#hes like a sweet old man that youd find in a bar. Looking kind of lost..
eshithepetty · 3 hours
'Where are the he/him lesbians in media' does greg universe mean nothing to you
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fivescoffeemug · 4 years
the word that starts with an L.
Pairing : Five Hargreeves x reader
Request : “Hola! 🌻🐣 Klaus and Allison throw a party at a mansion. Reader is talking to people аnd dancing with a wide smile (they just want to forget all of their worries for a moment) and Five is just admire them from the corner of a bar. After a while Reader cannot find Five in a crowd, so they go to the Fives room and, suddenly, teleports at the roof. There are Christmas lights everywhere and slow music thumped through the small open window. Reader and Five just dancing there and talk all night.”
“hiii !!! could you write a five fic about maybe just like christmas?? like just fluff and more fluff 😂😂 maybe they celebrate with family and five is being a di*k like always and being sarcastic and all and he gives the reader a present but it's like a general one youd expect from family like a book or somethinf but then they go to his room and he gives the reader their actual present and it's like an inside joke or just really sweet?? idkkk I'm sorry if this is too specific or something.”
words : 1661
warnings : swearing
A/N : yes, I am combining two requests since they seem to have about the same premise? Hopefully they find this. Sorry if this seemed rushed, I was panicking because I was severely lacking in original content and I still had a lot more requests to go. I’m so sorry.
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So there you were. Dressed up in a red and white dress that sparkled under the moonlight, sighing to yourself. This is the most discomfort you’ve felt in a long time, since you never got around to doing anything actually productive besides your part time job.
Though, that part time job did right by you.
You met a boy. A man, perhaps. He seemed scrawny, had gorgeous cornflower blue eyes and the best smile to match it. After your interesting yet ego-wrecking conversation with him, you both exhange numbers and have never gone a day without chatting since.
You arrive at the address he provided you, alarmed by the magnificent house. While he did look rich, you weren’t thinking this rich.
You knock at the door, waiting for a response patiently and a tall ropy guy appears. You were puzzled at his size as he asks for your name. You gladly give it to him and he greets you with warm smile, welcoming you in. The place was gorgeous. Seemingly old but well-polished antiques laid around, and every wall and corner of the house reminded you of the victorian era aesthetic.
All for one boy? You thought to yourself.
“Cool, right?” The ropy man asks. “We haven’t thrown a party in ages.”
“We?” You question.
“Yeah—Me, Allison, Vanya, Klaus, Diego, Five. Which one of those brought you here?” He listed.
“F-Five,” You stutter, soon wondering why Five was the only one named after a number.
The tall man blinked at you, frowning in confusion. “Woah. Holy damn.”
“Nothing I just ... I didn’t think the grump would even participate in this party in the first place, let alone have such a stunning woman as his plus one.”
“Haha, we’re just friends but thanks, I’m flattered,” You sniggered, looking around at the dazzling place once more.
“Hey gorilla brain,” You hear a familiar voice call. “She’s a smart one, try not to lower her iq with your presence yeah?”
“Like I said, grump,” He whispers, briskly taking his leave right after. You chuckle at his remark.
Just as soon as he left, the familiar boy approached you, now wearing a suit and tie. He looked professional in it.
“Five!” You exclaim in excitement. “I was wondering if you were going to see me.”
“Of course I would; everyone else in this party were invited by my braindead siblings. You’re all I have,” he looked up at you with his stunning cerulean eyes.
After a few seconds of silence, you soon notice Five frowning as he looked around. “It’s too crowded. Would you like to go somewhere else?”
“Sure,” you chortled. “Use your ‘powers’ or something.”
“If you say so.” He takes you by the waist and a bright light blinded you as you ended up in a smaller room with blue everywhere.
“Wait—wait what—”
“I told you I had powers.”
“Those exist?!” You shrieked. “I—I was just joking I didn’t—”
“Expect that? Yeah. I know, but I’m honestly really not in the mood to explain how it came about so, if you could do me a favor to save it for another day that would be splendid,” Five smiled ever so slightly, and you hated to admit it but it was the same smile he gave you that day that reeled you in.
You both hear ball music from downstairs interrupt the silence that cam after.
“Care to dance?” He held out his hand.
You were stunned by this question as you were when he teleported, as Five has never come off as the gentleman type to you, but maybe that’s because most conversations between the both of you were over the phone.
you roll your eyes as you couldn’t help but smile. “Like you’d really want to dance with me.”
“Why not?”
“Do you even know how to dance? It isn’t like you at all,” you jabbered, folding your arms.
