elyssajunk · 6 years
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          chuckling, she drums her fingers lightly on the table as she talks, her head resting on her other hand.   ‘   darn, and here i thought you  were  emily.   ’   —  false , considering she knew which class she had with which twin.   ‘   — orrr … you could  JOIN  us in the fun that is  the sims . it’ll be fun !!   ’   she straightens up in her chair at the admission.   ‘   great , then how do you feel about grabbing some brunch at denny’s after lecture ??    ’
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        elyssa glanced over at jamie as she giggled softly and shook her head, “sadly i am not. she’s running a little late today, but thanks for thinking that i’m emily.” she said softly with a small smile and shook her head again, “uh no thanks, i don’t get the hype with the sims. i’ll just sit in the back and watch you and emily play it.” she added not wanting to get sucked into the gaming life. “ooh that sounds yummy, yeah, count me in.”
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elyssajunk · 6 years
⟫ ⏐ OPEN.
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          ‘    —  DAG DAG .   ’   jamie greets casually as she slides into the unoccupied seat. it was a fairly new thing, currently on its way to become a  terrible  habit — blame it on spending  way  too much time on playing  the sims  with emily in their free time.   ‘   so ,   ’   her grin widens as she catches the other’s attention.   ‘   …  you like  eggs  ??   ’
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        sitting in class elyssa waits for the teacher to come in. she sits at her desk and looks at her phone scrolling through pictures of jaxon. as soon as someone sits down beside her, her gaze trails from her phone to the girl next to her, seeing that it’s jamie. “you really need to stop hanging out with emily and play the sims together.” elyssa shook her head then raised her eyebrow, “uh sure?”
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elyssajunk · 6 years
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“god i love motherhood, i didn’t think that i would love it, but shit, it’s amazing. minus all the crying and the diaper changing, and i have the best boyfriend ever. yeah i guess you can say i’m pretty happy?” she smiled and held jaxon in her arms as she fed him.
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elyssajunk · 6 years
“Well if you ever need any help, or a night off, Em and I would love to look after him.” She assured the twin, letting the baby pull and tug on her finger in order to entertain himself. “Don’t feel bad, people understand. He’s just a baby,” she cooed softly, voice quiet as she held Jaxon in her arms. She’d never seen Elyssa so docile before after she went on her little punching rampage, so this was a rather pleasant surprise. Maybe the baby was changing her; she’d heard of things like that happening. “Do you like being a mom?” She asked suddenly, taking her eyes off of Jaxon for a moment to look at Elyssa. “I mean,” she paused, “you didn’t really seem like the mom type.” That was much more Emily’s trait, and Aubrey absolutely adored that about her.
“really? you wouldn’t mind babysitting? even if emily ends up forcing you to babysit with her?” she glanced at the blonde, slightly joking, slightly not. elyssa knew that emily’s girlfriend and her friends weren’t exactly fond of her. she was surprised to see that chloe was nice to her during the entire pregnancy, along with her giving birth. elyssa glanced down at jaxon and smiled watching how happy her son was when aubrey was holding him. “i know, but i can’t help but feel bad, you know?” of course he’s a baby and they would understand, elyssa can’t help but worry that her roommates will complain about the crying. leaning back against the couch, she looked over at aubrey again at her question and smiled a little, “uhm, you know if you told me 3 years ago that i would end up being a mom at 21, i would have laughed in your face, because i didn’t think i was the mom type...” she paused and kept the smile on her face, “but when jaxon was born, i fell in love with him as soon as they put him in my arms.” she said with a smile looking down at him. “after just seeing him, i knew right then and there, i wanted to be a mom.” she spoke softly and leaned down to kiss jaxon’s forehead. “i want to be the best mom to jaxon as i can be.” she whispered and smiled. 
