#hes just silly... the apron the chainsaw..............
noecoded · 4 months
leatherface beel....💭
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z0mibite · 5 months
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>1000 words, detailed descriptions of violence and a (sort of?) mention of s/a (⚠️use of the r word ⚠️), reader is gn! and up to interpretation throughout other than being considerably smaller than thomas and one mention of possibly bearing children. open-ended, so if you prefer angst endings for reader or stockholm, you can choose, it's texas chainsaw massacre, anything that's in either movie is part of the warnings just to be safe. dead dove do not ear, read at your own risk. also this is not proofread in any way, I literally wrote this straight shot right before bed listening to dove (doll ver) on loop and hit post.
imagine tommy keeping you, not to rape and defile like his uncle assumed, nor for you to bare children like his mama had hoped—but because you're just so nice to look at.
In the first film, tommy can be seen wearing rings, jewelry he's collected from past victims. also with the whole wearing people's faces to mask his own, he obviously has an eye for pretty things. and you're one of them.
It isn't just that of course, plenty of pretty people had come onto the farm, all meeting the same fate. he hadn't spared a dozen or so others, so why would he spare you?
you hadn't flinched at the sight of him, you hadn't run away crying like a child at their first horror maze, you simply smiled at him with those sparkling eyes, an elegant hand giving him a friendly, unbiased wave. you looked at him without prejudice, or preconceived assumptions about his character.
your friends hadn't given him the same courtesy. which is why you were here, chained to the workbench near the chopping block. the block he was using to dismember your traveling companions. a few of them hung from meat hooks, catatonic, their minds were weak and feeble, they broke at the sights in front of them, and despite the agonizing pain of lost limbs and shredded muscle, they were silent and still, waiting for their turn.
death was their only escape, they needed only to wait for it. you could see it in their eyes, each time he'd finish one off and turn to grab the next off a hook, they'd all follow him with pleading eyes. not for mercy, they were far beyond the point of return—but to be next.
your entire body was shaking like a kicked chihuahua. your muscles were all tense, adrenaline begged you to run, flee, to escape death. your silly primal instinct hadn't caught up with your concious. It was an odd feeling, having every possible part of your body screaming at you to run, and choosing to stay still, to betray your instinct with your intelligence. you knew you wouldn't get far.
despite the horrid conditions in the basement, a place where your senses should be overloaded; your ears with the echoes of their screams and the engine of the saw, your eyes with the gory mess, your nose with the pungent smell of iron and rotting flesh, your tongue with the dryness of your mouth from panting, and your body's fatigue from running around for hours—there was nothing but the racing of your heartbeat.
It was all you could hear or feel, and in your mind you could taste and see it as well, you felt the pulse rise all the way into your skull and down to your toes. you felt every rush of blood heat your skin like a furnace, moving past your veins and tissue.
your eyes aimlessly followed his body, unblinking and dry. he was deeply focused on his ‘work’, but he would still glance at you every now and again. you were just so pretty, a decoration in his safe haven, like a deer mounted above the fireplace.
hours had passed in what felt like seconds before he was finished. you hadn't moved.
he nonchalantly came up to you, his much larger hand going to cup your face before he froze. he withdrew his hands, wiping the bloody mess on his apron and washing his hands before he continued his previous action.
you didn't dare move, not even to flinch, as his held your head in your hands.
his thumbs caressed the flesh just under your eyes, rubbing around and about, seemingly fascinated by the way your skin folded and stretched at his will. he made a gesture with his hands, swiping a palm in front of your eyes, an attempt at communicating. when you didn't respond, he huffed frustratedly before letting his thumbs touch your eyelids, forcing them down to close your eyes.
he took your chin in-between two fingers, maneuvering your head in every direction, studying every feature. his thumb pulled your lips apart, showing him your teeth, clenched so hard they might be pushed back underneath your eye sockets.
after a he took some time to study you, you felt his thumbs come back to rest on your eyelids, pulling them open again. this time he studied your iris. he was clearly upset at the lack of light that prevented him from seeing the color clearly, but he looked closely nonetheless.
the sensation of breath enveloping your face, forcing you to breathe in the air he had just released, was one you could not describe.
