#hes my go to stuffed animal to bring when i sleep somewhere that isnt my house
themetalvirus · 5 months
giant silver the hedgehog plushie save me giant silver the hedgehog plushie
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flowerconcept-blog · 7 years
soulmates can basically see what the other is doing in their dreams, but it usually only works if one of them is asleep and the other is awake
as children it's pretty rare to have frequent dreams, but the closer you get to meeting your soulmate the more likely you are to see thru their eyes. there are also soulmate dreams that happen when both soulmates are asleep, and some soulmate couples who have a strong bond can interact with each other in those dreams and remember them when they wake up
as a kid you never really had the dreams that some of your friends talked about, but you figured it was good because it meant your soulmate was sleeping well!!!!!
it wasn't until you were almost done with high school that you started having more dreams...... short ones but dreams nonetheless, and in most of them you knew your soulmate was practicing for something
and you also knew he was in seoul now..... whereas before in your rare dreams you knew he was in japan somewhere
knowing he was close to you was comforting but also worried you, because ...... it made the concept of meeting him realer and for all your life you had gotten used to the distance between you
meanwhile, yuta has always been a sucker for the idea of meeting his soulmate, and when he got into sm he knew he was going to be closer to his soulmate
when he first met his members he told all of them that his soulmate was in seoul and they were like ........ cool? i guess?
but even though you're closer now, it’s only after he debuts that he really starts to dream about you, mostly because he has to nap so much that whenever he dozes off for half an hour he'll see you having lunch with friends or studying for a test or in class
and to see through your eyes, knowing that you're living a normal life happily and pursuing an education, makes him really proud even though you haven't met
right when he wakes up from naps he'll babble to whoever will listen about what his soulmate is doing, mostly because he wants to hold onto the dreams and hold onto you in some way
leading up to his debut and after his debut, your dreams become more frequent, too, but you're dreaming of him at odd hours rehearsing and you wonder what on earth your soulmate could be doing
until one day you have a dream of performing in front of a large audience and when you wake up still full of adrenaline you realize your soulmate must be an idol?!?!???
and suddenly it all clicks ........ the fact that he's been rehearsing for something for so long ........ the dreams in mirrored rooms ...... the blurry faces of the boys he rooms with in that small apartment
but even though you've realized this, you still dont know who your soulmate is!!!!! because try as hard as you can you can't remember his name
as nct 127 gets more and more successful you get used to the dreams of cameras and huge stadiums and foreign countries, even though you worry that your soulmate isn’t getting enough sleep
you wish you led a more exciting life so your soulmate could have dreams as exciting as yours are, but little do you know yuta treasures your ordinary part time job and slightly dingy apartment
then ....... one day you're shopping and you see a cardboard cutout of a beautiful idol ..... and for a moment you try to figure out where you know him from but then you suddenly know that its your soulmate
for a while you don't know what to do with the information
because ,,,,,,,,, as much as you'd like to go to a fansign or something to meet him ,,,,,,, you're really afraid because nakamoto yuta of nct 127 is an idol and he looks like he isn't real and you're just you ,,,,,
and what if you go and he doesn't recognize you? or even worse, he rejects you?? you can't imagine how many crazy fans have claimed to be his soulmate and you don't want to be grouped in with them
you don't mean to, but the fear messes with your soul bond, and you stop having the soulmate dreams….. and also yuta isnt seeing your life in dreams anymore....... or he doesn't remember the dreams anymore, but either way he misses you and he's worried about you
finally tho your best friend gets tired of seeing you moping….. and she tricks you and drags you to an nct fansign event!!!!!!!
when you realize where you are and you see yuta in real life your heart stops!!! because how can one person be so perfect ??? and how can that person be your SOULMATE????? you really try to run away but your best friend is like “listen im getting my album signed and you are coming with me”
as she moves down the line of boys (boys you remember from your dreams, boys a part of you feels like you know from all those years yuta spent with them) you get more and more nervous and your heart is beating so hard in your chest
until finally you’re in front of yuta …. and he’s laughing at something the boy next to him said and you’re honestly about to pass out until he looks at you and you make eye contact and suddenly …… you feel this calm wash over you
and nakamoto yuta smiles the cheesiest grin in the world and leans forward and goes “i knew my soulmate was beautiful, but how can someone be so lovely~~~”
you feel your entire face go red and suddenly you’re being shuffled along to the next boy and yuta is smiling at the next fan in line
you’re almost worried that he was using a generic line on you when a staff member taps you on the shoulder and asks if you can come to the backstage waiting area until the end of the fansign
and ur like ??!??!??!??! and instinctively look over to yuta, who catches your eye and gives the smallest lil wink and you…… honestly how did you end up with such a greasy soulmate……….
