#her hand lightly touching his face even tho she's so far gone just taking comfort in him being there
cybersteal · 7 months
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟
taken by the incredible @wilxfyre
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter five rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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“Why are you in such a mood?” Ned asked his best friend as they walked to their college campus. Peter had been grumpy all morning and Ned was quick to notice. He usually showed up at Ned’s door exhausted but eager to share the adventures from the night before, but he seemed defeated today.
“I got my ass beat last night.” Peter grumbled as he shouldered his backpack.
“By who?” Ned wondered.
“I don’t even know.” Peter sighed. “I think it was some kind of alien.”
“What’d it look like?” Ned asked. It wasn’t uncommon for Ned to ask a million questions after being told something Spider-Man related. After all, he was the guy in the chair.
“Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” Peter said swallowed and tried to push the previous night from his mind. He’d rather focus on this morning, and the moment he had shared with you. Peter felt such a strong connection to you, and he would’ve stayed on that rooftop all day if he could.
“Describe it to me.” Ned pleaded, tearing Peter from his thoughts.
“I don’t know. It was like eight feet tall, black, and bald. And it was super veiny.” Peter grimaced while Ned’s eyes widened.
“Oh my God. You fought Shaquille O’Neal?” Ned gasped.
“Keep your voice down. I did not fight Shaquille O’Neal.” Peter whispered harshly. Ned always seemed one step away from blowing Peters cover. Peter gave bashful smiles to the passing students who gave him weird looks upon hearing Ned’s words.
“Terry Crews?” Ned continued. Peter rolled his eyes at his best friend and starting walking to class.
“No. This is serious.” Peter said, his voice heavy with annoyance.
“I know it’s serious. You got beat up by The Rock.” Ned remarked. Peter fidgeted with the strings on his backpack, still bothered knowing he was beaten so easily by Venom.
“The Rock is Samoan, not black.” Peter corrected.
“I know. But I heard “bald” and I just automatically envisioned The Rock.” Ned defended.
“There’s another thing. It had this huge, gaping mouth with rows and rows of teeth. I keep thinking about it.” Peter shivered. “It came so close to me. And its tongue was super long. It was like a cracked out frog.”
“So a ninja turtle? You got beat up by a ninja turtle?” Ned gawked.
“It wasn’t a ninja turtle.” Peter snapped. “ It was black, remember?”
“So an emo ninja turtle.” Ned deadpanned.
“It kept saying “we”. “ Peter remembered.
“What do you mean?”
“There was only one of them, but they only referred to themself as “we” as if there were multiple of them.” Peter explained.
“Do you think there could be more? Like an alien army or something?” Ned asked incredulously. Peter hadn’t even thought about that.
“Maybe. I remember something else, it’s name was Venom.” Peter recalled. He distinctly remembered those words coming out of the creatures mouth.
“Venom?” Ned repeated, clearly finding it cool.
“Yeah. And I told it my name. I used my regular voice too.” Peter realized. He usually disguised his voice when speaking, but he had been so scared that he forgot to. It haunted him knowing the creature now knew who he was and he wondered if it knew both of his identities.
“Wow. This is so cool. Not cool for you, because you might die. But this is super cool for me.” Ned smiled as he envisioned what Venom might look like.
“Thanks, ned. Actually, wait.” Peter stopped in his tracks. “One more thing happened.”
“What?” Ned whispered as they approached their class.
“Venom was about to eat me but then it started talking to itself. It sounded maybe like it was having a conversation with someone? I’m not sure, I could only hear one side of it.” Peter explained. “It put me down, well it threw me down, and let me go. But before it left, it said something about a girl. I don’t really remember. I was too focused on catching my breath.”
“Catching your breath? Were you running?”
“No. It choked me.” Peter told him as he lightly touched his neck.
“Kinky.” Ned smirked as he took a seat next to Peter in their class.
“That’s gross.” Peter stifled a laugh. “Did I tell you about this morning with Y/N?”
“No. Tell me.” Ned said. He wasn’t disappointed in the change of topic. He was glad Peter had moved on on from Liz, finally. Peter recounted the discussion he had with you that morning, barely getting through it without blushing and laughing at certain parts.
“I really like her, Ned. More than I’ve ever liked anyone. She’s so amazing. I barely know her, but I can tell already. I want to know everything about her. I want to hear her full story. And most of all, I want to be a part of that story.” Peter declared but frowned suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Ned asked.
“After our talk, we just kinda sat there staring at each other for a while.” Peter began. “She kinda leaned in, and I did too, but then this seagull flew by and scared us half to death. We laughed about it but the moment was gone.”
“So you almost kissed her?” Ned smiled. “Why is that upsetting you?”
“Because what if that was our chance and I blew it?” Peter feared. “What if that seagull was a sign from above that I was in way over my head? Like God was asking me who I was to think I could just kiss the most perfect girl in the world? She’s so cool, Ned. Way too cool for me. She’s already had a boyfriend and I’ve never even kissed anyone.”
“If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.” Ned assured him.
“Or, the same thing that happened with Liz will happen.” Peter argued. “I won’t tell her how I feel and then she’ll be gone forever.”
“Then don’t let that happen.” Ned reasoned. “Tell Y/N how you feel. Do it tonight, before you go on patrol. And if she doesn’t feel the same, then at least you’ll know. Isn’t it better to know?”
“When did you become such a love expert?” Peter teased as the professor walked into the room.
“Since I started dating Betty. She’s opened my eyes to what love really is.” Ned shrugged. “Tell her tonight. Then tell me how it goes. I’m here for you either way.”
Peter nodded and gave Ned a thankful smile before turning his attention to the professor.
On his walk home from campus, Peter spotted you walking down the sideways. Ned’s words of encouragement rang in his ears and he made a brash decision.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” Peter called after you, making you turn around.
“Hey Parker. How was kindergarten?” You teased him.
“Alright alright. Majoring in chemical engineering is hardly kindergarten. And I’m only one year younger than you.” Peter reminded you. “I don’t want you to have a heart attack on me, grandma.”
“Watch it, sonny.” You kept with the joke. “I’ll hit you with my purse and then say something mildly racist.”
“Just like my grandma.” Peter laughed in amusement. “We’re gross. And not funny.”
“We really are.” You scrunched your nose. “Couple of gross ass orphans.”
Peter laughed again, feeling comfortable enough with you to joke about a tragic situation.
“Look, Y/N, I really enjoyed our talk this morning. I really enjoyed all our talks so far actually. I guess I just like talking to you. ” Peter began. He looked nervous all the sudden, like he lost his stamina. You raised your eyebrows hopefully, as there were only so many ways this conversation could go.
“I like talking to you too, Peter.” You said honestly, hoping he’d continue. Hoping he’d ask that question. Your answer seemed to give Peter the confidence he needed to go on.
“Really? Um, that’s great cause I really like talking to you too. I already said that. Oh god. I’m crashing. I-“ he began to flail and you calmed him down by taking a few steps closer. You were almost touching at that point. He stopped talking immediately and looked at you with wide eyes.
“Is there someone you wanted to ask me, Peter?” You asked slowly as you looked at him through your eyelashes.
Damn. He was tall too.
“Yes, actually. I, um, will you…would you maybe want to-“
“Hiya kids!” A gravely voice came from the front stairs of your apartment, completely cutting Peter off. Peter looked up and angrily rolled his eyes.
“Don’t look now. It’s Henry.” Peter grumbled. Henry was the creepy neighbor with the foot fetish.
“Oh Dear God.” Peter said in a low voice.
“What?” You panicked when you saw Peters expression change.
“You’re wearing flip flops.” He pointed at your black painted toes and you felt the color drain from your face.
“Run!” He whispered harshly. You bolted into your apartment and Peter ran into his. Once inside, Peter blew out an angry breath. He had been interrupted twice in one day when trying to talk to you, and he worried that it was a sign.
Back at the apartment, you sat on your bed with headphones in. You were prepping for your interview with Cletus Kasady by writing down some questions you wanted to ask him. It was hard figuring out what to ask a serial killer. You looked at your notepad and sighed. All you had written down was “but why tho?” in sloppy handwriting. You tore out the page, crumbled it up, and threw it at the trash can. When you went to write something else down, you noticed the paper ball still stuck to your hand. You shook your hand but it still wouldn’t come off.
“What the hell?” You grumbled as you shook your hand.
“Oh. This might be our fault.” Venom said suddenly.
“What might be your fault?” You asked as you continued to shake the paper off your hand, but to no avail.
“We sort of went inside Spider-Man when we were talking to him yesterday.” Venom said timidly and the paper ball dropped from your hand.
“What?” You demanded and Venom went silent.
“Come out here.” You said, like an owner to a dog.
“We’d rather stay inside.” Venom said softly.
“Get out here now. You need to explain yourself young lady.” You said sternly. Venom slowly manifested and looked at you with sad eyes.
“I’m 600 million years old, by the way.” Venom added. “You can’t call me young lady.”
“What do you mean you went inside Spider-Man?” You ignored her comment.
“When we were choking him we put one of our tendrils inside him and swirled around.” Venom explained. “He didn’t even feel it. We did though. He’s very squishy on the inside.”
“You…what?” You didn’t even know where to start. “How does that explain the paper sticking to me?”
“We think we absorbed his powers.” Venom said. “We used to watch videos of him on YouTube after you went to bed. He can stick to walls and stuff. We think that’s why the paper ball stuck to you.”
“Since when can we absorb powers?” You wondered as you looked at your hands.
“We never had a host before. We don’t really know how it works.” Venom reminded you. “But back on Klyntar, our home planet, the Grandmaster used to tell us we could absorb the powers of superhuman beings. Judging by your newfound stickiness, we think it worked.”
“What else can Spider-Man do?” You asked. “Since you’re such a big fan.”
“He can shoot webs out of his wrists. And he can return lost dogs.” Venom answered, sounding a little annoyed.
“Do you have something against Spider-Man?” You chuckled a little at her tone.
“We hate what he did last night. He thought we were the bad guy, and he let the real bad guy get away. He judged us before he had the full story. We’re not a bad guy.” Venom defended. You were surprised to hear how passionate she was about this and gave her a soft smile.
“Let’s not worry about Spider-Man right now. I want to test out our new abilities. Let’s rock and roll, baby.” You cheered, complete with rock and roll hands. The second you touched your middle finger and ring finger to your palm, a black, web-like tendril shot out from your wrist and stuck to the ceiling. You stared at the web with a gaping mouth, weakly shaking your wrist to see if it would stay attached.
It did.
“Maybe that’s one of our new abilities.” Venom said. You looked back and forth between her and the gooey web coming out of your wrist.
“Oh my God! What’s happening?” You screamed. You took your fingers off your palm and the web retracted back into your wrist. Looking at your wrist incredulously, you made the rock and roll hand again and the same web shot out from your wrist. This time, it grabbed the ceiling fan.
“V-Venom?” You asked. You didn’t know what to say.
“Try to aim it at something.” She suggested. You aimed your wrist and the lamp across the room and touched your fingers to your palm. The black web shot across the room and grabbed onto the lamp. You quickly yanked your arm back to pull the lamp towards yourself. The lamp flew across the room, smashed you in the face, and left you with a bloody nose.
“Ow.” You cried, gingerly touching your nose.
“We see this as a absolutely win.” Venom cheered. You shot her a look and went to get cleaned up.
After about a week of practice, and very little work on your questions for Cletus, you had a better handle on your webbing ability. Of course, the week also consisted of long talks with Peter on the roof, late patrols of New York, the occasional run in with a criminal, late night FaceTime calls with Peter, and beating the shit out of Spider-Man, twice. Venom eventually grew bored of using the new powers around the house, so it was time for the final test.
You stood at the rooftop ledge and looked down, talking a deep breath to calm your nerves.
“It’s a long way down.” You commented.
“Yep.” Venom replied in your head.
“We could die.” You added.
“We’re ready.” Venom grinned as you transformed. You stepped off the ledge and fell freely for a while, screaming the whole way down.
“Stop being a little bitch! Shoot a web!” Venom yelled. You aimed a web at a building and began to swing. You were too close to the ground and ended up knocking over a bunch of tables at an outdoor restaurant. People ran away in fear while others took out their cameras and recorded.
“We’re not here to hurt you! Peace and love!” Venom shouted as you continued to swing through the steers of New York. People began to cheer upon hearing your words.
“Do you hear that, Y/N? People are cheering. They love us.” Venom said happily.
“I love us too.” You replied. You were even happier than she was. You knew how much it hurt Venom to be seen as a monster, it was why she hated being called a parasite. You also knew it was why she hated Spider-Man. He was praised for stopping bad guys while Venom was seen as one of the bad guys he needed to stop.
“Hey, what is that thing?” A man called from the street. Venom stopped swinging and landed on the street. You proudly turned to the crowd of people, a massive grin on your face. There it was, our favorite question.
“We…are Venom.” Venom growled. People took pictures and videos of you from a distance.
“You can come closer. We won’t hurt you.” Venom assured the crowd.
“Are you like the anti Spider-Man?” Someone asked.
“Spider-Man is a joke. He can’t protect this city like we can. We are no Spider-Man. We are Venom.” Venom roared. A few people took a step back and you began to feel uneasy.
“Hey, King Kong. I want a word with you.” A sassy voice quipped from the crowd. A man in yellow sunglasses and a suit stepped forward, and you bet your ass you recognized him.
“My name is Tony Stark. Heard of me? Of course you have. Would you mind coming back to my tower with me?” He asked, but it felt more like a demand. The people in the crowd slowly dispersed and soon, you stood there alone with Tony.
“Be nice. Say yes.” You told Venom.
“Who is this guy?” She asked out loud.
“I just said my name.” Tony said, slightly annoyed.
“He’s a really famous inventor. I’ll explain later. Just follow him please.” You begged. Venom gave Tony a once over and followed him to a limo.
“Yea, you’re gonna ride up top big guy.” Tony said, patting the roof of the car.
“Girl.” Venom growled. Tony looked surprised.
“My apologies ma’am.” He raised surprised eyebrows. You rode on top of his car all the way to his tower, wondering what he could possibly want with you.
The inside of his tower was huge. Tony lead you to a lab that was bigger than yours and Peters apartments combined.
“I’ve seen videos of you on YouTube. Seems like you and Spider-Man aren’t the best of friends.” Tony remarked as he pulled out an iPad.
“We will crush his bones and snort them like cocaine.” Venom growled. Tony was just as surprised to hear that as you were.
“Now that’s a visual.” Tony smirked. “I’ll have you know, Spider-Man is a friend of mine. He’s not your biggest fan either but from what I’ve seen, you’ve done this city some good since you’ve been here. How long has that been?”
“Two weeks.” Venom answered.
“I thought so. I’d never seen you before then. And since your arrival, petty crime has dropped significantly in Queens. Criminals are too scared of getting eaten to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, I love Spider-Man and I’ll kill you if you tell him that, but no one fears him. He gets the job done, but there’s always another job to do. With you, on the other hand, your mere presence is preventing crime before it even happens.” Tony smiled to himself, like he was just given a new toy. “You’re scary, is what I’m trying to say. But you’re a good guy. It’s rare. I want it to stay that way. I want you on my team.”
“We’re called the Avengers. We had a bit of a falling out but the name still stands.” Tony waved his hand. “We fight bad guys together. Really, really bad guys. I think you could us some good. Plus, you’ll be taken care of for life and we’ll only call you in for serious threats. But I need a few things from you first.”
“Like what?”
“Your story.” He pointed a finger at you. “How does a giant, anthropomorphic alien wind up in New York City?”
“It’s a long story.” Venom answered.
“We can trust this man, Venom.” You told her telepathically. “I’m gonna come out okay?” Venom hesitated and Tony looked impatient to know more.
“Are you sure?” She asked you. Tony looked confused.
