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iwonderwh0 · 1 year ago
Emma: "This is Daniel, the coolest android in the world! Say hi, Daniel!"
Daniel: "Hello!"
Emma: "You're my bestie! We'll always be together!"
The thing is, Emma probably didn't even know anything about her father's plans to replace Daniel, and it is really possible that if she had a chance to get to know about it before Daniel, she'd be the one throwing a tantrum, potentially preventing anything that happened instead. Aside from just Emma, it was repeatedly mentioned throughout the game that kids actually love androids. For example there's this dialogue at the station that Markus can overhear:
Little girl, visibly upset, hugging herself: "Are we really going to get rid of Mandy?"
(Probably mother): "Grandma says it leaves her nothing to do, sweetie."
Little girl: "But she's so cool!"
Mother: "I know, honey."
Not only kids think they're cool, android-only band Here4You is even hitting the charts as one of the most popular among youngsters, whereas adults find them really creepy and soulless. Another overhead dialogue from the same chapter:
"I heard that android boyband is going to win sone music prize"
"You mean Here4You? God, they're so creepy.
"My kids don't listen to anything else."
From adult's POV this attachment is interpreted as just another form of phone/internet/social-media/[insert anything else young people are accused of liking too much]-addiction, because most of them are too angry at CyberLife to comprehend that their kids may actually like androids for who they are as people in their lives, for being their safe space of a kind, and not because they're just addicted to that fancy toys to play with (although there probably are some kids who'd see them exactly this way. There always are.)
It was truly a misfortune that Daniel got so overwhelmed by the news that he instantly became fatalistic instead of pausing to really think about it first, to maybe consider that this decision may not have been a collective one, and there's still a chance -- maybe a small one, but still the one worth looking into -- to cancel it by talking, asking Emma about if she knows (because she probably didn't) instead of instantly going for the gun to take revenge on everyone as equally guilty. Instead of asking, he instantly assumed the worst – that Emma's opinion in the matter will be the same as her father's, and that was his main mistake. Daniel must have had really good relationships with the whole family including the father who as it turned out didn't think of him as a person, but rather a replaceable object – something Daniel never expected or even considered before, which, by the way, only further implies just how much he was actually loved for this information to be this unexpected and this world-shattering. He never saw it coming AT ALL (and in a generally anti-android society it really is telling) so this unexpected truth basically overwritten everything he ever knew about his life and world as a whole, making him feel like a fool for not seeing it earlier.
In this sense he's really similar to Connor when he realised that CyberLife never loved him, that he in fact is NOT special, not an exception from the rule, and was only used as an expendable object. There really is a parallel here. Except for Connor this knowledge didn't came with an anger, but with guilt for his previous actions (and, you know, Connor was actually right about it while Daniel could have potentially made a mistake in interpreting it the way he did)
So "Daniel never saw it coming because he was only surrounded by love" is one theory, but now I wanna consider a different one, being –
He was never going to be replaced on the first place,
Philips family is just insanely rich and John decided that he can afford to buy one more android, because why not? The one they have is great, and their enormous apartment with giant gold statues of Buddha and big-ass pool area would benefit from another pair of hands. It's possible that this decision wasn't even planned, but just an impulsive purchase done by someone who's so rich that spending nearly 10K is not a big deal.
And in this case, maybe Daniel's suspicion accumulated over a period time of him hearing how other androids are talked about outside of Philip's family and always thinking "For me it's different – they actually love me for who I am and will never replace like that. They're not like those other people, they're different, I'm different." And then him seeing that purchase was just...the last straw that was needed for him to apply all those previous already existing suspicions to his own situation and finally consider that they might actually apply to him, resulting in him drawing those depressing conclusions that if true would mean that his whole life has been a lie that he was just too stupid to be able to see through.
So there's at least a small chance that it was all a result of just a big misjudgement and/or could be avoided if dialogue was Daniel's first choice of action instead of him getting blinded by his anger and urge to take revenge on those who -- at least from his immediate understanding of the situation -- betrayed him.
