#her reply was like 'Please note certain sections of your menu can be blank from time to time
safyresky · 2 years
i'm not even joking, i'm very upset about the choco milk iced capp thing I am literally replying to the email like HE SAID HE NO PICKLES except it's me saying I SAID CHOCOLATE MILK AT 8AM, JESSICA (literally)
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It's not a mean email, I know she's just doing her job and such, like, I get it. customer service. It;s just. IT'S CHOCOLATE MILK, JESSICA
#her reply was like 'Please note certain sections of your menu can be blank from time to time#because items within that menu category are not available for pre-order at that time of day#which like. okay. FINE. understandable#sometimes tims runs out of eggs with sammys in the morning#it's just. CHOCOLATE MILK. IT'S CHOCOLATE MILK. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A TIMMIES THAT RUNS OUT OF CHOCOLATE MILK#I CAN STILL GET A CHOCO MILK ITSELF. SO WHY CAN I NOT ASK FOR IT IN MY ICED CAPP INSTEAD?#I am so BOGGLED by this you guys don't even know!#ppl are gonna be like 'hey dani how was ur day'#and i'm going to be utterly incomprehensible when i reply by saying#'oh well. i spent the day WILDLY OSCILLATING between IT'S CHOCOLATE MILK JESSICA and BLINTER SEX JOKE?!?!?'#my friends irl will be like *squinting* what the fuck is wrong with you#SO ANYWAY JESSICA IF YOU COULD LET TIMOTHY HORTON HIMSELF KNOW THAT IT'S CHOCOLATE MILK THAT'D BE GR8#also letting her know that i am afeared that it won't be an option period on the app anymore#which isn't a big deal bc she said i could still get it by walking in#but the thing is. i wake up late and the tims is like. 500 meters or less away#so i can order on the app as i leave#grab it IMMEDIATELY while every disgruntled adult in my area grumbles in line#and me on my merry way to work with a caffeinated beverage that tastes more CHOCOLATE than CAFFEINE#side note: tried putting choco milk in coffee the other day. needed WAY MORE CHOCO MILK#I'LL FIGURE OUT A GOOD WAY TO DRINK PROPER COFFEE ONE OF THESE DAYS
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Pretty in Pearls, Chapter 5 (Jankie) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 💄| previous chapters
A/N: hi! here's a short update but I still hope you enjoy it! thank you for reading it! <3
“Good evening, welcome to Lucky’s… I’m Jan, how can I help you?” She smiled brightly.
The flash of Crystal’s phone almost blinded her.
“Aw, look at you. First day of work!” The ginger cooed.
“They grow up so fast.” Jaida pretended she was crying.
Crystal was definitely crying.
“You guys…” Jan whispered. “I work here now… try to keep it cool… please?”
“How dare you? We always keep it cool.” Nicky crossed her arms on her chest.
“Aren’t we banned from that bar in the city?” Heidi asked.
“Technically, that wasn’t our fault…” The blonde mumbled.
Jan counted the people in the group; Widow and Gigi were there too, Widow was telling Gigi something but the girl was a bit too concentrated on certain ginger –she had said yes to their invitation in the blink of an eye when they told her Crystal was going to be there- Rosé and Lagoona would arrive after their rehearsal but still…
“Where’s Jackie?” Jan tiptoed, looking around.
“She had to close the copy room and told us she would meet us here.” Jaida explained.
“Oh… okay.” Jan displayed a new smile. “I’ll take you guys to your section.”
She walked the group to the booths and assigned them two tables next to each other –they were going to need a third table by the time the other girls arrived but for the moment, it would do- she distributed the menus and left them to check her other clients just like Denali had taught her earlier that day.
She had met some of her co-workers -there were other two waitresses working that night, Kandy and Olivia, Olivia was a sweetheart meanwhile Kandy was hilarious- and the day manager, Britta; for what it seemed, the night manager not being there was a recurring thing so Denali walked her carefully through every detail. She explained how the register worked, how to add tables and mark them as occupied or free, she also told Jan about the standards and rules with the diners, what to do, what not to do… and when she thought Jan was ready, she sent her to her first table ever.