his hands fell to your shoulders and moved downward till he got to your forearms, where he would trace the veins in your arms. when his hand met your wrist, he applied gentle pressure to it, his breath hitching as he felt your blood pulsate. he moved onto your hands now.
his were easily twice the size of yours, if not more. his nails were dull and blunt, the skin much rougher against yours. dried blood cracked underneath his nails and stained his skin a pinkish tone despite his tan. he traced the lines of your palm the same way a palm reader would, take away the tales of life lines and replace them with pure admiration.
he unexpectedly leaned in closer to you, his face now inches, if that, from your own. you kept your gaze ahead as he stared you down.
he brought his masked nose up to the top of your head and sniffed you like a dog, leaning down to your neck to see what else he could smell on you besides your faded fragrance and sweat.
It was only after this action of his that your body responded in any way in nearly 12 hours.
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nightttoon · 11 months
Thomas Hewitt x reader
It's part two. Well... Part one
Warning! gore, blood mentioned, killing mentioned, still no romance. Enjoy!
His house
You don't know how long you've been sleeping. Just like you don't know where you are. Disorientation quickly turned into panic when you realized the sound from which you woke up. Scream. A cry of pain, somewhere nearby. The scream is loud, as if someone is being skinned... And the voice is like Billy's. The hair stood up in horror when the memories of the gas station came flooding back to you.
Trying to sit down, you found that you were tied to the table leg by your hands. And the legs are tied at the ankles. The screams in the background are overlaid by the sounds of a chainsaw. No... No. No! The scream became so loud that you were ready to swear that your eardrums would burst. How painful. It hurts everywhere, but most of all it hurts your wrists, which you desperately pull, trying to break away from the table. The damn table is just shaking.
Then everything stopped. You didn't even realize that you were screaming yourself until that moment. Silence. Like in a cemetery. It was interrupted by light, quick footsteps. To your horror, you realized that the footsteps were approaching you. You didn't want to meet anyone from this damn place.
It would be better if you worked in a damn bar on the edge of town for the rest of your days than what is happening now! Why did you agree to this "journey" at all!?
Tears rolled from your eyes from the memories of your quiet life. Life before you agreed to the trip. Your then-serious problems seem so simple now. You would give anything to relive those worries again, just not what is happening now.
Your hysteria was interrupted by a woman's calm voice and the touch of a wet cool cloth to your forehead.
"Silly, you woken up. You are pale as death, and forehead is cold. And so dirty..."
the woman said, wiping the dirt and blood from your face. She's obviously not young anymore, but she can't be called too old either.
"Thomas treated you carefully. Your friends aren't so lucky," the woman said after finishing washing your face.
What the hell is she talking about?! You no longer have the strength to cry when a woman begins to gently stroke your hair.
"You know.... I've always wanted a daughter," She mumbles, moving her hand to your face to stroke your cheek.
Daughter?! Is she crazy?!
You wanted to keep crying, run as far as possible, wrap yourself in a blanket and believe that it was just a dream. But the pain in your wrists and the reality of her touch confirmed the opposite.
"Behave yourself, and maybe you'll live longer," the woman said, finally pulling away and walking away from you. All you had to do was fight with the ropes on your wrists. But it didn't lead to anything.
Judging by the light from the window, it's been several hours. It's gotten a lot darker, and you're still on the floor, tired of crying. How you hate it.
Heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway, making you tense up. God, you're willing to lie on a dirty floor, just not these bastards.
A large dark figure appeared in the passage. It's him... The one they call Thomas.
You were shaking when he started to approach. No... no. It's your turn. Are you really going to die like this?! You don't stand a chance against him. You are hurt and scared by your own weakness.
You wanted to live. You wanted to see a family, maybe get a dog or a child in the future... But right now, you were willing to die quickly, just not to be the next one whose screams would echo throughout the house. And you had a feeling that it was this guy's fault. It's his fault that one of your friends was in pain, and the blood on his apron and hands only confirms this.
Judging by the light from the window, it's been several hours. It's gotten a lot darker, and you're still on the floor, tired of crying. God... How you hate it....
Heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway, making you tense up. God, you're willing to lie on a dirty floor, just not these crazies.
