#hence why earendil is given the job (which he doesn't want) of sharing it with the whole world
nerdytshirts · 1 month
I think something that gets lost in the discourse of whether Beren and Luthien were wrong for not giving the Silmaril to the Fëanorians is that Luthien was kidnapped and held captive by Celegorm and Curufin, whose end goal was forcing her to marry - and with how Tolkien's elf marriage=sex that would require sexual assault or coercion in the very least - and then tried to murder her fiancé. And to her knowledge, C+C were never reprimanded for it by the other brothers. The only public consequence they got from their own family was in the form of Celebrimbor leaving. I love the Fëanorians, I really do, but if I were in Luthien's shoes, I would tell the entire family (minus Celebrimbor) to get fucked. I would not be taking the moral high ground and handing over the Silmaril to the guys who imprisoned me and tried to kill my loved one for sake of property rights and family heirlooms. The expectation that she should is wild.
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