#her cover of enter sandman is already better than the original I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT
timetravellingkitty · 8 months
The laugh that turns into a high note...
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heckboiandfam · 6 years
B.P.R.D. Case Files - The Sandman and Hariasa #1
B.P.R.D.  / Bureau for Paranormal Research & Defense / Hariasa File #1
Location – [REDACTED], Germany
Subject – Hariasa/Herja/Herjaza – Germanic goddess and/or spirit
Incident – Attempted Overthrowing of Human Government
Agents – Hellboy : Left B.P.R.D. in ’94; returned in 2017 after thought deceased / Ashley Strode: Former Navy; amateur exorcist of considerable skill / Captain Ben Daimio: Former Marine; thought to be deceased, but recently returned to duty; only granted permission to lead the operation at the strict recommendation of Agent Hellboy due to previous incidents weakening the trust the Bureau has in Daimio’s clarity of mind given his ‘were-jaguar’ condition
November 2017 – Body of Kaiser Muller, alias ‘Jason Smith’ is found. Agents Strode and Hellboy uncover that during WW2, Muller accidentally entered a ‘Dreamscape’ world ruled by a ‘Sandman’, who was absent.
After the war, Muller left his country, but was murdered years later, the likely culprit being a living nightmares modeled after Nazi soldiers created by the Sandman, either to silence Muller (not the opinion of Director Manning, but included here regardless; he never reads these) or because the nightmare went rogue.
The reasons for the ‘Nightmare Nazis’ going above and beyond their created purpose has been determined to be caused by a Disir/Germanic goddess known as ‘Hariasa’, whom Agents Hellboy and Strode encountered while investigating similar deaths in Muller’s native Germany, in a town close to where he’d been stationed decades before and entered the Dreamscape. The Sandman was questioned by Strode and Hellboy, who determined Hariasa, a war-like spirit, is a former would-be lover and companion, who has stolen a gem of some sort that permits her control over certain things pertaining to ‘dreams’ and thus these Nightmare Nazis.
During the first encounter with the Sandman, near the new Hellifyno Bureau at an establishment called the Red Sun Inn, Agent Hellboy was briefly incapacitated by the Sandman after choosing to attack before asking questions. Agent Strode, his partner on this case, obtained all further information.
Her assessment of the Sandman is as follows:
As far as I can tell, Dream of the Endless, also known as ‘The Sandman’, is a dangerous individual of unknown power level. In my professional opinion, I don’t think the Bureau has ever encountered a being like him. He is not demonic or evil in nature, but I don’t know if there is enough known about him currently that clearly implies he is a friend to humanity so much as he is performing a job that requires he watch over dreams and also craft them. If he is responsible for nightmares as well, then that implies he is willing to harm humans, even if only psychologically. He has, however, attempted to physically intimidate this agent, and attacked Hellboy, though apparently in self-defense.
He appears very arrogant, not unlike some higher level demons that this agent has personally encountered, though he did not mention ever consuming and digesting human souls for pleasure, which is a plus. Still, it is this agent’s recommendation that the ‘Sandman’ be kept distant from this case, as I’m sure Hellboy will agree.
He created actual Nazis, after all.
Agent Hellboy did agree.
It was Director Manning’s suggestion that the Sandman not be held accountable for the deaths or the civil unrest that has since gone on in [REDACTED], and that the chief target would be Hariasa and the Nightmare Nazis, who were to eliminated before claiming the aforementioned stolen Dreamstone for safekeeping.
During the course of this investigation, several cleaner crews from the Bureau went to [REDACTED] in order to restore order, with backup from local authorities and federal agents within Germany. However, by December 2017, no progress was made, and it seemed all Bureau agents and local authorities became compromised or were killed.
The following is a transcript taken from Agents Hellboy, Strode, and Captain Daimio’s body camera recordings.
Captain Ben Daimio: This is… Captain Daimio. Starting the recording now, I guess. Goddamn, I hate all this tech. We’re not fuckin’ cops, are we?
