#hes Baby but in like a 'oh no this guys almost a grownass adult and still cries unconsolably when bambi's mum dies' way
raitrolling · 3 years
liiore has a tendency to depend on other people to stick up for him or deal with any tasks he struggles with because that’s really all he knows. velour and aiolos deff end up babying him quite a bit because they know he’s shy and anxious and very sensitive (vel obvs in past tense because they’re no longer on speaking terms), and during his time as an idol he had a whole team of people doing everything for him. they’d give him dietary routines for him to stick to, chaperone him everywhere, plan out his schedule, be his PR manager and protect him from seeing any nasty comments made about him, and everything else a celebrity needs
he’s absolutely terrified of any confrontation too. when he quit being Ocean Star the first thing he did was pay people to wipe as many traces of him online as possible until people eventually stopped talking about him, because he was scared of seeing people hurt and upset by his sudden disappearance, or people getting angry at him for his actions
which is why he’s following nebale around like a lost puppy dog in his thread lmao. he’s scared of him, but he’s scared of angering him or getting confronted by the people nebale angered earlier even more, so he doesn’t know what else to do but do whatever the Big Scary Fish Man tells him to 
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