A large dark figure appeared in doors. It's him... The one they call Thomas.
You were shaking when he started to approach. No... no. It's your turn. Are you really going to die like this?! You don't stand a chance against him. You are hurt and scared by your own weakness.
You wanted to live. You wanted to see a family, maybe get a dog or a child in the future... But right now, you were willing to die quickly, just not to be the next one whose screams would echo throughout the house. And you had a feeling that it was this guy's fault. It's his fault that one of your friends was in pain, and the blood on his apron and hands only confirms this.
You froze when Thomas came closer. Your brain and body are so exhausted that you can't kick anymore when the giant unties your hands from the table and throws you over his shoulder. Where is he taking you? Thomas went into the hallway and then up the stairs to the second floor.
He doesn't know why Luda wanted to leave you alive. Yes, you're pretty, you resist a little and cry quietly, without annoying Monty. But why would they need someone else? He himself could help with all the housework, even with the "female" part. And Charlie got angry again. Although he did not argue, Mom's word is the law.
Lying on his shoulder, you hopelessly watch as the front door goes out of sight, being replaced by the floor of the second floor.
Thomas brought you into a room that has a bed, a closet, a small table and a chair. The giant carefully seated your shaking figure on a chair, tying you with ropes.
When he was sure that you were tightly tied to chair, Thomas looked up at you. Your eyes, red with tears, filled with fear and pain, looked at him. Nothing new. You sniff, trying to breathe evenly so as not to burst into tears again. Your skin looks so soft... Thomas raised his hand to stroke your cheek.
You twitched at his touch. Fingers rough from daubs and physical work stroke your cheek, lightly pressing to feel the texture better.
He would give anything to have his face like that. Or so someone's eyes looked at him without fear, with tenderness, like his mother.
He looks at you like a wet kitten that was picked up on the street. Like if he was ready to defend himself at any second, shocked, but so glad that you didn't run away. Not that you can.... Or maybe?
Requests are open! I don't know what to write... :(
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denjirv · 3 years
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
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Synopsis: Kurose finally comes home after his tiring job, and he miss you dearly Genre: Smut Contains: Bathroom sex, Sub!Reader, Dom!Kurose, Praising, Body worship, Semi-Rough sex, Fingering 
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A/N: There needs to be more content with this side character please he barely has any fics with him so for the niche crowd of people,,,here's our food Kurose simps 
“I’m home!” The man with the dark hair spoke out from the hallway, taking off his shoes at the side of the door he heard the soft pitter patter of your foot against the wooden floor, apron tied neatly back and a content expression on your face as you smiled at him. “Just in time, I’m almost done with dinner. Just sit tight for me hun, kay?” Kurose's face curls into a smile hearing your voice, oh how he misses those words of yours. He headed over to the small dinner table as he took off his suit jacket and hung it on the top of the chair. “So how’s work treating ya?” While you stir the pot you glanced over at the man by the table, shooting you with a smile he spoke. “Ah, the usual. To be honest with ya that chainsaw kid is really somethin, I get he’s a ‘hero’ and all but that kids got some attitude” His accent was showing, you knew he’d usually tone it down when he’s with his co-workers so hearing how he naturally spoke made you feel warm inside. “Chainsaw Man is something...But I mean I heard word from mouth that he’s just a kid, Hah how ironic? It’s quite the responsibility for a kid like him” Kurose stayed quiet as you spoke, watching you pour in the soup into the bowls as you set the utensils to the side and grabbed the two bowls. Sliding his to the other side of the table you set up yours. “Ah, Miso soup. I miss your cooking to be honest, not that many foods around here really taste the same as yours” He took his small spoon that was placed in the bowl and started to drink up the soup. “That’s cause it’s a family recipe silly, one that I refuse to share” You snicker at his comment before taking a few drinks from your bowl. The rest of the night you two catch up on how your weeks have been. Talking about your job and about his, all the drama that's going on and him dotting over you despite being the one with the dangerous job. But you missed him and you worry about his safety. Time flew by rather quickly as soon as you looked at the clock it was already 11. “Oh, we should probably start cleaning up. Y/N I’ll take care of the dishes, you go ahead and shower I’ll meet you