#hes more into how passionate padre is about his religion than he is about the religion itself
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cariciapadre · 2 years ago
Graham is also an atheist but not like a raging atheist like Caricias . He's like the typa atheist to be like oh wow okay oh oh wow oh really oh oh wow ♥️ when padre preaches
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dianashiori · 4 years ago
How is Sebastián hiding his second life with (Tn)? / ¿Cómo es Sebastián escondiendo su segunda vida con (Tn)?
English Version:
In the first place, he prefers to keep his affairs and personal life private, in the second place Sebastián will not tolerate that his lover is put in a compromising situation, he prefers that both worlds where he lives are separated and so everything is easier, on the one hand it is a perfect butler, but on the other hand he is a loving and passionate lover, third and last, he hates sharing his beloved, he has to tolerate sharing her with his family, friends and the people of the city, as if to have to add another intruder more to the equation.
His beloved knows that Sebastián is a butler, he knows that sometimes Sebastián will not come home for a few days, he knows that sometimes he will only see him for a few hours a day and above all he knows that his lover is a demon.
But she still decided to continue by her lover's side, waiting for him every night sitting on her sofa, reading one of her favorite books, she had an unspeakable secret that she only enjoyed when her lover was away, she went around the house without her underwear , only with his clothes to walk around the house.
Sebastian on the other hand did a search of at least 5 kilometers around his little abode to make sure that nobody was following him and to make sure that nobody had discovered his traps, which were a secret even from his little girlfriend. He passed through various places checking each and every one of the traps, none triggered, luckily, it was then that he walked along the small stone path that led him to the clearing where his house was built.
The demon still remembered how he had proposed to his beloved to live together. The girl's family had been against her relationship with Sebastián, as the girl made the mistake of mentioning that they did not plan to marry because he did not believe in any religion that could offer a wedding between them. What caused an awakening of traditions and religious sentimentality that hammered the peace of both at the time of their "appointments" in the light of day. Taking Sebastián to propose to his beloved to live together as a couple, with the girl immediately accepting.
After that proposal Sebastián was in charge of preparing everything for his little plan, he built a small but comfortable house for both of them. He instructed his beloved not to go out on another path other than the stone path, warning her of the hidden animal traps in the area. He strictly forbade him to bring other people home, assuring him that only in an emergency could he reveal the location of the same.
The demonized butler told him about his master's enemies and that because of that he could not bring anyone home and watch his steps back home when he was not around.
The young woman gladly accepted, because with the passage of time Sebastián proved to be a very affectionate and passionate lover that allowed her to maintain her freedom, something that was denied on many occasions at her parents' house, the girl could dress as her She felt like having her hair down, sleeping late on weekends, hanging out with friends, and reading whatever book she'd like without having to ask permission. In short, there was no one to deny him freedom.
At night Sebastian would come home to his beloved after making sure to clean up the area full of intruders in the mansion. The young woman was waiting for him with the open book and resting on her belly that rose and fell due to her calm breathing, she was so asleep that she did not hear Sebastian announce his arrival.
Seeing her in front of him brought back that feeling of satisfaction and satiety that he had carried within him since he left his small house the previous morning. It was his addiction to that small but beautiful body that made him want to go home. Only the kittens managed to calm that hunger of their beloved a little, which is why he appreciated them more if possible. He took her in his arms and carried her to the bed, where he gently slid her under the covers. He took off part of his clothes until he was in pants and his white shirt. He settled behind his mistress and hugged her from behind to draw her to him and press his nose to her neck where he took a deep breath.
If the other demons knew the reason why he was subjected to a romantic relationship with a human they would laugh, but he did not care, as any drug addict would never give up his vice for the opinion of others. He was so distracted in his little ecstasy that he did not He noticed that his beloved began to turn to steal a kiss on the tip of his nose, puzzling him a bit.
-Do you like the smell of my hair?
-I love.
-You had a lot of work?
-No, just the usual, that and having to count the hours to see you.
-I also missed you a lot.
-Not as much as me.
He proceeded to kiss her and attract more of the young woman's body to his, he loved being able to hug her, because that was when he could hear that hypnotizing beat so close to her body that he managed to make him sigh. Although they had not maintained intimacy yet, there was something that aroused Sebastian's interest because of that low instinct to which he was accustomed, a simple kiss, mouth to mouth, would be enough to ignite his desire and curiosity to know what it would feel like to be inside his most addictive drug.
A simple human completely altered the patience and temperature of the demon that lay hugging and kissing her as if it were the last time.
A rude noise was heard from outside his abode, * clack * was heard again followed by a scream that only the demon heard as if he had him by his side, but that the human in his arms heard in the distance, which was where there was the seized man who had dared to pry into his hiding place.
-I think you should go see who it was.
-I will if when I come back you confess why you are at home without underwear.
-How did you know?
The demon just smiled and slid his hand down his girlfriend's leg and stopped before reaching the start of his lover's hip.
