#her interactions w not just the bau but the other people working in the prison..
maschotch · 3 years
I’m so glad someone is appreciating riding the lightening (1x14). I truly believe imo it is the best written episode of the series (not my favorite because damn it’s depressing, still in my top 10 favorite but it’s definitely the best written of the whole series).
It’s the way they introduce these characters in one episode, and you get attached. You don’t want her to be executed at the end, you’re actively rooting for her. But it’s so beautifully bittersweet at the end, because for her, it’s her happy ending in some way. She gets to spare her child a lifetime of misery, so she wins in the end. Even though she dies, the unsub still loses in this episode.
It’s also just the way the episode ends with a way it begins, with the cello scene. Like....FUCK I think it’s the most poetic thing the show ever did. And the way Gideon just sits there, tears streaming down his face.....this and 100 were the only episodes I sobbed to.
There are other aspects to the episode that make it great, like hotch being the one to “battle” the unsub (shit I don’t remember names). It’s a mind game, and a card game too lakjshd but that’s kinda a mind game. Point is, is it builds up throughout the episode, so it’s so satisfying to see hotch be the one to tell him he loses; hotch won the game.
But it also makes sense that Gideon is connected to the woman (WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES OMG??). At this point in the series, Gideon is the one who gets too emotionally involved. It’s his great downfall but also his greatest strength. It’s fitting that hotch deals with the evil, awful unsub and Gideon is the one who connects with the woman who wants nothing more then to have him be the last face she sees.
I have never rewatched it. I probably will one day, but I can safely say, no episode has surpassed it in its brilliance. Sure, other episodes have had better character moments for our favs, but no other episode had its pure genuine quality. It had us on the edge of our seats the whole time for characters we just met 40 minutes ago, but also is the most important episode of season 1 for Gideon, who at the time is our main character. You really get to see the kind, but overly involved side of him that makes him such a compelling character (idc what people say he deserved sm better).
I think this is where Criminal Minds excels. When I think of the best episodes of the series, like the season four finale, I remember them for their haunting endings, the way they don’t try and outdo the past big arc that they had or end in some big, flashy, climactic manner. They’re just stories about people, and all the good and evil they are capable of.
riding the lightning is one of my all time favorite criminal minds episodes for sure. like its not even about gideon or hotch—though they do have their moments. its about sarah jean and the lengths she would go to in order to grant her son a better life. a life she couldnt give him. piecing together through the episode that she’s more innocent than they thought and the realization that she was jacob’s last victim.
the actress was great. the moments between her and gideon were heart wrenching. especially on a rewatch where the inevitable tragedy of it all looms over every word, every action. but through her sacrifice she’s still hopeful. hopeful that her son will have a future because of what she’s doing. her death isnt for nothing. but that still doesnt make it right
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
The Purest Things-Damaged
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Warnings: Mentions of rape, murder, and cheating. Canon-typical violence. 
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: and so we begin our descent into the world of slow-burn! this piece begins at the end of season 3 episode 13 & carries into seasons 3 episode 14. thank you to everyone who has interacted with my stories, commenting and reposting helps creators so much! enjoy this installment :)
The Purest Things Masterlist
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Gif Credit: @hqtchner
january 2008
Bookend: “We are all damaged. We have all been hurt. We have all had to learn painful lessons. We are all recovering from some mistake, loss, betrayal, abuse, injustice or misfortune. All of life is a process of recovery that never ends. We each must find ways to accept and move through the pain and to pick ourselves back up....Each tragedy is an announcement that some good will indeed come in time. Be patient with yourself.” ― Bryant McGill
Another day, another murderer locked away. This case proved that sometimes, the so-called "good guys" can be just as selfish as the "bad guys." The special agent who recruited the BAU's help, Jill Morris, used this case to obtain personal fame and grow her career.
You sit next to Rossi aboard the plane. He had a more personal interaction with Morris throughout the case, and you can tell her actions have left him more than disappointed.
Looking out the window at the sun setting behind the clouds, you mumble to yourself, "What's the difference?"
"Did you say something?" Dave speaks up.
Looking to him, you brush it off, "Oh. Nothing. I was just talking to myself."
He crosses his legs and smiles a warm smile at you, "Penny, for your thoughts then."
