#here's to us one more toast and then we'll pay the bill
deadboyswalking · 11 months
Listened to the song "When All Is Said And Done" (Mamma Mia version where it's a love song and not a breakup song) yesterday and went insane with thoughts of a Shuggy reunion
"Standing calmly at the crossroads
No desire to run
There's no hurry anymore
When all is said and done."
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ohwhataniight · 3 months
When all is said and done - Johnlock WIP - Part 1
Here's to us, one more toast, and then we'll pay the bill
Deep inside, both of us can feel the autumn chill
Birds of passage, you and me
We fly instinctively
When the summer's over and the dark clouds hide the sun
Neither you nor I'm to blame when all is said and done
“Angelo, you forgot the candle,” John smiles after they settle down on their table and take off their coats. It’s a tender spring night and the small restaurant is full with customers chattering vividly. John can feel the small box-shaped bump in his pocket vibrate with a heartbeat of its own, coming alive under the tweed fabric - his best for the occasion. He can feel Sherlock’s scrutinizing gaze on him. He can imagine what is going on through that brilliant mind. John has nothing to hide anymore. He could be dancing naked in front of Sherlock wrapped in nothing but a Pride flag and the detective wouldn’t bat an eyelash. John is head over heels for Sherlock and, as always, he feels like an open book.
Damn it.
They discuss their last case in the flickering candlelight. Sherlock’s gestures and facial expressions are animated by frustration and disbelief - he missed the obvious, again (the mud stain on the tip of the tailor’s right shoe didn’t match the left one). John wonders what has made Sherlock so scatter-minded. While Sherlock is venting away, John slides his hand over the table, curls his fingers around Sherlock’s own, stabilizing him. His pocket feels like it’s about to explode. It’s now or never.
“Let’s get out of here,” Sherlock smirks, out of the blue, with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Rosamund won’t ask for us for approximately another hour”.
He ends up cornering John against a grimy brick wall in a dark alley, his Belstaff wrapped around them like a protective veil as his hands slides down John’s corduroy pants, cupping him, eliciting a wanton moan.
“Sherlock,” John sighs, hazy from the wine, as his partner leans down and plants kisses on the curve of his throat - constellations that are going to bruise. John stays very still as Sherlock’s wandering hands barely miss the bump in the pocket of his jacket.
“Yes, John?” the detective murmurs in a sultry voice, hands on John’s hipbones now, pressing him hard against the wall.
“I want you, Sherlock,” John is panting by now, breath hitching on his throat, sucked in by Sherlock’s greedy kiss. I want you forever. Tell me how I can have this forever.
Soon he’s writhing under Sherlock’s deft touch, and he has to remind his partner that being arrested for public obscenity isn’t going to do their already clumsy parenting any good.
They’ve been doing everything backwards, raising a kid before long before they start going out on real dates. John takes a glimpse of the stars through a visible streak of sky. The moon looks like a glowing fingernail. Damn his bad metaphors. Sherlock has made him forget how to write. Words are not enough with Sherlock, never enough. John tries to come up with a tacky title for this blog entry he’s never going to publish.
Everything was so much easier the first time around, with Mary. Much more straightforward. Nothing is straightforward about Sherlock. If he accidentally touches John’s pocket, he says nothing.
The Detective, the Doctor, and the undelivered proposal.
In our lives, we have walked some strange and lonely treks
Slightly worn, but dignified, and not too old for sex
We're still striving for the sky
No taste for humble pie
Thanks for all your generous love, and thanks for all the fun
Neither you nor I'm to blame when all is said and done
He considers shouting his proposal from the rooftops, quite literally, as they’re currently doing parkour, jumping from building to building, yet the words never leave his throat (constricted, as always. Coward.)
Next thing he knows, they’re running around London streets hand-in-hand, lost in a haze of adrenaline. They’re laughing, which makes them feel even more breathless, but John wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
Later that night, crime solved and lungs spent, John takes Sherlock on the couch, Rosie’s monitor always present on the coffee table. They’ve been accustomed to quiet sex, to swallowing down the moaning and resort to exchanging greedy breaths and sweat instead.
