#henry's an introvert and an indoor kid
nerdierholler · 10 months
And also trying to sort out why Andie became an officer. Really it's a mix of things that isn't a choice in game. Good benefits, job probably isn't that hard, she gets to help people and talk to them, there's a clear career track, not much happens in Wayhaven, maybe some Rook influence there...
She would never have become an officer in a big city. Regular crime is not her thing. She wouldn't want to be dealing with assaults and murders on the regular. In the books, Wayhaven feels little like Mayberry from Andy Griffith. Being an officer there generally seems like a steady, low stakes job.
I go with helping people even though in my mind it's more to do with very boring practical every day reasons. I also think she's connected to her community. Rebecca wasn't around so she made other bonds. She isn't an extroverted social butterfly like Ethan but she's got a ton of the weaker social bonds that feel enough like glue to hold everything together.and
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itzampella · 3 years
Wii Enlightened You information! - Itz_Ampella’s AU - (btw this is gonna be a lot of paragraphs)
[this is a pinned post, other posts at bottom]
i pardon for your eyes if you even want to fucking read this bullshit im sorry fr fr- very sorry
link for the designs so far: https://itzampella.tumblr.com/post/678709385481076737/for-what-im-about-to-show-isnt-gonna-be-my-art 
ight ight
Henry is a lonely boi- and his current friends are Austin, Mike, and Jonathan (half friend). He drinks sometimes, not mostly. He actually fucking thinks about trying to not drink n all since he’s tryina quit to be with Austin (aww someone has a crush). Anyway- uhm- about the past n all rq he has met Austin in 3rd grade and they became friends for the rest of their lives then lived together in an apartment.
He’s an introvert, dislikes going outside and seeing people (despises other humans lol) unless it’s his friends or Austin. He has a phobia of the dark since his father scared him as a kid in the middle of the night while it was pitch dark and abused him. So he always brings a nightlight or a flashlight to any house and his apartment. I mean he brings a flashlight anywhere he goes. He’s a bit overprotective with Austin- for some reason. Taller than Austin (OG Height)
They also own a cat which is fucking perfect.
Austin is a person with Autism, as a kid he had a 3rd level Autism. His current age as an adult is level 1. His relationship status with friends n family rn, he has a Mom and Dad, his brother Jonathan, friend Mike, his btich plastic surgery ass/tits boss Todd he hates, and Henry (see’s them as a best friend, unsure if he has a crush or not). Todd finds Austin as his favorite worker, even though Austin completely hates him and wish he goes to hell. Austin isn’t that social, he has slight anxiety so he doesn’t prefer talking to people unless he has to (ofc he’ll talk to anyone he has a relationship with). He’s more of an introvert but a slight extrovert, he likes to stay indoors and be working but also wants to get outside for exercise and to meet up with his friends. Austin likes coffee- really does. He’d just drink it all the time to keep himself awake and do work. Still plays Nintendo games too. Shorter than Henry (OG Height) 
Owns a cat with Henry smh.
Austin and Henry’s cat yay
Their cat is a gud cat. Fluffy n noice cat. Now this will be their cat. This cat likes tuna, gib them tuna (becky, tuna is for the cat and you now) please just do it. Just look at those adorable eyes. This fluffy boi- just- do it. Cat’s name is gonna be Ginger because it looks Like it has a Ginger look on themself. This cat got owned by Henry and Austin and they got them when they were a little kitten. This cat is also female, and currently is a 1 year old, smol lil floof bean with tiny Arms. y e a h
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Kyle is a f o o l . Anyway as a kid he got the Wii for his birthday (yay prepare to be scared for your life) from his friend Nathan. So they both try the Wii after the other kids left, and the story goes on with the Wii situation with Nathan. Now days he is just trying to steal the Wii from Sam, he doesn’t wanna destroy it but he wants to talk to Eteled and Corrupted Mii for his stupid reasons (yes, he knows them both).