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elyssajunk · 6 years
The older woman giggled at Jaxon gurgled, tugging at her blonde hair as she smiled down at him. Well, that was official; she definitely wanted a baby in the future. She hardly heard Elyssa as she stood with the baby in her arms, rocking him lightly back and forth where she stood. After a moment she looked up, noticing Elyssa sitting down and sat down beside her, adjusting Jax in her arms. “He looks like both of you,” Aubrey shook her head with assurance, grinning. “How are you feeling?” She turned to look at the younger woman, hoping she was recovering well from the birth. “I‘m sure you’re exhausted. Does he keep you up all night?” She asked softly, kissing the babies tiny fingers as he reached up for her.
while watching the blonde, elyssa smiled and watched the two interact. it was cute to see jaxon getting along with others. of course he would get along with others, he’s just a baby elyssa. she smiled as she watched them before moving to sit down and glanced over at aubrey once she sat down beside her. “yeah? when i look at him, i see mostly charlie.” she said with a bright smile looking down at her son who was gurgling and smiling at aubrey. at her question, elyssa nodded her head a little, “i’m doing alright.. just you know, catching up on some sleep, with the whole giving birth, and my mom getting married, i haven’t had time to relax until now.” she said with a smile then stretched a bit, “i mean yeah he does, but thankfully emily and lucie help out when i need to sleep, they tend to him if he cries while i’m asleep.” elyssa smiled nodding her head, “but yeah he for sure keeps me up at night, i feel bad if i wake up the entire apartment because of jaxon crying, but they say they don’t mind, but i think they do.” she joked a bit.
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elyssajunk · 6 years
Aubrey watched the exchange for a moment, the small baby in Elyssa’s arms basically radiating life. “Yeah, I mean, I planned on it.” Aubrey nodded with a smile, putting her things down. She had thought about bringing Admiral but in the case that Jaxon was home, she didn’t want to overexcite the piglet, and he was still in the process of getting all his tests done so she didn’t want Jaxon to get sick. At the offer the blonde’s eyes lit up, nodding eagerly at the chance to hold him. Once the baby was in her arms, Aubrey looked down at him with bright eyes. “Hi, baby…” she cooed softly, biting down on her lip as she lightly caressed his chest with her finger. “You’re so handsome,” Aubrey smiled with a nod of her head, heart swelling. Being a mother sounded like the best job in the world, granted Elyssa was a little young. Aubrey wanted to be as good a mother as her own. “He’s beautiful, Elyssa.” The older woman looked up at her girlfriends sister, smiling sincerely.
good thing aubrey was now here. elyssa didn’t know what else to do by herself, well with jaxon. being a baby, you can’t really do much and can’t really engage in conversation. she was thankful that she had planned to stay for awhile so she could at least have some company. she smiled at the blonde, surprisingly not being rude to emily’s girlfriend for the first time in a long time. once handing jaxon over to aubrey, elyssa smiled and watched the two interact. “say hi, jax.” she said to her son as the small baby in aubrey’s arms made a few baby noises. “now i don’t speak baby, but i’m pretty sure that means hello?” she joked and giggled before smiling at her comment, “thank you.” she said softly and smiled, “i’m pretty sure he gets his looks from charlie.” elyssa smiled looking down at jax admiring how much he looks like charlie. “here come sit.” the younger brunette offered to the blonde as she gestured over to the couch, not wanting aubrey to be uncomfortable standing up the entire time.
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elyssajunk · 6 years
Aubrey knew Emily was in class today, but she wanted to stop by her place and maybe help out a bit in terms of cleaning up around the place - there were a lot of people living in a small apartment, so that meant a lot of mess. Plus, she could wait for her girlfriend and maybe surprise her when she got out of class. In the meantime, however, she planned on cleaning - she didn’t expect anybody else to be around. Keying into the apartment with her spare, Aubrey was surprised (but delighted) to find that Elyssa was cradling Jaxon in her arms, humming him to calm in her arms. “Oh,” Aubrey breathed out softly, “Hi, sorry. I didn’t expect anybody to be around.” She voiced, eyes fixated on the newborn. “Is that…is that him?”
