#her throwing herself in the line of shinso was not something he planned for.
godkilller · 3 years
Character Flaws
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Bold the ones that apply to your character:
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | bigmouth | bigot | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nosy | ornery |  overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | nonathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
#[ headcanon ] fresh snowfall; fading footprints mark his path#i italicized non-dominant traits / situational ones.#and also verse dependent --#but just in general not as pronounced things that're still worth noting.#but my big thing is i'll never call gin a sociopath. people with personality disorders deserve more than to be lumped in as#reasonings for fictional villains to commit atrocities. it's dehumanizing for them.#gin can do terrible things without having a clean-cut psychological diagnosis for it to 'make sense'#does he have mental illnesses / disorders? perhaps!#but in bleach's setting no one is canonly diagnosed with anything and therefore we can assume -- especially with the times#and the culture? they never will be.#not officially.#i also really am not a fan of the 'abusive' term.#the term seems to primarily get used when someone commits violence be it physical or verbal against their partner or family members.#so like.... no. that's a line i draw.#gin doesn't ever wish to harm rangiku.#her throwing herself in the line of shinso was not something he planned for.#and him pretending to kill her to protect her from aizen was not something he took pleasure in doing either --#we never got any info on how gin was with rangiku in private but as far as we know canonly? gin was well-loved before he betrayed ss.#so i'm sorry but i'm keeping abusive tones to my vampire verse where he actually has a valid motivation to be so: he is soulless.#he doesn't have the capacity for gentleness he is a predator and he eats people.#he's gonna need some domestication.
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toxicjayhoe · 3 years
We don’t have to dance
Shinso / Reader(OC)
M / F
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
I mean there's some plot in my head but y'all don't get to see that haha
Blow Jobs
Hitoshi is a good boy
he asks for consent
Oral Sex
Vaginal Sex
Unprotected Sex
Aged-Up Character(s) obviously
Light Dom/sub
He glanced across the overcrowded room, observing acquaintances and strangers as they socialized and sipped their drinks, swaying to the beat of the music. The open space of the hero office had been rearranged as to accommodate as many individuals as possible for this year’s Christmas celebration.
Shinso had never really been the type who partied, but he thought it was important to attend, if only for appearances sake. As a new Pro-hero, he believed it was a necessity to demonstrate he was a team player.
He took a mouthful of his cider, feeling it burn down his throat as he swallowed the effervescent drink. He never really drank either, but he enjoyed a nice glass every once in a while.
The couch he rested on was quite comfortable, he thought to himself as he settled back into it. He was more than content in just sitting here all evening until he believed it was acceptable to leave. He wasn’t interested in idle conversation about the weather or whatever these people were gossiping about to one another.
However, the universe had other plans for him it seemed, as Denki quickly approached him, shots in hand.
“Hey bestie, down this and let’s go get some ladies.” The blond handed the liquor towards him, urging him to take it, waggling his eyebrows and winking.
Shinso sighed, ignoring the offending alcohol currently being offered to him. “What ladies, Denki? We are at the bottom of the food chain here.”
“My dude, it’s a Christmas office party. Have you never seen a movie in your life? Things always get spicy at Christmas office parties.” He cackled, downing one of the shots and throwing the empty cup behind him. He pulled another from behind his back.
The purple haired man made a face, before chuckling quietly. “Where did that one come from?!”
Denki shrugged, shoving the two shots into Shinso’s hands. He rolled his purple eyes, giving in to maybe the only true friend he had.
He brought them to his lips, one after the other, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and placing the empty receptacles on the table by him. Of course Denki had chosen peppermint schnapps.
“I’m only going to be your wingman, and only because you could really use the support.” He said with a bored tone to his voice as he pushed himself up from the sofa. Denki whooped enthusiastically, rushing off to where Shinso could only assume the ladies were.
He unhurriedly trailed after him, making his way between the gatherings of individuals, being vigilant as to not come into contact with anyone as he passed them. He wasn’t fond of strangers to start, much less being touched by them in any way.
He was terrific at communicating when he was obligated to, which was merely when he was required to use his Quirk. He still had issues with it and, even now, citizens still told him it was better suited for a villain, but he’d come to terms with not being able to please everyone. As long as he did a respectable job as a pro-hero and protecting the populace, then he would be happy.
Once he finally made it beyond the crowd and to where Denki had run off to, said man was being rejected by yet another woman.
