#hes fast and hes strong and he makes food that gustavo lets him eat :)
When rats are happy they grind their front teeth. This called bruxing. However because their jaw muscles are just below their eyes, more aggressive bruxing rapidly pushes their eyes in and out of their sockets. That’s called boggling. It’s cute, at least when you know what it is. Brick Boggles. Big Boggle Baby.
YES i love rats so much and brick absolutely boggles. I even had a thought (weeks ago) to draw out peppino seeing it for the first time and thinking brick is DYING 😭
Gustavo leaves Brick in his care for just one(1) hour and Peppino is like ‘please do not leave this beast with me, what if it needs something? What if it eats something its not supposed to eat? What if it chokes and dies a-and explodes-‘ and Gustavo is like u worry too much my friend :) Ill be back soon! Only an hour! 👍🏾 So hes left with this Beast as hes closing up shop for the day 😭
And Brick isnt the Most friendly and hes kind of Huge and Peppino really doesnt like being in his Presence so hes like 🧍 watching Brick from the back of the pizzeria. Because thats a fucking BEAST in his SHOP! He cannot stress this enough; a BEAST. And hes responsible for it ! Gus had to beat that thing into submission for some alpha pack leader respect shit! Thats scary! WILD ANIMALS like lions and hyenas or whatever do that! Not rats!! 😭😭
Hes wiping down the counters and when turns around to rinse off the rag, Brick is hovering over him. And he has no shame in admitting this; he screams. Thats like a bear closing the gap of an entire storefront in less than a second without a single sound made 😭 and now its SNUFFLING him and hes like im going to fucking pass away.
“I dont have anything on me you fucking rat- GO AWAY-” but hes got his hands balled up into fists against his chest and hes shaking bc Brick wont stop being Nosy. And now the fuckers bunting at his fist and hes like ‘what does that fucking MEAN do you want to fight??? I dont want to fight you, I really dont; I really really dont. You can be alpha or whatever i dont care’ 😭😭
But brick is snuffling his hand and trying to pry it open and hes like. Do you want me to fucking pet you??? And he tentatively reaches out to pet Brick, only to pull away SHARPLY when Brick nibbles at his hand. Like u little bitch u did you just bite me??? But theres no marks…and after a minute of Peppino not moving an inch, this fucking BEAST decides to use his hands to GRAB Peppinos hand, and guide it to his muzzle. As if to say ‘this, i want this! I want you to do this!’
So Peppino reluctantly caves in bc hes fucking TRAPPED between a bear rat beast and his countertop. Bricks fur is oddly sleek, yet easy to bristle when he pets their face. Running his thumb against the base of his whiskers feels Weird but Brick SEEMS content. Hes like ‘yeah…o-okay. Okay…! Yeah! O-okay; im ‘a not dead! :)’
And then bricks eyes start wobbling out of control; theyre popping in and out of his head and Peppino GRIPS this poor rats face hes like WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKING DOING? DYING? ARE YOU DYING RIGHT NOW????! He didnt notice it before but NOW hes hearing this odd grinding sound and Peppino is like this fucking thing is breaking down right in front of me 😭 But despite the roughness, Brick is still staring at him, eyes wobbling furiously
Gustavo comes back to what LOOKS like Peppino (gently) holding Bricks face while Brick boggles, and hes like ‘OH look at that! Brick looks pretty happy, my friend :)’
And Peppino is like (face red; eyes wide) WHAT?? THIS ISNT A STROKE ??!
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