elyssa never knew that she would enjoy motherhood, but here she is, tending to her son and already loving being a mother. she gazed down at him and smiled seeing his eyes open. “ooh is my baby boy awake? you know, you look just like your daddy.” she said softly and kissed his forehead softly. never did she think that she would ever be a mother at this age, nor did she think she would like it. having to take care of another human being. sure he wasn’t planned, but she doesn’t regret having him, especially knowing that this is also charlie’s son. her feelings for charlie definitely grew over time and knowing that he felt the same way made her feel so much better. while turning on the tv, she heard the door jiggle with the key being put into the slot and turned, thinking it was emily. she soon heard the door open and saw aubrey, “hi, oh no that’s okay. i thought you’d be emily coming home.” she said and smiled as she sat up with a smile as she nodded her head, “yeah this is little jaxon.” she offered to aubrey, “say hi to aunty aubrey.” she said softly using her hand to carefully wave to her. “emily won’t be home for another hour, but you’re more than welcomed to stay.” she offered to the blonde. “do you wanna hold him?”
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elyssajunk · 6 years
after having her’s and charlie’s son, along with her mom’s wedding, elyssa was exhausted. thankfully during spring break, emily was around to help take care of jaxon while elyssa caught up on her sleep. it was nice to get that bond back with emily after months of arguing and fighting. maybe having a baby did change elyssa in a good way. it was nice to finally have some help once she had the baby, although, she wouldn’t have blamed some of the others for not wanting nothing to do with elyssa and the baby after how she had acted towards them. now that emily was back at school, leejay was out, bry and lucie were off doing their own things, elyssa was at the apartment taking care of jaxon, but really missed charlie since he was home at his parents for the week. sitting on the couch, she carried and rocked jaxon in her arms, humming softly. now elyssa wasn’t the singer of the family, they all know that that was emily’s thing, so it was kind of hard to sing to her son knowing he could probably tell the difference between their voices. | @aubrey-posenn
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elyssajunk · 6 years
Text ⇨ Elyssa
Charlie: hey, if i have to witness it, you have to hear about it. relationships are all about sharing.
Charlie: at least someone cares about my entertainment needs
Charlie: would we really be watching the movie though? ;)
Charlie: i'm okay
Charlie: at least they're keeping things fresh, you know? they're stealing my tv time but making up for it with drama
Charlie: i know i'm sorry :(
Charlie: i'll come over to yours as soon as i'm home
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elyssajunk · 6 years
Text ⇨ Elyssa
Charlie: if i'm not being interrupted by my parents fighting then i'm basically being forced to sit here watching chloe with her tongue down becas throat.
Charlie: like, i'm just trying to watch a movie? and they come in and take over like it's cool i wasn't here first or anything.
Charlie: plus everyone steals all the good food first and that's mostly what i'm sad about
Charlie: i probably could've gotten out of it but my mother is very convincing. also i kinda wanted to be here to see daddy's little princess get ripped into for ruining chicagos career lmao
Charlie: i'm not getting back until saturday night :( i can come crash at yours when i get back unless you'd rather i wait until morning?
elyssa: awh, charlie.. i'm sorry to hear that, and gross.. i don't want to hear that cause beca's like.. my step sister now??
elyssa: if jaxon and i were there we'd watch the movie with you. aww charlie..
elyssa: i don't like when you're sad.
elyssa: well shit sounds like your easter is going well while i'm over here with my siblings and jax.
elyssa: saturday? that's too far.. no please come here i really wanna see you and jaxon and i really miss you.
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elyssajunk · 6 years
Text ⇨ Elyssa
Charlie: hey. lazy easters are better than what i'm dealing with.
Charlie: it's so boring
Charlie: it's gonna be such a shitty week without you two
Charlie: i wanna come home so i can be with you guys
elyssa: what's going on over there?
elyssa: i wish you didn't have to go to your parents.
elyssa: hurry home.. when are you coming home?
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elyssajunk · 6 years
Text ⇨ Elyssa
Charlie: how are you doing? how's jax?
