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Bee and yeah 👍
bee for u
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The darkest day of the year calls for a super bright image. Here is a Heriades resin bee on a California poppy, shot around the last solstice.~~~~~~~#resinbee #heriades #caiforniapoppy #eschscholziacalifornica #natgeoyourshot #mat_macro_bees https://www.instagram.com/p/BrrNhH5BXDK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k0oney5bcuyi
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Watching these little solitary bees foraging the flowers I planted just for them really fills me with joy !
#bees#bee#solitary bee#native bees#wild bee#heriades#cornflower#edelweiss#botanical rose#bee house#bee hotel#wild bee hotel#abeille#abeille solitaire#megachilidae
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was... was someone gonna tell ms that Netflix is adapting Henry V. ...... into a feature length film... with Timothee Chalamet as Hal in the ugliest bowl cut known to men.... and Robert Pattinson as the Dauphin........ what...... ??????
#i am so so confused#and the film description doesnt even say Henry V?????#it says heriad???????? bich this movie is 133 min long they better not pull any bullshit
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Heriades bruneri. Love the amber hairs. Small bee (~5mm). Nests in holes in wood or stems. Black body / no light colored markings. Boldly pitted. Collected by Tim McMahon in Costa Rica. Photo by Cole Cheng.
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This is a PSA on BEE HOTELS!!!!
Gardener's World did the awful one used as the image for this post, so please sit tight.
You want solitary, cavity nesting bees in your garden? Cool. These will be of a few different genera. The most common that you get in regular, store bought bee hotels are Osmia and Megachile, but people also get Heriades, Anthidium and Hylaeus. You also can get a lot of solitary wasps which are
! ! ! A W E S O M E ! ! !
If you're buying one in a store, please read on! For instructions on how to make one please hold on while I try find my old hard drive :)
To select one:
Avoid bamboo (multitude of problems with it inc splitting and shortness due to the cells in it)
Make sure there's a good distance between the holes (3/4 inch at least)
Make sure there's no splinters on the outside, these will rip newly emerging bee wings and potentially the more worn out momma bees
No metal wire on the outside unless you live in an area with woodpeckers. Again, bee wings can get caught and tear on the wire.
NO. I REPEAT. NO PINECONES!!! They flow up in winter and squish whatever is inside.
Closed ends to prevent parasites sneaking in the back & to stop baby bees falling out the wrong end (though the female bee will try hr hardest to stop this, they are more exposed)
At least 4 inch deep holes which are 10mm across or less. 12mm can work for some Megachile & Anthidium
A range of holes sizes is good for multiple species but can promote diseases being passed between different species, so your choice what you choose to risk.
Make sure it's fairly waterproof, especially if you're somewhere wet.
Don't use treated wood as the treatment can include insecticides.
Mounting your bee hotel:
Please FIRMLY ATTACH your bee hotel to something at about head height (prevents ants). If it sways, say good bye to the baby bees.
Please attach facing south-east to south (so the bees can warm up and dry off when they first emerge)
Please replace your bee hotel every yearto 2 years. Mite build up is a thing and it is not good!! If you want to reuse it, you can bleach it to prevent disease spreading (1 part bleach to 3 parts water) and clean out the holes with pipe cleaners if you must to get rid of mites that are in a weird form of "hibernation" (it's not quite called that but for simplicity's sake..!).
That's it. Please be well informed on your purchases. There are good reusable bee hotels out there which come apart so you can clean and inspect the cells.
Further work can be done by removing cells for over wintering, leaving them in a dry cool place (they need it to drop to ~4 degree Celsius iirc) and clean your bee hotel out then. Release as they emerge or leave them in an emergence box outside that is safe from birds, badgers and rodents (dark box with a small emergence hole).