“And don’t worry, if something goes wrong you can always say that you’re new and get away with it. I still do it sometimes.” Denali shrugged. “But I’m convinced you’ll do well.”
Jan did perfectly; she served two high school students who stopped by right after school. They ordered milkshakes and Jan was more than excited to prepare their drinks and deliver them while wearing a dazzling smile. They left a good tip for being teenagers so she took that as a good sign.
And obviously, her friends were going to drop by on her first day. She just hoped that Denali wouldn’t scold her in extension so she had asked them to behave… as much as they could.
Rosé and Lagoona walked in next.
“Look at you, baby!” Rosé celebrated her roommate. “Stunning!”
“Let me have a glance.” Lagoona gestured for her to twirl.
“Y’all…” Jan blushed but did as requested showing off her red and white striped uniform.
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you in a dress or a skirt.” The pink-haired girl noted. “I’m not counting the skorts you wore when we went bowling.”
“You didn’t want me to wear sweatpants to it.”
Jan had no proofs or doubts Rosé would have burned the skorts if she had the chance. She knew it was a questionable fashion choice but hey, they surely were comfy.
She also hoped she never told Nicky or Gigi about them.
“Everyone is here already… well, except for Jackie, she’s kind of running late.” Jan guided them toward the booths.
The other girls immediately cheered when the other two girls joined as if they hadn’t had lunch all together the day before.
“I’ll check on you in a minute.” She said before running to the table that was calling for her.
Rosé’s words echoed on the back of her head. She didn’t have anything against skirts or dresses only she had never consider buying one for herself. Other girls looked ethereal with them but Jan still had war flashbacks from that time she attempted to buy a dress for her graduation with her mom… it hadn’t gone well.
Plus, sports clothes always fit her and were practical.
Denali had offered both options –the candy cane striped dress and an alternative set of pants and a white shirt with an apron- but she had opted for the dress for some reason. She wanted to fit into that environment and copying the black-haired girl seemed the first step to it. Trying it on had been a bit weird; she almost didn’t recognize herself in the mirror but the more she looked at herself the more she liked it.
At that moment, Jackie arrived.
She was apologizing even before completely trespassing the door when she lifted her gaze and met Jan’s eyes.
“…and I’m sorry for…” She began losing her ability to speak as she got in a trance.
Seeing Jan always gave Jackie butterflies on her stomach –the good type of butterflies- and she wasn’t going to admit it to her friends not even in a million years because she wasn’t the kind of girl who believed in something as cheesy as butterflies but most importantly, she had promised herself she wasn’t going to fall for that again.
But there she was, with that smile that made all the other smiles in the world irrelevant.
Seeing Jan in a dress made her brain malfunction –not because of the dress itself but because the girl was glowing while wearing it.
Jackie wetted her lips, she had forgotten what she was going to say.
“So… what do you think?” She stretched the dress with her hands. “You can be fully honest.”
No, she couldn’t.
“You look… very happy.” The brunette made a great effort to reply. “You look nice.” This time the words came out a bit more articulated.
Jan smiled, satisfied with that answer. “C’mon, the girls are over here…” She started walking and Jackie followed her. “Don’t you love this place? It looks like it’s been ripped out of the fifties or something.”
For the first time, Jackie actually paid attention to the diner.
“Oh, that’s right… the aesthetic…”
“Hey girls, Jackie’s here!” She announced.
“Miss Cox!” Heidi yelled.
Suddenly the table turned in her direction; they created a fuss, full sentences or loose words were hardly able to comprehend but Jackie was used to it, she spoke the loud language better than anyone. She looked at Jan before sitting with the rest of the group and cracked a secret smile just for her then she rolled her eyes and got entangled in one epic story about the time a cat crashed in the dorms.