there” Your cheeks blushed red hearing those words, the two of you have showered together but sometimes the tension in that room gets rather strong. But feeling yourself already getting tired you let him take care of the bowls before heading into the bathroom. Letting the water run as you strip yourself of your clothes before waiting for the warm water to start running. Once the temperature seemed right you stepped right in and let the water run down your body. Kurose could hear the sound of the water running from the kitchen, it was a rather small apartment you two shared but he didn’t mind as he found it personally quaint. Soon you heard the door knocking from the bathroom and a voice muffed from behind. “You in?” Kurose waited for a bit as he only heard the sound of the water running, he could even see some of the fog coming from the cracks below the door. “Yea, you can come in” You can hear the door opening before closing behind followed by the sounds of clothes ruffling against each other and the sound of a belt unbuckling. Soon after you suddenly looked over and saw Kurose completely naked, showing off his built body as he stepped in the shower with you, his hair had gotten wet. “You want me to help you wash your body?” He tilted his head slightly, grabbing the bath loofah and the body wash. You couldn't help but hold back a giggle at his awkward attempt at being intimate. He was always like this with you sometimes, initiating romantic gestures was a struggle for him at times but he means well. “Sure, make sure you don’t go too rough on me ok?” You turn your back on him as he looks down at your bare back, slowly yet gently he starts to scrub your back as soon as he poured in the body soap on the loofah. He went ahead and scrubbed your back slowly, making sure he wasn’t putting too much pressure on you as the water ran against the two of you. It was so quiet in the bathroom, the room was hot and foggy with the warm running. He suddenly spoke up. “Ya know..it’s been a while since we’ve done something intimate like this. I’m always leavin you in anticipation, don't I?” His words were different in tone, it was low but the kind of low that sent tingles down your spine. You felt yourself stiffen up as you glanced over him from the corner of your eye. “You do, but it’s cause I know how much you lack there in the sex department hehe” You chuckle it off as a joke, lightly poking at him before suddenly feeling his hands caress your body sensually, his finger tips dragging out each inch of your body as he wraps an arm around your waist. “Well I think it’s bout time I change that, leaving ya all alone at home like this and not being able to satisfy ya, what kind of boyfriend would I be?” His fingers graze from the tip of your belly button to your chest as he cups them, massaging them in his strong hands while he breathes against your neck, letting his body pressed against yours. “Ya know, I never get to find what’s your sweet spot on your neck yet. I wonder..” He licks the side of your collarbone all the way to your neck, his tongue was warm and wet as it delicately traces along your body. Sending tingles and soft gasp from your mouth as he played with your nipples Gently pulling yet circling around in between his fingers, causing you to gasp and whimper. “Your body is so sensitive, I wanna see if I can get ya cumming with my fingers” He suddenly lets his finger trace down to your clit, gently rubbing circles as you squirm in his arm. “I love the way ya react, ya must be that desperate already” Purring his words he starts to lick and suck on your neck, feeling skin against his teeth as he works his fingers faster on your clit. “I wanna make ya feel good, so please...tell me what you like” Kurose’s voice was like a whisper, so soft yet so passionate and loving with the way he spoke to you. He leans his neck in deep and starts to suck on a certain spot on your neck, causing you to shutter at his action. Already that alone made him go harder, holding you in place as his fingers started to trace against your pussy. “I'm gonna slide my fingers in, darlin ya ready for me?” He glanced over at you which only can give out a nod. But he didn’t seem pleased by the answers as he traced his fingers more against your slit, putting pressure against your entrance and clit causing you to moan out. “Ahhh! C-Come on...you aint gonna go with it already? What else can I do make you fuck me?” in a breathy tone you spoke back Kurose only smiled before replying with a single finger slipping inside for a second before pulling away. “Oh, I just wanna hear it from my lady if she wants my fingers in her” He was getting more confident in the way he spoke and presented himself. “Nnnghh! Ok ok fine, I-I want your fingers inside me” You felt your thighs pressed together before he kissed your cheek with a “good girl” under his breath before slipping his finger in you. Feeling up your gummy walls as he slowly thrusted his finger into you slowly Feeling how steady and slowly he was pumping into you, your hips gave