When they wash the lovemaking off of them, Sherlock’s head propped up against John’s clavicle, his long limbs hanging out of the porcelain bathtub, John considers: now. Instead, he lets Sherlock vent away until the bubble water grows cold. All the while, John kisses Sherlock’s damp curls, massages his shoulders, washes his front and back. They kiss languidly and, once again, John wonders how he can have this bliss for eternity, never to be woken up from this delirious dream.
It's so strange, when you're down, and lying on the floor
How you rise, shake your head, get up and ask for more
Clear-headed and open-eyedWith nothing left untried
Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run
There's no hurry anymore when all is said and done
They spend the weekend in a quaint little village somewhere in Yorkshire, hearing the stream trickle by as they stand on a scenic hill. Rosie is wrapped in a puffy pink jacket, and they have to be constantly vigilant because she seems set on munching on weeds she picks from the ground.
Rosie has a kiddie polaroid camera (Molly’s gift) and is taking photographs - mostly of their feet. Sherlock willingly makes faces at the lens, and John’s heart seems to bloom in his chest, spreading its branches, leaves and blossoms around his ribcage. Rosie babbles and screams as Sherlock tosses her in the air and fills her face with kisses.
John inhales a deep breath of clean air, feeling completely calm for the first time in years. This is them, with blurry polaroids serving as proof of their persistence. Images of Sherlock lying on the floor, delirious, eyes bloodshot, intrude in his mind, but now he can fight them back, replace old memories with new.
He has left the ring in Baker Street, not wanting to carry this specific flavour of anxiety and palpitations in their much needed break. For the first time in forever, John learns to accept, to go with the flow, to sit back and welcome things as they come.
Sherlock’s gloved hand finds his own. “Let’s take a proper selfie for Mrs. Hudson,” he suggests. “The three of us”.
With no second thoughts, John obliges.
To be continued...
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eemcintyre · 1 year
Mini playlist alert
A tribute to my favorite lil sweetheart of an action hero, Ethan Hunt
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"...Ready For It?", Taylor Swift
Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him. Wondered how many girls he had loved and left haunted. But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom holding him for ransom... Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me, stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry. But if I'm a thief, then he can join the heist...
"Stayin' Alive", Bee Gees
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time for talk... It's alright, it's okay, I lived to see another day.
"Private Eyes", Hall and Oates
I see you and you see me. Watch you blowing the lines when you're making a scene. Oh, girl, you've got to know what my head overlooks the senses will show to my heart. When it's watching for lies, you can't escape my private eyes. They're watching you, they see your every move... Why you trying to put up a front for me? I'm a spy, but on your side, you see. Slip on into any disguise, I'll still know you.
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World", Tears for Fears
There's a room where the light won't find you, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do, I'll be right behind you.
"Getaway Car", Taylor Swift
The ties were black, the lies were white, in shades of grey and candlelight... You were driving the getaway car, we were flying but we'd never get far... Riding in the getaway car, there were sirens in the beat of your heart... I knew it from the first old-fashioned we were cursed- it hit you like a shotgun shot to the heart.
"No Time to Die", Billie Eilish
I should have known I'd leave alone. Just goes to show that the blood you bleed is just the blood you own. We were a pair, but I saw you there. Too much to bear. You were my life, but life is far from fair. Was I stupid to love you? Was I reckless to help? Was it obvious to everybody else that I'd fallen for a lie? You were never on my side.
"You Know My Name", Chris Cornell
If you take a life, do you know what you get? Odds are you won't like what it is. When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me by the merciless eyes I've deceived? I've seen angels fall from blinding heights, but you yourself are nothing so divine, just next in line. Arm yourself, because no one else here will save you.
"When All is Said and Done", ABBA
Here's to us, one more toast, and then we'll pay the bill. Deep inside, both of us can feel the autumn chill. Birds of passage, you and me, we fly instinctively when the summer's over and the dark clouds hide the sun. Neither you nor I'm to blame when all is said and done. In our lives, we have walked some strange and lonely treks. Slightly worn, but dignified and not too old for sex... It's so strange, when you're down and lying on the floor, how you rise, shake your head, get up and ask for more.
