#hemlock grove layouts
wildfloweredits · 5 years
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*・。゚⊱ Bill Skarsgård as Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove) layouts.
༄ Like/Reblog if you use them.
༄ Please give credits in @electriclvve.  Don’t reclaim as your own
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someiconsx · 6 years
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roman godfrey (hemlock grove) - headers (part 1).     ✧ like or reblog if you use/save.     ✧ @dearcardan on twitter.
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musicdeaky · 4 years
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bill skarsgård icons ! ࿐ ˚ . ✦
happy birthday to this wonderful man! i’m so happy to have you in my life & thank you for contributing to the happiness in my life since 2017 ; you truly deserve all the happiness in the world. have a wonderful day & life <3
like/reblog if you’ll use them !
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behindblueskars · 5 years
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Bill Skarsgård icons.
Like or reblog if you use them!
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theneongod · 4 years
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭ Freya Tingley icons plus matching headers.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ#⃞🍩𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖔𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖊.
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cerensalinda · 5 years
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hoqedits · 5 years
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bill skarsgård headers by @claryfairchield
like if you save
[more of bill]
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pareadse · 7 years
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Packs Bill Skarsgård BW.
Like or reblog, if you save.
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thepowerpuffedits · 7 years
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bill skarsgård packs requested
please, like/reblog if you use it
don’t need credits but we appreciate them (tw acc @ powerpuffedits  )
don’t redistribute and claim as your own
requests are open
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fleurlayouts · 7 years
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Roman Godfrey headers — •  
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sanguinesinners · 3 years
Liked starter for @ofmenandsins
Hemlock Grove wasn't so bad the more Peter had grown accustomed to the layout. School was a pain in his balls, sure, but the fact that he had grown used to some parts had relaxed him slightly. He had only moved here a week ago, and so certain things were still new - And that included people and friends.
Once the school bell rang to indicate the students to leave, Rumancek packed his bag and pulled it over his shoulder, hoping to take the long route home to his trailer. Though as soon as he strode down the school steps, he was met with a new, unfamiliar face - He seemed to of just moved here too. But Peter wasn't all for conversation. Instead, he just gave the man a small curiointo smile and made way towards the front brick wall of the building, that was conjoined to the path, where he slumped himself down. Taking a breather and opening his bag to rummage for some leftover food that he didn't get to finish whilst on break. He knew Lynda would expect him home later, so he took his long ass time before it had gotten dark. Enjoying the silence once the students fucked off home.
Still feeling a pair of eyes burnt into the back of him...
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fanfickittycat · 7 years
Hail Mary
TITLE: Hail Mary CHAPTER NUMBER/ONE SHOT: One Shot AUTHOR: fanfickittycat CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Hemlock Grove x OFC GENRE: Smut FIC SUMMARY:  Eve goes to the annual halloween party hoping to see Roman, but when she's disappointed that he's not there she escapes to the local church where she finds more than she could have ever prayed for RATING: M AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: Okay.... this fic has a lot of religious symbols and themes that I've inverted for um, sinful stuff. If you're either sensitive/find the mixture of religion and sex off putting then this is not the fic for you. If you find it hot then we're both messed up. I really liked writing this though... I hope you like reading it.
The cool, quiet air of the church was a welcome relief after the roar of the party. Eve took the opportunity to let the stillness fill her lungs, and closed her eyes relishing the feeling. Church was a haven for many, but for Eve it was a space where she could contemplate and not be rushed. She wasn’t quick to defend the existence of God - neither did she dismiss it completely – but she would forever and always support the preservation of churches. Her steps echoed even though she walked carefully down the aisle. She knew the layout of the church like the back of her hand; feeling confident enough to walk through it despite the only source of light being the half-moon shining through the stained glass of Mary Magdalen. She insisted on reaching out to feel the smooth wood of the pews flank her.
How many Sundays had she spent fidgeting in them wishing mass would end? Now she sat there freely, shivering as the coldness of the seat permeated the thin fabric of her cheap Halloween costume. She wondered idly if it was blasphemous to sit in a holy place dressed in such a sinful manner but she hadn’t burst into flames yet so she figured God was cool with it. Or that He didn’t care enough to comment.
