#hes just gonna be out there catching random ass fish
thegaysinmyhead · 9 months
Guys why is literally no one jumping on a VERY OBVIOUS trope for ghosts??
Just–hear me out hear me out!
Ghost forms are just extensions of their core, so it makes sense they can be changed right?? Gems physical bodies are just extensions and projections of their gem!!
SO, if going by a lot of phanon core logic, it would make sense if ghosts can have conversations to like fuse or something. Probably to use in battle mostly (ghosts are obviously territorial) but can also be used for love or to protect a weaker/damaged core! JUST IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!
Danny being able to fuse literally Steven universe style w his friends because he's a halfa, Danny being able to fuse with Jason because he has a connection because of the pits (Halfa or Revenant Jason Todd), Danny fusing with LITERAL BATMAN as he's the ghost king!!
Jason in the middle of getting sacrificed: :|
Danny, the one being summoned and seeing a poor baby ghost/potential boyfriend material and snatching him to protect him: :)
Jason: ¯\(°_o)/¯
Danny: Mine now :)
*he says as their body erupts into flames and they become the most bad ass looking ghost that kicks the cultists asses; Before they started lounging around and reading Jane Austen* (floating laying down is apparently more comfortable than just laying down on something solid, so its nice to float and read)
Justice League facing off an impossibly strong enemy that they have no choice but to look into outside sources to help defeat him (Trigon, Darkseid, something else that probably show up like 4 times a week lmao). Eventually, JLD get wind of a new ghost king who's supposedly kind and benevolent, which is races better than his old counterpart.
With the entire League's permission, begrudgingly Batman's, they summon the Ghost King as a last option and are ready to sacrifice anything for his help (within reason). Imagine their surprise when Danny Fenton, aged somewhere between 16 to 21, pops up in the portal looking frazzled and like he was woken up from a nap. Not even in his ghost form, just blinking owlishly at the League members while gaping like a fish.
"Holy shit—the Justice League?! I'm being summoned by the Justice League?! Ohmygod Tucker is gonna freak"
Constantine butts in looking nervous as hell and sweating buckets, "Your Majesty—"
"Just Danny's fine, I can't believe I'm being summoned by THE Justice League!"
"...Danny. We could really use some of your help, mate. See, we got ourselves an issue we can't really fix ourselves–"
"I'll do it. I'm not even joking, you guys don't even have to ask me twice,"
Everyone in the League (besides Batman) was watching with bated breath at the exchange. The confusion as a random teenager showed up was quickly washed away with how formally he was addressed, but it spiked back up when 'Danny' seemed to...hero worship them?
Ah, there it was. Can never do trades in the occult for free.
"I would really do it for free if I could man, honest! Just...I need to make a teensy weensy deal to be let out of the circle? You guys don't even have to let me do it on my own if you're worried I'll go rogue! You can tie me into a deal about one of you 'using my power' in exchange for like, a cup of coffee or something,"
Now everyone (except Batman, though he seemed to have a clenched jaw) was opening gaping as the omnipotent described being. Being offered something to great...in exchange for a mug of bean water? There had to be a catch, some sort of trickery, but Diana and many others could sense no ill intent on the young king. Constantine had even let up on the nerves as the being continued to speak, relief seeming to crash through his entire body when he realized none of them would have to give up their soul or something. Batman was the first to speak up.
"And if you were...to offer your power to one of us, what would that entail for the mortal or semi-mortal user?"
The king hummed and tapped his chin in thought, "Well, they'd probably be fine. Most of my power would be filtered through myself, so whoever is wielding it wouldn't go mad or suddenly overwhelmed with it. It'd be like turning on the tap while the well is underground, or something close,"
Batman nodded before Danny continued to speak.
"—But, obviously, I reserve the right to take away my power at any point if I see it needed. I would not be mind controlled, nor would I be drained, I would be an observer in the back of whoever decides to be at the other end of the contract until it's fulfilled,"
Constantine stepped forward once again, cigarette all but ash between his lips now, "Contract, right, mate. So uh, one of our sorry blokes gets access to your unfathomable power for the time it takes to beat whatever the hell it is out there. And in exchange, you get a cuppa? Maybe some biscuits and other treats with it to sweeten the deal?"
Danny smiled brightly at the ruffled looking blond and nodded, "Sounds good to me!"
All at once, the room dropped in temperature as the summoning circle around Danny became encased in ice. The ice shimmered an otherworldly dark blue, almost black, and stretched until it reached the feet of the young king. A spark lighted ontop of Danny's head before exploding into a flame, a crown taking shape through the smoke of the fire to sit upon the teenagers head. There was a flash of blue as a ring materialized on the teen's finger, as well as a cape seeming to sew itself from nothing to sit upon his shoulders. Danny looked sheepish as much as he looked serious, his eyes now emanating a neon green with hints of red in his pupil.
"This is kind of the awkward part, whoever what's to use my power will have to form the contract. I don't really feel comfortable with a super or meta using it, with how powerful I am it might cause more damage than repair it, so preferably a human or mostly human host?"
Danny looked so incredibly shy all of a sudden as he rubbed the back of his neck in an incredibly human gesture. The word's were out of Batman's mouth before he even realized he was speaking then.
"I'll do it," The Bat walked forward to stand beside Cobstantine. Constantine pinched his eyebrows together before letting out a nervous chuckle. Danny just seemed to light up.
"Ohmygosh I'm going to be core merging with Batman," the young king seemed to be doing another small fan-boy freakout before coughing and collecting himself.
"Right, right. Contract to do now, tell my Fraid about this later," Danny lifted up a flaming hand towards the edge of the summoning circle, motioning gently to the Bat.
"Heads up, this is going to feel really weird. Just keep holding onto me after the contract sets, and then make sure to get everyone away as fast as possible. You will grow, it's not gonna be very nice if other people are around because you'll squish them,"
The other League members around nodded mutely, eyes staring at Batman as they prayed and wished for his safety. Batman just gruffed and slowly placed his own hand into the awaiting palm. It didn't burn as he thought it would. In fact, it felt quite cold. Like the feeling of putting your bare hand into a pike of snow just to know how it felt. Batman forced himself not to shiver as he felt the contract form through the handshake. The young king sent him a reassuring smile before he seemingly vanished.
No, not vanished. There was a bright light in Bruce's gloves hand that shook with power. The light—sphere, orb?—sunk into his palm, and this time Bruce did shiver. It felt like the biting winds of a blizzard as it crept up his arm to settle in between his ribs. There was a ringing in his ears blocking out the noise around him, but he could faintly make out images of the League rushing away from him and giving a very large berth.
There was a building in his chest, and he felt it pulse like a second heartbeat. Bruce pulled his hands to his sternum and clawed uselessly as the hevlar, the freezing cold threatening to consume him whole inside and out. His chest pulsed, and he fell to the ground in a heap. Bruce heard some of the members try to rush to him, but the JLD held them baback. There was a cracking like ice pulling away from itself, like glaciers splitting, and all of a sudden Bruce felt power rush through his veins.
It should have been overwhelming, it should have terrified him into immeditely creating contingencies, it should have drove him mad with power, but it didn't. Bruce didn't realize his form had grew until he opened his eyes (when did he close them) and blinked down at the members of the League. They were so...small compared to him now. Bruce felt more than he saw the flames dance from his collarbone, and they flickered up high around his thankfully still cowled face. Though, it seemed his face was the cowl right now.
Bruce turned to the being they were fighting (and losing to) moments ago, and smirked. He felt the spike of fear, and he suddenly knew that this thing didn't stand a chance.
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enden-agolor · 2 months
Got any more Jesskas/mcsm head cannons? :3👉👈
Hmm 🤔 I'm just gonna throw a bunch of random ideas in my head down
For Lukas, I love to think he'd be super into those fishing catch and cook kinds of videos. I watch them all the time and I really think if it were a modern setting, he'd be one of those guys with a youtube channel dedicated to fishing and he travels around in his gay little subaru and does fishing tutorials. How to rig a pole, what times and seasons its best to fish at, etc. He'd be a freshwater fisherman too. Loves going to streams or lakes.
A hc I have for both Jesse and Lukas is that they both do morning jogs and also work out together. Y'know, lift weights to stay fit, while Jesse does most of the heavy lifting, Lukas does some too but not as much.
Lukas also has a big thing with food and staying healthy. Constantly getting on Jesse's ass for eating too many sweets and not enough fruits/veggies. While Lukas does love and adore treating Jesse to sweet snacks, he can tell when Jesse is avoiding a certain food and Lukas is like. "Jesse. You're a grown man. Eat your vegetables." And Jesse's like "Uuughhhh fiiiine.."
Neither of them are super picky eaters. Jesse won't eat pork/bacon or mushrooms (mushrooms remind him of the sunshine institute and pork.. well y'know..) and Lukas I like to think isn't a huge fan of potatoes (im projecting onto him)
Also Lukas has like a really big fear of blood. He hates seeing it and it makes him genuinely nauseous. Jesse can handle it a bit better but he has a horrible fear of throwing up and hates the possibility of having to see others do it (like that scene when radar is about to hurl and jesse looks away)
Uhh. They're both very open with pda. They hold hands, hug, and of course kiss in some public settings like before going to work or dropping each other off somewhere or if its like a date night and they're at a fancy restaurant, they'll hold each others hands over the table. It's like.. when you've faced death countless times, why be ashamed of hiding something you're truly proud to have? So they're very open about their relationship.
When Jesse gets jealous, he's the kind to have that 'hopeless jealousy' where he'll be quiet and hide his feelings, while as for Lukas, he's way more vocal about his distaste in people flirting with or hitting on Jesse and will actively come over and give whoever it is a death glare. Lukas is very protective of Jesse and in no way open to the idea of sharing and Jesse really likes that about him. It feels nice to have someone so dedicated to him and looking out for him for once. And in a way he wouldn't want any other person to do it.
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kitybur · 1 year
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 | 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐭
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⌦ in which fans make a compilation of tanner and you moments.
[ ONE , TWO ]
— warnings: swearing, gn!reader, fluff, inappropriate joking
| may I please get a tanner × reader (there's no tanner love on this app) of any one of his streams that you want? or maybe even a ltlvc? just a cute and fluffy, established relationship stream! |
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tanner and y/n being the it couple for 10 minutes straight
the video starts off with the usual self promotion before it gets into a brief summary of the point of the ten minute long video. a fan had put together clips from last to leave vc, roblox, and random streams and vlogs that captured cute, funny, sus moments between two infamous lovers.
it was no secret that tanner and y/n loved each other dearly; they showed it whenever they could. the fans loved it. they loved seeing two of their favourite influencers care so much for each other. therefore, the video was made. and the rest of the fan base couldn’t be thankful enough for this one person to create a memory log of worthy moments.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
you weren’t apart of the newest last to leave vc for isaac’s channel, only because you had a long day at work and didn’t feel like staying up for multiple hours or even days. this led to where you were now, walking into your boyfriend, tanners room to bring him a water bottle. he was just getting to plug his headphones in when you catch nick speaking.
“i’m projecting that y/n is gonna fall asleep first.” you can see yumi’s eyebrows clenched in confusion as he throws his hands in the air.
“their not even in last to leave vc,” he yells. “they’re just babying tanner!” the boys laugh as your jaw hangs slightly open, a glare resting on your face. tanner’s pointer finger comes to push your mouth closed in the softest way possible, and gently takes the water bottle from your hand.
“hey! stop stealing my boyfriend!” you hear isaac yell through the now connected headphones. you shake your head at the screen, giving tanner a long kiss to the cheek before you exit the room.
“tanner you have ten seconds to get out of your room. ten, nine—” tanner scrambled out of his chair and tripped over his feet to get out the door as the rest of the guys complained how easy his dare was. a couple seconds later, tanner returned with you thrown over his shoulder. his arm held the back of your thighs and you gripped onto his sweater from behind.
“i caught a fish! papa, i caught a fish on my run!” he joked, swinging around to show you in distress. schlatt stared at the screen much like yumi had before with his usual confused expression.
“did tanner just.. steal a person off the streets?” he asked, getting a laugh out of everyone including you who could hear him through the headphones. no one replied as they watched tanner slap your ass and walk over to his bed and all but throw you down on it. you shrieked as your back hit the mattress and the wind knocked out of you.
tanner laughed at the shocked expression on your face, before kissing your forehead and walking back to his set up, acting like nothing happened.
you walked into tanner's room to give him yet another water bottle after he had downed his in the first hour. you did not expect to see a ring with two bead eyes on his fingers, and you did not expect for him to start speaking and moving his hands like it was a mouth.