“Am I sure?” He pointed to himself.
“Not you.” She said. Tony looked around for who else Venom could be talking to and found no one.
“I’m sure.” You decided. “This guy is one of the good guys. We can trust him. I promise. I’m coming out.”
You slowly transformed back into yourself in front of Tonys wide eyes. Venom stayed in her snake-like form and rested on your neck.
“Hello, Mr. Stark. My name is Y/N L/N.” You shyly introduced yourself. “This is Venom. We want to help.”
Tony’s face shifted from shocked to impressed as he looked you over.
“I gotta say, I did not except someone like you to be inside that scary monster.” Tony chuckled.
“We’re not a monster, Mr. Stark. We want to help people.” You reminded him.
“I can see that.” Tony nodded. “That’s why I’ve been developing you a suit.”
“When did you do that?” You wondered. “We just met.”
“Oh, I know. I’ve been designing it while you talked. I want you to have it incase you and Venom get separated. That way, you’ll be protected until you’re back together.” Tony explained as he showed you his ipad. Sure enough, it had a drawing of a suit on it.
“I’ll get started right away. I just need a little piece of Venom. If I make the suit using her skin, you’ll have the total protection you need.” You looked at Venom for consent, who nodded and extended a tendril towards Tony. He quickly snipped a piece off and put it in a container.
“When will the suit be ready? A few months?” You asked as Tony tapped the container. Tony stopped looking at the container and laughed.
“Y/N, I’m a genius inventor. Go get lunch. It’ll be ready when you’re done.” He said.
And he wasn’t kidding. An hour and a half later, Tony presented you with a suit. You ran my fingers over it slowly, not wanted to disturb a single thing. You looked at it in awe, completely speechless at what he had created.
“Go on, try it on.” He shrugged casually. You grinned from ear to ear before rushing to the bathroom to put it on. You came out soon enough with tears in you eyes.
“You like it?” Tony asked. You looked at your covered hands in amazement. The suit was jet black, like Venom was, and hugged your body like a second skin. There was a big white spider symbol on the front, the complete opposite of Spider-Mans small black one. You figured it was a nod to being called the anti Spider-Man and it was perfect.
“Well?” Tony was still waiting for an answer. You looked up at him just as a few tears fell down you cheeks.
“We didn’t celebrate my birthday growing up because it was the anniversary of my moms death. I used to be so upset every year.” You blurted. Tony looked like he didn’t know what to say and you couldn’t blame him. That was something deeply personal and you had only just met him.
“What I’m trying to say is, I get it now.” You explained. “All those missed birthdays were for a reason. I didn’t get gifts those days because I’m getting the ultimate gift right now. This is the most amazing thing I could’ve asked for. I cannot thank you enough Mr. Stark. I’ll never take it off.”
“You can’t take it off anyway.” Tony told you. “When you don’t want to wear it, it absorbs back into your skin like Venom does. And it’s equipped with Venoms essential abilities. It’s bullet proof, knife proof, taser proof, spork proof and so on. And you can still shoot your webby things. You just won’t have super strength, super speed, or that Venus flytrap mouth of yours.”
You tested it out and shot a web towards his desk. You grabbed a pen and caught it with ease, then looked at Tony for approval.
“That’s the best I could do. It’s no Iron Man suit but it’ll suffice.” Tony said casually. You couldn’t take it anymore and rushed towards him to hug him tightly.
“Thank you.” You said into his chest. Tony patted your back awkwardly and you let go.
“It’s nothing. You can thank me by not eating Spider-Man. I know he’s annoying but he doesn’t mean any harm. Now go forth and do good.” Tony requested.
You swung back to the apartment and landed on the roof. You turned back into yourself and made your way down the steps to your floor. After this mornings conversation with Peter and the incredible suit from Mr. Stark, you were having a great day. For the first time in years, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE THIS MADE ME SO SOFT!!!!! ohmygod!!!! growing up with yuuta would be THE best onshdhfsh thank you sososos much anon this was such a pleasure to write! i don’t know why but the “and she doesn’t die” had me screaming LMFAOOOO
enjoy! no warnings, just old fashioned cute fluff and heart wrenching moments! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for the best boy mwaaah you deserve eternal happiness! hope no insects bite you during these warm months <3
“okkotsu!” you cried out, feminine and shrill voice ringing in the air. the cicadas chirped melodiously, calling out their delightful songs in the spring air.
the young boy staggered around, losing his balance from spinning too fast. his fragile hands reached out, pulling in small grabby motions towards your innocent and joyous face.
you were always so optimistic, even when you were younger. yuuta could only huff and wail as his caretaker hauled him away from the playground, gesturing it was time for him to come home. thick and messy tears spilled out the corners of his eyes which hadn’t yet endured countless sleep devoid nights.
he was so far away, but that was okay because you knew you’d see him the very next day.
“okkotsu! promise to play with me again tomorrow!” you cupped your hands, exclaiming as much as your little lungs could endure. yuuta could see the tears heavy in your gaze, but even then, you prevailed. you grinned, all for him.
ever since the very start. till ‘death do us apart.
“okkotsu! come oooon, don’t cry, okay? (y/n)’s got your back! see, see?! look! they don’t bite!” you braved a smirk on your features, beckoning the shy and introverted young man over. his face looked uncertain and his lips wobbled as though he could crack at any moment. he took a few cautious steps, maintaining his distance between you and the furry animal on the floor.
“r-really? it won’t bite?” he coughed, reaching his unstable fingertips out.
“eh?! that’s the first time you’ve spoken to me! your voice is so nice! it’s so cool! hey! can i hear it again? pleaaaase? i know you’re shy but i’d really like to hear it! hey, okkotsu, say my name? pretty please?”
“um- i, uh.. it’s okay.. you can call me yuuta.”
“yuuta! you’re going to be late for your first day of junior high! i totally told you to wake up on time too!” you stood with your hands rested firmly on your hips, face stern and tone impatient.
“sorry! sorry- it’s um, my hair. i don’t know how to style it.” he admitted, albeit sheepishly by trailing the last few words off into a murmur. you only gave him a sigh before kneeling down behind him, propping yourself up to take a look at his hair in the reflection of the mirror.
“how on earth are you so tall already? we eat the same food, you know. slouch over a little.” you pinched his cheeks before glossing over his hair.
when you ran your fingertips through his hair, you felt butterflies and anxiety rock your stomach.
that’s never been there before.
you’ve touched yuuta countless times, whether that was accidentally hitting him, holding his hand to cross the street…
so why was it different?
you could feel yuuta’s body tense up and run rigid underneath your touch.
that definitely wasn’t there before.
“relax. it’s me.” you cooed quietly, roughing up his hair into different styles.
“like this? looks like you just woke up, sorta, but i think it’s cute.”
yuuta’s heart rate skyrocketed through the roof and his breath hitched.
“cute?” he reiterated, chewing out the phrase like he’d never heard it before in his life.
“hm? yeah-“
you caught his gaze in the mirror, eyes half lidded and attention averted. the tips of his ears were tainted a deep red with small flicks of blush painting his cheeks.
“eh?! nononono- not like that i’m- i just think it suits you, you know? oh, crap, would you look at the time? okay we gotta go and leave!” you clambered out of his bedroom, thudding the door shut behind you.
yuuta only gawked at you with bewilderment, lips slightly parted and fingertips outstretched in his failed attempt to stop you.
he turned to himself in the mirror, studying his features before running one hand through his jet black locks.
“cute, huh?” he muttered, avoiding his own judgemental gaze.
the bittersweet part about growing up with a childhood friend is change.
for all the time that you’d spent with yuuta, you didn’t realise that your relationship with him was something to not take for granted.
especially with those around you who would kill for what you two have.
you’d always get mundane questions from high school girls who thought they could have a shot with him, “what’s his type?” “do you think he likes me?”
meanwhile you only played along with their charades, laughing inwardly when he was actually extremely introverted.
“so? what’s the deal with you and okkotsu-san? you guys dating?”
“no. we’re just friends.”
“seriously? you guys are always glued at the hip. you know he has a picture of you in his locker, right?”
“yeah? so do i. it doesn’t mean anything.”
“it’s kind of a shame, he’s such a nice young man.. gone to waste like that..”
“what’s gone to waste?” yuuta inquired with an indifferent tone, plopping down beside you with his bento box. the classmate sat opposite you only gave him a phony cheerful temperament, twirling her index finger around her hair.
“oh! okkotsu-senpai! we were just talking about you! how was your da-“
“please leave.”
you could only gape at him in your peripherals, sputtering on your sandwich as you watched the life drain from your classmate at his monotony. yuuta didn’t spare you or the girl a glance as he worked to unpack his lunch, hell the guy even murmured a small itadakimasu as if nothing happened.
“wh- okkotsu senpai?”
“listen.” he let out a deep sigh before proceeding.
“whatever shot you thought you had with me? it’s gone out the window. don’t disrespect (y/n) in front of me like that again.”
“you’re making us uncomfortable, so get up and go.” he motioned with his chopsticks, giving her a dead gaze towards another table.
the girl scoffed, mouth hung wide open as she picked up her bag and stormed out of sight.
whilst your face was as blank as a stone, internally, you were only screaming in the depths of piping hot hell visible from the sun itself.
baby girl? that was when you noticed how fucking fine of a man yuuta grew up to be.
“that was seriously nerve wracking.. my stomach hurts so bad right now” yuuta coughed through a bite of his sandwich, refusing to meet your gaze.
you slapped his back, because, holy shit??? awe painted your face like you just witnessed your own child talking or walking for the first time.
“what the shit? yuuta? are you kidding?”
“oh, huh? did i overdo it or something?“
“no?! are you kidding? that was fucking awesome! i swear! this is why i love you-“
uh oh.
oh no.
yuuta let out a shrill squeak unbeknownst to any human being able to produce such a volume. it was a cross between a floorboard creaking, a mouse sniffing and him choking on his food. the poor boy had to excuse himself to the bathroom, hacking and sniffling in an ugly fit of coughs from the food that got caught in his windpipe.
your blood rushed to your head, veins lit ablaze, bones rattling as you could hear the chatter pound and drill into your skull, scoring you deep and down into your bones.
“did she just say she loves him?”
“i totally knew they were going out!”
“i can’t believe it…”
“do you think he’ll reject her?”
it replayed over, and over, and over. what a fucking fool you felt. did he even feel the same?
that’s why i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
a blob of black clouded your vision and you could hear the glass breaking.
yuuta sat himself back down, excusing himself.
you could hear nothing but the tune of his heartbeat. or was it yours? it sounded too heavy to belong in either of your bodies.
his voice came as a wobble because of his anxiety, but this was the one thing in his life he’d be absolutely certain of.
“that’s okay. i love you too.”
“yuuta? you okay? you’ve been spacing out for at least five minutes. something on your mind?” you lightly shake your boyfriend, grip reassuring but firm. it takes a couple of seconds for his gaze to gloss over as he returns back to reality.
“sorry. was just thinking about our childhood, that’s all.” his voice comes out deep and masculine. it doesn’t have that tremor as it used to before, like he’d break down at any minute.
you can say with absolute certainty as you stare up your entire 5’10 boyfriend that he’s matured well.
his hand snakes around to your waist, pulling you into him for comfort.
some ways better than others, you suppose.
“can we stay home today?” he hums, resting his chin on top of your head,
“same as ever, yuuta, aren’t you? it’s fine, i’ll tell nobara my period’s making me act up. she’ll understand-“
“hm? you’re not due for another week though, right?”
you crease your eyebrows as you type out an apology to nobara for cancelling plans, glancing up at yuuta curiously.
“how the heck do you know that?”
“i’m not supposed to? i’d always count your cycle so i wouldn’t irritate you on the wrong day. besides, don’t you think it was too convenient for you to always find snacks in your locker when it rolled around?”
“those snacks were you?! oh my god! i was trying to figure that out for forever!”
“i know. i remember you ranting to me about it.”
“you just sat there?! yuuta! you’re so cheeky sometimes, i swear!”
“only for you.” he chimes, peppering a soft kiss onto your head. you smile against him, though unfortunately pry out of his familiar and welcoming touch.
“i’m gonna step out for a second tho, ‘kay? i think that’s itadori at the door with my chocolate and painkillers” you snort, giving yuuta a bold wink as you put on your best act, keeling over and clutching at your abdomen as though you’re on death’s door.
“you’re awful.” yuuta chuckles, slumping down onto the sofa to hear the events unfold right in front of him.
you clear your throat and slouch your shoulders as you pry the apartment door open.
“(y/n)-senpai! i came as fast as i could and i brought you some of your favourite sna- oh, okkotsu-senpai! hello!”
“hi there.” he leans his head back, giving itadori a small wave.
“i won’t interrupt you guys so get well soon! and fast! cause i wanna hang out with you! bye!”
you cradle the necessities itadori brought whilst gleaming at yuuta with a wicked grin plastered on your face from ear to ear.
“you want anything?” you cock an eyebrow, showing him the arrangement of snacks.
it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t unwelcome. it made you feel warm inside, like eating warm and soothing soup on a cold winter’s day. this, for you, was okkotsu yuuta at his best, stripped clean and vulnerable.
you’re the only one who he can relax around, act like the world is carefree. like he’s young again, prancing around in that dingy colourful playground he met you at.
“i want you to kiss me.”
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
holding hands
never stop loving me part 2 :)
summary - after reader and spencer make it home safe and almost sound, spencer decides to show her just how much he loves her touch.
tw - smut, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (yea, ik i do this a lot), teasing?, fingering, oral (female receiving), soft dom!spencer, fluff
wc - 2,671
a/n - you could totally read this as a stand alone piece, just know that spencer is kinda in the doghouse rn bc he said mean things to reader abt her being all touchy and annoying (even tho she isn’t). happy reading 😌
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spencer had said he was going to make it up to you.
did he know how yet? not really. would he figure out how? absolutely.
you had been rather distant after you had solved the case and on the plane ride back home. you still sat beside him, but you didn't make any move to touch him or lay your head on him as you normally would. maybe it was because you just didn't feel like it, but spencer knew better than to think that.
"do you want to order takeout tonight?" you turned towards him to ask the question.
"yea, of course we can," he agreed, his arm reaching around your body to pull you closer to him. he felt you stiffen under his touch. "are you alright?" it was his turn to look at you, you nodded up at him.
"i'm alright," you clarified, giving him a tight-lipped smile that wasn't very convincing. eventually, you settled into his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder and succumbing to the sleep you needed.
when you woke up, it was to spencer swatting away morgan's hand while shushing him.
"morgan, she needs her rest in order to heal properly!" he whisper-yelled while trying to move morgan's hand away but failing. "don't touch her, only i can!" he clarified, morgan threw his hands up in defense as he turned to sit back down.
"y'know you get more protective than i thought you would be," morgan shrugged with a chuckle.
"what's that mean?" spencer argued defensively.
"it means that princess there is well taken care of. you just don't seem like the possessive type of guy," he reiterated as he pulled out his headphones.
"i'm not being possessive," he defended himself. "i'm being a good boyfriend by not letting you wake her up just so you can ask her a ridiculous question," spencer looked down at you in your peaceful sleeping position.
you hadn't slept well in the hospital. spencer knew this because each time he went to sleep you were awake, and you would be awake when he woke back up. the night before you were in the hospital he heard you cry yourself to sleep and you woke up before him. so, in his mind, you needed as much rest as possible if you wanted to heal properly.
that, and he wanted to feel you cuddled against him as you slept for the first time in a week.
"i think it's more than that, genius," the bald man scoffed.
"what do you think it is?" spencer sassed.
"well, i think it has something to do with the fact that you and pretty girl there," he nodded towards you, "were in a fight and you missed her."
spencer sighed, "is it that obvious?" he used his free hand to move a piece of hair from your face, his hand lingering there for a second longer.
