin man?
Gingerbright (Spooky Outfit): Why am i alive?
Popcorn (Funny Clown): Sollux high on mind honey
Moon Rabbit (Mighty Club): Caveman.... unicorn?
Snow Sugar (Clumsy Jiangshi): Frozen 5 - Elsa is a MAN?!?!?
Devil (Count Dracula): Bad boi, NSFW edition
Angel (Friendly Ghost): I know I´m already dead, but please end my life
Skater (Pumpkinhead Rider): Fortnite kid on Halloween
Space Doughnut (Healthy Bagel): HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
Peppermint (Baby Penguin): Happy Feet
Fairy (Little Bee): Bee Movie 2
Muscle (Wolf Mask): Bat Man gone Furry)
Ice Candy (Hockey Team Captain): It´s sweeping time mixed with Buffsuki
Herb (Herbology Geek): More Death
Mustard: (Nonconformist Artist): Daraya but less dark
Rockstar (Future Rockstar): Baldi but he gonna hit ya with that broom
Alchemist (Class President): Some Huffelpuff kid
Lemon (Unlimited Potential): Edge
Lime (Sunny Summer):  Younger sister of Fortnite kid and twin of fortnite kids younger fortnite kid brother
Ninja (Tsukikage): Some weird- slime- creature
Kumiho (Holiday Hanbok): Chinese Stereotype pt. 2
Hero (Dark Force Suit):  See that C on his phone. Yeah. That stands for C U N T
Cheerleader (Crazy Cute Uniform):  Fake Barbie/Mean girl
Wasabi (Twilight Outlaw):  I am mad scientists. It's sooo cooooooooooool. Yasonofabitch
Pirate (Sea Overlord): [You are a pirate deluxe edition]
Moonlight (Milky Way): If Luna and Elsa had a kid
Wind Archer (Guardian of the Millenial Tree): Avatar, green edition
Once again, every costume not mentioned, they had no opinion. No sending hate over or i´ll break your kneecaps. Have fun dying. We´ll do the inactive costumes someday else lmao.
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kurohaai · 7 years ago
A little peek to Japanese SasuSaku fans.
It’s past midnight, 2 degrees hotter than usual, and I can’t sleep. I have work tomorrow. So what should I do to burn this midnight oil…
Hmm. I’m in a sudden mood of SasuSaku. Let’s search a video for that in NND. You know, that Japanese YouTube that let you comment directly on the video.
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Ooh, I found a compilation video of SasuSaku moment. Let’s try this one… judging from the thumbnail it’s from around the Chuunin exam? Perfect, that’s one of the best arcs and I want a good nostalgia.
Watch out, this will be a long ride.
Let’s see…
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Ahh, I remember this one. I think this is when I started to really ship them, and the commentators were reacting really positively too:
サクラ普通に良い子だよな (”Sakura is a good kid isn’t she?”) サクラは仲間思いだよ (”Sakura is thoughtful of her friends”) ここいいね (”I like this moment”) サクラ本当大好きだよ (”I love Sakura”)
That’s… really nice of them. Okay, continuing.
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かわいい (”Cutie”) 声かわいいなおい (”The voice is so cute oi”) 声可愛い (”Her voice is cute”)
😂  Okay okay I admit her VA sounds kinda cute but I’m here for SasuSaku–
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かっこいいーーーーーー! (”So cooooooooooool!”) イケメン (”Manly”) 泣けてきた…(涙)(”I cried… *tears*”)  サクラ覚醒のお知らせ (”The announcement of Sakura’s awakening”)
AHHH THIS HAIR-CUTTING SCENE I CRIED TOO (; - \) But I remembered what followed it too… it must be hard for Sakura.
