#henford hiders mod
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This mod is similar to timeless and Henford Hiders and hides objects scattered around the world of Henford-on-Bagley that don't match the prehistoric era. Most of these objects are in Debug, but there are also some in buy mode. This mod does not delete objects. It just hides them from the player's view.
Este mod é semelhante ao timeless e Henford Hiders e esconde objetos espalhados pelo mundo de Avelândia do Norte que não combinam com a época pré-histórica. A maioria desses objetos está no Debug, mas também tem alguns do modo de compra. Este mod não deleta os objetos. Apenas os esconde da visão do jogador.
This mod isn't perfect (but it helps with screenshots). There are still objects that aren't hidden like stairs, gnomes, bathrooms, barbecues and so on. I believe this is because many are from other packs or base game. I'm working on the Base Game version of Hiders too. But for now, for full immersion I advise you to use mod tool 2.6.6 to cover this objects with rocks. There is no way to modify the structure of the neighborhoods, changing the streets, for example. I think Twisted Mexi is trying that with Create a World. Some objects were also not well worked on in the world by EA, like the hole that appears in the ground when the gazebo is removed.
Este mod não é perfeito (mas ajuda nas capturas de tela). Ainda há objetos que não ficam escondidos como escadas, gnomos, banheiros, churrasqueiras e etc. Acredito que isso aconteça porque muitos são de outros pacotes ou jogo base. Eu estou trabalhando na versão do Hiders para Jogo Base também. Mas, por enquanto, para uma total imersão aconselho a usar o mod tool 2.6.6 para cobrir este item com pedras. Não há como modificar a estrutura das vizinhanças, mudando as ruas, por exemplo. Creio que o Twisted Mexi está tentando isso com o Create a World. Alguns objetos também não foram bem trabalhados no mundo pela EA, como o buraco que aparece no chão quando se tira o coreto.
I used the Simplified Modding tutorial, but I also had to go further because some objects weren't hidden just by following the instructions. I used the Sims 4 Studio program and reset the values of "Footprint", "Rig" and "Model" in "Object Definition" of each package. Basically everywhere there was a number, I changed the values to "000000...". According to the author of the tutorial, this just hides the objects, not taking away their lighting and sound.
Eu utilizei o tutorial do Simplified Modding, mas também tive que ir além porque alguns objetos não ficaram escondidos apenas seguindo as instruções. Usei o programa Sims 4 Studio e zerei os valores de "Footprint", "Rig" e "Model" em "Object Defintion" de cada package. Basicamente em todos os lugares onde havia uma numeração, eu mudei os valores para "000000...". Segundo o autor do tutorial, isto apenas esconde os objetos, não tirando sua iluminação e som.
Within Sims 4 Studio, some objects appear invisible. I tried to open some of them and found files of food plates and other interesting things. It is possible that I will try to improve this mod in the future, but frankly opening each of these objects takes a lot of work and I already don't have the time and resources (the notebook is old and slow) to do what I set out to do. I still intend to make versions for the Base Game (20% completed), Sulani, Moonwood Mill and other worlds that I find interesting.
Dentro do Sims 4 Studio, alguns objetos aparecem invisíveis. Eu tentei abrir alguns deles e achei arquivos de pratos de comida e outras coisas interessantes. É possível que eu tente melhorar este mod no futuro, mas francamente abrir cada um destes objetos dá um bocado de trabalho e eu já estou sem tempo e recursos (o notebook está velho e lento) para fazer o que me propuz. Eu ainda pretendo fazer as versões para o Jogo Base (20% concluído), Sulani, Moonwood Mill e outros mundos que achar interessante.
I tried to delete the little houses from the views, but my photoshop knowledge is still limited :(
Who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to...
Eu tentei apagar as casinhas das vistas, mas meus conhecimentos de photoshop ainda são limitados :(
Quem sabe algum dia...
If you download this file DO NOT USE the Henford Hiders mod from Simplified modding. I don't think it will conflict, but you will be using memory space in your mods folder. There is no need to have two identical files.
Se você fizer o download deste arquivo, NÃO UTILIZE o mod Henford Hiders de Simplified modding. Eu não acredito que irá dar conflito, mas você estará usando espaço de memória na sua pasta de mods. Não há necessidade de ter dois arquivos iguais.
