#help me sass queen gerard way
phil-and-a-corgi · 6 years
highschool bandfic in a nutshell(title to probably be changed soon)
chapter 1
rating: t/m (swearing and also irene’s writing.)
word count: um i dont know a lot ( 1265 according to google docs not including behind the scene bants)
summary: uhh we have that on the first page
here if you want to read it here then here you go materinos(doesn’t include behind the scenes bants though
here read it on google docs yeah i know so professional(this one has behind the scenes banter)
prompt given by @spookydallons
Here's what we’re working with/prompt:       
high school bandfic in a nutshell
billie joe armstrong: hello kids my name is mr armstrong and i am your super cool (insert subject here) teacher - renee
brendon urie: i’m going to break the lunch tables and throw wet toilet paper at the ceiling! also i love ryan ross - Irene (oooh that'll be fun)
ryan ross: i hate brendon urie  - renee
pete wentz: i’m going to apply eyeliner and write sad, wistful poetry because mikey way doesn’t love me back  -renee
patrick stump: am i the only one paying attention in class? - Irene
joe trohman: here to provide witty one liners - renee
andy hurley: i’m just here to deal with pete’s shit - renee
ray toro: i’m just here to deal with frank’s shit - Irene
mikey way: if my brother could stop making out with frank iero between classes that would be great! - Irene
gerard way: i’m really awkward but i’m also really hot - renee
frank iero: i’m the resident bad boy, catch me with that smoulder and forget about how small i am in real life - Irene    also 5’6 isn't that small its tallish in asian standards - renee
josh dun: ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ - renee  
tyler joseph: josh dun is my best friend. git ur own fren - Irene  
dallon weekes: basically renee will work on it also hes a college student because why not - renee
(written by Irene - @feckboy69-aol - Patrick’s pov)
 "Fuck you Brendon! Why can't you just be a normal human being and not set Brent's science experiment on fire!" were the first words I heard as I entered Science, early so I could talk to Mr. Armstrong about the homework assignment that I didn't understand, but instead was met with George Ryan Ross III, yet again screaming at Brendon (we all called him Beebo though, it was just Ryan's stubbornness that stopped him from doing so as well) for doing yet another thing wrong. Jon Walker’s science experiment (which I must say, was quite good considering what he usually contributed to the class) which was about comparing different levels of radiation and how they affected a brain of a living organism (a rat in this case), lay in ruins on the marble tiled floor, burned to crisps. I stood watching as Ryan, ever the drama queen, flung his scarf over his neck and dragged Jon, who looked to be indifferent towards the situation, out the door before stopping near me.
    Ryan gave me a once over and muttered, “Look, I've said it before… don't hang around that bas--I mean Brendon… he's going to change you Patrick… like he changed Spencer.” he looked at me, a steady gaze, waiting for my answer. I, like I always did with matters concerning Brendon, replied with, “He's got so much potential Ryro, and he's not a bad person like you think he is…”
    Ryan gritted his teeth at my response and left the room in a flurry of angst and anger, leaving Jon behind. Shaking my head, I nodded at Jon who rolled his eyes at me as usual, following Ryan’s trail and trying to convince him that everything was fine and that he wasn't mad, but I had tuned them out; Brendon was looking out the window clutching a piece of Jon’s project tightly in his hands.
(written by renee @dan-and-a-shibe - ryan’s pov)
i don’t understand what the fuck is wrong with brendon. i know he has add or whatever, but is that really a good excuse for being a fucking pyromaniac.
“wait ryan im sorry, um what do i do ryan get back here. RYAN!” i heard brendon screaming from behind me.
“your problem now.” i sassed back. “first of all why hasn’t mr armstrong done anything yet and WHERE THE FUCKITY FUCK IS JON?” i stormed into the bathroom and there i saw pete standing on top of the sink counter putting on another layer of eyeliner. i just left and went to the bathroom closer to the science room. pete was an oddball. he normally had andy telling him to get off of tables and counters and chairs and every time he says “the lightings better up here.” as i came closer to the science hall, i heard a very familiar scream.
“WHO the fuck burned our fucking science project???!!!”” i heard brent yell.
“why am i still here?” i wondered.
“dude hey what’s up?” mikey said, snapping me out of my deep, intellectual thought.
(Written by Irene - @feckboy69-aol - mikey’s pov)
I was deeply concerned about the mental state of Ryro… He looked like he ready to actually choke someone with his scarf. And I, being the great intellectual that I am, deducted that it was probably Brendon. Before I could speak however, he replied to my casual greeting with unneeded aggression, with a, “Doesn't he realize realize that he's being an actual asshole?”
Yeah, it was Brendon.
“The fuck, he can be so insensitive sometimes…” and with that, Ryro started venting to me about how terrible and stupid Brendon was. It happened a lot, so I was used to it. I sort of had assumed the role of “older brother” for little Ryro, even though we weren't that far apart in age. I started walking him to his home room, nodding and agreeing at the right time so that he knew I was listening. I had mastered the art from always being the odd one out from the people I mostly hung out with. They always were talking about weird ass shit that literally had no merit and came out of the blue. But I never minded, it was nice listening to someone else talk and I loved helping people with their problems, and Ryan and Brendon were kind of like a “project” to me.
So when I had taken Ryro to his home room, he didn't even notice. Again, I didn't mind.
“Hey Mikey, I just want you to know,” he started to say in front of Mrs. Jett’s room, “You’re a great guy.” smiling for the first time since this morning.
I gave him a smile back and replied with, “Right back at ya, Ryro.” and then left to my own home room, leaving Ryro standing there with a stupid grin on his handsome features face.
and cut scene
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Some Scattered Thoughts
I wiSh I cOulD posSes tHe aBility tO bE saSsy
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