#hero tried so hard not to look like lark that she looked like sparrow and normal had the reverse happen
ithinkdogshouldvote · 10 days
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Ah, the Oak family tradition of having very complicated feelings towards your father(s).
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I think Hero was born before the boys took over D.A.D.D.I.E.S. and Normal was born afterward
Just this idea of Sparrow naming his daughter (or like probably actually Lark's daughter but hey) and he and rebecca name her Hero and Sparrow feels secure, knowing that she'll never have to be a hero for anyone but herself obviously. It's just a fun name, Mercedes and Henry probably thought it was adorable. He and Rebecca got married young, had hero when they were young but Sparrow wasn't stressed because he had a great support system
Nick didnt end up having Taylor until a couple years later and Grant adopted Link around then too, and coincidentally Rebecca's pregnant again and they're all looking forward to raising their kids together (minus terry who is in love with his work rn and plans to be a great uncle)
And suddenly their dads go missing and suddenly D.A.D.D.I.E.S. is their problem and they've all just had a kid or are about to and Sparrow who's just been on a panicked autopilot for a month now just names the kid Normal,
because nothing else is and he needs this kid to be normal because his son needs to be happier than he and Lark were and maybe if they hadnt been so goddamn weird the Doodler wouldnt be here, and henry would be and henry could tell him what to do
Because Sparrow cant just love his family out of this, he cant just show the Doodler compassion and maybe it'll go away, he's gotta learn to protect his family, and he's not hard like Lark, he didnt learn how to be and he-
And Rebecca lays a hand on his arm from her hospital bed, tiny Normal cradled in her arms as they look at the birth certificate and she just smiles and says she likes it, it's very unique and Sparrow bites back a comment about how that's the opposite of the point
and he just smiles at his wife because she's had a long day and tries not to meet Lark's eyes from where he's sitting across the room, playing minecraft on his phone with tiny toddler Hero because it's fine, maybe he cant love the Doodler out of existence but he can make things smooth here, with his family. He can make this okay, they'll be happy. They can be normal about this
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I’m gonna make a theory or headcanon about every Oak-Garcia . (Not counting Hilda, Barry, Birdy, or Autumn) this is the first post that I have made something darker, I added warning tags ,but this is also my first time using them. If I did something wrong feel free to correct me so I can edit the post.
Due to Henry and Mercedes living in Ecuador (with Birdie), neither of them know a lot about what happened to Hero. However, both of them know about how strained Normal and Hero’s relationship is and call frequently to give advice. They also talk with Hero a lot, who only really talks about her jobs. Both probably know it’s related to the doodler and something they are unaware of happening, but they tried pushing before and it didn’t work out well. They both just remind Hero and Normal that if they ever run into some trouble to call them.
Lark had always gotten obsessive about killing the doodler, but prior to “killing” Nick he was a lot better. After that night park finally crossed a line. Every negative trait in him got worse, and the good things began to fall away. Lark removed the safety from guns, he and sparrow harshened Hero’s training, his patience kept getting thinner.
Sparrow has always struggled with an alcohol addiction. The time normal remembers (mentioned in dance dance revelations (part 2 I think) is probably related to Hero’s mental breakdown at seeing the doodler. Or the thing I will be referencing in my section about Rebecca
Rebecca had known about the doodler, and didn’t know how hard Hero was being pushed (I need my kids to have one slightly redeemable parent). She was mostly at work or at home with Normal. When Hero came home after one of the trips and started crying for every night. Sparrow refused to talk about it. After things escalate Rebecca has a mental breakdown. Lark and Sparrow choose to stop Hero’ training and to also remove the memories of the doodler from Rebecca.
Hero has more jobs than just the internship and pizza delivery. She tries to keep herself busy so she never has to think about her own childhood, or her parents. She also likes that she’s making so much money. One she makes enough money to survive without her parents assistance she’s cutting contact fully with her family (including normal cause he’s a momma’s boy). She plans to get back in contact with him when he turns eighteen
Normal has connected sparrows’s pride and love together. He knows that even if his mom isn’t proud of him (she is) that she loves him whole heartedly. But he remembers being little and his dad looking at him weird, and always hanging out with Hero taking her out for ice cream (he wasn’t allowed to go.) When he finally got a properly relationship with Sparrow he connected it with something that had happened. He assumed that his dad was now proud of him.
The doodler definitely is gonna be defeated by Hero, if Normal goes full doodler. Cause the doodler above all wants to be loved, and it knows how much Hero feared it, knows how long she cried. Normal is her brother though, and in many ways her only family. The doodler is scary, but normal is a funny little freak. She’s gonna be terrified, but it’s her brother. The doodler wants to be loved, and Hero wants her brother back… any ways normal is gonna be the big sister of the doodler and they are gonna kick the oak twins in the crotch and then be siblings together. Happy happy happy
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