Jaw clenched as not to show any suggestion of a smirk, he clapped the blond on the back in sympathy.
“You’re aiming way too high, Denki. And you try too hard.” He said simply, unsure if it was the right thing to say or not. Nonetheless, the shorter man smiled up at him, seemingly undeterred by yet another loss.
“Let’s go play foosball!” Denki hollered, forcing him in the direction of the tabletop game, stealing two additional beverages as a waiter walked by them.
They played a few rounds, one versus the other. Shinso loathed to admit it, but he had struggled to keep up with the innate talent Denki appeared to have at the game.
Just as he began to genuinely start enjoying his night, Denki sprinted off, declaring he needed to piss. Shinso took the moment alone to survey his surroundings once more, taking in the sight of people’s inhibitions all but forgotten as alcohol started influencing their behaviors. He took another sip of his own drink, finishing it in one gulp.
If he was being honest with himself, he was also starting to feel the affects drinking had on his body and on his mind.
He leaned onto the wall behind him, arms crossed on his chest as Denki came into sight, marching towards him, arms intertwined with the two women at his sides.
One of them he recognized as Jiro, whom he was relatively convinced Denki had a major crush on. The other, however, he could not recall ever having the pleasure of meeting.
“Shinso, don’t be rude, say hi!” He rolled his eyes before nodding silently at them both. “Good enough. Okay! Me and Jiro against the two of you. Let’s do this.”
Shinso was sure Denki had let him win for some odd reason his mind could not fathom.
As the two of them argued over why they lost the game, he cleared his throat, offering his hand to the shorter woman by his side
“I’m Shinso. Hitoshi Shinso. It’s nice to make your acquaintance”
She smiled, giving him a firm handshake.
“I know who you are, Brainwashing Hero.” His eyes widened, astonished anyone, let alone an alluring young woman, would know who he was. Was she not frightened of his quirk like everyone else had been? “My name is Aruna Ai.”
He heard himself hum before the words spilled from his mouth like word vomit.
“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” He finished, taking a deep breath after such a long-winded sentence.
“Did you just quote Deng Ming-Doa’s Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony at me?” Aruna stared at Shinso, brows furrowed as her lips quirked up.
His hand found the back of his neck as heat rose to his cheeks in mortification, unable to look directly at her.
“Sorry, I don’t know where that came from, heh.” He continued to look everywhere but her, feeling crushingly stupid. Aruna chuckled, placing the palm of her hand on his muscular arm and squeezing.
“Don’t worry so much. I’m already a fan.” An overwhelming sense of calm overtook him then, like something paranormal was causing him to relax.
“What’s your quirk?” He blurted. He scratched his skull, once again mortified that he seemed to not have a filter tonight.
She squeezed his arm again before dropping her hand to her side, smiling brightly up at him.
“Well aren’t you just the most perceptive man?” She crammed her hand into her pockets, rocking back and forth on the heels of her shoes, seemingly deep in thought.
He patiently watched her.
“I can manifest emotions in others if I have direct skin contact with them. My power varies depending on the cycle of the moon though.”
He felt his eyebrow arch in curiosity. It was sort of similar to his own quirk, when he thought about it.
“That is truly fascinating, Aruna.”
She huffed and laughed. “Not as fascinating as being able to brainwash someone. I wonder what it feels like.”
“Care to find out?” He couldn’t believe the words leaving his own mouth.
“I would love to.” No hesitation in her voice, only a slight blush stained her cheeks.
His eyes narrowed as he stared into hers. “Are you sure?” His voice low.
She rolled her eyes “Of course I’m sure, Shin-“ Her eyes glazed over as her mind went blank.
“Follow me.” Came the command.
Although she had no control over her own movements, her mind was still aware enough to realise what was happening.
She was led across the crowds and through the halls. He silently guided her into an unoccupied office, small cots lined up on the walls.
He released his hold on her mind, allowing her a moment to turn around and leave, if she so chose.
His gaze never left her face, eyes concentrated on the way her cheeks darkened. Mortified, no doubt.
They remained standing, unmoving for long moments. Hesitation welled in him for a second, unsure of himself. Aruna’s breathing came out in a sigh as she strode forward, toward him in quick steps. When she reached him, her hands grasped his clothed shoulders as she pushed herself up onto the tips of her toes, raising her lips to meet his in a sweet kiss.
Purple eyes widened at the unexpected contact.