*Honorable mentions: "Hypnotic", Zella Day, "Dress", Taylor Swift, and "Holding Out for a Hero", Bonnie Tyler*
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Spidey Senses (pt. 1)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You have a big secret about your life, and so might your crush.
Word Count: 2253
Chapter 2
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You woke up, looking around at the apartment to yourself, and got ready for school. You made yourself some scrambled eggs; they were quick enough to make. You ate and cleaned up, not that anyone was expecting you to. You went to the bathroom, looking at yourself one last time. You frowned, but smoothened out your shirt.
Peter liked this shirt. He once told you that at lunch, when you brought him cookies made cookies for him and Ned. It was a Bowsette shirt, and this time instead of wearing it lose you tucked it in. Maybe he'd like that? Not that it was doing much for your body. You did read somewhere that having confident vibes was attractive, so maybe you just needed to act confident, and he'd notice that you wore the shirt he likes? It was stupid, but you were doing it anyways.
You locked up your apartment and walked to Peter's nicer apartment complex, where you sat down on the untagged steps outside. A few minutes later Peter came rushing out with a piece of toast in his mouth. You turned and smiled, perking up.
"Morning Peter." You chirped. No matter how bad you could feel sometimes, you couldn't help but have the best of attitudes around Peter.
"Morning." He said, voice muffled. He took a bite and ripped off a piece of toast, silently giving it to you. You took it and ate with him. "So I just got a text from Ned, and we have to pair up in biology for a project on the genetics of different forms of life."
He sounded pepped up, and so were you. You loved doing projects. It was a stress reliever from working at nights, and you got to spend some time after school with Peter. To you, projects were amazing. "So, who're you gonna pick for your partner?" You teased.
"Of course only the one person I know who can keep up with me." He nudged you, and you giggled. "I wish Liz was in that class. She's really smart."
Then there was that. Peter's crush on Liz. Though it made you feel terrible about yourself, you couldn't help but constantly compare yourself to Liz. She was so much prettier than you, smarter, actually popular. Not that you really cared about popularity, but it seemed like everyone adored her, Peter included. You didn't dislike her, you just wished you could be more like her. But if she's what makes Peter happy, then you would try to be the most supportive friend you could be.
"I bet you do." You did your best to smile. "Are we still on for joining the Mathletes?"
"I don't know. What if I get too nervous around Liz and start messing everything up? Then I'll look like an idiot."
"First of all, never call yourself an idiot. You're a genius, own it. Second, me and Ned are gonna join with you. We'll have your back Peter. We'll all have some fun, and you'll get to spend more time with her. We'll be in the back for support if you need us."
He nodded and put an arm around you, squeezing your shoulders as he side hugged you. "Thanks y/n. I can always count on you and Ned to be really awesome friends."
Though it took a blow to your feelings and self esteem, all you responded with was "Of course." as you walked into school and met up with Ned.
Sometimes, keeping things to yourself was just the better option. There were two things you kept from Peter. One, you were completely and undoubtedly in love with him. Only Ned knew about this, since he's just as close to you as Peter is. Two, the day you went to the Stark museum field trip and got bit by that spider changed your life forever.
As the day went on, so did your anxiousness. It was good this time; you didn't have work today at Delmar's Deli-Grocery, meaning it was time to suit up. Queens always needed help, and you were happy to do it. So was this other guy with similar abilities, but you never met him, so you didn't worry about it.
Mathletes went pretty much as expected. Peter was adorably awkward around Liz, but a genius none the less. You actually had some fun with Ned, goofing off as well as being able to get some work done. Peter would come back to you two every now and then to give updates. "You okay?" Ned quietly asked.
"Yeah, I'm good." You rested your chin on your hand and leaned over. "What about you? Like anybody right now?"
