#here have a tropey stucky fic
kalee60 · 11 months
People I Want To Know Better tag game
Thanks for the tag @sparkagrace 🥰 and huge thanks for reading my little story too ❤️
Book you’re currently reading:
Mr Einstein's Secretary - Matthew Reilly
Last song you listened to:
Padam Padam - Kylie Minogue (how Aussie of me!)
Currently watching:
The rising of the shield hero - season 2
The Continental - from the world of John Wick
Fic you’re currently reading:
I have just finished reading the survivors a Spirk epic AU and... It's just gorgeous... If you like that kind of thing!
But that being said I have so many Stucky fics on my to read list that I need to get onto stat!
Next on your watch list:
Wheel of time - season two
Last of us - only a few episodes to go!!
Princess Bride - for the millionth time for reasons that will soon become apparent... 👀
But definitely looking forward to some really bad, dodgy, romantic and tropey Christmas movies.
Current obsession:
Oh boy - no judging please - but I've kind of fallen in with a Top Gun fandom as well as Spirk from star trek (only 60 years late to that one!)
But also obsessed with making polymer clay jewellery and sleeping (though I don't get enough time to do either ATM 🤣)
Tagging anyone who would like to tell me about themselves!! (Honestly it's been a hot minute since I've really been on here -so tag away!/
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darter-blue · 4 years
So, it is the fair @hannah-stagram 's birthday!!!!
And seeing as you are the most absolutely gorgeous person, and my partner in crime, here is a little gift from me to you... a hot neighbour, coffee, shrunkyclunks au. To give your day a meet cute kinda start 😘😘😘😘
Love you Hannah banana. Hope you have the best day darling ❤❤❤
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Bucky Barnes has been living in this cul-de-sac for three years. And he has never, never, seen this man before. 
This man, who is currently collecting mail from the box next to Bucky’s front gate. This man who is too hot to be real. And is currently waving at Bucky. 
Bucky would wave back but he’s frozen. In his oversize t-shirt and his tartan pyjama pants and a pair of ugg boots that were forged at the dawn of time, his hair in a messy bun on his head - not artfully messy, but messy like an ‘i just got up and have no fucks to give’ rats nest on his head. And his hand is on the handle on the outside of his self locking front door. And it will. Not. open.
Oh shit.
He looks down at the handle, he looks at Alpine who has just run off and left him in her little cat paw dust, and he looks back at the very tall, very built, very hot man who has stopped waving and is just holding his hand up and staring at Bucky.
Bucky is going to die of embarrassment. 
Does he wave, and smile and then casually step down the porch and around to the side of the house and try to break in through the bathroom window?
Does he pretend he hasn’t seen the man and then walk down to Wanda’s as if that was his plan all along (and hope she won't kill him for waking her up after her late shift)?
Does he close his eyes and hope very hard that the earth will open up and swallow him into its fiery depths right here and now?
Oh, he’s going to do none of the above. Because hot neighbour man is now walking towards Bucky with his eyes wide, eyebrows raised in concern…
‘Hi,’ he says, slowly, carefully, as if Bucky is perhaps a skittish wild animal, ‘Are you… are you okay?’
‘Oh I’m great,’ Bucky says, turning fully around to put the door at his back, ‘Yeah, absolutely peachy.’
‘That’s good, that’s good. It’s only that, well… you’ve been standing there staring at your door for an awfully long time, and I’m wondering if you maybe needed some help?’
‘Ummm… no, no. I’m ah. I have this all under control.’ His voice is husky and scratchy from sleep and his fresh made coffee is inside on his kitchen bench. 
Getting cold.
Urgh why is this his life.
‘Sure, I’m sure you do,’ hot neighbour says, nodding his head, but his pretty pink lips are turning up into a smile, ‘But ah… it’s actually, if you like, being that I’m new to the neighbourhood and ah, you know, trying to meet people and be neighbourly, maybe you would let me help you get that unlocked?’
Bucky looks at the man, with his ridiculous shoulders and his full red-brown beard, and his swept back dirty-blond hair and the strange dark one piece uniform he seems to be wearing… like he’s going into space… 
And he wonders what exactly he’s getting himself into.
