#her hir is whatever i feel like when im drawing now instead of trying to be on model all the time
ordinaryberry · 2 months
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its been a yr since i started playing 14 and a yr since i first drew roselite, so i wanted to do a little portrait redraw!
shes still pink and i still love her.
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transtrendhumanity · 7 years
so we got really busy with moving and now its been nearly a month since our last roll call.
im pretty sure current front is callon, seeing as im feeling very intent about sorting and organizing, but not actually unpacking, which is what we should be doing.
let’s start in the back living room of the main house. for one, vaccine and venic have installed a jellyfish wall on the left side of the room. vaccine is really embarrassed about it. venic is kind of gloating. venic is looking more like rutile now. we’ll have to re-draw kyr soon. vaccine’s appearance has changed a lot, too, but it hasn’t fully settled yet.
in vex’s workshop, vex is in a flurry of scrapbooking supplies. ey’s really into the new lookbook project. jace is hovering over eir shoulder, offering occasional input.
actually i think ethan is in there, too? who knows why. i guess they just like papercrafts.
out in the living room now. amelia and floret and gabbi are on the couch having tea, and seem to be engaged in an animated conversation about their past lives. echo is awake, and kind of participating. cilla, curled up on the floor again now, but someone set out a pillow for her, is half-dozing and half paying attention.
nitexx and kayden are in the karaoke room. a large vanity has popped up where the actual karaoke console used to be, but i think it’ll switch back as needed. nitexx is doing zir makeup, very excited to pose for zir own scrapbook page. kayden is talking to zir about his own photos.
upstairs... nessie is in her and riley’s shared bedroom, doing her nails. she looks a bit bored. riley is upstairs in the attic, writing a letter. raliel is on the beanbags in the back of the attic, talking to sil. riley seems pretty invested in the new iwaizumi we’ve been talking to, which we’re a bit surprised about.
tyto is up there, too, on the beanbags with raliel, sulking.
i ask eir for a lift over to corian’s cabin, and ey obliges, still sulking. kestrel is sitting, looking rather resplendent despite being on a deck chair, on the front deck. ailecent is perched nearby on the railing, aer wings fanning out behind aer and reaching the roof. i think ae would have to change forms to go inside again. aer face is back to a more humanoid form, but the rest of aer is still very much influenced by aer new kin with deep-eyes.
aren is out there with them, looking awed and a bit flustered. kestrel is making small talk with him, but ailecent seems to be ignoring him entirely. he seems to have mechanical wings now, but they’re not to a scale that would be able to carry him the way kestrel and ailecent’s are.
inside the cabin, corian is making tea, as is usual. nine is still perched across the back of a tapestry armchair, talking about whatever comes to hir mind. elster is in there too, today, as is nika. nika wants to talk about the wedding, but it seems like the others have other things they want to talk about. nika is considering going off to find trysten instead, so i offer to take sier with me to azdien’s mansion when i move on. i poke my nose into the basement to see if anyone’s there, but as i expected, it’s empty. the lamps by the resting area are still lit.
we get up to check on lunch, and when i get back, we’re in azdien’s mansion. upstairs, in trysten’s room. it has expanded a bit to allow a small table and three chairs in the middle of the room. azdien, trysten, and nika sit around the table and chat about the wedding. azdien seems more excited about it than i’d expected. vae wants to include lots of cherry blossoms, for nerii. nika says they would go well with sier outfit, so that’s fine with sier.
i poke my head into aren’s room. it’s coming along very well, it’s very sci-fi. it looks like he’s been working on mechanical self-modification in there. i don’t see a bed. i wonder if he even needs to sleep.
downstairs, jody is looking through the library at a casual pace. darion is still kind of excited about a post about prehistoric crocodilians that we saw earlier in the week. he’s telling drohen about it, who is just politely listening. tobais is sprawled on azdien’s reading chair again, rather rudely, but he’s not actually causing any trouble.
micah seems to be in a daishou shift, and is thinking about causing some mischief. they’re in a human form, tossing a volleyball around with surprising lack of caution for someone in a room full of computers.
vyrn is pacing around in the lobby, seeming kind of irritated. im not sure about what.
kisoquine is way down in xyr room, observing xyrself. i wonder if vyrn was irritated because kisoquine isn’t letting xyr into xyr room right now.
up in the main basement, i had expected that vaccine’s room might be closed off now that they seem to have moved in with venic more permanently, but it’s still very much there. there’s a sword on the wall, and another wall of jellyfish. otherwise it’s more or less the same.
i forgot to check on haze and remm while i was upstairs. remm has been more awake than usual recently, and is pretty irritated about it. haze says something passive aggressive and self-depreciating. i decide that’s enough out of both of them, but i still apologize.
skye is out on faer own porch today, communing with the sky. gail is nearby, watching. it seems less hostile than usual, i think it’s pleased that we’re living alone now. aloe is also watching, from a window. i wave and ae quickly runs off.
last stop is the treehouse. yacinthe and vite are dueling by the couch. vite seems to be winning. kitt watches on with some interest. nero is also watching, from where he can see yacinthe’s cards and not vite’s. he’s trying to help, but it’s more like unwelcome backseat driving. yacinthe and nero are both getting frustrated about it. kei is in their own corner, looking wistful and a bit lonely.
perien is out in the rose garden, wringing kyr hands and trying to work up the nerve to actually read the fic we commissioned. just do it, you ridiculous nerd.
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