He barely has any friends though because everyone thinks he’s an idiot especially when he tries to talk about two odd Miis in a Wii that talk. No one believes him, obviously. He’s more suiting to being an extrovert actually, he likes to hang out with Nathan when ever he has the chance to. They do a lot of stuff outdoors together. Kyle also trains to fight a little, not every time. He wants to get better at defending, and fighting Sam. Oh and he gave the Wii to Sam.
N a t h a n
Nathan is more of an innocent and nice person, he likes being with Kyle. He doesn’t know Kyle is trying to steal the Wii though. He kind of forgot about it and kept his mind off of it, unlike Kyle he won’t take his mind off about it every time. Yet he also kind of regrets getting a Wii for Kyle, he despises how Kyle “goes to visit a friend to play on the Wii” when the two are just being best buddies enjoying their time. Nathan is a lonely boi tho, sadly. He has a few friends, but his best friend is Kyle. Another reason to regret it could be the trauma as children when they saw Eteled. He’s a slight introvert, yet mainly an extrovert with Kyle. Nathan is also friends with Sam, and surprisingly Sam didn’t tell Nathan yet about the Wii situation with Kyle.
Sam :D
Sam has had the Wii longer than Kyle at this point, yet she isn’t able to play on the Wii as much. She has a lot of things to do, like school work/homework, chores, visiting/keeping company with Nathan, issues with Kyle, and possibly some family meet-ups. As a younger child Sam, Kyle, and Nathan were just a lil friend trio together and Sam has been in the situation of the birthday with Kyle, yet didn’t see what happened with his Wii. When it was Sam’s birthday and she was turning 9, she received the Wii. A Year or two later went down-hill, Kyle began to try to steal the Wii from Sam. She was full of confusion, yet refused. Even after what Kyle explains she refuses to give up the Wii and her bond with Eteled.
Sam is introverted, she prefers to stay indoors and hang out with Eteled while she could.
Eteled :]
Eteled, the main Mii had died from the usual wanting to be a Mii yet was murdered instead of electrocuted. Murdered by Mike (in front of Austin when he saw on the Wii). He’s got a huge fear of Austin/CM after killing him in the server room. He’s still afraid of the dark, and the Wii is mainly dark. So he often carries around a flashlight he found. He’s able to steal Corrupted Miis batteries though when he isn’t in the hallway. Corrupted Mii continues to use the ECT (Electric Therapy Chair) on Eteled still.
He often tries to hide from Corrupted Mii, and he knows when he is around just by their glowing pupils he can see in the dark. Once his flashlight dies though, he has a high chance of going to be captured by Corrupted Mii and taken for therapy or possibly torture. He’s not always after Eteled, but he often is. Yet Eteled doesn’t know that so he’s aware.
Corrupted Mii my fucking beloved
Corrupted Mii was murdered by Henry/Eteled from the same situation on the chair in the server room. He always likes to mess with Eteled’s mind in the dark, he likes to get a good scare out of them, Corrupted Mii also makes fun of Eteled for having a fear (phobia) of the dark when the Wii is on. He has a good vision in the dark, especially as a robot it’s easier to see. His white glowing eyes even assist him to see better. He still remembers that Eteled still is afraid of the dark, so he likes to mess with the lighting and the darkening (coding ability). He continues to use ECT (again Electric Chair Therapy) and maybe even some other torturing tools for Eteled. He hates light, he avoids it and remains in the hallway.
Once Eteled had died, witnessing his death in front of his eyes from who seems to be Mike (yes, Mike. he saw Austin die so he was angy) murdering Henry. He went back to the portal thing place and went to the Wii, and once he entered he could never leave again. Then that’s when he met Henry, or ‘Eteled’ once again.