I personally recommend the Nurturing Nature bee hotels as they are well researched! If not, please check out Wildlife World Solitary Bee Hive, it is also a good bet and you can remove the pupae & clean it and use it until it disintegrates into nothing :) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001HIYW44/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_TFCkDbG178Y19
This is written from a UK bee perspective I'm not 100% sure on American ones, but there's lots of info out there e.g. Managing Alternative Pollinators handbook by the Xerces society.
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pantheris reblogged your photo:usgsbiml: This lovely Heriades carinata is only...
I want to design an alien based on her
u should design an alien based on her. she would be such a sleek gorgeous alien :D
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Representative solitary bees that have evolved pollen specialization (A) Colletes hederae (European ivy plasterer bee) on Hedera helix (English ivy); (B) Chelostoma florisomne (sleepy carpenter bee) on Ranunculus sp. (buttercup); (C) Peponapis sp. in an inflorescence of Cucurbita sp. (gourd); (D) Andrena vaga on an inflorescence of Salix sp. (willow); (E) Macropis fulvipes on Lysimachia punctata (large yellow loosestrife); (F) Heriades truncorum on Anthemis tinetoria L. (yellow chamomile) All individuals are females except for the individual in B All photographs by N.J. Vereecken except for C, which is by J. Forman Orth
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Inktober 16 - Wild Although honey bees are important pollinators, wild non-honey bees and other animals are responsible for over two thirds of pollination. Pesticides and habitat destruction are endangering all of them. However, in the public eye we see mostly campaigns to save the honey bees. While this is important, entomologists warn that many of these one sided campaigns (fueled by the lucrative honey industry) are actually exacerbating the situation of wild pollinators. Black bees of the of the Genus heriades can be found all over the world (except South America and Australia). They are important pollinators. Many people do not know about black bees and often mistake them for ants. They belong to a group that includes leafcutter bees, mason bees, and resin bees. Save (all) the bees! . . . #sketchdaily #drawdaily #drawing #nature #natureart #dailydraw #watercolor #watercolour #markers #hkartist #hkart #inkstagram #inkfeature #inkdrawing #inktober #inktober2019 #vivivainktober @vivivacolors #insect #wild #bee #bees #honeybee #blackbee #pollinator #pollinators #wildlivesmatter #savethebees #saveallthebees https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qxDtYDBvL/?igshid=93mec5jgzvrf
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Voltaire – carti, filosofie si credinte
Autor al nuvelei satirice „Candid”, Voltaire este considerat unul dintre cei mai mari scriitori iluministi ai Frantei.
Nascut in 1694, la Paris, Franta, Voltaire este recunoscut ca fiind unul dintre scriitorii de seama ai curentului iluminist. Lucrarile sale celebre includ: teatrul tragic „Zaire”, studiul istoric „Secolul lui Ludovic al XIV-lea” si nuvela satirica „Candid”. Adesea in contradictie cu autoritatile franceze cu privire la lucrarile sale acuzate din punct de vedere politic si religios, el a fost incarcerat de doua ori si a petrecut multi ani in exil. A murit la scurt timp dupa ce s-a intors la Paris, in 1778.
Imbratisand filosofi iluministi precum Isaac Newton, John Locke si Francis Bacon, Voltaire si-a gasit inspiratia in idealurile lor de societate libera si liberala, alaturi de libertatea religioasa si a comertului liber.
Voltaire, in acord cu alti ganditori iluministi ai epocii, era un deist, nu prin credinta, ci mai degraba prin ratiune. El a privit favorabil toleranta religioasa, chiar daca a criticat sever crestinismul, iudaismul si islamul. Ca vegetarian si avocat al drepturilor animalelor, Voltaire a laudat hinduismul, afirmand ca hindusii sunt pasnici si nevinovati, incapabili sa raneasca pe ceilalti sau sa se apere.
Acest autor a mai scris poezie si piese de teatru, precum si lucrari istorice si filosofice. Cele mai cunoscute poezii ale sale sunt „Heriade” si „Fecioara din Orleans”, pe care a inceput sa o scrie in 1730, dar niciodata nu a finalizat-o.