There are two files to download below. USE ONLY ONE VERSION. Unzip and place in your mods folder.
Há dois arquivos para baixar abaixo. UTILIZE APENAS UMA VERSÃO. Descompacte e coloque em sua pasta de mods.
This version is for those who just want to use the mod and don't intend to modify it. It has only 1.57 MB on disk, 404 package files and 12 folders.
Esta versão é para quem quer apenas usar o mod e não pretende modificá-lo. Tem apenas 1,57 MB em disco, 404 arquivos package e 12 pastas.
This version is for Modders. If you want to see the file and know which objects I've hidden, download this version. The difference is that it comes with an image named as the package. If you don't agree with something I've hidden, just delete the package file and the object will reappear in your world. I recommend that you delete the images afterwards because the images increase the size of your folder to 7.16 MB and 808 files.
Esta versão é para Criadores. Se você quer ver o arquivo e saber quais objetos eu escondi, baixe está versão. A diferença é que vem uma imagem junto nomeada como o package. Se você não concordar com algo que eu escondi, apenas delete o arquivo package e o objeto voltará a aparecer em seu mundo. Recomendo que apague as imagens depois porque as imagens aumentam o tamanho da sua pasta para 7,16 MB e 808 packages.
DOWNLOAD - only one - apenas um
Henford Hiders - Prehistoric Saves
Henford Hiders - Prehistoric Saves - for Modders
If you find any errors, please report them via the tumblr ask me.
Se encontrar algum erro, por favor informe através da caixa de mensagens do tumblr.
#sims4#sims 4#thesims4#the sims 4#sims4 mods#the sims 4 mods#henford hiders mod#the sims 4 prehistoric
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Have you ever thought about expanding your save file? <3
I'm almost always thinking about my save file in some capacity quite honestly 😅
I don't know if I would expand it by adding more 1890s builds to another neighborhood, I've toyed with the idea, but in reality I'd probably be more likely to make another neighborhood for another time period.
I've thought of doing something in Chestnut Ridge, but without hiders like timeless provides for earlier worlds there's some annoying world objects that make me not super interested in doing a WHOLE neighborhood which is sad cause I love the potential. That neighborhood would also require a lot of research into indigenous American cultures and I quite honestly don't have the time to do that the justice it deserves right now. I really wouldn't want to perpetuate harmful stereotypes or just ignore their inspiration to that world and connection.
I've also toyed with doing a later time period maybe somewhere like Henford-on-Bagley, think 1930s-1940s as that world has limited modern items, but that's a VERY nascent idea.
There's a lot of neighborhoods I like, but most new worlds have at least some areas that are so modern I can't look past them enough to want to do another whoooole world reno.
This is all to say that these are dreams at this point as I have barely had time to open my game in the past three months. I was promoted in April, which has been very exciting but means work is busier. Summer is also right around the corner and I really try to get outside and enjoy that as much as a can.
I'll still be around and honestly am probably most interested in working on some sort of world renovation/save file right now, but haven't started.
Also if anyone knows of world hiders ala the timeless mod for some of the later worlds (copperdale/chestnut ridge) pleaaaase let ya girl know they would be a hugeeeeee help.
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Top ur 5 most valued mods as a historical storytelling simmer
All of @simverses overrides for NPC outfits
Ye Olde Cookbook by @littlbowbub
The quill override (I'm sorry, I cannot find/remember where I got that one)
the phone to notebook replacement by @ayoshi
Timeless decluttering mod by @pandorasimbox + the Henford/Sulani/Tartosa hiders mod by @simplifiedmodding
There are a bunch more overrides too, but I would say these are the ones I notice most in my game.
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Hello! I'm sorry for bothering you, but I lost the post where you shared the mods you use: removing cars, modern buildings, etc... could you help, please?
It's not a bother at all nonny! I'm mobile so I can't link them individually but if you go here: bloodylittlemess.tumblr.com/resources and scroll to the bottom, the links are there. The ones labeled Timeless and Tartosa, Sulani, & Henford hiders!