"I guess...I just don't understand how Jill Morris's motives can be any different from Jeremy Andrus's. Of course, Jill didn't murder or rape anyone. But, she exploited this case for her own personal benefit. She didn't just use the unsub; she exploited the victims as well. How is that any different than Jeremy using women for his own gratification?"
David sighs, "Aristotle said, 'Every practical pursuit or undertaking seems to aim at some good.' Our brains are wired for love and solidarity. Greed forms to undermine that wiring and trick others into believing that their means to an end is done for "good." People believe that to maintain that myth, any and all costs to others are simply casualties in the long run."
"There is all the difference in the world between helping another soul and exploiting their hardship for your own gain and deceiving yourself that they are the same," he continues, "I tried to show Jill that. But, I think she's already determined that the reason she does this job is not for the same reasons that we do. The rush of catching a suspect comes second to the excitement she gets when being praised for her achievement."
"What happened to her empathy," you wonder, "Empathy is a natural foundation in each of our lives, and our society functions on it! How could that not overpower her desire for recognition? I mean, for Christ's sake, her friend just died!"
"Unfortunately," he solemnly says, "It is harder to understand the motives of our peers than it is to profile a serial killer."
You wake as if there is an emergency, like sleeping had become a deadly thing, your heart pounds, and thoughts jumble throughout your brain. Shooting up from your seat, you crawl over a sleeping Rossi and stumble your way to the bathroom.
Your knuckles turn white as you grip the edge of the sink. Looking cautiously into the mirror, as if you are uncertain of what you'll see, you take in your ghostly appearance. Sweat beads drip down your forehead. Unable to comprehend the blurry remnants of your dream, you turn on the faucet and splash your face with cold water.
Upon exiting the bathroom, you notice everyone is sound asleep. Thank goodness no one noticed your state of panic. You notice that one overhead reading light is on and look to see Hotch awake and blankly staring out the window.
"Can't sleep either?" You ask, sitting across from him.
"Are you alright?" He asks, trying to deflect your attention.
You squint at him, unwilling to back down, "Are you?"
He looks at you intently, taking the sight of you in inch-by-inch. No one has asked him that over the past few weeks. In fact, everyone has seemingly been avoiding him since he was served his divorce papers. Perhaps they are doing it because they are unsure how to support him or genuinely feel that what he needs right now is space.
However, you know that being alone is the last thing he needs right now. "Hotch, I know it isn't my place, and I--I'm sorry if this is overstepping. But that expression on your face that you've worn for the past few weeks isn't foreign to me. Perhaps to everyone else, it is. They don't know what to do or say. You're their unit chief, and they are used to you being strong and keeping it together for the sake of everyone else."
He straightens his posture, his attention centered on you.
"I witnessed firsthand the ways that divorce can torment people. My parents got a sudden divorce when I was 14. It was unexpected to all of us. My father was unfaithful, and although my mom was willing to forgive him, he didn't want to put in the work anymore. He found a new outlet for his frustrations. I watched my mother and father waste away for years," you lament.
Hotch sits on the edge of his seat, his eyes trained keenly on you. It was odd for him to make a connection so quick, to give his trust so easily. In fact, he hardly trusts at all. Dave and Haley are the only ones who have really been given an insider's peek into the mind and heart of Aaron Hotchner. There was something in the way he listens so actively to what you are saying. You would be lying if you said you didn't notice his gaze aimed at your lips.
There is a sympathetic and heartfelt concern he shows for you, one second only to your own regard for him. He listens like he is absorbing your words. The longer you spend in each other's presence, the more you both realize that this is the kind of friendship you both have needed for far too long. Even if the words go unspoken, you share an empathetic understanding of one another, and you are sure it has been there since the day you met. Hotch has been fascinated by you since he watched your interview with Strauss over and over again, though he would never let it be known.
February 2008
Today is the day that you get to accompany Hotch and Reid on the Criminal Personality Research Project to interview Chester Hardwick before his execution. Hardwick's case is one you know inside and out. You wrote a research report on it that was awarded the Graduate Student Ethics Writing Competition winner for the American Psychological Association and was published in their Ethics and Behavior journal. Agent Hotchner suggested that you tag along, considering you know just as much about the case as Spencer does.
You and Spencer absentmindedly fiddle with the knickknacks that rest upon the desk as you wait to be escorted to see Chester Hardwick.