Versión Español:
En primer lugar, prefiere mantener sus asuntos y vida personal en privado, en segundo lugar Sebastián no tolerará que su amante sea puesta en una situación comprometida, prefiere que ambos mundos dónde vive estén separados y así todo sea más fácil, por un lado es un mayordomo perfecto, pero por otro es un amante amoroso y apasionado, en tercer y último lugar, detesta compartir a su amada, tiene que tolerar compartirla con su familia, sus amigos y la gente de la ciudad, como para tener que sumar otro intruso más a la ecuación.
Su amada sabe que Sebastián es un mayordomo, sabe que a veces Sebastián no llegará a casa por unos cuantos días, sabe que a veces solo lo verá por pocas horas al día y sobre todo sabe que su amante es un demonio.
Pero ella aun así decidió seguir al lado de su amado, esperándolo todas las noches sentada en su sofá, leyendo uno de sus libros favoritos, tenía un secreto inconfesable del cual solo disfrutaba cuando su amado no estaba, iba por la casa sin su ropa interior, solo con su ropa de andar por casa.
Sebastián por otro lado hacia una revisión de por lo menos 5 kilómetros alrededor de su pequeña morada para asegurarse de que nadie lo estuviera siguiendo y para asegurarse de que nadie había descubierto sus trampas, las cuales eran un secreto incluso para su pequeña novia. Paso por varios lugares revisando todas y cada una de las trampas, ninguna accionada, por suerte, fue entonces que camino por el sendero pequeño de piedra que lo llevaba hacía el claro donde su casa estaba construida.
El demonio aún recordaba como le había propuesto a su amada vivir juntos. La familia de la chica habían estado en contra de su relación con Sebastián, pues la chica cometió el error de mencionar que no planeaban casarse porque él no era creyente de ninguna religión que pudiera ofrecer una boda entre ambos. Lo que provocó un despertar de tradiciones y sentimentalismo religioso que martillo la paz de ambos a la hora de sus “citas” a la luz del día. Llevando a Sebastián a proponerle a su amada vivir juntos como una pareja, con la chica aceptando inmediatamente.
Después de aquella propuesta Sebastián se encargó de preparar todo para su pequeño plan, construyó una casa pequeña pero cómoda para ambos. Instruyó a su amada para que no saliera por otro caminó que no fuera el camino de piedras, advirtiéndole de las trampas de animales escondidas por la zona. Le prohibió terminantemente traer a otras personas a casa, asegurándole que solo en caso de emergencia podía revelar la ubicación de la misma.
El endemoniado mayordomo le habló acerca de los enemigos de su amo y que debido a eso no podía traer a nadie a casa y vigilar sus pasos de regreso a casa cuando él no estuviera cerca.
La joven acepto con gusto, debido a que con el paso del tiempo Sebastián demostró ser un amante muy cariñoso y apasionado que le permitía mantener su libertad, cosa que en muchas ocasiones le fue negada en casa de sus padres, la chica podía vestir como le apetecía, tener suelto su cabello, dormir hasta tarde en fines de semana, salir con amigas y leer cualquier libro que le gustará sin tener que pedir permiso. En pocas palabras no había nadie que le negara la libertad.
Por la noche Sebastián llegaba a casa con su amada después de asegurarse de limpiar la zona llena de intrusos en la mansión. La joven le esperaba con el libro abierto y descansando en su vientre que subía y bajaba por su tranquila respiración, estaba tan dormida que no escucho a Sebastián anunciar su llegada.
Verla frente a él le devolvió ese sentimiento de satisfacción y saciedad que llevaba dentro de sí desde que se fue de su pequeña casa la madrugada anterior. Era su adicción a ese pequeño, pero hermoso cuerpo, lo que lo tenía con ansias de volver a su hogar. Solo los mininos lograban calmar un poco esa hambre de su amada, razón por la cual los apreciaba más de ser posible. La tomo entre sus brazos y la llevo hasta la cama, donde la deslizo suavemente por debajo de las sabanas. Se quito parte de su ropa hasta quedar en pantalones y su camisa blanca. Se acomodo detras de su ama y la abrazo por la espalda para atraerla hacia él y pegar su nariz a su nuca donde aspiro profundamente.
Si los demás demonios supieran la razón de porque se sometia a una relación romantica con una humana se reirian, pero a él no le importaba, como cualquier drogadicto nunca dejaria su vicio por la opinion ajena.Estaba tan distraido en su pequeño extasis que no se dio cuenta de que su amada comenzo a girarse para robarle un beso en la punta de la nariz, desconcertandolo un poco.
-¿Te gusta el olor de mi cabello?
-Me encanta.
-¿Tuviste mucho trabajo?
-No, solo lo de siempre, eso y tener que contar las horas para verte.
-Yo también te extrañé mucho.
-No tanto como yo.
Procedió a besarla y atraer más el cuerpo de la joven al suyo, amaba poder abrazarla, pues era cuando podía escuchar ese hipnotizante latido tan cerca de su cuerpo que lograba hacerlo suspirar. Aunque no habían mantenido intimidad aún, había algo que despertaba el interés de Sebastián por ese instinto tan bajo al que estaba acostumbrado, un simple beso, boca a boca, sería suficiente para encender su deseo y curiosidad por saber que se sentiría estar dentro de su droga más adictiva.