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Cottage Living - Henford Default Replacements
Henford, the awesome countryside world, perfect for medieval sims. Well, if it was not for the annoying NPC:s, running around in the totally wrong clothing. Here is the solution:
Agatha, the Crumplebottom girl who settled down after an adventurous past. Her cousin Agnes, who took the veil. Agnes is the moral backbone of Henford.
In the zip also a default replacement for the Crumplebottom's Flower Shop Stall.
All the other NPC:s also got appropriate clothing. This default replacement set works without hiders - take out hiders of these outfits, if you have them.
And there is a Default Replacement for the Grocery Store stall.
Then on Saturdays is the famous Finwick Fair. If you are not careful, the participants will show up in UGLY MODERN ATTIRE. When the right way is to get your Rooster Outfit, in the right Henford colors.
This part of the set do need hiders, and I added a zip with hiders for the Cottage Living clothing, (the NPC:s above in the post excluded.) Unzip and place in your Mods folder, preferably in an Overrides-folder - read more here.
See more pics and download at my Patreon (Always free)
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Base Game Hiders for Prehistoric Saves
I'm working on a mod version that hides Debug items to complement Sulani and Henford Hiders. I replaced the streets and sidewalks and even managed to erase some buildings from the landscape. The problem is that I couldn't hide the vehicles and lights, nor find all the pavement thumbnails.
Estou trabalhando em uma versão de mod que esconde os itens do Debug para complementar Sulani e Henford Hiders. Eu substituí as ruas e calçadas e até consegui apagar alguns prédios da paisagem. O problema é que não consegui esconder os veículos e luzes, nem encontrar todas as thumbnails de pavimentos.
Even incomplete, perhaps this version might interest you. Maybe you want to hide a tent or object that Blowtorch (Simsverse mod) doesn't hide. So, I'm making it available for download.
Mesmo incompleta, talvez essa versão possa te interessar. Talvez você queira esconder uma barraca ou objeto que o Blowtorch (mod da Simsverse) não esconda. Então, estou disponibilizando para download.
Download (download just one) | (baixe apenas uma versão):
Base Game Hiders for Prehistoric Saves
Base Game Hiders for Prehistoric Saves (Modders) -
Contains an image so you can see the hidden item and delete the package if you want.
Contém uma imagem para que você possa ver o item escondido e deletar o package se quiser.
Sometimes this mod cancels the interaction of traveling via cell phone. You can still travel by clicking on the car icon that appears at the neighborhood limits. I thought this happened because I hid the cell phone (below is a screenshot of the Sim talking on the invisible cell phone). But I tested other cell phone functions (taking vacations and shopping) and they are working.
Esse mod as vezes cancela a interação de viajar pelo celular. Você ainda pode viajar clicando no ícone do carro que aparece nos limites da vizinhança. Achei que isso acontecia porque escondi o celular (abaixo uma captura de tela do Sim conversando no celular invisível). Mas testei outras funções do celular (tirar férias e compras) e estão funcionando.
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Like the Henford Hiders mod for prehistoric saves, this mod hides objects that are in the world of Sulani and don't match the Prehistoric Age. Objects are not deleted from the game, they are just hidden from the player's view. Most of the hidden objects are in debug, but there are also objects from buy mode.
Assim como o mod Henford Hiders para saves pré-históricos, esse mod esconde objetos que estão no mundo de Sulani e não combinam com a Era Pré-Histórica. Os objetos não são apagados do jogo, apenas são escondidos da visão do jogador. A maioria dos objetos escondidos está no debug, mas também tem objetos do modo compra.
This mod isn't perfect. There are still modern objects appearing in the world. These objects are from other game packs or I couldn't find them in debug through Sims 4 Studio. For now, for complete immersion in the Prehistoric Era, I recommend using the tool 2.6.6 to cover these objects with bushes. I didn't have time to test either. I hid the buoys and dirt and I don't know if that affects the conservation of the place. Chances are your Sim can't do deep dives without those buoys. I also hid that annoying colored canoe that appears next to the volcano island. So if you see a sitting Sim floating in the air, you know.