Hellboy: That’s what I said, but Kate says that it helps better document all the ‘weird shit’ we see.
Ashley Strode: I don’t mind them.
BD: Naturally.
HB: You’re a bit of a kiss-ass sometimes. Not all the time, just sometimes. Yer only agreeing with them because Liz didn’t put up a fuss about wearing her’s.
AS: …I am not a kiss-ass…
BD: You are, at least when it comes to Sherman. You’re not even subtle about it…
BD: But we’re not here to gossip about your crush on Sherman, Ash. We’ve got a job to do.
[REDACTED] was partially destroyed. Entire buildings appeared to have been burned down, others torn apart, and Nazi imagery and more decorated every other surface, marked in either paint or blood or carving. People wandered around aimlessly, with confused, distressed expressions, with a few seeming alert, already looking at the B.P.R.D. agents and their armed escorts as they drew closer. It is the opinion of many in the Bureau that this was caused by the Dreamstone.
AS: I’m fairly certain that the charms and wards Hellboy and I have provided to everyone should protect us from… whatever this is.
BD: Poor bastards. They look exhausted. How long has this been going on? A month? A whole month to find one rock?
AS: I told Director Manning that it was more likely that Hariasa herself carried the stone with her, but might hide it periodically. He took that as an excuse to send in a smaller operation to just search the city… despite me telling him Hariasa is a forest spirit of war. Look at all of these carvings? Trees, vines, leaves. She’s trying to take back the city for nature. Corrigan said that these runes are meant to promote growth.
HB: …So she’s a gardener, or a war god? Which one is it?
AS: As far as I see it? Both. She wants the forest back because she’s at home there, not in all this concrete, brick, and metal. Her kind of warfare is probably centered around how early Germanic people fought. In forests, hiding in the trees and bushes, or whatever.
HB: Well. Now I don’t wanna go back in those trees.
BD: You won’t have to. Contact!
It was at this point that the people began to attack the B.P.R.D. forces that had landed. Lethal measures had to be taken, as these civilians, however much control they did or did not have over their own actions, were armed, either with blunt objects or actual guns. (Director Manning has stated that “it is regrettable for the Bureau to have to take such steps to ensure the safety and health of its own agents”)
As the body camera footage displays, Agent Hellboy mostly incapacitated those that attacked him, as he was rather resistant to any attack that was not from a firearm, and still he managed to shrug those off even as he was bleeding. Captain Daimio was less discriminating, as was Agent Strode, who mostly took cover behind Agent Hellboy, as she was necessary for the attempt to apprehend Hariasa and thus more vital than the security detail.
Losses were heavy on the side of German forces, while B.P.R.D. agents were mostly wounded, with only three deaths. The civilian population, which had originally been openly fighting the Neo-Nazi forces that were emerging and even flocking into [REDACTED] since November, seemed to have been forcibly converted and brainwashed by this Dreamstone. It took nearly an hour of combat for B.P.R.D. forces to take shelter in a partially destroyed pub.
HB: We got three down, Daimio! You need to get these guys outta here! I think the LAST German just went down while we were hauling ass over here!
BD: THEY insisted on being here! I’ve got my EYE on what we’re here for! I got no time for babysitting!
HB: Oh, yeah, sure, eye on what we’re here for! Or an eye on your fuckin’ iron sights, you blood-thirsty son–
BD: Finish that sentence if you want, Hellman, but you need to shut your giant fuckin’ mouth, quit grinding those big-ass donkey teeth, and get the FUCK out there and get that goddamn ROCK before WE ALL DIE! And take Strode with you!
AS: You guys need as many guns here as you can!
BD: No, what we NEED is to stop shooting Brainwashed Nazi Zombies by stealing the Brainwashing Nazi Zombie Rock! And YOU are the one that can stop the Brainwashing Nazi Goddess! So GO!
