#here's the military matchup
hearts4youz · 1 year
"The Captains Daughter" Chapter Two
comment if u want to be added to my tag list <3 @abbiesxox A/N: Thank you all sooooo much for reading chapter one, it means a lot!! Heres chapter two. From here on out you can expect like 1-2 chapters of this to come out per week!! i'm so excited to share the rest of this story that has been marinating in my braincells for so long lmao.
Word count: 1.5k
Reader pov: You marched into the training facilities for your first session with the masked Lieutenant. You donned a hoodie and leggings, the training rooms were chilly. You walked into the changing rooms to lock up your bag, although it was highly unlikely someone would steal it, this was a military base after all. Fastening the lock around the small cubby, you took off your hoodie and threw it inside as well. Leaving you in a thin cropped t-shirt. You left the locker room and took in the smell of the training area, it was the size of a warehouse and smelled like your high school gymnasium. There were multiple different areas of the facility. A gym, featuring endless sets of weights, squat racks, benches, etc. There was an enclosed area for weapons practice, boasting many different kinds of guns, knives, and any other device used for bodily harm. The base also boasts, an impressive, multi story agility course with different obstacles at each level. Last but not least, there is a recovery room, mostly used for warmups and cooldowns.
After you took it all in, you spotted Ghost doing squats with a great deal of weight on the bar. He sported a skull print balaclava instead of the mask he wore at yesterday's meeting. He also had on tapered black sweatpants, a fitted t-shirt which hugged his muscles in a very flattering way, and tennis shoes. You walked toward him, stopping short and standing by the weight rack so you didn't interrupt his workout.
You watched as he did rep after rep of squats, face contorting more with each one, you could see his face more now with the absence of eye black he wore yesterday. Sweat dripped off his brow, his eyes squeezed shut as he finished the last rep, the bar made a clattering sound as he rested it back on the hooks of the rack. Wiping his face with his sleeve he turned to you.
"Do you sleep with your eyes open," he says abruptly.
"Your eyes, are they always like that or am I just that impressive," he says smugly
"No- I," You start.
"Save it, lets get started."
He starts walking at a fast pace to another area of the gym, you jog to catch up. Ghost leads you to three boxing style rings.
"lets start with a spar, consider this a pre-test, I wanna see what you are capable of," Ghost gets straight to business.
You gulped, you're not a bad fighter, but he has an unfair advantage. He's at least 6'2, not to mention you just watched him casually squat 600+ pounds for reps. The two of you stepped into the ring, you tried to not let your nervousness show on your face. You weren't going to be able to overpower him, you were going to have to outsmart him, or be faster than him. Lucky for you, you used to be a competitive runner in high school, placing well in state championships for Cross Country and Track yearly. You also practiced Yoga, agility will be your friend in this matchup.
"Ready?" Ghost said.
"Yes, Simon," you taunted.
hopefully your mention of his name caught him off guard, you ran at him, faking a punch and slipping between his legs, popping up behind him. Your surprise worked, his delayed reaction gave you enough time for you to kick the sensitive area behind his kneecaps. Ghost stumbled forward but caught himself, turning to face you. He threw a punch, you tried to deflect it but he was too strong. Quickly recovering you ran at him again, trying to juke him out by performing another fake move. He must have picked up on your style quick because he stuck his leg out to trip you before you could jet by him. Realizing you lost the upper hand, you tried to stand up before he could pin you. Instead, he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and hauled you up from the ground.
"Round two," he said gruffly
The second time around was worse than the first. You didn't have the element of surprise. He took you down within seconds
"I've seen enough," dissatisfaction present in his eyes.
"I know I did poorly, but to be fair," you tried to justify yourself.
"Do you think fights are fair?" He chastised.
"Let me tell you that none of the men you face in the field will be as gentle as I. Your little trick? Do you think an enemy soldier would even give you time to talk?" He continued, voice becoming more of a yell.
"How did you even get here?" He questioned.
"I'm not a bad shot, for what I lack in strength I make up for in speed and agility too."
Ghost raised a brow
"You've got a lot to work on in terms of hand to hand combat, but lets test your aim," He said.
Feeling more confident for this next test, you followed him over to the shooting range. The two of you entered the room, paper targets on one end, soldiers practicing their aim on another. Ghost picks out a variety of firearms. He hands you a Pistol first.
"Go ahead," he gestures to the targets.
You nodded, drawing a deep breath in and exhaling as you lined yourself up with the target 50 yards away. Inhaling again and holding it this time, you brought the gun up in front of your face, extending your arms and firing 3 shots rapidly. Two hit the center circle, one skimmed the edge between the center and the ring next to it.
You turned back to face Ghost, he only handed you the second weapon, a rifle. You repeated the same process before, this time letting the gun rest in the crook of your neck and holding it against your cheek as you fired three more shots in quick succession. All three hit the center this time.
Ghost handed you an SMG when you turned around. Holding the new gun in the same way as the rifle, one pull of the trigger fired multiple bullets, these were less accurate but still impressive. Clicking the safety on the gun, you handed it back to Ghost, he put away the weapons without a word.
"That's all for today, you are excused Sergeant," he says bluntly.
"Thank you for training me sir," You said, Mock politeness dripping from your tone.
"By the way, don't call me Simon. It's Ghost, or Lieutenant." Ghost grunted and turned to go, leaving you alone in the range. You stood for a moment, replaying the last 45 minutes in your mind. You had hoped to impress him with your marksman skills, but he seemed unimpressed. You needed to decompress, a run would relax you perhaps? You walked towards the locker rooms to change into warmer attire, the weather was cold in late November.
Ghost's pov:
The first day training the Sergeant, Y/N wasn't a total bust. I recalled the events of our session as I changed. She was a decent rifle shot, a terrible fighter though. Her use of my name was alarming, a clever move though. Soap probably told her, they talked through the meeting yesterday. Can't blame em' though, Price sure does love the sound of his own voice.
As I was about to leave the changing rooms, I spotted Y/N leaving the building, it was awfully cold outside to be going out. She had earbuds in, so it wasn't hard to follow her out the door. She lingered in front of the door for a moment, I stayed inside the vestibule leading to the outdoors. She took a breath and started jogging, turning the corner and leaving my sight.
I didn't know she was a runner, she mentioned she was fast after our spar though. Training after hours is quite admirable actually. Maybe she won't be such a letdown for the team after all.
I shuddered at the thought, Remember what happened last time you overestimated a newbies skills. I told myself. I will never let that happen to someone under my command again. Wincing at the memory, I tried to push the thoughts aside, but it comes flooding back to me
"It wasn't your fault Simon," Price
"There was nothing we could do," A doctor
"I'm sorry," Another doctor
Two lives
Gone because I authorized them for the mission
I thought they were ready
I didn't train them hard enough
I treated the two of them as friends, as brothers. I grew attached too quickly. I wasn't as close with them as I am the rest of the squad, fuck I barely knew them.
One week
One week they were here, their first mission they were so giddy, so eager to prove themselves, two boys about to become men. I remember the feeling when I was in their position.
Next, they were gone.
Never again will I let that happen to someone.
Never will I let that happen to Y/N.
For now, I'll pretend I don't care.
She can hate me all she wants, she can think I don't give a shit about her. Better that than her trusting me and me letting her down. For now, I won't care about her. Until she can prove herself worthy, I won't treat her as a friend.
Because I don't want to see a friend come back in a body bag.
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@yuukanaazu hi there! thank u for your question, i would LOVE to talk about this. i've thought about this so much and i love the who Mukami backstory. i would like to disclaim i'm not a history expert but i've researched this a fuck ton. whilst a lot of the Mukami routes have bits of the Romanian history lore scattered around, the most lore comes from Ruki's MB but especially his LE, so i'm going to be using that as my main source.
putting this under a cut here because it's very long. TW for discussions of the Romanian orphan crisis.
so right off the bat in MB, we see Ruki clearly has this trauma surrounding something which happened in an eastern european nation, as seen in this manga panel when he's sitting in class and the teacher is talking about an outbreak of orphans.
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although they don't SAY Romania, it's pretty heavily implied that it's Romania as this was where the infamous orphan crisis occurred and we know the Mukami's met in an orphanage. the REAL confirmation of what actually happened in Romania comes from Ruki's LE.
credit where credit is due, rejet did alright with the Romania lore. in the 1960s, Romania was under a dictatorship by Ceaușescu. Ceaușescu's socialist policies had Romania and its capital Bucharest in declining conditions. wild-spread poverty caused children to run away from home so there were already some children on the streets. Decree 770 was enacted in 1966 which banned abortion and contraception with the hope of population growth directly leading to economic growth.
Ruki's father was supposedly a politician during the time of Decree 770 being enacted. it is implied Karlheinz convinced Ceaușescu to impose Decree 770 to cause wide-spread casualties particularly in children and use these for ghoul experiments. Karlheinz also convinced Ceaușescu to impose higher taxes and embezzle public funds.
it's unclear exactly when Ruki's father was dismissed from his political position, but we see it happen in LE and he becomes an alcoholic. over the next few years, birth rates would increase substantially, especially over 1967, 1968 and 1969 when the policy was still knew. parents who were unable to take care of their children gave them up to orphanages. by 1977, parents were taxed for being childless. potentially this is when Ruki's father dies and they all enter the orphanage.
children ran away from home due to parents being overloaded with children and poverty stricken. by the 1980s, conditions in the orphanages had significantly declined. Ceaușescu was killed in December 1989. supposedly, Kalrheinz was assassinated at the end of the revolution too, and was hung in public, but his corpse disappeared.
conditions in the orphanages were as follows:
Children did not have access to food, water, medicine or basic needs
Many were not educated and were illiterate 
Hygiene was below standard and sexual assault common 
HIV/AIDS spread throughout orphanages particularly in the 1980s 
Military run orphanages often saw violent child abuse 
Children self-harmed and abused aurolac, a type of paint inhaled as a solvent (commonly distributed around Bucharest during this period right through to common times) 
Gangs were formed inside and outside the orphanages which led to further violence
There weren't enough beds 
Some children were sold off as slaves for money or to be abused (Kou is an example of this) 
Disabled children were sent to special places and were treated the worst
the Mukami's lore is mostly implied from theories, and the bullet points i'm about to drop are only my perspective. though it is based off canon events.
here, we are going to assume the timeline matchup or make some kind of sense…
it DOES kind of make sense if you imagine the Mukami's to be born in 1966/67 due to the abortion ban
thus they would be around age 10-11 in 1977 when they all entered the orphanages
obviously the orphanages were overcrowded by this point in time, hence the conditions were so bad 
Azusa was at the orphanage first and when Ruki arrived, he followed him around
Ruki was creeped out at first but eventually came to see Azusa as a younger brother
then Ruki meets Kou when he's in the middle of trying to kill himself and calls him a loser 
Yuma joined the orphanage last, and became friends with everyone after meeting Kou in the punishment cell 
so the order is Azusa, then Ruki, then Kou, and then Yuma 
Ruki's father was a politician… until he wasn't
when Decree 770 was enacted, he turned into an alcoholic and began abusing Ruki's mother
it's explained in Ruki's LE Maniac Epilogue and it's a bit vague but I do think the implication is that Ceaușescu imposing higher taxes (potentially the childless tax in 1977) is what caused Ruki's father's dismissal 
this means Ruki was a baby when Decree 770 was first enacted but he was pampered so he didn't know that was going on in the real world 
1977, Ruki's father was fired then committed suicide, his mother had an affair and ran off, and Ruki entered the orphanage
he was beaten up a lot for being an ex-aristocrat 
Kou was born to an aristocratic family but they were exiled when he was still young 
(i headcanon his parents being from another country, possibly Italy considering his name was Emilio) 
he was off-handed to a nanny but she abandoned him when he was young
she potentially abandoned him due to having to care for too many orphans (early 1970s)
kou spent most his childhood on the streets, at which point he was shown to beg for food and money
he exchanged this (IN CANON!!) for aurolac (which i write about here) 
eventually he was taken into the orphanage, right when some army officers shot some people in front of him 
there he was sold off to aristocrats, aka slavery, and gouged out his eye
continued using aurolac in the orphanage
i will assume he ended up in Bucharest around mid-1970s
his farming family in the village which burnt down was poor due to socialist policies and higher taxes 
he was in a gang as the name Bear and was one day thrown into the orphanage when everyone else was shot 
his leader Lucks had been shown to be prostituting himself to get money for the gang
Yuma steals food from the orphanage and got into a lot of fights due to people insulting his gang
Azusa was raised by Romani people
it isn't clear whether he was born into a Romani family or whether he was born accidentally and abandoned and then taken in by the Romani people 
i personally headcanons the former 
he was weak compared to everyone and Justin, Melissa and Christina beat him up a lot
one day they were killed for burglary and Azusa cried
then he passed out in front of a shop and was sent to the orphanage 
he enjoys getting beaten up at the orphanage and that's when he meets Ruki 
i am sorry that this is SO LONG. if you made it to the end, thank u and congratulations. i love this lore. if you want it saved somewhere, i have it all here (+ more information).
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TS Outfit Madness: Round 1, Matchup 30
HAPPY DUBLIN NIGHT 2. THREE POLLS TODAY BECAUSE I MESSED UP! This specific poll is specifically about the coats, not the overall look! Be sure to follow tsoutfitmadness for all upcoming polls! I really appreciate all reblogs! It helps get a bigger sample size for each poll & always keeps things more exciting 🫶🏼
For the duration of this tournament, I will be running a contest where you simply need to fill out this Google Form after you vote.
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Option Three: Here is a look at the back of the green Rep Tour jacket.
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bigjuice34 · 2 months
Private Affair (Year One)
Chapter 7
A/N: Hello! I'm so sorry for being MIA. Life is just a lot… so, to make it up to y'all for waiting so long for an update, here is the longest chapter I've written for this story yet. I kind of love her and worked really hard, so I hope you love her too. As always, please leave me your thoughts and comments. I love reading what y'all think! 🥹🫶🏼 Hope you enjoy
Word Count: 10.1k
There was plenty of chatter from where cadets roamed the fields below the citadel, enjoying their downtime during another warm and sunny day, but Freya wasn’t one of them. Instead, she was alone, perched on top of one of the massive boulders as she studied her notes from that morning’s Battle Brief.
It was early September, marking almost a month and a half in the Riders Quadrant and just under three weeks until Threshing. Freya was to have her final Gym class the following day before all cadets began their practice runs on the Gauntlet. She succeeded in all of her sparring matches thus far, including when she was against Nova the week prior, which was the closest matchup Freya experienced apart from when she fought Xaden. The two girls laughed it off and even practiced sparring in the courtyard that evening since Nova wanted Freya to show her a particular move used when they sparred. According to the list Xaden discovered of each match already set, she expected to spar with Amber Mavis. Freya wasn’t concerned about that matchup, though.
