#help pls ;-; im honestly very desperate at this point. i just wanna get our heads above water
crowholtz · 1 year
sick lil idiot needs a little help ;-;
hiya everyone
ive been sick with a Mysterious Illness (seems heart related but could also be nervous system) for the past 6 months and doctors refuse to answer the phone most of the time here, or writing my stuff off as literally 'trivial'. thing is, I need to get official diagnosis to be able to get the benefits I need to live. my partner is also disabled but has to take care of me because im basically bedridden, and he's run himself ragged tbh
anyway, with rising prices, we're really struggling, and honestly I just would like to request a little help for us to afford some food and electricity this month. anything could be a help, thank you so much <3
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