"uh.. i have water for you?" you said almost like a question, trying to defuse what was going on. you guessed it was a dare that isaac had given tanner. the hand turned to you and opened like the hand was gasping.
"thank you, beloved." it said, to which you nodded with a small laugh. "can i have a," the hand got closer to your face as tanner whispered. "kiss?" you looked to tanner and than the hand, contemplating if you should leave him hanging. with a sigh, you leaned down and pressed your puckered lips to the tip of tanner's fingers.
on your way out the door you could hear the yell of a 'hey!' from your boyfriend, expecting a kiss for him, not his hand.
it was the end of the challenge and tanner was celebrating his win, yelling in the process. he ran to his door and opened it, jumping up and down like a school girl had talked to her crush. "y/n! we're rich, baby!"
"did you win?" your voice was heard faintly through the call as you rushed upstairs to tanner.
"hell yes i did!" he cheered, picking you up by the waist and jumping with you. isaac found the bit hilarious, seeing you flop around in tanner's hold as you gripped his shoulders in fear of him dropping you. he put you down for a moment before you were picked back up bridal style this time. tanner did a couple squats with you in his arms, flexing and talking about how strong and manly he is. when he finally settled down, he brought you with him as he gave his final remarks on winning. he sat you on his lap, his fingers drumming on your thighs as he spoke before the video ended.
"hello? can you guys hear me?" tanner asks, checking his setting on the roblox screen.
"yeah, i can hear you." you reply, "can you hear me?"
"yeah, i can hear you baby." your stream caught your flared cheeks as you walked your character over to tanner's. "we gotta go, y/n!" he yelled, character starting to run. "where are the others?" you followed after his character.
"we don't need the others, sugar." you whispered into the mic. his character stopped running and slowly span to face yours.
"hell yeah, let's get out of here!"
you were alone in the game, running around to find anyone you could. the game seemed to hate you as entities would chase you ad no go away, camping you as you hid. "oh my fucking god!" you yelled, getting away from a monster.
"y/n?" you heard a distant call to your left. your character moved a one-eighty until you spotted tanner's.
"tanner!" your character ran for his. "thank goodness, i keep getting attacked."
"i'll protect you baby, dont worry." he said smugly, character walking away as yours followed him. you were both quiet for around two minutes when you heard the sound of one of the monsters near by. your characters started to run when the monster appeared out of nowhere, along with tanner screaming. "take them, not me! take them!"
"tanner! what the fuck!"
your character had been up on a shelf from spawning into the next room. you didn't move as soon as you spawned, so your character was standing still as you read your chat. when you came back to the game, you moved your characters head down to get a better view of where to step, that was when you saw tanner's pressed as close as it can get to the shelf and it's head moving side to side.
"tanner, what the hell are you doing?" you choked on a laugh as tanner's character backed up.
"you were just standing there, i had to shoot my shot. y'know?" he wiggled his eyebrows and you shook your head, getting off the shelf. "hey! i wasn't done!" he pouted.
"we've got a game to beat, loverboy." you lightly scolded. the inappropriate act on a more or less children's game, let alone on stream was enough to make the tips of your ears red and a roll of your eyes.
"you better pay me back, i was doing you good deed!"
"how would you like me to pay you back?" you asked, confused. he was silent for a moment before you spoke up. "actually, don't even say anything. don't answer the question."
you had shut down your stream after rage quitting the game, you died too many times to keep going. after that, you were found on tanner's stream as he was about to end it. he was talking to chat about random things that you weren't listening too, you just hung your arms loosely around his neck as your nose pressed into his shoulder. he knew you were there, chat could tell by the way his hand came up to rub your arm in a slow, steady motion that was luring you to sleep.
as he was finishing up saying goodbye, you waved to chat sleepily and bid your own goodbyes. the last thing chat saw was the kiss you pressed to the crown of tanner's head, and his dopy smile that followed along with it. awe's filled the chat before it was disconnected and you two were officially done with your online jobs for the day, and could spend the rest of your time swaddled up with each other.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
a/n: i changed the idea of the story so i had more to include, just wiritng for ltlvc i didnt have much ideas so i wanted to make a tanner fic that would be sorta long and gives more imagination. i hope thats okay! this may also be a multiple part thing, unless this is enough and someone else wants to request something for tanner!
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runraerun · 1 month
leotards & sun-in
Written for the @harringrovemicroficandart challenge for September. The prompt was: ☀️Summer & Jealous💚
ao3 | rating: T (just for language) | length: 1k
Billy takes another puff of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out the window in a pathetic attempt to delay the inevitable.
“I saw you with her.”
“With who?”
“Teal leotard! Fucking Jane Fonda, I don’t know!”
“Cindy? We were just talking.”
“She was touching you! And you weren’t—you didn’t stop her.”
“Baby…” Steve smiles. He fucking smiles! The no-good cheating bastard…
Or, Billy catches Steve cheating. Or does he?
Billy should’ve known when he had to park his Camaro at the ass end of the Starcourt parking lot that the place would be packed. The heatwave was driving everyone inside, and the mall had a pretty bitchin’ AC system. Billy didn’t mind the heat—in fact, he’d be out there right now, shirtless, soaking up some rays if he didn’t have to pick Steve up from his shift at Scoops.
The whole him and Steve thing was still sort of fresh. They’d been messing around for a while, but it was only in the last few weeks that they’d agreed to put a label on it.
Jesus Christ…
He knew moving to Indiana would change him, but he didn’t know to what degree. Not the queer part—Billy knew he didn’t like girls. The only thing that got his dick hard was another dick.
But the boyfriend part? The holding hands at the movies, the making out on the hood of his car, the pet names, the Valentine’s Day gifts… he was turning into a fucking sap.
It’s almost embarrassing how gone he is for Steve.
So when Billy catches sight of an exceptionally pretty girl through the glass store front of Scoops, clad in one of those leotards that look like they're painted on, and with her hand buried in Steve’s hair—he sees red.
Billy’s furious entrance through the glass doors was somewhat damped by the stupid little bell chiming above him.
The girl jumps, pulling her hand free from Steve’s—his boyfriend’s—hair.
“Oh, hey Billy.” Steve says, all smiles.
And as much as Billy wants to fucking explode, he keeps it bottled up. Knows he can’t lose it right now. Instead, he focuses on taking deep, even breaths.
Both the chick and Steve stare after him, waiting for Billy to make some kind of reply. When it’s clear that that isn’t gonna happen, she just turns back to Steve.
“Well, thanks for the tip, Steve. See you tomorrow.” She says.
“See ya.” Steve returns. The girl then gives Billy a wide berth as she walks out of the store.
“Ready to go?” Steve asks, like nothing was amiss.
Or maybe this is just Steve’s own way of keeping his cool. Maybe… he was waiting until he got Billy alone to explain. To call this whole thing off.
It was all sort of too good to be true anyway. Real pie in the sky shit. It was stupid. Billy was stupid.
So he just nods, not trusting his own mouth. Doesn’t know whether he’ll yell or cry.
It’s not until they’re walking across the parking lot that Steve nudges him with an elbow. “You okay? You’re kinda quiet.”
Billy’s fingers are suddenly itching for a cigarette, so instead of answering Steve, he fishes out a smoke and his lighter.
“Did something happen? Your dad? Did he–”
“It’s not my fucking dad.” Billy snaps.
“Then what is it?” Steve stops walking. He looks at Billy with his head tilted, eyes squinting against the sunlight.
Billy takes a drag of his cigarette and holds it in his lungs for as long as he can before he exhales through his nose. It barely touches his frayed nerves. “Don’t play dumb with me.”
The line between Steve’s brows deepens. “What?”
But Billy turns his back to Steve, taking long strides toward his car.
“Wait! You can’t just–”
“Do you really wanna do this here?” Billy turns, motioning with his cigarette to the handful of random shoppers just searching for their own vehicles.
“Do what?” Steve asks in a voice pitched higher than normal.
“I saw you!” Billy barks, probably too loudly. But in the moment he doesn’t fucking care.
“Saw me? Saw me do what?”
Billy just huffs and takes his last remaining steps until he reaches his vehicle. “Just get in the car. I’ll still drive you home.”
They get in, but when Billy puts the keys to the ignition, Steve swipes them from his hand and holds them out of reach.
“Harrington, I swear–”
“We’re not going anywhere until you explain to me why you’re practically foaming at the mouth.”
Billy takes another puff of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out the window in a pathetic attempt to delay the inevitable.
“I saw you with her.”
“With who?”
“Teal leotard! Fucking Jane Fonda, I don’t know!”
Steve pauses for a beat. “Cindy? We were just talking.”
“She was touching you! And you weren’t–-you didn’t stop her.”
“Baby…” Steve smiles. He fucking smiles!
“It’s not funny!” Now it’s Billy’s turn for his voice to go high.
“It’s not funny, you’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just–Cindy’s married.”
“So? Married people cheat.”
“So she was just asking me where I got my highlights done, because she wanted some. I told her my boyfriend put me onto Sun-In, and I was just explaining to her that it didn’t dry out my ends. I told her she could feel my hair to prove it. And, I don’t know, maybe that’s weird but I wasn’t really thinking about–”
Billy’s mind had gone blank after hearing— “You told her you have a boyfriend?”
Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, like he actually had been caught doing something wrong, Steve confesses, “well, her yoga instructor is definitely gay and she doesn’t seem to care, so I figure it wouldn’t be that big of a deal… Look, I know it’s stupid, and dangerous but… I like telling people.”
Steve’s excited to be dating him, Billy realizes, his chest suddenly feeling tight enough to burst. So excited that he wants to tell people.
“Oh.” Is all he can say.
Steve finally lets himself laugh. “I’m sorry! It’s just… You’re really cute when you’re jealous.”
“Shut up.” Billy says, but there’s no heat behind it. He leans over and presses his lips to Steve’s.
To his boyfriend’s lips.
Jesus Christ…
He’s so fucking gone. It should be embaressing, but Billy’s too fucking in love to care.
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bridgetotheskyyy · 1 year
Take Care of You - Aki Hayakawa
Kinktober Masterlist
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Warnings: 18+, hate sex, aggression lol, alley sex, spit kink
A/n: this was a loooot of fun, kinktober day 3 let's goooo
Word count: 2.2k
Read on ao3
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“Fuck.” You caressed your throbbing cheek, quickening your pace to keep up with Aki-supreme-ass-Hayakawa. “What the fuck was that for?”
Aki dug into his pocket as he strode down the street, no doubt to fish out a lighter he surely had left on the balcony of his apartment. 
“I said I was sorry,” he said in a voice like cement. Hard. Colorless.
“You did it on purpose.” 
You glared at his disgusting, pony-tailed head and you knew, you knew, he was rolling his eyes. You loathed his stoicism. And you knew you would feel better if he had simply acknowledged you. 
The corner store bell rang, grating on the oncoming migraine simmering at the back of your skull. 
You threw your hands up after giving Aki a few seconds leeway to explain why you were here in the first place. “Why’re we stopping here?” 
“I need to get snacks for Denji and Power,” Aki answered before turning down an aisle. 
“Right,” You scoffed. Never would you understand why a devil-hunter chose to pamper two fiends. “I’m going to pretend like that makes sense.”
You turned the corner just in time to see Aki kneel by the candy racks.
You leaned against a rack, forearm crushing some random plushies. “Remind me why the half-n-half can’t just eat more puke with that cunt devil. Didn’t he swallow it, anyway?”
Your eagle-eyes caught Aki’s eyebrow twitch, but nothing more. 
“That was Denji, and that was one time,” he replied as he grabbed a series of different chocolate bars, holding them up for consideration. “Besides, you don’t know them; they’re easier to control when there’s food around.” 
You huffed. Pathetic. Your eyes never leave Aki as he raises, picks all three of the candy bars and heads to the register to wait behind two other customers. You rolled your eyes and decided to browse the chip aisle. You grabbed something hot and spicy, to fit your mood, and joined Aki in line.
“I’m not with him,” You snapped, pushing Aki out the way as the cashier offered him a bag. 
You felt a flutter of satisfaction as you know he’s glaring at your head before exiting the store, where the two of you took a shortcut into an alley.
“Ow, fuck!” Your hand flinched to your cheek after biting into a chip, acutely reminded of the pain residing there. You emitted a sound of pure disgust as you eyed Aki’s head. “Next time, I’m gonna let you get split down the middle by the devil of the week.” 