‘Okay, yeah, I ah… may have locked myself out, but I’m just weighing up my options.’
‘And what are they, if you don’t mind me asking?’
‘Breaking back in through the bathroom? Waking up my friend three houses down and borrowing her phone to call a locksmith? Hoping the ground swallows me whole and I don't have to worry about it.’
‘How do you feel about adding, “asking your new neighbour to pick the lock for you,” to that list?’
‘You can do that?’
‘Sure,’ Hot neighbour says, shrugging a giant shoulder like it's no big thing.
‘Uhh… I guess I could consider it.’
‘Great!’ Hot neighbour smiles like he’s just won the lottery. And then he pulls some kind of long thin picking device from one of his many pockets and kneels down in front of Bucky’s door.
Bucky nearly bites through the inside of his cheek.
It takes hardly a second before the door pops open and Bucky is distracted anew by the ease with which his hot neighbour has just broken into his house.
‘Huh, look at that,’ Bucky says, staring at the door as it opens wide. 
Hot neighbour is bouncing back up on his feet like a happy puppy, his smile still wide. Eyes fixed to Bucky.
‘All done!’ He sweeps his hand out to indicate what Bucky can already clearly see for himself. 
And Bucky is probably looking a little like a deer in headlights right now. ‘Yeah, that was… wow.’
Of course Alpine chooses that moment to come streaking past them, a white fluffy blur, escaping back into the house and meowing with glee at having caused this drama in the first place.
‘Absolute menace,’ Bucky says, watching her go. And when he looks up, hot neighbour is still staring at him. His hands in his pockets, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Oh, he had said he was trying to make friends… be neighbourly. Maybe Bucky is supposed to ask him inside for coffee. 
‘Did you, ah… would you like to come in for coffee?’ He gestures inside with his head, putting his own hands into the pockets of his pyjama pants. Oh god. He must look like a bum. 
‘I love coffee!’ the man says, and then he frowns, ‘I mean, actually I used to love coffee. I haven’t had it for a while.’
‘Oh, well. I guess you can come in and see what you think of mine?’
‘I think yours will be excellent.’
And Bucky has to laugh at the sincerity with which this total stranger has complimented coffee he hasn’t even tasted yet.
‘Well, actually coffee’s one of the only things I ever manage to get right, so you're probably not wrong about that.’
‘I’m not usually wrong about anything.’
And Bucky laughs again, because it doesn’t seem to be a line, it’s like the guy is just stating a fact.
‘Well, I’m usually wrong about everything. So I guess we’ll balance each other out.’
‘I’d like that.’ And oh. The guy’s voice has gone low and rich like butter as he says that. And yeah okay maybe that is a line.
And they’re standing on Bucky’s porch in front of the open door just staring at each other. 
'I'm Bucky, by the way,' he says, pulling his hand free from his pocket to offer the man.
'Steve, I'm Steve,' hot neighbour, Steve, says in reply, grabbing Bucky's hand eagerly and shaking it very firmly. 'It's nice to finally meet you.'
'Finally? Didn't you just move in?' Bucky asks, wondering why he's never seen this guy before today. 
And Steve, hot neighbour Steve, starts to flush a pretty attractive shade of pink.
'Oh, I may have been weighing up whether to buy here for a little while…'
'Scoping us out?'
'Something like that.’
‘And we measured up did we? Happy with what you found?’
Steve looks Bucky up and down - Bucky in his sloppiest outfit, barely dragged out of bed - and smiles. But this time his smile is full of delicious heat. ‘Oh definitely,’ he says. 
And Bucky is blinking up at Steve with an open mouth and a broken brain.
‘So… Coffee?’ Steve says, clearing his throat.
Bucky shakes himself, ‘Yes, yes, coffee. Right,’ and ushers Steve into the house.
Has to be forgiven for the way his eyes slide down to the roundest, tightest ass he’s ever seen. 
And then again for almost swallowing his tongue when Steve turns around and catches him staring.
And winks.