Hotch's phone begins to ring, and he answers it, "Yeah, J.J... Um, no, it's--It's a personal matter. Yes, thank you. I will take care of it when I get back."
"Everything okay?" You ask softly.
"Yeah, fine." He says abruptly.
"We can do this interview another time," Reid offers.
Aaron huffs, "Well, he is scheduled to be executed next week."
"I can take the lead on the interview if you w-" Reid unintentionally pushes.
You cut him off, "Reid."
Hotch shoots you an appreciative look.
Anytime sir.
"Agent Hotchner?" A relatively short man wearing freakishly petite glasses comes to the door.
The Unit Chief shakes the man's hand and introduces you and Spencer.
"You're here to see our infamous inmate Hardwick," the warden exclaims.
"Yes," you say, "He agreed to meet with us as part of our Criminal Personality Research Project before his execution."
The man smiles widely, "I've read your research on Hardwick many times. I must say, seeing your perspective on the mind of such a prolific killer was very enlightening."
You beam with pride at his commendation. Instinctively you look to Hotch, who appears to have the slight trace of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You wonder, how can he go from scowling and frustrated one minute to fighting back the urge to smile at the mention of your achievements? You bite your lip to suppress any further needless excitement.
The warden continues to ramble, "Serial killers are kind of a hobby of mine. Chester is the only one I've ever met in person, though. I bet you've met quite a few."
"Sir," Hotch interjects, "We'd very much like to get started as soon as we can."
Time to put our serious pants back on.
You can visibly see your superior's annoyance, and you stifle a chuckle.
The warden quickly composes himself and apologizes for his enthusiasm, touching his hand to Hotch's shoulder in the process. Hotch's mouth falls agape, and his sights shoot to you. A small snort escapes you, and you cover your mouth, attempting to conceal it as a cough. He squints at you as if he is mentally murdering you. You crinkle your nose at him.
Don't mentally murder me when we are about to interview one of the most prolific killers of our time.
The warden leads you into the small cell that you will convert into a makeshift interrogation room. Soon enough, you hear the clanking of chains echoing in the hallway. Everyone's eyesight is fixed on the door.
A silver-haired man dressed in a yellow jumpsuit walks in with an air of arrogance and determination. He glares at Agent Hotchner, who mirrors the prisoner's actions exactly. Hotch states that keeping the prisoner chained will not be necessary, a call that both you and Spencer are unsure of.
Hardwick sits across from you and leans into the table, "I know you."
"And I know you. Too well, I think," you respond.
A menacing grin sweeps across his face, "Oh, I like you already. How about you send these two away so the grown-ups can talk."
You can hear your boss scoff from behind you.
"Chester, it's time to get serious."
"You were born April 4, 1950?" Spencer asks.
"Does my birthday really matter?"
"It's customary for us to start at the beginning. We want to know as much as we can about your childhood," Reid continues.
"There's nothing to know. It was average. I lived in a nice house on a quiet street. I ate cereal, went to school, watched cartoons."
"I don't have time for this," Hotch raises his voice, causing you to jump slightly, "You grew up in a series of projects, each one worse than the last. You spent your teenage years peeping into your female neighbors' windows and burglarizing their underwear drawers when you got the chance. You set 100 small fires for which you spent 2 years in juvenile detention."
You glance at Reid from the corner of your eye; you are both uncomfortable with the direction Hotch is taking this.
"We've done extensive research, Mr. Hardwick," you say, gently trying to soften the blow and appeal to the man's ego. If Hotch is taking the bad cop role, you need to be this psychopath's ally.
"We've talked to almost everyone you've ever known," you continue, "including your mother."
Chester swivels on the balls of his feet, "Good ol' Jean? I'll bet she was a real treat."
"At this point, lying to us isn't really possible or helpful," Spencer offers a slight smirk to the man.
"Y/N, right?" the prisoner turns his attention to you, "They're wrong. They're all wrong."
"About what, Chester?" You implore him.
"I started a lot more than one hundred fires," he peers out the window.
You look up at Hotch, and he sighs in surrender.
Chester antagonizes you three, stating that no one care's whether or not they hear the truth. In between his jabs, he strays to various different series of thoughts. Most are meaningless, but it is his way of trying to get under your skin. For you and Spencer, it is relatively easy to maintain your composure. For Hotch, however, Hardwick's digs do nothing but add fuel to the already lit flame under the special agent.