A jolt of surprise. Aki halted his stride, hand in his pockets. He looked over his shoulder.
“Yeah,” You bit back. “Really.”
“Hm.” Aki nodded, understanding. “Then … Who’s gonna take care of you?” 
You bit down on what remained of your chip, despite the pain. 
“Ex-fucking-scuse me?” You growled. 
“It’s as I said.” Aki turned to face you. “Who’s gonna take care of you, if I’m not here?” 
Your lips parted. The nerve … You dropped your bag. You charged toward Aki, knocking the grocery bag out of his hand, head tilted up to sneer at him. 
“I outta kill you for that.”
Aki’s eyes remained leveled on yours. Before they flickered down to your lips. 
“But you won’t.”
You felt hot tar boil in the chamber of your chest. You squeezed the neck of the chip back until your fingers itched for something else ― 
Aki was there first: he plunged hands into your chest, dragged you to the sidewall of the alley and trapped you there with his arm, caging you in.
Shock sent your eyes blinking furiously. 
Aki’s gaze hadn’t left your lips. “And I won’t let you die, either.”
He surged forward, his lips crashing against yours. 
Your gasp lodged in your throat. Shock opened your mouth for Aki to slip his tongue in. He shared the spice in your mouth as surprise kept you paralyzed.
Until it didn’t; you kicked him in the shin and threw a punch at him, only for him to catch your clench fist and pin it to the wall. 
“The fuck are you doing?”
You struggled as Aki caught your other arm.
“Let’s settle something right now,” he said, monotone, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened in the last few seconds, and it infuriated you. “You don’t like me and I don’t like you. But this …” Aki pressed into you, “whatever this is ― is interfering with our work. So let’s handle it and be on our way.”
“I don’t ― nurgh ―!” You continued fighting him, “ ― know what you’re talking about!”
“Oh?” Aki brushed his knee against your crotch where it met the slick accumulating there, dampening the fabric of your pants suit. “This is odd, then …”
Your cheeks grew hot. 
Aki crept to your ear. “What’s this” ― Aki grazed the hill of his knee into your cunt ― “then?”
You were sick of Aki’s breath hitting your face, of the wafts of his cologne making you dizzy. If it weren’t for the fucking dumpster obscuring you from the alley way, you knew he would begetting stoned right now. Still, you could scream.
… So why weren’t you?
Aki trailed kisses up your neck. You were waning off the fight as he pressed himself up against you. You sighed as he nibbled and licked at the skin at the junction of your neck and jaw, fantasized about where to bury his body as he bit hard ― hard enough to leave you marked up afterward.
“Asshole …” You moaned as, in a flash, he had both your wrists by one hand while other found your breast, kneading the soft flesh and exciting the nub probing his palm.
He stopped to come eye level with you.
“I’m gonna let go,” he murmured. “We good?”
“Never.” Your eyes flickered to the side of the street. “Aren’t you at least a little weirded out about doing it in a public place?”
Finally, emoting; Aki raised his brow. “When’d you get so law-abiding?”
He let you go, as promised.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed his face ―
“You’re an ass.”
You kissed him. One hand flew to his tie to drag him by it. You bit at his lip as he swept his tongue against yours ― this time you let him, sighing as his hands grazed your neck to caress your face.
“Always ― mm,” You spoke between kisses, “thinking you’re ― mmf ― better than everyone else.”
“In what way?” Metallic clinking told you Aki was unbuckling his belt.
You hopped into Aki’s arms and miraculously he caught you in his arms. You wrapped arms and legs around him, sucking against his tongue as he lay determined to explore your mouth. 
“You’re ― mmm!” You cried out as Aki, finally done undoing his pants, snuck a hand in yours to play with your clothed cunt. “You always ― ah ― think you’re above it all ―”
“I don’t think I’m better than anyone,” Aki said, slipping his hand past the band of your panties. He found your clit with expert speed that disgusted you. “Just you.”
Your head thud against the wall, lips parting as Aki slipped two fingers inside you at once. “Fuuck …” A series of drawn-out moans escaped you as his long, long fingers invited themselves into your drenched hole. 
“Fuck you,” You managed to finish.
His mouth moved against yours, the ghost of a smirk haunting your lips. His other hand gripped your jaw to keep you facing forward. He ground into you, the hefty brick of his erection rocking into your inner thigh. 
The bastard had the nerve to be huge.
“You’re not wet enough,” Aki observed.
You broke the kiss, a bridge of spit connecting your lips, to sneer at him. “Who’s fault is that, simp? Gonna get on your knees for me? Should be easy; just pretend I’m Makima.”
He glared, blue eyes growing glacial. “You’re such a bitch.”
You smirked, considering his anger a victory.
“Just for that ―”
Like lightning, his fingers were in your mouth, forcing it open. Aki spit onto your tongue.
You screamed ― a high, girlish scream brought on by shock ― as he took his fingers out.
“There,” Aki said. “That’s better.”
Aki worked his cock from his trousers as your face contorted with rage, pulling your panties and pants to hook on your knees. You refused to look down, knowing full well he was huge and would split you open so good ―
“Let’s just finish this,” he said.
“Yes,” You echoed as he slid the tip of his cock on your fleshy folds. How dare he accidentally discover a kink of yours? How dare! “Let’s.”
He slid into you. Your moan mingled with his. Aki’s fist slammed into the wall as he kept on entering inch by inch. You lurched forward, biting into the shoulder pad of his suit. 
Aki offered you no grace period, fucking into you immediately upon filling you to the hilt. One of your legs slumped to the ground as the other hooked tight around Aki’s waist. Your body bounced with the power of his thrusts. You clenched your teeth, too proud to admit you preferred his wolfish approach.
You reached behind Aki to tug at the ponytail you hated so much, wrenching it from his hair and pulling it free. Aki jerked his head and dark locks fell around his face. You pulled yourself toward him, lips grazing the side of his cheek.
“Knew ― ah ― you wanted to fuck me,” You said into his ear, biting at the shell of it. “Only ― aha ― a matter of when ―”
“Will anything shut you up?” Aki growled.
You laid your head back and rolled it toward him with a smile. You opened your mouth, waiting for him to take the hint. Aki rolled his eyes and shoved three fingers into your mouth. You sucked, closing your eyes to enjoy what of this you could. Aki slapped lazily at your clit; you dug your heel into his back.
Aki was all around you; inside of you, against you, surrounding you. His cologne numbed your senses as he fucked you out of what little sense you had left. His balls slapped against your ass as his pace quickened, turned harder, harsher. His cock speared your insides, turning your legs to jelly. Aki’s muscles grew taut underneath his suit as you tried clinging to him for purchase. His hips jutted into you, rocking you bruise-building into the wall.
You buried a hand in his hair, pulling so hard you were sure some would be free from his scalp and pile in your palm. Aki grunted as you swept at his fingers. You startled when his fingers circled your clit. 
“Wanna see you cum around me,” he said. “Wanna see you forced to shut your mouth for once.”
You opened said mouth to retort something quick and clever ― love to see you try, Makima-simp ― but a loud moan escaped as Aki tore at your walls. His thick cock bruised your insides so thoroughly you were sure you would soon feel him in your throat.
Shit, he might just do it.
He gripped your hips, brought you forward to meet one of his thrusts, and knocked the air from your lungs as he bottomed out inside of you. 
A tightness spread taut inside you, drawing your toes to curl and your head to fog. You clung tighter to Aki as his pace showed no sign of letting up.
“Ah! Aahh!”
“Go on,” Aki urged, the husk in his voice alerting you he was close to a climax of his own. His fingers whirled around your aching clit.
“Gonna cum ―” You rasped, out of your mind.
“Go on, finish on my cock ― urgh!”
Aki made to pull out ― your clenching pussy guaranteed he didn’t. He pressed his forehead against yours, grunting through gritted teeth as you fell apart around him, milking him for all he was worth and more. You pulled on his jacket hard enough to rip out the sleeves. A faint warmth filled you as you bit your lip, grinding up against Aki to ride out your climax. 
“Ah, fuuuck!” You bent your head, pulling Aki close by the back of his. “F ―Fuck …”
The pleasure crescendoed. You bit your cheek, surely drawing blood. The thrill began to wane. Minutes reclaiming lost oxygen restored your sanity. You opened your eyes and through the haze saw Aki pull out at last, a rope of his cum slipping from your cunt a few seconds later.
Aki realized it before you did. “Damnit.”
“Oh, good going, genius.” You hastened to pull your underwear and pants up before you could leak over yourself. “I can’t wait to tell everyone Aki Hayakawa’s pull-out game is weak as shit.”
Aki didn’t answer, watching you as he dressed himself. “I’m sorry.”
Oh, no. You were not about to let him turn this into a serious moment. “Don’t worry about it.” You sighed, waving him off with one hand while ironing your clothes down with the other. “I got it covered. You know I’m never gonna let you live this down, though, right?”
You laughed as Aki closed his eyes. His eyebrow twitched.
Aki languidly retrieved the abandoned snacks. The two of you resumed your way down the alley. You looped an arm around Aki’s neck to pull him close.
“Maybe I was wrong,” You whispered into his side. “Maybe you’re not so bad.”
He side-eyed you. “I hate you.”
You flashed him an innocuous smile.
“No, you don’t.”
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
drabble: you’re next (3tan) (m) | myg
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drabble: you’re next | part one pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) series: three tangerines | fall drabbles masterlist | submit! rating/genre: m (18+) ; fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: after you get the texts from yoongi, you continue to keep goading him. little do you know that he’s still at the festival. because your brother is the only one that left. note: so… this is part 2 to the first fall drabble apple bobbing bc of this post. y’all are spoiled af what am i gonna do with you all lolll note 2: if you haven’t read the three tangerines series yet, i highly encourage you to! the side characters would make a lot more sense :D also this is unedited LOL warnings: language, dirty talk, fingering, tae is best boy, oral (f rec), haunted house, yoongi on the phone lol i’m sorry, spanking, edging, yoongi is rude?? drop date: october 13th, 2022, 9:07pm est word count: 4.5k lolll
Yoongi [8:20pm]: You’re next :))
Shaken, you stash your phone, a large hand clapping on your shoulder the second thing that makes you yelp.
Tae’s concern is ruined by a giggle, “You okay? This room’s empty.”
“Says you,” you scoff, “Y’all just went too fast.”
He looks around, taking in the boarded up walls and funhouse mirrors shrouded in dark cloth. More random roars and screams echo throughout the building, but neither of you are deterred.
“Well. Unlike you, I’m not scared of my reflection.”
Ass! Feigning a pout, you charge ahead of his laughs, “Yeah, whatever. Let’s go.”
“What did he send you?”
Taehyung easily catches up to your still form with confident strides, pointing at your bag. “I saw that,” he reveals through a smirk. “No way it could’ve been anyone else.”
Damn it.
The group behind you sounds close, so you and Tae make your way through a hallway of webs while you admit,
“He sent a fucking photo.”
“Of himself?”
Taehyung brushes a dangling cobweb as he has to crouch, voice is so deep that you have to lean in to hear, “That’s actually shocking.”
“I know!” you exclaim in a whisper. “That’s why I’m slightly freaked out.”
“Did he say anything else?”
The puff of air that shoots right into your side makes you collide into your friend, and he catches you with strong arms while blowing out amusement.
“Shut up.”
“I’ve never seen you this jumpy!” He lets out another laugh as you leave the air-filled corridor and enter another dark room. “It’s so cute.”
“I just. He just.” You sigh, fishing out your phone to show him the thread because you can’t bring yourself to repeat it out loud.
And as soon as Taehyung sees both the picture and the text, his face releases a whole flurry of butterflies across your chest.
“That’s the scariest thing I’ve seen all day.”
“See? What the fuck.”
“You’re in more trouble than I thought.”
You groan, pocketing your phone and hearing Yuri’s scream a few rooms away, the telltale giggles following right after.
Dom also cusses so loud that both you and Taehyung burst into laughter yourselves.
Maybe Yoongi’s texts showed up on their phones, too. Since that’s the only frightening thing you can think of right now.
“What’re you gonna say?”
“Absolutely nothing,” you claim, eyes darting to the hisses and squawks around the glowing area. There’s no way you can respond right now, especially since he’s walking around with your brother.
“Why not?”
“You know exactly why!”
“Damn,” Taehyung comments, drawing out the syllable to try and guilt you. “He eyefucks you and you leave him hanging…”
“I’m sorry, did we look at the same picture? He even—”
You launch yourself in an attempt to cover his mouth, but he easily swats your arms away.