Oh god. Bucky is going to be ruined.
And he honestly can’t think of a better way to go.
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legobiwan · 3 years
From one low-key Bucky Barnes stan to another...got any good fic recs? 👀🥺
I think most anyone can find the fandom classics featuring Bucky without too much issue, so I won't waste time listing those. (This You Protect, Ain't No Grave, Barnes vs. the United States, etc.) The thing about Bucky fics (beyond the sheer volume of them) is that they can have a tendency to fall into some serious tropes, especially the post-TWS recovery fics (please, stop infantilizing an internationally renown assassin, among other things). For lack of better ideas, here's a fic that's gen, not quite as popular on ao3, and very, very good:
Reconstruction by Jocelyn
I love a good Winter Soldier trial fic and this one does an incredible job of creating a believable scenario where both Bucky's torture and crimes are realistic given the set-up in the movies/comics. (Let's face it, he had to have killed far more than two dozen people over those 70 years and had to endure gods-knows-what along the way.) This fic also does an amazing job of world-building Wakanda and its characters (more comics-based than MCU-based) so they have agency and are not props for Steve and Bucky's mega-white boy angst. Along with this, this story features a very complicated Tony and deals quite well with the post-Civil War fallout without throwing anyone under the bus. And Wanda gets some fantastic moments. The end, which slides into Infinity War, goes a little off-the-rails, as the story suddenly jumps into something a lot more Loki-centric, but the initial 80-90% of the fic is A+.
Confession time: Okay, so I will admit that Stucky fics are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, even though a lot of them are super-tropey and can run the risk of Flanderizing one of or both main characters (or Sam and Natasha, who also get dragged into this type of character assassination). Blame it on my month-long insomnia stint in July, I'll read just about anything at 3am. I had a small list of fics that I was going to publish, but I'm not going to get into it right now. Suffice it to say I enjoy the following themes (gen or slash) if done well:
Bucky thinks Steve is his handler
Bucky revenge tour
Competent badass Backy who still stabs the shit out of people
Steve revenge tour
And yes, Steve and Bucky on Vormir. Because pain.
The world needs more gen/gen-ish FATWS stories. Here's one I really enjoyed:
The Old Words by kvikindi
Ignore the slash pairing on this one, there's nothing explicit in it. Fantastic exploration of the twisted relationship between Zemo and Bucky and a lot of Sokovian world-building.
A post-Endgame (gen) fic exploring what Bucky does in canon, as in, how does he get that conditional pardon and what the hell is he doing between Endgame and FATWS, and how does he deal with Steve's decision to stay behind? (And is he really just...alone the entire time? That's sad. Oh, Bucky.)
As mentioned above, more gen FATWS fics. Specifically dealing with the fallout from Madripoor and the possible repercussions of, you know, Bucky's whole bar fight being recorded on a zillion cell phones and thus violating the terms of his pardon. Because I want to believe there's a reason for that. I want Thunderbolts and Bucky being blackmailed onto that team (the comics run is fantastic). Basically, give us more comic!Bucky characterization, as I love how he is constantly improving yet struggling with that moral line in the sand and the specters of his past.
But seriously, I would love a more fleshed-out FATWS-verse. More Sam! More Bucky! More Zemo! More Walker! More Lamar! Just...keep it gen.
Reverse Infinity War-snap with Bucky and Loki working together (gen, please). I'm sure there are some out there and I just haven't found them. They are two characters who I think would have a fascinating dynamic.
More Zemo and Bucky fics (non-slash or at least very subtle slash). They have such a bizarre and twisted relationship and I LOVE it.
Alpine's backstory. I love Alpine.
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festiveferret · 5 years
I’ve never read anything by you but a friend recommended your work. Where should I start? Thanks!
Huh, tough question. (And thank you to your friend!). It depends a lot on what you like. I write a fairly wide range of stuff. If you want some short snippets to get to know me, Ferret’s Ficlets is 53 ministories. Tags are in the notes for each one. Most of them are fun little rom-commy things, or prompts I was given, so you could flip through those and see if you like what I do.