Charlie: tell him i miss him and i wanna facetime you guys later.
Charlie: hows your easter going?
elyssa: doing great, he's great too he misses his daddy.
elyssa: he misses you so much. please do.
elyssa: it's going well, just you know.. not doing much.
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elyssajunk · 7 years
          he had never really put much thought into feelings when it came to elyssa.  what they had before they were expecting was nothing more than a friends with benefit situation,  one where he knew he  wouldn’t  have a problem not catching feelings for the girl.  now,  with a baby in the mix,  with her being the mother of his  SON,  he was starting to see her in a new light  –  or more so the feelings he was trying to keep at bay were starting to surface.  whichever way you wanted to look at it.  &  really,  at this point,  openly having feelings for elyssa didn’t seem like the worst thing he could be doing.  they could be a happy little family.   ‘ does it hurt?  like a lot? ’   of course it does,  you goose.   ‘ is there anything i can do for you?  do you want any food?  –  are you allowed to eat? ’   he just has  SO  many questions,  so bare with him.
          he returned the smile.  a soft,  gentle one at that.   ‘ i wouldn’t be anywhere else,  e. ’   there was no way in hell he could think of  ANYTHING  he would rather be doing than getting to be there for the birth of his son.  he was just as excited about meeting the little guy as elyssa was.  it was strange though,  as eager as he was for him to finally arrive,  parts of him was also dreading it.  it was terrifying thinking about the fact that within the next twenty-four hours,  he would be responsible for a little human.  not exactly something he ever expected he might  ACTUALLY  be capable of until recently.   ‘ nope,  not true.  i’ve always leaned more towards my dad.  it’s always a possibility. ’   though maybe that was because his dad was a little more relaxed than his mom.  huh.  turning his attention back to her,  his fingers continued tracing small patterns over her stomach as he spoke.   ‘ also chloe texted while i was on the way,  she had to stay back at work but she said she’ll get here as soon as she can. ’
        having charlie around during this entire pregnancy, the feelings elyssa had for him after a few months  were getting stronger and stronger. it was as if she couldn’t be away from him for five minutes without missing him. maybe that was the hormones talking, but also what if it was actual feelings for him back then? of course now, her feelings for him are true and genuine. only problem is that she’s scared, she’s scared that if she tells him how she feels about him, he could laugh in her face or just let her down easy. of course elyssa came off as very rude and bitchy before all this pregnancy started to happen, but ever since then she was more calm and nice  and she was feeling... feelings. feelings for charlie. hearing his question, elyssa gave a soft chuckle and nodded her head, “uh yeah, but i mean the contractions are just a bitch, but when they pass it’s not too bad.” she assured him then smiled at the other questions. “can you get me some ice please?” she asked him and breathed out softly as she felt another contraction hit her. wincing a little, she shook her head just a bit, “i’m not really hungry.” she breathed out again once it passed. 
        it was nice to have him around, especially now. she wouldn’t know what she would do if he wasn’t here for the birth of their son. thankfully emily had texted him and chloe. sure elyssa and chloe didn’t get along at all in the beginning, the older female was there to help her through the pregnancy, and she is carrying her nephew after all. of course, elyssa would want her to be there once she was in labor in hoping she makes it in time. hearing his words, elyssa smiled and held his hand as she looked over at him. now the waiting game was getting annoying, since all she wanted to do now was push and have their son be here already. with a smile, she shook her head, “it’s cute you think that he’s gonna lean more toward you.” she joked and leaned back against the pillow. hearing that chloe texted, she frowned nodding her head, “no that’s okay, i understand.. i hope she’ll be here soon.” she gave a small smile. of course she wanted her mom there, but katherine was busy planning the wedding, but she would do her best to be there too.