out as it grinds and moved against his fingers as if having a mind of its own. The squelching sound coming from your pussy only made him go faster, sliding in another finger as he kept going deeper inside you. The panting from you only made him more aroused, his cock growing hard against your body as he kept you in place. His other arm wrapped around you to keep you from squirming too much against his finger, you haven’t felt this good in such a long time and the fact that your awkward boyfriend was already making your legs tremble was enough for you to feel your stomach knotting. “Ghhnnn K-Kurose I’m close!! Fuck I’m close!!” “Them cum, I want you to cream all over my finger” Working his finger into you harder he can feel your walls twitching and squeezing as he slides in a third finger, He can feel your g-spot which got him an idea. He only pressed it for a moment to tease you before continuing to finger your pussy. Suddenly with a twitching hip and thrust you grip onto his arm and feel yourself cumming all over his fingers. “Ahhhh!! Kurosee cumming!!” You cry out as your legs start to lose balance. Pulling his fingers away he looks down seeing your juices coating his fingers, glistening almost as you fold yourself almost against his arm. “F-Fuck, turn around for me-” He suddenly lets you go and positions you against the wall, the water facing towards the two of you with your ass and bareback in front of him, your hands acting as your only support to keep you from falling. He places his cock at your entrance before placing his hands against your hips. “I’m gonna slide it in, if it hurts...tell me, kay?” You gave him a nod before he paused. Taking a deep breath before he slid his cock in, you gasped at first and felt your legs twitch. You knew for sure he was packing something down there but feeling his tip inside you made you tremble. He paused with each inch he slid in but the more inches he kept sliding in the more you whimpered and whined at his length inside him. The more he kept feeling your walls wrap around his cock the more he kept holding back grunts and groans. Once he slid all the way in and slammed his hips into you before stopping, his balls smacking against your ass. “Aaaghh!! Shit y-you’re  so big inside me” he didn't respond but the words alone made him twitch. “I-I’m gonna start movin aight? Tell me if you want me to go fast or slow..” He let his hands run against your back before he starts to thrust into you Grunting and groaning with each slap of skins against one another. One after another as the shower’s faucet pours out and onto the two of you, making the sound of Kurose’s thrust even louder and wetter. He kept his hands on your hips as he started to pick up the pace some more. “Ya like this? Am I doin a good job?” He breathed heavily as he looked down at you, but his eyes glanced down at your ass which was jigging with each thrust he gave you.
So addicting, so mesmerizing it made him go faster without realizing it. Before you could even reply you felt his cock starting to jab at your g-spot, your pussy convulsing as your moans had only gotten louder with each thrust he gave. Your pussy getting used to his length but now was getting abused by his cock that kept jabbing into your g-spot. The rigid spot being messed with and poked at caused your legs twitching and sliding from its place. “Haaahh w-wait, wait wait I-I’m gonna slip!!” You whimpered out making Kurose look back down at your body, seeing your legs slipping he had gotten a better idea. Suddenly, you felt your body being completely pressed against the shower wall with his arms being wrapped around your body. His body pressed against yours as he kept slamming his hips into you, grunting by the crook of your neck. “T-There, much better darlin? I dont want ya to slip and get hurt”
Your breathing started to get heavy with his body pressing against you, making your chest feeling tight as your stomach started to knot again with that same feeling. His cock was getting bigger and harder inside your pussy, feeling himself getting close already he started to go faster. “C-Cum with me darlin, I wanna make you feel weak with my cock in you” He starts to press you against the wall more, his breathing getting rapid with yours he can feel your walls twitching before suddenly feeling you cream against his cock “O-Oooohh fuuckk!! Ggghhaahhh K-Kurose!!!” You cry out his name in pleasure again and before you knew it you felt his cock spazz inside and cum deep inside you, his cum was dripping as soon as he pulled out and watched as his cum started to leak from your pussy. You can feel your legs give in but you laughed it off breathlessly, looking over at him with a tired yet hazy look in your eyes. “Y-You did so...oh my god, where did you learn all of that?” “I...got no idea, I’m sorry I got a lil uh...carried away there, hun” He looks down at you nervously but you chuckled before slowly standing up straight. “Well since we’re showering, we can just clean up here”
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