“He”—a muffled giggle—“Even gave you tongue—”
Your groan is more like a cry this time as you shut your eyes in defeat, the picture already burned so hard into your vision that you still see it.
Because fucking hell, Yoongi knows what he did.
Footsteps and chatter approach from behind again, so you and Tae move forward while steam escapes your ears.
“Just send one thing.”
“He clearly sent that without remorse,” he notes, and the bubbling sounds of a cauldron are all you get in warning before a humongous witch charges out of nowhere.
Both you and Tae yell in response, amused at how smushed together and bent backwards you are when the worker retreats into her station.
“I did not expect her to be seven feet tall.”
“I’m gonna ask her out.”
After you head into the next room—adrenaline spiked into the ceiling—your friend reminds you of his persistence.
“Humor me,” he starts, and you tilt your head with lips pursed. “He’d lose his shit!”
“What do I even send?”
“Whatever’s in your heart.”
“Or your p—”
While he laughs, you spot a tiny sign hovering over a dark door on your right.
Bathroom, you assume? Maybe for costume changes.
“Okay, fine,” you relent, taking out your phone and knowing this could be a super bad idea. “But I’m only sending this because I’m tired of you.”
“Whatever. You love being goaded.”
Staring at your thread, you walk forward with tiny steps, wondering what the hell to say.
His picture is certainly not helping.
The only thing you can come up with is your default. The same damn concept you fell back on at the booth. Because if your earlier taunt resulted in whatever fresh hell this was, you’re highly interested in seeing what your text will bring.
Huffing a frown at Taehyung, you show him what you wrote.
And he gives you a triumphant smirk in return.
You [8:30pm]: do it u won’t🙄
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After you get through the haunted house, the street is a lot more crowded, with lights illuminating everyone’s heads and distinct festival sounds embedding in your ears.
Since all of you decide that the adrenaline and scare-induced laughter will quickly turn into hunger, you head to one of the food stalls calling your noses. Which is great timing because you need a good distraction.
Because ever since you sent the text, you’ve been checking your phone periodically, both relieved and anxious that Yoongi hasn’t replied. Like your mind can’t decide which outcome is better.
It’s only after you order and stand next to Tae that you feel a message come through.
And suddenly your bag weighs a ton.
You give your friend a look before you check it, and he watches as you clutch your phone a tad tighter.
Yoongi [8:45pm]: Wanna bet?
You [8:45pm]: omg u know u can’t
Yoongi [8:45pm]: Bet I can
What the hell? If he’s around your brother being this brazen then you’re full-on dreaming.
The wind picks up, and you shiver as you type your next message.
You [8:47pm]: ???
Yoongi [8:48pm]: He left lol. I’m with Jimin now
Your brother left?
And Yoongi stayed?
…That changes things.
You [8:50pm]: just y’all?
Yoongi [8:52pm]: Yeah
Yoongi [8:53pm]: Rather it be just us though :\
Your phone damn near falls out of your hand.
Because this cannot be happening.
What kind of alternate reality did you step into? Why is he suddenly so forthcoming you want to hurl your device into the nearest bin?
Whatever it is, he needs to quit before you run out of air.
Humming, you grapple onto reality before diving into conversation with Tae.
“It’s just him and Jimin now.”
“Now what?”
“I dunno!” you whisper, appalled that he’s left you out to dry in the cold. “You’re the one that put me up to this.”
He laughs. “I just wanted to see what he’d say. I didn’t expect to get this far.”
Groaning, you look down at your texts, wondering what the hell to do.
You [8:55pm]: just us?🥺
Yoongi [8:56pm]: Acting cute won’t work today, doll
Yoongi [8:57pm]: Not after what you pulled
Everyone else at this festival be damned.
You [9:00pm]: i don’t recall a thing
Yoongi [9:05pm]: Uh huh
Yoongi [9:05pm]: You’re just making it worse for yourself
As your other friends get their food, you watch them go to a table before you sigh,
“Wish I could see him.”
The words come out so naturally that you even surprise yourself.
And Taehyung’s smile can be heard in his voice when he replies,
“Then do that.”
“Not here,” you mutter. “There’s way too many people around.”
“So?” When you shoot him a rueful look, he cocks a brow. “Everyone’s just enjoying themselves. I can sit with them if you wanna find him.”
Your heart skips right into Tae’s hands.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Keep it quick, though,” he says, looking towards the table your friends huddle around, eating and finally quiet. “Even though they look beat. They could still be down for stuff.”
“We stayed up so late last night,” you explain through a smile. “Movie marathons are no joke at Reia’s place.”
“Wow, thanks for the invite.”
“We thought—Well, I thought you were busy.”
“Mm. Perhaps.”
You don’t know what you’d do without Taehyung in your life. If only you were able to pack him in your car to keep during your university days.
But alas. He’s here now. And being the most supportive of your sneaky ways as he can be.
After you go up to get your food, you hold the container in one hand while messaging. “Lemme see what he says.”
You [9:07pm]: prove it then
It doesn’t take long for him to answer.
Yoongi [9:09pm]: You sure?
You [9:09pm]: i got 15 min tops
Yoongi [9:10pm]: Lmaoo that’s plenty
Yoongi [9:11pm]: Call me when you dip
Can he get any more insufferable today?
That’s plenty? For what!
Nerves buzz as you and Tae make a plan before you walk off, hoping at least Dominique understands where you’re going.
Well. You’re gonna get an earful later either way. May as well make this fifteen minutes count.
But when you’re a safe distance away in the crowd, you ring him up, wondering what could possibly await you on the other side of the line.
“Hey. Where are you?”
“By the food trucks.”
“Head towards the haunted house. There’s gonna be a churros stall on your left.”
A churros stall? You didn’t expect that.
“You want anything?”
“No, it’s okay! I just got food.”
“K. We’ll be here.”
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How you can instantly spot Yoongi in a crowd is always gonna be a mystery.
Even with his hood up and draped in dark colors, your eyes zero right onto him, watching as he grabs something from a vendor that turns incredibly shy.
And Yoongi swivels in time to see your smile of understanding, too far away to catch the way you cease breathing.
Which is good. He doesn’t need his ego inflated even more.
Looking around, you take in the rest of the line and wonder, “Where’s Jimin?”
“Getting something else.”
He leads you around the corner, settling into a space between the stalls only occupied by trash cans and trodden leaves. A tiny nook where you can pretend that you’re just hanging out with Yoongi like it’s the most normal thing.
And suddenly it’s your favorite area of the festival.
“Those smell so good,” you notice, mouth salivating as you lean on the warm side of the churro booth.
“Want some?”
“Nah. This was expensive enough.” Grabbing the wrapping, you look around at the people passing by.
Did you say no because you feel jittery enough standing here with him? Maybe. Because the butterflies in your stomach aren’t just from getting to spend alone time outside. Their wings are still dusting bits of paranoia along your rib cage.
“Suit yourself,” Yoongi tuts, getting a full bite while observing the night crowd. The crunch is enough to make you regret ordering the subpar meal you just paid for.
After the two of you get a few bites in, the sounds of cooking and games and voices fill the silence.
Before Yoongi disrupts with two words.
“Gimme some.”
“Your food. Feed me some.”
You gawk, almost dropping the bite in your hand. “Umm, no?”
“Come on,” he persists with a lift of his cocky chin. “No one’ll notice.”
“Are you serious?” Alarmed, you swing your neck around to see if there’s anyone you suddenly know, senses on high alert. “People could see us—”
Just took what was in your hand.
With his mouth.
As you still feel the cold air where his lips touched your fingers, he swallows in triumph. “Said you were next.”
This entire night is a fever dream.
You don’t even know what to say, much less do. Your head is literally quite empty, and any brain cell you can find seems to be focused on one thing and one thing only.
“Yoongi, I swear…”
“What?” He laughs. “Thought I was talking about something else?”
“I…” Blinking, you look at his unfinished churros. “Didn’t know what to think, honestly.”
He hands you his container while taking yours. “Didn’t even send a pic back,” he points out, and you think you hear a smidge of pout in his words.
Of course you weren’t gonna. But you only offer an excuse, “It was dark in there.”
“Just one,” he says, leaning onto the stall next to you. “Just once.”
After a moment of silence, he tacks on,
“Of your ass.”
He’s laughing! You’re drowning in complete shock and suffering and he’s full on elated.
You’ve never seen him like this. Even if you were mad at him, you’d still smile. “What’s up with you today?”
Is it the season? The weather change? There has to be something about today that’s responsible for his mood. And you want to thank whatever it is until it gets tired of you.
Yoongi just looks at you with creased eyes before huffing. “You really got me at that damn booth.”
Oh. That’s not possible.
There’s no way all of this is because of something you said.
You look away with a shy curve of your lips. “Yeah, well. You got me, too.” Turning, you poke his chest with a nail. “So this isn’t over.”
“The hell it isn’t.”
You expected something completely different to happen in these fifteen minutes, but you’re enjoying yourself as is, just hanging out and eating outside.
And Yoongi’s the happiest you’ve ever seen him.
Any amount of time to witness him like this is already worth it.
Your bag buzzes, and both you and Yoongi look down at the sound.
Taeee😪 [9:17pm]: Take your time. They left and I’m gonna do the haunted house with Jimin.
They left?
How the hell did Tae swing that?
You [9:18pm]: they left??
Taeee😪 [9:17pm]: Yeah. I told them I’d take you back to Reia’s when we were done here.
Ten-thousand lunches.
You owe him ten-thousand, very good lunches.
Every single thought in your body enlarges, crowding you to the brim with excitement and outright giddiness.
Time. You get so much more time.
But the logical side of your brain is quick to remind you: you’re still out in public. There’s a chance that people can still see you out with Yoongi, especially the people looking to hang out with him, too.
All this opportunity, but what do you do? What even can you do?
“Need to go?”
You quickly tear away from your phone, and the guarded look on Yoongi’s face makes you feel the guiltiest you’ve felt in awhile. Because you’re positive your expression is giving away the conflict raging through your brain.
“No, I…”
You didn’t like that look. Not one bit.
But what do you do? What can you and Yoongi… do…
Looking back down at your text, you realize.
The answer is right there.
Immediately, you snap your gaze back to him and blurt, “Do the haunted house with me.”
“Or, us. Jimin and Tae are going.”
Yoongi switches from wary to defeated when he sighs. “Don’t make me do that.”
“Why not?”
When he looks away, his lips slip into a curve of regret. “Cus fuck that. But I’m gonna if you want me to.”
Your heart throbs.
As much as you wanna see him go through the house, the ultimate plan is something else entirely. But that’ll be kept under wraps to keep it a surprise. “I’ll protect you,” is all you decide to pledge.
“I wasn’t kidding. I’ll swing.”
“No need! It’s not even a scary one.”
He gives you a look of disbelief. “If you’re lying I’m leaving your ass.”
“Rude? Trust me.”
You await his answer, not wanting to push too hard if he really doesn’t wanna do it. Obviously, you don’t wanna unearth any potential trauma or whatever. You’re totally fine coming up with something else.
But he just aims slitted eyes your way. “Fine.”
Laughing at his fake leer, you tell him he’ll be alright.
If you can get him into the haunted house, you’re golden.
All you gotta do is get him past the witch.
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After twenty minutes—thanks to a Jimin that roped you into the front of the line—you’re almost there.
But the journey proves just as naughty as your destination.
“Yoongi!” you whisper, moving your ass away from another playful grab. “Stop!”
His laughs in the dark are much more potent. “Why.”
“What if someone sees?”
“All they’d do is agree with me,” Yoongi confidently answers in a low tone, and you can only see a sliver of his side profile thanks to his hood still up. “It’s too nice in that skirt.”
If only you remembered the webbed hallway as well as you recalled the hidden bathroom’s location. You ended up getting the same puff of air on your ear, which caused you to flinch sideways into him.
But unlike Taehyung who just laughed, Yoongi seized the opportunity to also hold you against him before letting go, slapping your ass to move you forward.
And paired with the darkness, your weak scoldings have only made him bolder since then. You yourself almost break before you even make it to the witch’s room.
But you hold on, cackling as much as the towering woman yourself when you see Yoongi’s fists challenge her rapid approach. When you feel him clutch your arms while trying to suppress a grin, you only laugh even harder, loving how unfiltered his actions are.
It’s almost like…
There it is. The tiny bathroom sign behind a wall of curtains in the next room.
