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Today we leave Scotland.  It is truly bittersweet because I know Tammy is very excited about the next leg of our trip in Ireland for the same reasons that I’m not wanting to leave Scotland.  It feels like home and thanks to our delightful BNB last night we both have a suitcase full of clean laundry for the next leg of the T&J World Tour.
We leave our Air BNB host a bottle of wine, too be honest it is because it was the one bottle of liquor we had been tagging along that we didn’t manage to drink it before we left.  You best believe I drank all of my Isle of Skye beers and the ones that I had intended to bring back to a friend.  Sorry.  We get into Angus the car for the last time and drop him unceremoniously at the Hertz before making our way to the small Inverness airport.
We are among a huge bridal party getting on the plane and I immediately start looking for a pub in the airport to help me deal.  Instead we find an extremely hot Scot at their TSA counter.  Tammy is a bit obsessed.  After this trips I found that she does well with the Scots.  I fret not though because we are going to Ireland and no matter how much I dig the Scottish men, I find I do best with the Paddy’s.
It is a short trip.  We are simply going to Belfast where there is a bit of a snafu at the Hertz counter.  For real, I will forever boycott them for this problem and are given our new ride.  We go from our requested small car to an SUV.  Not idea... especially on the small single track roads of Ireland.  We have to get going though because we have to make our way up near Bushmills to do a couple of things.
First we stop by the Carrick-a-rede rope bridge.  The rope bridge is what it sounds like.  A.  Rope.  Bridge.  It was originally built by fishermen to connect two portions of land that have been eroded apart from one another.  This is a bit of a challenge for Tam.  She isn’t a fan of heights.  I however dance across and if there were a harness I would likely swing from it.  Totally in my element.  She handles it like a pro both over and back and I’m telling you the views are absolutely spectacular.  I highly recommend.
Next we rush over to the Giant’s Causeway.  I hate that we are so in a rush but the timing ends up perfect as we get to watch the sun set on this gorgeous nature made phenomenon.  As we are stepping around the hexagon to octagon shaped stones I realize I have seen this phenomenon before at kilt rock in Scotland.  The stones are formed by volcanic fissures eruptions.  It is an UNESCO World heritage site and one that I had wanted to see for a very long time.
We make our way back down to Belfast, get into our hotel and then head out to the pub.  I had researched a few while I was here, but the one that was most important was Kelly’s Cellars.  It is the oldest traditional Irish Pub in Belfast and purportedly serves the finest pint of Guinness in the city.  We grab a couple and then a seat that we later discover is the Henry Joy McCracken corner.  Henry was a Irish Republican who was interested in preserving Irish culture and interested, even ending up in Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin for his efforts.  We are told that the area is a coveted seat.  We can attest it is a very fine pint of Guinness and drinking it from this seat makes it even more special.  Even more weird is that there is a shopping center that has burned down that day under questionable circumstances.  It is here we also discover a lovely Irish man that we refer to Dirty Mr. Clean, but later I find in a conversation with him, is Kieran.  Told you.  Irish boys.  I haven’t a clue why.  The place is amazing and if I ever wanted to come back to Belfast this may be the single reason why.  More on that later.
We finish off several Guinness before heading bidding adieu to Sean and head on to Madden’s, which is known more for it’s music.  We make friends with some locals one of which has taken an interest in Tammy.  His name is Keith or some nonsense.  I can barely tell because I have become embroiled in a feminist discussion with a local.  All I can tel you is white entitlement is not only an American issue.  I finally exclaim, “well it seems white male privilege is not only an American issue.  It seems to be doing well and fine in Northern Ireland and much like back home no little white boy is going to tell me what to do or how to think.”  Conversation.  Ended.  Oddly they end up inviting us to their restaurant the next day, but we have to make our way out of Northern Ireland into the Republic and Galway the next morning so we say goodbye.  
Belfast is still quite scary.  Politics here are quite reminiscent of what is going home back home.  You can feel it.  It is palpable.  I grab hold of my friend with one arm and with my fist balled on the other hand, I manage to find our way back to the hotel.
Good night Belfast.  Thanks for the hospitality when or where we can find it.  I hope you soon find your way out of your struggles.  
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