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nevergoingaway2025 · 11 days ago
Stuck with her :) #feelsafe
#igotyou #here4you #always
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cool-one-1 · 4 years ago
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Just sometimes www.GullaTees.Store #DEEP #GOD #LOVE #WAR #PEACE #HAPPY #HELP #HERE4YOU #ONLY4EVER #SERVICE #US #WE (at Just some good times) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPLXD_LEUP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gmlgloballlc-blog · 5 years ago
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Need help planning those healthy after school snacks for the kiddos? check us out 
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utopiavybz · 3 years ago
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I did a re-order so these will be back in stock soon…along with the Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs🥰 …#Cleansing #PaloSanto #RoseQuartz #Yoni #Wands @utopiadevignzemporium #SelfCareRoutine #SelfLove💞 #SelfHealing #UniqueEmpaths #Here4You #fyp #2-2-22Portal💫 #LateNightRituals https://www.instagram.com/p/CZkM4iJpvLF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tcmae938 · 5 years ago
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With a new product launch right around the corner... like just a little over a week away, Corporate has extended their #CashBack offer!! 😲 I know... crazy but true!! This means AMAZING news for you!! So not only do you get approx 50% off products on your business kit purchase, but now you get CASH BACK from Corporate AND me!! 💵💰💵 PLUS, you will be one of the first to be able to purchase our newest innovation!! 🥰 Trust me, people are gonna want it so why shouldn't they get it from you?!? Isn't it time you #OwnYour24 and become the #CEOofYou?!? #NewProductLaunch #1ForAReason #Here4You #WhyNotYou #WhyNotNow #TCarrasquillo #NothingChangesIfNothingChanges https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGPb56A8np/?igshid=j1sz9dbttcmv
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afar25 · 5 years ago
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Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see #here4you #ufo #cartoonufo #vectorillustration #vectorspaceship #hoodieillustration #characterdesign #beanieillustration #characterillustration #vectorartist (at Downtown Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6P34IwFX3W/?igshid=avdwshjkybt0
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eastsidemags · 8 years ago
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Made it. Time to get that shipment banged out! #EastSideMags #neversaydie #here4you #bestcustomers #dedication #whatblizzard #justafewflakes #quitwhining (at East Side Mags)
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jrocrockiee · 8 years ago
No matter what anyone else says about you no matter what you think of yourself, i love you. i really love you, like crazy. i want to be with you all the time. i want to hold your hand all the time. if you name ten things that you hate about yourself, i'll say two thousand things that i love about you. That's the kind of special treatment that i want to give you.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year ago
Do you think Emma even had friends among humans? She was a rich girl in a country where most people struggle with job security and keeping a home. While people were being replaced with androids here and there she was calling her domestic android her bestie. She had "good vibes only" in her room as her motto (or was it live love laugh? I don't remember for sure which one it was) , not a good sign, probably the ickiest thing a rich teenage girl can have as it betrays a vibe of a mean girl, possibly even a bully. Among her peers she probably had some kids trying to be her friends just to be able to access some expensive games/lifestyle/android (kids according to dbh lore mostly like them and think they're cool) while others openly hated her for being so privileged and probably entitled with being blind to the problems of others due to being as spoiled as she was. She probably thought of them as jealous and perhaps it isn't amusing after all that she preferred the company of her android to kids who either liked her for her money or hated her for it. Growing up in such a luxurious wealth she probably thought of androids as a good thing, a great thing even, her favourite thing that is always there for her as the name of that all-android music band "here4you" that she probably liked as it was mentioned as one of the most popular music bands among kids and teens. That was however up until that bifurcation point at 15th of August. Afterwards, she lost far more than her father, mental health and peace of mind. Her whole world will be shattered, and she probably won't even have human friends to support her through that. Had she ever even had a friend amongst other kids? What if not?
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alexdanversdaily · 5 years ago
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chy_leigh: FRIENDS... do not miss this!! @eastofeli & I have joined forces with @qfxevents for QFXCloudCon with a powerful storytellers concert, proceeds going towards @trevorproject to support & celebrate #pride 🏳️‍🌈 Join us and our whole @createchange.me team for an incredible hour of music, some encouragement and inspiration. #Here4You
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cool-one-1 · 4 years ago
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All the time www.GullaTees.Store #DEEP #GOD #LOVE #WAR #PEACE #HAPPY #HELP #HERE4YOU #ONLY4EVER #SERVICE #US #WE (at God Is Good All the Time) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPKcoNLFxq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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utopiavybz · 3 years ago
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I did a re-order so these will be back in stock soon…along with the Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs🥰 …#Cleansing #PaloSanto #RoseQuartz #Yoni #Wands @utopiadevignzemporium #SelfCareRoutine #SelfLove💞 #SelfHealing #UniqueEmpaths #Here4You #fyp #2-2-22Portal💫 #LateNightRituals (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZfASgEr3Wg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamchengguo · 3 years ago
Freenow汇集了各种流动性供应商:用于汽车共享、电动车、电动摩托车和出租车。例如,这些公司包括Share Now、Miles、Tier、Voi和Emmy。该服务正在建设中,并非每个供应商都在所有城市有代表。在该应用程序中注册只需要几分钟,包括驾驶执照模板。然后在你的个人资料中 "添加优惠券 "下输入代码HERE4YOU。你可以将代金券用于共享汽车、滑板车或电动车。
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mikeblair85-blog · 5 years ago
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Order from the great folks over Johnny Lukes KitchenBar through Cape Fear delivery and use code HERE4YOU at checkout and receive $5 off any order $30 or more at capefeardelivery.com or downloader app Cape Fear delivery. (at JohnnyLukes KitchenBar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEBCS7pnpg/?igshid=19g9bceo4czju
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Don't doubt that #YouMatter and have a purpose. #Depression will convince you you don't. This episode is for #suicide loss survivors and #parents. Please listen (15 minutes)
https://bit.ly/2SIUl4R #podcast #parenting #teenager #mentalhealth #mentalillness
#sicknotweak #SuicidePrevention #KeepTalkingMH #depression #family #DepressionIsReal #suicideprevention #teenager #Parents #notalone #depression #depressionquotes, #depressionsucks, #depressionrecovery, #suicide, #suicideprevention, #suicideawareness, #suicidequotes, #stigma, #yourstoryisntoveryet, #here4you, #hereforyou, #nevergiveup, #whatyoudontsee, #suicidalthoughts, #mentalhealth, #mentalillness, #mentalheatlhawareness, #mentalhealthmatters, #breakthesilence, #Jmidy, #PrinceHarry, #ThereisHelp, #ok2Talk, #RecoveryisPossible #YouMatter, #ladyGaga
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