#here's the starter you don't have to maaatch
elyssajunk · 7 years
it had been exactly nine months since elyssa found out about her own pregnancy. it was scary, but she had a great support system. she has her siblings, her best friends, chloe, surprisingly, and charlie. charlie had been there for elyssa the entire time and she was thankful for him. you could even say that she maybe caught feelings for him, although she would never admit that, since she likes to blame the hormones for how she is feeling about charlie. it was the hormones right? no elyssa, pretty sure you caught feelings for him. there’s no way that he could find out. he was there for her and it made her happy, but for all she knew, charlie might not even see her in that light. a few months ago, elyssa was asked if she wanted to know the gender, and they had told her. elyssa is having a baby boy and she couldn’t be more excited about it. walking around the apartment, she cleans up a little bit while emily is taking a nap since she is now on spring break and she’s pretty tired from doing so much. making her way around the apartment, she could feel a few kicks to her stomach and smiled as she rubbed it softly. 
suddenly, she felt it. there was water dripping down her leg as she looked down and felt herself start to panic. her arm is brought around her belly and hurries to emily’s room. “em, emily..” she calls out, waking her sister from her small nap as soon as she hears her sister call out to her. hurrying out of bed, emily opens the door and sees her sister, “hey what’s going on, are you okay?” she questioned and soon noticed she wasn’t looking so good, “i--it’s time.” elyssa breathed out causing emily to gasp and smile, “oh my gosh, oh my gosh, okay uh come on, let’s get you to the hospital.” emily rushed back to her bedroom and grabbed the one bag that they had packed close to the due date and today is that due date. with excitement, emily smiled and hurried to her sister and placed the bag on the couch, running back into the bedroom and grabbed her things. phone keys, and wallet. rushing back out, she felt around herself as elyssa eyed her twin confused like. “uhm.. having fun there?” she breathed out, her arm still wrapped around her belly. 
“i can’t find my god damn keys!’ 
she panicked and hurried around the house until elyssa sighed softly and shook her head, “emily.. you’re holding them.” with that, emily stopped and chuckled a little as she looked at her hands and saw her keys, “ha.. right.. okay come on let’s go.” she hurried her sister out to the car and helped her into the passenger side, then hurried to the drivers side. “i’m gonna text chloe and charlie and have them meet us at the hospital. 
                               emily: elyssa’s water broke.                                 emily: we’re heading to new york memorial hospital.                                 emily: get there as soon as you can. 
she hit send and hurried to the hospital. although, she knew not to speed as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t. emily didn’t want to get pulled over then have to worry about getting a ticket, keeping them from getting to the hospital, otherwise elyssa would end up having the baby in the car. minutes later, they’re at the hospital as elyssa gets placed onto a wheel chair and prepped before getting placed into her room. 
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