“I just… wanted to do that of my own accord first.” She whispered as she stepped back, breathing heavier than moments before, smile on her lips.
“You look at me like you think I’m someone else.” He said simply.
Her eyes narrowed, a look he could not read painting her features.
“How do I say this… We don’t have to talk, and we don’t have to dance around it, we don’t even have to be friends. I’m attracted to you…I want you to brainwash me. And…” She paused as Shinso slowly approached her.
Eyes peered into hers, pupils dilated. “And?”
“And… I want you to use me as you wis-“ Her mouth hung open, no words coming out as Shinso gained control once again. If she could smirk, she would have.
“Come here.” Her feet pulled her to where he was now sat on one of the cots.
Large hands grasped hers. The softness of her fingers in comparison to his own, rough and calloused, felt like heaven.
Shinso had never done anything like this before and the thrill of it all made blood rush through his entire body, his heart hammering in his chest.
He looked up into her blank eyes, dick twitching against his slacks at the sight of her. He couldn’t wait to see her ruined by him.
He couldn’t get enough of her soft skin, gliding his fingers up her arm and to her neck while the other hand drifted lower, reaching under her dress.
A devilish smirk formed on his face when his fingers tightened around her throat, a soft gasp leaving her mouth.
Hiking her dress up, he dug his fingers into her hip, pulling Aruna closer, lowering his head to kiss just above his tight grip.
Teeth grazed against her skin, eliciting soft moans from above as he nipped and kissed and sucked, marking her. He hoped the resulting bruises would last weeks, reminding her of tonight.
Despite that most thought that, while under the influence of his quirk, his victims couldn’t remember what they’d done under Shinso’s control, it all depended if he wanted them to remember or not.
He most definitely wanted Aruna to remember tonight, needed her to feel and see everything he would do to her and have her do to him.
“Spread your legs.”
A hum left his lips as she did what she was told, legs far enough apart for his face to fit nicely between soft thighs.
“Good girl.” He whispered, looking up into those blank eyes, her pupils now dilated, a look of lust filling them.
He kept his gaze fixated on hers as he released her neck, hand gliding to her breast, squeezing it gently. Fuck, he couldn’t get enough of her body. Her soft curves and her even softer skin. The breathy moans that left her lips at every new sensation.
Perhaps she was the one ruining him.
Both hands were on her hips, fingers slipping under the hem of her panties, dragging them down her legs and around her feet. He placed them in his pant pocket. They were his now.
As he pressed his nose to her, he inhaled deeply, a groan ripping through his throat. Absolute heaven, the scent of her driving him crazy with need.
His tongue met her folds, licking up to her clit before bringing it into his mouth and sucking. He felt her knees go weak, the only thing holding her up straight now were his strong hands at her hips.
She tasted absolutely amazing. Shinso’s eyes squeezed shut as he devoured her. He was sure his fingers were leaving bruises. He hoped they were.
Leaving her pussy for air was torture, but he could feel his control over her slipping as he got lost in the taste of her.
“I’m going to let go of your hips now. Don’t fall.”
He wiped his chin of her juices with the back of his hand, tongue darting out to gather the droplets on his lips. He pressed his palm down onto his cock, needing some kind of touch to release the pressure building inside him.
Nimble fingers unbuckled his belt, releasing his cock from its confines. Aruna glanced down, eyes lidded.
Her own tongue slipped from her mouth, licking her lips at the sight of him slowly stroking his cock, tired eyes locked on hers.
“Come taste me.” The commanding tone sent noticeable shivers down her spine, clearly trembling where she stood.
She could feel herself resisting the request, his control wavering as pleasure began to overtake his senses.
“ Obey me.” Aruna’s knees hit the floor, palms resting on his thighs as she positioned her mouth over him.
One calloused hand cupped her cheek, guiding her lower, the other gripping the base of his cock.
The sound that rumbled through his chest was unholy as she took as much of him into her warm mouth as she possibly could, hallowing her cheeks the instant the head hit the back of her throat.
“F-fuck. Aruna” His fingers fisted into her hair, staring down at her as drool dribbled down her chin. He gently pushed her down on his cock, face fucking her softly. He didn’t want to hurt her, but fuck if her wet tongue across the underside of his dick didn’t feel like paradise.
She moaned around him as he thrust into her mouth, sending delightful vibrations through him, dick twitching in her mouth. He was losing control. He could feel it.
Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock and- he was sure it would be the end of him. This girl. How did he get so fucking lucky?
