#help me please im so desperate i'll give you all my savings to find this
alonstars · 1 year
i cant fucking breath PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS ALHAITHAM X READER FIC, enemies to lovers (bcs of a book that oc was trying to borrow but haitham grabbed it first so they agreed that oc will have it for 36 hours only and return it to haitham in the library but then they start hanging out more ang blah blah blah THEY DRINK AND HAVE SEX but oc is insecure and asks haitham to stop mid way and RELIGIOUSLY AVOIDED him for 1 month !!! after a month of haitham yearning he looked at the records of research recently passed to him and found oc's research in which they propose going to fontaine AND BOOM they're gone for another month blah blah time skip they return to pass their research except haitham was too busy and was missing oc TOO DAMN MUCH to realize it was them passing their paper and only realized when they said his name !3&1!2&1@ he had to wait for his work hours to finish and visited oc THROUGH THEIR WINDOW ???? with dinner and they have a very awkward dinner, next thing they know haitham is confessing and hallelujah they're making babies the end) or smth, please i'll die if i dont finish this shit im not even kidding
i'll give u guys welkin or smth if u find it for me (NOT GUARANTEED IM BROKE BCS OF HSR)
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
ok hear me out-
mulan!dabi x shan yu!fem!reader
its were dabi was one if the armies greatest fighters but on one battle the enemy manages to take of dabi’s helmet (the rest of the imperial army hasnt seen dabis face before) so after the battle the imperial army kicked dabi out (like how mulan was kicked out) because they thought he was a monstrosity/spy for the hun’s so after he git kicked out he goes to reader for help because they used to be childhood friends but the reader ran away because of the pressure of being a female
ok thats all just pls make it end with them killing the imperial army
and make them get married
and also when dabi and reader meet pls dont make her break down into tears just make her chuckle and comfort dabi when he starts crying
and pls make this a long oneshot
im having mulan brainrot
and no im not a minor i just love mulan
shes my favorite
and i just watched the live action film
A/n: I'm so sorry this took so long 💀
I hope it's worth it though!! I loved this request sm! You're quite creative <33
The Endlessly Cracking Dam -Dabi x Fem!Reader (Mulan Au)
A/n (2): I'm not sure if you wanted a quirkless au or not, but to fit the story better there aren't any quirks. If you don't like that, or there are any other problems feel free to reach out to me and I'll fix them right away!!
General info:
Genre: angst to comfort/fluff // wc: 5,700+ // female reader // requested
Summary: the man called "Dabi" was one of the Imperial Army's best men. Everyone loved him- or did they? Fake smiles and suspicions kept Dabi on his toes, always hiding his face and past. Well, until that darned Hun knocked off his helmet. Zhu Bo, Dabi's all time tormenter, claimed that he was "cursed" and urged their captain to kick him out. But- Dabi just won that battle! Everyone loves him! They wouldn't kick him out... would they? But atlas people are cruel and heartless. Just because of Dabi's patched up face he was kicked out, leaving him and his horse; Mazu, to find there way to the one and only person Dabi could confine in; y/n l/n.
Warnings!: season 6 spoilers, Dabi's background, Endeavor, betrayal, feelings of abandonment, mentions of violence, hint of revenge (aka murder), blood, and animal slaughter (self defense), If any of these are triggering for you anon please reach out to me! <33
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The Imperial Army is known to have many strong soldiers. Every soldier has earned trust from him fellow comrades. Battle after battle fighting side by side formed a strong brotherly bond between each, some getting along better than others. And then there was him.
Dabi, son of no one. He was a monstrosity in battle, setting fear in his opponents hearts, and even his own comrades on occasion. Even though he rarely spoke, and kept to himself when the other men laughed and played around, they all respected him, and usually left him alone, as he preferred. He protected their backs in battle, and has saved almost as many lives as he has taken.
He was truly respected and trusted by all.. except for Zhu Bo, their captain's counselor. Ever since "Dabi" showed up, he was immediately suspicious. This man not only had a helmet covering his face, but he refused to give them his actual name, only offering the name "Dabi" telling him to take it or leave it.
He was truly about to tell him to hit the road and come back later with a real name and his face. But, before he could their captain accepted his offer and welcomed him with a huge smile and gleaming eyes. Ever since Zhu has been looking for any reason to get "Dabi" kicked to the curb.
Zhu would sneak around and look for anything ranging between hidden women in Dabi's tent, letters sent or delivered, cheating during training, and he even attempted to take a peak at his face. Not to mention that he reached out to multiple villages miles and miles away, asking for any information on the mysterious soldier. He was desperate.
