#herbalot forever ❤️
new-berlinwall · 1 year
I’d like to acknowledge my character growth.
The first time I saw Spamalot and growing up in a conservative town and household in the late 2000s, it was one of my windows into “What if they were gay?” Queerness was never really an option to me when I was 13 and seeing Prince Herbert and Sir Lancelot together was an alternative I had never considered. Their relationship, as brief and small representation as it is, was the slightest nudge of the closet door.
I’m almost twice the age I was when I first saw Spamalot in middle school. Last week, I went with my partner to see the new Kennedy Center production and it was the first time I’ve seen the show as a truly out lesbian. It was a long and weird journey to get here, but I want to thank this show for being the catalyst to my own queer journey.
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