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elyssajunk · 7 years
          he’s not too sure what their limits were at this point.  they had gotten extra close during the pregnancy  &  in his opinion,  they basically acted as if they really were a couple,  which was nice.  but also after a few tips from his mother after calling her up freaking out only a few nights ago,  he’s learned that hey,  she’s in  PAIN  &  he probably  shouldn’t  do a lot of things he wanted to do.  no matter how  cutesy  they were.  still,  he moved his hand from hers only for a moment to gently brush the hair from the girls face with a small smile before returning his hand back on top of hers.  that’s better.   ‘ do they know how long it will be? ’   let’s be real,  he has no idea about this part of a pregnancy.  he  DID  try watching a documentary about it,  which…  didn’t really work out in his favor considering he sat there with his eyes closed for most of it.  childbirth is beautiful they say.  try telling that to the poor boy who went in head first  &  almost ended up with his head in the toilet.  it wasn’t pretty.
          a small snort of laughter as he gave her hand a squeeze.   ‘ thanks for coming? ’   oh,  ely.  sweet,  sweet ely.   ‘ i wouldn’t miss this for the world,  are you kidding me? ’   now,  he may be a dick to some   (  if not most  )   people,  but his parents  DID  raise him to be a decent human being  &  this baby was as much his responsibility as it was hers.  of course he was going to be there for the birth of his son.   ‘ do you think he’ll listen to me if i tell him to hurry up?  ‘cause we all know i’m going to be the favorite parent. ’   he’s kidding,  of course.  still,  that doesn’t stop him from letting his fingers trail over her stomach,  leaning closer as if speaking directly to the baby.   ‘ hey,  buddy.  i know it’s super comfy in there,  but your mom  &  i really wanna meet you.  so how about you do us super proud already  &  hurry up. ’   ah,  yes,  he ought to listen to that.
        hanging out with charlie before the whole pregnancy thing happened, elyssa didn’t think that she would end up like this. getting pregnant with his child, and catching feelings for him through the whole process. it was hard to keep these feelings in, but not as hard, since she hasn’t really told him yet. every so often, the pain of the contractions would hit her again, earning a wince from elyssa. the pain was just intense, but she didn’t want to get medication of it. she wanted to power through and do her best to tolerate it. with her mom’s wedding coming up, she knew she would be needing a plus two besides charlie, and this time adding their baby boy to the invite. a pause then a breath as she glances over at charlie, “uhm maybe a few hours, i’m not entirely sure. depending how much longer it takes for me to get fully dilated.” she said slightly rubbing her belly. she was happy that he was here and didn’t have to wait for him and he would be present for when she would start pushing. 
         feeling the squeeze to her hand, she gave him a tired smile, leaning her head back against the pillow. “i’m just happy that you’re here.” she spoke softly and released a soft breath. she couldn’t believe that in a few hours she would end up being a mother and charlie a father. it would take awhile for her to get used to be a first time mom, and she knew she couldn’t screw around anymore. she had a baby to take care of. listening to his words, elyssa smiled and laughed softly, “you can try, but i doubt that’ll do anything. and i birthed him, so i’m pretty sure i’ll be the favorite parent.” she joked back and smiled feeling his fingers along her stomach and began to speak to their baby. keeping the smile on her face, she looked at charlie lovingly, and fuck did she think it was adorable when guys spoke to their woman’s belly. she giggled softly and bit at her lower lip hearing charlie telling him to hurry up.
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elyssajunk · 7 years
          charlie was on alert pretty much twenty-four-seven lately.  the fact that elyssa could go into labor at literally any point,  it was a scary thought.  the closer the due date came,  the realer all this became.  one minute it was nothing more than  oh,  there’s a baby in there,  but now,  the fact that,  HEY,  that baby is going to be a living,  breathing human being on the outside world in only a matter of time scared the absolute  shit  out of him.  still,  he needed to put all his fears aside  &  step up to be there for both her  &  their son.  
         he was in the middle of a game of call of duty with chicago when his phone vibrated,  not really paying attention to his phone until the match had finally come to an end.  almost without thought,  the controller dropped from his hand as he stood up in an absolute panic,  a little shaky as he continued to stare down at the text.   ‘ shit. ’   without giving his older brother any indication as to what was happening,  he grabbed his backpack before  finally  turning back to chicago.   ‘ she’s having the baby. ’   trust chloe to not be around in his time of goddamn need.  fuck work.