Aruna’s fingers dug into his thighs as she came up for air, his quirk weak enough from the pleasure to break out of it.
His eyes widened as she quickly rose to her feet, pushing his chest down as she settled onto his lap, sitting on his cock, sinking down on it in one swift movement.
Strong hands grasped her hips once more, furiously fucking up into her. Every moan from her lips sent heat through him.
“You like that, baby?” He asked, voice hoarse and husky.
“Y-yes. Hah. You feel so good, Hitosh-“ Her pussy tightened around him, losing herself to his control once more.
“Silly girl. Stick your tongue out for me, and don’t stop fucking yourself on my cock.”
Her eyes blank again, tongue sticking out, drooling down her face. It was absolutely stunning. So fucking beautiful, and it was all for him. He had never seen anything so breathtaking.
He stared into her face, bringing his thumb to her clit, gently pressing circles into it and watched as she shuddered, grinding on him harder, breaths coming out unevenly, whimpers escaping her lips every time he bottomed out in her.
“You’re so beautiful. Aruna. Fuck. The way I fit inside you, like we were meant to be like this.”
The words left his mouth, any shame he might have felt discarded, pleasure overwhelming his every sense. She looked amazing, tasted amazing, smelt amazing. She was perfect.
He grasped her throat again, other hand on her ass as he met her thrust for thrust. She was close, he could feel it in the way her walls clenched around him, in the way her eyes crossed, tongue still lolling from her delicious little mouth.
“Come for me, my lovely moon. “
She stilled above him, walls clenching tight one more time as her insides fluttered around him, sending him over the edge, cock spurting deep inside her, a growl leaving his throat, fingers tightening painfully around her neck.
She collapsed against his chest as he released control over her, breathing heavily in the crook of his neck as he gently caressed her back and played with her hair, calming her as she came down from her orgasm.
Shinso adjusted her dress to cover her body. His heart felt full for what seemed like the first time in his life.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Aruna.”
He felt her smile against his neck.
There was no point in saving the world if it meant losing the moon.
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Art by Me
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 19 - Extra
Chapter 18
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Both of them were taken to mend their injuries...mostly that Y/N caused herself. She was still feeling a bit lightheaded though.
Her friends came to visit her except Ochaco. Kyoka said, "I had no idea you got these moves under your sleeves."
"Uhh...yeah, me neither." Y/N said in a strained voice, "I-I am so sorry. I didn't kno-"
"Oh please don't apologize. This was a competition and you gave your best." Shiozaki smiled.
When Y/N felt better, she decided to look for Ochaco and wish her luck.
Ochaco was always the cheerful one in the group, always positive. But this was the first time that Y/N her nervous so much. In her situation, Y/N would've been the same. She knows her quirk is a strong one, but she still doesn't have as much control as Bakugou does. And going against with someone who's physical strength is as powerful as their mental strength isn't easy. Ochaco was going to go against that.
Y/N knew that Bakugou was going to win. Even though Ochaco had her brains and zero gravity as a quirk, it is hard to bring him down. Bakugou's single blast towards her was enough to throw her out of the boundaries. And knowing him, he wasn't the type to go easy on someone just based on their gender or capability. If someone was fighting with him, he would make sure that they fight with what he is, his true power. It wasn't about just strength to him. Y/N felt that Bakugou would show a person how weak they are compared to him, just so that they get back up and be stronger, and ofcourse fight him again.
".....So he's like a grumpy old man." Y/N mumbled, watching her friends enter the arena as a small smile crept up on her face , "Well, I'm grandma to him too."
"Awww, how cute. Cheering for your boyfriend?" Kyoka nudged her.
"Oh shut up." Y/N said blushing a little.
Kyoka stared her face for sometime and asked, "What happened? You look...happy. I mean, way happier than I have seen before."
"Nothing just...Bakugou seemed different when we were talking back there. He....tried to cheer me up."
Y/N chuckled watching her friend's reaction, "In a negative manner but I knew what he meant."
"Ofcourse you did. Oh the match is starting."
"You're the one who screws around with gravity. Right pink cheeks?" Bakugou asked looking at his opponent.
"Pink cheeks?!" Ochaco exclaimed.
Y/N would never admit it but she did feel a bit jealous. "I mean, grandma for me and pink cheeks for her?!" She thought, "Whatever. I hope Ochaco kicks his stupid ass."
"Well if you're gonna give up, do it now. Cause I'm not gonna hold back." Bakugou said.