If you want something longer and more involved, I recommend Lost Together for adventure and In Trouble Deep for a more domestic story. Wrapped Up In Clover if you’re looking for tropey romance and pining.
If you’re here for the porn, Held is a great choice (a series of BDSM one-shots that form a longer story, sub!Steve and dom!Tony), or maybe Fangbait or On Camera.
If you want something less shippy and more poeticy, perhaps To Hold Your Hand, or for Big Feelings™, try The Future Is Yet in Your Power.
I also write stucky, stuckony, winterhawk, phlint, and winteriron, all of which have a pretty small number of fics so as not to overwhelm. You could go to my works page and filter by relationship.
I can’t really say for sure unless you tell me what you like! But if you let me know your fav tropes, I could pick more specifically! 
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sineala · 7 years
2017 Fic Roundup
Because I posted this on Dreamwidth and why not post it here too?
Fiction posted in 2017: (As usual, counting last year's exchange and stocking stories in January because I can't count this year's stories until the reveal.) January 1. Turn Around and Look Back. For Yuletide 2016. Marvel 616, Carol/Jess, 6200 words. 2. The Collection. For the Cap-IM Holiday Exchange. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 4723 words. 3. The Nucleus Burning Inside of the Cell. For Fandom Stocking. Marvel 3490, Steve/Natasha, 6225 words. 4. Get Some Fresh Air (At Quad). For Fandom Stocking. Avengers Academy, Steve/Tony, 1206 words. 5. Sundown. For Fandom Stocking. Ancient History RPF, Hannibal/Scipio, 711 words. 6. Unmasked. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 6084 words. 7. The Longing and Yearning. For Cap-IM Bingo. Bullet Points, Steve/Tony, 12,945 words. February 8. If You Want to Live (The Historical Present Remix). For Cap-IM Remix. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 9249 words. 9. Same As It Ever Was (The Thought Bubbles Remix). For Cap-IM Remix Relay. Marvel 616/Marvel Ultimates, Steve/Tony, 6316 words. 10. See You at the Bitter End (The Rest of the Rainbow Remix). For Cap-IM Remix Madness. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 8422 words. 11. Prototyping (The Make the Sparks Ignite Remix). For Cap-IM Remix Madness. MCU, Steve/Tony, Tony/Iron Man armor, 1176 words. March 12. Down to Zero. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 18,336 words. 13. I Think You'll Understand. For Cap-IM Anniversary. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 2313 words. 14. A More Perfect Union. For Cap-IM Anniversary. Marvel Ultimates, Steve/Tony, 705 words. 15. Provisioning. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 422 words. April 16. Bright As You Can. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel Ultimates/Marvel Noir, Steve/Tony/Tony, 6626 words. May 17. The People Who Would Keep Us on Our Knees. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 2451 words. June 18. This Mortal Part of Mine. For the Cap-IM Reverse Bang. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 60,255 words. 19. The Right Thing. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 1987 words. 20. Tony Stark and the Mysterious Marksman. For the Captain America Reverse Bang. Marvel Noir, Tony/Bucky, 18,510 words. July 21. One and Every Way. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 21,847 words. 22. Icebreaker. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel Noir/Bullet Points, Steve/Tony, 5404 words. 23. Convention Exclusive. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 5545 words. August 24. Wish Fulfillment. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel 616/Marvel Ultimates, Steve/Tony, 1427 words. September 25. Retrograde. For Cap-IM Bingo. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 9085 words. 26. In All This Wide World. For the Superhusbands Aluminum Anniversary Anthology. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 10,252 words. October 27. Veridicality. For Cap-IM Ults Day. Marvel Ultimates, Steve/Tony, 2480 words. November 28. The Opposite of a Problem. Marvel 616, Steve/Tony, 2490 words. December 29. Never Too Late for Love. For the Cap-IM Big Bang. Marvel Ultimates, Steve/Tony, 98,059 words. This year I wrote and posted: 29 stories in... two fandoms. Assuming "Marvel" counts as a fandom. Seven different Marvel continuities, though. Total wordcount: AO3 says 326,787. Which is probably off a little but not by much. Overall Thoughts: ...yay fic? Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Well, I broke two million words, so I'm gonna go with... more? I didn't write anything in October, though. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Probably Winteriron. I had never even thought about writing Winteriron but then I saw Wren's art for the Cap RBB and it was BEAUTIFUL MARVEL NOIR ART and nobody had picked it because mostly that RBB is about MCU Stucky, so I... went for it. It was fun. This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: I wrote what for me is a surprising amount of Ults. I guess... yay Ults? What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? "In All This Wide World." Dinosaur-punching h/c and the art is AMAZING and it was a lot of fun to write. Collaborating with Phoenix is ALWAYS A GOOD TIME. Rawr, dinosaur. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Apparently some people have very strong feelings about Ults Steve. My best story of this year: Honestly I'm pretty fond of "The Longing and Yearning." Sure, it's mostly porn, but I had a lot of fun writing Steve and Tony in a different dynamic and I think it's really solid. My most popular story of this year: "Down to Zero," the one where Tony gets amnesia that makes him forget he loves Steve. Tropey tropey trope trope. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: "See You at the Bitter End (The Rest of the Rainbow Remix)." I understand that the violence and death tags are probably scaring people off, but... it's not permanent? It has a happy ending! My least favorite story this year: "Unmasked." Eh. It just didn't come out right. Most fun story to write: Probably "Convention Exclusive," the one where Steve is at a con because he used to be the artist for the Cap comics in-universe and Tony is basically cosplaying Iron Man. Give me all the identity porn. All of it. Story with the sweetest moment: The fake wedding in "The Opposite of a Problem." I wrote the absolute sappiest thing I could imagine. Story with the single sexiest moment: Eh, I'm pretty proud of that Steve/Tony/Tony threesome. Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Is it the tentacle rape? It's the tentacle rape, isn't it? Most overdue: Probably the BB, which I had been thinking about writing for, like, a year. Most eye roll-worthy title: I called a story where President Cap got engaged "A More Perfect Union." SORRY NOT SORRY. Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: The Ults BB. I feel like I understood the characters a lot more by the time I was done. Hardest story to write: Definitely that Ults BB. I kept having to take breaks because Ults Steve was an asshole and being in his head all the time was exhausting. Biggest Disappointment: The fact that I CAN'T GET ANYONE ELSE TO WRITE BULLET POINTS FIC. I mean, okay, one person. But come on, fandom! BULLET POINTS. You know you want to. Biggest Surprise: Apparently a lot of people want Ults Steve to get truth serumed! Who knew! Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I never have any idea what this question is supposed to mean. Favorite opening line: I don't know. I never like my opening lines. Favorite closing line: The only thing that is coming to mind is the ending of the last HE fic I wrote which is still anon and therefore I cannot share it. In conclusion: Uh. I like words. Fic-writing goals for 2018: 1. Write the damn Star Trek AU. 2. Post that FTH story. 3. Finish bingo. 4. Try to post a story a month. 5. Try some origfic. Come on, self.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
State of the Projects
Don’t mind me - I’m just taking an inventory of the amount of projects I have going and things I have ideas for.  Feel free to ignore me completely.  Tagging @snarkyhag - who will probably end up reading a majority of these projects for beta’ing purposes, lol. 
Fic Writing
Glee Fic - Current Projects
99 Perspectives of a Single Love Story - which is going well as a weekly update.  It’ll take me until next year to finish, but I think it’s fun to have something to wait for every week. 
Chasing Pavements - I know I’ve been delayed on this! The next chapter is coming! And I think now that I’m over the writing block that I had going for a while, I’ll be able to commit to this a little more. 
Head Over Feet - Which has not been published, but it’s Middle-Aged!Klaine and a Reunion fic.  It’s an AU that splits off after season 5, and how they meet up when they’re in their thirties.  I’m writing it now, and will publish when it’s finished - but I’ll tease that it’s possibly my favorite thing I’ve worked on. 
Spaces In-Between - which is Kurt’s canon story.  It’s on hiatus at the moment, but I’d like to get back to it.  