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後で旦那が… (”Later, Danna (her husband/the husband) will…”)
Wait what–
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おいやめとけ旦那が… (”Oi stop it, her husband will…”) おい旦那が怒るぞ (”Oi, her husband will get mad!”) 旦那はよきて (”Danna, hurry wake up!”) いたい妻が (”Ow, the Wife is…”)
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旦那ああ (”Dannaaaa”) 旦那起きろ!!!! (”DANNA WAKE UP!!!!”) 旦那起きろ!妻が! (”Danna, wake up! Your wife is–!”) 旦那よ…妻が殴られているんだ!早く起きてくれ! (”Danna… your wife is getting beaten up! Please, hurry wake up!”)
yEP THEY ARE SERIOUS. They will keep addressing them as “bride”, “husband”, “wife”, and “married couple” until the end of the video won’t they
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あかん (”This is bad”) 旦那様がログインしました (”Mr. Husband logged in”) 旦那の本気 (”Husband gets serious”) 旦那きたあああああああああああああああああああ (”Husband finally hereeeeeee”)
And when Sasuke finally woke up…
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サクラもドン引きww (”Sakura will get scared lol”) 嫁引いてんぞ (”Your bride will get scared”) 激おこぷんぷん丸 (”Geki oko pun pun maru”, basically meaning ‘SUPER ANGRY’ or this emoji ->  ٩(๑`^´๑)۶(。◟‸◞。✿) which means the commentator saying Sasuke is angry… but in a cute way 😂)
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夫婦やな (”Totally a married couple”) これはサスサクですわ (”This is SasuSaku”) サスサクはこのころから始めていた (”SasuSaku started from this moment”) ← yes, my sentiment too exactly!
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「心配しない」←サクラへの声優しい (”‘Don’t worry” ← his tone to Sakura is really gentle 声が優しいのだが (”(He was scary) but his voice is gentle”) 旦那おこ (”Husband is mad”)
This was when Sakura asked if Sasuke is okay, and then Sasuke asked who hurt Sakura…
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それアカン… (”This is bad…”) ロックオン (”(TARGET) LOCKED ON”)
…and this was after the culprit announced his sin. May he rest in peace  🙏
Geez, and I thought the wife/husband thing is only a Western fandom thing. Clearly I was wrong.
This one was not really SasuSaku but I laughed so hard:
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サクラ!イエイっ!!!!!  サクラ!yeah! (”SAKURA! YEAH!”)
EFFING–   😂 😂 😂 (The context was Sasuke asking Sakura to told him who hurt her, which is 「サクラ、言え!」or read as “Sakura, ie!”, but the way he said it sounds like “yeah!” instead of “ie!” due to how nasally it sounded  😂 )
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さすが嫁である (”As expected from the bride”) 愛の力 (”The power of love”) 嫁の涙で止まった (”He stopped because of his bride’s tears”)
This was from where Sakura stopped the curse mark from spreading further… the comments are self explanatory ;)
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完全に奥さん (”Totally a wife (behavior)”) 奥さんの声聞こえたぞ (”The voice of the wife was heard”)
This was from when Sasuke and Naruto (mainly Naruto) tried to catch some fishes for meals. Sasuke stopped pestering Naruto immediately after Sakura said “the fire is ready~!”  😂
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声出して笑ったwwwwwwwww (”When he starts talking I laughed lol) 何今の声wwwwwwwwwwww (”What was that tone just then? lol) 優しいwwww (”So gentle lol”)
Aaaand lastly, this was when they gathered around to eat. The viewer’s noticed how soft and gentle Sasuke’s voice toward Sakura was it bewildered them  😂
Sooo yeah, in the end they’re all just joking around (because yeah, the endgame couple and all–we’re commenting from the future!) Japanese aren’t typically people who like to spam… and when they did, they will do on a suitable place (like this SasuSaku compilation video) so if you go to NND don’t start spamming around “Danna”s on every Sasuke video you saw okay? Be a respectful and civil fan.
My stance toward SasuSaku in this moment is no, Sasuke didn’t love Sakura yet, but he definitely cares a lot about her. That’s also why Sakura could stopped the curse mark from spreading further.
As for why he sounded so gentle toward Sakura? Well, after founding her all beaten up like that, he might feel guilty. He’s not heartless you know. That’s the least he could do to make up for his inability to protect someone dear to him. It’s also implied he felt guilty when he found out about Sakura’s hair…
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He kept his eyes on her and looked concerned as she lied about “cutting her hair for image change” to Naruto. Maybe he thought “if I woke up a bit earlier, she would still had her hair…” or something like that (as one of the commentator stated). It’s a common phrase that “hair is women’s treasure” in Asia.
Ahh. Pure young Sasuke subtle affection (platonic one though).
Okay I’ve typed enough. Time to sleep!
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