“In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti” she whispered to herself as her eyes adjusted to the dark. For some it would be frightening to sit in an empty church at midnight. Eve imagined that had she pitched it to her fellow party goers their response would be far from appreciative. She chewed the insides of her cheeks, a little annoyed that she had wasted her time at Ashley Valentine’s annual Halloween party. It had been a typical teenager affair; alcohol, bad music, even worst decisions. She had only let her friends convince her to go along at the secret desire of seeing Roman Godfrey there. It wasn’t like him to turn up at social events either, but his dealer was going to be there so there was a pretty good chance he’d show his face. Eve had spent most of October and even September wondering what to dress as. She wanted to do something provocative, knowing that Roman would respond to it. She and her friends had clicked through internet pages filled with trashy outfits. Slutty teacher to naughty nurse were available but they felt too bland for Eve.
“I want something daring” Eve said, fiddling with the small cross she wore. It had been a present from her grandmother before she had died and Eve listed it as the most precious thing she owned.
“Sexy clown is pretty out there” her friend said but Eve stuck out her tongue, half laughing at the very words.
“Who’s out here finding clowns sexy?”
“Who’s out here finding nuns naughty?” another friend asked pointing out the costume. It had consisted of a black lycra dress that reached mid-thigh on the model; the neckline was scooped low, and it came with a habit.
“I am.”
It turned out that the risqué costume caught the attention of a lot of boys, and even a few girls but none of them were Roman. Eve had felt her heart sink into her stomach, and childishly mooched around the party losing her friends on purpose so she could sulk. She rejected the advances of many and ignored the judgmental looks from others, all the while thinking of what a colossal mistake this all was. So she had run away to church to take solace in the faint scent of frankincense and the crinkled copies of the Bible.
Eve stood up to approach the front of the church, pausing to admire the statue of Mary. Mary’s face was peaceful even when wickedness stood directly in front of her, and Eve reflected briefly on how the church was a home for saints and sinners alike. The altar of the church was an untouched space. You weren’t usually allowed up here but Eve embraced the excited somersaulting of her heart and stood as the priest would. She looked over her imaginary congregation, snickering at the thought of Mrs Fitzpatrick’s face if she could see her now. It would be a perfect mask of horror. She’d probably even faint. Eve turned, looking up at Jesus crucified; his body bloodied from the nails and thorns. His eyes were turned heavenwards, and Eve looked up too. The ceiling of the church was too high for Eve to ever dream of reaching but she would still try.
A creak broke her concentration, and Eve whipped around her head making the latex of her habit whoosh and crack. Nothing. It was still the same dark church she had come into. Her heart hammered in her chest as she debated whether or not she could have made it up. She listened closely for further noises but she heard nothing for a few minutes. The sound of the wind howling outside only made her nerves race faster. She never saw church as a place to fear but now she was beginning to get nervous. The sound of a book (she assumed the Bible) falling made her jump and squeak in surprise.
Quiet once more. Eve was unsure if she should move or not. She tried to think logically but it was difficult to when the shadows seemed longer and darker than before. She couldn’t think of how the sounds could have happened and opted to slowly move away from the altar. She looked at Mary for guidance but she only looked calm. Eve tried to mimic that serenity but abandoned it quickly when a scratching sound filled her ears. She couldn’t place where it was coming from. The church echoed the scraping, making it sound simultaneously near and far from her. Panicking, Eve hurried down into the confessional, bringing her legs up to hug her knees. Would she even be safe here? She knew that confessionals were private spaces where no one could repeat what was uttered. She had lied to the priest many times, making up that she had said something bad about a classmate or told a fib to her parents. She wasn’t sure the same rules applied now.
The quiet click of the door next to hers opened and closed. Eve held her breath. Her eyes squeezed shut. She waited.
“Are you ready to confess your sins?”
Eve nearly choked.
“Come, my child. Speak.”
Eve frowned “Roman?” She stretched out her legs, unfolding her body in the small space before peering through the grating. The darkness made it hard to see who it was exactly but Eve had spent enough time in English staring at Roman’s profile to know it.
“That’s Father to you” he corrected cockily. She could hear the grin in his voice, and practically see the glint in his eye.
“That wasn’t funny” she muttered, wiping her clammy hands on her stockings.
“We’re not here to discuss my transgressions lamb” he purred “tell me, when was the last time you confessed your sins?”
“Fuck you.”
“All in due time” he paused waiting for her response, but Eve was stubborn “I’m waiting.”
“It’s been two weeks” Eve surrendered, giving in to Roman’s games like he knew she would.
“Have you touched yourself in those two weeks?”
“Roman, priests don’t ask things like that.”
“Who’s the priest here?”
Eve sighed “you are.”
“So who makes the rules?”
Roman tsked “that bratty attitude is going to get you twenty hail Marys and a spanking if you don’t stop.”