Una simple humana alteraba por completo la paciencia y temperatura del demonio que yacia abrazándola y besandola como si fuera la última vez.
Un grosero ruido se escuchó desde afuera de su morada, *clack* se escucho otra vez seguido de un grito que solo el demonio escucho como si lo tuviera a su lado, pero que la humana en sus brazos escuchó a lo lejos, que era donde estaba el incautó que se había atrevido a husmear en su escondite.
-Creo que deberías ir a ver quien fue.
-Lo haré si cuando vuelva me confiesas porque andas por casa sin ropa interior.
-¿Como lo supiste?
El demonio solo sonrió y deslizó su mano por la pierna de su novia y se detuvo antes de llegar al inicio de la cadera de su amante.
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mattchase82 · 4 years ago
In 1952, a woman was about to die during delivery because of an erroneous blood transfusion. She received the Last Rites. When the priest left, she saw a monk: “I am Padre Pio and you will not die. Say an ‘Our Father’ and one day you will come to see me.” About a year later, she went to see Padre Pio. He told her: “You got the miracle because the Sacred Heart sent me to save you, since you are devoted to him and did the First Fridays of each month.”
This devotion consists in attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion in reparation for those who do not receive Our Lord, who do not love Him and who wound Him by their sinful lives.
“I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without receiving their Sacraments, My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”
(Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary)
by Saint Margaret of Alacoque
This novena prayer was recited every day by Padre Pio for all those who asked his prayers and is Known to be Very Powerful
O my Jesus, Thou has said: "Truly I say to you, ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of.... (ASK)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be;
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in T'hee.
O my Jesus, Thou has said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My Name, He will give it to you:" Behold, in Thy Name, I ask the Father for the grace of…. (ASK)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be;
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee.
O my Jesus, Thou has said: "Truly I say to you, Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Thy infallible words I now ask for the grace of ... (ASK)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be;
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for Whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of Thee, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary Your tender Mother and ours.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To T'hee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by Rev. Irenaeus Schoenherr, O.F.M.
God has always dealt with men in a way consonant with their nature--by drawing them to His Holy Will by promises of reward. It was so with His dealings with the chosen people under the Old Dispensation. It was the way of Christ in the New, promising even a hundredfold return for compliance with His desires. And so it is in the history of the revelation and propagation of the devotion to the Sacred Heart.
"That men might more readily respond to that wonderful and overflowing desire of love," wrote Leo XIII in his Encyclical Annum Sacrum (1899) on the devotion, "Jesus, by the promise of rich rewards, called and drew all men to Him." St. Margaret Mary in her writings insists again and again on the ardent desire of Christ to pour out blessings with a royal generosity on those who would honor His Divine Heart and return Him love for love.
These Promises of the Sacred Heart, in the form in which they are now popularly known and approved by the Church, far surpass in variety, universality and importance those attached to any other exercises of devotion in the Church.
They are addressed to all sorts of persons: to the fervent, the tepid, and the sinful. They embrace every condition of life: priests, religious, and seculars. They promise relief to the afflicted, strength to the tempted, consolation to the sorrowful, peace to the family, blessings in the home, success in our enterprises, mercy to the sinner, high sanctity to fervent souls, courage to the cold of heart. They promise power to the priest to soften the hardest hearts. They promise strength and courage on our death-bed, and tell us of the priceless gift of final perseverance and of a refuge in the Heart of Christ at the last moment.
What greater or more valuable favors than these could even the omnipotent and boundless love and goodness of the Sacred Heart bestow on us? These Promises help us to an understanding of the truth of St. Margaret Mary's glowing words: "Jesus showed me how this devotion is, as it were, the final effort of His love, the last invention of His boundless Charity."
1st Promise-- "I will give to My faithful all the graces necessary in their state of life."
The duties of our daily life are numerous and often difficult. God grants us in response to prayer and frequent reception of the Sacraments all the necessary graces for our state of life. There are also extraordinary graces which lie outside the usual action of God's Providence, graces that He gives to His special friends. These are more efficacious graces, more plentifully given to the clients of the Sacred Heart.
2nd Promise -- "I will establish peace in their homes."
"'Peace is the tranquillity of order, the se- renity of mind, simplicity of heart, the bond of charity." (St. Augustine) It was the first thing the Angels wished to men at the birth of Jesus. Our Lord Himself bade His disciples to invoke it: "Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house!' " (Luke 10, 5) In the Heart of Jesus will be found the true peace, that makes the home the reflex and anticipation of our heavenly Home.
3rd Promise -- "I will comfort them in all their afflictions."
The desire to comfort the sorrowful is the mark of a noble and kind heart. The Sacred Heart is the most noble and generous of hearts, both human and divine. How does He console us? Not necessarily by freeing us from sorrow and affliction. He knows the priceless value of the cross--that we have sins to expiate. By His grace, He makes what is painful tolerable. "I am filled with comfort, I overflow with joy in all our troubles." (2 Cor. 7, 4)
4th Promise -- "I will be their secure refuge in life, and above all in death."