However, with Gauntlet training right around the corner, followed by Presentation Day and Threshing, Freya spent the days leading up until then prioritizing her schoolwork and helping other Marked Ones with sparring and studying.
“See you later, Freya,” a female voice said, making Freya jump slightly before looking at the source. It was Amira who spoke to her. She walked with Heidi, another marked one Freya had been helping in secret. Freya smiled at the two girls as they waved and continued toward the stairs leading up to the citadel.
Freya let her gaze fall back to her notes, trying to understand every detail about what they’d gone over during Battle Brief. There were details of the military efforts coming from an outpost near the border of Poromiel that just wasn’t adding up. She knew Navarre tended to cover up any disputes with Poromiel; the Tyrrish Rebellion taught her that much, but now there’d been attacks along the border seemingly by Gryphon riders.
If there was anything Freya learned during the rebellion, it was how nothing is as it seems. Freya’s parents and Caden did everything they could to keep her away from what they were doing, but that didn’t mean she didn’t still snoop. She knew there were shady happenings Navarre turned a blind eye to, but she didn’t know the extent of it. Freya’s family had alliances in Poromiel. She had nothing against the Gryphon riders. How these attacks were discussed during Battle Brief made Freya wonder if they were truly getting every detail. There wasn’t a single doubt in her mind that was the case, but she wanted to know more.
“It just doesn’t make sense,” Freya murmured as she continued scanning over her notes. In the distance, the bell tower tolled, indicating the start of a new hour, and she knew she’d have to wrap up her studying session very soon. She sighed and began gathering her notes to put back into her rucksack; however, the wind picked up and threatened to blow her notes away. “No!”
Freya quickly slammed her hands down against the boulder, preventing any of her notes from flying off. Based on the gasps and groans people nearby made, she knew not everyone was as lucky as her in securing their things.
Pieces of parchment breezed past her, followed by cadets chasing after them, and Freya couldn’t help but chuckle as she securely put her things away. With one final glance around the top of the boulder to make sure she had everything, Freya put on her rucksack and then began shimmying to the side so she could hop down. She was almost at the edge when the breeze picked up again, and blew her loose hair around. Then, she noticed another piece of parchment blow past her. Not thinking anything of it, Freya watched the parchment go by but didn’t see anyone trying to retrieve it. The wind blew again, but this time in the opposite direction it had been going, and Freya watched with wide eyes as the parchment miraculously fluttered back in her direction.
Then it clicked, and Freya shook her head before reaching out to grab the note, knowing a certain someone was controlling the wind. She unfolded the parchment and smiled when she saw familiar handwriting scribbled on it.
Meet me at our spot Nathan
Freya couldn’t keep herself from smiling widely. She and Nathan had been getting to know each other a lot better over the weeks that had passed. They’d meet up after curfew multiple times a week, spending hours talking and getting to know one another. They even made it a habit to meet up in private almost every day, though briefly, when Freya was on her way to the Healers Quadrant for her duty of helping with injured cadets, which was where she needed to go.
“Is that a note from your secret admirer?” A voice asked, startling Freya. A gasp left her mouth as she frantically looked over the side of the rock for its source, only to see Garrick smirking up at her.
“Gods, Garrick,” she groaned as she stuffed the letter into her pocket. “You scared me.”
“That was the point,” Garrick chuckled in response, then held his left hand up for her to hold onto. “Come on, I’ll help you down.”
“I climbed up here. I can get down on my own.”
“I know you can, but I’m trying to make your life easier.”
Freya rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. The boulder was at least three, maybe four feet taller than she was, and although Freya was sure she would’ve been fine to leap down from it, she appreciated the assistance.
Without another word, Freya took Garrick’s hand before leaning forward and putting her left hand on his shoulder. Garrick put his right hand on Freya’s ribs, then slowly and gently lowered her to the ground. The action was similar to what he’d done for her many times since they were kids when Freya would climb trees and think she could jump down from the branches without getting hurt.
“Thank you,” Freya said as she let go of Garrick and stepped back, then glanced at the boulder. “I guess that could’ve been bad if I jumped down and twisted my ankle or something.”
“No kidding,” Garrick chuckled. “I don’t think even Xaden and I would be able to deal with how miserable you’d be if you got hurt before Gauntlet training.”
“I think I’d be insufferable.”
The two laughed, then Garrick smirked as he nodded toward the parchment sticking out of Freya’s pocket.
“So, was I right? Do you have a secret admirer?”
Freya’s eyes widened, and she could feel the blush burning across her cheeks as she quickly looked away from her friend and nervously began fiddling with the bottom of her French braid.
“No,” she stated, still avoiding eye contact. “It’s just a note from a friend.”
“Ah,” Garrick responded. “And is this friend a wingleader that can control the wind?”
Freya scoffed.
“How did you know that?”
“Come on, Fray. You’re one of the people I know best. I’ve seen how you get whenever he’s around. You’ve been sneaking out a lot lately to meet up with him.”
“Again, I ask how you know that?” Freya questioned, shaking her head.
“You’re not the only one who sneaks out after curfew to see someone,” Garrick replied with a wink. “So, tell me about him. I want to know more about the guy I may have to fight if he ever hurts you.”
“It’s not like that,” she explained, chuckling and shaking her head. “Nothing has happened between us if that’s what you’re implying. We get along and I just really enjoy his company. I mean, yeah, I guess I’m attracted to him and want to be around him, but it’s complicated.”
“How so?”
“Well, he’s our wingleader. It’s a bad look on him and me to have any relationship, even if we’re just friends. Not to mention that I have a rebellion relic.”
“Woah, wait,” Garrick said, looking unimpressed suddenly. “Has he made you feel you have to sneak around because he doesn’t want to be associated with a rebellion kid?”
“No!” Freya stressed. “That’s not it at all. He doesn’t treat me any differently because of that whatsoever. It’s just that our relics already bring so much unwanted attention to ourselves. Nathan and I, we’re still getting to know each other. Privately. The fact that I have my relic and he’s a wingleader means people are always watching. He is in a position to screw me over, but, I trust him not to, Garrick. I really do.”
“I’ll be honest, I still have my suspicions about him. But I just want you to be happy.”
“Thank you, Garrick. I appreciate it. But also, nothing has happened between me and Nathan. Maybe nothing will. I do like him, though. I can’t deny that.”
“I have to ask,” Garrick started. “And please don’t think I’m prying or anything. But what about you and Xaden? I know the two of you, you know, before being relocated and, well, I won’t share what he’s told me, but you still mean a lot to him. You always will. You’re his best friend. But you know what I mean, this is a different situation.”
Freya sighed, feeling a tug at her heart.
“Xaden is part of what makes everything with Nathan feel more complicated,” she whispered. “Even though nothing has happened between Nathan and me, as time goes on, I hope something will. I like him a lot. But with that, I’m always thinking about Xaden. And that’s not fair to either of them. I don’t want to feel conflicted while thinking about either of them, but I do. Gods, Xaden is betrothed. He’ll never be mine, yet I feel guilty about falling for anyone else but him. To me, it’s always been him. But, things have changed. We grew up and three years apart doesn't mean everything can go back to how it once was.”
“Can’t say it’s a situation I’d want to be in if I were you. But, Freya, you got to do what’s best for you. Your happiness matters. Only you can decide what you want and if you need time to figure it out, that’s ok too.”
“I just don’t want to hurt either of them or myself while doing so. I know I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m not in a relationship with either of them. But, I care about them both. And I just know that even if anything happened with Nathan, Xaden wouldn’t like it.”
“Well, no, I don’t think he’d be too thrilled,” Garrick responded. “But at the end of the day, he’s going to have to accept that he’s in a situation that hurts you too. It’s not fair for him to assume you’ll just wait for him, either.”
Freya nodded.
“I want to introduce Nathan to you and Xaden properly,” she told him. “Nathan knows what the two of you mean to me and he’s starting to feel really important too. But, I don’t blame you and Xaden for being weary of him either.”
“Given his position, I can’t help but feel I couldn’t fully trust him. Honestly, I’m surprised you do. You were always the most skeptical of the three of us regarding people who don’t know us. I will say that you seem to be more open to new people than you were three years ago. However, there’s no way they didn’t warn anyone in a leadership position about the rebellion kids coming into the Quadrant and by warning, I mean drag our names through the dirt. That being said, you’ve always had the best judge of character too. It seems Nathan’s given you a good reason if you trust him.”
“He has. And he respects that because of my relic, my experience here is very different from his and most people's. I don’t expect you to like him right away, but I think he deserves a chance.”
Garrick nodded.
“I understand,” he replied. “Just be careful, Fray. He’s a wingleader, after all. He may seem fine to you, but I can’t imagine a situation where he wouldn’t turn his back on us because of who our families are. Like when all of us marked ones met up that first night weeks ago, I could’ve sworn I saw him out after curfew before we all met under the tree and thought he’d interfere if he found us. Maybe it wasn’t him, though. But could you imagine if that happened?”
“Oh! Um,” Freya stammered, her eyes widening.
“What is it?”
“Freya,” Garrick said, his tone becoming firmer. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Freya sighed.
“Nathan knows about our meetings,” she admitted, dropping her gaze as guilt took over. “He… he was with me that first night and saw everyone gathering.”
“And you didn’t say anything? Do you not realize how much danger that puts all of us in?”
“Of course I do, Garrick! I didn’t plan for it to happen, it just did. I was talking with him and intended to pretend I was returning to the dorms before meeting with everyone. I didn’t realize how long we’d been talking and we were still together when you and Xaden, then everyone else walked by. I told him what we were doing and that it was my idea. I was ready to take the fall for everyone if he told our secret, but he didn’t. I will still take that fall if I need to. I would never put my own in danger on purpose and if it becomes an issue, I will deal with it.”
Garrick exhaled, then stressfully pushed his hand through his hair.
“Xaden is going to be pissed,” he stated.
“I know,” Freya sighed. “But, please, you can’t tell him. I have to be the one to let him know. I was the one who created this mess.”
“I won’t say anything. But you need to tell him soon.”
“I will, I promise. But, I have to go to the Healers Quadrant before I’m late”
“Okay, would you like me to walk with you?” Garrick asked.
“No, I want to be alone and clear my mind a bit,” Freya told him. “Thank you, though. I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Alright, see you later. If you need anything, Fray, you can always talk to me about it.”
“I know. Thanks, Garrick.”
With that, Freya muttered a quick goodbye to her friend before heading on her way. She kept her head down as she walked to the doorway at the bottom of the stairs that led underground. Her thoughts were eating away at her and Freya wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep instead of feeling the weight of the danger she could be putting the other rebellion kids in, but she couldn’t. She needed to get to the Healers Quadrant.
When she reached the doorway, Freya said a brief hello to Nova and Bennett as she noticed them coming down the stairs, but didn’t stop. Given the look on Nova’s face, as she went by, Freya knew Nova would ask her about what was going on later that evening. She appreciated that Nova cared, but Freya wasn’t sure she had it in her to tell Nova that Nathan was a big factor in how she was feeling.
Freya briskly made her way down the steps taking her to the underground tunnel and was met by the eeriness of being alone. Her footsteps echoed off the stone walls and an unexpected wave of dread soon washed over her; as if something bad was about to happen.
She picked up her pace, knowing the feeling would probably go away when she was no longer alone in a dingy tunnel. However, she didn’t get far before hearing the door she’d entered open followed by multiple footsteps sounding as they rushed down the stairs.
“You’re sure she went down here?” A female voice asked, making Freya’s heart pound as she glanced over her shoulder.
“Positive,” a male replied. “She’s not with Tavis anymore, this is the best window we’ve got.”
“Where’s Riorson?” A different male questioned. “Don’t need him or Tavis coming after us for killing their best friend.”
“They’re not going to know it was us,” the first male responded. “One less marked one, the better. Especially Tarlor. If she doesn’t make it to Threshing, someone else can bond the Green that Kaori was talking about.”
“What if the Green doesn’t want to bond with her? Just because it was her brother’s dragon doesn’t mean it’ll choose her.”
“Doesn’t matter, we’re already here.”
Freya’s mouth fell open in shock. She didn’t recognize any of the voices, but given the reason they were following her, she didn’t care to know either. Without a second thought, she stopped, brought her knee up to her chest, swiftly removed Caden’s dagger from her boot, and kept going.
The tunnel was long, but Freya was nearing the halfway mark. She was sure she could outrun whoever was pursuing her and get to the Healers Quadrant, but part of her wanted to see what they’d do because there was no way Freya was going down without a fight.
She could still hear them going down the stairs and knew she’d be in their line of sight soon, but before Freya could devise a solid plan of what to do next, a hand reached out to grab her left arm and pulled her toward them.
Freya immediately raised her right hand, ready to slash with the dagger she gripped, but the person was fast. It wasn’t until a second later when her back was suddenly pressed against the wall, with the person’s right hand covering her mouth and their left hand pinning her wrist against the wall to prevent her from attacking, that Freya realized it was Nathan.
An amused smirk formed on Nathan’s lips as he glanced at the dagger before letting go of Freya’s wrist and bringing his pointer finger to his mouth, silently telling her to keep quiet. Freya nodded before Nathan removed his other hand from her mouth and glanced over his shoulder. She followed his gaze but couldn’t see beyond the bit of stone wall that stuck out like a pillar, keeping her hidden. Then, Nathan stepped into the middle of the tunnel and faced where Freya had just come from.
Down the hall, Freya could hear the others still coming down the stairs, but soon their chatter and footsteps stopped abruptly.
“Shit, it’s a wingleader,” one of the boys muttered, but Freya heard him as clear as day. She was sure that was because Nathan was using his signet so he could hear them better himself.
“Is there a reason you’re down here, cadets?” Nathan asked authoritatively, a tone Freya hadn’t seen him speak with since Conscription Day. “I’m pretty sure none of you were injured today, nor do you have Healer duty.”
“Oh, um,” the girl stammered. “We were just exploring!”
“Is that so? Well, if I’m not mistaken, first-years don’t have permission to be in other Quadrants unless injured or required to be there. So, I suggest the three of you ‘explore’ elsewhere unless you want me to bring this issue to your Squad Leaders or anyone above them.”
“Yes, of course,” the second boy responded. “We’ll be on our way.”
Freya listened as the three retreated up the stairs and let herself release a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Nathan didn’t move from where he stood, keeping his eyes on the end of the tunnel and not looking away until they heard the door open and close again.
“You’re good,” Nathan stated, then looked toward Freya again.
“Thanks,” she said, then tucked the dagger back into her boot.
“It was no problem. You seemed to be ready even if I didn’t intervene.”
“Yeah, it feels like I have got to be ready to defend myself at all times. What are you doing down here, though?”
“We were supposed to meet,” Nathan reminded her while chuckling. “Did you forget?”
