#helping shove Geten full of tinsel that is
paper--moons · 2 years
Regardless of whether he's feeling big or small, Jin is a staunch believer in Santa Claus—sure, he personally hasn't had many visits from him (probably because he spent much of his younger years being homeless and he just couldn't find him, he thinks), but he knows he's a good guy! He's gotta be, seeing as how many people he gives presents to just because he can.
And despite what any naysayers (Skeptic) might try to make him believe, Jin can't be fooled. Obviously Santa has a doubling quirk like he does! That's how he visits all the malls and gets into everybody's houses all in one night. It all makes perfect sense when you think about it. So of course that mall Santa isn't "real"—that's his double!
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