Este mod não é perfeito. Ainda tem objetos modernos aparecendo no mundo. Esses objetos são de outros pacotes de jogo ou eu não consegui encontrar no debug através do Sims 4 Studio. Por hora, para completa imersão na Era Pré-Histórica recomendo utilizar o mod tool 2.6.6 para cobrir esses objetos com arbustos. Eu também não tive tempo de testar. Escondi as boias e sujeiras e não sei se isso afeta na conservação do lugar. É provável que seu Sim não consiga fazer mergulhos profundos sem aquelas boias. Também escondi aquela canoa colorida irritante que aparece próximo à ilha do vulcão. Então, se voce ver um Sim sentado flutuando no ar, já sabe.
I used the Simplified Modding tutorial, but I also had to go further because some objects weren’t hidden just by following the instructions. I used the Sims 4 Studio program and reset the values of “Footprint”, “Rig” and “Model” in “Object Definition” of each package. Basically everywhere there was a number, I changed the values to “000000…”. According to the author of the tutorial, this just hides the objects, not taking away their lighting and sound.
Eu utilizei o tutorial do Simplified Modding, mas também tive que ir além porque alguns objetos não ficaram escondidos apenas seguindo as instruções. Usei o programa Sims 4 Studio e zerei os valores de “Footprint”, “Rig” e “Model” em “Object Defintion” de cada package. Basicamente em todos os lugares onde havia uma numeração, eu mudei os valores para “000000…”. Segundo o autor do tutorial, isto apenas esconde os objetos, não tirando sua iluminação e som.
If you download this file DO NOT USE the Sulani Hiders mod from Simplified modding. I don’t think it will conflict, but you will be using memory space in your mods folder. There is no need to have two identical files.
Se você fizer o download deste arquivo, NÃO UTILIZE o mod Sulani Hiders de Simplified modding. Eu não acredito que irá dar conflito, mas você estará usando espaço de memória na sua pasta de mods. Não há necessidade de ter dois arquivos iguais.
There are two files to download below. USE ONLY ONE VERSION. Unzip and place in your mods folder.
Há dois arquivos para baixar abaixo. UTILIZE APENAS UMA VERSÃO. Descompacte e coloque em sua pasta de mods.
This version is for those who just want to use the mod and don’t intend to modify it. It has only 96 KB on disk, 125 package files and 8 folders.
Esta versão é para quem quer apenas usar o mod e não pretende modificá-lo. Tem apenas 96 KB em disco, 125 arquivos package e 8 pastas.
This version is for Modders. If you want to see the file and know which objects I’ve hidden, download this version. The difference is that it comes with an image named as the package. If you don’t agree with something I’ve hidden, just delete the package file and the object will reappear in your world. I recommend that you delete the images afterwards because the images increase the size of your folder to 2,25 MB and 125 files.
Esta versão é para Criadores. Se você quer ver o arquivo e saber quais objetos eu escondi, baixe está versão. A diferença é que vem uma imagem junto nomeada como o package. Se você não concordar com algo que eu escondi, apenas delete o arquivo package e o objeto voltará a aparecer em seu mundo. Recomendo que apague as imagens depois porque as imagens aumentam o tamanho da sua pasta para 2,25 MB e 125 arquivos.
DOWNLOAD - only one - apenas um
Sulani Hiders - Prehistoric Saves
Sulani Hiders - Prehistoric Saves - for Modders
If you find any errors, please report them via the tumblr ask me.
Se encontrar algum erro, por favor informe através da caixa de mensagens do tumblr.
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I was customizing the save for the New Legacy History Challenge when I noticed that Henford and Sulani's debug rocks were gone.
I have not hidden rocks in my Henford Hiders and Sulani Hiders mods. So where are those rocks?!!
The Sims is a fucking mess!
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I'm currently away from Tumblr for personal reasons. I intended to return on the 20th of February, but there are things I need to do before April. So I'll start posting again little by little.
No momento estou afastada do Tumblr por questões pessoais. Eu pretendia voltar no dia 20 de fevereiro, mas tem coisas que preciso fazer até abril. Então, vou voltar aos poucos.