“Right,” Freya groaned, then smacked her hand to her forehead. “Sorry. I know, I got your note not that long ago, but it did slip my mind. I was talking to Garrick before coming here.”
“And how was that?”
“Not great.”
“I see,” he replied. “Well, why don’t I walk you to the Healers and you can talk to me about it? If you want to, of course.”
Freya nodded.
“I’d like that,” she told him with a smile, then they started walking together. “I guess there’s no point in not being upfront about it, but, Garrick knows that you know about us marked ones meeting up after curfew.”
“Ah. Going out on a limb here and guess he wasn’t too thrilled about it?”
“Solid guess.”
Nathan observed Freya as she sighed and continued looking at the ground ahead of them, not making eye contact.
“Freya,” he started. “Your secret is safe with me. I know it’s hard to just take my word for that without seeing any proof, but I mean it. I, I wouldn’t betray you like that.”
Freya smiled at his reassuring words and glanced up at him.
“I don’t think you would,” she assured him. “And I appreciate you saying that. It’s just that I know Xaden won’t be as open to trusting you as I am.”
“And Xaden’s thoughts and opinions are important to you.”
Freya sighed.
“They are. He’s one of the most important people in my life. But, I can’t let myself constantly feel like I need his approval and validation. I care about what he has to say, but I’m my own person. That’s why I need to be the one to tell him that you know about the marked ones meeting. Any issues he has, he can take up with me.”
Nathan nodded as she spoke and Freya didn’t miss his very subtle smile.
“Understandable,” he replied and was about to continue, but stopped when a door opened from ahead. They were almost at the Healers Quadrant, it made sense for them not to be alone for much longer. Freya assumed it was a healer, but then a woman with deep auburn hair wearing a cream-coloured tunic stepped into their line of sight. Then the scribe glanced in their direction. Freya recognized her and didn’t miss how Nathan smiled seeing his sister. “Gem.”
“Nate!” Gemma greeted happily, then embraced her older brother before pulling away, smiling at him too. “How’re things?”
“They’re good.”
“And Nova?”
“Still kicking ass,” Nathan chuckled. He then glanced at Freya, who’d slightly stepped to the side. She didn’t want to interrupt the two siblings.
“I’m glad,” Gemma responded. “I wrote to Mom and Dad the other day, I’m sure I’ll hear back from them soon. You should do the same.”
Nathan sighed.
“I know, I’ve been meaning to. But you know how hectic it gets for the riders.”
“So I’ve heard,” she said, then glanced at Freya too. “You’re Freya, right?”
“Uh, yes, I am,” Freya replied, feeling caught off guard which made Gemma chuckle.
“My name is Gemma. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“You have?”
“Yes,” Gemma explained. “I always catch up with Urvi whenever I’m in the Healers Quadrant, she said you were helping out in there now. I’ve seen you there a few times now. But, I’ve heard your name quite a bit, too.”
“I see,” Freya responded, feeling a sense of dread. “I’m assuming most of what you’ve heard about me is because of my family.”
“I mean, some of what I’ve heard about you has to do with that, sure. But, the most I’ve heard has come from my brother. Nathan speaks very highly of you.”
“Is that so?”
Freya couldn’t hide her smirk as she glanced up at Nathan again and saw a smile tugging at his lips while he avoided making eye contact with her. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Gemma, who also smiled.
“It is,” she answered. “It’s not every day I hear about someone cracking through Nathan’s hard exterior. He must really like you.”
“Gemma,” Nathan warned, narrowing his gaze at his sister.
No more words were exchanged, but Freya watched as the two siblings silently communicated. After a moment, Gemma smirked, then moved her gaze back to Freya.
“Well, I should get going. It was lovely to meet you and put a face to the name, Freya. I’m sure I’ll see you around the Healers. And Nate, it wouldn’t kill you to visit more.”
Nathan sighed again.
“I know. Things are pretty busy with Gauntlet and Threshing coming up for the first years.”
“Of course, wingleader,” Gemma teased, making Nathan roll his eyes. “We’ll talk soon. It was nice meeting you, Freya. Goodbye, you two.”
“Bye, Gemma,” Freya replied with a smile.
“See you, Gem,” Nathan said, then nodded toward his sister as she went, waiting until her footsteps disappeared and a door closed. Once he was sure it was just him and Freya again, Nathan turned to the cadet and smirked. “So.”
“So,” Freya repeated, staring right back. She felt like he was challenging her in a way, but refused to give in to his game. “I guess I should be going, Urvi is probably wondering where I am.”
Nathan’s smirk fell.
“Right. I guess I’ll be seeing you.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you around.”
With that, Freya turned and started walking away. She knew there was more Nathan wanted to say, but was unsure if he would. Freya also knew he wanted to plan to meet after curfew again like they’d been doing for the past few weeks. But, like he told Gemma, he’d gotten busy and it’d been a few days since they met privately during the night. Not that Freya held that against him or anything either, he was a wingleader after all. But, she didn’t want to come across as annoying by asking him to meet in secret again and being shut down because of his other duties. She wanted him to be the one to ask.
“Freya, wait,” Nathan spoke up and Freya stopped before slowly turning to face him again.
“Yes?” She asked, trying to read his solemn expression. Although she felt he might mention meeting again that night, Freya still wasn’t prepared for what he would say.
“Meet me outside after curfew tonight.”
“In our other spot in the fields?”
“Outside of the dorms,” he corrected. “I want to bring you up to my room.”
“Oh,” Freya responded, feeling a warm blush washing her cheeks. She quickly looked to the ground, hoping Nathan wouldn’t see. “What if someone sees us?”
“They won’t.”
“They won’t, Freya,” Nathan reassured as he stopped towards Freya, then gently grabbed her chin and brought her gaze back up to meet his again. “I promise.”
“Ok,” Freya whispered, then nodded as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll be there.”
“Perfect. Same time as usual. I’ll see you then.”
“Yeah, see you later.”
This time it was Nathan who turned and Freya watching as he went. She blinked a couple of times before exhaling and then turning to get to the Healers Quadrant. After a few steps, she rounded a corner and jumped when she saw a familiar face there waiting for her.
“Oh, my, Urvi, you scared me,” Freya said, placing a hand over her now-pounding heart as she looked at her healer friend with wide eyes. “You listened to that entire conversation, didn’t you?”
“Sure did,” Urvi replied, then grabbed Freya’s hand excitedly and pulled as she started leading them to the infirmary doors. “And you’re going to have to tell me everything about you and Mr. Wingleader.”
That night, Freya lay awake in her bunk waiting for the right time to make her post-curfew escape. She was getting impatient as the thrilling idea of what the night could bring captured her imagination. Although she convinced herself that Nathan wanting her to go to his room may not mean anything, she had a gut feeling it did. And that feeling intrigued Freya.
After dinner, when she returned to the barracks to act like she was preparing for bed with all the other girls on her floor, Freya mentioned what was happening to Nova. Naturally, Nova teased Freya about the secret rendezvous she’d been having with her brother, nonetheless, Nova was supportive of Freya and Nathan becoming closer. It killed Freya not knowing what Nova and Nathan may have said when she was the topic of conversation, though.
After growing impatient and anxious, Freya decided to sneak out earlier than planned. The dorms were ridiculously hot with it being the dead of summer and she felt she’d suffocate if she didn’t get some fresh air soon. So, she quietly sat up and prepared for her escape.
After pulling on her tight long-sleeved shirt, Freya noticed Nova wasn’t lying in her bunk as she swiftly tied up her boots and grabbed her cloak without bringing any attention to herself. She knew Nova was sneaking out after curfew too, but didn’t know why. Bennett was with her and the two of them had been a bit odd by completely changing the subject when Freya asked what they were up to, but she tried not to worry about it. She finished getting dressed, before fading into the shadows and making her way outside.
The courtyard was quiet; peaceful even, as Freya crept along the citadel's walls and tried to remain hidden. She had no intention of wandering far since she knew she’d be meeting Nathan soon, still, she continued toward the stairs that led to the fields below. Once she neared the steps, she stopped and took a breather as she leaned against the wall, remaining covered by the darkness.
For the first time in weeks, Freya let herself relax while alone. Being on constant edge, worried about others plotting against her and her helping the other marked ones in secret, was exhausting. She was beginning to feel the toll that was taking. However, she couldn’t let others know what she was feeling. Not with Gauntlet training approaching. Freya had to stay on top of her game if she planned on making it past Threshing.
“What a mess,” she whispered then closed her eyes. However, her moment of solace was short-lived when a small pebble hit her foot. It seemed as if someone had accidentally kicked it and was lurking nearby. Immediately, Freya pushed off the wall and faced the way the rock came from. She was met by pure dark emptiness but had a gut feeling that wasn’t the case and instinctively reached for her boot to retrieve Caden’s dagger, feeling annoyed this was the second time she had to do that in one day.
“No need,” a familiar voice spoke from in front of Freya, making her instantly relax and willing to let her guard down. Xaden chuckled before stepping into the dim moonlight. “It’s just me.”
“You scared the shit out of me,” Freya replied, immediately standing up straight again since she knew she no longer needed the dagger. “What are you doing out lurking in the shadows, hm?”
“I lurk in the shadows every night. I know you do most nights too, so I’m not surprised you’re out here. Is everything alright, though? I didn’t see you much today.”
“Yeah, I’m alright. Just needed some fresh air.”
“You and me both,” Xaden replied, then awkwardly reached up to scratch the back of his head before he let his gaze fall to the ground. “I’m going to walk around for a bit, would you like to get some fresh air together?”
Freya’s heart immediately felt heavy. Over the past couple of weeks, she and Xaden had barely spent any time together that was just them. It’d always been them and Garrick, in class surrounded by others, or them with other marked ones while training or secretly meeting. Sure, they talked each day, but it was obvious that Xaden wanted to talk to Freya on a deeper scale, just the two of them, which scared her. However, she felt guilty at the same time even though she knew that if she gave in to what Xaden wanted to discuss, one or both of them would probably end up hurt to some degree.
“I miss you, Freya.”
“I miss you too,” the words left Freya’s mouth before she could even think about what she was saying. But, she meant them. She missed him and their old life a lot.
Xaden nodded and stepped closer to her until hardly any space was left between them. His fingers brushed where Freya’s were gripping her cloak and when she didn’t move them away, he linked their hands together.
“We should talk,” Xaden spoke softly as he ran his thumbs over Freya’s knuckles. “About us.”
“Xaden, don’t,” Freya pleaded. “There is no us. Not in the way I know you want to discuss. There never will be.”
“And yet, here we are. Alone. We always seem to find our way back to one another. Are you going to say no part of you thinks about what we once had and what it could be? I know you feel the same way I do.”
“Of course I do. But Xaden, that still doesn’t change the fact that you’re engaged to be married to someone else. Once Threshing is over, I already know that if we both make it out alive you’ll ask for my help to get you off the grounds undetected so you can see her. And we both know I will help because I am loyal to you as your best friend, which makes it fucking selfish and cruel of you to take the feelings you know I have for you and try to use them to get something you want when I’ve told you being with you in such a way hurts too much. I’m not going to be the second choice.”
Freya pulled her hands away from Xaden and stepped back, hoping that would resonate with him. Hurt flashed through Xaden’s eyes, but it quickly disappeared as he nodded in acceptance.
“I understand,” he spoke softly. “I’ve never wanted you to feel that way, Fern. You’re one of the most important people in my life. If… if I had more say in the matter, maybe things would be different.”
“You could call off the betrothal,” Freya replied fast, without even thinking. Her eyes widened at her abruptness.
“Freya, we both know this was a political agreement between my family and hers. This betrothment was made when we were kids. I can’t change that. Cat turns twenty next year, the least I can do is give her a chance. It’s what my father would’ve wanted.”
“I know and I’m not arguing that. I just- I wasn't thinking. I’m sorry. And you’re right. I’ve never told you this, but that night of the party announcing the allegiance through betrothal, Fen pulled me aside to discuss it in a way.”
“He did?” Xaden asked. “What did he say?”
“That you loved me,” she answered, while Xaden observed her with interest. “He knew that I loved you too, but also how that love was always meant to be platonic. We were put on this earth together to be friends, Xaden. Nothing more. What happened when we were seventeen shouldn’t have happened.”
Xaden stayed silent, then spoke quietly, almost in a whisper.
“Do you regret it happening?”
Freya took a deep breath.
“No, I don’t. And I don’t regret what happened under that tree our first night here either. But it can’t happen again.”
“Ok,” Xaden agreed. “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, Fern. I’m just selfish, especially when it comes to you. No one will ever be good enough for you. You’re one of the greatest things this world has to offer and I’m so incredibly lucky to have you in my life.”
“I could say the same,” Freya smiled. “Like Caden always used to say and Garrick now always says about us, we’re a package deal. You don’t get one of us without the other.”
“Caden and Garrick know that better than anyone. Poor guys.”
The two best friends laughed, feeling good about their conversation.
Freya shook her head, still smiling, then jumped at the sound of the clock tower tolling in the distance, remembering she had somewhere to be. “Oh, shit, I have to go.”
“Meeting someone?” Xaden casually asked, to which Freya nodded. “Do I know them?”
“Xaden-,” Freya started but was cut off by Xaden’s chuckling again then walked toward the stairs again, becoming less visible in the shadows.
“I’m just messing with you. I’ll be down in the fields if you decide you want better company.”
Freya rolled her eyes.
“Goodnight, Xaden.”
“Goodnight, Freya.”
After one last smirk, Xaden was gone and Freya exhaled before shaking her head again. She didn’t have time to continue processing what she and Xaden discussed so she pushed the thoughts aside and headed back through the courtyard toward the dorms. Nathan was waiting for her.
Freya swiftly made her way past where her fellow first years resided without being detected, but when she reached the dorms, she froze. Nathan hadn’t explained where to go from there.
However, as if on cue, the wind picked up around her, creating a gentle breeze that made her hair dance around her head. Freya knew she wasn’t alone anymore.
“Your party tricks are becoming less impressive the more you use them on me,” Freya said to the darkness she faced, then heard a familiar chuckle behind her. She quickly turned to face where the sound came from.
“Oh, making a breeze is nothing,” Nathan said, then stepped into a small patch of dim moonlight. Freya tried subtly taking in his black clothing, including a tight-fitted t-shirt that emphasized his muscular arms and torso. Based on the smirk Nathan met her with once she made eye contact again, Freya knew she hadn’t been so subtle. “There’s a lot more I can do. The air isn’t an element that should be underestimated.”
Freya raised an eyebrow while she crossed her arms and stepped forward, challenging him.
“Disastrous wind storm capabilities?”
“You have no idea.”
Nathan’s gaze never left Freya’s and before she could respond, the air around them went cold and the wind aggressively picked up. A gasp left Freya’s mouth as she felt an invisible force begin to push her. Had she not known Nathan was an air-wielder, she’d be at a loss for words.