"Sometimes I just have this strong urge to slap him, I swear." Y/N mumbled.
"Giving up is not an option!" Ochaco said.
The fight looked unbearable. Bakugou was not at all holding back on her. While a part of Y/N thought that it's good that Ochaco was facing his true powers, she couldn't help but feel bad for her. Even though she had a good plan up her sleeve, it took one blast from Bakugou to end it all. Going back to the waiting room, it was strange to see her unaffected about the fight. For someone who rarely showed her true emotions, Y/N knew that her friend was in fact holding back and didn't want to break down in front of them. The least she can do is to give her some space and that's exactly what Y/N did.
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Back in the stands, while everyone was calling him a villain to annoy him, Bakugou observed the seats and found Y/N in the same place where they sat. Except, now Kaminari and Sero were sitting with her. He quietly sat beside her and grumbled, "I definitely wouldn't call that girl frail." in response to the classmates talking about Ochaco. Y/N looked at him and noticed light bruises on his cheeks . "Did you not go to recovery girl?" She asked looking at his hand. "I've got spray for pain relief." There was no doubt that it definitely sprained his hands when he used his quirk that fast and with that shot. "And don't worry, Ochaco is kinda sulky but she'll be back to being herself."
"Did I ask grandma?" Bakugou shouted, "I don't need your stupid spray!"
"Oh please, give your stupid masculinity a rest." Y/N said taking out the spray, "Either use it or I'll apply it on you myself."
"Shut up!" Bakugou said snatching the spray from her hands. He would never allow her to do something like this in front of others. "Or anyone as a matter of fact." He thought and looked back at her tired demeanor. She was being way nicer than she has ever been and something about that didn't sit right with him. What was she planning? Why was she being so...gentle with him all of a sudden.
"God, stop glaring. You can just tell me to take back my spray." Y/N said, chuckling.
"Oh my bro wasn't glaring." Kaminari said with a smirk on his face, looking at Bakugou.
Something about that made him feel self-conscious and he blurted out, "Shut up! I don't even care about stupid extras! Why would I fucking stare?!"
"Ah...now that stung a little." Y/N thought, as she forced a small smile on her face and said, "Stop it, Kaminari." She pat him on his shoulder and looked at the arena as Midoriya finally cracked Todoroki, and he used his fire. It ended with Todoroki as the winner as Midoriya fell unconscious and out of bounds.
It was now Y/N vs. Iida and although Iida had his speed Y/N was quick to use her quirk when they were near the boundaries. She jumped and back-flipped, using him as support and took the opportunity to kick Iida out of line. It was over in a minute, it was fast but Y/N knew he was going to use his high speed to throw her out.
Either that or he would use his speed and attack her suddenly for which Y/N planned to use her quirk on his biggest strength but which also can be considered as his weakness - his feet. If she used a fair amount of her quirk on his calves, his quirk would actually stop working for a long time. And it would be easy for her to throw him out. Iida chose the first option. But using her quirk all of a sudden and with great amount of force was making her light-headed.
Y/N was not in the stands with her friends anymore. She didn't need any kind of distraction when her next opponent was the one who out-witted her in losing the first training that they had. Ofcourse she needed to work on her skills because she really believed that because of her being not that good in studies, she wasn't good either in the field when it is actually needed. Strategy is one of the strongest factors in fights and which some people like Midoriya and Tokoyami can come out with, in an instant - something that Y/N didn't have. None of the heroes were perfect and she knew no one can ever be perfect, but now wasn't the time to dwell on that fact. The only thing that she can do is understand how Todoroki worked and come up with a plan according to that.
She planned on using the last move she used with Shiozaki but the thing is...she had no idea how she did it. All she remembered was her trying to keep all the vines out of her hands and the fact that she moved around a lot. But except for that she had nothing.
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Coming in the arena, she heard the crowd cheering loud. It was infact, a good match for the audience. Water against fire and ice. But something was wrong. Yes, Y/N felt scared. If she knew better then Todoroki wasn't going to use fire with her.
"Just so you know, I'm not going to hold back." He said.
"I don't want you to." Y/N said.
As soon as the match started Todoroki used his quirk to block Y/N's path wherever she wanted to go. She used her quirk to jump and avoid getting frozen. She used her quirk to speed up and get near him. She planned to use her quirk and release whiplash trick along with hot boiling water which for sure would take him by surprise.