Yoongi’s already surveying the dark for another scare, completely oblivious to your devious plan. “I swear if there’s something in here, too—”
“Come here,” you whisper, grabbing his hand.
He only looks at the contact before eyeing you, and you bite your lip to keep yourself in check, not saying another word while leading him to the hidden door.
When he catches on, the look he gives you is devilish.
“Nu uh.”
Your curve only gets wider as you check the narrow space between the curtains at the door, parting the heavy material enough to get by and head into the empty restroom.
Aside from knocking on Yoongi’s door and asking him to fuck you, this is the second most daring thing you’ve done in awhile. And your stomach has almost the same type of twists as before. Just minus the fear of rejection and broken self-confi—
Closing the door behind him in a rush, Yoongi twists your body to pin you against the nearest wall, not even bothering to turn on the light.  
Which makes his low, gravelly question twenty times worse,
“You plan this?”
Heart pulsing wild, you squish your lips before admitting, “Maybe.”
“That’s hot as fuck.”
Your mouth is smushed as you bang against the plaster, and you run your fingers along his neck while licking cinnamon and sugar off his tongue.
“Someone might use it, though,” you warn between hard kisses. “We can’t be here long.”
He wedges a thigh in between your legs before giving your side a spank. “Then hurry up. No shy shit this time.”
Moan muffled, you roll against him, the thrill of being exactly where you shouldn’t be fueling your thrusts.
Because you shouldn’t have done this.
Oh god, why the hell did you sneak in here employees could come in at any se—
“Is that all you got, baby girl?”
Fuck, his voice got a lot closer to your ear.
When you swallow, he continues with an insult,
“What a shame. Thought I taught you better than that.”
Yoongi grabs the back of your neck before devouring your lips again, tongue flicking yours while a hand wanders along your leg, your side, your ass. When he clutches what he can in his palm, he guides you in a rhythm that matches the thrusts of his mouth, and you practically melt right onto his jeans.
“There you go,” he praises, chuckling right after. “Goddamn, I wanna taste you.”
His name escapes you in a gasp. Because you feel like you’re already pushing it as is. Shit, you need to wrap this the hell up.
Shivering with nerves, you whisper, “I don’t think we can.”
If only your body followed the same rules as your brain. It’s only staying still as Yoongi loops a finger into the hem of your bottoms, shivering when he tugs you forward, and responding when he claims your lips again.
“We can.”
“You sure?”
“This won’t take long.”
His last kiss steals not only your breath, but any other arguments on your lips.
“Okay,” you whisper, hearing the sounds of the haunted house right outside the door. “Okay.”
“Now cover your mouth, doll,” he orders while dropping to the ground. Swinging a shaking leg over his shoulder, he sounds frighteningly close to your soaked panties. “You’re gonna scream.”
Your only other warning is a finger shifting your thong—hot, determined tongue replacing it while a rough hand holds your leg in place.
Holy fuck.
You buck forward on contact, yell pushing through your fingers as a strong hum instead.
And he doesn’t say anything else as he feasts, licking along your cunt and grabbing the side of your ass with his free hand. Darkness takes away your vision but heightens everything else, and you’ve never heard dirty sounds so crystal clear. 
He’s right. This isn’t gonna take you much longer. 
It’s more than obvious he’s done this countless times before. 
Your legs dissolve into jelly when he sucks, but you feel your knees give out when the lightest of kisses are planted against your nub. Again. And again.
When did your fingers get tangled in his hair? When did your leg lock so hard you don’t feel it anymore? You don’t know. You don’t care. All you know is to rock forward, controlled by the single string that is his tongue.
Until he adds two knuckles, rubbing them against your clit and making you flinch.
A dark rumble thrums against your cunt, and you feel his body shift to… a standing position?
No no no.
“That’s all you get, baby girl.”
“You said we had to hurry.”
“You said it wouldn’t take long!”
“Did I lie?”  
“Yoongi,” you breathe out, ragged. “I’m so close, fuck.”
“Damn.” He brushes wet knuckles against your lips, and you groan at the taste. “That sucks.”
“Yoongi, I swear to god.”
“You said we had to go.”
“I… You…” Your cunt is throbbing so hard you feel like crying. “Don’t make me do it myself.”
He gets in close, heady scent of his breath pooling across your face. “Poor baby,” he teases, one finger jolting you upward with a single, soft touch to your slit. When he slaps your cunt instead of anything else, you whine before he slips vengeance in your ear,
“You get me wet, I do the same. It’s only fair.”
Your fingers find his sleeves immediately. “This isn’t fair and you know it.”
“You’re the one that brought me in here,” he parries, and you know for a fact he’s smirking. “And I told you it wasn’t over.”
“Please.” You try your absolute hardest to tighten your weak hold. “We don’t have time to fight.”
“Fight about what?”
“Make me come, baby,” you plead with your whole chest, not wanting to play a single game anymore. “I’ll do anything, just—”
A knuckle grazes your clit, and your moan isn’t stifled by a hand this time.
Oh shit that had to be too loud—
A large palm covers your mouth before two fingers slip between your folds, and your second scream is thoroughly muffled.
“You’re lucky I fucking love when you come,” Yoongi rasps in your ear, his fingers hitting spots that light the room with stars. “That’s what’s unfair.”
Your eyes squeeze shut while you thrust against his digits, feeling the end fast approaching and outright yelling into his warm hand.
“Better hurry, doll.” His breath comes out in a slow laugh. “Unless you wanna get caught. Is that what you want?”
You shake your head, knowing that deep down, for some reason, the very idea makes your cunt throb even harder.
Another shake.
“Then fucking come.”
His fingers lodge into your folds, spreading you open and causing your walls to flutter like mad.
And your body obeys at once, head thrown back and limbs locking, plaster and Yoongi’s fingers your only purchase from sinking to the ground. Swells of pleasure almost taken from you gush onto his digits, and his hum teeters on a growl against your cheek.
“So perfect.”
The dark continues to heighten every sense you have, and you turn your head to capture his lips before gasping for air.
Your pulses are still deep when he removes his fingers. And you already miss them as you try to straighten, legs wobbly and hands steadying on his arms.
His teasing laugh makes you pout. “You good?”
“Then let’s go.”
You feel him move away from you, and you decide then and there that you want more.
A lot more.
Panicked, yank him away from the door, reaching for his face and pulling him onto your lips. Bold. Risky. So unlike you.
But the dark heightens your courage as much as your senses. And something about him only focusing on you makes you want him more than ever.
Yoongi’s just as rushed this time. A myriad of flavors smears across your mouth, and his hot breaths sink wonderfully into your skin. Seconds, minutes, years. It doesn’t matter how much time you have now.
This tiny stretch of time has been a miracle, and you wanna stretch it out as long as you possibly can.
When he finally pulls away, he tells you he didn’t think you had this in you. When you admit that you just really missed him, he repeats the sentiment right back.
And when you tell him you have a bit more time left, he suggests that you all swing by another prize booth.
“What, you wanna win me something, too?”
“Nah.” He huffs a laugh, and his next sentence earns him a playful shove,
“I just wanna watch you lose.”
fin. :) 
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A/N: so... yes. this was a 4.5k word drabble. bc some people wouldn’t stop talking and being cute with each other and someone else just had to keep being a good ass friend!!! anyway. hope y’all enjoyed! there are so many other drabbles to come during the fall season, so get ready. i would love to know what y’all thought about this one! any feedback would be much loved :D  ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that aren’t okay with reblogging with a review, commenting on this, or sending a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a feedback dropbox :D ⇥ here!   ++ ⇥ masterlist
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nonsosinceramente · 10 months
just random thoughts as i rewatch
taigen was already simping after being given a whole bald spot… “the cut is so clean”?? “a masterful cut”?? a bi disaster waiting to happen fr
and the way he was hanging off every single word coming out of akemi’s mouth after being disgraced?? this man just wants to be praised
akemi has such a way with words honestly … a force to be reckoned with, love her to bits
taigen hates the smell of fish but he’s okay with eating it
got his ass handed to him twice and he was still talking mad shit he’s so stupid just a whole chatterbox
he overcame his father but got stuck in the comparison game and delusions of grandeur and now the only thing to show for it is that bald spot… just miserable
taigen’s dad when I catch you taigen’s dad ! when i catch you taigen’s dad when i catch you!!!!
i know mizu after hearing taigen talk about this dumb duel was like girl you talk too much don’t you know i could kill you with my eyes closed???
mizu died like forty times through all of this she should have rested for a year honestly
kinuyo my baby… i’ll never forget you love
the way men back then took sex as performance from women whether in a brothel or the deepest confines of the Keicho Keep, lame BORES!! y’all suck !!!
I wonder if Taigen is sort of a passive participant in sex… I feel like he was with Akemi (the way he was looking at her when she initiated??? hooked!!) but Akemi is special so who knows
taigen to mizu prolly: you’re fr so good i had a boner fighting you i guess that counts for something
mizu nekkie heart sutra covered smelting a lot of meaningful steel scene was so good bless my baby
akemi’s dad better rot somewhere forever
i wonder if akemi will come to care for takayoshi ito or if she’ll just use him after the whole ‘i wanna be great’ epiphany she had (kinda like them a lil ngl)
“Did you?” shaking in my boots
Swordfather’s face when Ringo told him she didn’t come back? i’m gonna fight
Ringo, love, you better get Mizu’s ass when she returns cuz wtf
To London without her sword, no backup and in the midst of millions of white men and this extremely cunning one you brought along… just a battle waiting to be lost she’s gonna about to die fifty thousand times, but good luck to her!!
fowler is such a good villain idc idc i hate him but wow and kenneth branagh!!!! i love that man
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savi-our · 1 year
Hi! I was hoping if you could do one where the skeles friend had cat like habits like being entertained by laser pointers staring at cucumbers as if they were their mortal enemy and sleeping in random places
Heya! ‘Tis an old ask but ill answer it nonetheless
You didnt specify which skeles so ill just throw 4 of them in a randomizer lmao.
UF Papyrus
• My HC is that hes absolutely a cat person - he owns a cat by the name of Doomfanger after all • He first noticed your feline habits when he was playing with Doomfanger actually, seeing your eyes light up in tandem with the cat at the laser pointer was a dead giveaway. • He finds it mildly amusing, if not curious. • Will absolutely test just what triggers your feline habits, does catnip work? What about toy mice? Fish? • He’ll spend a week or two just observing you, you wont even know hes noticed, he’ll just sneakily pull out all the stops when both you and Doomfanger are in the same room. • Hes used to his brother napping in random places but it doesnt mean hes any less annoyed when he finds you sunbathing on a windowsill. • The sunkissed look suits you but fuck off and go home if youre gonna take a nap, hes not looking for another pet 💀 • Overall just takes it as an odd human thing and doesnt care that much as long as you dont push plates off his counter, there will be hell to pay if he finds his pristine china set smashed by your doing.
UT Sans
• Finds out pretty quickly you have an odd cat thing going on •Pulls out all the stops on cat puns, you will not catch a break. •Buys a laser pointer just to fuck with you, you wont even see him in the room when he pulls it out, its just a magic red dot leading you around the room and you just have to know where its going! •Laughs his ass off •Encourages you to nap on the most inconvenient places, top of the wardrobe, kitchen counter, back porch - it drives Papyrus mad. •Gets scolded for putting your safety at risk by Papyrus, after which he just pulls you in for a nap whenever your feeling sleepy. •Youll catch him giving you occasional head pats, hes not even paying attention, your lil mock purr is like his asmr.
US Sans
• Finds out later in your friendship, gives you a confused look and asks you straight up whats up •When you tell him you have known to have some cat like tendencies he perks up and asks you about a 100 questions concerning your behaviour. •Overall very curious and kinda excited, why are you like this? Is it on purpose? Exactly what about cucumbers freaks you out? •Makes videos of you acting cat like, he always asks you for permission to keep them and if ur not ok with it will immediately delete them, he just thinks its cute so he wants to keep them but your trust is more important to him. •Always makes sure youre safe and tucked in whenever he finds you napping in random spots, hes used to it due to Stretch, so its no trouble. •Gifts you cat oriented things whenever a holiday or celebration comes up - a picture of you two in a picture frame with paw prints, fluffy cat socks with paw pads on the bottom, matching kitty hoodies. •Overall supportive and curious, but youre his friend first and foremost so he just takes it as a special thing that makes you who you are.