Freya glanced at a nearby bush and the loose pebbles that littered the ground beneath it that were miraculously undisturbed by the wind Nathan was creating. Only she was affected by the attack.
She locked eyes with him again, trying to remain stoic as her hair whipped around and it felt like she could easily be blown away, literally.
“You’re showing off,” Freya said, making Nathan smirk again before the wind started lifting her off the ground. Freya yelped as she frantically tried to grab something that would prevent her from levitating, but it was useless. “Nathan!”
The gust of wind lifted Freya’s legs so that she floated horizontally as she went higher and higher into the air. Once she was about 10 feet off the ground, the wind disappeared completely and she was left freefalling toward the hard earth below. Freya didn’t have it in her to yell, nor did she have the time. Instead, she closed her eyes and braced herself for impact.
She didn’t think Nathan would let her hit the ground and figured he’d stop her with the air in some way. But instead of another invisible force breaking her fall, Freya landed perfectly bridal style in Nathan’s arms while he looked at her like it was nothing to just catch her from such a height.
Freya blinked at him with wide eyes, speechless.
“How was that for a party trick?” Nathan asked, grinning.
“You know,” Freya started, then inhaled deeply to calm her pounding heart. “For a wingleader who could get in a lot of trouble if caught doing a stunt like that with not only a first year but a marked one after curfew, that was pretty impressive.”
“Thanks, I try,” Nathan replied then set Freya down, still grinning. “Hello, Freya.”
“Hello, Nathan,” Freya said, finding his smile infectious as it made her do the same. “How long have you been out here? I hope I didn’t make you wait long.”
“I’ve been out for some time, roaming around until it was time to meet. I wasn’t worried about waiting. You’ve been out for some time too, I saw.”
Freya went stiff.
“W-were you watching me?”
“No, nothing like that,” Nathan assured.
“Then what were you doing?” She asked skeptically. “How’d you know I was already out here?”
Nathan sighed and ran a hand over his face.
“I was out with Foghar, my bonded dragon. As I was returning, I saw Riorson sneaking out of the first-year barracks before following after someone. I quickly realized who he went after was you.”
“Oh. Did you listen to our conversation?”
“No,” he stated firmly. “I wasn’t close enough to hear what the two of you discussed unless I used the wind and had no intention to eavesdrop on your private conversation. You did look briefly upset while you were talking, though.”
“Yeah,” Freya started. “Given how complex mine and Xaden’s relationship is, that tends to happen.”
“You two really have known each other forever, huh? I know you’ve mentioned it before, but still.”
“Our entire lives. It’s a lot to explain.”
“Understandable,” Nathan replied. “He seems to be an important person to you, though. I can respect that. It makes sense that the two of you would butt heads sometimes.”
“He is important to me regardless of how often he gets on my nerves,” Freya nodded, then smirked, “But I didn’t think you wanted to meet this late so we could talk about Xaden.”
Nathan laughed.
“You’re right, I didn’t. The coast is clear, shall we go up to my room?”
“Lead the way.”
Freya stepped forward but stopped when Nathan didn’t move and looked at him questionably. Nathan quirked an eyebrow.
“Oh, did you think we were taking the stairs?” He asked with an amused expression.
“I swear, if you pull some wind bullshit again,” Freya warned, making Nathan chuckle again.
“I’m kidding, follow me.”
“Good. I like my feet on the ground, thanks.”
“Then I think you might be in the wrong quadrant,” Nathan quipped.
“Not everyone had the choice of what quadrant they ended up in,” Freya bit right back, making him grimace.
“Right, uh, well, this way.”
Freya smiled to herself as she followed after him, enjoying the way she made him squirm.
The pair entered the dorms without issue, but Freya kept close to Nathan in case they crossed paths with unwanted company. They stealthily made their way up a set of stairs to the top floor, where a dark hallway met them. Freya could just barely make out the figure of other doorways to bedrooms as they passed them, and soon enough, they were standing in front of the last door on the right. Given how Nathan stopped at it and the door’s lock clicked open without him even touching it, Freya knew they arrived at his room.
Once inside, a single dim mage light near a desk in the far left corner of the room barely illuminated the rest of the space. Freya could see the shape of the various furniture around like a wardrobe, bed and what seemed to be a painting on the wall, but couldn’t discern any of the details that made the room Nathan’s. She couldn’t tell what colour of sheets draped the bed, what items were sprawled over his desk, the image that was framed on the wall or what contents were poking out of and sitting on top of the wardrobe. Apart from the small vicinity around the mage light, including the window behind it that only showed the darkness from outside, Freya was essentially walking into the room blindly. Metaphorically and physically.
She hated it.
However, Freya understood how someone's bedroom was a place of solace. It was a somewhere that whoever inhabited the space, could retreat to for quiet and privacy. Somewhere safe. Living in the barracks for a month and a half with so many other cadets had her craving for a place of solitude she could go to after a long day of classes and training. She knew that she would be weary about who she let into her space had her and Nathan’s roles been reversed.
Despite wishing she could see the characteristics that made Nathan’s room that safe space for him, she understood that him even welcoming her into his room at all spoke volumes about how he trusted her even to be there at all. Maybe one day soon, she’d be able to properly observe those features.
Nathan remained silent as he took off his cloak, placed it over the chair that was near the desk, then stepped toward the bed and sat down. Freya didn’t need the room to be properly lit to know that he was looking at her expectantly to join him, so she did.
Since Nathan was sitting at the end of the bed and closer to the floating mage light, Freya opted to sit closer to the pillows, leaving a safe distance between them and using her cloak as a barrier, holding it on her lap. Still, though, she lifted her right leg and turned so that she’d be facing him.
“So,” Nathan said, finally breaking the silence.
“So,” Freya repeated before lifting her gaze to meet his, noticing how his golden brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim lighting. Nathan observed her too, his eyes looking over every inch of her face as if trying to memorize every little detail. “You said you wanted to talk. Are we going to do that, or are you just going to stare at me?”
Nathan chuckled and shook his head.
“Sorry, it’s just- your eyes, Freya. They’re stunning.”
Freya couldn't help the blush burning at her cheeks, wondering if he’d noticed how she studied his eyes too, then quickly looked away.
“Thank you. I’ve been told my eyes are my most beautiful feature.”
“I wouldn’t say the most beautiful,” Nathan replied. “Certainly one of your most beautiful features, yes. But there’s more to your beauty than just that.”
Freya’s gaze snapped back to him and had the room not been so shadowy, she was sure he’d be able to see how beat red her face had become.
“So, uh,” Freya started, clearing her throat as she desperately tried to change the subject. “What did you want to talk about it?”
“Well, to put it simply, you.”
“Yes, you,” Nathan chuckled. “As I’ve said before, you fascinate me, Freya. You’re one of the most captivating people I’ve ever met.”
Freya blushed again before replying. “Oh, uh, well, what would you like to know? I assure you that I’m not that interesting.”
“I find that hard to believe. I want to know as much as you’re willing to share. But, firstly, you were pretty bothered earlier with Tavis knowing that I knew about you and the other marked ones meeting as a group. Did you get the chance to talk to Riorson about it?”
Freya exhaled while dropping her gaze to where she fiddled with the fabric of her cloak between her fingers, then shook her head.
“No, not yet. It’s just, hard. Everything with Xaden is hard.”
Silence fell over them as Nathan observed Freya and she kept her gaze lowered.
“Would you like to talk about it?” Nathan asked after a moment.
Freya looked at him again, then blinked, considering his offer. She’d never had a strong friendship compared to what she had with Xaden and Garrick. Since they were a trio and she adored both of her boys, Xaden wasn’t a topic she’d go to Garrick to discuss. Before the rebellion, she’d talk to Caden about her complicated relationship with Xaden. He was the first to know of Freya and Xaden’s relationship evolving into more, but he never provided his opinion. Instead, he listened to his sister and gave meaningful advice, reminding her that she and Xaden would always be tethered regardless of what happened between them. Despite at times being cryptic with his words, Freya always felt better after talking to Caden. His insight was what she needed when her conflicted feelings mixed with the chaos that was beginning around them.
As she looked at Nathan, she initially felt defensive. She didn’t want to talk about her relationship with Xaden with someone who knew nothing about what they’d been through. But then she felt something that since their first meeting had only gotten stronger. It was his genuineness. Not only did Freya feel like she could trust Nathan, he became someone she wanted to confide in. She felt safe with him.
Slowly, Freya nodded.
“Xaden was my first love,” she stated quietly. “And I still have a lot of love for him, but things have changed. We’ve both changed and have grown up. There was a time in my life when it felt like Xaden was the centre of the universe. In my eyes, he could do no wrong. But, he has. Xaden’s hurt me and I know I’ve hurt him too. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t die for him, though. My parents and Xaden’s father always said we were part of one another. You couldn’t get one of us without the other. Gods, even my brother said the same thing and they were all right. When I was 17 and we were together, I didn’t realize how much that caused things to change between us. At the time, it seemed like it was right, that it was meant to happen. But now, I don’t know anymore. Xaden and I know each other better than anyone else, but, with being reunited after three years apart, it’s not the same. We’re forming different relationships and growing, but I just can’t let go of the past.”
Nathan’s expression was unreadable.
“What do you mean, exactly?”
“I can’t help but compare the new relationships I’m forming to what I wanted with Xaden. I can’t keep myself from wondering if anyone will ever know me like he does. Or if I’ll ever allow someone to know me on such a personal level. For a long time, I was convinced I wouldn’t. But being here, and meeting the people I have has made me think differently. You’re a big part of that. I feel like I can trust you and that… that you care. You say that I fascinate you, Nathan, but you do the same to me. I like being around you. You give me a sense of ease and peace, which I haven’t allowed myself to find in other people. I’m slowly learning that these significant relationships I’m forming don’t need to be compared to Xaden. They don’t coincide and that’s ok. Sure, you may not view me as anything more than an annoying first-year or a marked one who can’t be trusted, but, I-I like you, Nathan. And that could be meaningless for you to hear, but for me, it’s everything.”
Nathan hung onto every word Freya said and watched as she held his gaze, internally considering if she had shared too much.
“You’re a lot more than that to me.”
Freya’s heart was pounding and Nathan’s voice sounded distant, like an echo she couldn’t fully understand. She hadn’t meant to lay everything out for Nathan, but, once again, her emotions took over. It was scary, but she meant it. However, she still had nagging thoughts that revolved entirely around Xaden and what he might think. Freya knew he was skeptical about Nathan, rightfully so, but she hoped Xaden would be willing to work past that for her sake.
It was all a lot for her to think about, making her stiffen.
Along with Freya’s pounding heart, her mind was racing; distracting her from the present. So when Nathan spoke up again, this time clearer, his voice made her jump.
“Freya, come back to me,” he spoke softly and gently cupped her cheek with his palm. His eyes scanned hers for a split second, watching as they softened upon holding his gaze, and then he smiled. “I thought I was losing you for a second.”
Freya’s eyebrows furrowed at Nathan’s choice of words. What did he mean about losing her? Did she zone out?
However, when she took a deep breath and felt tightness in her chest, Freya realized she was panicking. An attack she hadn’t experienced severely since her parents and Caden were executed, suddenly triggered. It pissed her off.
But as Freya mindlessly leaned against Nathan’s hand, she let herself relax. She wasn’t in imminent danger and all those things racing through her mind could be addressed at another time. All she needed to do was focus on Nathan.
The two of them sat in silence again just looking at each other. No words were exchanged and they didn’t need to be. They both felt content. Freya hoped that feeling would remain and her anxiety didn’t creep back on her. She was naive to think it had gone away so fast.
“May I try something?” Nathan asked after a few moments passed. Freya’s expression became unsure. “But I need you to promise me you’ll say no if you don’t want me to. If you say stop, I will listen.”
Realization dawned on Freya as she saw Nathan glance at her lips, then back to her eyes. He was going to kiss her.
“Nathan,” Freya said, suddenly feeling that nagging again, but she felt something else too. Desire. She wanted to kiss him despite her brain telling her not to and decided to push those thoughts away. “Fuck it.”
Freya leaned forward, closing the small gap between her and Nathan as she crashed her lips against his.
At first, the kiss was soft but soon deepened as Nathan’s hand slid to the back of Freya’s head, gently gripping her hair while his arm snaked around her waist and brought her closer. Before Freya knew it, she was swinging her left leg up and over his lap so she’d be straddling him, not breaking away from the kiss once.
Nathan’s hands started roaming her body. One hand moved to grip her ass while the other slid under her shirt, wandering close to one of her breasts, but opted to rest on her ribs instead. Freya’s left hand tangled into Nathan’s hair at the back of his head, while her right hand cupped the side of his neck. They continued making out, moaning together as Nathan leaned back onto the mattress slowly, bringing Freya with him.
The only noise that filled the room was their pants, moans and the sound of them kissing. They were so caught up in each other, sweat prickling their brows as their want to remove clothing grew more, that they didn’t notice Freya’s cloak sliding off the bed and onto the floor with a thump, making them both jump and pull back from one another.
“What was that?” Nathan asked breathlessly.
“My cloak,” Freya responded, also trying to catch her breath “There’s a dagger in the pocket.”
“Not surprising,” Nathan chuckled, then reached up to gently tuck some of Freya’s hair behind her ear. “You are so beautiful.”
Freya smiled, blushing again as she glanced down at the floor where her cloak lay in a heap, the dagger in her pocket sticking out slightly. Because of the dim lighting, she could barely make out the small X.R. initials engraved on the handle, but seeing them made her freeze.
It was a dagger Xaden had given her and suddenly Freya felt a wave of guilt wash over her.
She didn’t understand why she felt guilty, she’d done nothing wrong. But, she knew Xaden would be upset if he found out she fraternized with their wingleader in a not-so-platonic way. It was a ridiculous thing for her to worry about, but she didn’t want to hurt her best friend. He couldn’t know it happened.
“I have to go,” Freya muttered, then quickly scrambled off Nathan. Her chest was tight again and her heart was pounding.
She was panicking. Why was she panicking?
“Wait, what?” Nathan questioned as he sat up and got off the bed after her. “Why?”
“I just do. This- you’re my wingleader and Xaden-.”
“So this is about Xaden?”
Nathan sounded hurt, and his voice felt like a dagger plummeting into Freya’s heart.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, tears pricking her eyes. “I have to go.”
Freya picked her cloak up off the floor and rushed for the door.
“Freya, wait,” Nathan pleaded from behind her, but Freya didn’t bother looking back as she navigated her way down the dark hallway toward the stairs.
Everything was dark and it was difficult for her to make her way down the steps without falling, but, she still managed to do it.
Freya knew the sound of footsteps following her was Nathan, the way he continued calling her name was evidence of that, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t stopping and didn’t care if anyone heard them either. She just needed to get back to the barracks.
