#hence why Rita was telling Himeno she could bug them later
choco-bloop · 3 months
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haven't posted in a good while because exams/tests were kicking my ass this week.
But in a late anniversary to one of the GAYEST kingohger episodes ever (tied with 30) AKA Episode 16 aka when the HimeRita fans went wild for the first time.
I was going to do canon HimeRita but instead did Lupat AU himerita since its been just over a year since I posted that fic
Transcript, because my handwriting is terrible on digital:
Rita: Can you not?
Himeno: Why not~?
Rita: The others could walk in
Himeno: C'mn, at this point they know without us saying
Rita: Still. You have all the time to bug me afterwards
Himeno: Nope~
Himeno: And you complain as if you aren't enjoying this.
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