"look, kid, i may or may not have heard what happened thanks to a little someone. you should let her know how much she means to you, alright? she's probably feeling like you're doubting your relationship because of her, so make sure she knows that she's it for you," he advised his curly-headed friend.
"she's not 'it' for me, derek," spencer sighed once more. "she's my everything."
you stirred in your 'sleep' to alert them of your presence, slowly sitting up in an attempt to not hurt yourself.
"hey, princess," spencer whispered, moving that same annoying strand of hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
"mmm... hi," you stretched your arms over spencer so you wouldn't hit him. "how long until we land?"
"about half an hour," he informed you, whispering as the other team members slept. "if you'd like to go back to sleep i'll wake you up before we land."
"i'm alright, thank you," you smiled.
you could be mad at him while being a nice person. you just didn't know if you were ready to get over what he had said to you.
you had gone straight home after landing, permittable by hotch who saw how tired the two of you were.
both of you were laying together on the couch, you slightly on top of spencer because of your still bruised rib that slightly hurt, he angled his head down and started kissing your neck softly. your breathing got heavier, your breaths being few and far between as your hands reached back to grasp spencer's curls.
"spence?" you asked, more like whispered. he continued his actions, the only thing that signified he actually heard you being a small hum against your skin. "i-i... can we...?" you trailed off, not sure how to ask for what you wanted.
"can we what, princess?" he asked his hands reaching around to the front of your body, lightly ghosting over your bare legs.
"you know what, spencer," you huffed in annoyance as you rolled your eyes. he squeezed your thigh firm enough to know he had done it, but gentle enough to know it wouldn't leave any marks that were too bad.
"and you know better than to roll your eyes at me," he whispered in your ear, nipping gently at your lobe. "now... tell me exactly what you want."
"i want whatever you'll give me," you turned your face towards him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes before adding, "please?" you pursed your bottom lip into a pouty position.
that was apparently the magic word because as soon as they had left your mouth, you could have sworn you heard spencer growl in your ear before continuing to kiss and nip at your neck, leaving his marks all over your body. you felt his erection twitch in his pants as you whimpered from the touch of his lips on you which spurred you to grind your ass against his hips. he grabbed your hips to still their movement before sitting up with you, slowly as to make sure he didn't hurt your ribs.
"can you walk to the room by yourself?" he asked in his normal, sweet, non-dominating spencer voice, to which you nodded your head yes as you began to walk where he had asked.
you knelt by the door naked in wait for him, hoping he'd give you something to take your mind off of your injury. when he walked in, he could've sworn he felt his heart grow with even more love for you, something he thought was already impossible.
"princess, why're you on the floor?" he questioned, kneeling down to get eye level with you.
"why isn't your dick in my mouth?" you countered, a smirk growing on your face.
"i was gonna be nice tonight since you're not well so i wouldn't push it, doll," he gave you a stern look that told you to watch it. "i still have some making up to do, i believe?" your smile returned even brighter than before as he helped you back to your feet and into the bed.
once you were comfortable, he was practically worshipping your body with each kiss and hum against your body.
"i can't imagine never touching you again, y/n," he made his way down to your chest, his lips wrapping around your nipple. he gently tugged on it with his teeth before releasing it and doing the same to the other one.
"these tits," he sucked a hickey onto one of them before moving to the other.
"this stomach," he kissed all over your torso, being extremely careful of your bruises as your hands around through his locks once more.
"love the way it feels when i lay on it," he made his way down to your thighs, loving the way you squirmed underneath his touch. he hovered right over the place you wanted most and gently bit down on your thigh, your hips bucking upward subtly from the shock.
"god, these thighs," he huffed as he squeezed them once more. "love the feeling of them wrapping around my head when i'm between them."
"then how about you get between them, then?" you sighed sarcastically, your neediness getting the better of you
"so very impatient," he mocked before pressing one final kiss to your inner thigh. "but what the princess wants, the princess gets. for now, at least."
he licked a thick stripe up your slit, tantalizingly slow just to hear the whimpers that left your lips from the feeling. your hands flew to his hair, gripping it tight as he continued to lap at your pussy.
"so good, sir," you moaned out. "please don't stop. don't stop!" you cried as his lips wrapped around your clit. "uh- right there! yes!" you shouted as your thighs strained to remain still. "yes! oh fuck, yes!" you yelled as the high hit you like a train, his hands grasped your hips so they would stay in place, working you through that euphoria. "oh, thank you, thank you so much..." you trailed off, running your hands through his hair once more as he began making his way up your body, peppering kisses all around you.
"mmm, you did so good for me, y/n," he praised before connecting your lips to his in a passionate kiss. you whimpered into his mouth greedily. "someone's eager, yea princess?" he chuckled. you nodded your head as you bit your lip. "what do you want? i need you to tell me," he whispered, his hands trailing down your body once more and connecting with your sensitive center.
"pl-please," you whined, your hips bucking into his hand. "you, i want you," you informed him as if he hadn't already known.
"you have me now," he chuckled.
"no, no. i want you inside me," you pouted, your hands pulling the hair at the nape of his neck for punctuation.
"you want me inside you?" he asked as he pushed his fingers inside you, your mouth widening to form an 'o' from the surprise. "there, i'm inside you," he teased once more as he began thrusting his fingers in and out. you held onto his arm, a way to ground yourself so you could stil talk without sounding like a baby.
"your- i want your... shit... your dick. i want your dick inside me, please," you practically begged as his fingers began curling inside of you in that perfect spot.
"ohh, is that what you meant?" he asked like a smart ass, you couldn't find it in you to be a brat about it, so you just nodded your head as he worked you through your second orgasm of the night.
"yes! ohhh, fuck, yes," your hips rutted up against his hand from the pleasure. "please, please," you asked once more. "can you please just fuck me now? i want your cock..."
"aww, of course, princess," he said with a bright smile.
he got up from the bed only to remove himself of his remaining clothes before adjusting himself, lining his dick up with your center. he ran his dick through your already wet folds before slowly pushing himself inside of you, knowing you'd still need to adjust to his length.
"so beautiful, y/n," he grasped your hands, interlacing your fingers with his as he began to push himself inside you once more.
it might've been the feeling of being in submission for him, but you felt overcome with emotions. the intimacy of the moment you were sharing was more than just the sex you normally had. it was beautiful. the way he looked at you with awe each time he thrust himself back inside of you. the way you held onto his hands tightly in order to tell yourself that it was real... that he was real.
"god, i love you," he groaned as he kissed you fervently, his pace still set relatively slower than usual. "so much, y/n."
"i love- i love you," you moaned, removing your hands from his only so you could wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling his body closer to yours. "spence, spence i'm so close," you whined in his ear, which only egged him on.
"i've got you, y/n," he pulled back to look at you as you came on his dick. "let go. let go for me," he moved a piece of hair from your face once more as your mouth flew open in pure bliss. your nails dug into his back as your pussy clenched around him, bringing upon his own orgasm, spurts of his releasing covering your walls. "fuck, y/n," he groaned, burying his neck into your shoulder before you pulled it out, wanting to observe him in such a vulnerable state.
"i love you," you whispered, only him able to hear it.
"i love you," he whispered back, pressing your foreheads together as he caught his breath.
when he managed to pull out, he found a new pair of underwear and pulled them on before going to grab you a fresh pair of his clothes to wear to sleep - you liked that they smelled like him, it helped you sleep better.
"where're you goin'?" you whined from the bed, trying to sit up abruptly but only finding a shooting pain going through your abdomen.
"shhh," he whispered, rushing to the side of the bed to guide you back to laying down. his hands found your shoulders and right before he was going to release them, you grabbed his hands.
"are you leaving me again?" you asked pitifully, tears welling in your eyes.
"no, sweetheart," he furrowed his brows. "i'm never going to leave you," he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"i know... i know i can be annoying like you said and i'm working on it," you looked down at your hands, which were now in your lap. "just please be patient?"
"you don't need to work on anything," he wiped the tears from your cheeks. "i never should have said those things to you, whether or not i was upset. i'm so sorry i made you doubt yourself," you found yourself wiping his own tears away. "now let's get you into the bathroom, okay?" you nodded as he helped you get up, guiding you to the bathroom to relieve yourself.
while you were doing your business, he went and got you that change of clothes you needed and brought them to you once you were done. he used a damp, warm washcloth to clean up between your legs and made sure to wash your face for you. he helped you get changed, letting you use him as a balancing bar, and then directed you back to the bed. he rest his head on his pillow, looking over and seeing you still on your side of the bed, not curling up into him as you usually do.
"y/n," he whispered. "i know you're probably still mad at me, which is totally fine because just because we had sex doesn't mean i'm done making it up to you. but... it's kind of harder to sleep without you cuddling with me than i thought. so if you're alright with it can we just..." he trailed off.
"spence?" you asked with a giggle.
"i'm not supposed to sleep on my stomach or side," you held back a laugh, knowing it would hurt. "i mean, i'm glad we're on the same page about you still making it up to me, but it's kinda doctor's orders that i don't sleep like that."
"oh..." he bit his lip, trying to keep himself from feeling too embarrassed. "right. can we hold hands while we sleep then?" he asked, acting as if he had found a loophole.
"now who's touchy?" you joked, hurting your stomach from the laughter but finding that it was worth it.
"ha-ha," he mocked. "very funny, y/n," he groaned.
"yes, darling," you joked once more. "of course we can hold hands while we sleep."
and you did.
and for the first night in a week, you slept peacefully.
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mxnrly · 4 years
the red house, changkyun
slight nsfw, thriller !
I wrote this like a year ago, when this song came out and I fell in love with the mv and the lyrics. If you want to see what the song is, here it is. Either way, I'm editing this at 2 am because I felt the need of posting it. I originally wrote this in spanish and it really took me a while sjdjs I hope you like it tho! 
tw: not too explicit nsfw, unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamic (both are switches, y’all see), pet name,  mentions of blood. 
wc: 6.8k
An idiot.
That's what I liked to call the kid who lived across the street. An undoubtedly attractive boy. Gorgeous and with a sensual aura like no other. He had an attractive look, and his presence was always full of mystery. He looked like a demon brought from hell, always wearing those dark denim pants that stuck to his legs, a white long-sleeved shirt and a leather jacket set with the logo of a serpent crossed with two swords.
His hair was always messy, because it was straight and he used to run his hand through it at all times. Not that I was constantly looking at him but, it was a twitch I had gotten used to seeing since I had known him.
The boy had been my neighbor for two years now, and every Saturday it was the same, he would leave the house and not come back until the next day. Whenever I told my best friend about him leaving, he told me to just stay away from him, that if I really wanted to keep his trust I should just forget about that boy and move on with my life. But, it was so easy to say or think about it, but not do it. Somehow, being neighbors was making my life difficult because now it seemed that my walls wanted to know about him too and they were getting thinner so that I could hear from when he was leaving until when he arrived.
My best friend's older brother, Jooheon, was the neighbor's best friend. I knew this because I had already seen him in front of the boy's door with his car, a black '69 GTO convertible and a beer in his hand. The two of them got along great because every day since I lived there, they always went out at the same time, no matter what.
That night I was partying with my best friend and a girl with whom I had started to form a friendship because she was in the art department, although she was just a year younger than us.
“You're crazy if you think we're going to let you go.” And there I was, another Saturday night wanting to go wherever my neighbors were.
“I see you've been very interested in him for a long time, what do you think they are doing?” asked the girl while Jooheon and the idiot went inside their house.
“I really don't know, but since he came to this place I want-”
“You want nothing, God, stop making her get any ideas." scolded the boy to the other girl.
The room suddenly became silent, and then somehow, I started to feel my throat and stomach warm. “I don't understand why you don't want me to go.”
“We've talked about this a million times. I'm just protecting you.”
“But from what? I won't know if you don't let me come closer.” My voice was getting louder and louder until it exploded. “You won't let me get close but I know you're as curious as I am, Jooheon is your brother!”
“Jooheon comes back every morning smelling of alcohol and cheap women's perfume. There are always cigarettes in his car and I've found underwear in the glove compartment, do you really want to continue with that curiosity? I don't know exactly what those two do but, believe me, they don't go to a lake to drink and have fun, they have their plans, do strange things and then come back as if nothing had happened.”
“Didn't you try to tell your mother?" asked the younger girl, suddenly causing the boy to deny instantly.
“One of the rules Heon gave me was that I had to keep silence, first of all if, I wanted to continue living with him. Until I'm legal, I can't buy an apartment on my own." he said with a shrug.
Silence reigned again somehow. There was only the faint music of an American artist whom we did not really know.
Staying out until the morning, I can hear the door.
I can smell all the whiskey and the smoke on your breath.
A chill ran down my back and I sighed. “I'm sleepy guys, the day was really exhausting from the beginning and we have a test on Monday so I want to take tomorrow off at dawn to study." I said faster than I planned.
Because tonight, sleep was the last thing in my plans.
Once they had left my house, I went to my room to change my clothes. I put on something comfortable to keep up with them. With my shoes on, I left my house taking my car keys. The boys were leaving the house so I had to hide quickly behind the vehicle. I felt the heaviness in my chest from doing something against my morals.
The sound of the GTO engine took me out of my thoughts. They came quietly out of the parking lot, giving me time to get into my car and start it. My heart started pounding but I stayed focused and started following the boys' car with some distance. They were getting further and further away from the circle of places I knew, but my curiosity seemed to dominate at this point over reason. I knew that was a bad sign, but I had gone far enough to take it back.
The car quickly drove off the road into some black buildings. Now, I knew that if I followed them in there I would look very obvious, so I drove past the place and saw that there was no way out. They were parked in front of a wall that was purple because of the neon light up there. Debating whether to go or not, I finally turned off the vehicle and started getting out of it.
I walked to the large green door which was lit by the purple light, noticing that, from the wall, a strange vibration could be felt. Music. That's all it could be.
I opened the door and instantly smelled the stench of nicotine and liquor. There was a certain mixture of lotions and perfumes that made everything more intense. The door closed behind me, making me shudder. Hell, I wanted to go home.
Resigned, I began to walk around the place watching my feet because there seemed to be unevenness everywhere. The place was painted red, although it was because of the coloured lights on the sides of different walls. Red was the only thing you saw, everything was tinted and it seemed to be a much scarier place than it really was.
I took the first glass I saw, smelling the strong smell of tequila and mint. I grimaced a little and took a sip, as I put it back in its place again. I couldn't see the boys anywhere and that was starting to scare me. What if they were somewhere else and had deceived me?
I was overthinking the situation, when I felt a strong pull on my arm. Someone had taken me in a very firm manner. Before I could protest, the person who had alienated me showed his face.
And I saw him. I was dazed at seeing his face tinted by the red lights.
“I told you not to come, why don't you ever listen to me?”  my best friend, the one who always prohibited me to come to where his brother was, asked almost above the level of the music. My mind was beginning to wander, but I held on.
“What do you mean, don't come? You had told me that you had no idea what they were doing, and now it turns out that you are one of them?”
The boy rubbed his face lightly and took me by the shoulders. “You're crazy, they're going to kill you. Get out of here, now.”
That made my world stop. Kill?
“What are you saying?” But before he could even answer, the light went out making the music go away, causing all the people to scream. Several people beside me ran past, knocking me to the ground, and I feared the worst.
I squatted in fear without really knowing what to do, when I suddenly stopped and hit someone running in my direction. I felt a camera flash in my face and my stomach turned over. The flash went off leaving me stunned. The person took my hand and started running towards what appeared to be the other side of the room, opposite the direction of where the exit door was. Suddenly the screaming stopped and the door lock was heard being set. My legs shook and I swallowed hard. I didn't know anything about self-defense, so I thought about the only thing I was supposed to protect myself and that was my car keys. I grabbed, with each key I had between my fingers, making a fist with spikes in case this person got too far.