but of course you go with the staff and settle in to wait to meet yuta ,,, trying to keep calm but your hands are shaking as you try to scroll through instagram
meanwhile yuta can’t contain his excitement, because the second he saw you he knew you were his soulmate!!! and to know you’re waiting for him makes him bounce a little in his seat like a kid again
doyoung is like……… chill tf out
but as soon as the fansign is over yuta practically sprints to the waiting room, and before you know it he’s pulling you into his arms and lifting you off the ground like it’s a drama or something
as soon as he puts you down he introduces himself and when you tell him your name he’s like “ah… pretty~~” and you honestly don’t know if he is actually like this or if he’s still in idol mode
you only get to spend like 20 minutes together before his manager is like “yuta we have to go” but you exchange numbers and he promises that he’ll tell you the second he has any free time
it’s like a week and a half before he calls you asking if you’re free, but he texts you as much as he can and you feel like you’ve already been friends for years by the time he’s picking you up at your apartment in a hat and mask
but when he takes your hand and the two of you walk to a little restaurant down the street, it feels right ,,,,, and when he kisses you on the cheek at your door ,,,,,, it feels right
after the first couple of dates he dials down the greasy lines, but when you’re together he always wants to have physical contact of some sort, whether it’s holding your hand or wrapping an arm around you
when you’re over at the dorm he pulls you into his lap and glares at literally anyone who looks at you … and ur like “yuta stop it you’re my soulmate why would i bother with taeyong”
he enjoys biting/kissing your ear and it always makes you squirm and scold him which makes him enjoy it even more
always apologizes to you for not being able to take you out on extravagant dates because he always has to keep it low profile to avoid scandals, but you tell him that as long as you’re with him it’s okay…… then immediately cringe after you’ve said it because he starts to squeal about how sweet you are
but even though he loves when you’re affectionate he loves it just as much when you’re like “yuta. those pants are hideous” or text him photos of his mushroom hair laughing at him or EVEN BETTER when you gang up on doyoung with him
brings you back little gifts from every single place he travels to and you have a little bookshelf full of them ,,,,,,,,,,, pretends he hates being little spoon but secretly really enjoys it,,,,,,,,, buys you stuffed animals and is like “for when i can’t cuddle with you~~~”
once you’ve been together for a while you guys start to share dreams, and he honestly thrives off of it when he’s on tour because it’s like you’re with him
in interviews or streams he’s always doing corny shit and then texts you like “did u see me on vlive today???? did u??? did u????” and ur like “yes”
really really good at picking up on your moods and is really good at making you happy, whether it’s with a cute selfie or a late night phone call or he sneaks out to come see you
and even though you mess around with him sometimes, you’re always there for him when he’s not feeling his best or is worried he’s not good enough for nct or sm or even you……  the second he doesn’t send a heart emoji with his “hello” ur like “what’s wrong my osaka prince?????”
he really regrets having to be apart so much but promises you that when the two of you are older he’ll buy a pretty house wherever you want to live and you’ll spend the rest of your days together
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lazy-day-blues · 8 years
1, 2, 5, 17, 23, 31, 41, 44, 47 for Elle? :D
1: What does their bedroom look like?overall - any place where elle is crashing for an extended period of times ends up with sentimental stuff strewn everywhere. elle collects mementos almost obsessively, like she’s trying to make up for the lifetime she doesn’t remember. she’s also not very organized. that’s not to say she’s messy, but she isn’t very good at keeping things orderly. 
fallout: new vegas - elle’s Home is the lucky 38 presidential suite, and it’s where she brings all of her friends/found family to stay with her if they want to. as a result, the suite is kind of… chaotic. that’s a LOT of roommates. and because elle is elle, the master bed (her bed) is always open for whoever wants to crash there as long as they understand they’re going to be dealing with elle cuddles. people sleep wherever. and, of course, elle has mementos everywhere.
fallout 4 - pre-war - nate was actively messy, compared to elle just kind of being disorganized. the only reason why their house was in any way clean and orderly is because of codsworth, LOL. there was a lot of “hey codsworth, where’s the [blank]?” there were also a lot of photographs everywhere, because elle went kind of nuts with trying to record every little thing she saw.
post-war - as of right now, elle hasn’t settled down anywhere yet. she keeps tossing up temporary crash pads, scarcely decorated, and then moving on. she really likes taffington boathouse, and that’s her favorite crash pad right now, but i’m having problems getting navmeshing to work well with snappy houses she’s on the move so often that she still can’t really claim that as hers.