Y/N knew something was wrong the moment she entered the arena. Even though she was trying to be as focused as possible, she couldn't because she wasn't able to hear anything. Her body was slowly giving up. She knew if she had to do something, she needed to do it fast.
And she did. Y/N never moved so fast before, and the speed at which she arrived near Todoroki was so high that if it wasn't for those huge screens, no one would've understood how she got there. Todoroki lit up his left side and moved his hands fast to defend himself as she took the opportunity and hit him on his waist with the move she thought of before. And it did take him by surprise, but not enough as he was quick to use his ice quirk to avoid getting thrown out of the boundaries.
Todoroki used his ice quirk to attack immediately, and Y/N took some time but she dodged. The next moment she was face to face with him. He used the little time to predict her moves and arrive the spot where she was going to be after dodging. She was about to use her trick again, but looking at his face which strangely looked blurry now, something made her stop. He took the opportunity and froze her legs.
"From the starting of the competition, you used your legs more than anything. It's obvious that I just needed to stop-" Todoroki's voice faded, as Y/N closed her eyes, feeling drowsy. She couldn't even life a finger any more. She just didn't have the energy.
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When Y/N woke up, she was with Recovery Girl and Midoriya on her left side. "How are you feeling?" She heard Kyoka's voice.
"Ugh..." she groaned as her head felt heavy, "Felt better?"
"Man...did Midoriya get into you head or what?" Kyoka scolded, "Both of you overused your quirk. The move on Shiozaki took a lot outta you Y/N. Try not to strain yourself much now."
"So...is the festival over??" Y/N asked. Just like everyone else, even she was curious about who will win if Bakugou and Todoroki fought with each other.
"No. You're in luck. Also, that purple-haired dude came to visit you." She wiggled her eyebrows, "Someone's getting popular among boys, huh?"
"Shinso." Midoriya corrected, "I didn't know you guys were close."
"If you call days of annoying a guy just to become his friend a move to become popular, then you need to open your eyes. I-I am not...that...visually appealing. Strange when my brother got so many fans. Anyways!" Y/N changed the topic quickly, "Sorry Midoriya, I knew about his quirk but I just couldn't tell you about it. He...looked like he trusted me and I just-"
"Oh don't worry about that. After hearing him, I can understand why you did that." Midoriya chuckled.
"Okay chill, don't sulk now." Kyoka said, "Oh and just so that you know, the photographers clicked a very....controversial image of you. And I'm sure it's gonna be on the front page of several newspapers and all over the social media."
"Fuck the media." Y/N said, gradually getting more annoyed with them. She knew how her family was also going to be dragged in everything that she gets involved in. It's almost like she has cameras on her all the time and it is just during the festival but she was already getting tired of them.
"Y/N," Midoriya called her, "I saw you and....I know that if you wanted, you could've used that move once again and this time with much more force and speed, which surely would've been enough to strain him down. But...you just stopped in the middle. It's not like something you would....do..."
"I just couldn't do it. I don't know if you have noticed but....whatever happened to his face wasn't something that he was born with. Some kind of accident happened, and going by the type of burn...I know what that caused." Y/N looked at him, "I have made mistakes when I was a child and had no control over my quirks."
Midoriya cleared his throat and looked away at the door, "We should go. The final match is going to be in a few minutes." Y/N observed his face. Even he had some secrets that he was avoiding to tell her.
She felt it. They've drifted apart and now were close friends, just not best friends anymore.
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Chapter 20
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tags: @captncappuccino​
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bnhascribbles · 6 years
Aizawa x Yamada, General
Birthday Family Fluff!  A birthday gift for my pal @xxinksxx
Warnings: Swearing, Manga Character (Eri)
Words: 1.7K
This house was the same one that Yamada and Aizawa had lived in for years already, but today, it was almost unrecognizable.  Everything was just so pink and frilly.  The walls, the tables, even the ceiling–they were suffocated by balloons and streamers.  It was any little princess’s dream; Yamada had insisted that if they were going to celebrate Eri’s birthday at home, they were gonna go all out.  It wasn’t “over-the-top” if it’s what she deserved.  