Once at the bottom of the stairs, Freya turned and went down the other hall she remembered leading to the courtyard. She felt a breeze of fresh air, letting her know she was going the right way. Soon enough, she was back outside.
After pausing briefly upon noticing she was in the courtyard again, Freya kept close to the wall so she could remain unseen, but only made it a few steps before a familiar voice spoke up.
“Freya?” Xaden asked from behind her, making Freya stop and turn to face him. “Are you alright? You seem upset.”
“Yeah, uhm, I’m fine,” Freya lied, taking a deep breath. Xaden’s expression showed that he didn’t believe her. “I am, really. I just want to go to bed, Xaden.”
Xaden went to respond, but before he could, footsteps approached and Nathan rounded a corner.
“Freya,” Nathan said, then stopped once he saw the other two.
“What’re you doing here?” Xaden snapped and turned to face Nathan, stepping toward him.
“I could ask you the same thing, first-year.”
Xaden scoffed, then took another step toward Nathan, but couldn’t go any further because Freya rushed over to stand between them.
“Xaden, stop,” Freya said firmly. “Don’t make a scene.”
Xaden stopped and looked at her, relaxing until he glanced at Nathan again and tensed when he realized what happened.
“You were with him, weren’t you? Gods, Freya, the wingleader? Of all people!? You can’t trust him, do you not understand that?”
“You don’t get to choose who I can and can’t trust!”
“Well clearly you need me to,” Xaden stressed, shaking his head. “This could put us all in danger and I guess you’re incapable of realizing that. You’re smarter than this.”
“Oh, don’t you berate me, Xaden,” Freya replied seething. “You are not Caden or my parents. You don’t get to scold me for something you think is wrong, I’m a fucking adult. And don’t talk down on me either. I know the risks of what we’ve been doing and how careful I need to be with who I trust.”
“Really? Because it sure doesn’t seem like it if one of those people is a fucking wingleader! What would you do if he found out?”
Xaden didn’t have to say he was referring to all the marked ones meeting together for Freya to know what he meant. With a deep breath, she answered.
“He knows.”
“What?” Xaden asked, shocked.
“He knows,” Freya repeated. “The first night we all met, Nathan saw. He hasn’t told anyone and I trust he won’t, Xaden. If he does, I will deal with it. But please give him a chance. For me.”
Xaden blinked at her disbelievingly, but that disbelief soon turned into a look of betrayal. Gone was Freya’s best friend. Standing before her was the cold, unapproachable son of the rebellion leader everyone made him out to be.
He didn’t respond. Instead, he met Freya’s gaze once more then turned and started walking away.
Freya stepped after him but stopped and glanced at where Nathan was still standing. Tears welled in her eyes and she quickly shook her head.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, then took off after Xaden and disappeared into the darkness.
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laceyjane44 · 1 year
GaaSaku 2023 FanFest Day1
Promt: Punch me/BAMF
He certainly hadn’t expected this.
Even in his recent months spent as the newly elected fifth Kazekage of Sunagakure, there were still few of Gaara’s people that approached him so boldly, and even fewer foreigners. It used to be his quiet and foreboding presence that kept others at a distance, but now that he’d softened around the edges, it was his grand title and honored standing that sat him at a pinnacle other’s thought beyond approach. In the past, eyes were cast down in fearful respect, now it was done with wise recognition.
Either way, direct gazes avoided him all the same, and it felt no different.
But this…this was different.
Sakura Haruno stood at the front of a gathering of fresh-faced genin all lined up in neat rows under the morning sun. She was center of them all and held the front spot in her line; a tall stance, shoulders squared, warm light shining on pale skin, eyes bright and facing straight ahead, straight at him.
On this arid and calm desert day, Gaara had arrived at the training grounds of Suna not twenty minutes prior; he had guests to welcome.
The bi-annual chunin exams were about to get underway, and Sunagakure had been chosen as the host city. It had been nearly two decades since the exams had been held here, and Gaara was keen on showcasing their growth in not only their military, but in their infrastructure as well. The passing of his father shifted the city’s focus from exponential military growth to more domestically centered focuses; improving education and academy access, repairs to their extensive systems of aqueducts that quenched the thirsty populous, upgrades to their medical facilities, and much more.
His people were happier, daily hardships were easing back just a little, and the city certainly breathed differently now than it had in his childhood. He was proud, he wanted to boast their accomplishments with confidence and pride, but now he suddenly felt…anxious?
“Could you repeat that, Sakura?”
“I said I’d like to spar,” she said again without hesitation, the slightest hinting of an upturn pulling at the corner of her lips. Her eyes hadn’t left his, his tongue was going dry, and just as that time in the forest, he was unshakably locked on those bright, dazzling emerald eyes.
He recognized those stood behind her as Shikamaru’s old team, it seemed that Sakura made the perfect match for them without Sasuke and Naruto to join her, but the incredulous look plastered across their faces was mirrored by most other genin in attendance. Here she stood; in line with all the other contestants, still at the bottom rung of the ladder through the ranks, and she had asked the Kage of the Wind nation for a spar.
He had only just finished his welcome to the contestants, encouraging them to make themselves at home and use any training grounds permitted to them as they saw fit, and hadn’t yet offered to answer any questions when she had stepped forward. It was as if no one else were present when she flashed a polite smile his way, thinly veiled by that mischievous look in her eyes, and asked if he could spare her some time. It was such a direct question, from effectively the last person he’d assumed would ask, that he paused his speech, his words failing him for a moment.
“I apologize,” he began, taking the opportunity to practice his manners. “But I am a busy man.”
She shrugged, still holding his eyes with her own, and he couldn’t tell if the sun had kissed her face just a little or maybe the heat was getting to her, but she looked slightly flushed. “I can be patient.”
He remembered she and Ino pit against each other before; an unfortunate matchup that perhaps tempted them to pull their punches against old friends. He had certainly found it mundane and unexceptional to watch. Either way, her strength may have been lacking at that time, but her tenacity had been clearly on display when she’d intervened between himself and Sasuke. It hadn’t stopped him, but it had slowed him down, clouded his thinking, and he was sure it was ultimately what saved the Uchiha’s life that day.
But she stood before him today a rebuilt and remade individual; there was confidence to her poise, an elegance to the way her high chin emphasized her neck, and her captivating gaze contained a knowing quality that left echoes of intrigue resonating through his body. She had seen him fight, she had seen him break bones and draw blood, she had even faced him and lived to tell the tale. Not many in her position had been able to say the same, and now she was essentially asking for a rematch in front of everyone.
He hadn’t mean to, but he heard himself reply, “All right,” before continuing with his welcoming address. The genin all bent an ear to listen, but he could tell that her public and very unconventional request had them distracted. It was a good thing he had gone over his talking points once again before starting, he was getting rather distracted as well.
Those eyes hadn’t left him, sparkling in the sunlight and bejeweled as they were, and no matter where he put his focus on the gathered crowd, he could still feel the weight of them on him. Where his palms getting sweaty?
It didn’t matter, he was finished with his piece as the head seat of the city and turned them over to Shikamaru who had come to explain the layout of the exams. Stepping aside, he was freed from her gaze as she gave the new speaker her attention and was allowed to more comfortably observe the curious happenings of his morning.
She stood just as proudly before Shikamaru as she had him, no longer the shuddering leaf that had been frightful of so many of their opponents before. His mind’s eye didn’t have the clearest picture of her back then, he’d found her so overlookable when outshined by her teammates, but he couldn’t overlook how inviting her figure had become, or how he found that he preferred the length that was returning to her hair, and how mature and defined the roundness of her face had gotten. She stood a bit taller now, they all did, and he could tell the definition of her muscles reflected the work she’d done to allow such confidence worn across her face.
Could a few years really change that much?
He’d been stared down quite enough since the start of the genin address, and he wondered how different he looked from her perspective. Had his stature reflected the improvements he’d undergone? Did his face look more mature as well or, now a little self-conscious, did he still look to be a boy wearing his father’s robes? With no necessity for it, he’d forgone most of the usual strength training done by those in their profession, but his fight with Lee had incentivized him to train otherwise; was it noticeable at all? He suddenly found himself conscious of his posture, second guessing the expression he wore, and found it difficult to keep his eyes from sliding back to this unexpected distraction.
Even after she had glanced his way, catching him mid-stare, he’d only looked away for a moment.
Soon, too soon given how he’d yet to find the words, the genin were all dismissed and gradually went their separate ways. A few senseis had approached him with a question or two, gratitude for hosting the exams, the typical formalities he’d been expecting, but in truth he’d only half paid attention to anything they said and whatever he strung together in reply. Again, he could feel those eyes on him, an itching in the back of his mind that made his pulse throb in his throat and an unfamiliar anxiousness to settle in his limbs.
Of course, he shouldn’t have been surprised when she walked up to him the moment he was free, her first words just some regurgitated pleasantries that the others had already said. Perhaps it wasn’t the approach that had surprised him, maybe it had been how favorable he found that sweet and warm scent of vanilla that clung to her skin, or how it was his own heart that was beginning to race against his chest.
He'd nodded to her gratitude, though by the look in her eyes he could tell that she knew he hadn’t listened to her words, nor looked her in the eyes as she said them. Something about the way her lips moved when she spoke to him was diverting his attention. “What are you hoping to achieve?” he asked, perhaps sounding a little standoffish due to his very real apprehension.
She shrugged, her eyes holding his gaze captive. “I just want to see,” she offered innocently enough, though the knuckle crack he’d heard from her gloved hand was anything but.
The clear challenge in her eyes stirred him. It had been months since someone provoked him like this, and they hadn’t been keen on his abilities like Sakura was; their arrogance had been born of ignorance and Gaara couldn’t help but wonder what her’s was born from. He tried not to smirk with his next words, though he failed, and returned her challenge in kind. “See how long you’ll last trying to hit me?” he goaded, the dignified tone of the Kazekage melting away as if to playfully deride her.
“No,” she refuted firmly, thought that sly expression still blessed her features. He could tell now that the sun hadn’t been the thing to kiss that color across her face, it had been a subtle flush across her skin, one that grew deeper when that smirk of his had slipped. Flushed or not, she was still fiery. “To see how long it takes me to hit you.”
Another unexpected outcome of his morning, another smirk he felt pull at his features, and this time she did break her gaze away from him, brushing her hair behind her ears and attempting to downplay her blush.
“Well,” he said, his tone casual. “Let’s go.” He began walking off to a more distant end of the training grounds, an area he specifically hadn’t set aside for visitor use.
She followed quickly after him, he could feel the steps she took atop the sandy earth, and he wondered how someone as petit and light of foot as her thought to approach him with such a bold request. “I thought you were a busy man,” she said, not wanting to sound displeased but wanting to convey that, yes; she did in fact know that he had other – more important – things to attend.
“I am,” Gaara agreed, looking over to Sakura who came to walk in line at his side. Again, he tried a smirk, wanting to see if it gave her skin that same rouge as before. It had, and she’d yet again avoided his eyes for a second. “But I don’t believe that you’re a patient woman.”
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aperturesoundtracks · 11 months
welcome to the half-life and portal soundtrack competition.
Alright gamers here's how we're gonna do it.
We'll have one bracket for Half-Life 1 and Opposing Force, one for Half-Life 2 And Episodes, one for Portal 1, and one for Portal 2. The winners of the Half-Life polls will go against each other, the winners of the Portal polls will go against each other. Then the winners of THOSE polls will go against each other. Half-Life Alyx's OST will go against Black Mesa's OST and we'll figure out how to find the Ultimate Winner when we get there.
Specific bits -
ties will be mod choice.
It doesn't matter how long a soundtrack is, if its on soundtrack its on the poll.
Brackets will be mostly randomized, aside from certain bits (ie. Dark Piano Short and Sharp Fear Short will go against each other round one).
Songs that appear on two soundtracks unchanged, like Vague Voices VS Black Mesa Inbound, will be put in the bracket of the game they appear first in.
Track lists will be taken either from the soundtrack posted on Steam, or the Combine Overwiki.
Links will be soundcloud because people were having issues with certain youtube video links.
This will run mostly on a queue. Please listen to both songs before voting, or I'll be sad.
half life OST round 2 matchups (so far) are under the cut for me to keep track
credits closing theme vs klaxon beat electric guitar ambience vs bust/race from doom trample vs military precision danger rises vs storm vague voices vs valve theme (extended) name vs planet diabolical adrenaline guitar vs nuclear mission jam adrenaline horror vs hurricane strings steam in the pipes vs hard technology rock maze vs sharp fear short threatening short vs scared confused short scientific proof vs tunnel
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hey I was hoping I could get a cod matchup? Sorry in advance for the yapping
Umm as for appearance I am 5’4” in my early twenties. I have layered curly brown hair that comes to just above my shoulder, blue eyes, freckles pale as hell, a few scars here and there that I’m kinda proud of (from various causes) I don’t really have a specific style it can range from a tank top and sweats to t-shirt and jeans or something completely wild, color coded decked out in jewelry, skirts, layers the whole bit. Relatively active build, used to be a gymnast until an injury now I just workout twice a week w a friend. Interests; I like movies top five rn probably Scream (1996), Spiderverse, 10 things I hate about you, the last unicorn, Dead poets society, +Star Wars cause I can’t leave it out. I like playing chess every now and then, I’d say I’m pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I’m also an artist, and I like music I can’t do anything music related I just like listening to it, all kinds. I like baking when I’m stressed, typically cookies during finals week at 2 am. My future prospects, or at least what they are currently, is just going to law school, after that I’m not really sure, I’ve thought ab going the military route, both of my parents served/are serving, so I’ve thought ab the possibility of being a military JAG or something in Intel, but I’m still feeling for it, I mostly like law cause I’m pretty good at it and I like knowing more than people. I’m Bi so my taste in Men/Women varies. As much as I’d like to say I don’t have a type, hot people are hot, there have been patterns in the past few fictional guys. Tbh my taste in men is shit, like I don’t have daddy issues, I have a great relationship with him, but my past fictional crushes say other wise. But basically, capability is HOT, if they’re good at something to the point of mastering it I’m entranced. Women are just pretty, there’s not much there. I’m relatively paranoid, even describing myself like this online is strange, I think it’s just growing up around military but I’m typically just cautious. That and trust issues. I’ve done some martial arts/self defense and I think sparring is really fun I just need someone to teach me. Also I am a huge simp (with shit taste as my friends say) I’m an ambiavert, so I like to be pretty adaptable depending on who I’m around. I’m also German/American but definitely more American than anything else, I ‘grew up’ in south Germany and we still have family there but since we moved here I’ve forgotten most of  the language. JFC in hindsight I am SO SORRY about all this I got carried away. I hope it didn’t come across as self absorbed 😭😅 thanks 
Sorry again 
🤔 I'll pair you with...