Then the light came, but not the artificial light. A natural light. A candle.
I looked at the back of the person who had lit the device, noticing a snake on his back. Oh God.
“You're lucky I brought you this far. People usually die in the state you were in, not to mention that it's your first time in the red house.”
My mind was spinning. Death? Red house?
“I'm sorry, I…”
“I know you don't understand anything, you don't have to worry, (Y/N). Things are simple…”
“Wait wait, how do you know my name?”
The boy smiled, but only because he didn't answer my question. “I am Changkyun, so we are even.”
A small silence formed. There were hasty footsteps on the other side of the door and desperate hands trying to find a room, I supposed.
“Quiet," he said, "no one is going to come in, but they can’t know that we’re here.”
“So, are you going to explain to me what this is all about?” I asked, anxiety in my voice.
“Listen, this place isn't for people like you," he said with a dark look in his eye. “Every Saturday there is a massive party where people come to play something like hide and seek," he said with a touch of mockery, but there was more to his voice than that. “There are people who are the "seekers", those who look for people to catch them, when the lights go out, people have ten minutes to run and hide without being able to leave the place, and when those ten minutes are over…”
A loud noise that made the whole building rumble was heard loud and clear. Changkyun smiled and looked at me. “It is time to play.”
The boy reached inside his jacket and looked at me before taking the goatee. “Don't leave here until I come back for you. Don't open the door for anyone, understand?”
My nod did not reach his eyes for he had already left the room and locked it again before closing the door behind him. I turned around to look around, finding a couch that looked warm, a rug in the middle of the room, and a mini-bar. I didn't want to wonder what the room was for because there were other strange surfaces.
I sighed as I sat on the couch with the candle in my hand. The idiot was into this kind of game, but I still didn't understand enough, what did he mean when he said it was time to play? The idea that this was a deadly game haunted me, but it couldn't be that murky. I unconsciously denied it by huddling more in my place. A few screams were heard outside the room, causing me to shiver. Good Lord, what was all that about?
I couldn't just stand here, what if I'd just been set up? Yes! That had to be it.
I approached the door slowly, removing the latch and preparing to leave when I felt the door open from the outside. It was Changkyun rushing in, panting without facing me. I looked at his back with curiosity, without blowing out the candle, he turned to see me. I could see the drops of what appeared to be blood on his shirt and face.
My body froze.
My movements went faster than I thought trying to go around him to escape through the door that was still open, however a gust of wind hit my face when I noticed the door closing with twice the speed I was going. I closed my eyes in fear and lowered my head. Was I really going to die now?
“Raise your head, we must get out of here," he said, puzzling me.
“Aren’t you gonna kill me?” I asked, but he didn't answer. He walked past me and opened the only window in the room wide, tore the spring and squatted on the frame. And out of nowhere, I lost sight of him.
I screamed as I saw him fall. Rushing to the frame, I saw him standing in the grass on that side of the place. I wondered how come we were on the second floor if, in my memory, I hadn't walked up the stairs.
“Jump!” He shouted from below, showing his arms in front of him.
“You're crazy!” I shouted in annoyance looking behind me. There was no way he could make me jump.
“They're going to kill you. Come here.”
“How do I know you won't kill me?” I asked, scared, my throat tightening. I looked at the free fall I would have and felt the air get stuck in my chest.
”We'll go home, I promise, I'll tell you everything, but please come with me," he begged, and it was the first time I'd seen him this worried. He always used to look relaxed and without any worry in him, but the reality just now was different.
My shoulders fell in place. I would die anyway. The screams kept coming from the door, when it suddenly opened. The latch had never been set and now it was just me and death. I looked over my shoulder, noticing a figure approaching.
“Please!" was the last thing I heard before I fell freely through the door frame.
And everything went black.
A severe headache was constantly poking at my head. The back of my eyes hurt, as if I had been looking at the artificial light for a long time. I was cold and somehow I could think it was midnight. Hearing noise in the distance, I sat down where I had been lying. It was my living room, but there was someone else. My heartbeat quickly started to increase when I remembered a little of what had happened.
“You woke up. Here, I made you some tea, but I'm not good at anything that has to do with cooking so I don't think it tastes like anything," said the idiot, suddenly appearing with a half smile, rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort.
I tasted it and indeed, it tasted like nothing but bitter water, but I didn't tell him. I just took a deep breath and looked at it. He was looking at me so intently that I almost forgot what had happened. The stains on his shirt gave him away and he wasn't wearing his jacket.
“What happened," I asked, holding the cup in both hands so that he could give me some warmth. Changkyun sighed and sat down beside me. “You fainted, I think from the fright and the mixed emotions. I had no car, so I went through your pockets and found your keys and brought us home.”
Listening at his statement, I took a look outside my house seeing the car perfectly parked in the driveway. “Did you put your hands in my pants?” I asked with a scowl.
The boy instantly raised his hands in fright. “No, the keys were in your sweatshirt," he said, clearing his throat after that. “I'm sorry you were there, you really can't go back…”
“I want to know everything about that place, though…” Changkyun looked at me with doubt, and I put the cup down on the small coffee table. “You said you would explain everything if I threw myself out of the window, and here we are so start talking.”
“Well,” he was a bit quiet after that, as if trying to find the right words. “every Saturday there's a massive party at that place. Everyone knows about that party because of its high class alcohol and good vibes, but everything has its price. When it's eleven o'clock, the lights go out and people have to hide, of course, the ones who know what the game is about, the ones who don't, just run around senselessly. You have ten minutes to hide wherever you want in the house and when those ten minutes are up, the seekers come out to have some fun. What we call, "the wolf." Have you ever heard the nursery rhyme of, "We'll play in the forest while the wolf is away? Well, that's what it's about. They go out at ten past eleven to kill anyone they can get their hands on, lights out. When another ten minutes go by, the lights come back on and the party's over.”
My surprised face seemed to alarm him as he got nervous and looked down. “Once you enter the red house parties, you can't stop attending, because after that day, they know all about you and will do his best to see you die. The red house is a secret, no one should tell the police, and there has to be a winner. One that's left alive among all of us…”
“Then you and Jooheon…”
“Yes, he and I went into those parties three years ago, but after the first one we were as scared as anyone else. We left intact and tried to just forget about it and move on with our lives, but the seekers were smarter. They started sending us letters threatening to come back or kill anyone we came in contact with. We tried to move but nothing worked, so... We had no choice but to play the game.”
“But why are you the one who's full of blood? I could bet you're carrying a knife in your jacket right now.” I accused him, staring at his stained shirt.
“I'm carrying a knife because we've formed a clan. We're seven people from different places and ages who are willing to kill the seekers to end this nonsense, but... They have lots of henchmen, too, and every Saturday it seems to get harder.”
I looked at the clock on the wall in front of us striking twelve in the morning. I felt somehow agitated and helpless. “Jooheon’s little brother told me that you were beginning to be interested in going to the parties, but he never let you because we knew what you would be exposed to. He is an ally, not a member of the clan, but because of Jooheon he ended up in trouble. You were really warned, you have to run away, or dig a hole and stay there…’
‘What if I fight with you?’ I said but I felt I should have kept quiet. His gaze became darker as his breathing became heavier.
“I would never let you expose yourself to that, you are crazy.” His tone was so authoritative that I did not know whether I wanted to challenge him or obey his order.
“Listen, you said that somehow the seekers know who you are. Before I jumped out the window a man saw me, they know who I am already... I might as well die so let me fight for my life.”
“I can't let those bastards hurt you.”  his voice seemed to get deeper as time went by. “I won't let them touch a single strand of your hair.”.
His attitude took me by surprise. “Changkyun…” I tried to negotiate with him, come to an agreement.
My voice was interrupted as I was whipped on my back, with both of his hands around my wrists pinching any possible movement. I had him so close, God. He smelled of pure masculinity... of heavy, dark perfume mixed with sweat. I inhaled without wanting to look too harassing, but it was impossible to go unnoticed by the boy's eyes, who smiled so charmingly.
“You are not going to die... Not tonight, not ever," he whispered close to my lips. I stuck out my tongue as a reflection and that drew the boy's gaze upon me. His eyes connected with mine, directing them a few milliseconds to my lips and back to my eyes, as if to say let me kiss you.
I inhaled hard again filling my lungs with his scent, starting to feel the weight of his lips on mine. I closed my eyes on contact and I could swear I had tasted an aphrodisiac. The texture was so similar to silk but the depth with which he took me was so mesmerizing that my brain threatened to fade again. I opened my eyes, noticing her eyelashes lying so thinly on his cheeks, which were slightly flushed. His black bangs tickled my eyebrows because of the closeness. Slowly he let go of my wrists, giving me way to touching his shoulders and running my arms around his neck, as I felt his muscles contracting. One of his hands went down to my waist in circles, while the other remained steady on my cheek, not letting its weight fall entirely.
His back muscles tensed and relaxed as my tongue gently traced his lower lip, seeking to deepen the kiss. Changkyun gladly agreed to begin a delightful dance, each taking his time to delve into the other's body. Changkyun pressed his body against mine, causing me to gasp, which separated me from the kiss, causing us to open our eyes to see each other. His lips were tinged with a light and beautiful red, while I happened to notice a glint above his left eye. I reached out with one hand to clear his bangs and found a striking detail on eyebrow. A captivating perching that lit a flame inside me.
I brought him back to my lips and we enjoyed each other's company all night long. Maybe this game thing could be a reason to see each other more often.
I woke up in my room, in a horrible heat. My neck and back were sweating, which made me instantly sick. It was 7:00 in the morning and it was already so damn hot. I took a shower and went into the living room to find Changkyun's body lying on the couch. His jacket was on one of the kitchen chairs, so I went over to check it out. I reached into the first pocket, instantly pulling out the knife I knew he was carrying. It was partially covered in blood. Feeling an electric shock down my spine, I couldn't help but sigh deeply. At any rate, Changkyun was the good guy, right?
I found his cell phone, but I felt his stare on the side of my head. I turned around to see that Changkyun had woken up but not only that, he was looking directly at me.
“Are you looking for something that proves the opposite of what I showed you yesterday?”
“I am.” I said, nodding.
“Damn it, I thought everything was all right," he said in a hoarse voice, snatching his cell phone from me.
I frowned and shrugged. “You always have to be careful.”
That seemed to insult him as he looked at me skeptically. Not giving a second glance at him, I headed to the kitchen for a glass of orange juice. The boy quickly went to the refrigerator to pour himself the same drink. I noticed the smell of last night with more intensity and turned around to see it. He wasn't wearing a shirt.
The liquid froze in my throat making me feel the sudden acidity, causing my body to cough slightly. The image that I had in my kitchen was worthy of admiration but I simply could not stand it at seven in the morning. Changkyun laughed and tapped my back.
“I'm sorry to surprise you, it's just that it's hot," he said as if it were the most normal thing to do. My eyes rolled back in their narcissism and I headed for my living room.
“Don't you want to take a shower?”
The boy moved his eyebrows suggestively. “Do you want to see me all wet and naked?”
My face turned a deep red and I had to refrain from throwing the remaining juice in the glass. “At your house, you idiot.”
“Yes, try to fix your horniness.” He said, taking his clothes. “I'll be back in a minute, princess.”
I fake gagged at the pet name and rolled my eyes. He put his shirt back on and left my house giving me time to breathe. God, couldn't I be in the same place as him for one more minute without thinking about indecent things?
After a few minutes of searching for something to watch on netflix, I settled down on my couch when the doorbell rang.
“It's still open.” I yelled because I assumed it was Kyun, but no one came in. Strange. I got up from my place opening the door, finding Jooheon’s brother.
“Can I come in?" he asked hesitantly. I looked at him in surprise, and without saying anything to him, I moved away from the door to let him in. “I only came to apologize for having lied to you about not knowing anything. I also came to see if you were all right.” His look never connected with mine, which bothered me to some extent. I crossed my arms and looked at him.
“I don't understand why you did it, but I guess it doesn't matter now, it just matters to get out of that silly game.”
“Did Changkyun explain everything to you?” I nodded and cleared my throat.
“Yes, he brought me home.”
He played with his hands and reached into his jacket bag. Taking out a small envelope, he gave it to me. “Don't trust anyone.” He whispered before he left, making me scoff. Yeah right, look who says that.
Once the boy left my house, I took the envelope in both hands and sighed. There was no sign of Changkyun returning from his home, so I tore the white envelope and found a half-wrinkled note with somewhat illegible handwriting, but which clearly said, "Welcome to the game.” with my name in the bottom right corner. There was an extra note that made my heart start beating fast. I was beginning to think that my best friend, if I could still call him that, had more ideas about the game than others might have. I shook my head and sighed, I couldn't do that to Changkyun and Jooheon, they had somehow kept an eye on me all this time.
The doorbell of my house rang, making me shudder, to quickly put the letter in the first drawer I saw. I took three deep breaths and then approached the door. I opened it to find the boy with a purple hoodie and a gray pantsuit. I smiled at him as calmly as possible and invited him in.
Saturday again. I had contacted my best friend several times after that letter. He assured me that he did not know absolutely about its contents but I knew that he was lying to me. Now he would take me to the building, winning over Changkyun whom I had to refuse the offer.
Speaking of Changkyun, we had both had meetings at the other's house, more casual than I would have thought. He rarely went over the line and always used to make the times much more comfortable. We had not reached the stage where we had gone to bed for any purpose other than sleep, and somehow he felt that he was waiting for something.
At ten o'clock, the car parked in front of my house. I was just about to leave when I noticed my best friend coming into my house at a fast pace with a box in his hands. He scanned my body, noticing my red satin dress and my silver heels. He smiled and took my hand.
“I think I have something for you," he said, pulling out a black dress that was supposed to be attached to my body, halfway up my thigh and angel wings of the same color. I looked at him skeptically and he laughed. “Come on, it's part of the deal if you want to come to the party after all, and I know Changkyun will not resist you with this on.”
I took the garment in my hands and took a big breath of air. Would he really?
I didn't think about it anymore. Going to my room and putting on my clothes. A chill ran down my back but I did not let the feeling of fear win over me, just taking a couple of deep breaths before returning to the room where my friend was sitting on the couch with his cell phone in his hands. When he saw me, he smiled broadly and took my hand to walk on my feet. “Damn, you look beautiful. Let’s go now, there’s a boy you must conquer tonight.”
That night I felt that I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life but at the same time I thought… Do I really have to do this to come out alive? Could the game end after all?
We entered the building. The walls were moving at the sound of the song playing currently...
My breath got stuck in my throat when I located the boy I was there for. Changkyun saw me with such a penetrating and seductive look. He was wearing leather jeans alongside a short-sleeved satin shirt with different colored patterns, purple, blue, yellow and red. There was a chain on his pants and from his neck fell a necklace of what appeared to be a gold chain. His hair was disheveled, although it had a specific direction and that was his right, raised slightly upwards allowing me to see his forehead and his piercing to perfection. As we connected glances, he smiled openly at me. My throat closed for a moment, leaving me breathless, but I managed to look normal to his scrutinizing gaze.
Apologize, never apologize
You hate the way I lie
So here you go, I'm being honest
“Hey, are you a fallen angel?" he asked, touching his fingertips to the wings tied behind my back. I smiled and denied that question.
“No, I only came to find a demon with which to play tricks in this destroyed world." I said, approaching him tentatively. At my boldness, I noticed how his gaze darkened a little.
“Then it's your lucky day, because I'll be the one to deny you entry to heaven, honey.”
Narcissist, come on, give us a kiss
Let's have some fun with it
It's kinda sweet...
