silkssongsandchivalry · 11 years
6, 7, 10, 17, 18 (from herserenehighness)
6. Favorite book?
7. Favorite sigil and words?
17. What is your favorite scene in the series?
18. Who are you looking forward to reading about/seeing more of in the coming books/seasons?
{6. I've only read the first two so far, and I enjoyed Game of Thrones more. I'm about 100 pages into Storm of Swords and feel pretty good about it becoming my favorite when I'm done. Could change again when I've read all five!
7. I lovelovelove Baelish's assumed mockingbird sigil. The character is my favorite for many reasons and his sigil is also my home state's official bird, so I took that to be a sign of divine approval of my admiration. I also love the words associated with Petyr (Knowledge is Power) but I don't know if they're canon. I like We Do Not Sow from House Frey Greyjoy (cough) quite a bit.
EDIT! Forgot 10. Who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne at the end? Going off what I've read so far and creeping on fandom chatter? Dany.
17. Again, only two books in so I'm sure this will change, but so far I loved the conversation between Tyrion and Petyr after Tyrion first made it back to KL in ACoK. The back and forth, subtext, and how nothing on the page was what either man actually wanted or meant was a marvelous piece of writing.
18. I'm definitely looking forward to more Petyr/Sansa interactions after she leaves KL. The more Baelish mind games the better.}
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killsandthrills · 13 years
You don't follow me but I follow you! Love your blog
I follow you now :D I love Jason Isaacs! Your blog is lovely.
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