Well he found nothing.
The man didn't even indulge in the chattering about a future wife or being in a relationship.
Secret letters?
The only papers in his tent were notes on certain lessons, going over every miniscule detail of his captain's instruction.
Cheating during training?
This man had the audacity to not only do what the captain said, but went ahead and did extra.
Carrying more weight, training for longer, wearing wrist and ankle weights while battle training, woke up early, and stayed up late to train.
A face reveal?
Yeah no, it's impossible. When he's bathing? Always out of sight, usually late at night and away from the usual lake. Eating? He does so far away from everyone else, after everyone else. Sleeping?! If you're lucky enough to catch this "Dabi" sleeping, you'd not only have to stay up into the hours of early morning, but you'd have to be so quiet or else you'll wake the man up and he wouldn't go back to sleep. At all. But, if you do catch him sleeping, he not only has a full coverage face mask, but the only thing poking out is black, fluffy hair, and a part of his hands and feet.
And even in the hundreds of villages Zhu contacted, he found nothing.
Giving up, Zhu decided to resort to trying to convince the captain that he was overly suspicious. And he was starting to make progress! Their captain was watching Dabi a lot more, and even contributed to questioning villages. Zhu Bo will find something, and he doesn't care how long it takes.
(Dabi's p.o.v; 4:13 a.m.)
The chill of the morning air seeped through Dabi, causing the man to frown as he hurried to get dressed. After tugging on his boots Dabi swiftly attached his sword to his belt, finishing off the look. He always had a full suit of armor on, if any of the soldiers saw his scars.. well they'd think of him as some kind of monster.
The scars that he bore were not humane, and he didn't like seeing them, so who else would? At that thought his mind turned to y/n, his childhood best friend. Oh sweet y/n, she was always there for him. Whenever he needed a break from the horrors of his household she was there, giggling as she brought him to a place to rest, and drown out the world. Sadly, Dabi hasn't heard from, nor seen y/n since he left for war. Dabi just hoped that the Huns hadn't attacked their village, or that she didn't get married. At that thought Dabi let out a growl, ready to fight anyone who tried to take his away y/n from him.
After packing up all of his supplies and his tent Dabi saddled his mare, settling on her back to start making the 10 minute trot to the other tents. Once he got there, there were only a few sleepy-eyed soldiers slowly getting dressed, yawning every minute or so. After nodding solemnly to those who waved, Dabi made his way to one of the wagons.
There were only a few men with horses outside of the captain and Zhu Bo, and those who did had to lend their horse to pull wagons of supplies. Dabi's wagon was to be filled with food supplies, and so he started filling it, keeping in mind that he had to make sure that it wasn't too heavy for Mazu.
Dabi wasn't the kind of guy to have a lot of close ones, or to make a lot of special connections. All Dabi had was his mother, y/n, Mazu, and Nainai.
His mother, who he didn't even speak to anymore was always a support for him growing up. Even though he didn't treat her well she still loved him and tried to help. He will always love and appreciate her, even if she doesn't know it.
You, the girl that he has loved since childhood, and the one and only girl that he would even consider marrying.
Mazu, his companion and friend through thick and thin. His beautiful bay Jielin mare. Mazu has been with him since his Nainai gifted him and y/n her, telling them to be good and to take very good care of her. And that they did.
Dabi took care of her whenever he could get away, and y/n took care of her when Dabi couldn't. She was well cared for and very loved. When Dabi left for war they both agreed that he would take her, but he made a promise to look out for her like he would a comrade, and so far she's been completely safe.
And finally his Nainai. No, the woman was not his actual grandma, but all of his best childhood memories came from sitting in her garden, helping her weed alongside y/n, just talking, or even just listening to her stories. When the old woman asked them to call her Nainai they both willingly agreed, and the rest was history.
Dabi was pulled from his thoughts by the captain making his way over to him, black eyes focused on studying Dabi's wagon.
"Is this all you can fit?"
"If I add anymore it will either be not safely secured, or too heavy for Mazu to pull efficiently." Dabi replied, lowering his head lightly as a gesture of respect.
"Okay. Hook up your mare to the wagon and then get something to eat. You'll need your strength."
"Do you think today could be the day?"
"I do."