Eve had to bite her lip as warmth spread down the rest of her body making her tingle “sorry Father.”
“Answer me. Have you sinned against God in the past fortnight by caressing that supple skin of yours?” His voice was in equal parts dominant and tempting. She wasn’t sure how Roman always seemed to achieve that perfect mix of making you do what he wanted but in a way where you wanted to; it was always guaranteed to have her obeying him though.
“Yes, Father.”
She could hear Roman groan very softly and a wave of confidence hit her, fuelling her heart to thump a little quicker, her cheeks to grow hotter, and her head to become dizzier. It was incredible, she would later note, how much Roman could do with just his voice. The first time she had heard his voice in English class she was surprised by how soft it was. It was still deep, with a cadence akin to honey when he was in a good mood. Even when he wasn’t and his voice was tight, dropping an octave or two if really pushed, Eve still felt a little thrill course through her when she heard it. She had tried to reason with herself; lecturing herself on how ridiculous it was to find someone’s anger attractive. Yet whenever she caught a snippet of fury from Roman she would have to sing the lyrics of ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ in her head to dispel any further thoughts.
“I think of you on those nights, Father” her voice was barely above a whisper. It was almost as if it were on the verge of a moan. She could picture Roman’s jaw taut with tension so she kept going.
“When my skin is naked against my sheets in the middle of the night I picture you. Your hands on my warm skin and your teeth on my neck. I’m sure you’re the kind of man to leave hickeys, aren’t you Father? You would pick somewhere only you know so that it would become our little secret.” Eve was charged with some kind of sexual energy which kept the words tumbling out of her mouth but from the sound of it Roman was enjoying it.
“Maybe you’d leave bruises in the shape of a cross so that I would always remember that I’m your good, little, Catholic girl.” The sentence was punctuated with the sharp swinging of Roman’s door opening and slamming shut. Eve blinked in surprise and then sucked in her breath when she saw Roman in the small doorway of her side. It was harder to read his face than usual, probably because of the dark but Eve couldn’t misinterpret the hungry look in his eyes. His cheekbones looked sharper, illuminated by the moonlight and hugged by the shadows. Eve had to bite her lip because his neck adorned a priest’s collar. The bright white of it stood out against the black of his outfit.
“Are you ready for your repentance?” She nodded “I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes, Father.” She tried to swallow and wet her throat but it was bone dry. Roman approached her, ordering her to stand before him. There was scarcely any space so Eve had to make sure to stay still. Roman regarded her outfit, working his way from the bottom to the top of it. He stopped on her face.
“This isn’t very virtuous” he said lightly, his actions weren’t as soft however. He tugged off the habit, letting Eve’s dark curls free of their confinement. Her dress was next to go, and the lycra squeaked in protest but Roman didn’t care. He fingered her cross, lifting it so that Eve had to crane her neck towards him. His lips were on her throat and she struggled to breathe as Roman’s mouth left a couple of open mouth kisses on the area of her neck, under her chin. He dragged his lips downwards, making Eve whimper before she gasped when she felt him suck at her skin. His teeth brushed over the skin, teasing her before nipping and eventually biting. The concoction of pain and pleasure was making Eve tremble with delight. It felt as though her prayers were finally being answered. Although he wasn’t tugging as hard as before, Roman still held her cross in his hands, feeling the edges and corners of the holy item. He could feel them indent the pads of his fingers but he didn’t care. This twisted mix of sacred and sacrilege was more fun than he could have ever imagined, and the way Eve succumbed to it was the icing on the cake.
“Roman!” The part of her neck he had ceased his actions on was tender to touch, and Eve knew that there was no way she could cover it up.
“Looks like you were wrong” he said, his voice almost taunting “why leave my mark where only I know where it is when I could have everyone know where it is.” Roman smiled devilishly, revelling in the bruise forming. On her skin it came out like a dark flower, and Roman hoped it would fade to an indigo. The thought of seeing her in class, her fragile, brown neck decorated with his teeth marks was exciting, and Roman made sure to leave a few smaller ones, forming the shape of a cross on her neck. Proud of his work, he pulled on the cross so that her head moved and he could have a better view of his handy work.
“Perfection” he purred, rewarding his canvas with several scorching kisses on the mouth which she eagerly accepted. He regarded her while she struggled to catch her breath, wondering what he should do to her. He could have her on his lap. It was admittedly, probably Roman’s favourite position. He liked it when he could sit back and watch, and as a consequence voyeurism was high on Roman’s list of kinks. It was that which gave him an idea.