2: Do they have any daily rituals?journaling - elle Obsessively, and i do mean Obsessively, keeps a journal. in fact, she keeps two journals. every night before she sleeps, she makes bullet points in her pip-boy of what happened, jotting down quotes (which she has a good memory for) and thoughts and events. every morning after she’s woken up, she writes everything out in detail in an old ass book. these things must Absolutely Happen, and if she misses out on one or both of those sessions, she kind of freaks out until she can find the time to make up for it
also, she absolutely MUST have her teddy bear micah to sleep with (see below)
5: Cleanliness habits (personal: workspace: etc.)we’ve talked about elle’s organization above and below, but cleanliness is something different
personal - um. hm. expect a lot of dirt/sand on elle and in her clothes at any given time. when she goes to diamond city and stays for any amount of time, she makes sure to clean up, but otherwise... “walk-the-wasteland-fuck” is her favorite kind of fashion. she tries to stay hygienic for health reasons?? but being like, scrubbed clean is not a high priority of hers... she does try to keep her armor and mementos up, though, so there’s that?
workspace - again, dirt and mess don’t really bother elle at all as long as it’s not threatening her health or the health of those around her... if she’s setting up somewhere to cook, or fix up her armor or weapons, then she just puts stuff down where she thinks of at the time so things get cluttered fast. if she thinks someone is gonna use the space she was in when she’s done, she’ll clean up the grease/whatever a bit, otherwise ............. she’ll leave it for the ambiguous Later
17: Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dressfashion style - elle LOVES pre-war fashion!! she loves! long dresses! she loves floral print! she... doesn’t love high heels, she much prefers boots, even if they don’t match the rest of her outfit. but she really likes the pretty, delicate-looking things. she loves lace, and in fnv, i use a mod to give her a lacey fingerless glove. but she isn’t comfortable in slinky/sexy fashion... she just feels too self-conscious and feels like her clothes are prettier than she is
armor style - elle favors maneuverability so she likes light armor. she also REALLY likes the whole Ranger look. she likes leather, she likes gas masks, she likes combat armor, she likes long coats. most of the time, though, she’ll pass up a helmet in favor of a wide-brimmed pre-war hat/worn fedora (but she does also like the militia hat because it feels Western and that’s an #aesthetic she deeply appreciates)
rituals - you can tell when elle means fucking Business when she puts on her ranger helmet
23: How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?as mentioned above, elle isn’t generally very organized. she just doesn’t think about it when she tosses something in a box. the most organized she ever gets is in her lists for her pip-boy. she may know that she has six 10mm pistols, but fuck if she’s entirely certain where she put them
the other thing she’s organized with is emergency supplies in her pack. she keeps stimpaks in an easily accessible pocket, for example, and extra ammo in another. her organization happens on a kind of As Needed kind of basis… as a result, she can always find the shit she needs to find when she desperately needs it. but if she’s trying to pack before a big trip or something? “hey guys, have you seen my sniper rifle?”
31: Most prized possession?oh god. uh. i feel like this is going to be a toss up between:a light shining in darkness - a gift from joshua, the first person who elle fell in love with and someone who means a lot to hermicah - the teddy bear she had with her when she was dug out of the ground, which used to belong to her father (though she didn’t know that for the longest time), and the courier duster - from ulysses, who also means so much to her, and he made it for her when he still hated her, and there’s so much MEANING and. it just means a lot to her
in fallout 4, maccready’s little toy soldier and the coat and hat ellie and nick gave her also hold special meaning for her, but so far, there isn’t anything that has the same weight as the stuff from fnv. nate’s dog tags come close, though
41: Hobbies?sewing Ugly stuffed animals - she’s not very good at making her own patterns or following existing ones, so while she can stitch together patches for clothes or whatever… when she tries to make stuffed animals… y i k e speople watching - she’s fascinated by People, and she likes Stories About People, so… yeah, people watching is a thing for herreading - everything. she just likes Learning things, and she can learn fairly fast given the opportunity (though she doesnt always retain stuff like Science)listening to the radio - you can tell when she’s relaxed or in a good mood because the radio is always onexploring - she’s restless and has this big Thing about wanting to touch new things and make new memoriesphotography/scrapbooking - see above, but also add in “trying to record her memories so if she ever gets amnesia again…”
44: Superstitions or views on the occult?new superstitions/occult things, elle automatically takes the outlook of “idk could be legit.” there have just been too many weird ass things that she’s been through for her to be like, “NAW THAT CAN’T BE REAL.” she always takes the approach of “whatever someone says is happening is probably actually happening.” she knows she has NO room to judge because “take drugs, kill a bear” happened to her. think tanks happened to her. ghouls flying to the moon happened to her. time travel and cryo freezing happened to her. she doesnt know what is and isnt in the realm of possibility any more
47: How do they express love?EVERY WAY. … not joking. uh. elle is just so very touchy feely, and she would 100% be down with platonic smooches if she thought they’d be welcome/if she wasn’t so damn shy and afraid of being misconstrued. she loves cuddles. she loves giving gifts. she loves taking care of people. she is completely unafraid of straight up telling you. it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS when elle cares about you in a personal way because by god she goes out of her way to make sure you know
tbh she can be kind of stifling in that way, if someone likes space. and while if elle knows that she’s willing to GIVE you that space, she still. wants to make it very clear how much she cares. and while she also tries to be careful to not just, dump that shit on someone she’s still getting to know, she can still go from acquaintances to DUMPING AFFECTION ON YOU in no time flat if she’s not careful. (so it’s probably a good thing elle is very nervous about doing something to make people not want to be around her)
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