Both of us, with the look of some children with a new toy, starting to head for the same place. It was still early, so the seekers and his henchmen didn't worry us at all. Once inside the room we had been in a week ago, Changkyun locked the door, his back at me. At the sight of his legs inside those leather pants, I couldn’t help but bite my lower lip. Thoughts of impurity began to tingle in my mind, causing my temperature to rise constantly.
Once the boy began to approach me, I felt that I still had a way out and that everything could change at any moment. That I still had time to take it back. But then he planted his lips on mine and all I could think about was "Shit."
The situation was getting deeper and more exciting. It tasted bitter, as if it had tasted blood itself before it kissed me. The slight taste of alcohol flooded my taste buds as his tongue investigated my palate. Our tongues brushed against each other, sending shivers down my spine. Jesus.
His scent was beginning to make me dizzy. Too manly and addictive, it made me want more, like nicotine straight into my bloodstream. I gasped for air, which the boy agreed to do by separating himself from me. In less time than I thought, my back was on the couch in the room, my eyes looking directly into his irises that I could hardly discern from the lack of light, since the only light there was the red LED light that was all over the building. His skin was slightly pinkish. His touch traced my figure in an exquisite manner, making me feel a warm path where he posed his fingertips.
Four in the morning, you're changing the locks
How could you do this to me?
I placed my hands around his neck and brought my lips close to his, nibbling on the soft, tender skin. His moles covered some extremities of his body provoking me to mark each and every one with marks that could become darker for the next morning. He was mine. Changkyun was mine for the night.
I only love you when you don't love me
Oh, baby, so, why do you love me?
His hands pulled the wings off my back in a slow and torturous manner causing the air to get stuck in my lungs with no escape. His lips went to my collarbones making me separate from him. His tongue began to trace the exposed skin smiling on the way. With his hands, he slipped the straps over my shoulders to drag the dress to my lower body. That's when I leaned on the bed with my feet pushing my hips up so he could finish pulling the garment out.
He smiled at the sight and stood on his knees on either side of my waist to remove his shirt. Every button he undoes means one more step towards one of my deepest fantasies. His torso was exposed, with only his chain resting lazily on his torso. His marked abdomen prompted me to run my tongue over it to taste his sweet flesh and be ecstatic about the ragweed.
I sat up on my elbows looking at the belt that clung to his pants, asking permission with my eyes to help him with that task. Changkyun took the hint and laid down beside me, letting out a gasp. I smiled as it dawned on me that we were at the edge of the cliff, but if it was with him, I would give it my all.
I sat on his lap, feeling his bulge against my core. I gasped at the sensation and made my way to unbuckle the black belt with the silver buckle. I removed the garment in two moves and now, I needed to unbutton his pants. I ran my tongue over my lower lip, directing my hands at a slow speed to tempt his patience, which did not seem to last long. The boy raised his hip to me, grunting underneath.
“What's the matter, kitty, do you want me to help you with your torturous pain?" I asked in a voice that was as if in velvet as I squeezed the right places to make him delirious. “Learn how to beg, darling.”
My index finger began to sway over the boy's covered member, which drove him crazy. He looked at me with his lust filled eyes. “Do it. Please.”
He mumbled that last word, more against his will. With a smile, I removed the button from his leather jeans, dragging the cloth down his thighs. Then I stared at his underwear with a hungry look. The boy noticed my glance and with one movement I was at his mercy again under his body.
“Well played, angel, but in this game you must learn who is in charge," his voice so damned hoarse made my body eager with the sound. The boy took off my bra with one hand, looking agitated. My head dropped back quickly at the sensations. My center began to vibrate with the music in the background.
Without being able to wait a second longer, he removed my underwear by tapping the middle finger of his left hand on my bundle of nerves.
“God..." I hissed at the feeling of that digit, groping on forbidden ground.
The boy smiled as he took off his only remaining cloth, positioning himself on me. We looked at each other for a minute. A long minute, where I could read his eyes. Pure, raw lust.
His member was slowly and pleasantly buried inside me. My hip was raised by the reflection, making me take a big breath of air. I was not a virgin but, it had been so long and the sensation was new and delirious.
“Welcome to hell, little angel," he whispered as he began his deep pounds on me. My face broke into pure moaning and unexplained sounds as I enjoyed the sensation produced by her touch.
The moment reached its peak, approaching with a great electric shock that ran from the tips of my feet to the surface of my head. We both came in unison, creating an exquisite harmony to the contrast of his deep voice and mine. Our gasping and gasping breaths spoke for themselves. Our glances spoke what our mouths couldn't. The connection we created in that instant was so strong and powerful that I thought it would fade. The red light around us fell in a minute, leaving us in darkness. The smell of liquor and sex surrounded us without shame.
In the face of that darkness. The boy came out of me causing one last tremor. And that was the sign. I crawled to my clothes strewn over the arms of the sofa, pulling a knife from the wings of my costume.
I'm fucking crazy, you're fucking crazy, we're all fucking crazy;
I held my breath for a minute.
And then, exhaled hard.
I couldn't see anything at all, and that made everything strangely interesting. I gasped away, crawling to the edge of the sofa where the light was slightly off. And then I saw him.
I noticed how his skin glowed with sweat and his eyes darkened. The light coming in from the window helped me to identify his eyes. His torso was still naked but the bottom was on the dark side of the sofa.
“Pity angel, you decided to be seduced by the ideas of living in a world of lies.”
I drew my knife dangerously close to his naked abdomen. His breathing became faster and his heart began to beat erratically. The metal device I held in my hands began to trace his chest slowly, delineating his skin, his outline. The boy looked at me, some kind of mix between horror and pleasure on his features. Happy in how the game had turned out, I took his jaw with my free hand looking directly at him. A smile spread across my face and I instantly noticed the boy's eyes opening wide, looking up at me, like begging for mercy.
I began to apply more pressure on his chest by opening a slight cut. The air got stuck in my throat, forcing me to continue.
“Only then will we set you free. Kill the leader of the snake clan. Kill Changkyun. It's an easy job, don't you think?"
I closed my eyes trying to make the seekers boss' voice disappear from my ears. My jaw clenched tightly as I struggled with my subconscious about the real right decision.
“Please...” his voice came out in a thread of voice as I felt the burning in his chest, but maybe not because of the physical wound but because of the wound in his heart.
“Oh no," I said with a smile, denying in the process. “No. Your glory days are over, kitty.” I took the impulse, and then, to add more drama to the matter, I asked. “Your last words, Changkyun?
Great was my surprise to see him looking much darker than ever before. With a confused look on my part, I heard him say. “Do you know what they say at the end of every game?”
I jumped up and down as I felt his hand grab my wrist. He dropped me on the arm of the sofa using my own hand, now in the opposite direction, showing the edge to me. With a serious and firm look, he approached my ear whispering the words that were about to dictate my death.
“I knew you wouldn’t be brave enough. It’s time to say game over… (Y/N)”
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
That was a heartbreaking read :( Enlightening tho, TY!! While I was aware of the parallels between Marillion & hound's attacks, I hadn't noticed the recurring themes leading up to the hound's attack. I've seen others speculating about nightmare wrt Jonsa and IA with you that nightmare is Sansa's way of processing her trauma. But I also think it could be part of the "Jon is a foil to Sansa's false beasts" motif. Two men with scarred faces forced Sansa onto her bed & assaulted her, but the 3rd 1/2
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Hello Anon,
Many thanks for your words.  Here is the post for anyone interested.
About scarred face men around Sansa, Jon wouldn’t be the third, in any case the forth or even the fifth, but Sansa could meet others before her reunion with Jon, a man from the Mountain Clans of the Vale for example, like the Burned Men.
So far we have:
Ilyn Payne has a scarred face (pockmarked).   
The Hound has a scarred face (burned).
Tyrion Lannister has a scarred face (noseless).    
I also suspect Lothor cut Marillion’s face while saving Sansa.
Illyn Payne didn’t try to rape Sansa but his interactions with Sansa are surrounded by rapey and phallic imagery... I know, it’s disturbing...
Sansa always feel naked next to Ilyn Payne:
“The king is gone hunting, but I know he will be pleased to see you when he returns,” the queen was saying to the two knights who knelt before her, but Sansa could not take her eyes off the third man. He seemed to feel the weight of her gaze. Slowly he turned his head. Lady growled. A terror as overwhelming as anything Sansa Stark had ever felt filled her suddenly. She stepped backward and bumped into someone.
There was general laughter, led by Lord Renly himself. The tension of a few moments ago was gone, and Sansa was beginning to feel comfortable … until Ser Ilyn Payne shouldered two men aside, and stood before her, unsmiling. He did not say a word. Lady bared her teeth and began to growl, a low rumble full of menace, but this time Sansa silenced the wolf with a gentle hand to the head. "I am sorry if I offended you, Ser Ilyn," she said. She waited for an answer, but none came. As the headsman looked at her, his pale colorless eyes seemed to strip the clothes away from her, and then the skin, leaving her soul naked before him. Still silent, he turned and walked away.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
This line: “His pale colorless eyes seemed to strip the clothes away from her” sounds very rapey... And the reference to his “pale colorless eyes”  next to this line: “and then [strip] the skin, leaving her soul naked before him”, sounds like Bolton imagery, colorless eyes and flying skin.
Also, Ilyn Payne having Ice has a powerful and disturbing phallic imagery:   
The serving girls tried to talk to her when they brought her meals, but she never answered them. Once Grand Maester Pycelle came with a box of flasks and bottles, to ask if she was ill. He felt her brow, made her undress, and touched her all over while her bedmaid held her down. When he left he gave her a potion of honeywater and herbs and told her to drink a swallow every night. She drank it all right then and went back to sleep.
She dreamt of footsteps on the tower stair, an ominous scraping of leather on stone as a man climbed slowly toward her bedchamber, step by step. All she could do was huddle behind her door and listen, trembling, as he came closer and closer. It was Ser Ilyn Payne, she knew, coming for her with Ice in his hand, coming to take her head. There was no place to run, no place to hide, no way to bar the door. Finally the footsteps stopped and she knew he was just outside, standing there silent with his dead eyes and his long pocked face. That was when she realized she was naked. She crouched down, trying to cover herself with her hands, as her door began to swing open, creaking, the point of the greatsword poking through …
She woke murmuring, "Please, please, I’ll be good, I’ll be good, please don’t,” but there was no one to hear.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
Ned used Sansa to kill Lady, Sansa’s direwolf, a part of her soul.  So, in a way, Ice has cut Sansa already.
Later, Ilyn Payne used Ice to kill Ned, Sansa’s father.  So Ice is painted with Lady’s and Ned’s blood.  And a bloody sword is also a metaphor of a phallus deflowering a maiden:
"Brandon loved his sword. He loved to hone it. 'I want it sharp enough to shave the hair from a woman's cunt,' he used to say. And how he loved to use it. 'A bloody sword is a beautiful thing,' he told me once." 
"You knew him," Theon said.
The lantern light in her eyes made them seem as if they were afire. "Brandon was fostered at Barrowton with old Lord Dustin, the father of the one I'd later wed, but he spent most of his time riding the Rills. He loved to ride. His little sister took after him in that. A pair of centaurs, those two. And my lord father was always pleased to play host to the heir to Winterfell. My father had great ambitions for House Ryswell. He would have served up my maidenhead to any Stark who happened by, but there was no need. Brandon was never shy about taking what he wanted. I am old now, a dried-up thing, too long a widow, but I still remember the look of my maiden's blood on his cock the night he claimed me. I think Brandon liked the sight as well. A bloody sword is a beautiful thing, yes. It hurt, but it was a sweet pain.
—A Dance with Dragons - The Turncloak
In contrast to Ned cleaning Ice after using the sword, Ilyn Payne keep it bloody:
Sansa had not even seen Ser Ilyn return to the hall, but suddenly there he was, striding from the shadows behind the dais as silent as a cat. He carried Ice unsheathed. Her father had always cleaned the blade in the godswood after he took a man’s head, Sansa recalled, but Ser Ilyn was not so fastidious. There was blood drying on the rippling steel, the red already fading to brown. “Tell Lady Sansa why I keep you by us,” said Cersei.
Ser Ilyn opened his mouth and emitted a choking rattle. His pox-scarred face had no expression.
“He’s here for us, he says,” the queen said. “Stannis may take the city and he may take the throne, but I will not suffer him to judge me. I do not mean for him to have us alive.”
“You heard me. So perhaps you had best pray again, Sansa, and for a different outcome. The Starks will have no joy from the fall of House Lannister, I promise you.” She reached out and touched Sansa’s hair, brushing it lightly away from her neck.”
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VI
Sansa even dreams having her wedding night with Illyn Payne: 
“Once she dreamed it was still her marrying Joff, not Margaery, and on their wedding night he turned into the headsman Ilyn Payne. She woke trembling.”
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa II
So I think we must count Ilyn Payne in the scarred face men with rapey/non con connotations surrounding Sansa list, next to the Hound, Tyrion and Marilion that later also lost his eyes. 
And in AFFC Sansa meets another scarred face man: 
The gaoler Mord came with him, a monstrous man with small black eyes and a lopsided, scarred face. One ear and part of his cheek had been cleaved off in some battle, but twenty stone of pallid white flesh remained. His clothes fit poorly and had a rank, ripe smell. 
A Feast for Crows - Sansa I
Sound familiar?
Anyway, let’s talk about Jon now.  
Among all these men, Jon’s scar in his left eyes, a gift from Orell’s eagle, is almost nothing.  He is not disfigured like the Hound (half face burned), Tyrion (noseless) and Marilion (lost his eyes).  But there are theories that he could lose an eyes, like Waymar Royce his look-alike, an Jonnel ‘One Eye’ Stark, his ancestor and almost name-sake.   
Also, among all these men called beast in figurative sense, Jon’s beastly status is about him being a warg, a skinchanger.  Jon is both Beast and Man. That’s why there are theories about Jon’s soul living inside Ghost after his physical death.  
And finally Jon is the only hidden/secret prince that is a very significant parallel with the Beast from the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast.” 
You can read more about jonsa and “Beauty and the Beast” in the following links:  
In the original fairy tale ‘La Belle et la Bête’ written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, Beauty and Beast/Prince are cousins.
There is a version of Beauty and the Beast where the Beast is a white wolf.
Other ship questioning jonsa and its connections with Beauty and the Beast.
Other ship questioning jonsa and its connections with Beauty and the Beast II.
Other ship questioning jonsa and its connections with Beauty and the Beast III. 
I agree that Jon won’t assault Sansa and that she will probably sing to him spontaneous and willingly.  Also take note that the Beast from “Beauty and the Beast” was very courteous, he needed to court Beauty and make her see him beyond his beastly appearance, in order to break his curse.           
Even in GRRM’s favorite version of the tale, the 1946 French film “La Belle et la Bête” directed by Jean Cocteau, “The Beast invites Belle to dinner, where he tells her that she's in equal command to him and that she will be asked every day to marry him. Days pass as Belle grows more accustomed to and fond of the Beast, but she continues to refuse marriage”.
So, Jon won’t be part of that long list of butchers around Sansa. 
I got your point, you made sense, don’t worry.  But I refuse to associate Jon with traumatic Sansa’s nightmares.  I wish for him to be A Dream of Spring.        
Thanks for your message.
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soft-ris · 4 years
Hi! I'm not sure if u still have slots for CP but if so could I have one? my top 3 from hq are bokuto, iwaizumi + miya atsumu! im 5'5, she/her w long dark brown hair w the front half of my right side dyed white, green eyes + tan skin. I'm super bubbly, loud, naturally flirty + my love language is physical touch! I love working out and I'm a huge foodie. I'm stubborn + impulsive, luv rain/storms, coffee + pda. I ramble but I'm a gd listener, a night owl, v playful + luv teasing 1/2
im spontaneous, optimistic, passionate + ambitious! I'm empathetic + love comforting others! I'm emotional, confident, bold, giggly, energetic + observant! I'm also straight forward and try my best to be upfront about my feelings. I love autumn/winter, cooking + outdoors but also love cosy nights at home! I also really like protective people! Thank u sm in advance if theres still space <3 2/2
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Cupid’s Pick for your match made in heaven is...