“Sit back” he ordered, his voice wasn’t harsh but Eve didn’t think twice and sat back on the bench, hissing as the cool wood touched her burning skin. She bit her lip waiting for further instruction. She squirmed, both because of his intense gaze and because she desperately wanted him to relieve her of the want between her legs.
“Touch me” she asked, her ask was on the very verge of begging which made Roman’s lips twitch into a grin.
“No” he said, watching her face morph into an expression of dismay “you can touch yourself however.” Her face changed again, looking bashful at the thought.
“I-I can’t!”
“Of course you can” Roman said dismissively “you said yourself that you touched yourself to the thought of me, why can’t you do it now when I’m here?”
Her mind buzzed with reasons why she couldn’t. The setting of the church, the way Roman could stare without blinking, the embarrassment of masturbating in front of the person you masturbated about… Roman waited patiently, and she knew that she couldn’t counter him without him having a perfect rebuttal.
“Here, what about I join you” he said, and Eve’s eyes widened to the size of the communion plate when she saw Roman take out his hard dick. It stood up in his cupped palm, a glimmer of pre cum sitting on top. A fresh bout of lust overcame Eve like a tidal wave, and without her even realising it, her own hand had found her engorged clit and began to circle it with her index finger.
“Roman” she moaned, watching as his actions mimicked her own. When she went faster so did he; when her eyes were glued to his movements so were his. She opened herself up more, leaning against the hard wood of the confessional and bringing her leg up to have better access. Her body was slick with sweat from being in such a small space, and the scent of her arousal mingled with the frankincense and wood varnish.
“Finger yourself” Roman growled, and Eve slipped one digit into herself. Her walls were slippery and tight, and she whimpered as she curved her fingers in search for the right spot. Her eyes rolled back as she found her g spot, and Roman cursed under his breath as his hand quickened. The sound of slapping, squelching, sighing filled the church as well as any hymn could.
Eve was fast approaching her orgasm, and she mewled in broken speech to Roman that she was close. He told her to cum and with a few more pumps of her fingers Eve’s half lidded eyes squeezed shut, holding the image of Roman’s thrusting hips and face of ecstasy as she reached her orgasm. The white hot lights that pierced her vision almost had Eve believing that God himself was in front of her, and the come down was far longer than any other orgasm she had ever experienced. She felt something hot and sticky drip onto her body like the beeswax of an altar candle but more viscous. When she opened her eyes, she saw the beauty of Roman’s orgasm face. He looked like an angel in a renaissance painting, but his cum leaking onto her tits was devilish more than anything. She watched his face, flushed like communion wine, come down. His panting devolved to breathing, matching her own, and he opened his eyes. They didn’t say anything, and instead shared in the descend of their shared religious experience.
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someiconsx · 6 years
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roman godfrey - headers (part 8).     ✧ like or reblog if you use/save.     ✧ @dearcardan on twitter.
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vickypritchard · 5 years
Case Studies
The following are case studies I have found of sound workers that work within the Film industry;
Doc Kane - Audio Engineer https://www.disneydigitalstudio.com/meet-doc-kane/
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Doc Kane is an American audio engineer and is one of the most well known, well experienced engineers in the industry. He has worked on nearly 350 films since the start of his career in 1984, with many famous actors and actresses including Johnny Depp, Ellen DeGeneres and Robin Williams. He is most known for his audio work in Disney films, working in the ‘Stage B’ studio. Stage B, also known as Disney’s premier “Dialogue Stage” is an audio studio, specialising in character voices, work here has mainly featured in classic Disney animated films such as -  Lady and the Tramp, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and The Jungle Book. Since the classic animation Disney films, Doc Kane has continued working for the company, moving to audio work in the recent CGI and animated films, including Frozen 2 (2019), Avengers Endgame (2019) and Onward (2020).  Before his career, his love for music began when he was young and was a drummer for a band at his high school. He began experimenting with music using his Dads old tape deck and learnt how to duplicate and dub music. He has said that learning this technique then opened up an interest to sound recording and production. Since then he began to learn how to read and write music and began to experiment more with ideas and new pieces of music. During his time at high school, a teacher he had was good friends with the head of Post Production at Paramount Studios, every Friday afternoon he would drive to Paramount, here he gained experience in sound and began to create an understanding of the industry. After a while, he joined a training programme for sound in films, and was offered a job after graduating.  Advice Doc Kane would give is to experiment with ideas as much as possible, no matter the result, it is better to go through trial and error, rather than never trying and never learning or succeeding.  After being offered a job, Doc began to make his way up the hierarchy of sound in the film industry, and was able to get a job at Warner Hollywood. After a while there, he was offered various part time jobs in Disney studios, and eventually managed to work his way into a full time Disney sound engineer job. Skills Doc Kane has were mainly taught through the industry during work experience and his training program. Although he was able to find a lot of new techniques that were useful through experimenting on his own outside of the studios and then applying them to sound professionally.  Doc Kane has been nominated for 32 awards overall, winning 8 of them. The awards he has won are as followed; 