Jan cleared her throat and asked very nicely if she could bring them something to drink. She listed soft drinks, mostly cherry coke, regular coke, diet coke, Sprite, and an ice cream soda for Crystal. She walked behind the counter and pressed some buttons to make sure she got it all correct.
It took her a moment to understand the computer’s system for the tables as in the abstract but now that she had some practice with it, she was getting faster at it. She charged table eight and then added a new order of fries for table twelve and finally opened the bill for her friends.
Denali approached her at some point while she was juggling with a couple of trays.
“Hey, how’s it going?” The black-haired girl asked. “Are you okay handling that big group by yourself?” She typed some numbers and printed the receipt without blinking.
“Ah, yeah… Don’t worry, they are all my friends.” It was the first time she had said it aloud and it filled her with pride.
Denali looked at the table; it was a colorful ensemble of people that were having a blast. They were loud and they burst into laughter every couple of minutes. Jan spotted Widow covering her face with second-hand embarrassment while she was laughing underneath, Heidi cackling next to her, Nicky and Jaida holding hands but still participating in the debate, Rosé holding her stomach, Lagoona trying to add something but cracking up as soon as she started a sentence, Gigi with a blank stare trying to discover what she had said that was so funny, Crystal in an attempt to explain it to her –laughing still- and Jackie shaking her head, knowing the situation was irredeemable.
Those were her friends and it filled Jan’s chest with warmness to see them there on her first day of work.
“They came here to support you?”
Jan nodded.
“Aw, that’s so cute!” Denali beamed. “Let me know if I can help you with their order though.”
“I probably will… they already found out there are mozzarella sticks in the menu and when they say «bring mozzarella sticks» they mean all the mozzarella sticks.”
Denali chuckled. “Alright.”
Jan returned to the tables with the drinks and placed them carefully remembering who ordered what. Her friends ordered a ton of food and she had to write it down and register the order on the computer.
They were talking about Rosé and Lagoona’s latest news, they had started preparing the winter musical for a class but one of the girls that were taking part had to step out of the play.
“She said she didn’t want to brag but honestly, Sydney, who the fuck cares if you’re doing Hamilton now?” The blue-haired girl sighed. “Anyway, so we need to recruit someone else this month to play that part.”
“What’s the play about?” Widow asked.
“We’re honoring the one and only Lindsay Lohan and decided to adapt the fictional musical Eliza Rocks from Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.” Rosé explained.
“So… Pygmalion?” Gigi frowned.
“No, no… well, yeah… It is Pygmalion but with a twist… a remake if you like.”
“So the Glee version of Pygmalion?” Heidi tried to connect the dots.
“There’s nothing new under the sun anyway.” Rosé gave up.
“We still have to, write the music and the script… but that’s the big project of the drama department.”
“We could help you with the costume design,” Nicky suggested. “That could be interesting.”
“I don’t know if-” Gigi whispered.
“I love all the theatrical stuff, can I help you?” Crystal volunteered.
“Alright, yeah… we’re helping with the costumes.” The other blonde corrected herself.
Jan shook her head and left them to discuss other details.
She was tapping the screen of the computer when Jackie sat on one of the stools of the bar.
“Look how the tables have turn… Literally.”
Jan giggled. “Right? The food will be ready in a second… I’m just finishing here.”
The brunette watched her work. “You know, that role on the play Rosé and Lagoona are putting together… you could do it.”
Jan stopped what she was doing and stared at Jackie. “What? Me?” She shook her head. “No, no… I just sing in the shower and when I’m alone… that’s it. I’m not a singer and I’m not an actress.”
“You could be one. Nobody was born knowing but you can learn. I’m sure they’d love to have you on their production.”
“Jackie, I don’t know… It’s really not my thing. Besides, they already have a lot of work to do, I don’t want to delay them even more.”
“It sounds to me that you would be doing them a favor. Just… think about it. This is the perfect time to try new things… maybe.”
“I won’t promise anything.”