Dabi nodded, moving to tie up Mazu as his captain went off to check up on the other soldiers. After quickly eating Dabi moved to spend time with Mazu, lying on her back and he thought back to y/n, the woman who held his every waking thought. Yes, he went to war because he was forced to, but instead of being bitter about it he related it to protecting the people he loved back home.
As he continued to think about his dear friend a frown made its way to his lips. Y/n had promised to write to him, just as he promised to come back to her.
So why hasn't she? She wouldn't have forgotten about him, nor their promise, so that wasn't it. She rarely had problems with her parent/guardian(s), so that wasn't likely either. The only possibilities the Dabi could think of is that either their village was attacked or she got.. married. But she didn't seem to have any interest in marrying anyone when he was there, so what is happening?
Dabi hissed at the loudness ringing in his ears as he moved to sit right. Urging the mare forward, Mazu smoothly made her way toward the forming crowd. After settling to the side, Dabi fiddled with Mazu's reins, making sure that they were tight and would fit comfortably in his hands, it would be a long ride after all.
As Dabi kept his eyes straight ahead, he was pleased to see that everyone was energetic today, ranting about their future wife and what qualities she would have. After a while of their ranting Dabi spaced out, mind wandering to his special someone. As he thought back to his y/n the soldiers noticed his huge grin and came over to question him.
"So.. do you have a girl worth fighting for?"
"What does that matter? I'm here to defeat the Huns, not to bathe in the wonder of having a woman 'worth fighting for'."
"Yes yes we all know that you're battle hungry- but come on! You have to have someone! Like when you're exhausted and about to give up but then you think about her, it's important!"
"Unlike you weaklings I actually stay focussed on the battle instead of my silly daydreams."
"Gosh what a killjoy. I guess all those rumors about you are true. Have fun by yourself, loser."
Dabi just rolled his eyes, focussing back on the path in front of them.
Exhaustion seared through Dabi as his chest heaved, breathing heavily. The sounds of battle echoed in his ears as he looked around, dead bodies surrounding him, blood splattered everywhere. After scanning his surroundings, he rushed to help out a trio of young soldiers, pure fear evident in their eyes as they faced two enemies, the ragged hair and crazed eyes causing them to almost whimper.
Rushing towards them, Dabi swiftly cut down one of the two enemies, much to his comrades relief. Quickly moving toward the last enemy, Dabi dodged a hit last minute, which barely nudged his helmet instead of slashing at his neck. Moving to counter, he missed the fact that his helmet flew off, landing somewhere in the heat of battle. After splashing the Hun down Dabi turned to scold the young soldiers.
"Men! That was cowardly, get yourselves together and get back into battle!" Dabi seethed, not failing to notice how the men whimpered at his scolding, sinking into themselves.
Dabi just scoffed, noticing that one of them was the same man that insulted him earlier. Clicking his tounge, Dabi turned back to battle, pinpointing a fairly injured soilder fighting off four enemies at a time before rushing in, saving the man swiftly.
Hours later Dabi stood near the middle of the battle field, blood splattered acrossed his torn up armor, yet nothing but a small amount was his. After checking the surrounding area for more enemies, Dabi's shoulders dropped at the sight of none. They won. The Huns were gone.
Staggering toward the crowd of comrades, Dabi couldn't help but grin, focussing on their victory rather than their immense losses. They did it. They really did it.
The men cheered as they pushed each other around, reveling in their victory as many tears fell. Though, it all came to a stop as Zhu Bo stepped forward, black eyes pinning Dabi down with a wicked grin stuck on his face.
"Captain! Captain! Come take a look at this!" Zhu called, grin fading as the captain came into view.
"What is it, Zhu?"
"Look at him! He must have been cursed! Look at that face, he's a monster!"
As the captain pushed past the gathering crowd, his face paled at Dabi's appearance.
"Uh- excuse me? I am no moste-"
"SILENCE!" Zhu spat, glaring at Dabi with dark eyes.
"We'll talk in private, Zhu. Dabi, get yourself cleaned up, are you seriously injured?"
"No Sir."
"Okay, good job out there."
"Thank you, Sir."
After the captain led Zhu away Dabi clicked his tongue, moving to find Mazu before cleaning up.
After ensuring Mazu's safety Dabi cleaned up the blood and ate, watching as the other soldier avoided him as if he had the plague.
Of course they are, this is exactly what he wanted to avoid.
Everyone always assumed the worst. After the fire incident everyone avoided him, calling him cruel names and telling him that he was cursed. The only one who knew the truth was y/n.