SF Sans
•Thinks youve lost a marble or two •Youre a human, nowhere in his human dictionary was this mentioned. •Are you okay? Do you need help? Have you been posessed by a catlike ghost and in need of church intervetion??? •Youre kinda freaking him out so he tells you to stop. •When you tell him you cant just “Stop” you start an argument, it takes a while to get it through his skull that he needs to stop being a dick and this is just the way you are. •After huffing and puffing and about 3 days of no communication he relents - albeit with a few rude comments. •Youre friends so youre used to it. •Depending on your personality you could absolutely keep freaking him out on purpose, his screeching is quite amusing. •If you wanna play it safe you can just keep being you and he’ll eventually adapt and conquer. •He might have been a rude bastard about your habits but if anyone else says a word, he will absolutely cuss them out. •Nobody but him is allowed to cuss you out, youre his friend, he’ll stand by you and your feline habits. •Gets used to them eventually, buys you a cat bed and cat ears for Christmas as a nasty little joke, you call him a dickhead, all is right in the world.
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the5n00k · 1 year
Hey Snook! I'm bored and just got reminded of a lot of the questions I had for your TBoBB AU over the past few months. Since I have time to kill, I thought I might finally ask you some of them (the questions that is lol)! 1. Is the curse Geoff put on Molly for her become half-leviathan when exposed to water permanent? Because there was nothing in the original post saying that it wore off or was reversed after this au's version of Molly vs The Ghost World (or even if it could be lol). no I am not coming up with mollie angst ideas around the concept of ollie seeing sea-beast molly no no I'm not 2. Is there a Ghost (Sea-Beast?) Council in this AU? If so, why? On the same page, is there still a scare report (or even an equivalent of a scare report in this au? Are they gonna summon a sea-beast and be like "eat X amount of ships per month or we're gonna send you to hell <333 bleh <333") 3. What would Jinx be? (aka: what is the equivalent of a joy-hunter in TBoBB?) 4. Lastly, since most of my other questions are just "What would X episode be like in this AU?" and I don't want overload you with a bunch of those, I'll just stick to one! What would this AU's version of "Frightmares on Main Street" be like? ... yeah that's the end of the ask
Oh boy *organizes thick stack of note cards* here we go (long)
1: it is permanent. It only activates with a large amount of ocean water but Yes it is permanent. And don't worry, I've also been considering the idea of Ollie catching her when she turns too... So many possibilities
2: there is a council but they're arguably more like parasites to the much larger Leviathan/Chairman in power at the time. Basically, the OTC would send mental signals to the other beasts (perks of being an Eldritch horror) telling them to go out and kill (kind of like the Bewilderbeast in HTTYD2 if youre familiar with it) or that his territory was in danger. Buuuut most of the time they just do it on their own. Not a lot of big game in the ocean and those cargo boats start looking mighty tasty after a while 👌 not really any scare reports or documentation to prove they've been sinking ships but usually they can tell when a sea beast is slacking when the humans start to become more brave. They want to keep up the fear and stigma around the concept of sea beasts to keep humans out of the ocean (because they're dangerous but mostly because they're annoying with their big ass boats and skirmishes) I can't remember if I ever decided a stand-in for the fofp? I remember where we put the frightmares but I don't remember if I ever decided on a flow concept other than the chairman kills you 💀 and that's kinda a bummer
3: Jinx is there to assist struggling beasts with their human problem. Humans are crafty! They're advancing in technology every day, it's hard for a little ol limbless creature to keep up. But Jinx is craftier. She has a reputation for sinking ships specifically designed to hunt sea beasts. And she's good at it. Someday I'll finalize a design for her, the concept my friend gave me was really pretty
4: it would go like this;
Ollie had seen Molly and Scratch goofing off together from the lighthouse and decided to warn her about the dangers of sea beasts. She's probably never had the same hands-on experience with beasts as him and his family have (even though they've never caught one), she probably has no idea how dangerous they are. He thinks he has to save her.
He spots her loading up a small ship to go see Scratch (huge ass bucket of fish gave it away) and decides to stow away under one of the seats. After shoving off and getting a good distance from shore, he makes himself known (scares the shit out of Molly) and tells her all about how evil and violent the beasts are just as Scratch makes his appearance. (Now it's Ollie's turn to get the shit scared out of him) He's swatting at him and chucking random objects from the boat at him while Scratch is completely unphased, although getting frustrated, and yells at him to stop freaking out. The commotion attracts the attention of some frightmares (more akin to 4ft long piranhas with translucent skin) and they swarm the boat. Scratch tries fighting them off but he knows the only way to get them to leave is to go Leviathan mode (but that shit HURTS)
He tells both kids to close their eyes (they do not) and starts the transformation with dark clouds rolling in. It doesn't take much to scare them away afterwards but Molly is (understandably) freaked out and Ollie is mortified. He thinks he's completely justified and that Molly will finally see the true face of this monster (even if they're probably about to die) but as he gently approaches the ship and cranes his massive head down to look at them, he just asks in a raspy, otherworldly voice if they're okay. Molly says yes. Ollie can't form English words right now.
Scratch, exhausted, lets himself sink into the ocean as his detransformation process begins and Molly finally gets to put her hands on his shoulders and say sea beasts aren't bad. Just... Some of them. They're like people. If people were giant, noodly, scaly things. Shaking, Ollie says he understands. But it's going to take him a while to process. He swears not to say a word to his family.
DAYUM told you this is a long one anyway THANK YOU ITCH I hope these answers were good enough <3
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runakamoran · 9 months
wip wednesday bits
(starting another fnaf fic between As the Sun Drowns and... all my other wips. this one won't be too long, I hope. set after "Leave/Alley" ending of SB).
He always knew he would die like this. Abandoned in a dark, deserted alley, in dirt and blood, spewing curses. But dying now, after That Night, after all the hiding, chasing, intricate planning, after everything he had done just to get out and survive - dying now was bitter, insulting and unfair.
That's why he fought. He struggled, even knowing he would not overcome the strong, skillful hands closed around his neck.
...he actually did it. He ran away, he was free. He survived until six in the morning, despite his chances being so low. He flew out from the front doors and into the streets, and ran, ran, ran until his knees gave out. The sun hadn't risen yet, and the world around was still sleeping. The cold air scratched his throat. Gregory stopped to catch his breath in a secluded corner between the office building, coffee shop and bus stop.
Spring was already coming in full bloom, but the chilly wind wasn't gone yet and reigned until sunrise. Usually he hated this kind of weather - the dampness and sudden rains forced him to change shelters frequently. But now the wind was pleasantly refreshing, cooling his sweat-soaked back. Not caring about the possibility of getting sick, he took off his hoodie, put it under him and sat down to rest.
It was almost unreal to watch the streets around waking up and coming back to life. He felt like the night would never end and his flight would continue; and yet, there he is. It was surprisingly pleasant to return and wander again under the gray open sky, among the trash-filled alleys of Hurricane.
(he was distracted, so absorbed in the feeling of freedom, he didn't notice a familiar figure in a queue nearby. A sleepy young woman, in a windbreaker and a long skirt, was lost in her smartphone and looked like she simply stopped on her way to work to grab some coffee. But under the hood, her hungry green eyes watched him closely).
However, Gregory knew he couldn’t stop. As soon as the first workers of Pizzaplex reach their workplaces, there's gonna be a big ass scandal. You see, he wasn't very... careful, trying to survive the night. And if the overturned furniture and some stolen things can be overlooked, the sight of expensive animatronics broken to pieces will cause a massive heart attack among the management. Honestly, Gregory was a bit proud of himself. Not many people his age can cause millions of property damage in just six hours!
...anyway, he better not be around when the fuss starts. Police from all over the state will probably swarm the place.
He definitely won't miss this place; however, there was something left behind so very painful to tear away from yourself. He tried not to think about Freddy, the only friend who carried him through the whole nightmare. It was pathetic, to be attached to a being incapable of experiencing and understanding human emotions. To crave love and attention from a soulless machine, just because this robot was the only one showing him kindness. He still wanted to believe Freddy was capable of more than given program, but what could he know? He's just a random waif.
He walked past a few more blocks before the sleepless night took its toll. His eyes were closing from fatigue. Adrenaline kept him on feet, but now, out of danger, exhaustion caught up on him and hit with the force of a truck. Yawning, the boy was looking for a place to sleep. It was another dark alley, lost between two apartment buildings, far enough from the roadway so its noise wouldn't be too disturbing. He fished out a fairly large box from the trash and hid under it. The cardboard bed wasn't exactly comfortable, but now it doesn't really matter. Curled up like a homeless kitten, the boy put his arm under his head and almost immediately fell asleep.
(wandering half asleep, he didn't notice a car following him. An old, unremarkable Ford drove circles around the block, as if accidentally riding past him again and again. However, in the end the boy disappeared among the residential blocks, and the clumsy car stopped in the parking lot. The woman behind the wheel had finished her preparations and now, pulling out a hunting knife, was polishing it with impatience. She was lost in thought and couldn't decide what to do next.
It's fine. This area is small. She'll have enough time to get around it and find the boy. Then, all that remains is to wait for the best moment, when the neighbourhood goes to sleep).
Living on the street taught him to sleep lightly. Even in deep exhaustion, among obscure dreams, he could distinguish the creaking of tires and the distant hum of human voices. They intertwined with strange pictures in his head.
...it seems like he was hitch-hiking оn the road again, in the middle of night for some reason. But no one stopped, rare cars whistled past, so he had to walk. A large dog was lying on the sidewalk, its head crushed. The roadkill was surrounded by white rabbits greedily gnawing on it. Noticing the boy, they hissed, baring bloody teeth.
He tossed and turned in his sleep. Someone slammed the lid of a dumpster.
(she had to prowl the area for several hours before finally finding her prey. The boy was good at hiding. If she had not wandered into this corner to throw away bloodstained clothes and used gloves, she would've never seen him. He was sleeping restlessly, securely hidden from prying eyes by a piles of garbage and bins. In his face she could see how much the last night drained him. Gray skin with wrinkles unusual for his age, deep circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks, old bandage still hunging on one. Poor thing. So tired he won’t resist for long.
The woman fished out her knife from under her skirt and sank down next to the boy. After so many long, painful hours, the chase ended. The streets were hidden in evening shadow, so no one would see her work. Her hands trembled and heart fluttered in anticipation. She was thirsty, having no taste of blood for so long.
Although, she also felt a vague sadness deep down. This intense hunt full of surprises was so exciting she didn’t want it to end. Usually her victims gave up quickly - they stumbled, made mistakes, froze in fear and doomed themselves. This boy however, was different. Not only did he survive her labyrinth, he was able to trick her, a seasoned serial killer, and escape. To jeopardize everything she had built for so long. To achieve a feat like this, you'll need a certain talent with a dash of mad luck. She had to admit, despite all the trouble he had caused, she had a certain... respect for him.
But she couldn't just let the boy live. He's seen too much.
The woman was restlessly fiddling with the knife in her hands when an idea struck her. No, an IDEA. A spontaneous, stunning and completely mind-blowing IDEA, just the way she likes it.
Biting her tongue to hold back a pleased laugh, she put the blade back in its sheath. Not today, old friend. Today she'll need a different tool. There was an emergency ampoule of propofol prepared in the car).
...weird rabbits huddled together, threw themselves at his feet, tried to bite. Small red eyes glowed angrily in the darkness. He kicked it, and the animal jumped away, whining. The whole pack backed away for a moment, but quickly attacked him again, more aggressively than before. The boy backed down and tried to scare them away, but it didn’t work. One of the rabbits sunked its teeth in his ankle. In pain and surprise, Gregory fell into the mud. The rabbits hissed and surrounded him.
The gravel crunched behind, a shadow flashed over him - someone crouched next to him. It was a young woman in a long skirt and windbreaker with the hood pulled over her face. She gently patted one of the animals. Gregory wanted to say something, but couldn't. She turned to him sharply, animal muzzle sticking out from under the hood.
The rabbit-headed girl dug her nails in his face, and the boy opened his eyes.
He didn't see, more like felt that someone was nearby. Gut feelings rarely failed him, and Gregory trusted his instincts. So he immediately got up to his feet and looked around. Another night came, everything was dark and quiet. Cars whizzed by from afar. The light of a distant lamp post barely reached the alley, only a lonely beam snatched out the shadows. Gregory leaned against the dumpster he'd been sleeping behind and looked out. The motionless figure immediately darted around the corner. He caught a glimpse of a long hem for a second.