The plan went back on track afterward; leaving Captain Daimio behind to hold off the attacking population of [REDACTED], Agents Hellboy and Strode slipped out of the back door of the building and resumed their search for Hariasa and the Dreamstone in her possession. However, they were intercepted. Not by more compromised civilians, but by the ‘Nightmares’ that were mostly responsible for this situation. They appeared mostly human, save for having frightful appearances of what Agent Strode called ‘mutant corpses’, with their discolored flesh, eyes, and ‘appalling mouths’.
Agent Hellboy dove in front of Strode as two of the ‘Nightmare Nazis’ surged forward with unnatural speed, and grappled with both beings with some degree of difficulty. He describes their strength as ‘damn strong’, similar to his experience encountering ‘The Sandman’. The encountered lasted all of a few minutes, with Agent Strode activating her ‘flaming shell sword’ charm to assist at the last minute after the Nightmare Nazis began to tear away at Hellboy’s rather sturdy flesh with their hands and their mouths, apparently in an attempt to dismember him as they had done their other targets.
AS: Durga! Watch over me! Lend strength to my arm! Fill my hand with weapons, that I may turn back evil upon my foes, to cast them out, or by your powers destroy them!
HB: They’ll kill us BOTH, WOMAN! GET OUT OF–
AS: Look! See?! I’m helping! I’M helping YOU! Goddamn, Liz was right, you HATE back-up!
The Nightmare Nazis responded negatively to Strode’s charm, as she claimed it disturbed whatever unearthly material that made up their forms, but not enough to kill them. Still, it bought Hellboy and Strode enough time to flee.
What followed was nearly another forty minutes of ‘cat and mouse’ between Strode, Hellboy, and the Nightmares that pursued them, supposedly in an attempt to keep them from making it out of [REDACTED] and finding their ally, Hariasa. Before long, Captain Daimio was forced to call for a retreat.
BD: We are LEAVING. Consider this op a gigantic failure!
AS: Agreed! We’ll rendezvous at the landing site, regroup, and then get out of here while we still can!
HB: I’m not LEAVING these people–
BD: You HAD your chance! If you can’t even beat these Nightmare Punks, then there’s no point in trying to stick around and hold out for people that are still trying to kill us! Everyone HERE is either dead or dying, Hellboy! And I swear, I’m hearing shit now, even with Strode’s fuckin’ charms. We’re getting OUT.
Fifteen minutes later, Captain Daimio and his team regrouped with Agents Hellboy and Strode. With the loss of every German officer that was sent in to accompany the B.P.R.D., the German government was not very happy with our performance. They have, however, considered our expert opinion, and have said they will delay further action, but refuse to let [REDACTED] to remain a standing symbol of Nazism, as it is still actively instigating other Neo-Nazi protests in other major cities.
The Bureau has until the end of January to consider another approach, while German authorities set up a wider perimeter around [REDACTED] to keep a watchful eye on the population. Captain Daimio performed well, but was vocal of how unnecessary it was to engage in an open firefight with civilians under mind control, and has been adamant that he will not ‘ever again’ engage on another assignment such as this. Agent Strode has also made it clear that she will insist on going back with Agent Hellboy to confront Hariasa. Director Manning has been reassured that Strode is still our main exorcist and spiritual combatant.
Hellboy has also been very, very, very vocal about how it was the wrong call not to let him stay behind to find Hariasa, as he insists he could ‘beat the fuck outta her’ until she ‘dropped that damn rock’ and he could ‘shove it so far up her hag ass’ that she would be able to ‘taste it for the rest of her soon to be shortened immortal life’.
Director Manning is considering requesting that he meet with ‘The Sandman’ in order to gain further intel, despite Agent Hellboy’s protesting. Agent Strode has admitted that more information would be useful, but is hesitant to suggest that the Sandman be allowed anywhere near B.P.R.D. operations, especially since he wishes to retake the Dreamstone, which Director Manning agrees is far too dangerous.
A follow-up to this file will be finished once the situation is resolved.
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