Five bowed quite low, his hand still extending out for your touch. “Try me.”
You bit your lip, shaking your head slightly as you were quite mad at yourself for smiling all this while. You took his hand, and he soon pulled you in by the waist.
You felt as he led you and himself through the music, swaying and moving to every beat. He was surprisingly good at it.
He dipped you, holding you up by your arm as his face was inches away from yours. He pulled you upright again as the music continued on.
The warmth in his arms was intoxicating, if you were being honest. Maybe it’s because you simply haven’t been with a man in a long time but there was something about Five that intrigued you.
“Where’d you learn to dance so well?”
“My dead father decided it was a useful skill to learn as superheroes fighting crime when we were younger.”
He finally let you go after swaying for , the music coming to an end. You hated that you missed the feeling, but you couldn’t help but long for the feeling again.
Five sat down at his bed, sighing as his eyes seemed to look to far lands.
“What’s in that pretty little head of yours?” You chuckle, sitting beside him as your eyes refused to peel itself away from the sight of him.
“Why do you ask so many questions?” He shot back.
“For someone with a seemingly high reputation your patience is comparible to that of a cell.”
He smiled, letting out a short humming sound. “If I told you you would think I’m crazy.”
“I like crazy,” You began, “Why do you think I exchanged numbers with you?”
Five chuckled, but it didn’t last long as his face faded back to melancholy. “I spent forty five years ... alone, in ruins, scrapping for anything that could keep me alive ... I don’t remember how it feels like to be with people anymore. Like, real, talking, breathing people. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now if it’s just ... longing for company or ... whatever that word is ... the one that starts with L?”
You were baffled at first and thought he was pulling some kind of sick joke. However, the look on his face pulled at your heartstrings to beat just a little faster than it should have.
“I don’t want to say it. Words I don’t understand seems so filthy for me to use,” Five explained.
“Then don’t use it,” You proclaim haphazardly. “Let’s just crave for each other’s attention and company, and exchange hugs for the night. Yeah? I don’t know what you’ve been through but if you can teleport here somehow, then anything’s possible right?”
“I ... ”
“Even if it means falling in love without knowing the meaning,” You finish, putting your hand on his.
“You’re so ... pretty,” He says out of the blue, his eyes exploring every corner of your neck up. “I’m sorry, I just—”
“You’re not bad yourself, hargreeves.”
There was a long pause after you both exchange smiles and glances.
“Hey ... you know you’re not alone anymore, right?”
Five looks up. He nods. “I just don’t know how I could waste my time on such a wasteland when there was no meaning to it—I just—”
“Always remind your family of how lonely you’ve been. Always make sure they feel even the smallest ounce of pain you have for each night you’ve shivered in the rubble, just trying to get even a blink’s worth of sleep. You’ll never feel lonely ever again.”
“How could I? I’m with you now, anyway,” He snickered. “You always make me feel at home even if our conversations happen miles apart from each other.”
You held up your arm signaling for a hug, which he gladly takes. You notice is his head inches closer to the crook of your neck, feeling him breathe.
“Oh yeah; I know you want to be an author so I got you this,” Five pulls out a blood red fountain pen that was lined with gold on the edges.
“Is this .... is this real?” You question, unabke to believe the shine in the pen.
“Yeah. Real expensive but I expect nothing in return,” Five hands you a notebook. “I know you wanna test it out.”
Just then, you both noticed how the music soon got too loud for you both sit in peace, so Five blinked to the roof where it was flat.
You test out the gorgeous pen, profusely thanking Five for the extravagant gift. You both glanced up at the sky, questioning how the stars seemed to gleam brighter that night.
“Kiss me once and kiss my twice and kiss me once again ... ”
“Five Hargreeves are you ...?”
“Singing? Wow, how could I?” Five questioned in an overly sarcastic tone.
“That’s an old song.”
“Came to my mind.”
“Out of all the songs ... ”
“I was thinking I would love if it would happen.”
You glance at him, eyebrows raised as your jaw dropped slightly. He smiles charmingly, the type of smile that would get you on your knees but also have you dying from fluffiness.
“You would, wouldn’t you?”
“Don’t pretend you weren’t just looking at my lips.”
You look away from his sea blue eyes, noticing how it’s really started to hypnotize you. “What happens afterwards? What’s the point of this?”
“There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?” He gently puts a finger to your chin, making you face him again. His face was less than an inch from yours, and you hated how much you wanted it.
You smiled, him finally closing the pesky gap both your lips hated. You could feel the man’s smirk against your lips, and it just made you wrap your arms around his neck.
And finally,
after the longest time in your life,
You felt okay.
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