So sofas were shoved aside, making room for a made-to-order castle playset they’d flown in from some craftsman in Germany.  Their daughter’s cake was just as extravagant–five tiers, each a different flavor (Eri had a lot of “favorites” and today wasn’t the day to make her choose between them), and the whole thing probably taller than the girl herself.  The pièce de résistance though, was the dress.  The same one Eri had not-so-subtly been eyeing in the corner boutique every afternoon her and Aizawa passed by on their walk home from U.A.  It was blue, with enough tulle and extra fabric in the skirt to make a second, completely new dress.  It was also the one gift Aizawa had insisted on purchasing himself.  Yamada hung it on the coat rack by the doorway so that it would be the very first thing the girl saw when she bounced through the front door.
They would be here any minute now, but something was still missing.  Yamada whips out his cell phone and dials a number he knows well.  It rings four times before the person on the other end picks up.
“Hello?”  A lazy voice drawls.  Sleepy–probably woken up by the call.
Anger bubbles in Yamada’s chest.
“Hitoshi Shinso!”  He hisses into the phone.  “Where the hell are you?  You’re gonna miss your sister’s birthday.”
“My sister?”
“Eri!”  Yamada clarifies, running a palm down his face.  Everything needed to be perfect, and that wasn’t gonna happen if Shinso wasn’t here.  He and Eri were practically joined at the hip.
“Eri’s not my sister, Mic.”  The words are barely coherent, garbled by a yawn.  Then there’s a brief silence on the other end of the line, followed by a sudden gasp and a rustling sound.  “Oh shit, that’s today!  I’ll be there in like, ten.”
“You’d better be.  And I don’t wanna hear you cursing in front of her when you get here.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll watch my fucking mouth.  Got to go.”
The call drops.  Yamada sighs and gets back to putting the finishing touches on his decorating.  Everything was already in place though, so by the time he hears the lock click, he’s prepared–party poppers poised at the front door.  It opens and Aizawa stomps in, Eri beaming beside him and gripping at his sleeve.  
Yamada lets it rip.
“Haaaaaaaaappy Biiiiiiiirthday Eri!”  The shout is just shy of deafening.  He yanks the string on the party popper and confetti flies at the pair.
Eri let’s out a joyful squeal, running at her adoptive father and throwing her arms around his legs.  He kneels down and captures her in a tight hug, glancing at his partner over the edge of his glasses.  The smile plastered across Aizawa’s face seems almost… excited.  Yamada feeds off of it, struck by another burst of energy that sends vibrations surging through his skin.
He shoots into interviewer mode, clutching onto his imaginary microphone, holding it out for Eri.  “Don’t keep your fans waiting!  Tell me, baby girl, how does it feel to finally be seven?  Fantastic?  Life-changing?”
The girl giggles leaning forward and speaking into his hand.  “It feels nice.”
“Whaaaaaat?!  Just ‘nice?’  That’s not good enough!”  He pretends to be absolutely shocked, placing his hands on her shoulders.  Aizawa rolls his eyes, but Yamada just grins wide and twists Eri so that she’s facing the coat rack and her (first) present.  “Think this could dial it up to at least an ‘awesome?”
She shrieks and pulls away from his grasp, running at the dress and smooshing her cheek into the skirt.  “It’s just like the princess dress they have in the store!”  Eri faces her fathers, face flushed and eyes bright.  Ecstatic.  Smiles weren’t so rare from her anymore, but even so, Yamada’s heart swells.  “But I saw it in the window while we were walking!  How's it here too?”
Yamada tries to hide his upturned lips.  “I don’t know about any store.  This really old lady brought this by today–said it was for a little princess she knew lived here.”
Aizawa scoffs from the doorway.  Eri peers back and him, then at Yamada.  Her smile widens knowingly.
“I don’t believe that ‘Zashi.”  She says, still clutching her dress.  As usual, she was just too smart.  
God, he loved this little girl so much.
“Aw, you caught me.  Now that you’re seven, I guess I can’t fool you anymore.”  Yamada groans, scratching at his head.  “Your Papa ‘Zawa went out and got it made for you.  You like?”
It’s Aizawa’s turn to be assaulted by love.  Eri abandons her dress, practically tackling the man.  Even though she’s small, the sheer enthusiasm behind her leap is enough to nearly knock him off balance.  He has to take a couple of shaky steps to keep from plummeting to the hardwood.
“I love it, papa!  Thank you!”  Eri hops in place a few times, reaching up to grab her father’s hand.  “Can I wear it now?”
“Of course.  Let’s take it to your room so you can change.”  Aizawa walks over and grabs the hanger.  A tiny tug on his wrist makes his attention shift downward again.