         the only downside to living in new york was the fact  none  of them felt the need to have a car since public transport was so common around the city,  which,  in turn,  meant they had to find their own way to the hospital.  at least an uber wait wasn’t  TOO  long.  though the trip through the traffic was,  &  maybe they should’ve just settled for another way that wouldn’t include sitting in traffic for god knows how long,  but alas.  with chicago in the front seat talking to the driver,  charlie pulled out his phone,  sending a panicking text to chloe to see if she had gotten the same message  &  then one to emily telling her he was on his way.
         it was a good almost  forty  minutes of an exhaustingly stressful uber ride before they finally pulled up outside the hospital.  thanks for literally nothing,  new york.  he grabbed his backpack,  not really waiting for chicago to catch up to him as he rushed in through the doors  &  to the desk,  giving the information before being told he had to go to the maternity ward to find out specific rooms.  again,  thanks for nothing,  new york.  another few minutes passed as he moved to the other ward,  giving elyssas name before  finally  being given a room number.
         with chicago following behind,  he made his way down to her room,  a few,  quiet knocks on the door that was slightly opened before just letting himself out.   ‘ hey. ’   GOD  he’s never been so happy to see her.  his bag found itself in the corner of the room as he ignored  literally  everyone else in the room to make a beeline for elyssa,  a hand settling over hers as he pulled up a seat next to her bed.   ‘ hey. ’   you already said that,  charlie.   ‘ how is  – ’   he’s not sure what he should be asking.  how is the baby?  how is she?  how is labor treating her?  alas,  he just settles for motioning towards her stomach with his free hand.
         hospital lights beamed down onto elyssa, showing many many machines beside her hospital bed, and an iv running through the top of her hand. laying there, elyssa was getting a little bored with waiting and very impatient. with the hospital puns that emily was making, elyssa wasn’t amused by any of it. she didn’t find anything funny, which made emily stop with the puns as they both waited to see what was to happen now. the doctors and nurses came in and out to check on elyssa, to see just how many more centimeters she had left before she would be able to start pushing. hours and hours had passed and she was already halfway there. all elyssa wanted, was for her son to be here already so she could head get the labor part out of the way and hold her son. 
         once the doctors did their check on her, she soon looked up when the door opened. at the sight of charlie, a small smile crept on her face, happy that he finally made it. “hi..” her voice soft and quiet watching as he made his way into her room and pulled up the chair and sat down beside her bed. emily glanced at the two and smiled, “i’ll leave you two.” emily offered so elyssa and charlie could be to themselves. watching her sister leave, elyssa smiled then looked to charlie. “i uh.. he’s okay.. just you know.. playing the waiting game.” her reply slightly in a joking way but also not since she was literally playing the waiting game. “but should be soon. i’m half way there.” she assured him nodding her head, “thanks for coming..”
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elyssajunk · 7 years
it had been exactly nine months since elyssa found out about her own pregnancy. it was scary, but she had a great support system. she has her siblings, her best friends, chloe, surprisingly, and charlie. charlie had been there for elyssa the entire time and she was thankful for him. you could even say that she maybe caught feelings for him, although she would never admit that, since she likes to blame the hormones for how she is feeling about charlie. it was the hormones right? no elyssa, pretty sure you caught feelings for him. there’s no way that he could find out. he was there for her and it made her happy, but for all she knew, charlie might not even see her in that light. a few months ago, elyssa was asked if she wanted to know the gender, and they had told her. elyssa is having a baby boy and she couldn’t be more excited about it. walking around the apartment, she cleans up a little bit while emily is taking a nap since she is now on spring break and she’s pretty tired from doing so much. making her way around the apartment, she could feel a few kicks to her stomach and smiled as she rubbed it softly. 