He gave you a goofy smile. "Nobody specific, but I'm hoping being in the Mathletes will show girls how smart I am."
You gave him a toothy grin in return. "I'm sure they will. Girls who are worth your time are suckers for nerds." Ned nodded his head eagerly in response.
Peter caught a glimpse of your conversation with Ned about girls liking nerds, and it sounded like a really tempting topic to over and listen about, but he had to focus on Liz. Giving her his main attention will show her that this is just as important to him as it is to her.
When Mathletes was over, Peter went over to you and an excited Ned, trying to ignore that nagging left out feeling he was having. "What'd I miss?"
"Y/n's gonna paint the Millennium Falcon and Death Star on my walls!" Ned said excitedly.
"Woah, really?"
You shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, it's not a big deal. I like painting, and it's not like my landlord would let me do it on my own walls. His parents are gonna take me to buy the paints and pay me for doing it too, so it's really just me getting all the benefits."
"It's gonna happen next week, so we should have a marathon over the weekend." Ned proposed.
"I love that idea!" Peter said, getting pumped up and excited in a very cute way he does. "We should do it at your house!" He said to you.
"I'm so down!" You excitedly said. "But right now I have homework to do, so let's walk home."
Ned said his goodbyes as he got picked up. You and Peter walked home together talking about Star Wars and how he would love it if you painted for him sometime. You promised him you would and said your goodbyes, watching him walk up his apartment complex steps and disappearing. You then quickly ran home to put on your super suit and head out.
Meanwhile, Peter came home to see Mr. Tony Stark in his very own living room. "Aunt May, I'm ho–"
The two heads turned to see the suddenly out of breath teen. "Oh, hey! Mr. Stark was just telling me how you got accepted." Aunt May smiled.
"W...wha–how–um, hi." He breathed out.
Tony smiled effortlessly as he got up. "I was just talking to your Aunt May over here about your acceptance for your application into the Stark internship." He winked. "Can we talk privately in your room?"
"Ye...uh, sure. Course." They both went into his room and Tony closed the door, looking around the room.
"So your aunt seems nice." Tony said nonchalantly. "Really doesn't look like an aunt."
"Um, why are you here Mr. Stark? I never filled out an–"
"She's cute." He picked up a framed picture of you and Peter, you hugging him while you both smiled. Tony instantly recognized you as the other person he was going to recruit.
"Y–uh, I guess." The question was very flustering for Peter.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"Woah! No, we're just friends. There's actually this other girl–"
Tony set the picture down and went on to his phone. "Okay, I'm bored with this story now." He then pulled up a video of a disguised man stop a car from crashing into a bus. "This you?"
"No! I don't know who that is."
"Yeah?" He looked up and got the broom that was against the wall, pushing one of the air vents out of the way and watching Peter's suit fall while tied to a rope. "Tell anybody about your powers?"
"No! Not even Aunt May, I promise. It's been a secret since I got them."
Tony nodded. "I'll cut to the point. I need you to come with me to Berlin. There's something you can help me with. Think of it as a mission. Are you up for it?" Peter only nodded his head. "Good, we got one more stop to make."
You got home to your apartment after stopping a robbery at a fast food restaurant. You took a shower and finished your homework fairly quickly. After backing some double brownie cookies for the weekend, you started pencil drawing to pass the time. That's when you heard a knock at the door. Your hair was still a bit damp as you curiously got up and answered the door. In front of your very eyes was the infamous Tony Stark.
"Woah." Was the first thing to drop out of your mouth. You wanted to slap yourself. You quietly said, "Hello."
You stuck out your hand for a hand shake, trying to make it as firm as you could while feeling nervous around the celebrity. As he shook it, you swallowed your nervousness down and remembered that everyone has flaws and he's just a regular person.
"Hi, can I come in?" You forced a smile and nodded, stepping aside as he came in and walked around your house. In all honesty, it was kind of making you uncomfortable how much observing he was doing. He noticed the same picture Peter had was hanged up on your wall. "Is this your boyfriend?"