Austin and Henry’s storyline
In 3rd grade in whatever fucking year you can think about, Henry n Austin met (no there will be absolutely no dialoge unless I have to) and they ended up being friends, especially as adults. They both live together in a apartment, with a cat they got named Ginger (yes). Austin had his nintendo games n all, the two would always do something like mario kart. Few years passed of being friends, and the two worked at Nintendo. Austin was forced to do a lot by Todd n shit (stupid plastic surgery ass man telling Austin to do shit) so this put Austin mainly in stress while he was working. Henry ofc is pissed off about it. Austin has a co-worker which is female (yes Becky we know where this is going) and that made Henry jealous when he just hears or look at the two talking n working together. So then at some point in time, Henry killed Austin. Mike saw it, he was scared and.. Unhappy. He told Jonathan about it too and funeral happens then Mike would get revenge and kills Henry after making his Mii. 
Corrupted Mii my beloved and Eteled’s storyline
Austin ends up as a spirit inside his PC. He was confused and scared of what was going on. It took him some time to get use to, then he even makes his own body n shit on the Wii blah blah blah we already know this from WDY. Then he goes to Henry’s PC connected to the Wii. Henry was dead and Austin and witnessed his drunk ass being killed by Mike. So he left and checked out the Wii, never to leave now. Yet noticing a Mii named ‘Eteled’, he new it was Henry. Eteled knew he was fucked and Corrupted Mii remembered his phobia of the dark, so he did a little coding to make it dark in the Wii when ever it’s off, which it was off. Afterwards, Eteled searches the Wii and finds a flashlight in the hallway, sadly Corrupted Mii got rid of the axe around in the hallway. Eteled only has a flashlight, and it needs batteries every 3 weeks. Seeing Kyle and being deleted, was one of the most painful things he’s experienced. But happy to get revenge by using Kyle’s Mii and breaking their bones. After that happened, Corrupted Mii gets revenge since he’s the uncle of Kyle and did therapy. Eteled meets Sam some time later, always waiting until she is back to be safe and away from Corrupted Mii. Eteled continues to hide from Corrupted Mii in fear with his flashlight, trying to survive and avoid him. Corrupted Mii continues to put Eteled in risk of life and to make him horrified while he could.
Sam, Kyle, and Nathan’s storyline
Kyle, Sam, and Nathan were little the trio of friends. They were at Kyle’s birthday party, and Nathan got him a Wii. Once the rest left (including Sam), Kyle and Nathan decided to try the Wii. …And you know what happens, the Mii named Eteled appears. At first the two were confused yet kind of scared, at least Kyle was (fucking bitch). Kyle with the control of the Wii with the remote, he deleted Eteled and this scene goes over again for fuck sakes and Nathan left when Kyle told him to since the two were traumatized. A few years passed and Kyle gave the Wii to Sam, and finds Eteled’s existence inside the Wii. Sadly, she isn’t on often. That’s why the Wii is always.. Dark. Sam will stay on as much as she can, and mostly when she has to do something it would take a few minutes. Yet still a risk for Eteled being a good target. Kyle began to try to visit more than usual, and had been around the Wii more often in a suspicious way. One day he tired to take the Wii, and Sam had to force herself to shove him back and actually give him a slap- then their friendship ended. Whenever Kyle talks to Nathan about his trauma from Eteled, Nathan always tells him to stop being a big baby about it smh.