suddenly, she felt it. there was water dripping down her leg as she looked down and felt herself start to panic. her arm is brought around her belly and hurries to emily’s room. “em, emily..” she calls out, waking her sister from her small nap as soon as she hears her sister call out to her. hurrying out of bed, emily opens the door and sees her sister, “hey what’s going on, are you okay?” she questioned and soon noticed she wasn’t looking so good, “i--it’s time.” elyssa breathed out causing emily to gasp and smile, “oh my gosh, oh my gosh, okay uh come on, let’s get you to the hospital.” emily rushed back to her bedroom and grabbed the one bag that they had packed close to the due date and today is that due date. with excitement, emily smiled and hurried to her sister and placed the bag on the couch, running back into the bedroom and grabbed her things. phone keys, and wallet. rushing back out, she felt around herself as elyssa eyed her twin confused like. “uhm.. having fun there?” she breathed out, her arm still wrapped around her belly. 
“i can’t find my god damn keys!’ 
she panicked and hurried around the house until elyssa sighed softly and shook her head, “emily.. you’re holding them.” with that, emily stopped and chuckled a little as she looked at her hands and saw her keys, “ha.. right.. okay come on let’s go.” she hurried her sister out to the car and helped her into the passenger side, then hurried to the drivers side. “i’m gonna text chloe and charlie and have them meet us at the hospital. 
                               emily: elyssa’s water broke.                                 emily: we’re heading to new york memorial hospital.                                 emily: get there as soon as you can. 
she hit send and hurried to the hospital. although, she knew not to speed as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t. emily didn’t want to get pulled over then have to worry about getting a ticket, keeping them from getting to the hospital, otherwise elyssa would end up having the baby in the car. minutes later, they’re at the hospital as elyssa gets placed onto a wheel chair and prepped before getting placed into her room. 
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elyssajunk · 7 years
          really,  chloe wouldn’t have had any problems with coming over to keep the younger girl company whilst the rest of the household was out,  it just so happened chloe picked the right night to start a fight with beca.  they weren’t friends,  no,  but in chloes eyes,  they were basically family at this point  &  you should always be there for family.   ‘ ‘course.  who needs the others,  right?  they can have their fun,  we’ll have ours. ’   plus,  it would be  REALLY  good for her to have just  one  day without alcohol filling her system.  yikes.   ‘ don’t apologize,  silly.  but  i  apologize in advance for the fact i’m a hugger,  so like,  tell me now if you don’t want to be hugged during those times or forever hold your peace. ’   mostly because that’s the only way she really knows how to stop people from crying.  eyes darted between the sheets  &  the bed a few times before settling on shaking her head.  ‘ no,  it’s okay. ’   but,  what you  CAN  help her with  –  unzipping her bag,  she pulled out a plastic bag full of snacks  &  held them out for the younger girl.   ‘ you can take these  &  i’ll fix the bed  &  we can rendezvous in the living room? ’   wow,  okay,  army talk.
          sure it was a bit awkward with having chloe at the apartment since the two don’t really talk and didn’t really know each other. minus the fact that she is carrying chloe’s brother’s baby and she hoped that they would be able to bond tonight while everyone was out. at chloe’s words, elyssa gave a soft chuckle and a small smile as she nodded her head a little. “yeah right..” she stated then nodded her head once more, “we can have our fun, i just hope i can be fun.” elyssa added and licked her lips a little and slightly rubbed her small belly as she released a soft chuckle then nodded her head again, “i’m sorry, i can’t help but apologize, but i don’t want to be that annoying pregnant girl who wants or needs hugs all the time. “chloe seemed sweet and nice, no wonder why emily loved the girl as if she were her older sister, and this is charlie’s sister after all. “are you sure?” she asked and watched as she started to unzip her bag and pulled out the snacks. “this is a bad idea, i’m going to be eating the entire bag then i’ll feel bad in the end. but yeah we can do that. if you need anything else, let me know?” she offered to chloe and gave her a smile. 
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