Already frightened by the nightmare, the heart jumped and stuck in his throat. The boy backed away. Deciding not to risk it, he run in the opposite direction. The alley snaked between buildings and fences and disappeared into the darkness. He kept close to the wall and weaved his way between trash cans and drainpipes. He could already see the empty street ahead.
Someone pulled him by the scruff of the neck and yanked him back into the alley. A strong gloved hand covered his mouth and threw the head back. A needle bit deeply in the neck. Reacting quickly, Gregory did what he always does in an unequal fight. Grabbing the palm holding him, he sank his teeth into it with all his might. Surgical gloves may have helped to be more sneaky, but didn't give any protection. A faint female scream, the grip loosened. A disposable syringe fell at his feet.
Ignoring the sudden weakness, Gregory fought back, kicked and struggled as best he could. Realizing she's loosing her hold, the woman grabbed him by the hair. Turning around, she slammed the boy's head into the nearest wall.
The black sky shattered, stars and sparks scattered before his vision, the houses melted in fog. Legs suddenly gave way, but his limp body was immediately picked up. One hand covered his mouth again, the other's elbow squeezed his neck. Wheezing weakly, the boy was desperately scratching her, even knowing he had no chance. Reality was floating away, his buzzing head spinning, eyes closing on their own. Before falling into the darkness, he noticed her sharp chin, strands of blond hair on his shoulder. There was a human face under the hood after all; but what's hidden behind it was a different matter entirely.
The woman turned, looking around like a coyote on a hunt. The street stayed quiet. No one noticed their small scuffle.
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rayatii · 2 months
Okay, this is gonna be an even longer one than last time.
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Time for cuddles with Principessa!
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Nemorino has been preparing his own meals, and developed a liking for cooking. I took him to Finchwick, and had him buy some milk. Mainly all he needs left is some bread, and he might be able to cook something other than tomato soup, until he levels up.
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It's just that Principessa snoozing while curled up like this reminds me a lot of my own cat.
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lmao I happened to take Adina to ThrifTea on a Comedy Night, and she has autonomously decided to improvise an amateur comedy routine 😂
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Adina creating a promposal sign!
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Tane said yes! (also I love Molly Prescott, the principal's daughter and a good friend of Adina, cheering at this)
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I love how everyone is on their phones and Adina has already pulled out her exam book.
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LMAO NOT SANTA/FATHER WINTER SHOWING UP AT A FASHION SHOW IN THRIFTEA (also in my save file he lives in Oasis Springs for some reason). And yes, Adina got herself a strawberry matcha bubble tea, and has discovered that she likes S-Pop music (the Sims equivalent of K-pop music, I guess? Very fitting, actually) by frequenting ThrifTea.
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Adina trying to increase Trendi sales on some of the looks she designed (as part of the Admired Icon aspiration) by showing off her preppy look Good Girl Chic.
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Guys, this is kind of an awkward angle to be sitting looking at the stars.
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It's the weekend (in-universe), so I decided to spend a bit more time with Nemorino, and his dad appeared in the morning and they hugged 😭
(which reminds me, absolutely no one has answered my poll on whether I should let the ghost cross over)
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Nemorino may not see Adina throughout their adolescence, but he sure sees her father, his landlord, whenever he comes for inspections. Here he is showing him pictures.
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Catching some beauty sleep before prom!
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Adina's latest conquest: Tane Ngata! But this time, I will not ask him to be her romantic partner, as the Serial Romantic Aspiration requires the Sim to have a strong romantic relationship with 3 Sims at the same time, and Adina's not a cheater! She's just vibing.
(She got gold at prom, but she and Tane barely interacted.)
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Jeb you're ruining the moment (also I'm hesitating whether to have Jeb Harris or his brother Gideon be one of Adina's next conquests, bc it's kinda weird to hit on 2 brothers)
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Fishing to provide food on the table, other than tomato soup!
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Nemorino caught a Future Cube, and when he asked it about his love life, he got this pretty bleak prediction. But not to worry, my boy! You destiny will change in time, for the better! Your Pixel God (i.e. me) guarantees it!
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Uncle Pepe invited Nemorino to the Flea Market in San Myshuno, but he (Nemorino) literally doesn't have enough money to buy anything, so he left early.
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Strumming time!
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waitwaitwait THE Agnes Crumplebottom (i.e. the prim old lady who smacks people with her purse when they engage in PDA in front of her) decided to purchase Adina's very youthful streetwear look??? (the one she was wearing when she kissed Tane after prom)
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Woah there Sanook, fixing the dishwasher is pretty dangerous, make sure you don't get yourself electrocuted (she didn't get electrocuted, thank goodness!!)
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LMAO not Uncle Pepe himself showing up at Poetry Reading Night in ThrifTea (then again, he might be the kind of bachelor millionaire who just does random shit in his free time)
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shiyuexiangdeshi · 2 years
The innkeeper sweeps over his figure shrewdly. "300 a night."
He's dumbfounded for a good ten seconds. "What? You're kidding."
He shrugs. "Suit yourself. Sleep on the streets, maybe you can catch a carriage home."
"This is extortion," he seethes. "A room doesn't cost more than 80, I heard you just now!" He gestures vaguely towards the party that checked in before him, heading up the stairs.
"They're regular customers, special discount." The innkeeper taps his finger on the desk, a scowl on his face. "Either pay up or get out."
"A hundred," he bargains. The man clicks his tongue but fishes out a key. The money is swiped roughly out of his hand and the key tossed in his direction.
"Last door down the hall," he says, before muttering under his breath, "Cheap ass nobles."
Nobility... his clothes. Even though they were the simplest he could find, the fabric was just a little too shiny and smooth. His hands lack the sign of constant rough labor, which the man must have felt when taking the payment. But he has no plausible excuse to refute the assumption without drawing even more attention.
He smiles bitterly, but thanks him anyways. He finds his way up the narrow stairs and tiny hallway to his room. There's only a small bed and a side table provided, not even a window. The bed takes up three quarters of the room and a slightly ratty looking blanket covers the lumpy mattress. He drops his pack on the floor and pushes it under the bed.
He lays down and stares at the wooden ceiling. Now finally given a moment of peace, the thoughts start surfacing, swirling around with the whirlpool under his ribs. The sensation drags him underwater, sinking through the cotton and wood and earth. The line of lamp light from under the door doesn't show from this angle. It's dark.
His stomach rumbles and gnaws. It takes him a long time to force himself to get up and head out to a tavern, not quite tethered with his head still floating in the depths.
The noise hits him from outside, loud voices and clattering utensils and thump thump of empty mugs. He takes a seat at a table by the wall, where the light is dimmer. A server comes up shortly.
"We're running low on beef, but we still got chicken, lamb, or stew. Comes with bread and cheese. Drinks are beer or cider, no one just wants water," she rattles off. "What'll you have?
"Stew and cider, please."
"12 coins, got it?" He nods, and she marches off to the bar, where most of the noise is coming from. Slightly less out of it, his ears start tuning into the conversation.
"Nah, it's true! Heard it from Lee, his brother's in the castle," one of the drunken patrons swears. "The prince really said stuff it to the king!"
The group roars in laughter, and he tries to piece the reaction with his own memory of a stifling silence and frigid throne room.
"Well, the boy sure has guts! Wish I could've been there and cheered him on," another says.
"So the king really might change? What's the thing, some kind of sword fight? Are they gonna sell tickets?" They all erupt in laughter once more.
"I wouldn't mind having the prince as the king, yanno? Anyone would be better than the king right now."
"Ya got it all wrong, all of them suck. They think just taking in some random kid and letting them grow up in the palace is good enough? Well what do the rest of us get, nothing!" The man slams his mug down violently and the room visibly flinches. Some of his friends place hands on him to calm him down, but he flings them off.
"Ya can't stop me from speaking truth! Those royals... They've never worked a day in their lives, holed up in their little castle all the time like the rest of the world is too dirty; they probably don't even know the cost of a loaf of bread! Yet they're passing laws and taxes and thinking they're the darnedest thing to walk the earth, and everything's swell and dandy! They don't care," his voice breaks, " they don't care about us." He slumps onto the bar, shoulders shaking.
"That's him, isn't it? His wife..." he hears someone at a table nearby whisper.
"Those royals... they don't care. They're all shit." He manages a few more words in a wavering tone before fully sobbing. His friends pat his back, finally dropping the noise level down as they offer placations.
His fist hurts, clenched tight on the table. Not all of them, he wants to fight back. There's someone who does care about them. Someone who wants to change things.
The server comes back with a tray and a mug. "Your stew and cider," she sets down the food and drink. "Enjoy."
"Thank you." He takes a sip. The cider catches in his throat.
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asklooki · 7 years
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planetflos · 2 years
𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫. ࿐
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❛ synopsis ˒ jj swears you’re a pornstar and goes out his way to prove so, even if it means embarrassing you in front of the pogues.
❛ pairings ˒ jj maybank x fem!reader.
❛ warnings ˒ smutty-ish theme? without the actual smut of course. consumption of alcohol, vulgar talking, swearing, jj being an idiot and both him and pope being absolutely terrible at cards.
❛ ky’s mini notes ˒ finally some outer banks content, am i right? it’s not my best work but it has been sitting in my drafts since last year and i figured it’d be time time to publish it. taglist? check here.
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“pope, man, i swear she is one!” the eager words fly out jj’s mouth as he places a card down on the old tree stump. “just look at her, i mean.”
both his and pope’s heads swing in the direction you’re in. the blond boy’s ice blue eyes study you carefully as you help john b, kie, and sarah clean up the remaining red cups, beer bottles, and white paper plates from the kegger birthday party john b threw sarah earlier.
“she has the face of an angel but the body of a pornstar,” jj shakes his head as turns his attention back to the not so intense game of cards he’s playing with pope. “and that’s because she is one.”
“how are you so sure? it’s not like you’ve done research or anything like that. go fish, by the way.” pope mumbles looking at the cards in his hand.
but in a way, he’s wrong—about jj not doing research. of course his idea of ‘research’ would be no other than actually watching porn, but knowing pope, it’s gonna take a little more convincing than just getting off to nude strangers on the internet. he deals with logic before anything else.
jj places a card down. “because…i just know, alright? my intuition told me and you’re never supposed to ignore your intuition. just trust me on this one.”
the two boys are busy rambling and arguing with each other while indulging in the game of cards (which is going absolutely nowhere, by the way) that they don’t notice you walk over to their beer infested area with a trash bag in your hand.
“did you finish?”
your words catching jj completely off guard, pope too. he quickly looks up from the few cards he has left and his eyes fall onto the sight of your cleavage; the way your breast sit oh so perfectly in your tangerine colored bikini top; and your cherry necklace, the silver charm wedged in between.
“are you finished?” you ask again, noticing the shocked look on the boys face. you look over to pope and see the same expression, just more dramatic. “the beer and stuff, you’re done with them all, right?”
cheeks reddening, jj rubs the back of his neck. “oh uh, yeah. i’m done.”
you give him an awkward smile before reaching over to popes side to collect more empty beer bottles giving jj the perfect view of your ass—but not on purpose of course. he exchanges looks with his best friend, their wide eyes practically screaming at each other.
“see,” jj whispers once you’ve moved over to a nearby tree to collect more garbage. “my intuition, it’s never wrong.”
“that doesn’t prove anything, all she did was pick up beer bottles.” pope responds, eyes still wide.
“but did you see her, though? i know you did, your eyes are still wide. look, i’ve seen a lot of girls around here but none of them look like her.”
“true.” pope mumbles, pulling his hat further down over his head from embarrassment.
• • •
the car ride home in the twinkie is pretty pleasant. some indie song plays on the radio as john b and sarah sit up front, playfully punching each other while you chill out in the back with kie, pope, and jj. you can feel the two boys staring at you like a hawk, making it not so subtle when they elbow each other every time you make eye contact with one of them. you pretend to be busy on your phone when really, you’re just shuffling around random apps, opening and closing them.
“so uh, yn,” the blonde boy sitting across from awkwardly clears his throat. “i’ve, uh, been meaning to ask you this for a while now. are you a, um…”
“am i what?” you nervously giggle as you absentmindedly pick at your french tip acrylics, sweat forming in the middle of your palms.
“he has this theory that you’re a pornstar!” pope blurts out, quickly clamping his hands over his mouth afterwards. kie laughs and jj swats his blabbermouth friend on his bicep. john b and sarah’s laughter slowly comes to halt.
