#henry's beard is giving me 'trying desperately to look less boyish' vibes
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"Lady Catherine, welcome back to Cavalier Cove Castle. It has been too long," greeted Henry.
"Indeed it has, but it so warms my heart to see how your family has grown since my last visit."
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"We have truly been blessed," Edith agreed. "As have you - Lady Margaret and Lady Francis are the epitome of pure virtue."
"Please, come inside," said Henry, standing back for them to pass through. "The nursemaids will take the children. I have a supper laid out for us in the Great Hall."
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"I was most sorry to hear of the circumstances that have led to your visit," said Henry.
"As am I, my Lord. You know how I hate to leave Newcrest. If I only had me to think of, I would have remained, but I must consider your sisters' safety too."
"Of course - and it is good to have a chance to see them. I believe the last time I saw Margaret she was still an infant and Francis had not yet been born?"
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"Yes - at Lord Cassian's funeral."
"Alas, we must stop meeting under such dark circumstances," Edith remarked.
"Quite," Henry agreed. "Though it is wonderful to see my sisters. I only hope that Lady Edith and I can raise our sons as firmly in the Pure Faith as you have raised my sisters."
"Thank you, Lord Henry. I have been a most careful guardian of my daughters. My lady-in-waiting, Lady Mary, is a great servant of the Pure Faith and excellent governess for them. I, too, add my warnings on the dangers of sin and importance of virtue in a daily lesson with them. And, of course, we visit Church every morning and evening."
"You truly are a great Upholder of the Pure Faith," Edith replied. "Which makes it all the more devastating that these rebels seek to harm you."
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"I am not worried, Lady Edith. I have been assured that this is simply a temporary measure, while the heathens are sought. I believe I will be back in Newcrest before the season's end."
"Then let us enjoy the rest of our dinner in the hope and faith that order will soon be restored," proposed Lord Henry.
"Hear hear," agreed Catherine and Edith.
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