"One of the soldiers opened His side with a lance, and immediately there came out blood and water." (John 19, 34) Christ's side was opened to show that Divine Providence wished all men to find in His Divine Heart an assured refuge against the enemies of our salvation. In His Heart we can find protection, strength in our frailty, perseverance in our inconstancy, assured refuge in the dangers and toils of life, and at the hour of death.
5th Promise -- "I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings."
"God is love." He is ready to give His children abundant temporal blessings as long as they do not imperil our eternal interests. His "special" Providence protects and watches over those devoted to the Sacred Heart with peculiar love and tenderness. However, we should not be discouraged if our prayers for temporal favors are not always answered, for God always puts our eternal good before our temporal good.
6th Promise--"Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy."
The Redemption is the immortal drama of God's mercy; and our Divine Redeemer is, as it were, God's Mercy Incarnate. "With the Lord is kindness and with Him plenteous Redemption." (Ps. 129, 7) On earth the Heart of Christ was full of mercy toward all. Now in His glorified humanity in heaven Jesus continues to show forth His boundless mercy, "always living to make intercession for us." (Heb. 7,25)
7th Promise -- "Tepid souls shall become fervent."
Lukewarmness is a languid dying state of the soul that has lost its interest in religion. The Holy Spirit expresses deep disgust for such a soul: "You are neither cold nor hot ... I am about to vomit you out of My mouth." (Apoc. 3, 15) The only remedy for it is devotion to the Sacred Heart, Who came "to cast fire on earth," i.e., to inspire the cold and tepid heart with new fear and love of God.
8th Promise -- "Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection."
High perfection is the reward that Christ bestows on the fervent clients of His Divine Heart; for this devotion has, as its special fruit, to transform us into a close resemblance to our Blessed Lord. This is done by kindling in our hearts the fire of divine love, which, as St. Paul says, "is the bond of perfection." (Col. 3, 14) Through devotion to the Sacred Heart self-love will give way to an ardent zeal for His interests.
9th Promise -- "I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored."
Religious pictures are a powerful appeal and inspiration. The Sacred Heart is an open book wherein we may read the infinite love of Jesus for us in His Passion and Death. He shows us His Heart, cut open by the lance, all aglow like a fiery furnace of love, whose flames appear bursting forth from the top. It is encircled with thorns, the anguishing smarts of unheeded love. May it ever impel us to acts of love and generosity.
10th Promise -- "I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts."
The conversion of a sinner calls sometimes for extraordinary graces. God never forces the free will of a human being. But He can give actual graces with which He forsees the sinner will overcome the resisting attitude of the most obstinate sinful soul. This, then, is what occurs in the case of priests who are animated with great devotion to the Sacred Heart.
11th Promise -- "Those who promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be effaced."
This Promise holds out to promoters of devotion to the Sacred Heart a wonderful reward--they "shall have their names written in My Heart." These words imply a strong and faithful friendship of Christ Himself, and present to us "the Book of Life" of St. John: "I will not blot his name out of the book of life." (Apoc. 3, 5)
12th Promise -- "To those who shall communicate on the First Friday, for nine consecutive months, I will grant the grace of final penitence."
This Promise contains a great reward, which is nothing less than heaven. "Final perseverance is a gratuitous gift of God's goodness, and cannot be merited as an acquired right by any individual act of ours." (Council of Trent) It is given as the reward for a series of acts continued to the end: "He who has persevered to the end will be saved." (Matt. 10, 22)
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phgq · 5 years ago
Rizal in the last great pandemic of 19th century
#PHnews: Rizal in the last great pandemic of 19th century
By Geronimo Suliguin
MANILA – Today, as we commemorate his 159th Birth Anniversary under the uncertainties of Covid-19, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, by his examples, reminds us once again to stick to the right path and try not to go astray -- to keep our firm resolve against all odds and to be of service as usual to the fatherland.
One hundred and thirty years ago, in 1890, the 28-year old Jose Rizal arrived in Paris from London on 18 January after spending a few days there since the 6th looking for books. He just published his Annotations of Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas at a time when Paris, like London, was suffering from "Die influenza" which was "wreaking havoc" in much of Europe.
The influenza epidemic of 1889–90 was the largest 19th century epidemic of influenza which arrived in Europe from the east in November and December of 1889.
It was so widely commented on in the press with the greatest attention in the cities of Paris and London where Rizal was during the period.
It has been hinted that the influenza reached Paris sometime at the turn of November and December of 1889 when Rizal was busily preparing the printing of his Annotations. In Parisian newspapers Le Matin and Le Temps, the influenza was the topic from end of November until two months later.
The papers reported a mysterious disease that appeared in the middle of December among different shop assistants of the well-known Parisian store Louvre’ - Grands Magasins du Louvre - some 1.5 kilometers away from where Rizal lived at 45 Rue de Maubeuge.