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... Iwaizumi!!
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...long dark brown hair w the front half of my right side dyed white.
All of them would find that super cool, like the unique style of it, their reactions would just vary.
Iwa would be wide eyed and go ‘wow’. He’d definitely stare, but in a good way because he’s 100% admiring the way you look with this style. There’s just no hiding that admiring look on his face, he can’t even if he tries tbh. He just thinks it’s so mf cool. Would subtly bask in the praises you get bc ‘hell yeah she’s fucking cool, that’s my girlfriend >:)’. Would compliment you for sure, simple and to the point, and you just know he means every word because his personality is like that.
Atsumu & Bo would be louder and more verbal & show-off-y. Lots of like ‘omfg this style is so cool?!?!?’. Would even go as far as saying ‘we matchBIXKJSANJC’ (especially Bo since the dyed colour is the same), since they have dyed hair themselves, and would also 100000% take pics and show them off to Osamu & Akaashi and their MSBY teammates and even post about u on their accounts bc they’re just so excited uwu
It’s also a given that they would change their wallpaper to u with this hairstyle ASAP uwu
I also really like protective people!
All of them are pretty protective in their own rights, I feel? The difference would be how they deal with the thing or person making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
I feel like Iwa would have no qualms being a sort of shield between you and that problem. If someone’s bothering you, he would step in between u and the person/people and bring you away from them AFTER (respectfully) glaring at them and telling them they’re making things uncomfortable for everyone. He’s quite observant too, having dealt with Oikawa’s personality and habits for a lot of his life, so he would be able to tell when you need his protection and when you can handle yourself. Tbh even when you can handle yourself, he’ll already be inching towards you, wanting to be by your side just in case it turns ugly. And if it ever turns ugly (which is fucked up because why tf would anyone wanna fight Iwa when he’s packing all those muscles??), ya know he won’t be fucking around. He may be a respectful man, but that doesn’t mean he won’t twist the person’s arm with a little more force than necessary if they tried to do shit to u. After the mf’s taken care of, he’ll take you some place quiet and make sure you’re alright, feeling safe and comforted by treating you softer than usual. Will also bring you your favourite snacks to help you ease your nerves and end the night on a better note. Overall, 10/10 boyfriend because your comfort and safety means a lot to him uwu <3
Atsumu would probably veeeery publically embarrass them by calling them out, and you know his words cut deeeeeep. He’ll be keeping a hand on you throughout the day/night, that’s for sure, until you’re home again. Just that touch of his to make sure you’re by his side and doing alright.
Bo would probably get angry (whether in a cute pouty way or in an intense anger would depend on the situation), unintentionally call them out (which would be hella embarrassing for the other person bc god they made BOKUTO angry??), and then he would just start trying to make sure you’re okay. He’d start being really touchy like cupping your face, hugging you from all angles, & etc. He’ll bring you home asap if the situation calls for it or if you ask him to or if the person isn’t gone from the space, but would probably stay if you tell him it’s alright and you’re okay now.
I think the both of them are protective in their own rights, but something about Iwa being really perceptive and having that strength and reliability to his personality that would probably make you feel the safest (based on yours and his traits).
I love working out and I'm a huge foodie.
I don’t think I need to say more, it’s all right thereKSKSKSK
He’ll work out with you and become those perfect work out couple goals. 1000000000000000000% for sure. And he’s an athletic trainer, so he knows how to help you maximize your work out.
I can also see him eating a lot with you on your food trips. Sure, his diet is pretty balanced, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to eat, and especially on cheat days he’ll happily indulge in the more ‘unhealthy’ foods with you.
I also don’t think he’ll be trying to control your diet, but maybe tell you stuff like ‘eat more veges/protein/etc.’ if you don’t eat properly. He cares for you and your health is important to him too. But if your diet is pretty good and balanced as is, then he’ll be a little more relaxed knowing you’re not surviving on only junk foods and sodas lol
I ramble but I'm a gd listener, a night owl, v playful + luv teasing.
GREAT because I can see Iwa appreciating very much that you’d listen to him talk on about his rough day, gush the monsters he finds super fucking cool (like Godzilla), rants about Oikawa being a shit head (again), and so on.
I can see him being a great listener too, always nodding along and taking in what you ramble to him. Giving comments and insights too if he can. And if he doesn’t have the capacity or energy for that (most probably bc work was draining or he isn’t having a good day), he’d tell you straight up (if you didn’t catch the physical clues he displays). Politely and to the point, without malice.
Oikawa is teasing and playful with him, so he’s practically built to handle it like a pro since childhoodKSKSKSK
But he won’t resort to violence with you ofc, just with Oikawa <3 depending on the nature of your teasing, he’d either roll his eyes and maybe bump your shoulder lightly (or some other light form of contact), or he’ll try to tease you back. I can also see him blushing and asking you to shut it if your teasing grants that kind of reaction if yk what I meanKSKSKS
The night owl bit, he understands, but would tell you sometimes to not mess up your schedule and to sleep earlier if you can because that’s just how he shows that he cares. If you point out that he sounds like a nagging mom, he’d pop a vein and tackle you (softly) and drag you to bed and be a little kid about it like ‘HA what can u do now that u can’t escape my arms?? Who’s a nagging mom now??’. Y’all would 100% end up in giggles UWUWUWUWUWU
I'm stubborn + impulsive, luv rain/storms, coffee + pda.
I can see Atsumu & Bo loving and basking in the PDA more than Iwa, because that shit makes him flustered so hard and he has to take a while to get used to having someone show him such bold displays of love. But I feel like Iwa would really grow to like it tho uwu
All 3 of them are kind of stubborn in their own way? If y’all disagree on something, I can see Bo & Iwa coming to a compromise with you easier than Atsumu.
Iwa would make you a cup of coffee just the way you like it every day when you wake up because it’s his actions with the littlest things that show you the loudest how much he loves you. He’s also great with holding you back on your more dangerous and rash and potentially harmful impulses, like the reliable figure that gives you good reasons and talks you out of reeeeaaally bad decisions, but he’s also a whole Gemini so he’ll indulge in your impulses with you more often than you think heh heh
I'm also straight forward and try my best to be upfront about my feelings.
That’s a great trait for all of the boys tbh, because all 3 of them needs someone like that due to their personalities.
Atsumu would understand that you’re not playing mind games and he wouldn’t then try to play it back or burst into flames. Bo would be thankful because he can just take your words as is. And that’s the same for Iwa too. While he’s observant and can probably read between the lines no problem, straight forwardness just makes things easier for him because he’s pretty straight forward too. And I feel that if he can count on you for that, then he’ll be probably allow himself to rely on you more.
If you praise them, they’ll know you mean it too and they’ll be real happy about it uwu
I'm empathetic + love comforting others!
Another great attribute for all 3 of them. Bo & Atsumu melts in a more obvious way (and in the moment) when you comfort them and when you empathize with them, but Iwa? It’s in the way he squeezes your hand right after, the look in his eyes are soft and so is his grateful smile. It’s in the way he hugs you later in bed, curving into you like a cat, arms secure around you, and he whispers a very tender ‘thank you’. It’s in the way he kisses you good morning the day after, hand on your cheek as if he’s holding the world in it, and he feels like he is. I’d say it’s more quiet with Iwa’s display of gratitude, but it’s just as loud as the other two, there’s no doubt about that.
I'm super bubbly, loud, naturally flirty + my love language is physical touch! I'm emotional, confident, bold, giggly, energetic + observant! I’m spontaneous, optimistic, passionate + ambitious!
Your outgoing and naturally flirty self would probably capture all 3 of their hearts, with Iwa putting up a little more fight than the rest (he doesn’t take it as him being special, but falls for your sweet words regardless bc he likes u so much).
Bo & Atsumu would satisfy your love language more, both looking like they’re very comfortable in showing you they love you in that way. Iwa might be a more muted than the 2, but if y’all are dating, he’d always have a hand on you somehow. Whether its holding your hand, a hand on your back, on your cheek, & etc. Like he just finds a way to always have contact with you, especially when he finds out your love language if physical touch. He’ll put in the effort, that’s for sure.
Atsumu might not do as well with your emotional trait? He doesn’t mince his words, and even if he tries to be softer with you, it’s not 100% that he’ll change that part of himself. He’ll try to comfort you, apologize and sooth your wounds if he hurts you bad, but it’s how he is with his words – blunt and (mainly) unfiltered. Iwa isn’t blunt, I’d say? He knows what to say and when to say it and how to say it, and he’s also caring, so I feel like he’d do very well with this trait of yours.
Being energetic meshes pretty well with Bo bc he’s pretty energetic himself. Iwa himself has a lot of energy, so he would most definitely keep up with your energy no problem.
Every other trait I can see doing well with Iwa. He’d admire it, and some would even push him further too by feeding off your traits too.
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sarcastic-space-gal · 5 years
Hide and Seek
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Word Count: 1572
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: Swearing, Argument, Angst, some Fluff at the end
Request: Can I request a fic? With prompts 1 and 14 fron the first list?am. Am not for sure whom tho lol either steve of bucky? With sone fluff or angst please?!  by @me-mah-hah
Summary: You and Steve kissed but now he is avoiding you. You are determined to know what’s going on.
Prompts: 1. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
14. “Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.”
A/N: This is my first request! I’m so excited for all the requests I received, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this fic, and feedback are always appreciated! xo xo
The sound of your pen lightly but nervously tapping on the table resonated in the room. Whenever you were in a bad mood and in need to just channel your raging nerves you would just torture your pen, everyone among the avengers knew that already from a long time. So when Natasha passed by the room and felt the tapping growing louder and louder until you completely smashed the pen across the table, she lifted her eyebrow with a surprised look printed on her face.
“Y/n? Can i come in?” she asked calmly “if you don’t want to just say it, there’s no need to smash something at me” she laughed briefly.
You groaned in frustration but answered as composedly as you could manage.
“Sure Nat. Have a sit” she smiled and took a sit next to you near the kitchen table.
“So what did that pen do to you to deserve that?”
“Nothing, I just felt the desperate need to smash something, since I can’t do it with humans yet. Oh if I just could” your face turned red with rage, you eyes like flames as you lifted a clenched fist in front of your face. Nat never saw you like that. Being an avenger could be really stressful but that was beyond the concept and the idea of stressful. Something had happened and she perfectly knew what exactly.
“It’s Steve, isn’t it?” she smirked while looking at you. At the sound of his name you snapped your head in her direction.
“You’re damn right” you said slowly.
“Y/n I told you, you need to talk, about everything and ab-” she was cut off by your furious voice.
“Oh I’d like to talk, but it’s difficult when someone just avoids you” Nat gave you a confused look.
“Calm down and tell me what’s going on” she put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes. “Sorry if I snapped to you, I’m so mad at him... we...”
“Yes?” she urged.
“We kissed”
“YOU DID WHAT?” she exclaimed in utter shock.
“Two days ago. And he doesn’t speak to me since then! I didn’t see him either. I sincerely don’t know what to do Nat...I’d like to tell him what do I really feel, but every time he is talking to me is like ‘Oh you’re my best friend’ or ‘thank you so much y/n, you’re such a special friend to me’ and my heart just drops… I- I don’t know maybe I just misunderstood his intentions towards me”
You could still feel his touch on your skin, goosebumps made their way up your arms just thinking about it. You were sitting on the rooftop of the Avenger Tower, a cool breeze caressing your faces. You were laughing and chatting when suddenly your eyes met in a way they never done before. His eyes locked on yours, his lips parted, you could almost see his heart hammering through his tight shirt.
His glare then dropped to your lips, burning with the need of that kiss he desired so hungrily.
Without any more hesitation, he quickly cupped your face with his right hand and kissed you. It was just as you imagined it: tender but firm.
When you released the kiss he realized what he had done as his eyes widened. Frenetically he stood up.
“Steve-” you started but couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I-I’m sorry I… I have to go” Steve left you on the rooftop without leaving you the chance to answer or say anything.
You were so confused. And now he was a ghost.
You drifted back to reality when Nat spoke up.
“You know that it’s not true y/n! I can see how he acts differently when you are around, how he tenses up or how he would smile brightly whenever you talk to him, come on, and I mean he doesn’t call ‘sweetheart’ every girl he meets.”
“I know Nat, I know he feels something I just can’t figure out what’s in his mind.”
“Girl neither can I, and I know him for a while now.” you two laughed briefly before pausing for few seconds.
“I just don’t understand. If he feels something why he didn’t try to talk about it?”
“I don’t know y/n… you need to face him and have a talk to clarify everything between you two, before you destroy all our pen’s supplies” she stood up and walked to the fridge opening it.
“I guess you are right”
“Oh I know, and you know what? We will have our cake-day now”
“Sorry Nat I have some paperwork to do”
“Oh no no no, come on, leave all these, and help me cook”  she said while taking away your papers and placing them on a chair, making room for all the ingredients.
“You’re amazing Nat, thank you” you said smiling at her tenderly.
“I know that too” she winked.
You two started cooking, enjoying each other’s company, laughing and eating your cake not after making a wild mess in the kitchen.
You really thanked Nat for lifting up you mood, but deep down you couldn’t help but thinking about Steve. Why was he behaving like that?
Steve felt his legs burn as he finally stopped after his daily run. Breathing heavily he leaned his back on a tree, his energies already regained.
Stupid. Just stupid. You ruined everything.
He kept repeating it, every second, every minute, after that night with you.
You two were friends for a very long time now, gosh you were the first person he saw after being awaken from the ice! You were there for him every time he needed anything. You were his best friend. But that feel changed rapidly as it soon become love. He was so mad in love with you that every time you were near him he had to hold back himself in order to not kiss you in the middle of the lunch or a meeting. But he couldn’t lose his best friend, he already lost one once, he would never lose you too.
That night he felt he lost you, that bond was broken, you would probably close relations with him and that broke his heart in million pieces. He couldn’t even look at you in the eyes.
The cool October afternoon was soon becoming night as he decided to head back to the Avenger Tower completely clueless of what he would do next.
The lift made his way up as he nervously tapped his fingers on his hands. When the doors finally opened, Steve tried to exit but couldn’t.
“Why the hell are you avoiding me?” you stood right in front of the lift with you arms crossed over your chest. Deadly serious.
“I needed some time to think...” he urged, looking away from you.
“Think about what?” you watched him exiting the lift as he was heading fast to his room.
He stopped right in his tracks and took a deep breath.
“Us” he mumbled.
“We can’t ignore what happened that night!”
He didn’t respond as frustration rose in your mind.
“I ruined everything y/n!” he snapped.
Well, you didn’t expect that. Confusion washed over your features.
“You are my friend and I ruined everything”
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it!” you shouted. As soon as you realized what you actually said your eyes widened.
Steve looked as surprised as you did, and glared deeply in your eyes as he approached slowly to your figure.
You said it. You actually said it. You don’t know how, but the adrenaline rush kept kicking as you picked up even more courage and spoke up again.
“Yes Steve. You just played with my emotions! You kissed me and now you play hide and seek?”
“I thought I lost you” he mumbled, but you were so caught up in what you were saying that you didn’t hear him.
“Refusing to even talk or look at me? You think that’s funny? What is wrong with you?
“Y/n listen to me!” he argued. “You know what, maybe this is the time I finally tell you” your rage and frustration almost made your eyes water.
Your anger immediately faded away, as you looked at him.
“W-what?” you both said at the same time.
Steve was the first to spoke up.