You nervously laughed at the thought of that fantasy. "I wish." You blurted out. He raised his eyebrows and looked at you, feeling that this was going to be fun to tease about over this mission. "But I've been friend zoned, so yeah." You quickly said. "Anyways, would you like something to eat or drink?"
"Got any sweets or something? I am kind of hungry." He didn't look at you and kept wandering around your apartment. You silently nodded and took out the container of cookies you just put in the cupboard. You made those for the Star Wars binge, but if you had to sacrifice some for Tony Stark, so be it. You opened it from the kitchen counter, and he took one while inspecting your kitchen. "Oh wow. These are good. Make them yourself?"
"Yeah actually. Thanks." He opened your finance drawer with your bills, newspaper coupons and food stamps. You quickly closed it. "Um, please don't look at that!"
He looked you in the eye for a second before nodding and looking at another picture of Peter and you, this time with you trying to cover your face from the selfie. "So, I've read your personal file."
He was so straight forward that you didn't know how to react. "Oh. Are you even allowed to do that?"
"I'm allowed to bend the rules a bit sometimes." You huffed in response. Rich people. "Emancipated at 15. That's a lot."
"Yeah, I guess. I'd like to think I've adjusted well." You put on a smile again.
He leaned against the kitchen counter. "You miss your mom?"
"Um, she needed to learn how to take care of herself before she could take care of anybody else. I'm okay with that." You rocked on your heals.
"That's very mature of you, but you didn't answer my question."
You really didn't know why you felt so open with him. Maybe it was all that internet stalking. Damn. But you weren't about to spill out your life to this man and scare him off. No matter how well you felt like you kind of knew him. "Mm, it's complicated."
"And what about your dad?"
You truthfully never really think about him. "What about him?"
"You don't want to meet him? Know anything about him?"
You let out a laugh. "The only thing I want to know about him is his address, so I could file for some child support."
Tony smirked, deciding that he liked you. "Can you even file for yourself."
You sighed. "Probably not. Sometimes the government can suck."
He nodded his head, his eyes averting to your room. Shit. "What're those?"
"Oh, um, you don't need to see that!" He walked a lot faster than you and went into your room. You silently cursed your small legs. "Wow. These are a lot of drawings. And there's a lot of Thor. Do we have a little crush on a certain God?"
"Maybe!" You blurted out, much to Tony's amusement.
There was a small desk over a bulletin board full of your drawings. You got the desk when you saw pieces of wood being thrown out of a Home Depot because of chips and scratches, and you volunteered to take it off their hands. You built it yourself, wobbly and uneven, and painted some of it with the paints Aunt May got you. It made you look like the help, but it was nothing compared to the drawings you had of the superheroes.
"So what if I do? I know a ton of people who have fake crushes on you!"
"And you're not one of them?" He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Should I be offended?"
You smiled, genuinely smiled, and shook your head. "People have fake crushes on unrealistically perfect people. Thor, Thor is unrealistically perfect. You have a ton of flaws but are essentially a good person at heart... With all respect."
"What makes you think I'm not just perfect?" He was truthfully interested in hearing your take on this.
"Because it takes a person with anxiety to know a person with anxiety." Tony uncomfortably shifted his weight onto his other foot.
"I've seen some bad stuff too, not as bad as you, but I know that memories creep up when things get too much to handle. You have a ton of things to handle. I've seen some interviews that get to you. Some things that people say. The rude reporters. Even though a lot of people say bad things about you, your company, and even your family, you still have it in you to fight for everyone. That's amazing. You're not unrealistically perfect, but you are realistically perfect to me."
He paused for a moment, absorbing what was said. "If you're not in love with me, then why do you take the time to know so much about me?"
"Because, while I don't think of you as the fake love of my life, I see you as someone I look up to."
"Believe me kid, you should look up to someone else." He tried to joke it off.
You shrugged. "I don't have anyone else." You felt embarrassed suddenly, looking down at your desk. You then smiled again and searched through your drawings, picking up one of Tony smiling. "Just think of me as your number one fan. You can have that."