Dabi had told her all about how his father had trained him viciously, going as far as to burn him to the point of these wicked scars. And yet everyone thought that the man was inoccent. But, he really couldn't blaim them.
His father fought in many wars and saved the people multiple times. And yet he was a monster inside. He wed his wife for her family's reputation, and had children for one purpose: war. He always went too far in training and made his children suffer, all for more glory.
Dabi just couldn't take it anymore, and so he dyed his hair and changed his name, before running from home. He stayed with Nainai until the soldiers came.
Dabi was pulled from his thoughts by the captain, Zhu Bo, and an unfamiliar man gliding towards him, faces grim -except for Zhu's grin of course-.
"Dabi, you are being dispelled from the Imperial Army." The unfamiliar man commanded, cold eyes holding nothing but distaste.
"Ca-captain?" Dabi stutterer, hurt and betrayal pulsing through him.
"Dabi, you fought well, and you did us and the people a good service, but.."
"B-but what?"
"We can't risk it. Dabi.. You could be cursed. And I'd rather not take that risk." The captain said, usually warm eyes hardened with a bitter chill.
"I- I saved your butts back there! If it weren't for me you wouldn't have won!"
"Dabi.. just give it a rest."
"OBEY YOUR CAPTAIN YOU MONSTER!" Zhu Bo screeched, eyes holding a victorious glint.
"I thought he was no longer my captain." Dabi sneered.
"Silence, Zhu. Dabi, you have an hour to pack up your things and leave."
"You're sick." Dabi sprat, turquoise eyes hardened with anger.
As Dabi turned to leave he couldn't fight off the urge to flip the trio off, causing Zhu to curse him out as he walked towards Mazu.
After gathering both his belongings and enough rations to last him around three weeks, Dabi made his way out of camp and towards his village.
No, he didn't want to be around all of those gossipy villagers, or his family, but he needed y/n. His world was crashing and he just hoped that the dam wouldn't break before he found her.
The next six weeks were spent horse back riding, hunting, and sleeping.
Dabi made sure to keep his eyes on the prize, refusing to even acknowledge the immense hurt that was brewing at the bottom of his chest.
He needed to get to y/n, and he could only hope she wasn't killed nor married, or he would be left alone in this cruel world.
Two weeks later Dabi made it to the village, exhausted, hungry, dehydrated, and smelling absolutely horrible.
Immediately going to y/n's house he doesn't even have a thought about his.. strange appearance and rushes to the l/n resistance.
Swiftly knocking on the door, Dabi's breath caught in his throat as the door swung open.
Looking up at your parent/guardian, Dabi opened his mouth to ask the question he's been dying to ask.
"C-can I see y/n?" He stuttered, inwardly cursing at the rawness of his unused voice.
"Y/n.. I- I'm sorry but she ran away some months back.. and who are you again?"
Dabi's heart dropped.
You.. ran away?
"J-just a friend."
Clutching at his chest he forced himself to exchange a semi humane parting before stumbling back to Mazu.
"C'mon girl.. we.. we need to get out of here."
Treading through the village Dabi felt the dam holding back his emotions crack.
What if he couldn't find you?
What is you were.. gone?
His thoughts were interrupted by a far too familiar face. Panicking, Dabi pressed himself against Mazu, and hopefully out of sight of the villager.
After a few tense moments Dabi sighed. Sitting back onto Mazu, Dabi couldn't help but watch as Natsuo walked away, completely unaware of his older brother behind him.
Dabi chuckled pitifully as he felt another crack form.
He had to find y/n.
(A few hours later; 5:23 p.m.)
After a while of looking and asking around, Dabi found himself in front of Nainai's door.
It was funny, really. He didn't mean to come here. His body has just engraved the habit of going to Nainai for help with anything and everything he needed.
Knocking on the door, Dabi desperately tried to stop the dam from cracking.
He needed y/n when it broke, there was no way he was going to let someone else see him so vulnerable. Not even Nainai.
"Touya? It's so good to see you! What's wrong?"
"C-can I come in for a bit?"
"Of course! Come in, come in! I just made some cookies!"
"Thanks Nainai."
"Anytime Touya, anytime."
For the next hour and a half Nainai took care of Dabi. She found him some clothes that her deceased son used to wear, told him to take a long bath, cooked his childhood favorite food, prepared more rations, and even spoiled Mazu.
When Dabi was done with his soak he had lots of good food to eat, and Nainai did most of the talking, making sure that he wouldn't have to deal with awkward silence or hesitation to reach out to her.