Captain John Price 🚬
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Price might be the one to fall for you
If you ever decide/decided to join the military, him and Laswell will look through files and find you
He can't help but feel that you would bring something to the table
Recruiting you, along with many others, he'd be watching you
Through the tests, he'd be silently hoping you'd pass
When he asks to see you, you think you've done something wrong
Instead he just tells you that you've done a good job with all the training and tests he's put you through
"I admit, I thought you would call it quits anytime soon... but... you're determination surprised me."
"You've got guts, spirit. I like that"
He wants to take you under his wing and train you
He was right about you; there was something special there
Though he didn't know just how special you would be to him later on 🤭
After many months and near death experiences later, he'd come to realize he cares about you... a lot
When off duty, he will take you somewhere to talk
Price doesn't play games, you know that
So... he tells you that he really likes you
All this time he'd spent getting to know you, he felt something he hadn't in a long time
One time, when he looked like he was about to fall asleep he was surprised that you showed so much concern for him; You wanted to do something, anything, for him
His hand gently held yours, showing how gentle he can be
"If you'll have me, love, I can make you happy... even if it takes my whole life to"
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fyodior · 2 years
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↬ fyodor. absolutely unequivocally indisputably fyodor
↬ some of this is gonna be based off more of me knowing u as a person and not entirely just your request if thats ok teehee
↬ one thing abt you kal is that you are honest. you value honesty and truth pretty highly, and are very steadfast in your beliefs. you're not necessarily stubborn per say, just that you know what you believe and value and that isn't easily swayed. i believe this is a nonnegotiable for fedya in any relationship romantic, platonic, or otherwise. he needs someone who he knows will stick by his side from the beginning to the end and he can gauge that pretty early on. while you may see yourself as closed off, with a little time its not difficult to see the kinds of things you prioritize in your life. fedya specifically can read you like a book, and while it may take a while to develop fully, he is able to place his full and entire trust in you. he knows you won't betray him
↬ both of you have the very similar quiet, drawn-back type of personality where you highly value peace and tranquility. the two of you could very easily exist in comfortable silence without feeling obligated to keep each other "entertained". you very easily just coexist
↬ you're also both observers. you think a lot before you act, and are often just in your own head.
↬ what im getting at here is that you have very similar personalities in the ways that matter and would lend to a very healthy and easy relationship. things never feel strained and you understand each other well
↬ philosophy/theology/history/military are you just reading from the fyodor wiki page /j you guys could have conversations for hours and hours about your many overlapping interests. i dont think you'd necessarily agree about every little thing but you'd have healthy debates and i think you'd both expand your world views and beliefs a lot
↬ you share a love of literature, again something you could discuss and bond over
↬ you have the most unpredictable opinions sometimes you'd really keep him interested and on his toes he would be fascinated by you in a very positive way
↬ in ways beyond what i can explain i just know he'd have very deep respect and admiration for you as a person, your intelligence/wisdom, and your actions
↬ you both struggle a lot with affection. for fyodor im sure it is a completely foreign concept to him that he has never experienced. i think this is a bit of a double edged sword because it doesnt mean one of you is feeling neglected in that way but it might be difficult for you guys to develop a fitting dynamic if that makes sense
↬ share your fondness for nature with him please he so desperately needs to experience the outdoors and the sun he is so lacking in vitamin D
↬ you are fucking hilarious and you'd put a very much needed and crooked smile on his face. ur probably one of the only people who'd ever hear him laugh
↬ as i feel like you do in real life with his character, you'd have a deep and complex understanding of him that no one else does. he feels heard and understood and accepted by you in ways that he's never experienced before
↬ he also probably has mommy issues. your mommy kink would not be neglected
↬ you complement each other in a lot of complex ways, way beyond a surface level matchup
↬ kiss him and suck his dick for me pls im a little bit jealous of your compatibility
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
Heyaaa can I get a match up for Attack on Titan? <3
Ece here,21 female cancer entp.I'd prefer a guy but any gender will do :3
I'm usually a cheerful person with lots of energy, I'm quite outdoorsy but an ambivert. I'm that one person who isn't afraid of going to a cinema,concert etc alone xD I don't easily get angry,jealous etc. I'm the calmest person I know,on that matter I'm quite tolerant. Also I tend value my own independency a lot but I strongly respect other's too. On this matter I often called out to be 'cold' or 'uncaring' even though I care for my loved ones unconditionally :// I think I'm not very good at showing emotions,best I can do is to clown around to keep my loved ones happy and honestly I get uncomfortable when people get too emotional too soon in romantic relationships.
Also my love language can be anything but acts of service,they are a little rare D: I tend to go for quality time or physical touch,when I feel comfy enough -which takes some time- I straight up glue myself xD
As for hobbies I like to write,read and to cook exotic foods. I obviously watch anime quite often too D: I generally like trying different hobbies -anything- just to drop it a couple of months in. I very sadly do this when it comes to my romantic relationships too and I feel like I might be an aromantic but the idea of dating with an aot guy is quite charming xD Thank you so much already and I hope this is enough because I feel like I've revealed too much D:
I’ll keep it real; it’s been a long ass time since I’ve touched aot. I think last time I watched it genuinely was 2019. I’m trying my best with these aot requests but I might take them down temporarily, rewatch the show, then put them back up idk.
That being said, you sound like an epic person girl, keep doing you. 👍
PS, I get what you mean with relationships. It’s really hard to date people in the real word- especially when there’s perfect anime dudes who’d be willing (in ones imagination at least) to date you. I struggle with that myself, but know there will be that special person eventually. Nobodies perfect, and don’t keep your standards too high; and eventually you’ll find the one. 🖤🦇
warnings: discussion/depictions of PTSD, Anxiety, and DID.
your Attack on Titan matchup is.. Reiner Braun !!
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• I think Reiner would be a good match for you.
• He enjoys your energy. Often times it gets him out of a funk he’s in. Not to mention he’d always give you a cute little pat on the head as thanks for cheering him up.
• He also appreciates the times where you can be really chill. He needs those moments of relaxation sometimes. Hell, you’ve seen what he’s been through.
• Though out of everything, he appreciates your patience. He suffers through some PTSD and DID as far as I’m concerned, so as long as you’re patient with him he’ll be patient with you.
• I believe he’d enjoy someone who’s independent, as he often does things his own way, and would rather not get an ear full from someone who’s a heckler for the rules. Much so, he lets you do your own thing as well as long as it’s not detrimental and hurts you.
• He gets remarks of being cold and uncaring as well, but really the two of you are just either really chill or focused on something that you don’t even notice you have a resting bitch face.
• He thinks it’s adorable when you try to make him feel better. He often goes through identity crisis, so to have someone bring him back down to Earth is nice.
• Quality time is a bit dicey for him, obviously because of his job. If you’re Military Police with him it might not be as much of an issue. Though physical touch happens as much as it can, as Reiner can be very possessive and handsy.
• You’re hobbies always interest him. He’s the type to go through hobbies one month to another like you, but when he sees a hobby you actually stick to he tries to encourage it more and more.
• Also, he’ll fulfill any romantic needs your heart desires, promise~.
• Your runner ups are Erin and Connie!
• Reiner will always have your back, and hopefully you’ll have his?
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legofemme · 1 year
Cherry Vs Beez
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The final matchup of round 1.a is just... 2 vaguely lesbian bugs. Not really much to write as a flourish here, just lesbian bugs!
Cherry: Though Cherry LOOKS like a syringe, he's really just a tick. He also has the worst romantic taste on earth. His love interest is a genocidal robot who has, and will continue to kill hostages and innocents. And yet he chooses to ignore it all on account of thinking shes hot. Get better taste bud, you deserve it
Beez: Absolutely massive, Beez is a milf from another planet. Her race is full of bee people- obviously- and she used to be an honored member in their military. When she retires to earth, she adopts 2 human children in an attempt to ease tensions between their species
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can u use vpn on pac12 now
VPN services compatible with PAC-12
In the realm of college sports fandom, catching every thrilling moment of PAC-12 action can be a challenge, especially if you're traveling or living outside the region. However, with the right VPN service, you can easily bypass geographical restrictions and stream PAC-12 content from anywhere in the world.
Several VPN providers offer reliable access to PAC-12 networks, ensuring you never miss a game, match, or tournament. One such provider is ExpressVPN, known for its lightning-fast speeds and robust security features. With servers strategically located across the US, ExpressVPN effortlessly unblocks PAC-12 streaming platforms, allowing you to enjoy seamless HD quality broadcasts.
Another top choice is NordVPN, renowned for its extensive server network and dedicated streaming capabilities. Whether you're cheering for your alma mater or following a rival team, NordVPN ensures smooth and uninterrupted access to PAC-12 channels, regardless of your location.
For budget-conscious fans, Surfshark VPN presents an excellent option with its budget-friendly plans and unlimited device connections. Despite its affordability, Surfshark doesn't compromise on performance, reliably unlocking PAC-12 content and delivering buffer-free streaming experiences.
If privacy is your primary concern, consider opting for CyberGhost VPN, which boasts advanced security features like military-grade encryption and ad-blocking technology. With its user-friendly interface and optimized servers for streaming, CyberGhost guarantees hassle-free access to PAC-12 broadcasts while safeguarding your online anonymity.
Whether you're a die-hard supporter or a casual viewer, investing in a reliable VPN service is essential for accessing PAC-12 content from anywhere in the world. By choosing providers like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, Surfshark VPN, or CyberGhost VPN, you can ensure uninterrupted access to thrilling PAC-12 sports action, regardless of geographical constraints.
Using VPN for PAC-12 access
Title: Unlocking PAC-12 Access: How VPNs Enhance Streaming Experience
In the realm of collegiate sports, PAC-12 stands tall as one of the premier conferences, boasting thrilling matchups across various disciplines. However, accessing live streams and exclusive content from the PAC-12 Network can be challenging, especially for viewers outside the United States or in regions with restricted access. Here's where Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) come into play, offering a reliable solution to unlock PAC-12 access and elevate your streaming experience.
VPN technology works by rerouting your internet connection through a secure server in a location of your choice, masking your actual IP address and encrypting your data in the process. This enables users to bypass geo-restrictions imposed by streaming services, including those hosting PAC-12 content.
By connecting to a VPN server located in the US, fans worldwide can access the PAC-12 Network website or streaming platforms as if they were physically present within the country. This means uninterrupted access to live games, highlights, analysis, and other exclusive content offered by the conference.
Furthermore, VPNs provide an added layer of privacy and security, shielding your online activities from prying eyes such as ISPs, hackers, or government surveillance. With end-to-end encryption, your data remains safeguarded, ensuring a worry-free streaming experience.
When choosing a VPN for PAC-12 access, consider factors such as server locations, connection speed, and data privacy policies. Opt for reputable VPN providers with a wide network of servers across the US, offering fast and reliable connections optimized for streaming high-definition content.
In conclusion, VPNs offer a convenient and secure means to unlock PAC-12 access, allowing fans worldwide to enjoy their favorite collegiate sports content without limitations. Whether you're cheering for your alma mater or following the latest conference showdown, a VPN ensures you never miss a moment of the action.
PAC-12 streaming with VPN
Streaming PAC-12 content with a VPN can provide fans with enhanced access to their favorite sports events and games. The PAC-12 conference is known for its thrilling sporting events across a variety of disciplines, including football, basketball, and more. With a VPN, viewers can overcome geographical restrictions and enjoy live streaming of PAC-12 matches from anywhere in the world.
Using a VPN to stream PAC-12 content offers several advantages. Firstly, it enables fans to bypass any regional restrictions that may prevent them from accessing specific games or events. By connecting to a VPN server in a different location where the content is available, viewers can enjoy seamless streaming without any limitations.
Moreover, VPNs provide an extra layer of security and privacy for users. By encrypting internet traffic, VPNs protect personal information and browsing activities from potential cyber threats. This is especially important when streaming content online, as it helps users stay safe and anonymous while enjoying their favorite PAC-12 matches.
Additionally, VPNs can also improve streaming quality by reducing buffering and lags. By connecting to high-speed VPN servers, viewers can experience smooth and uninterrupted streaming of PAC-12 games in HD quality.
In conclusion, using a VPN for streaming PAC-12 content is a great way for fans to enjoy their favorite sports events from anywhere while ensuring security, privacy, and a seamless viewing experience. Whether you're a die-hard football fan or a basketball enthusiast, a VPN can enhance your streaming experience and keep you connected to the thrilling world of PAC-12 sports.
VPN options for PAC-12 usage
In the dynamic landscape of online content consumption, utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for PAC-12 usage offers numerous advantages, from enhanced security to accessing region-locked content. For fans eager to stream PAC-12 sports events or access PAC-12 Network content while traveling or residing outside the United States, selecting the right VPN is paramount.
When considering VPN options for PAC-12 usage, several factors come into play. Firstly, prioritizing servers located in the United States ensures consistent access to PAC-12 Network broadcasts and online platforms. Providers like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and CyberGhost offer extensive server networks across the U.S., guaranteeing reliable connectivity and minimal buffering during live streams.
Moreover, robust encryption protocols are essential for safeguarding user privacy and data integrity. VPNs employing AES 256-bit encryption and support for secure tunneling protocols like OpenVPN or IKEv2 ensure that sensitive information remains shielded from prying eyes, whether users are streaming PAC-12 games or engaging in other online activities.
Another crucial aspect to consider is the VPN's speed and bandwidth capabilities. Opting for VPN services with high-speed servers and unlimited bandwidth prevents lags or interruptions during intense PAC-12 game moments, delivering a seamless viewing experience.
Additionally, compatibility with various devices and platforms is vital for accommodating diverse user preferences. Leading VPN providers offer dedicated applications for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and even router configurations, enabling PAC-12 fans to enjoy unrestricted access across all their devices.
Furthermore, responsive customer support and transparent privacy policies contribute to a positive VPN experience. Providers offering 24/7 live chat support and adhering to a strict no-logs policy inspire confidence among users, assuring them of reliable assistance and respect for their privacy rights.
In conclusion, selecting the right VPN for PAC-12 usage involves considering factors such as server coverage, encryption standards, speed, compatibility, and customer support. By prioritizing these elements, PAC-12 enthusiasts can enjoy seamless access to their favorite sports content while ensuring their online security and privacy.
VPN setup for PAC-12 viewing
Title: Unlocking PAC-12 Viewing: A Guide to Setting Up a VPN
In the world of college sports, PAC-12 games offer thrilling matchups that fans eagerly anticipate. However, accessing these games can sometimes be a challenge due to geographical restrictions. Fortunately, with the right tools and know-how, you can bypass these restrictions and enjoy PAC-12 viewing from anywhere in the world. One such tool is a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up a VPN for PAC-12 viewing:
Choose a Reliable VPN Provider: Select a VPN provider known for its strong security features, fast connection speeds, and a wide range of server locations, including servers in the United States.