"Huh." Was all he said as he looked at it.
"What? Not used to seeing yourself smile?" You giggled. "Anyways, why are you here?"
"Oh, right." He took out his phone, showing you a video of you suited up, stopping a moving car full of robbers until the police showed up.
You sighed. "Okay, you found me. What now?"
"You're not going to try and lie for your secret identity?" Tony smiled again.
"To Ironman?" You giggled again. "No."
"Well, there's a mission in Berlin I need you and the Spiderman's assistance for."
"Is that what he calls himself?"
"Yeah. You met him?" You shook your head, and Tony knew he was going to enjoy this. "Well, you're about to. Ready Spidergirl?"
"Um, shouldn't I pack or something?"
"No need. I got you provisions and clothes for a few days. Especially considering that's probably the only kind of things you have."
You clutched your baggy shirt. "Rude, but true."
"Okay then, stay here." He then left the apartment for a bit and came back with a nice looking shirt and ripped jeans. "I don't want people thinking I found a homeless girl off the side of the street."
"You're so mean." You breathed out a laugh. "Thank you though. I'll be out in a bit." You stepped out a minute later uncomfortably. "Ready?"
"Look at you, looking like a girl." He teased.
You laughed. "Who'd have known? Let's go."
"You ready to meet the Spiderman?" Tony asked as you both stepped down from the apartment complex.
"Should I be? I don't even know who that is." He winked at you before opening the door for you. You slid in the back seat and looked at a surprised Peter dead in the eye. "Holy shit!"
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facebookmessenger · 3 years
Travel Time Is Easier And More Enjoyable With These Helpful Tips
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Are you planning a trip to an exotic travelsmag.co.uk/ destination? Taking a business trip? Visiting friends or family? Then make sure you're prepared by reading the rest of this article. In this article, we'll be going over everything you need to have a safe, successful trip, no matter why you're taking it.
To prevent injury or illness from ruining your trip, check that your medical insurance policy applies when you are away from home - especially if you are planning a trip abroad. If you find out that you are not covered, don't worry. Check with your travel agent or online for vacation insurance.
When packing, make sure you split up your valuables. If you are packing multiple bags for a trip, spread your more expensive items out between them. Always avoid putting all your valuables in one bag in case this bag is lost or stolen. Losing only one bag is still terrible but might not ruin your trip.
When you arrive in a new hotel room, let the hot water run in the shower for a little while. Even the nicest of hotels can be somewhat dirty. Letting the hot water run will help kill spores that the regular cleaning might have missed. You aren't paying for the water bill in the room anyway.
Try using bubble wrap when packing. There is a good reason things get mailed in bubble wrap. It keeps fragile objects very safe. When you travel, your luggage goes through a process very similar to being sent via the postal service. Bubble wrap isn't difficult to come by and is a great choice when packing breakable possessions.
Check the carrier's website that you are most interested in to make sure you are getting the best price. You will generally find the best price here.
Try to eat something very mild during the meal prior to your plane ride. You don't want to feel nauseous or have to use the bathroom numerous times during the flight. A piece of toast for breakfast or a cup of soup for lunch would be a great option.
If you have young children and are planning to fly, you should remember that they will need something to help "pop" their ears when the plane is taking off and landing. You can bring gum, or if you child swallows gum, tootsie rolls are the perfect alternative, as they can be chewed just long enough to help.
Did you know that you can use snow to do travel a quick cleanup on your vehicle while you are traveling? A car wash would work better but snow works quite well in a pinch. It will remove the mud that got all over your rental vehicle when you ventured onto that back road. It also works well to get grime buildup off of your windshield in an emergency.
A lot of hotels offer discounted rates to locals, especially during the off-season. If you're going somewhere where you have family or friends, you should have them ask about a local discount. If there is one, you can have them book the hotel for you and save yourself some money!
Bring a gift for the flight attendants to gain special treatment. Flight attendants are generally treated very poorly, and if you bring them a treat, like a store-bought pie or something similar, they will recognize your generosity and treat you accordingly. Remember to thank them for doing their jobs. They are working for your safety, not as your maid.