Dabi and Nainai eventually got to the subject of y/n, and Dabi was glad to hear that she had come to stay with Nainai before running off. Nai Nai even had a clue to where she would be- much to Dabi's relief.
"I love talking to you, Nainai, but I really need to get to y/n asap."
"Oh it's alright Dear, I understand. I'll go get you a letter from her."
"A-a letter?!"
"Yes, she gave me one for you, and told me not to open it until you came searching for her. I have kept to my promise, Touya. This letter will be for your eyes, and your eyes only."
Nodding, Dabi's hands shook as he waited for Nai Nai to return.
Y/n.. she was still thinking about him? S-she's safe?
Dabi cursed as he felt the dam of emotions crack yet again.
He really did need y/n.
"Alright Touya. Here's the letter, all I know is that she will be reachable on horseback, and that she's about eight days away."
Nodding, Dabi shakingly took the letter out of Nai Nai's hands, looking at the small envelope in awe.
"Shall we say goodbye here? I expect you'd like some privacy."
"Love works in that kind of way, I suppose."
"Ah yes, the unending denial." Nai Nai smiled bitterly, looking down at her ringed finger in pain. "Now, come give your Nainai a hug and then you can be off!"
After a long, warm, and very comforting hug, Dabi was left alone in his Nai Nai's cozy living room; envelope in hand.
Mentally bracing himself, Dabi tore open the envelope with little care, too anxious to see what was inside to worry about the pretty way you sealed the stupid envelope.
Unfolding a piece of paper, Dabi's eyes skimmed over the writing hungrily, needing your location to stay sane.
My dearest Touya, if you are reading this letter you must be home from war, and I must be gone. I know that you're hurt, and that you're confused at my silence. But trust me, my dearest companion, I tried and tried to reach you, but my letters were always sent back to me. I never received any of your letters, if you sent any. I am safe, and if you'd like to find me you are very welcome to, but I do have one condition. if you are to visit me, you are to always stay with me, locked away where the world can't hurt us anymore. things got too painful without you here, Touya. so if you can, come to me? I will show you a life worth living! If so, follow the instructions on the back of this paper, that is where I lay; and hopefully- where you will too.
Your Dearest friend,
Y/n/n. Or as you like to call me, Doll
Dabi cursed yet again as another crack formed in his teetering dam.
Of course y/n wouldn't leave him like that. She was truly the best.
Hurrying out to the stables, Dabi mentally calculated where he and Mazu needed to go before saddling Mazu and their belongings, and then riding off.
It had been nine days of riding, resting, eating, riding, and resting again.
Dabi looked like death yet again, and Mazu was pushing her limits.
Due to Dabi's exhaustion, he paid less and less attention to their surroundings, which resulted in unwanted, hungry eyes to find their perfect target.
Dabi glared at the pack of wolves in front of him, eyes full of crazed hatred.
"Wanna dance, muts? Let's dance." Dabi grinned, katana held readily.
Dabi's turquoise eyes never left the vicious pack of wolves as he studied the starving creatures. He might of let them slip into his campsite, but there was no way he was going to let them get past him to Mazu.
Instantly tearing himself from his thoughts, Dabi slashed at the wolf that lunged itself at the solider, leaving a fatal gash on it's stomach. A loud whine set off the rest of the pack, causing three of the seven remaining wolves to leap at him at once.
Slashing the beasts with ease, Dabi held his ground.
A grin splayed across his lips, his exhaustion horrendously miscalculated the wolves damage. Pain shot through Dabi's shoulder as a fallen wolf leaped onto him, landing a fairly decent blow.
Cursing, Dabi stabbed the wolf in the chest, killing the animal.
Turning to the others, Dabi chuckled bitterly.
(Your p.o.v; 12:22 a.m.)
You sighed as you finished writing another letter.
It has been months since you've last seen Touya.. where could he be? Is he still in war, or did he make it home? Did he decide to stay, or did he find a nice young lady to marry and move to her village? Could he possibly be coming to you now?
The thoughts swirled in your head, souring your mood further.
Touya was not the kind of person to get married to some pretty little nobody. He cares for love, which was most likely due to his trauma with his parents relationship.
If he were to marry someone, he would have to love her deeply.
The thought made you sigh as you made your way to your bed, the thought of some rest helping ease some of the worries within you.
It will all work out in the end. If he truly didn't want to be out here with you, then that was his choice. You couldn't force him to, that would just be cruel, no matter how tempting.
You awoke to a pounding on your door.