“I thought that you would never have something to do with me anymore, I thought I crossed the line and that I had gone too far, I was afraid of losing you, losing you friendship, losing your love”
“Steve I-”
“I love you Y/n” Steve said, looking at you. Unwillingly, you left out a small gasp.
“You don’t know how many times I wanted to cross that line before. But I was too afraid”
“Steve.” you walked towards him.
“You will never lose me, my love or my friendship. Never.”
He listened to you without breaking eye contact when he suddenly touched your hands. He slowly traced his fingers up your arms. You heart hammered in your chest. He cupped your face and kissed you. It was breathtaking, sweet, tender, firm.
When you two parted, he looked down at you and hugged you firmly, placing his chin on top of your head. You encircled your arms around him. You still couldn’t believe it.  
“Are you ok?” Steve asked
“Yeah just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.” you said still in awe of what just happened.
“In a very vigorous ways, if I may say” you two laughed as you playfully smacked him on the shoulder.
“You deserve it!”
“Touché” he responded.
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brownhardyho · 5 years
Hey-hey! Your writing is amazing 🌸 May I have a request ‘bout a shy y/n? Like she can’t make any noises through the sex with Ben, because her ex-boyfriend always said to her that she’s too loud and now she’s ashamed of her sounds (lol, hello it’s me). Thank u VERY MUCH 💕
A/N: Dear lordt sorry this took so long, but this request has been on the back of my mind! This is my favorite I’ve gotten so far, like it just exudes those soft, fluffy, smutty vibes ya feel me?! I was listening to Body Ain’t Me by Pink Sweat$ on repeat when I wrote this, so that is the vibe haha. Anyways, I decided to make it a one shot, I really hope I did it justice. Enjoy!!
Taglist: I’m tagging my mutuals @wanderlustandsmut @rrrogah-tayluhh
Warnings: Fluffy smut ahead - dry humping
Word count: 1,557 (sis went OFF)
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You are in your happy place, in the strong warm inviting arms of your best friend, your person, Ben. It’s one of those rare Saturday mornings, where you and Ben don’t have anything to do so you both mutually decided to stay in. You’re both still dressed in your pyjamas: You with an oversized t-shirt and sleep shorts and Ben in basically the same thing except with boxers. With your head nestled against his broad chest and his arms slung over your shoulders, quiet chuckles emerge from each of you as you watch reruns of Parks and Rec. With your eyes tracking the scene playing out on the TV, you are oblivious to the fact that Ben is no longer paying attention to the show, but instead has his eyes focused on you and how carefree you are with him.
Your ability to be cool, confident, and shy all at the same time is something that Ben always found intriguing. When you are out with your friends, you the observant one that sits back on the conversation and you add in your two cents when it’s called for. This usually ends up being the spotlight of the convo, whether it be funny as hell or a burn so hot that it can’t be touched. Silently savage is Ben’s common description of you. In contrast, when you are in a room of people that you barely know, like that one time practically begged you to be his date to a charity gala, you became very shy since Ben was the only person you knew in the room. But you handled the evening with a lot of grace, your polite and friendly demeanor sailing you throughout the entire night, meeting new and interesting people along the way.
So yes, it would be an understatement to say that Ben loves you. In fact, he is currently in love with you right now, at this very moment.
He’s in love with the way your nose crinkles when you snort as you are actually dying of laughter, the way you wear your feelings on your sleeve even when you don’t say a single thing. He is in love with the way you are always down to listen to him when he needs to vent. He really admires the way you dance like no one is watching when music is playing no matter your location.
“What are you looking at you dork?” you lightly punch his shoulder, teasing him as you catch him staring at you with that lovestruck look in his eyes. What he doesn’t know yet is that you are in love with him too.
You’re a very observant person and you can feel the way he looks at you when he thinks that you’re not paying attention
“You,” he replies softly, taking your hand from his shoulder just as you’re about to pull it away and holds it in his. “You know I love you right?”
“Pfft, of course Benny,” You scoff, trying to hide the fact that butterflies are building in your stomach “We’ve only been best friends our whole lives…”
“I’m in love with you and I have been for a while now,” he says in a flustered manner, running a hand through his messy blonde locks, licking his lips “And I’m sorry if this changes things but I just tho-“ Ben’s words trail off in silence as he observes your abrupt movement of twisting your body towards him, your legs straddling his thighs, your hips settling into his lap.
It’s now or never, you think to yourself. “Ben, I’m in love with you too!” You smile softly, bringing your chest to touch his, wrapping your arms around him and tucking your face into his neck to hide the fact that you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. Ben seems to sense your slight nervousness and wraps his arms around you, to bring you even closer to him, his hands placing comforting strokes along your back.
“Best of friends for a long time,” he laughs, his lips leaving small pecks on your neck, his warm breath making you feel things “and we’re just now confessing our love to each other?!”
“Some lovestruck idiots, we are,” you laugh into his shoulder, just basking in Ben’s embrace. His lips eventually trail along your jawline, eventually making their way on the corner of your lips as if to ask permission if this is ok.
And boy is it OK because Ben’s soft luscious lips make their way to meet yours and the act of kissing him comes so naturally. Like you’ve been doing this for years. With his hands softly tracing your sides and settling down to grasp your hips down to his, you try to hold back a moan by throwing your head back. Your mind gets hazy with all the pleasure you are feeling and it’s honestly overwhelming. If only you could just moan aloud without feeling guilty…
Ben must have a natural God given talent for reading your inner thoughts because he detaches his lips from your neck to say “Is this ok
love? You know you can moan for me right?” his emerald eyes looking into your soul.
Letting a heavy sigh escape from your swollen lips, you respond “Ben, I’m loud when it comes to sex.” You don’t miss the smirk he gives you when you confess this.
“Or at least I was until my piece of shit ex shamed me for being ‘too loud’,” you sigh, rolling your eyes in annoyance at the fact that your ex could still make you feel this way.
“Darling, to that I just have two things to say,” Ben cups your face into his hands as if to get you ready for the next bit of his explanation.
“First of all, your ex has it all wrong. He wasn’t worthy of you anyway.” You beam up at your best friend, because even when you reveal your vulnerability to him, he always makes you feel like a damn goddess.
“And secondly, don’t ever think you have to be ashamed of being vocal and expressing your feelings around me,” Ben says earnestly, playfully pecking your nose and bringing his lips to your ear and growling lowly “in fact, the louder you are around me, love, the better..”
“Oh fuck me,” You sigh, grinding your hips against his, feeling his cock hardening beneath you. The once light mood instantly changing to needy and passionate. Ben’s grasp on your hips tighten to control the movement of your hips. Your lips finding each others again, your tongues moving together in a sensual dance.
Soon after, Ben moves his hands underneath your shirt, placing soft touches on your soft bare abdomen before completely ridding you of the offensive clothing item. And there you are, your almost naked glory, a sight that Ben honestly feels blessed to be in the presence of. He takes note of the way your eyes glance down in slight embarrassment and nervousness and makes it a mission to worship you and your body like no other man has ever done before.
“You are absolutely beautiful, my gorgeous love,” Ben’s praises interlaced with his wet opened mouth kisses on your décolletage, as he basks in your sweet embrace and scent. He lips dance across your bare chest, soon finding your breast to take into his warm mouth. And when he suckles on your nipple and his other hand squeezes your other breast, rolling it’s nipple between his deft fingers, the pressure and warmness building inside you swells tremendously. The feeling is damn overwhelming and you can’t get enough of it.
“Oh Ben,” You moan aloud, the closeness of your warm bodies wrapped up in each other, your mind reeling at the fact that you can feel the wetness in your core building up. All you need is just a little more friction..
Ben is so attentive to the way your body responds to him and thrusts his hips up to met yours,  his already hard length feeling the wetness coming off of your now soaked sleep shorts. Your thrusts are getting faster and faster, just trying to reach that peak of pleasure.
“Baby, cum for me,” Ben groans deeply, his mind equally as gone as yours is. The blonde, soft man is almost about to cum himself, but he wills himself not to (just yet) because he is dying to see you lose it completely in front of him.
The image of you, straddled on top of him, with your body moving with such need and ferocity, your breast bouncing in front of his face, you soon reach your climax and you let out the most pornographic moan that Ben has ever heard in his life. This causes Ben to also reach his climax and you can feel his cum soak through his boxers.
The two of you don’t break your embrace just yet, catching both of your breathes, because who knew that dry humping could be so damn hot and exhausting all at once?!
“If this is what happens to us after dry humping, imagine what it would be like if we actually made love?” Ben suggest breathlessly, his face exuding the biggest dick energy you’ve ever seen and you aren’t mad about it because it is well deserved.
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icyharrington · 6 years
Good Morning (Young!Michael Langdon X Reader)
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a lot of people wanted a young!michael x reader, so i had to give the people what they want😋this is pretty short, but i’m planning to write a longer fic with actual sex and a lil bit of an overstimulation kink as requested (michael receiving). i hope y’all like this one tho!
plot: michael gets his first blowjob.
warnings: young!Michael, fem!reader, blowjobs, some fluff
word count: 1.2k
You blinked twice, the morning sun streaming through the windows opposite your boyfriend’s bed as you awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside. You groaned slightly, stretching your limbs, and smiled softly as you felt Michael’s strong limbs entangled with yours; you fit so perfectly against him, his chin able to rest comfortably on the top of your head as he held you close to him.
Michael loved holding you, and although he claimed it was to make you feel safe, you knew he needed to be comforted as much as you did. In his sleep, he stirred slightly, his hips gently pushing forward against your ass. Your eyes suddenly snapped open as you felt something solid there, and quickly came to the realization that he was hard.
You and Michael hadn’t done anything sexual since you’d started dating. The farthest you’d gone was making out, but he never tried to persist any further. You chalked this up to him being inexperienced, which surprised you, since he was intoxicatingly handsome and had such a way with charming you. In a way, this made you feel special: he could easily have had hundreds of girls at his disposal, and yet he chose only you.
It wasn’t strange to you that nothing sexual ever came of your sleepovers. Usually, you’d sneak in after his mother went to sleep. She was intimidating, to say the least, and you didn’t want to get on her bad side should she decide to sacrifice you for one of her Satanic rituals or something of the like. You’d usually get there around midnight, both of you exhausted from the day, and together you’d lie in each other’s arms until the sun came up. Sometimes you’d talk, and other times you’d drift off to sleep immediately, lulled into relaxation by the other’s company. Either way, you simply wanted to be near him. Of course you wanted to have sex, but it was never a problem to you if you didn’t.
Right now was the first time you could pinpoint his arousal, and it excited you to say the least. You squirmed slightly, your backside pushing harder into his growing erection, and he groaned softly, breath still heavy with sleep. You grinded your hips back onto him, feeling the bulge rise even further beneath the cotton material of his boxers.
Rolling over to face him, you paused for a moment to appreciate the beautiful work of art that was his face. His blond hair fell in a scruffy heap in front of his closed eyes, and you reached forward to run your fingers through it affectionately. He was so precious.
“Baby,” you whispered to him softly, cupping his jaw and running your thumb over his smooth, flawless skin. “Wake up.”
You kissed the corner of his mouth gently, and one eye fluttered open, a ray of sunlight falling perfectly onto his pale blue iris. His lips turned up into a lazy smile, and he pulled you closer.
“Good morning,” he said groggily, kissing your forehead. “What time is it?”
“I don’t know,” you said, placing a kiss on his neck and then his chest. Cautiously, you reached one hand down to lightly grope his bulge, watching him closely to see his reaction. His muscles tensed and he looked at you with wide eyes, but he didn’t move away.
“Do you want me to stop?” you asked him. The last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable.
He swallowed audibly and shook his head, and you noticed the growing redness across his cheeks. You smiled, kissing him again, hoping this would calm him down as you rubbed him through his boxers and eventually wrapped your fingers around his clothed dick. You could already tell that his length was massive, and your heart rate increased in anticipation. He gasped, hand flying to his mouth to silence himself as he realized his mother might be awake, and his eyes fluttered shut.
You began working his boxers down, pulling his blue bedsheets around his hips so you could have a good view of him. His dick was long and thick, nearly brushing his stomach in its hardness, and you chewed your bottom lip as you began stroking him slowly, your touch tender so as not to overwhelm him. He whined, jutting his hips up to meet your hand, and your pace sped up slightly as you slid your hand from his balls all the way to the tip.
“(Y/n),” he mumbled, gripping the headboard behind him with his right hand, brows furrowed as he concentrated on this newfound pleasure.
“Shh, baby, just relax,” you said soothingly, positioning yourself horizontally on your stomach. You swirled your tongue rhythmically around the head of his cock, moaning at the taste of him, your fist still wrapped around him. He hissed as your mouth touched him, bucking himself upwards involuntarily, and you slid him deeper into your mouth.
He whined, your warm tongue gliding along his shaft, hoping to coat every part of him in your saliva. You twisted your hand slightly, adding friction to his sensitive skin, pushing your head down further to meet your hand. Then you pulled away your hand, placing it on his firm lower stomach before taking him as far into your mouth as you could manage. This earned a hitched grunt from him, his face screwed up as he struggled to process the intense sensations coursing through him. His hands grabbed blindly for you, one entangling in your (h/c) hair and tugging slightly.
“Sorry,” he said shakily, realizing he might have caused you discomfort by pulling your hair, but you just smiled at him as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock, gagging every now and then as you challenged yourself to take him deeper. “Oh god,” he breathed, and you removed his hand from your hair in favor of holding it instead, squeezing his palm as you dipped your head down to feel him brush the back of your throat.
Adding a bit of suction with your mouth, he squirmed harder, his hand gripping yours like his life might depend on it, and you felt his cock twitch as his pelvis rose up to press against you. “I’m- I-“ he couldn’t form a coherent sentence, his chest rising and falling rapidly, left hand flying from the headboard to his forehead to wipe away the beads of sweat that had formed there.
You hummed against him, tongue rolling along his skin and massaging his stiff, but smooth skin. You took all of him in your mouth one last time, tears springing in your eyes, and with a soft cry, he came. You swallowed it all, not wanting him to make a mess, and took him out of your mouth slowly, wiping the back of your mouth with satisfaction. You crawled back up to lie beside him, his eyes still shut as he recovered from his orgasm, and you kissed his jaw lovingly.
“I love you,” you whispered into his ear, nestling your head into the crook of his shoulder and reveling in his scent.
“I- I love you too. That was amazing. Thank you,” he said hoarsely, and you giggled; you weren’t sure why, just something about how sweet and gentle your boyfriend was made you uncontrollably happy.
Pulling the sheets over the two of you and curling into him, ready to go back to sleep, you couldn’t help but feel completely and totally content with your life.
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yourfangirlfriend · 7 years
You Don’t Know Me: Chapter Seven
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Sansa woke up to a tickling on her nose.
She peeped an eye open and saw the offender running the ends of her hair over her nose like a brush.
"What are you doing?" Sansa giggled. He smiled back and rubbed her cheek with the ends.
"Your hair's gotten so much longer since I met you," he said, pushing the lock behind her ear. She smiled.
"I quite like it short," She blew some of the looser strands out of her face.
"However which way," he said, running his fingers through her hair on the side of her head. "It's beautiful."
Sansa blushed. She pushed herself up and looked out the window.
"How long did we sleep?" she asked. The sky outside was dark, and snow had begun to come down.
"Whole day, I reckon." he rubbed his eyes and sat up. He reached out to Sansa, but she had begun crawling to the end of her bed.
"What are you doing?" he asked as she picked a simple linen dress from her dresser drawer. Stepping into it quickly, she pulled it up and let the laces fall loose. She wouldn't be gone long.
"I'm going to the kitchens," she said, grabbing the cloak from the hook. "I'm starving," She smiled over at him.
"Want to come?"