“Alright.” Jackie stood up. “By the way, you should bring extra ketchup… talking from experience.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”
Jan delivered the food with Denali’s help as she had suggested and then let them enjoy it until it was her time to call it a day, hang her apron and change her dress.
“Great job today. You're a good new addition to our staff.” Denali congratulated her on the back of the restaurant.
“Thank you! I’m glad that you hired me.”
“Don’t even mention it. Now go have fun with your friends.” She winked at her and left Jan to collect her things.
She then saw with her friends and let a big sigh out of her chest.
“The first day is over…”
Her friends congratulated her as well and took turns to compliment her as if it was a Yelp review.
“Let’s make a toast for Jan’s new job!” Jaida raised her glass in the air.
“For Jan!” The table cheered in unison.
“Five out of five stars, excellent service.” Heidi qualified.
“Speaking of…” Rosé whispered just for Jan to listen. “Who is that girl that helped you earlier?”
“Denali? She’s basically my supervisor at this point and she hired me.”
“She’s cute… like… very cute.”
Jan had never seen Rosé blushing until that moment –not even when Heidi had dropped some of her –arguably- best pickup lines during one lunch.
“Oh, so you think she’s cute?”
“Do you know if she’s single?”
“I’ve worked here for a day or so…”
“More than enough time.”
“I can ask her later but she’s like my boss now, you have to promise me you’ll be chill.”
“Baby, have you seen the people around us? I’ll be the chilliest of them all.”
That wasn’t the most reassuring thing to say.
The second week, Jan was more used to her work but her teachers started setting deadlines, and with her baseball practices on top of everything else, she ended up being exhausted by the time her head touched the pillow.
After a long day, the only thing she wanted was to take a long hot shower and put on some pajamas. She walked into the hallway, yawning and carrying her little bathroom basket with shampoo, soap, and a towel.
She had followed Nicky’s advice and always wore flip-flops to the shower. The bathroom was covered in steam most of the time so the girls had to clean the mirrors to brush and dry their hair hoping to see their reflection.
Jan politely greeted two girls from the dorm and got in the shower before closing the curtain. She heard the door as the two girls left and with that, she was left alone. She turned on the shower and let the water cover her entirely to wash off all the stress of the day.
While shampooing, she unconsciously started humming some random song she had heard on the radio earlier in the diner. She closed her eyes and got under the shower when someone moved the curtain.
“I knew it!” Rosé yelled. She had her pink embroidered bathrobe on and her hair was dripping wet.
Jan screamed. “Rosé!” She covered her body with the plastic curtain. “Holy sh… You nearly gave me a heart attack… I thought we had agreed on no Pitch Perfect reenacts.” Her heart was beating faster than ever.
“I didn’t know it was the whole movie, I thought it was just the songs… you know, I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes-” She hummed.
“Rosé…” The shower’s water continued running. “Get out.”
“Okay fine.” The girl closed the curtain. “But I heard you before, you hum when you’re happy.”
“Yes? Like a normal person?” She said on the other side.
“No, no… you’re good. Why didn’t you tell me you were good?”
“Because I’m not a singer… I don’t sing like you or Lagoona.”
“But you could! This is great… I knew you were good.” She repeated.
“Wait a minute, were you waiting for me to come shower?”
“No bitch, I was exfoliating… I wasn’t stalking you.”
“Okay… sure… this definitely crosses some boundaries but okay…”
“Sorry about the curtain thing but hey, here’s a fun idea… you should drop by the auditorium tomorrow. We’re holding auditions this week and I’m just saying… you could be what we need.”
Jan finished showering and stepped out wrapped in her towel.
“Look… I’m flattered that you even consider me good but I’m not… musical theatre material, trust me.”
Rosé stared with supplicant eyes. “I know you can do it… but alright.” She raised her hands in the air in surrender.
She sighed. “Listen, Rosé, I’d love to help you but my plate is full right now… I wouldn’t be able to do it all.”