Groaning, you grumpily make your way to the noise, opening the door grudgingly.
"What the heck do you wa-"
You were interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around you.
Baffled, you were about to push the person off before you recognized the purple scars.
"Touya? What's wrong To?"
Touya simply shook his head, pushing himself as close as possible to your warmer form.
"Why don't you come in? It's warmer in here."
Touya squeezed you once before skidding into your cabin. After you closed the door he was back in your arms, pressing himself close to your back, head buried in your hair. Returning his embrace as best as possible, you stayed there with him for as long as he needed.
A few minutes later he pulled away before softly spinning you around to face him.
Chuckling, you move to wipe the blood streaming down his cheeks. "Shh it's okay Touya. I'm here now."
Bursting into sobs, Touya buried his head into your neck, arms wrapping around your waist.
"They- I- you-"
"Shh it's okay. It's all okay now. You're safe."
After a while Touya calmed down a lot, and the two of you had moved to your small wooden loveseat.
"Mazu? Oh- is she out there?"
Touya simply nodded, eyes hooded as he stared at you.
Squeezing his hand reassuringly, you make your way outside.
Mazu was grazing obediently next to a fence, her reign poorly tied. "Mazu!" You greet, petting the mare's neck lovingly. Neighing softly, Mazu nuzzled her head against yours.
After spending a little time with Mazu, taking care of her, and putting her away in a stall, you hurry back to Touya's side.
Walking in, you smile at the sight of Touya dozing on the love seat, hand buried in your German Shepherd Jin's fur. Smiling, you gesture for Jin to stay before getting ready for bed yourself.
(The next morning; 8:23 a.m.)
Loud footsteps stirred you from your slumber. Rubbing your eyes, you tense at the sounds of another person in your cabin.
Why hadn't Jin alerted you?!
Why would he let a stranger in?!
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of soft, familiar curses. Touya? Why would Touya be in your-
And then the memories came flooding back.
Smiling, you hurry to greet your best friend properly. "Good morning Tou-"
Your heart stopped at the sight of the man in front of Your beloved Touya was overed in.. blood.
"Touya what happened?!" You demand, rushing to inspect the damage.
"A pack of wolves attacked me and Mazu. Don't worry about it. Most of it isn't mine."
Scoffing, you grab a wash tub to start filling.
"Ah don't be like that Doll."
You simply snort, filling the tub with hot, soapy water.
"Get in, wash up." You command, glaring at the man in front of you.
"With you in the room- I didn't know you were so-"
"No! I'm gonna leave, idiot!"
At your angered tone Touya's mood noticeably dropped, causing you to curse.
"Y-you're not mad at me.. are you?" Touya asked, voice small with worry. Everyone else but you and Nainai had rejected or neglected him. He couldn't bare to lose you too.
"Oh Touya no. I'm not mad at you. I'm just cross with you for being so nonchalant about getting hurt."
"No buts. I care about you, I don't want to see you care so little about yourself. Put yourself in my shoes."
"W-what? I don't think they'd fit."
Smiling, you shake your head affectionately.
Ah yes. 'Dabi' was still your Touya, a confused and hurt teenager at heart really. He didn't understand metaphors much.
"I mean- look at it from my perspective. What if I got hurt, and acted like it was okay. Wouldn't you be a little upset?"
"I'd kick your butt and pin you down to make sure you're all patched up." Touya huffed, eyes holding a slight glint- warning you to not test him.
"See- that's what I'm dealing with. I care about a lot, I don't want to see you get hurt."
Slowly nodding, Touya's eyes were focused on your face.
MmYou blushed as he stared, noticing how he kept shifting from your eyes to your lips. You'd call him creepy- if you weren't doing the exact same thing.
"Y/n.. have I told you how much I've missed you?" Touya whispered, bringing his face slightly closer to yours.
"No, I don't think so." You smile, following his lead in advancement.
"Well then.. why don't I-"
You both were interrupted by Jin jumping on top of you, smothering your face in his wet and xsloberyx kisses.
"Jin, Off!" You command, causing the large dog to back off of you and sit between you and your love- crush? Friend? You don't even know anymore.
Clearing your throat, you keep your eyes held low as you studied Jin's fur, combing your fingers through his dark fur.
"Umm, I'm going to go care for Mazu. Why don't you wash up?" You blush, sinking closer to your pet.
"Y-yeah that's a good idea.." Touya replied, voice strained from some kind of emotion- embarrassment; you guessed.