Subscribe to the Service: Sign up for a subscription plan that suits your needs. Many VPN providers offer flexible plans with options for monthly, yearly, or even longer-term subscriptions.
Download and Install the VPN App: Once you've subscribed, download the VPN app onto your device. Most reputable VPN providers offer apps for various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
Connect to a US Server: Launch the VPN app and connect to a server located in the United States. This will assign you a US IP address, making it appear as though you're browsing the internet from within the US.
Access PAC-12 Network: With your VPN connected to a US server, visit the PAC-12 Network website or use the official PAC-12 app to access live games, highlights, and other exclusive content.
Enjoy Unrestricted PAC-12 Viewing: Sit back, relax, and enjoy watching your favorite PAC-12 teams in action, no matter where you are in the world.
By following these simple steps, you can bypass geographical restrictions and unlock PAC-12 viewing from anywhere with an internet connection. With a reliable VPN, you'll never have to miss out on the excitement of PAC-12 sports again.
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unboundtravels · 8 months
𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲
send  🎲  and i’ll place our muses into this generator and post the resulting muse combinations and a few ideas on how to make it work!
I'm not gonna lie to you, Charlie— I got a lot of really good matchups. I'll confess I did keep it limited to Star Rail and Genshin, but I included all your primary & secondary muses. I did include your secret menu as we did start writing together via an experiment with Dottore, but I balanced it out my including the muses from my request-only page. In total, that gave us an even split of twenty from your list and eighteen from mine. I even included my experimental Doctor's, just for fun (Though none of those pairings made the list, sadly). Here's what I see working. A lot of Time War pairings here because of my current hyperfixations, but I tried to give a lot of options.
  Dottore [Master!Verse] * The Scarf Doctor [Time War]
How could I resist? I mean, truly? How could I? It was at the top of the fucking list. The way we crafted this verse together really made me feel like your interpretation of The Master and the take you brought to just my crackpot verse idea got me so hooked that it pretty much cemented that your Dottore was Scarf's Master, through and through. I believe The Doctor & The Master have a yin & yang vibe, where each incarnation of The Doctor has their version of The Master (Pertwee/Delgado, Simm/Tennant, Gomez/Capaldi) and it really felt like we'd hit that kind of right cord with Dottore/Scarf. So the idea of these two running into each other again when Scarf is at his lowest? Oh, the drama would be palpable. Even though it's labeled as his time war verse, I still would probably set this pre-time war, and show an encounter that happened just before it. Maybe an adaptation of Eight & MacQueen meeting in Dark Eyes, during a mission for The Timelords— both of them on the opposite ends. Or, during a run-of-the-mill scheme for The Master, in which The Doctor reunites with his old foe. I'm limiting myself to one pairing with The Dottore Master, though. However, out of all of the options on here? This spoke the HIGHEST. A more somber and more focused Scarf going toe-to-toe with the incarnation of The Master that I really think tests him? Exquisite. Palpable. The Flavors are melting on my mouth.
ELIO * The War Doctor
I mean truly. Truly. This is just a match up I think the both of us know in our hearts— that it would just go absolutely insane. Could Elio read the future of the Time War? Does he prepare his hunters for it? Do they factor into it? Whether or not we want to reference the Stellaron Hunters from my verse or from your canon, it can go either way. While I don't know what would prompt them to meet (or clash) I can see The War Doctor and Elio having some tense moments. If Elio knows the future, would he taunt The Doctor with that? If he can only see one of two possible destinies (Mutally Assured Destruction or the destruction of the entire universe) would he prompt The Doctor toward one or the other? Did he foresee that War would push the button and fundementally shake the foundations of the universe? Did that factor into his plan with Nanook and The Trailblazer? Did he need to engineer his own survival of the war? Lots of questions, tons of possible directions. All of them intense and dramatic, for sure.
Jing Yuan * Rassilon [Final Days]
The Multiverse is for sure wild. That's all I'll say. We've experimented with a lot more wilder concepts. I was listening to Gallifrey Time War 2 earlier today, and within the first fifteen minutes, Rassilon declared anyone who did not declare themselves allies of Gallifrey enemies. Those planets who were declared enemies were subject to invasion and the establishment of military bases, essentially altering Gallifreyan tradition into a more imperial practice. The Luofu and The Timelords coming head to head would be an extremely tense face off, especially with a late stage Rassilon who isn't taking any prisoners and isn't making any negotiations. What a ride this could be.
Freminet * The First Doctor
Who lost they fuckin' GRAMMA???? cRAZY THREAD. This was just on here because I thought it would be extremely funny. The First Doctor and Freminet meet and through circumstances that align them, they start workig together. As a grandmother and a parental figure, she acts instinctively like just Mom the entire thread and there's a natural forming parental relationship that forms across the short thread. It's just a sweet little antics-driven thread that is full of laughs and heartfelt moments.
Dan Heng * The War Master
 For this thread we just entirely imply that Lunaetis/Hina is The Trailblazer for both our muses. The reason I mention that is because The Master absolutely fucks with Dan Heng the whole time just because Dan Heng is friends with The Trailblazer. During a routine Astral Express mission, Dan Heng comes across The Master's Time War incarnation. He's up to his nefarious schemes and because The War Master is just a Jacobi-exuding charismatic jack-the-ripper pyschopath, he just absolutely torments Dan Heng the entire thread. Maybe passively, like getting him into situations that overwhelm him and doing nothing to help at all. It starts that way, but then descends into utter maddess. Dan Heng makes it out alive, but The War Master is out there... and things are only going to get worse for the rest of the universe.
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writingcombatfan · 10 months
12/8/23 SmackDown - CM Punk returns to SmackDown
Hell has already frozen over on RAW, and it's hard to think of the exact reason as to why CM Punk would be appearing on SmackDown.
The primary event focus is on Tribute to the Troops, WWE's SmackDown branded collaboration with the US Military.
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The show kicked off with a performance of "God Bless America" by The War and Treaty.
JBL was then revealed to be on commentary for the episode of SmackDown. It makes sense since JBL's gimmick was being the most American man in the WWE during the attitude era.
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Santos Escobar vs Dragon Lee
A rematch from their Survivor Series matchup, these two compete in a first round tournament bracket for a #1 contender's match against Logan Paul's US Championship.
The match was incredibly brutal and fun to watch. They matched in pace and energy in the ring and rolled with each other pretty well, which made the match even more satisfying. The deadbeat dad comments made about Rey Mysterio on commentary were hilarious, which made the viewing experience more enjoyable. The match ended in a victory for Santos Escobar, pinning Dragon Lee clean on the canvas. This match is an 8/10
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Kevin Owens breaking his hand may end up being a work, as he is still scheduled to face Austin Theory and Grayson Waller.
We then got a preview for Dragon Lee vs Dominik Mysterio in the midcard of NXT Deadline, which I will also be doing an article on after the UFC card this Saturday.
Cody Rhodes then appeared on SmackDown to make a promo. His nickname has the word American in it, so it makes sense as to why he's here. The American Nightmare spoke praise on the US army service members in the arena and watching at home. Cody then previewed a video package on the history of Tribute to the Troops which included a John Cena interview and speech on the US army soldiers.
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Cody then announced the US Army Drill Team.
Bobby Lashley vs Karrion Kross
Former US Army Sergeant Bobby Lashley makes an appearance at the Tribute to the Troops event, to face Karrion Kross. Bobby being cheered kinda felt weird because of his character playing the heel.
Immediately afterwards, Montez Ford was featured in a video package speaking as a marine corp veteran.
Karrion Kross is rarely seen on television, but has an incredibly entertaining entrance, with the lights and the entrance music. It is criminal that Karrion Kross is not used on TV as much.
Bobby Lashley ended up beating Karrion Kross and advancing in the US Championship tournament. 7/10 match.
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CM Punk Segment
CM Punk then made his entrance to make his first promo on SmackDown in a long time. This is also not his first Tribute to the Troops appearance.
CM Punk basked in the CM Punk chants from the audience and made reference to the brand split, signing with RAW or SmackDown and running down the positives and negatives of being on either brand, makes reference to Cody Rhodes, teases entry to the Royal Rumble in 2024, criticizes and antagonizes Roman Reigns. When he referred to him as "people that aren't here" I thought he was talking about MJF, who has spoken about a bidding war of 2024.) CM Punk then made a dig at how he is the original Paul Heyman guy in wrestling.
The most shocking part of CM Punk's promo was when someone in the audience yelled Kevin Owens' name and CM Punk picked up on it.
"Someone said Kevin Owens. Kevin Owens, that'd be interesting, right? Can I tag with Kevin Owens? Maybe I can fight with Kevin Owens. Let's pump the breaks on that one just for a second. Kevin's a little bit prickly, and I mean to say is that him and I are probably too much alike. I don't know who would feel comfortable working with somebody who randomly just punches people in the face backstage. I mean, it's 2023 ladies and gentlemen, you just can't be doing stuff like that. That's insane."
Tony Khan reported that legally he could not speak on CM Punk's firing in AEW, and here CM Punk appears to be making reference to the events of the 2023 All In's backstage brawl. This is very interesting to see.
Punk then shoots on Seth Rollins, the World Heavyweight Champion over at RAW. Punk makes fun of how Seth is less of a breadwinner and less of a draw than his wife, Becky Lynch. Continuing on, he also said that all Seth had was a song that was over with the crowd
Punk wrapped it up by saying that he'd be on the next episode of RAW to announce where he'd be signing, which I will be covering. He then named the general managers Nick Aldis, Adam Pearce, and Shawn Michaels for a hint at appearing on NXT.
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CM Punk walked around backstage and eventually stood outside of The Bloodline's locker room. CM Punk decided to step away from the door, then revealing Kevin Owens facing off with CM Punk, CM Punk then asked Kevin if he's seen Nick Aldis' locker room, to which Kevin Owens responds by brushing off the question.
Charlotte Flair vs Asuka
A match consisting of Charlotte Flair vs Asuka began to air, with some Damage CTRL shenanigans mixed in between this match. Bayley eventually assisted Asuka in her win against Charlotte, to which they celebrated. The match was pretty good, 7/10.
CM Punk was then featured in another backstage segment with Nick Aldis and then Cody Rhodes where everyone shook hands and conducted business as usual.
Randy Orton & LA Knight vs Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa
The show ended in a tag team match. The match was solid. The crowd was hyped up for Randy, and just as much for LA Knight. Solo and Jimmy both performed incredibly, but The Bloodline took the loss in this matchup with Orton pinning Jimmy after an RKO. I rate the match an 8/10
This episode of SmackDown was 2023 was incredible, but as far as Tribute to the Troops go, this is not one of the best ones.
Final Rating
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mayhemproduces · 1 year
Bayley vs Jade Cargill
Toni Storm stands on the apron behind Bayley, as Jade Cargill flexes for the adoring fans in the house. It’s rare that Jade graces us with her presence, but with Lacey staring down the numbers game of the Apex, Jade couldn’t let her friend weather this storm alone, and returns to MPW to hand Bayley a much deserved ass beating - when Bayley attacks her from behind! The referee has no choice but to ring the bell, our action starting off hot as Bayley tries to bring the fight to her opponent. Jade may not have the experience of Bayley, but she has twice the size and an unlimited amount of strength to easily manhandle the majority of our roster at any given moment. Bayley needs to weather this storm early if she wants to continue riding this wave of momentum into Darkness Falls.
Jade’s able to toss Bayley into the corner, but ends up running into a back elbow as Bayley tries to stay on top of her. Thesz press takes them to the mat, Bayley hammering down before Jade throws her off. Bayley scurrying to hit the ropes, ducking a clothesline, but she can’t avoid the elbow coming at her head, Jade floors Bayley! Bayley instantly rolls to the floor, shielding the lower half of her face as she hides from Cargill, even as Jade joins her out on the floor. Toni Storm steps between the two, her jaw set and jutted outward, as Jade just gives her a once over and rolls her eyes. “Bitch, move!” And surprisingly, she does, but it’s only because Bayley just slid under the bottom turnbuckle, taking Jade out with a baseball slide! Bayley frantically shoves her into the ring, trapping Jade in an arm and cradle pin attempt, trying to finish this quickly!
1… 2 - Kickout!
Jade Cargill is one powerful woman, and Bayley doesn’t want to feel any more of that wrath than she has to, especially with a title opportunity coming just next week. An injury now would be the worst possible scenario for Bayley.
Staying on top of her opponent, Bayley goes for a knee strike, but it’s caught! Jade gets to her feet and spins Bayley around, trying to take her head off, but Bayley scouts the clothesline and ducks it and runs to the ropes, but Jade counters with a MASSIVE Wheelbarrow Suplex, dumping Bayley on the back of the head! That’s the power Bayley was trying to avoid, but there’s no stopping Jade Cargill once you’re in the ring with her! “You thought you could duck me, bitch?” Jade slaps Bayley’s head, pulling on her short hair, “I don’t think so.” And with that, Jade plants her with a scoop slam, jumps, and nails her with an elbow drop! Jade covers!
1… 2… Kickout!
Bayley narrowly escapes two big moves from Jade, but she needs to find a way to turn the tides, and turn them fast; Trying to fight back as Jade lifts her up, but Jade hammers at the top of the spine, keeping her grounded.
Guiding Bayley into the corner, her face is slammed against all three turnbuckles before Jade presses her against the bottom turnbuckle, using her big boot to choke Bayley out. Leaning up on the ropes and talking to the fans, until she has to relinquish at the count of four. But she continues to impose her will on Bayley, bringing her into the center of the ring, and tossing her right out of it with a Fallaway Slam! Jade kips to her feet with a brilliant smile on her face, flexing for the audience. She doesn’t waste too much time celebrating yet, she doesn’t have the win in her grasp yet, and goes to the outside to meet Bayley, but Bayley catches her with a forearm. Up on the apron, Bayley jumps over a swipe before kicking Jade in the side of the head, leaping off with a crossbody - and Jade catches her!
Jade slams her against the ring post! Trying to crack Bayley’s spine as Jade uses her strength advantage to control this matchup. Bringing them around ringside, Jade transitions into a Military Press, and walks up the steel steps with Bayley hanging high above her head! Bayley frantically shakes her head, but there’s not much she can do here, until Jade throws her into the ring! Bayley hits hard, and Jade jumps into the ring to make the cover!
1… 2… Kickout!