“you did not just ask me that!” you shout glaring at the two goofy boys in front of you. “a pornstar—? is this a joke?” you don’t even give the two boys a chance to say anything else or to elaborate on the situation, you’re too embarrassed to look at anyones face. feeling the warm heat flush to your cheeks, you quickly dig inside your bag and pull out your airpods wishing john b would hurry up and drop you off in front of your house.
“a fuckin’ pornstar,” you mumbled underneath your breath as you shake your head. you always knew jj was an idiot, but not this much of an idiot.
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havenesa-sera-fina · 4 years
I wanna meet the chaotic ass of a bitch that is the fire archon.
Have you guys ever questioned what type of person the fire archon is to be giving out these visions to these chaoctic people:
Diluc, Klee, Amber, Bennett, Xiangling and Xinyan?
The randomness but most chaotic people to be giving visions to.
My first issue is fucking Klee. A legit child who is constant prison isolation because of her obsession of making bombs. A legit god took one good look at Klee who wants to place Jumpy Dumpty (aka a cute ass looking bomb) all over Mondstat, or uses her explosives to catch fish, and was like “Yeah I’m gonna give this girl the pyro vision.”
Then Bennett who was the worst luck possible, quite literally gets hit by a pebble as he is standing in the middle of an open plain with absolutely no life form around. His passion overload attack that knocks him back and can kill him if he gets knocked over a damn cliff. This boy can be just breath and he get sent to a damn hospital. Yet the pyro archon still takes one look at him and goes “Yeah I’ll give him a vision too.”
All the other ones are just wild.
A Batman wannabe with daddy issue. Who owns a damn wine tycoon business but hates the taste of it.
A girl who will eat fucking living slimes and throws a teddy bear at enemies.
Another girl who legit throws a bunny version of herself who doesn’t even do anything for a moment but dance before exploding.
Finally another girl who just what’s be a rockstar guitarist.
Like I thought Venti was chaotic, but whoever this pyro archon is, is on a whole other level.
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opalsdarkreadings · 4 years
✰𝙅𝙪𝙟𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙆𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙎/𝙊. 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙨: 𝙎𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙍𝙮𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣✰
Pairing: Gojo, Yuji, Fushiguro, Nobara, Sukuna x gender neutral reader
Warning: angst, depression themes, mentions of blood
Notes: I love the smell of saddens and crying in the morining, great starter of the days. lol I hope you all enjoy, there’ll be some grammical errors so please just ignore and I’ll try to fix them when I spot them. And I’m addicted to this series and characters so I’ll be releasing a bunch of others stuff regarding this show soon.
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✵𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘂✵
You were going to get up, you always did. The two inseparable prankster would be back at it agian like always. Like old times. You....you were fine
But the pit of his stomach twist and churn, his heart aching with a new found sense of despair. He knew, so why didn’t he just accepted it.
NO! You were going to get up, you just liked to joke around that’s all. So why did he feel a surge of rage so deep, so painful that ach his very core. Even destroying the special grade left nothing but dissatisfaction.
For the first time in his life he felt... hesitant.
Your body unmoving from the blow dealt by the curse demon. The curse being dealt with in seconds afterwards. The stillness felt eery, his heart pounding against his chest as he makes his way to you unmoving body
He crouch and pulled the slik blind off his face, beautiful bright blue eyes scanning over you body. Sadness being reflected in them but he kept that signiature smile of his
“S/o...can you still move?” He asked hoping, silently praying you could at least answer him.
“Cutie-chan~ quit playing around...get up so we can go home....” the weak laugh that left his lips felt more like whimper, as you continue to not answer him.
He doesn’t even know why he’s trying, he should be use to it. He’s lost thousands of friends in battle, time and time agian. One of his students wouldn’t come back, a coworker that didn’t make it, a close friends that died tragically. He’s heard it all.
So why did it hurt so much?...
Droplets fell over you color ridden cheek, you body being lifted into a broad chest. As Satoru buried his face into the crook of your neck, that awful perfume he hate infiltrating his nose, a choked laught left him.
“God I hate that perfum..”
That smile of yours as bright as the evening star, flooded his mind, your words ringing out as he cradled your dead body.
“I know you do, but you still love me~.”
✵𝘆𝘂𝗷𝗶 𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶✵
That face, you always made that face whenever you did something stupid. Honestly, he couldn’t talk much, seeing on half the crap he’s done was on impulse, however...god you were an idiot.
You Could’ve lived, left him there on the cool slab of the concrete, the beast that was too far over their heads coming his way. He could’ve handled it, Sukuna was a stubborn bastard, but wouldn’t let him die.
You were and utter fool and he cursed about it to this day.
But it all felt like slow motion, the pounding of your footsteps hitting against the ground, his weak shouts trying to get you to go back. The drop in his stomach as that sickening crack echoed out the domain.
There was so much blood, the walls were splattered with it, the floor painted a sea of red, your body nothing more than crushed remembrance of what it used to be.
He’s never felt such a feeling of rage so strong before. All his actions a blur until late on. When he’s bound by a cursed rope and set aside near the school where the cursed demon was located.
A stretcher hauling, what’s once was your body. Your hand peeking out from under the blood covers. That’s all it took for him to lose it.
The rope keeping his struggling body from moving as he sobbed hysterically.
“S/O! S/O! Answer me please..please! Why would you do that?! You’re such an idiot damnit, don’t you dare leave me...you promised.” He fell over the harsh ground, tears cascading down from his cheek to the floor.
Fushiguro and Nobara gazes lowered to the ground. Effectively trying to hold back their friend as your body was carried off.
His sobs turning into quiet whimpers. It dawned on him, he’s was official alone now. You and his Grampa being taken from him unfairly. He had no one, you would never smiles at him agian
Slap his head whenever he got a little to handsy or tease Him relentless when he slipped up and blurtted out random things
Your sweet laugh would be distance memory of the past, something that made his heart squeeze with hurt.
“That’s no fair...it’s not fair.” He mumbles soflty to himself
Sukuna for once, was eerily silent.
✵𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝗠𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗺𝗶✵
He still couldn’t believe it. It all happened so quickly. One minute you two were sharing a passionate night, basking under the moonlight as you kiss and bodies dance together.
And the next, he’s cradling your bleeding body, words stuck in his throat and horror swirling on his eyes. Trembling hands trying to stop the blood from gushing out from your neck.
The bastard had got away but he could care less. “S-s/o..just...just stay awake for me okay...c-can you do that for me?” His words trembled off his lips, your eyes shifting over to his. The dullness setting in.
Weakly, your fingers brush over his cheek, his hands reaching up and taking hold of them as he kiss over the knuckle. “You’re....you’re gonna be okay! I promise the others are coming.” He hadn’t realized it but tears had already started falling from his eyes.
He was lying out his ass, the culprit behind this, another cursed user, has been terrorizing this part of town for months now. They weren’t letting him getaway, so you’re mostly his responsibility till the aftermath. He knew you didn’t have that long.
He went to move you but you grunt in pain, more blood pooling out from the wound. He cursed and held you on the bloodstained ground.
“I’m sorry...I-I’m so sorry..” he mumbles into your neck, uncaring if his face was stained with blood as his quiet sobs racked his body.
With as much strength you could muster, you raised your hand to be lazily placed over his head and stroked it over it like you always did.
“I...I l-love you..” you whispered to him, your body becoming slack and your hand falling to your side.
He didn’t need to check, he didn’t need to see whatever expression your face was making to know that you were gone. His grip over your lifeless body tightens, his cries reaching into screams.
This felt all too familiar to him.
He wanted to blame you for breaking his defense, to inching so close to his heart. For making him so happy and attached, but he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t enjoy the moments that came with it.
The memories that’ll forever stay replaying like a broken record in his mind. This is why he didn’t try to make friends, he didn’t try to get close, he hated that he loved you so much.
✵𝗡𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗞𝘂𝗴𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗸𝗶✵
Maybe she was too mean to you, not caring enough, She mishandled you to many times, to many fights and arguments over tedious things that should have been left as it was.
Was this her punishment? She allowed for such actions to boil and fester, and now what? A dumb argument over a stupid past that no longer connected to you and the exchange was your life. 
Even though you said you sorry’s, I love you’s, there was still tension before you both part. Nobara saving to say all those mushy things she felt for when you were back in her arms
Oh, the deep regret she felt.
The way her teammates came back quieter than usual and more seemly more sluggish then earlier
“What are you idiots standing like that for, that cursed demon shake you that bad. Hmph, simple enough what would you guys be with me?” She teased her sly smile spreading over her lips before it falter
They didn’t even try to agrue much less protest, they just seem distraught, stunned even. Then I dawned on her, they were missing someone...they were missing you.
“Where’s...where’s s/o?” She asked them soflty. A look of guilt overcame Yuji's features as he fished for something out of his pocket.
Confusion ran across Nobara face before it morphed into horror. A single scrap of a school uniform being held out in his hand.
“We...we couldn’t get their body..” Megumi finished his gaze meeting her’s before falling back to his feet. Fist clenched tightly to his side.
She barely heard anything after that, her eyes fixated on the single scrap of clothing. She inched to Yuji taking it and stroking her thumb over the material.
She bites her bottom lip, this was fates cruels joke. She didn’t deserve you from the beginning, it seems like everywhere she went someone had to leave her.
But why did it have to be violent? Why you out of all people. Maybe she should have told her how much you meant to her.
How much of a rock and pillars you were in this crazy life of hers. A beam of reassurance and love that she could always depend on whenever she needed you.
How does she continue now, that beams were gone, taken from her so harshly. The only things she could cling so desperately to have been the last thing she saw you in.
What a cruel world she lived in.
✵𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚✵
There was always some form of a catch when it came to huamsn. No relationship or friendship was formed without a common goal or another interest being taken into play.
The sweet smiles, honey-coated words, and gentle touches were always a facade...wasn’t it?
He could care less about what happened to you, what became of you. After all humans are dirty devilish creatures so even more so then cursed beast.
But he didn’t understand... he didn’t understand why he felt such strong stings of anger, sadness, and a bit of shock bubble in him as you push him out the way.
Did you place some sort of technique over him, that made the king of curses catch such disease as emotions? Laced your words and touches with magic that only you could see and undo....no that’s not it.
Possible it was this damn vessel's fault. Always hanging off your words and embraces like a lovesick fool. Opting to distract himself with your praise and love then rather focus on what’s important at hand.
though denying that he didn't enjoy your persevere, from time to time would make the ping of guilt worsen.
Your body hit the floor with a loud thud, the gaping hole through your chest made the anger and feelings of anguish flow in him.
He didn’t even notice when he had taken over Yuji's body, destroying the very thing that took you away from him. The slaughter more animalistic and erratic as his state of sanity seems to be blown out the window.
He cares not for the look of horror and fear that clouded Yuji's teammate's face. Not concerning much of his attention to them, he came over, plucked your dead body from the ground, and disappear.
Appearing back to that place you talked with Yuji so dearly about..what was it again. He couldn’t recall the name, only knowing about the large wisteria trees that guard the scenery. 
“Dumb human...surely foolish beings you are.” He mumbles you head was press into his chest as he looked out from the Cliffs view.
“Look what you have done, making me feeling things for you..” his voice soft as he pushed back small strands from your face. Yuji memories of this morning playing back
“You two better make it out of here alive or I’m kicking both of your butts.” You proclaimed earning a whine from Yuji and scoff from Sukuna as he appeared on the other’s cheek. “Dare I ask how you’ll be able to deafest me, don’t bite more than what you can chew.” He threatens but only succeeded in making you laugh, “Mhm..yeah you’re right I’m just worried about my two favorite boys.” You had told them, leaning in and kissing a flustered Yuji, “I love you both so be safe.” Okay and no stupid actions.” You scolded Yuji plucking the boy's head.
A weak laugh fell off from his lips, “Looks who’s talking, you’re the one that’s gone and died on us..” he spoke aloud. Moving to crouch by the tree and sit your body against the bark.
He let one finger trail over your lips and down your features letting them be engraved in his memory as he gazes down at you.
That disease having still affecting him, even as you lay dead in front of him. These feeling of sadness and heart ach and most of all loneliness suffocating and clawing at his throat
He dare not shed a tear, Yuji would do enough of that for the both of them. Instead, he let his hand gently cup over your cold and colorless cheek. The warmth he remembers oh so clearly, know felt like something that occurs ages ago.
He leans his forehead against yours and shutting his eyes, and allowing Yuji to take control.
You’d never heard him say, though he wished you are hear so he could that dazzling smile as he did
“I love you... S/o.”
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