Standing up, you gesture for Jin to follow you as you make your way out of the cabin.
"Oh- Touya?" You call, shyly glancing at the male.
"Your room is in the loft.. there's a ladder in the stable, and a towel will be on the shelf behind you. You have some personal clothes and belongings from the village.."
"Thank you y/n.." Touya whispered, blood pooling under his eyes.
"I'd hug you but uh- you're kinda soaked in blood sooo.."
"Just go you baby!" Touya laughed, making you smile.
(Two weeks later; 11:38 p.m.)
A sigh escaped your lips as you traced the scars on Touya's arms, desperately wishing to be able to lay kisses on the patched skin.
In the two weeks that Touya's been here, neither of you have talked about the almost kiss; though it was most definitely on both of your minds.
It was driving you insane- you loved Touya with all of your heart, so why couldn't you just voice those feelings?! Why was love so.. so complicated?!
Sighing again, you caught Touya's attention.
"What's wrong, Doll?"
"Oh I'm just.. thinking."
"I really don't think you'd be interested.." you murmur, eyes never leaving the gorgeous skin of your childhood best friend.
"Tell me, I want to know what's bothering you." Touya insisted, placing a hand underneath your chin before bringing your gaze to his turquoise eyes.
"Umm.. what do you think about the- the kiss?" You stutter, wetting your lips at the wonder of Touya's eyes.
They were so... gorgeous.
"The kiss? Well.. I'm not really sure. I'm not really used to these kinds of things you know."
"Me neither." You huff, e/c eyes tracing every feature of Touya's.
"But, I do know that I want to try it again.." Touya continued, hand sliding up to cup your cheek. "If you'd let me, that is."
Your breath caught in your throat as you stared up at Touya.
Was this really what you wanted- did you love him?
Your heart beating against your chest screamed yes- causing your cheeks to burn.
"I- this isn't some kind of game to you?" You stutter, mind panicking at his closeness.
"I promise you that it isn't." Touya whispered, thumb caressing below your eye.
"T-then kiss me- please."
A warm chuckle emitted from Touya before he seized your lips with his.
The surprising contrast of his soft upper lip and his rough, almost leathery bottom one caused you to gasp. Taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss, Touya brought his other hand to hold your other cheek. Moving one hand to his neck and the other to his hair, you kissed him back with just as much emotion.
After a few, intense moments you pulled away, gasping for air.
"That- was- amazing-" Touya gasped, stroking your cheek with renewed gentleness.
You giggled as you smiled up at your childhood friend.
"I've been waiting to do that for a long~ time." You tease, practically purring as Touya pulled you closer to his warmth.
"And I've been waiting for longer!" Touya playfully growled, moving his hands to tickle your sides.
"S-stop that!" You laugh, moving your hands to carefully tickle his arms, avoiding the burnt areas with care.
After a few minutes of giggles, you both slowed down before you were simply just staring at one another, entranced in each other's gaze.
"I- I think I love you." Touya whispered, breathe fanning over your lips.
"And I know I love you." You giggle, pressing a kiss to Touya's lips, smiling into the kiss.
After a few, incredibaly soft and dreamy kisses Touya rest his forehead on yours, looking down at you. "Marry me."
"Marry me. We can build our own family here, away from the world. They'll find us eventually.. and an unmarried woman like yourself would be forced to marry some snobby noble."
"You're just making excuses to make me yours." You tease, bumping your nose against his.
"Maybe I am. Would that be so bad?"
"Mmm not really."
"Oh ho? Is that a yes?" Touya smirked, pulling you into his lap.
"Depends. I require lots of attention. Plus foot massages when I'm pregnant."
"You mentioned a family, did you not?"
"Y-yeah.. I did."
"But on a more serious note, what are we going to do about the Imperial Army? They'll find us eventually- like you said, and then they'll expect our son or sons to go to war. And our daughters to get married-"
"Shhh, it's okay, Doll." Touya soothed, pressing a finger to your lips- receiving a kiss to the warm flesh.
"How about we.. get some revenge and protect our future angels?"
"That sound perfect, actually." You grin, knowing where this was going.
"But, marry me first. And then we'll go traveling around for our honeymoon.. we wouldn't be searching for the army's camp ground or anything.."
"I love you so freaking much."
"Not as much as I love you, Doll."