Now that you've gone over everything you might need to know before you take your trip, you're ready to go and have fun! Traveling can be a lot of fun as well as being a productive thing to do. Whatever your reason, it's always important to be safe and prepared. Have a great trip!
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Stimulus checks: California and other states send payments to their residents
Since they skipped the $600 payment to our son they should probably have done that instead they're paying people we really appreciate now people who come and pick you up for no reason no trial the crime people who teach people how to harmonious discuss with the teachers of theirs do they figure that out pretty easily show me a sue the government here in Florida for 600 bucks I'm going to take all of you down Jason you're such a fucking faggot, we will have you out of the governorship before you can blink just got that many of you left maybe three or four days at the most cuz you don't pay $600 no way. People are all such losers you're dying for money that you can pull out of your pocket one of you could disposing of your kind globally so lesson forever you're so stupid and cheap it is ridiculous it makes us very angry that you're willing to die over absolutely nothing because the pay him the old would have costed nothing now it's going to cost a lot of money cuz you owe tons money feel a lot more these days and you do back then does he tallied all the lawsuits we want that money in from you and we wanted in now it's still not much money but if you could pay it easily look but now we're going to take over industries and entire sectors using it instead of you simply paid the cheesy bill lizards with your demanding you idiots are making sure so that's what's happening so oh well right lol.
You said you notice today Governor DeSantis about you or lawsuit for 600 bucks at this point it's not a lawsuit it's a request letter who is suing the federal government for holding a here not give me any money. Who presented today if you don't like it we'll do it we always have to do anyways and kill everybody in social security this is what we do every month to kill every single person that says foot in there cuz none of you are about to try and help him. Olympus approves of the methodology and approach. It's actually a very decent idea because it's the government throws his money 2 four inventions as well weaponry and so forth I'm going to put it out there in the public to but countries like China who would probably pay them third of what is owed at least by now from what we saw he put an effort into keeping their you guys are horrible people horrible tons you died they got sick invite some of the people who killed they killed so many of you he was smiling and stay the same thank you that's great he got really mad every few minutes here. I had tons of you that here tons more than the new China it was amazing how fast you died here huge huge piles recently larger than any of the Earth has ever seen a few people in fact Galactus is going up now I'm going to start slaughtering idiots so dumb sushi in Tallahassee give the rooftops up there she's a little squirts you pop when you get hit like ants.
We fire across the bow up in Tallahassee they are uppity. Then Galactus is up. They are, in place firing. Dropping the turds. Bja is wrestless we comfort him kill his in DC same method. Yes we do it daily but today or going to announce that I'm going to fill DC up over and over in New York City ever City let's go start firing on you fage I want to listen to you this morning. Fill it up and empty it is it those kids you out and stop fooling around it's what we need to do we need tons and tons you down here so I don't know why we can't do that I don't have any objections please let me know as soon as you start feeling the cities up and emptying them you can see the firing from a distance a lot of it. Huge Galactus appear out in the suburbs. Tons and tons of caravans start showing up all of the world out there trying to feed them and then toasted sharpening a large scale was tons of Galactus now we have done this yet but doing it now the gigsntic ones. Huge Purge going on it's way too many if you morons.
We see about 20 good size ones per area. They're 1 to two miles high and you guys cant take them.
We sand for more to raise any more of them.
No it's about 2201 to 2 Mile Galactus pereria it's up and firing on you in the outside the cities there's tons of them inside the city is firing on you they're telling you to shut up literally out loud shut your mouth if you refuse they kill you.
We're just here but there's and stealth they have microwave weapons she can't see them you're just getting killed when you refused
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Olympus all
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lunalovegood2 · 7 years
Here's to us. One more toast, and then we'll pay the bill. Deep inside, both of us can feel the autumn chill. Birds of passage, you and me. We fly instinctively when the summer's over and the dark clouds hide the sun. Neither you nor I'm to blame when all is said and done.
When All Is Said And Done, ABBA
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