ACCA - “Best Sound” - ALADDIN (1992)
Golden Reel Award - “Best Sound Editing - Animated Feature” - IRON GIANT (2000) 
OFTA Film Award - “Best Sound Mixing” - THE INCREDIBLES (2005)
Gold Derby Award - “Sound Editing/Effects” - THE INCREDIBLES (2005)
C.A.S Award - “Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures - Animated” - FINDING DORY (2016)
C.A.S Award - “Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures - Animated” - INSIDE OUT (2016)
C.A.S Award - “Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures - Live Action”- DOCTOR STRANGE (2017) 
Golden Reel Award - “Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Sound Effects, Foley, Music, Dialogue and ADR for Special Venue” - CARNE Y ARENA (2017)
Social Media:  https://staffmeup.com/profile/4373360-Doc-Kane   Although Doc doesn’t use any ‘traditional’ social media that would normally be found for this industry, such as Twitter or Instagram, he does use “Staff me up”. Staff me up is a social media platform similar to LinkedIn, where you can list your career achievements and credits, a summary bio about you and find connections to the industry you want to work in to promote yourself. I do not feel the need to make a ‘Staff me up’ social media account because I have made a LinkedIn account, which has a very similar concept and layout to Staff me up. LinkedIn is slightly more beneficial as you can add more information to it allowing employers and connections to know more about you. 
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John Dykstra - Recording Engineer https://www.technicolor.com/john-dykstra 
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John Dykstra is a Canadian recording engineer based at Technicolor Toronto, one of Canada's leading visual effects, audio and video post services for film, TV shows, and commercial productions. He has worked on over 100 film and television productions since his career began in 1995 and has worked his way up the industry gaining knowledge and experience along the way, starting out as an assistant Foley engineer and currently working as a lead mixer - he has specialised and focused most of his career on mixing. He has worked alongside many famous actors and actresses including; Thomas Craig, Charlotte Arnold, Hugh Dillon and Ben Bass.  John has worked on a number of films and television shows in various roles, the roles are - he was lead mixer for Status Update (2018), Army of One (2016) Digrassi: Next Class (2016/2017), Murdoch Mysteries (2008). He has also been a sound effects mixer for Hemlock Grove (2013/2015) and a re-recorder mixer for Christmas at Grand Valley (2018), The Holiday Calendar (2018), Open Heart (2015) and The L.A. Complex (2012). A variety of roles in this industry is a great way to not only know what your best strengths are and what your weaknesses are, but it is a good way to explore and gain knowledge in a range of skills that are needed for the industry.  John began his sound career over 20 years ago starting out at a company called ‘Masters Workshop’ as an audio assistant. In 1999 he then joined Technicolor Toronto as a Foley/ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement) recorder. He continued his career at Technicolor and began mixing sound in 2005, after six years working as a mixer, he was promoted to senior mixer.  John began playing guitar at a young age and gained his knowledge and understanding of music in both writing and reading through his practice and performing. Playing guitar allowed John to learn about music structures and what makes a piece pleasing to listen to which allowed him to develop his music editing both in his own time and in his job, this then allowed him to widen his range in mixing and recording in the industry.  Over the two decades John has worked in the sound industry, he has been nominated three times for Gemini awards, (Gemini awards are given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television). As well as nominated for one Canadian Screen Award.
Gemini Award - “Best Sound in a Dramatic Program” -  WOULD BE KINGS (2008) 
Gemini Award - “Best Sound in a Dramatic Series” -  FLASHPOINT (2009)
Gemini Award - “Best Sound in a Dramatic Program” -  THE REST OF MY LIFE (2010) 
Canadian Screen Awards, CA - “Best Sound in a Dramatic Program or Series” - MURDOCH MYSTERIES (2019) 
Social Media:  https://twitter.com/Technicolor  John doesn’t have a social media account, however the company he works for (Technicolor) does. They have a Twitter account that promotes their upcoming projects and work they have been doing. Posting tweets often allows the company to gain more of a following, especially when adding tags and hashtags people can look up. I have made a Twitter account and feel this social media platform will be the most beneficial to me and my branding. 