i swear if you actually read this all im sorry
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What is your character’s full name ? toulouse lucien bonfamille How is it pronounced ? t oo - l OO z Is there a meaning behind it ? named after henri de toulouse-lautrec a famed 19th-century french painter  Does your character have any nicknames ? tou, lou When and where were they born ? may 25, 1989 & paris, france What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to ? gemini & curious, adaptable, restless, inconsistent What’s their nationality ? french What’s their occupation ? art gallery intern What gender do they identify themselves as ? male
What’s their eye color ? hazel Do they wear glasses or contacts ? nope Hair color ? brown Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to ? no, and he hasn’t really had any inclination to Height ? 6′0 Body build ? slim Do they have any birthmarks ? none Do they have any piercings or tattoos ? no piercings, small paintbrush tattoo on the side of his wrist If not, do they want to get some ? he has no current plans for more but that could change Do they have a healthy life style ? he tries to eat not too badly at meals but he does like his snacks. he goes for a lot of walks but doesn’t work out all that much. How easy do they get sick ? not that easily, but when he does he is basically useless Any marks on their body ( injuries, … ) ? he has a large black dot just below his knee from where he knelled on a pencil that was on his bed and the lead broke off into his skin, as well as various other marks he’s collected when drunk What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress ? hipster artist chic What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves ? his hair is his favorite feature and his least would be his eyes, he’s always wanted light eyes
Positive traits ? confident, laid-back, artistic Negative traits ? lazy, deceitful, sneaky What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality ? his laid back, go with the flow attitude is something he considers a plus because he doesn’t let things get to him and is usually good at adapting to different situations. for the worst, as much as he loves collecting experiences he knows he misses out on some due to his laziness, a lot happens before he crawls out of bed. Are they more extroverted or introverted ? extroverted  Any talents ? artistic ability  What are their fears ? being alone, losing inspiration Do they have any phobias ?  claustrophobia  - fear of small spaces What is their soft spot ? family, an underdog List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand ? interruptions -  especially those that cause loss of muse, being told what to do, people trying to look at his art before he’s finished particularly strangers, uptight people, strict rules
How far did they go in school ? Are they still studying ? university & graduated Do/Did they like school ? high school not so much, but university when he got to focus on what he wanted he enjoyed it What type of student are/were they ? average in most things, a+ in art What is/was their favorite subject ? art And their least favorite ? math What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook ? most likely to become a famous artist 
Who are your character’s parents ? duchess bonfamille + unknown father  How would your character describe them ? warm, kind, loving Do they have any siblings ? berlioz and marie bonfamille Are they close with their family ? yes, he is very close with his siblings
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation ? bi-sexual Are they seeing anyone right now ? not at the moment Have they ever been in an relationship ? yes Have they ever been in love ? yes How easy do they fall for someone ? tou is very much an artist, he usually falls hard and fast but it can leave him just as quickly In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out ? communication issues, loss of spark, personalities don’t compliment each other What do they look for in someone ? Do they believe in love at first sight ? or fate ? lust at first sight, yes. love at first sight, no. he doesn’t think you can tell if you love someone just by a look, that’s just the surface of a person. fate, he’s still on the fence about. What’s their views on romance ? Do they go after it or avoid it ? he doesn’t go out of his way to look for it, but he doesn’t try and avoid it either Did they have their first time already ? How was it in their point of view ? yes, and it was good in his opinion, nothing exciting but it was with someone he cared for What is their view on sex ? he’s very open and pro sex, as long as protection is used and everything is consensual  What are their turn ons and turn offs ? on: partner’s fingers running through his hair, soft bites on the lips, urgency off: baby talk, excessive talking/dirty talk, being tied up/handcuffed Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone ? no Do they want to get married in the future ? possibly Have kids ? possibly
Are they right or left handed ? right What’s a word that’s always on their lips ? nah Is there a saying they keep on repeating ? not really Do they curse ? sometimes, especially when upset What’s their worst habit ? running his fingers through his hair, biting his lip Do they drink or smoke ? How frequently ? drinks pretty much daily, smokes occasionally  Are they an early bird or a night owl ? night owl How tidy is their room ? his room is fairly tidy, he likes things to have a specific place and being able to find things when he wants. it becomes a little messy at times when he gets new things and hasn’t decided on a place for them yet or doesn’t feel like organizing at that particular moment, but eventually things usually find a place. he would rather be out living his life than organizing his room so he doesn’t worry too much  if things do get a bit messy. How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning ? it doesn’t take him long to get ready, just a shower and a quick muss of the hair and he’s out the door
What’s their favorite color ? blue Favorite movie ? resident evil: apocalypse, superbad, the perks of being a wallflower, & more Music Genre ? his music choices are fairly eclectic, he listens to a variety, alternative, indie, pop rock etc. anything that inspires him Food ? pizza Book ? warm bodies by isaac marion Favorite non-alcoholic drink ? coffee. lemonade preferably strawberry or raspberry Ice Cream Flavor ? gold medal ribbon Indoors or outdoors ? indoor
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