Come Christmas week, the influenza epidemic assumed a "more serious nature" with the disease reportedly often ending with pneumonia and the hospitals incapable of accommodating "such an enormous number of patients". Some 200 more people died in Paris that week than in the previous one.
It may have been rather fortunate that the copies of Rizal's Morga came out of the press about the 23rd of December. The road to the publisher, Libreria de Garnier Hermanos at 6 Rue Des Saints-Peres, directly passes through the Louvre area. His admission permit to the Bibliotheque Nationale which was also in the vicinity of the Louvre shops expired on this date, sparing him from unnecessarily being exposed.
When Rizal got back from London in January, a decrease in the Parisian epidemic was also noted in the French newspapers. Rizal, thus, was spared, not having caught the fever nor any malaise either in London or in Paris.
'Letter to Blumentritt'
In his 20 January 1890 letter to Blumentritt, he thanked God he only had to endure "a few minutes of headache" or the illness would have given his enemies "an occasion to say jubilantly that it is God's punishment" for having attacked the men of the cloth and the Catholic Church in his novel Noli Me Tangere and the recently published Annotations. Rizal also revealed how he would have laughed at his accusers as such allegations would be blasphemy.
In his letter of even date, Rizal took note of the conversation between Pardo de Tavera and the Jesuit priest Fr. Federico Faura (yes, the very priest Padre Faura St. was named after). Padre Faura used to be the Director of the Observatorio Meteorológico de Manila, or Manila Observatory, that was located along the street, the space now occupied by a mall, and gave it its former name - Observatorio Street.
Rizal told Blumentritt that the Jesuit priest exclaimed upon learning Rizal was "slightly ill" that "It cannot be otherwise; a man like him has to die!" Rizal admitted that it was not good for the Jesuit to say such "nonsense" but also hinted on the likely reason why the Padre may have wished that way.
Rizal had spoken with Padre Faura the last time he was in Manila.
In their conversation, the priest made known to Rizal that what he had written in the Noli was the truth, the bitter truth, and the sad conditions of the time. To him, Noli has "nothing of the novel in it". And for writing what was the truth, God will punish Rizal with death, like Zeus chaining Prometheus to a rock for giving men the gift of fire.
Recalling this incident, the Filipino nation should be grateful that Rizal did not succumb to the influenza epidemic of 1889-90. More than this, the country should be equally thankful that the influenza epidemic did not hinder the young Rizal's sense of purpose.
At a time when death was near and ever-present in Paris, Rizal was busily writing for La Solidaridad with his essays "Filipinas Dentro de Cien Años" and the poem "Las Flores de Heidelberg" both published in December, and saw to it that he sent out a copy of his Annotations to Mariano Ponce in Barcelona.
For Rizal, epidemic or not, it was service as usual. This resolve of a young man to combat with all his strength the primary cause of all the sufferings and tears in his country wherever, whenever, and whatever the condition was is what makes our National Hero still relevant to this day and age.
Rizal did not hesitate to fight the enemy that hid behind the false religion.
The young Rizal dared to speak truth to power and paid for it with his life. He preferred truth to his fame. His only wish was for his countrymen to sacrifice their passions on the altar of the country, and to seek their welfare in the virtues that distinguish and adorn free peoples. Non Omnis Moriar! (PNA)
(About the author: Geronimo Suliguin, Knight Commander of Rizal, took postgraduate courses in historical and diplomatic studies at Oxford University. He is the Assistant Director at the Department of Foreign Affairs- Maritime and Ocean Affairs Office)
* Philippine News Agency. "Rizal in the last great pandemic of 19th century." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1106387 (accessed June 19, 2020 at 03:59PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Rizal in the last great pandemic of 19th century." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1106387 (archived).
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years ago
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Padre Pio and Love of Neighbor
Story with images:
Image for story is that of Fr. Alessio Parente and Padre Pio
by Most Rev. Paolo Carta, Bishop Emeritus of Foggia
"To oppose the barbarity of hatred and violence we proclaim the Civilization of Love." This is the solemn statement of Pope Paul VI. "Padre Pio and the Civilization of Love" was the theme of our first meditation, contemplating and admiring Padre Pio in the fundamental aspect of the Civilization of Love, or rather love for our Lord, in its threefold dimensions of love for the Person of Christ, for the Mother of Christ and for the Church of Christ.
Let us now meditate on the second aspect, the second requirement, the second characteristic, that of the Civilization of Love or love for the brethren.
It is the great commandment of fraternal charity given by Jesus, who said: "I give unto you: a new commandment that you love one another, as I have loved you. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" - Jn 13, 34.
Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist, warns in his First Letter 4, 20: "If any man says I love God, and hates his brother; he is a liar.... And this commandment we have from God, that he who loves God, also loves his brother - if we love one another God abides in us, and his charity is perfected in us."
And Paul VI specified who the brother is that we must love, giving as motto for the Day of Peace 1971 "Every man is my brother."
Therefore the Civilization of Love is built on love for our Lord and love for neighbor. Padre Pio who was a sublime model of love for our Lord, was also a most shining example of love for the brethren and he put himself generously and heroically at their service to relieve their bodies and souls and save them.