"Let's talk about the specifics of this case, Chester," you interrupt his rant, "Why did you choose Sheila O'Neal?"
He shakes his head, "You gotta show me a picture. I don't know their names."
As if you can feel Hotch's anger radiating off of his body, you brace yourself for the oncoming strike.
"Is that what this is all about," he says disgustedly, "Some chance for you to relive all of this?"
"I have an excellent memory," Chester brags.
You tune his impassionate speech out and focus your observance on your boss. His scalding stare at Hardwick can only translate one way, 'I have initiated my emotional indifference. I could kill you and not care one bit. So proceed with caution.'
"They were toys, a diversion," you hear Hardwick chant as you tune back into the present. Hotch looks anywhere but at the killer in front of him, his gaze eventually landing you. You are some kind of shelter to him that neither of you has yet acknowledged or come to understand.
Your stomach churns at Chester's descriptions of his victims. He describes them as useless objects that, once their purpose was served, were discarded like garbage.
"Why did you ask us here?" Hotch charges.
The wicked man looks at you, his eyes void of a soul and his stare sending a chill down your veins. 
"I wanted to speak to her." 
Your breath catches at the back of your throat.
With that, Hotch straightens up and fervently positions himself between Chester and you. "Reid, pack it up," he commands.
Reid looks to you, "Are you sure?"
"No, now." Your superior repeats himself with even more fervor. He presses the buzzer to signal the guards to release us and says, "Have a nice trip. You're going where you belong." Hotch makes sure to put as much distance between you and Hardwick as possible. He buzzes the ringer again. No response.
"It's 5:17," Hardwick chuckles.
You close your eyes, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. Reaching out for Hotch's arm, you lower his hand from the buzzer. "The evening yard begins at 5 o'clock. No one is going to come open that door for-"
"At least thirteen minutes," Chester disrupts. He waltzes over the table and takes one of the images of his victims into his hand. Holding it up as if to brag to us about it, he says, "And it took me less than five minutes to do this."
You push aside your worry. Instead, you choose to focus on all of the information you have accumulated over the years about Chester Hardwick. There has to be something you can use to your advantage to diffuse this situation.
"Perhaps in all of your research, you should have familiarized yourselves with the guard tones," Hardwick jeers.
"I heard the tones," Hotch counters in a monotone voice.
"So you planned to be locked inside with me, with no guns or weapons."
Hotch shakes his head, his voice more natural than before, "I won't need a gun."
Spencer places his hand on your arm and begins to guide you to the other side of the room.
"There's no way I am going to be executed next week," Chester taunts, kneading his hands together. "Not after I kill three FBI agents. You saved my life by coming here." His venomous words ring in your ears.
Hotch's tone deepens, "Unfortunately for you, I am not a five-foot-one-hundred-pound girl."
Your pulse quickens at Hotch's threat, and your attention is rapt by his display of dominance. He begins to shed his jacket. You feel yourself flushing; attraction suddenly entangles you as if it were an invisible rope.
Now is the worst possible time to be feeling this. Calm down.
"All of your life, you've gone after victims who couldn't fight back," he fiercely says, "and the rest of the time you spent looking over your shoulder." You understand the intensity in his tone and sense a great deal of emotion behind his words.
He rips his tie from his collar, and your breathing hitches in the back of your throat. Hopefully, Spencer doesn't notice, and if he does, he chalks it up to the deadly situation you find yourself in.
"You were always worried about the knock on the door," Hotch doesn't back down, "Scared that somebody like me would be on the other side waiting to put you away."
Well, if you keep ripping your tie off like th--no. Not gonna go there right now. Focus on the pyshco-killer threatening to kill you.  
Now, Hotch intimidatingly points his finger directly at Hardwick.
If only I were on the receiving end of tha--no! Now. Is. Not. The. Time.
"At your core, you are a coward," Hotch fires.  
You have to do something. Hardwick is enraged, and Hotch has nothing left to lose.
Without even giving it a second thought, you blurt out, "Chester, do you want to know why you killed those women?"
"What?" The prisoner hisses.
Spencer speaks up, "Earlier, you said you wished you were different. We can tell you why you are...what you are."