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Ben Burtt - Sound Designer https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0123785/bio 
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Ben Burtt is an American Sound Designer based at Disney, he is well known for working on sound in the original and current Star Wars movies and is responsible for creating Chewbacca and Yoda’s voices as well as other characters in the trivia. He has worked on over 40 film and television productions since his career began in 1975 and has worked his way up from the bottom tier of the industry, being un-credited for his work, all the way up to being one of the most famous sound designers in the industry. He has worked alongside many famous actors and actresses including; Ewan Gordon McGregor, Frank Oz, Tom Kane and Natalie Portman.  Ben Burtt has worked on many different industry roles before becoming a Sound Designer, the roles he has worked on before include; Special Effects Artist for The Milpitas Monster (1976), Special Dialogue and Sound Effects for Star Wars (1977), where he created the voice of Chewbacca and Yoda, Voice Designer for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), where he created the voice of E.T., Sound Effects Editor for Howard the Duck (1986), Supervising Sound Editor for Star Wars III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), Sound Editor for Star Trek (2009) and Sound Designer for Escape from Planet Earth (2013).  Ben has always been passionate about film production and sound, during his time at college he made many short films and managed to win an award in 1970, the “National Student Film Festival” for a short film he made called ‘Yankee Squadron’. Since then whilst studying he worked on more small production films and managed to get a scholarship for University for his work in special-effects on a film called ‘Genesis’. This began his career nearly 45 years ago after graduating in 1975 from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, with a Masters degree in Fine Arts in Film Production. The same year he graduated, he got his first job as an assistant Sound Designer for the film ‘Death Race 2000′, although his acknowledgement was not included in the film credits. He continued to grow and develop his career, the highlight of his career working for Disney and creating the voices of many famous robotic or animal based creatures such as Wall.E, Chewbacca, Yoda and E.T.  Ben's fondness for sound developed during his time at University, he loved finding natural sounds and blending in "found sounds" to create the effects. It is believed his twist on fantasy based and science fiction based films, (especially in Star Wars) has changed how the industry creates sound to this day, as previously science-fiction films usually used electronic-sounding effects for futuristic devices.
During his career, Ben has been nominated for 45 awards in total and has managed to win 17 of them which are listed below; 
Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA - “Outstanding Sound” - STAR WARS (1978)
Academy Awards USA - “Best Sound” - STAR WARS (1978)
BAFTA Awards - “Best Sound” - STAR WARS (1979)
Academy Awards USA - “Sound Effects Editing” RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1982)
Academy Awards USA - “Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing” - E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (1983)
Academy Awards USA -  “Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing” - INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1990) 
Online Film & Television Association - “Best Sound Effects Editing” - STAR WARS EPISODE 1 - THE PHANTOM MENACE (2000)
Hollywood Post Alliance, US - “Outstanding Audio Post - Feature Film” -  WALL.E (2008) 
Visual Effects Society Awards - “Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Motion Picture” - WALL.E (2009)
Gold Derby Awards - “Sound Editing/Mixing” - WALL.E (2009)
International Online Cinema Awards (INOCA) -  “Best Sound Editing” - WALL.E (2009) 
Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA - “Winner Career Achievement Award” (2009)
Online Film & Television Association -  “Best Sound Mixing” - WALL. E (2009)
Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA  - “Best Sound Editing - Sound Effects, Foley, Music, Dialogue and ADR Animation in a Feature Film” - WALL.E (2009)
Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA  - “Best Sound Editing - Dialogue and ADR in a Feature Film” - SUPER 8 (2012)
Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA  - “Best Sound Editing - Sound Effects, Foley, Dialogue and ADR in an Animation Feature Film” - EPIC (2014) 
Online Film & Television Association - “Behind the Scenes” - OVERALL WINNER (2018) 
Social Media:  I have done a lot of research trying to find a social media account or platform belonging to Ben Burtt, however have been unsuccessful. I feel this may be because at the time his career was beginning social media didn’t exist and he has managed to build his career without the use of it. Now he is successful, he may feel the need not to have a social media account because of the work he has done which he can reference to future employers.  
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someiconsx · 6 years
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roman godfrey - Icons (part 6).     ✧ like or reblog if you use/save.     ✧ @dearcardan on twitter.
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someiconsx · 6 years
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roman godfrey - icons (part 1).     ✧ like or reblog if you use/save.     ✧ @dearcardan on twitter.
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