The Home for the Relief of Suffering that was wanted by Padre Pio and built prodigiously by him is wonderful evidence.
And precisely because this work was inspired by evangelical charity for his neighbor, he had the noble and delicate thought of not wanting to call it a hospital or a clinic. He wanted to call it "home," because the home gives a sense of family, the home is the center where hearts are united in love where there is concern for everyone, but with preference for the suffering members. And he wanted to call it Home for the Relief to indicate the aim and the trust that the sick person would find comfort, relief, and a serene recuperation of physical and moral energy.
And he wanted to call it Home for the Relief of Suffering because the word suffering has a Christian sense and brings to mind the suffering of Christ in his Passion, in which the sick person participates intimately, giving to his sufferings a high spiritual and supernatural value.
Built by offerings that came from all parts of the world; carried out with the most modern standards, equipped with all the equipment of advanced science and advanced technology, rich with the assistance of zealous Capuchin priests and an excellent order of nuns, Apostles of the Sacred Heart, the Home for the Relief of Suffering will sing for centuries of the immense love Padre Pio had for his brethren in need of health care and religious and moral assistance, in serene and welcoming surroundings animated by the charity of Christ.
To those who pointed out to him that the Home for the Relief of Suffering was too luxurious and refined, Padre Pio replied: "Too luxurious? But if it was possible I would make the Home in gold because the sick person is Jesus, and doing everything for our Lord is doing little."
Before the inauguration, the periodical The Home for the Relief of Suffering wrote: "The Home was born from an ideal of love: that is to contribute towards relieving the sufferings of the human being under the sign of Christian charity; the true, the only charity which takes no notice of the difference of caste or political party, of religion or race, of nobility and wealth. Uniting, in particular, the rich and the poor, abolishing every hateful difference of treatment. The poor man, the very poor man is our brother: we owe him the greatest consideration. Charity, in the Home, will be specially directed to the poor, without making him feel his poverty. It will be a gentle charity, not humiliating but fraternal."
The ideal of love, the Home requests that the doctors bear in mind this exhortation of Padre Pio's of 6 May 1956: "You have the mission of curing the sick; but if you don't bring love to the sickbed, I don't think the medicines will be of much use. I have experienced this: my doctor - when I was ill in 1916-17 - my doctor, when curing me, first of all gave me a word of comfort. Love cannot manage without words. How can you express it if not with words that relieve the sick person spiritually? Bring God to the patients, it will be of more worth than any other cure.
The Home for the Relief of Suffering was solemnly inaugurated on 5 May 1956, Padre Pio's name day. I was Bishop of Foggia at the time and I went to Amendola airport to meet Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro, who was to preside at the celebrations. During the speeches I was sitting next to Padre Pio and I admired his humility as his name was praised sky high. During the Cardinal's speech he said: "On Thursday, when the Bishop and the priests wash the feet of the twelve poor men, the following words are sung: where there is charity and love, there is God.' This morning the thought struck me  that this beautiful, clear sentence could be reversed: 'Where there is God, there is charity and love.' Where He passes, what He touches, where He comes... carries this note, this unmistakable seal of charity and love. Have you noticed this at San Giovanni Rotondo? Yes. The whole world has noticed it. Here God is; obviously there had to be charity and love!
That the Home for the Relief of Suffering was born of Padre Pio's love for the suffering brethren, glowed also from the words with which on that day he, Padre Pio, presented the work which caused universal admiration. Amongst other things, he said: "I thank the benefactors from all parts of the world who have co-operated. This is the creature that Providence, helped by you, has created. Admire it and together bless our Lord God. A seed has been placed on earth that He will warm with his rays of love. A new army made up of renunciations and love is about to arise to the glory of God for the comfort of souls and of infirm bodies."
On the first anniversary of the inauguration Padre Pio said to the benefactors: "May our Lord be praised. The Home for the Relief of Suffering has already opened its arms to several thousands of infirm bodies and spirits. God has warmed the deposited seed with his rays of love. From today we take up the second stage of the journey to be accomplished. The Home will have to increase the number of beds."
And the number of beds increased in his lifetime. And the number of beds increased after his death. And the number of beds is presently eight hundred and with the new wards this year there will be one thousand beds. (There are now 1,200.) In 1977 the sick admitted and cured have reached the number of 18,360; and from the opening of the Home - May 1956 to 31 December 1977 the patients who were admitted are exactly 306,785. Of this number not a few received medical care free of charge, because they were still without a medical scheme or old-age pensions.
A nun said to me: "But who can count the sick of soul who came to this hospital and went back to their families reconciled with our Lord and sincerely convinced and determined to stay in his grace? The Home of Padre Pio is always available and has open arms at all hours and for every necessity of suffering bodies and souls. The Home has been created for them and we are here for them always available with a heart bigger than the sea, following in the Padre's footsteps, ready to give even our lives to save the Home that is under such attack."
At this point it is no longer home but city. And it is a city where the Civilization of Love triumphs.