“I wanna carry it.”  Eri pouts, and Aizawa smirks just a bit.  He hands her the dress, which she manages pretty well, despite its volume.  She hobbles a little, but walks it off like a champ.
He follows close behind her, but stalls when Yamada purses his lips as he passes.
“Thank you, papa.”  He chuckles, unfazed when Aizawa reaches out and uses his palm to lightly shove at the blonde’s cheek.  Yamada catches his partner's wrist, planting a quick kiss to his knuckles before releasing him.
Aizawa rolls his eyes yet again, but there’s no missing the way his features seem to soften, if only a little bit.  Then, they scrunch up again.
“Where’s Shinso?”  He asks under his breath, careful to avoid catching Eri’s attention.
“On his way.  He forgot it was today.”
Aizawa sighs, as though disappointed, then looks back at Yamada, who just shrugs.  “I guess I’ll just forget to count the first twenty laps he does the next time we train.”
“I second that plan.”
An impatient “paaaapaaaa” rings through the hallway, and Aizawa smiles again, hurrying off to be fatherly and help his daughter.  For someone that claimed to apathetic towards just about everything, he never hesitated to do anything when Eri was concerned.  She had that man wrapped around her little finger.
The pair of them reemerge soon, just as a frantic pounding begins to shake the front door.  Yamada checks who it is, then shoots Aizawa a look.  He gestures Eri over.
“I think it’s another present here for you, princess.  Why don’t you come over here and see what it is?”
Clearly confused, Eri steps forward, watching curiously as Yamada undoes the lock.  When the door creaks open and the blur of purple hiding behind it becomes visible, her face lights up.
“Toshi!”  She squeaks, nearly tripping over the edge of her skirt in her rush towards her friend.
“How’s my favorite girl doing today?”  Shinso steps inside, grinning and holding an arm behind his back.  He drops down on one knee, whistling, amused.  “Man, look at that dress–you look just like a princess.  You know what every princess needs, right?”
Eri shakes her head from side-to-side, watching enthusiastically as Shinso pulls a stuffed unicorn from behind his back.
“Every princess needs a unicorn.  So I figured I’d bring you the first for your stable.”
Eri’s eyes sparkle as she reaches out and takes the plushie from Shinso.  “He’s so pretty Toshi!”  She traces over the glittery horn with her palm, weaves her fingers through its violet mane.  “His hair kinda looks like yours!”
Yamada and Aizawa glance over at each other.  There’s a silent moment of understanding between the pair of them: Shinso’s forgetfulness could be (at least partly) forgiven.  Still, his little gift gave Yamada an idea–a tamer way of teaching a lesson that would also make Eri’s birthday just a little more special.  A wicked grin stretches across his face, and Aizawa raises an eyebrow, questioning.
“I think you’re right, Shinso.  Every princess needs a unicorn.”  Shinso looks up at Eri’s father, suddenly suspicious.  Good.  “Or two.”
Yamada strolls towards the kitchen, grabbing a party hat from the place where it rests on the counter.  Casually, he struts back towards the entryway, ambling a bit before leaning over and hooking the rubber band bit beneath Shinso’s chin.  The purple-haired boy shoots a mildly-perplexed look over at his teacher, who’s hiding a smile behind his palm.  At least Aizawa had figured it out.
“Eri, don’t you think it’d be fun to ride an actual unicorn?”  Yamada asks, adjusting Shinso’s “horn” so that it’s centered at the top of his head.  “Look, Shinso’s got the horn and everything!”
To his credit, Shinso doesn’t seem the slightest bit surprised.  Sure, he breathes heavily for just a second, but then he hunches over onto all fours.  “Climb on board, princess.”
Yamada clicks his tongue.  “Unicorns don’t speak.  They neigh.”
Eri hesitates, her gaze darting between Shinso, Aizawa, and Yamada.  Like she’s still asking for permission.
“Go for it, sweetheart.”  Aizawa coaxes from the corner, and it’s all the encouragement Eri needs to crawl up Shinso’s back, clutching at his shoulders.  
Her joy is contagious–Aizawa tries to pass off a low chuckle as a cough, but Yamada knows better.
“Your princess is ready to go Shinso,” Yamada urges, pulling out his phone to take a video, “What do we say to that?”
The young man stares forward, as if that question was taking it just a step too far.  Still, Yamada doesn’t think he has it in him to deny Eri of anything.  In that respect, he was just like her fathers.  
Shinso inhales.
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