Bayley looks dazed as she throws the shoulder up, making a grab for her knee, possibly injuring it on the way down from that slam, but Jade stays on her, tossing her with a big throw out of the corner, tossing Bayley across the ring! Jade tosses her hair back and drops into push ups, clearly not sweating her veteran competitor, as the fans count with every push up. When she’s done, she goes after Bayley, tossing her back across the ring! Jade charges after her, but nobody’s home! Jade slams her side against the turnbuckles and drops to a knee. Bayley flips over her, grabs Jade by the waist, and tosses her into the turnbuckles with a sunset flip powerbomb! Jade hits HARD! Jade looks out on her feet as they stumble into the middle of the ring, Bayley off the ropes - and EATS a massive Pump Kick from Jade! Cargill thinks it’s over!
1… 2… Kickout!
Bayley barely gets the shoulder up there, but this keeps this match alive! Toni Storm jumps on the apron, yelling at the referee, trying to give Bayley some time to recover. Jake Clemons looks agitated, but he has to try and get Toni off the apron, despite what may, or may not be, going on behind him.
But wait! Here comes Lacey!
They sprint down to ringside and pull Toni off the apron, and punch her right across the mouth! Clemons is losing control of this outside situation, as inside the ring, Bayley surprises an unsuspecting Jade with a roll up! Shoving her through, Bayley clocks her with a Superkick! Bayley frantically gets to the top rope, piercing Jade’s heart with an Elbow Drop! Bayley tucks her in close, demanding Clemons pay attention and count!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Still not enough to keep Jade down! Lacey and Toni are still fighting on the outside, with Lacey getting the upper hand, and Clemons is going to get whiplash from trying to keep an eye on both situations, while Bayley wants to finish Jade off with the Rose Plant - but Jade picks her up! Bayley’s eyes are bulging out of her head as Jade picks her up, hoisting Bayley on one shoulder! From there, she switches into an electric chair!
When Rhea Ripley sprints down to ringside! She’ll challenge Lacey later tonight, but she isn’t waiting til then to get her hands on Lacey, tackling them and swinging with hard rights! Inside the ring, Jade transitions out of the electric chair, and plants Bayley with Jaded! It’s over! She rolls Bayley over… but Clemons is halfway out of the ropes, trying to get Rhea and Lacey to take their fight to the back! They weren’t authorized to be out here, and Clemons has had enough of these shenanigans!
Jade realizes what’s going on too late, watching with a confused annoyance. She throws Bayley’s leg down and gets in on the commotion. When, behind them, the AEW TBS Championship is slid into Bayley’s arms by a beat up Toni Storm. Bayley can barely even move, but she grabs the title and cradles it to her chest. Jade rolls her eyes and waves them off, turning around to grab Bayley - and she’s NAILED with her own championship! Jade hits the mat hard, and she’s out! Rhea dumps Lacey over the barricade, continuing to fight to the back, and Clemons turns around just in time to see Bayley drape herself over Jade!
1… 2… 3!
“Here is your winner, Bayley!”
The Apex just stole a massive victory for Bayley tonight, but can they do it again next week?
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inquisitorhotpants · 7 years
A Comparison of the Republic & Imperial Militaries
Background Information:
-- The Republic military had no conscription.  This is going to result in lower numbers (ex: the total strength of the US military is only 0.4% of the US population, and it’s estimated that the total number of current service personnel and veterans only comprises 7% of the total population).
--  While the ideological war drives the Jedi and Sith, the ideology hasn’t permeated the Republic the way it has the Empire (by dint of the Sith running the Empire and the continual reminder that the Republic has attempted total destruction of the Sith - and thus, by extension, all who follow them - more than once).  This will also effect numbers.
--  We are presented with numerous canon examples, from KotOR to the prequel trilogy, of how the Republic is easily lulled into a false sense of security, and how they have no wish to get their hands dirty (see: the Jedi waiting when the Mandalorians attacked, see also: the “Grand” army of the Republic).  Thus, that fire and the pugnacious spirit that tends to permeate the Empire is not present to such an extent in the Republic.
--  Corollary to this, there is a conversation between Canderous and Carth in KotOR where Canderous talks about how the Republic had more people, more vehicles, the Jedi, everything, and they still only won due to one Jedi general’s brilliant tactics, and one Jedi general’s WMD, basically, over Malachor V.  The Republic isn’t known for their warfighting skill.  (See also: the Grand Army of the Republic, who had to be created from birth to be effective soldiers.)  This is by no means the only conversation; Canderous points out the ways the Republic fell on their faces numerous times in that game.
--  Per canon information, the Republic army was poorly funded and had consequent recruitment problems.  Also with this, it’s written that the Army and the Navy don’t even have the same pay scales, which really makes me wonder what’s going on with the Republic because why on earth would you not pay your military the same, on a comparable pay chart? 
So this involves quite a bit of calculation.   Dropped under a cut to save dashboards.
One quick note: For simplicity’s sake, as this is meant to be a general look at military strengths on both sides of the galaxy, I am not accounting for wartime casualties.  Frankly, it would only hurt the Republic, because they got roundly stomped in the Great Galactic War.
So per my population post, the total number of non-Force sensitives in the Empire is 15,999,216,000,000,000.  To extrapolate out the total number of military personnel, we have to establish a few things:
The normal length of service in the Imperial military, barring a medical discharge, is 35 years, with the maximum being 40 years.  This makes our average age range 18-62, accounting for enlistees directly out of school and officers who don’t begin their careers until after their university studies are complete.
To figure out the percentage that that would be for the total population, I used the world census data, averaged the rounded total for ages 18-62, and calculated the percent that is of the world population, giving me 57%.  Sounds good, let’s use it.
57% of 15,999,216,000,000,000 is 9,119,553,100,000,000, which would be the total Imperial military strength, counting both front line active duty and reserve/home guard.
Obviously, not everyone is going to be front line active duty.  Prior to the Great Galactic War, active duty consisted of 30% of the total military force, or 2,735,865,900,000,000.  These are the folks on starships, at posts away from their home worlds, basically anything that isn’t “staying at home and waiting for a call-up”.  It’s easier and less economically taxing to not field a massive active duty army when you aren’t actually fighting a war.  You can train people at home.
Once the Great Galactic War started, 45% of the total military force were active duty, bringing the wartime total to 4,103,798,900,000,000.   (And given that it was started by the Empire, once can reasonably assume that the plans for this force increase were in the works for some time.)
After the Great Galactic War, once they’d conclusively stomped the shit out of the Republic, there is a forces drawdown, though not to pre-war levels, in anticipation of the Republic retaliating.  Post-Treaty strength is 37%, giving us an active duty military force post-Treaty of 3,374,234,600,000,000.
Imperial Summary:
Total military strength:  9,119,553,100,000,000
Pre-war active duty strength:  2,735,865,900,000,000 (30%)
Wartime active duty strength:  4,103,798,900,000,000 (45%)
Post-war active duty strength:  3,374,234,600,000,000 (37%)
The Republic population is 64,000,000,000,000,000.  Using this methodology once again, and this time targeting the lowest end of the spectrum (because as we see in SWTOR - remember the quest to rat out the padawans? - the Jedi are very much not keen on relationships and attachment, etc etc etc), this gives us a total of:
19,200,000,000 Force sensitives of all magnitudes 63,999,981,000,000,000 non-Force sensitives
As noted above, the Republic has no conscription, and they also have enlistment/retention issues, which lead to drastically lower numbers.
It’s doubtful the length of service in the Republic military is as long as it is in the Empire, and tours are not lifetime hitches.  Thus, the average age range for Republic service is 18 to 50, accounting for new enlistees at 18 and officers who didn’t begin their tour until after university.  A “lifer” serves 25 years, instead of 30.
Using the same methodology as the Empire to calculate what percentage of the total non-Force sensitive population is military age, we arrive at 30,080,000,000,000,000 eligible-age people.
I’m estimating high for service in the rest of this, honestly.  As I noted above, the military in the US only makes up 0.4% of our current population.  Where there is no conscription or mandatory service, numbers are low.  But estimating at the general rate for a number of non-conscript militaries in the world (most less than half of 1%) would have left the Republic, honestly, completely conquered and the whole galactic outlook of SWTOR would have been vastly different, so here we are.
Using this information as a guide (and absorbing the civilian DOD employees currently on the US military pay scale for simplicity’s sake), the Republic military is usually comprised of 61% active duty and 39% reserves.
Pre-war, the total force strength is 6% of the population, or 1,804,800,000,000,000, with the division between active duty and reserve being the aforementioned 61/39, giving us:
Active duty: 1,100,928,000,000,000
Reserve: 703,872,000,000,000
During the war, they get a boost in enlistment and other shady methods of “recruitment” as detailed in the Wookieepedia article.  Total force strength during the Great Galactic War is 9%, or 2,707,200,000,000,000.  The division between active duty and reserve at this time was 81/19, which will then account for the Sacking of Coruscant (not enough people left to guard it).  This gives us:
Active duty: 2,192,832,000,000,000
Reserve: 514,368,000,000,000
Post-war levels drop, though not as low as they were pre-war, as the Republic of course expects the Empire to do something shady and underhanded at any moment.  The total post-war strength is 7%, or 2,105,600,000,000,000.  I personally believe after the Sacking they’d pull more people onto reserves/home guard, but then that wouldn’t account for how the Empire gets steamrolled by a much smaller force 12 years later.  Anyway, the percentage allocation I’m working with post-Sacking is 70/30, giving us:
Active duty: 1,473,920,000,000,000
Reserve: 631,680,000,000,000
Republic Summary:
Pre-war active duty strength:  1,100,928,000,000,000
Wartime active duty strength:  2,192,832,000,000,000
Post-war active duty strength: 1,473,920,000,000,000
Final Summation
Pre-War Imperial active duty:  2,735,865,900,000,000 Republic active duty: 1,100,928,000,000,000
Wartime Imperial active duty:   4,103,798,900,000,000 Republic active duty:  2,192,832,000,000,000
Post-War Imperial active duty:   3,374,234,600,000,000 Republic active duty:  1,473,920,000,000,000
It is not surprising that the Republic lost the war, nor that Coruscant was sacked.  We are never shown strategic sense on the part of the Republic, not once.  Tactical acumen is hardly ever mentioned in context with the Republic, an entity that has demonstrated more than once that it lacks either the manpower or backbone to defend itself.  
Had Revan - by canon accounts a tactical genius - deigned to finish taking over the Republic, she (you will pry fem!Revan from my cold dead hands) could have done so.  But of course, thus the running off to Dromund Kaas to personally confront the Emperor (a tactically fucking asinine move), because you have to get rid of her somehow.
Conversely, we are told over and over about Imperial leaders and military figures who are tactical geniuses, who are highly intelligent, who have made their lives about warfighting.  And yet somehow ... they never show this.  The Empire has to go from conquering force to ass-backward bumblefucks in the space of 12 years, because the Republic has to win.
To be frank, it’s 100% bullshit how the Empire gets steamrolled throughout SWTOR.  It doesn’t work numerically, it doesn’t work tactically - the Republic loses more than one WMD (that’s the whole point of the first chapter of the Jedi Knight storyline!) and got their asses beat in the Great Galactic War, and yet somehow, suddenly they’re amazing strategists that beat the Empire back at every turn? - and it’s pretty poor storytelling in my opinion because the net result is “lol Republic wins” in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
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miyuwuki · 2 years
Omg! Thank you so much for my match up! I am really satisfied, and I didn't expect the second one to be imayoshi!
My best friend actually wants a match up as well but she's too shy to ask so I'll be asking for her! Both KnB characters!
My friend is a mix of intj and entj since she's an ambivert
Her love language is physical touch, but she will adjust if that guy is indifferent. She's into someone who can protect her and keep her safe. Also someone who can really make her happy! She has some family issues that's why someone who can keep her safe and someone reassuring is a must for her when it comes to a partner. Because of some family issues, she needed someone who will at least lift her up and make her feel better. She also said she's into someone who is responsible. Someone who can mentally take her is also a must.
She is really supportive and also that therapist friend, she mostly keep things to herself, like her feelings and certain emotions. She is a huge people pleaser! And also have major trust issues. Also, she's stubborn lazy but also hardworking.. and also she's loyal.
Her hobby includes: drawing, cooking, baking, knitting/sewing, singing, and any crafts usually done by hand
She is also judgemental, but she usually keeps it to herself.
(she also said I can add some things about her so here I go!)
Since she is a mix of Entj and intj:
Her entj personality is where she will treat someone like a huge baby! Since she likes to baby people, she loves helping someone as well, most especially when that person has horrible grades. This side of her appears when that person is an introvert, she is willing to take care of them and sometimes force them out of the house if needed.
To her intj, this only depends on her mood, since she has trust issues, this is also why she is also an introvert. She really prioritises her alone time and needs it when she's really down or upset. There are times where she prefers to stay inside to sleep and not go out at all.
She can also be a bit of a pervert and really values physical touch since she lacks them. She loves hugs, snuggles/cuddles, and kisses. I personally cannot give her that much since that language makes me awkward, so someone who is into physical touch is really someone she needs.
Also, she is into guys who works for the government, an example is a police officer or a military.
That's all!! I hope you can match her with someone! I am really curious about this!
a/n: hello! im so glad you’re happy with your matchup :) i also hope your best friend likes this ~ tell them ty for joining this event ! @nesrynnnsan
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kise ryouta
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kise is good with both your introverted and extroverted side! he is such an outgoing person that he doesn’t mind which side of you you show that day— it’s fine! like yours, one of his biggest love language is touch. he’s attached at the hip with you; always an arm around you, giving you unexpected kisses on the cheek, hugging you from behind. he just wants to be close with you at all times, especially to show you off. you can always feel at home with kise. he’s a bit clumsy but being a star model and basketball player, he’s been through a lot mentally himself, so don’t ever think he cannot keep up with you— he can, and he chooses to because that’s what he loves about you. omg he adores getting babied by you, AND loves it when he’s the little spoon and you’re just playing with his hair… yeah don’t stop. when you’re feeling low, he’s the best you can go to for comfort. he will help you breathe, buy you food, and there’s nothing that feels safer than in his arms.
takao kazunari
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takao’s love language is also physical touch; he loves loves loves giving you forehead kisses and hugs. he especially likes it when it’s utilized to cheer you up, because he envelopes you until he blocks the outside world from you and all you can focus on is on him. his way of comforting you on your bad days is through hugs, and now it’s like a thing between you two. he feels like home every single time. takao is reckless but responsible; he knows how to take accountability for his actions and is mature in a sense where he is emotionally aware (i mean, do you know who his best friend is?). he is patient with you as you are slowly opening up to him, no rush! he reassures you that there’s not need to please you because he loves you as is. on that note, he keeps every single craft you’ve made him and will have a whole breakdown if he sees it missing (there is a drawer dedicated to your works hehe). one time, miyaji was over at his place and thought it would be funny if he hid an oragami heart you made in his pocket— let’s just say midorima had to come and hold takao back, because who knows what he could’ve done. some dates he’ll take you out, some days he’ll stay at home with you and order in. whatever you prefer, because he puts you first :)
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