But Padre Pio's contribution to the Civilization of Love is even more abundant and generous in the heroic service of giving relief to souls.
The influx of the sick in body is impressive at San Giovanni Rotondo. Far more intense is the rush of the sick of soul.
They came from all parts of the world. They waited days and days for their turn, for their moment of grace and blessing: it was the moment of their confession to Padre Pio. After which they left happy, to tell everyone of the privilege they had received and to keep in their hearts all their lives the memory of the Padre's words sealed in Confession. Never can I forget the holy words he told me the first time I confessed to him, exactly fifteen days after my solemn entrance to Foggia as Bishop. Words of encouragement that went to the bottom of my heart and accompanied me for all of my twenty three years as Bishop, seven in Foggia, sixteen at Sassari with Apostolic Administration of also two other dioceses, Alghero and Ozieri.
And that is the other marvelous aspect under which his figure emerges gigantically before us, Padre Pio the confessor. Or rather, Padre Pio martyr of the confessional.
I am a witness of what happened here around him. Every time I came here I saw a crowd famished for that divine grace that purifies souls, sanctifies and raises them up and rejoices them by virtue of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. And I have seen Padre Pio looking at that crowd moved with the same sentiments that animated the Heart of Jesus when He said: I feel pity for this crowd." And I have seen him tired, worn out, languishing and continuing to hear confessions for hours and hours from morning to night, men and women, the sick and the healthy, the rich and the poor, priests and laymen, coming from far and wide.
At the end of a day in the confessional, he wrote: "My work is always assiduous. And it is now one o'clock after midnight that I write these few lines. It is now nineteen hours that I have been working continually. Never mind!"
And he exercised the ministry of confession for the duration of fifty-eight years!
As far as I know in the story of the Church he has probably beaten all the records of resistance in the confessional. In the Cause for the recognition of the heroism of his virtues for his beatification and canonization, this is certainly his major title of glory, this is the test of his sanctity, this is the most brilliant example that he has left for priests in the whole world in this present century and for centuries to come.
How can this heroism be explained? With love. With love for neighbor. Like Saint Paul, Padre Pio could say: "For the charity of Christ presseth us" 2 Cor 5,14.
In his letters we find splendid traces of this love for Christ that drove him to sacrifice himself, to give himself, for the good of the brethren and the relief of souls.
For our mutual edification, I extract some passages of various letters to his Spiritual Director.
"I am consumed with love for God and love for my neighbor."
"I am rapidly transported to live for my neighbor."
"I have worked, I want to work. I have prayed, I want to pray; I have wept and I want to weep always for my brothers in exile."
"I love souls as I love God."
"You must know that I do not have a free moment: a crowd of souls thirsting for Jesus fall upon me so that I don't know which way to turn. Before such an abundant harvest, on one hand I rejoice in the Lord, because I see the ranks of elect souls always increasing and Jesus loved more; and on the other hand I feel broken by such a weight."
"There have been periods when I heard confessions, without interruption for eighteen hours consecutively."
"I am overloaded with work, because I hear confessions all day and often at night hundreds of thousands of people. I don't have a moment to myself. But God helps me effectively in my ministry."
"I feel the strength to renounce everything, so long as souls return to Jesus and love Jesus."
Sometimes he treated penitents severely, but they were superficial, hypocritical penitents.
He sometimes refused to give absolution but he did this because he did not tolerate perseverance in evil, and because with the gift of scrutiny of hearts, he saw clearly in consciences and discovered the bad dispositions.
There was also a sin, the gravity of which made Padre Pio let fly, obliging him to condemn inexorably: the sin against maternity, the malicious limitation of children.
This was a crime - a crime against life at its source - which he felt atrociously; he who had given his own life as a complete gift to our Lord.
In the biographies of Padre Pio we read of extraordinary happenings such as miraculous cures, and the mysterious perfumes that many perceived, from the day he received the stigmata to the day of his death. There is talk also of bilocation's, that is to find oneself in two different and distant places at once. In this way General Cadorna, Supreme Commander of the Italian Army replaced after the defeat of Caporetto by General Diaz, in a moment of dejection, saw in front of him a friar, with bleeding hands and a gentle expression. On going to San Giovanni Rotondo he recognized Padre Pio in that friar.
In this way the well-known actor Carlo Campanini, spiritual son of Padre Pio, stated that he had seen him one day entering his house in Rome.
But quite frankly I have never given much importance to these phenomena.
For me the phenomenon number one is the downright miracle of his love for the brethren manifested above all by superhuman resistance in the confessional for the relief of souls.
In my opinion, the supreme and sublime manifestation of Padre Pio's love for his brethren is constituted by his offering of himself as a victim for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of humanity.
The offering of a victim signifies offering himself to God with a full and perfect disposition of accepting any suffering and even death to obtain extraordinary graces.