Upcoming features in 2023 | Coisas que estão por vir em 2023:
Create a doc for Rules. - I noticed several reblogs, so as the rules continue to be adapted, I think I'll make a common doc so if there are updates everyone will be able to know. | Criar as regras em doc. - Notei vários reblogs, então como as regras continuam sendo adaptadas, acho que vou fazer um doc comum assim se houver atualizações todos poderão saber. - done | feito
Prehistoric Age and Early Simvilization Updates - Just a few little things. Create rules for infants. I did research for the next Age and found that in Mesopotamia women received dowries and were auctioned off when they got married and in Egypt there were divorces. So I have to review the Early Simvilization marriage rules. The homosexuality rules too. | Atualizações da Era Pré-Histórica e Early Simvilization - Apenas algumas coisinhas. Inserir regras para bebês. Fiz pesquisa para a próxima Era e descobri que na Mesopotâmia as mulheres recebiam dote e eram leiloadas quando se casavam e no Egito haviam divórcios. Então tenho que revisar as regras do matrimônio da Early Simvilization. A parte da homossexualidade também. - in progress | em progresso
Create the rules for Sumer, Egypt, Crete and adapt the Amazon Challenge in LHC. | Criar as Regras para Suméria, Egito, Creta e adaptar o Desafio das Amazonas.
Original Age rulles - additional Age. | Regras da Era Original - adicional. - done | feito
Mods that hide the modern items from the world | Mods que escondem os itens modernos do mundo:
Henford Hiders for Prehistoric Saves - done | feito
Base Game Hiders for Prehistoric Saves - in progress - em progresso - 40%
Sulani Hiders for Prehistoric Saves - done | feito
Outdoor Retreat for Prehistoric Saves
Moonwood Mill Hiders for Prehistoric Saves
Henford Hiders for Early Simvilization Saves
Base Game Hiders for Early Simvilization Saves
Sulani Hiders for Early Simvilization Saves
Moonwood Mill Hiders for Early Simvilization Saves
Outdoor Retreat for Early Simvilization Saves
Recolors and Conversions | Novas cores de trajes e conversões
Prehistoric toddler clothes conversion for infants | Conversão das roupas pré-históricas de toddlers para infants
Prehistoric clothes recolors I Recolors de trajes pré-históricos
Updates to my mods | Atualizações dos meus mods:
Prehistoric Gloves updates | Atualização das luvas pré-históricas
Prehistoric Tatoos updates | Atualização das tatuagens pré-históricas
Default Paintings Replacement update - Emotional paintings are missing and I missed some paintings I didn't know. | Atualização das pinturas pré-históricas default - Faltam pinturas emocionais e deixei passar algumas pinturas que não conhecia.
New mods | Novos mods
Prehistoric Mother Goddess statue - estátua préhistórica da Deusa-Mãe
Create Sumerian clothes - criar roupas sumérias
Create Sumerian beards - criar barbas sumérias
Create Sumerian acessories - criar acessórios sumérios






I still haven't learned how to create clothes. I did some tests in blender and looked for tutorials in Sims4 Studio, but it still didn't work. So if anyone wants to send me tutorials for this, I appreciate it. Simple and easy tutorials please!
Eu ainda não aprendi a criar roupas. Fiz alguns testes no blender e procurei os tutoriais no Sims4 Studio, mas ainda não deu certo. Então se alguém quiser me mandar tutoriais para isso, agradeço. Tutoriais simples e fáceis, por favor!
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Tutorial - World Deco Object Hiders
Since my Henford Hiders mod seems to be pretty popular, and the process for hiding world objects that way is pretty simple, here’s a quick tutorial on how to do it in Sims 4 Studio. I figured out how to do this from looking at Plasticbox’s Empty Props mod, so all credit there.
This process should work for the vast majority of debug objects, so long as they are deco and not interactive. And note that it will not replace any of the VFX from the object (like glow of lights or sounds). But if you want to completely zap a non-interactable debug/world deco object from appearing anywhere in your game, this is the easiest way to do it. If you’re familiar with the process for creating default replacements or overrides of an object, this is basically that.
Things you will need:
Sims 4 Studio (made an install video here last year)
The Sims 4, I guess
Step 1: In Sims 4 Studio, start the Object Override process
Make sure “Override” is selected, and then click the Object button. This is important; this selection retains the Type Group and Instance (TGI) information for the game object and allows you to default replace or override it with your file.
