#hence you build a fission reactor with an anger problem that cannot be corrupted and tell it to go murder
some-witterings · 1 month
[Post New War Warframe Spoilers Ahead]
I just need to gush about Qorvex a little...
Because god damn, DE did an absolutely fantastic job with him.
His cycopean and brutalist aesthetic make him feel less "alive" than other frames. He just feels unnatural. While most other frames look powerfull, heroic and storied; Qorvex is just imposing. He has no obvious location where a face would be, just a single glowing red eye. He might have a standard human form, but it is buried beneath his concrete plating that is so functional looking it strips him of any obvious signs of humanity.
His sound design is amazing too. There is no bluster or massive sounds in his first three abilities, just grinding and slamming concrete followed by the degranged clicking of a gieger counter. Hidden beneath all of that noise is a low gutteral roar. Something inhuman, strange and angry. That all changes when you reach his fourth ability though. The crucible blast feels exactly as it should, like the beam itself is ripping apart the air and poisoning the world. All whilst Qorvex bellows in his deep alagory for a voice.
It even permeates into his gameplay. He is filling the battlefield is radiation which causes the enemies to turn on each other. Slamming them together and crushing their armor. Not flinching when hit. Then causing the enemies to erupt in nuclear fire from within themselves. His gameplay feels like it lives up to the tool of extiction that Albrecht made him to be. Both the immovable object and unstoppable force.
I appreciate my thoughts on him my be tainted by just how much I enjoy playing him and my love of nuclear stuff to begin with, but he feels so much more like a form of nature than anything else. He radiates this aura of something that will kill and will not care. A tool, not a person. Which absolutely suits the radiation he is the representative of. It will not care and it his hard to stop. Qorvex is the uncaring nuclear fire at the heart of every fission reactor and he plays the part perfectly.
Well done DE. Hell of a frame you made.
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