On 29 November 1910, he wrote to his Spiritual Father:
"I want to ask your permission for something. For some time past I have felt the need to offer myself to the Lord as a victim for poor sinners and for the souls in Purgatory. This desire has been growing continually in my heart so that it has now become what I would call a strong passion, I have in fact made this offering to the Lord several times, beseeching to pour out, upon me the punishments prepared for sinners and for the souls in a state of purgation, even increasing them a hundredfold for me, as long as He converts and saves sinners and quickly admits to paradise the souls in Purgatory; but I should now like to make this offering to the Lord in obedience to you. It seems to me that Jesus really wants this. I am sure that you will have no difficulty in granting me this permission" (Letters I).
On December 1910 Padre Benedetto replied:
"Make the offering of which you speak of and it will be most acceptable to the Lord. Extend your own arms also on your cross and by offering to the Father the sacrifice of yourself in union with our most loving Savior suffer, groan and pray for the wicked of the earth and for the poor souls in the next life who are so deserving of our compassion in their patient and unspeakable sufferings" (Letters I).
In an apparition of 12 March 1913, Jesus speaks and complains of the ingratitude of men and adds:
"My son, I need victims to calm my Father's just divine anger; renew the sacrifice of your whole self and do so without any reserve." And Padre Pio writes: "I have renewed the sacrifice of my life" (Letters I).
Padre Agostino encourages him like this:
"I know that you once offered yourself as a victim for sinners. Jesus accepted your offering and He has given you the grace to bear the sacrifice entailed. So have courage a little longer, for the reward is not far off" (Letters I).
He receives encouragement even from Heaven. Here are his words:
"Jesus, his beloved Mother... continue to encourage me and they keep on repeating that a victim properly so-called must lose all his blood" (Letters I).
"Did I not tell you that Jesus wants me to suffer without any consolation? Has He not asked me and chosen me to be one of his victims? Our most sweet Jesus has really made me understand the full significance of being a victim.
"It is necessary to reach the 'Consummatum est' (it is finished) and 'In manus tuas' (into your hands)" (Letters I).
After he had received the stigmata he always appeared as someone bent under a heavy weight. There was someone who pointed it out to him saying: "Padre, you suffer so much, why did you have the imprudence to offer yourself as a victim for all humanity. You, Padre, carry the Church on one shoulder and on the other the corrupt world convulsed by evil." He replied: "Pray that I will not be squashed."
And on another day to someone who asked him how much he suffered, he replied:
"As much as one can suffer who has taken the burden of all humanity. Pray for the one who carries the weight of everyone! Everyone's cross!"
Padre Mondrone of La Civiltà Cattolica commented: "Like Jesus he went about stooped and with great difficulty, from one fall to another, under the weight of the cross, of course, also because of his physical condition horribly tortured and bleeding.
But tired above all because 'supra dorsum meum fabricaverunt peccatores' (the sinners ploughed my back)".
That back was loaded with the sins of the whole world from the first to the last, because they all had to be atoned for as everyone had offended God's Majesty. This was the real and most unbearable weight carried by Jesus' victim. In this way he lived his mission of Cyrenean for everyone, crushed by the sins of the world, in the confessional, crushed by the sins of the world at the altar. An abundance of grace flowed from Padre Pio's bleeding hands: from the hand that absolved in the confessional from the hand that offered bread and wine at the altar.
Victim in his lifetime, Padre Pio accepted death as a victim in complete clearness of mind, gently repeating the Names of Jesus and Mary. He died in the middle of the night, at 2.30 on 23 September 1968.
"Consummatum est!" It is finished!
Padre Pio has therefore written luminous pages in the story of the Church of the Civilization of Love with his love for our Lord and his love for his neighbor.
And to his spiritual children and whoever visits his tomb, he repeats with his example, the message, the invitation, the exhortation to be in the world witnesses and carriers of the Civilization of Love that has for a foundation the evangelical command of charity, for a source, the Heart of Christ, for a scene, the actions of the whole world, and for a conclusion the triumph of love in unending centuries in Paradise. You also must receive this message of holy love with open hearts. Keep it in your heart as the spiritual fruit of your pilgrimage to Padre Pio's tomb. Spread it around you, in your families, in the world of work, in the schools, in social life and together with me address him this supplication with all your hearts.
Dearest Padre, we are happy to have come here on a visit with a spirit of faith and love.
We were moved at your tomb, we have admired this stupendous shrine built by you to the glory of Our Lady of Grace, we have devoutly followed the Way of the Cross placed on the mountain and we have rejoiced in contemplating the Home for the Relief of Suffering.
In a little while we will be leaving. But a part of our heart remains here with you. For the rest of our lives we will remember the days we spent here with you as days of grace, of blessings, of holy joy. We will speak of you to those we meet and we will exhort them also to come to you. We will carry your message of love to everyone.
But you, dear Padre Pio, pray for each one of us, for our personal sanctification, for our eternal salvation, for our families, for the sick, the children, the youth and the elderly.
Pray for our country so that hatred is extinguished, violence ends, fraternal love flourishes, the fruitful collaboration between social classes comes about and days of prosperity and serenity arise especially for the poor.
Pray above all for the Church, so that it accomplishes its mission of evangelization and promotes humanity for the advent of the Civilization of Love!
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