Untitled Future Fic - Based off my Season 11 Sketch, it’s a more Klaine focused story that’s canon set, and tells of the last year leading up to where we end up with the characters in Dreams Come True.  
Glee Fic - Ideas and Hiatus projects
Here’s the list of porn one-shots I still have kicking around:
Vampire-threesome set in my Vampire!Fic verse (Blaine/Kurt/Elliott)
Pool Porn (based on a strange dream I had)
Blaine and Kurt celebrate turning forty by having sex in the shower 
99 sex positions Kurt and Blaine try 
...and there’s a growing cry for more tentacle porn apparently. 
Projects on semi-permanent hiatus
Changed for the Better -- I really struggled while writing the first half of this fic.  And I’m not sure if I have any notes for how it plays out.  But never say never -- maybe some day I’ll feel like finishing it. 
The CrossRhodes Saga -- This one I’m more apt to finish -- it’s a 40s noir story.  People didn’t seem that into it, but I’m more likely to finish this one than the other. 
MCU Fic 
A few more chapters for the Faking It fic - I have a couple more ideas in mind before I let that one be
The epic Spidey fic I’ve been kicking around for a while
The Heist - Jean Grey, Black Widow, Pepper Potts, and MJ Watson in an Ocean 11′s style heist story
The MCU in HS AU
Pepper/MJ one-shot where MJ works at Stark tower
Steve/Peggy fake dating story
A story about the Illuminati
Some vague ideas I’m kicking around such as tropey one-shots and a story about Tony and Pepper -- also a Five Times Tony Almost Died and One Time He Did fic
The Stucky Experiments – it’s basically just porn written solely for my ego
I’ve kicked around the idea of doing some kind of X-Men stuff, but nothing has really solidified as a good story
A story about the five stages of grief post-Endgame
Meta (and Other) Writing
Author Spotlights - for the fic blog.  Will be wrapped up this summer.  I think people like these? But I do want to work on other things.  Maybe next year I’ll reopen it? It depends on how many people are interested.  
Meanwhile - I’m going to need future ideas for TDBFic if anyone has suggestions on how to keep things going over there.  
June Character Celebration & July TDBFic Summer Event -- which are pretty much done and ready to go.  (Just a few last minute things to do)  
Rankings 2.0 - Which has been a fun project despite me griping about episodes.  I think I want to wrap up this and the summer projects before I move on to the other set of things on my list.  
Musical Retrospective - I wanted to look at how music was used and do an analysis of the music in the show.  It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and wrapping up other things will finally allow me the time.  
The Grey Project - I read All the Other Ghosts analytically for the podcast, I’d still like to do the same for the sequel.  
Kurt and Fashion - Not sure how or what this will eventually be, but was kicking around the idea after answering that ask.  
Blog catch-up: I have a bunch of asks, likes, and drafts that I still have to get to.  I’m always behind on it.  But I’ll pick away at this for as long as you guys seem interested and keep sending me things. :) 
The Book Blog & Movie Reviews
I am going to throw myself into this more -- yes, because I enjoy doing it, but it also ties into my job, so there is that aspect, too.  And it might be something that’ll keep my focus if/when Glee fandom dies out completely.  
Marvel Movie Nights - where I look at projects related to Marvel Comics.  Once I’m caught up, I’ll review things as they come out.  I don’t think I’ll do other major movie reviews, though. 
General Book Reviews - I’m always reading something, so there will always be something to update.  I have set a goal for at least one regular review monthly.  
I may go back through old books and do reviews of those, too, just because. 
Agatha Christie Read Thru - Which I’ve started, and has been fun! I think there are other authors whom I’ll read through their catalogues, though I’m not sure who will be next. 
X-Men Comics - I’ve wanted to write about X-Men for a long time.  I may put in other comics, too.  
Book to Movie - I figured I’d like to do Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter at some point.  But there’s no reason I can’t do other things as well -- especially if people are interested.  
And of course, there’s my beloved Original Fiction that never gets worked on because of all the things on the above list.  Some day.  
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