#hes so badly socialised bc he grew up in essentially a religious orphanage crossed with a navy seal drill school
sodrippy · 2 months
alright I'll bite, who is this fish guy and why do u tag the most unhinged posts for him, I'm so intrigued
HI reading this made me laugh, he is a little unhinged youre right.
jackson 'jax' 'axe' 'fish' fischer is a guy i made for a laugh while my friends and i were brainstorming funny dnd character concepts, but now he's real and serious to me. he's the knight of a righteous god, blessed with a healing touch, taught since childhood that he was born to do good and help people, and he does all that (and does it well), until one day it just...doesn't work. he loses his power and he can't help anyone anymore. he still has his sword and his strength, and he uses those to aid those in need, but its not the same, its not what he was made for. he prays and prays and prays and hears nothing back, and then he gets angry.
all he can do is fight, and watch the carnage left behind with nothing more to offer. he leaves. he turns away from the people who need him, he uses his sword and his strength for the people who can pay, instead. he's bitter and blood soaked, and all alone, and makes the insane decision to go find god. he deserves some kind of answer, right? and definitely the logical way to talk to the god who abandoned you a la spiritual ghosting is to...seek them out in the material world...
so he sets out, man on a mission and all that, gets a lot more blood on his hands and really falls into a sunk cost fallacy of like, 'if i stop now all the ugly things ive done and the way ive made a monster of myself have been for nothing' that makes him push ahead despite it all.
one time when he's almost dead, he feels a new bond in the place where his link to his old god was, but he has no fucking clue who it is or whats going on, and he tries to ignore it for a while, but eventually he accepts the help and lets the new presence guide him, because it seems to be working out. if nothing else, it seems to heal him every time he falls, and with all the shit he's doing, that's enough of a reason to follow.
now, who's to say if he was almost dead when this new thing found him, or he was actually dead. we just don't know! (because we are actively ignoring thinking about it because it goes against everything we were taught as young, blessed children!)
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