“Don’t worry… I won’t insist and I won’t bring the subject anymore just… please, consider it overnight. You don’t have to say no right away.”
“Fine… can I brush my hair in peace or is Lagoona going to jump out the sink and start a number about why I should sing?”
“We don’t have that budget but I’m sure she can improvise a song if that’s what it takes.”
“See you in the room and remember that you can��t bring this up again.”
“For someone who’s cheerful all the time you surely are picking traits from Miss Jackie Cox, aren’t you…?”
Jan blushed. “No, I’m not…”
The following day, Jan found herself roaming outside the auditorium for no particular reason.
Well, that was what she kept telling herself.
Because she wasn’t there for the auditions.
Not at all.
She took a deep breath before walking in.
Luckily, most of the auditorium was empty except for the stage where most performers were still doing warm-up exercises and no one noticed the presence of the girl when she entered. Instead of standing still in the middle of the rows, she sat at the back and hid behind another seat hoping no one would spot her from there.
That was a mistake, she wasn’t supposed to be there.
She had told Rosé she would think about it but she chickened out the second she stepped in.
The rehearsal began and some of the members of the club started reading fragments of the play. It was really funny, Jan found herself holding back her laughter at some dialogues and performances. Lagoona played the piano and Rosé sang along with her and some other students joined for the chorus of the song.
It was mesmerizing to watch it from afar and maybe that was all she had to do. She could be supportive this way, without getting too involved.
“Now, what on Earth are you doing here?” The voice made her startled until she noticed it was Jackie who was now hiding next to her.
“Shhhh… keep it quiet. They don’t know I’m here… wait, why are you here?”
Jackie was so close, Jan could smell the green apple notes of her perfume.
“After my shift ended, I went to the administration office to talk with the dean and when I left I saw you walking in.” She explained.
“Ah… well, I’m leaving already so…”
“Please, don’t mind me.” The brunette assured. “So, what really brings you here?”
“Rosé is trying to get all Pitch Perfect and recruit me for this. She heard me sing in the showers.”
“Understandable. I’d call it the troyboltonification of Jan.”
“I’m not… I won’t get troyboltonificated. I’m here just to… take a look… That’s it.”
“Aha, sure.” She didn’t sound convinced. “What is holding you back from this? Obviously, you want it.”
Jan lowered her gaze. “Back in high school… I secretly wanted to participate in the drama club but the rehearsals were at the same time as my baseball practices and well… I always picked baseball over it because that’s what I’m good at it… plus it was an excuse to hang out with Nathan after the practice.”
“I see…” Jackie mumbled.
“Besides, I didn’t think I have what it takes… yes I can hit a couple of notes but that…” She pointed at the stage. “What they do there is art.”
“Listen… you’re not in high school anymore. It might be difficult to juggle the extracurricular activities with your studies and work but… if you want this, you should give it a try.” Jackie said candidly, her eyes reflected the sincerity of her words. “If it’s not for you, at least you can say you tried it.”
“Do you really think I could do it? I mean, being in front of a stage like them?”
“I’m certain about it. Some people might be born with it but I’m sure they had to practice a lot anyway and they probably failed more than once before they could get better. It is easier to say it than doing it but you’re a spitfire, if you put your mind to it you can do anything.”
She smiled even though they were in the darkest place of the auditorium.
“Thank you, Jackie. I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you, seriously.”
“Whenever you need it.” She smiled back.
Then, Jan stepped out and walked down toward where the stage was.
“Hi!” She approached shyly the people there, Lagoona stopped playing and Rosé was more than happy to see her. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you guys but I was told you have a vacancy for a role…”
The pink-haired girl jumped out of the stage. “Fellas, this is Jan… she’s my roommate and she has a great voice. I think we could use her talent here.”
They welcomed her warmly, introducing the team.
Jan turned around before going on stage and Jackie gave her a thumbs up.
“Break a leg.” She murmured even when the younger couldn’t hear her from there.
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