Step 2: Select a world item to hide
Use the filters to narrow down to the item you want. Make sure “Show Debug Items” is checked. Some world items have non-debug duplicates that you may not want to replace; this way those won’t show up. Once you’ve clicked on your selected object, click next.
Step 3: Name and save the package
Step 4: Delete everything but the Object Definition file
Switch to the Warehouse tab. Locate the Object Definition file (sorting by Type can help here). Delete everything except that file. This is the only file we need to change.
Step 5: Edit the Footprint
Find the footprint inside of the “Data” tab, and click “Edit Items”.
From here, change the TGI to 0 for all fields, and click save. This will close the window.
Step 6: Do the same thing for Model
Remember to save when you are done editing the model!
Step 7: Save the file and test
Click the save button in the bottom right hand corner.
Back up your Electronic Arts folder if you haven’t done that in a while.
Create a fresh save (preferably in an un-modded game), enable mods in the game settings, and test your mod file. Depending on where you saved the file initially, you may have to move it to your Mods folder.
The item you replaced should no longer be present in the world.
Note: a very similar process can be used for interactive world objects, but you have to delete the tuning information, as well. I think there is also usually slot and rig data associated with interactive objects, too, that would also need to be set to 0. I don’t want to make an additional tutorial for that, but that should be enough to get you on the right track should you want to try that.
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I was working on a prehistoric save hiding all non-prehistoric objects with rocks when I found the Henford Hiders mod and tutorial. The tutorial isn't complete, but I keep testing on the files it even works for me.
I still haven't figured out how to hide some objects that are more resistant to the method used.
And removing someobjects also causes bugs
But I intend to continue and make available the final work + the prehistoric save covered with the stones of the expansion.
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Mods Index
Gameplay/Tuning Mods:
*May require or have add-ons for additional packs
Base Game:
Food Autonomy Overhaul (Stop Eating My Ingredients!) up-to-date as of 2/2/24
Ghosts Have Fewer Motives up-to-date as of 3/29/22
*Library Venue Improvements up-to-date as of 3/2/22
Get to Work:
Police Station Criminals are Criminals updated on 12/28/21
Get Together:
Tend Espresso Bar for Wages Mod still works as of 12/22/21
Get Famous:
*Charity Benefits for Charity Organizers still works as of 12/28/21
Flower Arrangement Gallery Bugfix up-to-date as of 2/20/22
Dine Out:
Hire Sims You Know (Restaurants) updated on 12/28/21
Home Chef Hustle Recipes Available for Restaurants updated on 10/4/23
Island Living:
Mine in Beach Cave up-to-date as of 4/14/2022
Eco Lifestyle:
*Better NPC Sales Table Stocking Mod up-to-date as of 12/22/21
*Make Computer Obsolete - Community Bulletin Board up-to-date as of 12/24/21
Discover University:
Only Repurpose Uni Sims for Uni Orgs updated on 12/28/21
Cottage Living:
Foxes Spawn in Hidden Households up-to-date as of 3/7/22
CAS Default Replacement/Override Mods:
Detownify Maxis Body Presets works as of 12/22/21
Debug/World Object Default Replacement/Override Mods:
Porto Luminoso Indian Food Stall Serves Italian Food Override updated on 3/23/22
Henford Hiders up-to-date as of 1/06/22
Sulani Hiders up-to-date as of 1/08/22
Tartosa Hiders up-to-date as of 3/30/22
Discontinued Mods:
More Healthy Foods for Health Nuts (grab Bienchen’s “More Healthy Food” instead)
*Auto-Spawn Bartender NPCs (almost) Anywhere (grab Zerbu’s “Spawn Refresh” instead)
*Auto-Spawn Barista NPCs (almost) Anywhere (grab Zerbu’s “Spawn Refresh” instead)
BG Weddings on Wedding Venue Lots Fix (obsolete due to this fix)
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I love the Henford Hider Mod, Will it be possible to do it for Tartosa? The New World coming? Thanks!
Yeah, I might give it a go... but I'm honestly not sure if I'll get the pack right away. Watching the early access footage folks have been streaming has me a little salty, I'll be honest. Anyway, I do have a tutorial on how you can create some hiders for yourself in Sims 4 Studio if I don't get to it quickly.
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