"No," he brought the furs up to his chin. "I'm perfectly comfortable." He wrapped himself in the fur and rolled over to her side of the bed.
"Have fun in the cold, darling." he called as she made for the doors.
Darling. She smiled as she pulled the door closed behind her.
They were cleaning up the kitchen when Sansa arrived, carefully pushing the back door open as not to let any snow in. The women's heads turned, ready to chastise whoever was interrupting their routine until they saw who it was.
"Your Grace," they snapped to attention. Sansa smiled at them as she lowered her cloak hood.
"Good evening, ladies." she smiled.
"Oh dear," Millie, the older woman, begun to wring her hands. "I'm sorry Your Grace, your brother informed us you wouldn't be attending dinner. If I had known you'd be down, I would have sent someone up with some food-"
"Please don't fret," Sansa made for the store room. "I didn't plan on sleeping so long. Would it be alright if I just took some back to my room?"
"Of course!" Millie said, frantically searching below a table top for a basket. She handed one to Sansa, who smiled and thanked the woman.
In the store room, Sansa pulled a few rolls of bread, some dried sausage, and a small block of hard, sharp cheese. She found a bottle of wine tucked away in the back and slipped it in with a two metal cups that sat on the shelf above. Just as she was about to leave, the smell of lemon wafted into her nose. Pulling back a small cloth, she found a small tray of lemon tarts. Sansa plucked two up and carefully put them into the basket, careful not to have the crust break.
She thanked the women and begged their pardon for the inconvenience. On the walk back, she gazed up at the Wing her guests were staying in. Some of the lights were still on, and she could hear children's giggling. She smiled to herself and made a note to stop by the next day. They must think her a terrible hostess.
Once she was back in the hallway, she half-heartedly shook the snow off of her before making for her chamber. Careful not to drop her haul, she balanced the basket on her hip and pushed the door open with her other hand. When she entered, a mass of fur sat up from the bed. The room was noticeably warmer, and Sansa saw that Gendry must have started a fire while she was running her errand.
"She returns," he smiled, and let the furs drop from the hood he had formed around his head to his shoulders. Sansa put the basket on the floor and removed her cloak, and quickly shimmied out of her loose dress. In her shift, she picked the basket up again and placed it on the bed, crawling up after it.
"Osha came by," Gendry said, a hint embarrassed. He reached over to the table beside her bed and retrieved a cup of tea.
"What is it?" he took a sniff.
"Moon tea," she said. She reached out and looped her finger through the handle, and brought the tea up to her lips.
"Ah," Sansa saw a flush of red fill Gendry's cheeks momentarily. She gulped the contents of the tea down, trying to ignore the metallic aftertaste.
"Blegh," she stuck her tongue out before letting the tea cup fall to the bed.
"What did you bring back from the war, then?" he said, his fingers reaching out to touch the basket. Sansa smiled and pulled the basket onto her lap and began to unpack.
"Well," Sansa pulled a napkin from the basket and lay it between them. "I raided a Dothraki settlement and found some horsemeat sausage," she pulled the links out, holding them up and letting them dangle triumphantly. She dropped it onto the napkin. "Then," she pulled out the cheese. "I sailed to Kings Landing and made a trade deal with Jon - three new trading posts on our borders for a block of cheese," She unfolded the cloth and held the cheese up for inspection, before placing it by the sausage on the napkin. "After," she pulled the bottle of wine. "I slaughtered a vineyard and mashed its inhabitants into a bottle,"
"My Warrior Queen," Gendry reached out and took the bottle from her hand. He began fiddling with the cork as she pulled the rolls out from the basket.
"And lastly," she smiled as she carefully pulled the tarts from the basket, placing them on the bed. "Lemon tarts."
Gendry smiled.
"Did you get a knife?" he asked.
Sansa paused.
Gendry laughed and pushed himself up on his knees to move off the bed. Before he did, he placed a kiss on her forehead.
"The limits of the monarchy," he said as he reached into his shirt pocket. He flipped open a small blade and tossed it lightly onto the napkin.
"It's this quick thinking," she began to cut the sausage into small disks. "that makes you the best smith Winterfell has ever had."
"Oh really?" he pulled himself up onto the bed. "Is that all?"
Sansa blushed and continued to cut up the meat. "Well..."
Gendry smiled smugly, and reached over to the table for the bottle of wine. He pulled the cork out, and satisfying pop! quietly rang out. He reached into the basket and pulled the two cups, filling both of them. He handed one to Sansa, who took a sip immediately.
"So, you like lemon cakes." he said, taking a drink. "It occurs to me I don't know much more about you,"
Sansa smiled a bit.
"Well, you know that one thing,"
Gendry rolled his eyes.
"You'll not distract me again, witch woman." Sansa looked up at him and smiled in spite of herself. She wiggled her fingers at him like a sorceress, and let out a soft "oooooh".
"Tell me something," he said.
"What do you want to know?" she said, biting into the small sausage cheese and bread stack she had fashioned. Gendry reached out and took some sausage in his big hand. He popped one in his mouth while he thought.
"How about this," she said, covering her mouth as she chewed. "You ask and I'll answer. And we'll go back and forth."
He smiled. "Alright," he bit into the other slice of sausage. "Let's start out easy, then. Favorite color?"
Sansa rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face.
"Lilac," she said. "You?"
He watched her as she waited for his answer. She took a sip of her wine, keeping her gaze fixed upon him.
"I dunno," he said. A small smirk. "What would you call the color of your eyes?"
Sansa closed her eyes, simultaneously groaning at his response and quietly reveling in the fact that someone had said something to her so disgustingly romantic it could have been in one of her books.
"Sorry," he laughed. He reached out and grabbed some more bread. "It's true though. They're blue. Like deep sea water."
Sansa opened her eyes when she was sure she wasn't blushing like crazy. When their eyes met, he winked at her before biting into another stack on his bread.
"What's your favorite memory?" she said. He laughed.
"No easy ones for you, I see." he looked up at the ceiling, placing his hands on his knees. Sansa's eyes ran down his torso, following the coarse black hair until it disappeared under his waistband. She bit hard into the bread.
"There was one day," he looked back down, having retrieved his answer from whatever confines of memory the ceiling had allowed him to access. "My mother was still alive. She didn't have to work that day, and I just a little one. She woke me up early and we paid a man with a wagon to take us out of King's Landing. Once we were out, she led me down a path through the forest and showed me a swimming hole she used to go to as a girl," His eyes seemed far away, as if he was experiencing it all again. "We spent the day there. She had wanted to teach me to swim for a while, but she hated salt water. By the end of the day she would take me on her back and jump off the highest boulder, and we would plunge into the water. I wasn't scared because I knew she wouldn't let me drown. Even when we hit the bottom, and I felt her feet push off the ground, and we shot up to the surface. I must have begged her to take me down there again for a year after that, but we never could," his face fell a bit, saddened. "But that's probably it." Before Sansa could reach out to comfort him, he looked up and offered her what she knew was a performative smile.
"When you were younger, and you would play," he started. "What were you?"
Sansa bit her nail and tried to remember play sessions that seemed a millennium ago. Flashes of bright snow, giggles, and running feet all came to her mind.
"I would always want to be the princess," she remembered. "Arya would be my knight, and Bran would be my scout. He would climb up the walls looking for adversaries, and Arya would pretend to tackle any enemies. One time, we came upon Jon and Robb training, and Arya jumped in between them, trying to fight them both off to protect me." she smiled, remembering Arya's small but determined body jumping between the two boys.
"Always knew what you wanted to be, eh?"
A memory came to Sansa then.
"I think my favorite, though," she said, looking down at her hands. "Was when we were little, Arya and I shared a bed. On the nights we couldn't sleep, we would pretend the bed was a boat and the floor was an ocean. We would grab our blankets," she took a fistful of the fur on the bed, as if to illustrate a point. "And One of us would hold them up as the sail, while the other steered. We'd always be going through storms, and we'd fall over each other. We said the pillows were fish, and sometimes we would attack the other with one. 'A fish is in the boat!' and then, smack!" she clapped her hands. "Mother would find us sometimes and chastise us for staying up so late, but we kept doing it. Falling into giggling heaps after she left." Sansa ran her hand down the fur, feeling the bristles part for her nails. Arya.
Gendry carefully folded the food into the basket and placed it on the ground. Thinking he was going to try and comfort her, Sansa looked up, only to have a pillow come crashing down on her head playfully.
"Fish jumped up," he said. "Sorry, m'lady."
"Sorry?" Sansa said, letting her queenly voice take over. Gendry's face fell.
"I didn't mean to-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Sansa brought the pillow she had been leaning on over her head and smacked him across the face. Realizing what had just happened, he turned to his giggling bedfellow.
"Right," he said, reaching out to the top of the bed and grabbing another pillow. "You'll pay for that,"
Sansa giggled and jumped up, standing on the bed. She reached down and brought the covers up just before Gendry could swing his pillow at her legs. She pushed one hand against the blanket, tenting it against her.
"Ser Gendry," she said. "It looks like we're heading for a storm."
"Aye?" he said. He scooted to the front of the bed, and made a show off looking out over the expanse of her room. "Well, Lady Sansa, I believe you're right. I hope that - woah!" He lifted the corner of the bed and let it drop. He fell over in an exaggerated pose.
"Quick, for shelter!" She brought the fur down over them, and the suddenly everything was dark. Sansa pushed the furs up, letting a little light into the small shelter she had made. She saw Gendry smiling up at her.
"How long do you think the storm will be?" he asked innocently.
"Hours," Sansa said. "Days. Possibly weeks. We should stay here. For protection."
Gendry smiled and reached out from under the covers. He pulled one of the extra slats that Sansa kept under her bed and placed it in the middle of them so Sansa wouldn't have to hold up the fur. Then, he reached to the end table and handed her the bottle of wine, forgetting the cups they had left. Sansa wrapped her lips around it and took a gulp, and handed it back to him.
"My turn," she said. she lay down on her stomach, looking up at him. He was perpendicular to her, their faces meeting in the far left corner of their small blanket tent. She smiled and reached out to stroke his face. "Tell me about Arya. On the road."
It went on like this for the next few hours. Gendry told Sansa of all the memories he would scrape from his mind about traveling with her sister, eager to give her every bit that she desired. Part of him wanted to make something up, tell her that he knew she was alive, just to see her smile. But his story ended with their parting, and he admitted he had not seen her since. When he finished his story, Sansa lay, looking up at him lazily, with a drunk smile on her face. Gendry held up the bottle of wine and realized they had drunk all of it.
"She's alive still," she said finally. "I know it. Part of me...this is going to sound ridiculous, but part of me can feel it." she picked at her nails, embarassed by her claim.
"When my mother died," Gendry said, reaching out and capturing her hands in one of his. "It felt like something between us had been severed. The minute she stopped breathing, I knew. Even as they tried to revive her." He squeezed her hands in his.
Sansa's face gave a small smile before returning to its contemplative solemnity.
"Can I ask another," she said. She looked up at him. Her eyes were so, so blue.
"I believe that's breaking the rules," he playfully chided her. "But you are the queen."
She smiled before looking down at her hands, and then back up at him.
"Why are you here?" she asked. His face contorted in confusion.
"I believe there was an invitation of employment," he said. "not to mention certain events that took place last night that made me believe you'd like to see me again."
"I did- I do," she clarified before reaching up and running her fingers down his jaw. "But I mean...you're handsome. Clever. Good at what you do. Kind. Why spend your time with me? You could have any woman back in the North." She stopped and let her hand fall on his chest, feeling his heart beat under her touch. She kept her gaze focused on her hand. "Why me?"
Gendry reached up and covered her hand with his.
"Why you?" he repeated. He ran his thumb over the top of her hand. "How can you ask something like that?"
"I just," she sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm not- I'm broken, you know? Scarred up here," she let her other hand fall to her side. "and..." she gestured to her head. "I just don't..."
"Hey," he said, bringing her attention back to him. She blinked, trying to hold water back.
"You're asking me why I'm here," he said, letting his eyes drop to her lips. "but I can't tell you. Just like I can't tell you why the sun rises every day. You just...happened. And I thought, at first, when you were still Eryn," he emphasized his voice when he said her old name, causing her to smile a bit. "that you were just trying to get your rocks off. But...I don't know. That first night, when we stopped," he flicked his thumb over her hand again. "I saw something in you, I suppose. It's like when...well I suppose it's like being under a blanket." he tapped the top of their tent. "You think you're not seeing anything because it's dark. But then a corner flies up, and some light comes in. And you just want to crawl to the edge and see what you've been missing hiding away all those years." he looked up at her. "I can't explain how I feel about you because I didn't choose it. It just happened. But I will say this." He sat up then, taking the slat from the middle and pulling it out, letting the covers fall. He dropped the slat to the side, and threw the covers back off over their heads. Sansa's eyes blinked in the sudden light as she felt Gendry pulling her up to sit. When they were both cross legged, knees bumping together, he tipped her head up to look into her eyes.
"You're not broken," he said. "I've seen pretty much every inch of you, and I can't find any cracks. All I see," he ran his hand from under her chin and down her shoulder, trailing a path down her arm. "Is a woman who survived something horrible, and managed to come out the other side. How can you not see what I see?" he sighed, and let his hands fall on her knees. Sansa stayed quiet. "You're kind. And brilliant. And you're good to your people. I've never met a noble like you. You're brave, Sansa. And, it should go without saying, beautiful. Sometimes I wonder what you want with me. Every time I touch you, it feels like I'm running my hands over silk, or some other precious thing a man of my station would never be allowed to have." he smiled at her. "I think I should be asking you what you see in me,"
Sansa face softened, and she reached out to cup his face. He brought a hand up to cover hers and closed his eyes.
"You're a good man, Gendry." she said. "So many people have wanted me to fill a gap in their plans...wife her to get the North. Use her to topple a kingdom. Lock her up and..." her voice broke a bit, and she felt a reassuring squeeze on her hand. "You're caring, and sensitive, and bright. And when I'm with you," she bit her lip. "I'm not in my head. I'm too wrapped up in you to think of the past. All I want to do is listen to you talk, or watch you work, or feel your hands on me," she said the last one quietly, a bit embarrassed. "Even when you're not around, I'm better. Because I know you're out there," she jerked her head to the wall, indicating the forge. "And I feel safe. Because I know if I need the demons to stop, all I have to do is go to you. And you'll quiet them. Just by being...you."
He smiled up at her, and emboldened, she continued.
"I don't mean to put that on your shoulders. You're not in charge of making sure I don't fall into my own darkness. But since I've been back, no one has made me forget the way you do. Bran doesn't know what to say. Osha is great, but she's not...she's not you. I feel like I've been in Winter for so long, and being with you takes me into Spring," she cringed, thinking of how much that sounded like one of her old story books. Gendry smiled and began to lay back. He pulled her down, and she settled her head on his chest.
"Anytime it gets to be too much," he said, raking his fingers through her hair. "You can tell me. Or just come see me. Perch up on a work bench. Tell me about your day. Shitty meetings. Anything," he said.
"Safe harbor," she smiled against him.
"Yeah," he agreed, pulling her closer. They stayed silent for a bit, listening to the crackles of the slowly dying fire. Finally, Sansa lifted her head up and looked at him.
"Will you tell me more stories?" she asked.
"What, like fairy tales?"
She shook her head.
"I'm sick of fairy tales," she said. "Tell me more about you. Your mother."
He smiled softly at her.
"Would you like to hear about my first apprenticeship? I was twelve years, maybe, and this old drunkard..."
Sansa let her head fall against his chest and listened as he continued on. The real world didn't have chivalrous knights or kind, mannerly princes to save her from a tower.
But it had him.
And that was more than enough.
You wanted fluff? Where HERE. Here's a whole CARTON of fluff.
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