He begins moving towards you, and out of the corner of your eye, you notice your boss carefully making equal strides. You motion for him to stop.
"You can tell me why I did what I did?"
"I think so," you nod, "Don't you, Dr. Reid?"
"I do. Your mother is bipolar. And almost certainly an undifferentiated schizophrenic. Your father suffered severe shell shock in the war, what we now refer to as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. As far as I can tell, he remained clinically depressed the rest of his life."
"Exactly," you say, giving Spencer a chance to gather his thoughts after having thrown him under the bus.
"53% of all serial killers have some form of mental illness inherent to their families. Chester, in your case, both of your parents suffered from psychological disorders, which they essentially took out on each other as much as they beat you. So, violence sort of became a normal expression of love in your household," you say, eager to have some kind of breakthrough with him while subliminally directing Spencer's string of thoughts to follow yours.
Allowing Reid to pick up where you leave off, he takes charge of the conversation and explains how a portion of one's brain wants what it wants without conscience or judgment. A part of the brain that no doubt took over Hotch's reasoning powers moments ago, though you do not blame him.
"Earlier, you said your victims never had a chance. I think you know deep down that it was you that never really had a chance," he concludes. And with that victorious resolution, the guards unlock the door. Hotch storms out, and Reid follows behind.
"Is that true that I never had the chance?" Hardwick calls out after you both.
You stop in your tracks, "I don't know."
"Maybe," Spencer nudges you out the door.
In the car, Hotch looks at you in the rearview mirror, "That was smart to get Hardwick to focus on himself long enough for the guards to come back."
You pat Spencer's shoulder, "I give all the credit to boy wonder and his beautiful statistic-filled brain. I'm sorry for all of the times I said you were running out of storage with all of that useless data."
"I find that I do some of my best work under intense terror," he declares, "Wait. Useless data? When did you say that?"
You pinch him softly and chuckle, "I'm kidding."
"I'm sorry," Hotch sighs.
You meet his gaze in the mirror once again, "For what?"
His chestnut eyes reveal pangs of remorse and guilt, but something tells you there's more to those feelings than what occurred at the prison.
"I antagonized the situation."
"No, you didn't," Spencer states.
"I certainly didn't help."
"Well, I can't argue with you there," you kid.
His piercing eyes suddenly twinkle, causing you to blush slightly. You quickly look down at your feet until your cheeks cool down.
Hotch sighs in defeat, "So Haley wants me to sign the divorce papers uncontested so that nobody wastes money on lawyers."
That statement is all too familiar to you. Yet again, your heart shatters for the Hotchners.
"You don't want to?" Spencer asks innocently.
He means well, but you know from experience that such a question only unleashes a tidal wave of painful emotions for the one fighting for his family.
"What I want, I'm not going to get," Hotch laments.
His eyes, once filled with depth, now distant and empty.
Glancing up from your paperwork and into your supervisor's office, you take note of his gravity-drawn shoulders that carry the weight of the world on them. He repeatedly picks up a stack of papers and then drops them back down atop his desk, covering his face with his hands.
"What do you think is going on up there?" Derek asks, pointing his pen in the direction of the office.
"I might have an idea. I'm going to go take my report; anyone else's done?" They all hand you their paperwork for you to deliver to the boss.
You hesitate to knock on his door but apprehensively do so anyways.
He invites you in. Your heart sinks as you approach his desk, able to get a closer look at his beaten expression. You always knew he was hiding pain behind his tough exterior, but now he wears it on the surface, most likely unintentionally.
Placing the paperwork on his desk, you notice the heading on the papers he was gripping tightly.
Hotch's eyes move slowly, laboriously, to look at you as if it takes a concentrated effort to do so.
"Heartache is a real thing," you sympathize with him, "In fact, Reid even told me that a broken heart can show up on medical scans. When a heart breaks, your body and brain need time to recuperate. There's no set amount of time or remedy that will heal you. Don't set your expectations of yourself too high, and surround yourself with the people who love you."
His chin trembles, and his eyes flutter as he blinks back tears.
You turn to leave the room but look over your shoulder one last time, "We are all here for you, Hotch."
Just as you are about to shut the door, you hear him call out to you, "Y/L/N!"
His stare reveals a vulnerability you have had yet to see in him.
"Call me Aaron."
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