Printre cele mai cunoscute dintre piesele sale se numara adaptarea lucrarii „Oedip” scrisa de Sofocle, care a fost interpretata pentru prima data in 1718. Apoi au urmat o sere de tragedii dramatice, inclusiv „Mariamne” si „Zaire”. Dupa acestea, Voltaire a continua sa scrie in aceeasi maniera, luand nastere „Mahomed” si „Nanine”.
Ilustrul autor s-a mai remarcat prin lucrarile sale istorice notabile „Secolul lui Ludovic al XIV-lea” si „Eseu despre moravuri si spiritul natiunilor”. In cea din urma lucrare, Voltaire a adotat o abordare unica pentru a urmari progresul civilizatiei mondiale concentrandu-se pe istoria sociala si arta.
Anticariat din Bucuresti | PrintreCarti.ro
O parte din lucrarile sale pot fi gasite la PrintreCarti.ro. Acesta este un anticariat din Bucuresti unde puteti vizualiza online stocurile de carti. Doar accesati https://www.printrecarti.ro/ si urmariti daca ceea ce doriti se afla in stoc!
#anticariat din Bucuresti#PrintreCarti.ro#Reduceri carti anticariat#Carti vechi de vanzare#Anticariat Bucuresti#Anticariat Carti#Voltaire
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027-coelioxys, heriades, ceratina, anthophora, habropoda, xylocopa, bombus, apis, melipona - high resolution image from old book.
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Small resin bee (Heriades spp.) ambling along the flowers of an anise hyssop plant (Agastache foeniculum). These bees are closely related to mason and leafcutter bees, and much like their cousins, they can be coaxed to board a bee hotel. In some places with their preferred plants they can be exceptionally numerous. Fast and erratic fliers, when in large numbers these bees can form what could easily be mistaken as a "swarm of gnats." #bees #insects #pollinators #heriades #resinbee #smallresinbee #wildbee #bug #macrophotography #macro_x #macroworld_tr #insects_of_our_world #kings_insects #macro_mood #macro_perfection #beesofinstagram #hyssop #macroclique #mat_macro #buzz #blackbee
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Resin bee (Heriades spp.) on butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa). Generalist bees the Heriades are, but with a sweet tooth for milkweed. #bees #bugs #insects #pollinators #milkweed #asclepiastuberosa #heriades #orange #flowers #resinbee
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A small thin well armored bee.
Heriades carinatus (male)
Just so to fit in the abandoned burrows of powder post beetles and the like. Obliquely related to Mason bees, the females carry pollen and are notable for their use of plant resins to plug their nest holes. This one from Prince George's County. Photograph by Elizabeth Garcia.
All original pictures completely public domain and available at our Flickr site: https://www.flickr.com/photos/usgsbiml/
Photography Information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-_yvIsucOY
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/usgsbiml/
Download our free field guide to the genera of bees:http://bio2.elmira.edu/fieldbio/beesofmarylandbookversion1.pdf
Public Bee Servant, sam droege
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This lovely Heriades carinata is only maximally enjoyed when seen at full def from our flickr site.
Print it out about 3 feet on edge and then you will really enjoy the armor this Amazon sports.
Her glossy ebony plates have arrays of machined divots, each uniquely sized, but in relationship with the surrounding pits such that spacing and sizes array in flowering topographies of power functions that mates art and form in a perfect union. Add bands of thick ermine hairs, accenting strands of hair with a well pool of a black eye so removed from our reality that you now know that aliens commingle. Oh, this little being was found outside the sound stage of Wolf Trap Park in Virginia.
#divot#amazing#wolf trap park#virginia#heriades#insect#insects#bees#bugs#black background#armored#tank#thick#pollinator
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Heriades resin bee on Eryngium agavifolium. ~~~~~~~~~#heriades #resinbee #eryngiumagavifolium #pollinators #mat_macro_bees
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