A/n 3: I'm not too sure about the ending, but I hope this wasn't too long + suited your taste anon!! Also, I have zero experience kissing, so I hope it did an okay job lol 💀😅
Feedback and Reblogs are very appreciated <33
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
hey congrats on 1K!! i’ve just followed you recently and have your fanfics saved to check them out when i have free time, your writing is banger💪😎
mind if i get a no. 9?
i’m scottish and currently in my last year of uni. i study english and film and those 2 things are pretty much my hobby as well. i write scripts and make short films with my friends. but im kinda an introvert and have episodes of depression; but we move lmaoo.
i’m a brunette and my hairstyle is like a shag/wolf cut, just really choppy and weird looking. i keep good hygiene but most of the time i look insane bc i have oily skin, bitten nails, hairy legs, messy hair, etc. i’m 5”2 and 11 stone, so i’m built like a goblin. i wear clothes that are baggy bc i find it comfy. my eyes are blue, like that miley cyrus staring meme blue, they’re intense and scare me.
hope this helps lmaoo idk what to write. thankyo!!
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: aaaaay country mate! also i studied film too (with added theatre)! and ty so much ;-; 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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going insane here, doing something i've never done before, please don't hate me i know he could be considered divisive but john doe is an absolute sweetheart and i won't be told otherwise and he'd make an excellent friend/so
ok so short films and writing are such creative endeavours. he's never not trying to record his little ventures. i think he would love to indulge his creative side and make something with you. a documentary, a comedy, or even a horror film i bet
he's so caring and sweet, and so desperate to please the people he loves, so he'd be so understanding and gentle during a depressive episode
and in addition to that, he doesn't seem like an intense extrovert, more like he doesn't know volume control or societal norms, but he'd happily do the ordering in a restaurant for you. he'll be your "THEY SAID NO PICKLES" guy, albeit slightly more violent than you might have hoped for
he'd be so into a scruffy hair style, it would match his. he'd maybe suggest you dye it a neat colour, maybe purple, just to be equally colourful as he is, and also so people know at first glance you two are a couple... not possessive (maybe a little bit)
i think having someone who isn't like super high maintenance would be good for him. someone who is happy to be silly and chill and not constantly on the brink of a criminal meltdown. someone who doesn't take a super long time to get ready and can just go with the flow on a whim would be key in a relationship because he's such a whimsical little fella
and it's fine that your eyes are intense. he's intense. and he doesn't mean it so he'll understand. but getting to lose himself in your stare is exactly what he wants from a relationship. to lose all sense of himself in you because he wants that movie love
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fracturedpoetry · 2 years
Future Fractures of [a] poem[s] [!=?]
Still a [w]hole in itself [?=!]
Fill it in [!]
With color
Draw over the lines
Expand the colors of your life into everything [.]
Fill the ga[b/p]S
There's space.
My time doesn't abide by your schedule
It's mine to give and take
To spend and invest
To find the best profit
And make my life into a hit
I just hope that you too will fit
Me into yours
So we can make time [h]ours
Lets just watch this field of flowers
See the flowers of life's glow getting lit
>es isch entlech sowiit<
Take my heart
Then tear it apart
Share the pieces with all mankind
Don't call me naive, i am just .that. kind
It's how i keep some piece of mind
So please don't mind
If i find
I cannot get behind
The reasons you use to just keep being blind.
Gratitude for your attitude
Interuption for your interlude
Eruption from explosion
To be a good leader
You need to know how to follow
Follow the masses to lead them to salvation[?=!]
Not a sheep but a part of the herd
Have you heard[?=!]
The crash into a fracture
[A] part of [it] all[?=!]
No fear of death
But of not having lived enough[?=!]
A desperate need for life
To be [a-] li[f/v]e
Craving for creation
Obsession for the vision
Wherever possible I'll always choose a refusal of choice
But when i say that, people don't process my voice
They act like they listen, but just dont understand
Can't grasp the concept for what i stand
"I wish you never tried to save me
It only makes me angry"
I don't want to make you angry
Also don't wanna save you
Cause if you need saving
You can only do that yourself
Maybe with some help
And some support
And that
I'll gladly give you
If you want it
"It's not their fault to make me feel
Still doesn't change the fact they did."
Turn the wheel[!=?]
dreh am rad[?=!]
Love the sin
Love the sinner
Liebe den sinn
Love the sense
Im Sinne zur Liebe zum Sensenmann
In the sense of love to the reaper
0 notes
eligaxy · 3 years
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☆ℜ𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭 : Venti x gn!Reader
☆𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 : near death experience, you’re confused asf about everything, bad writing cause i suck, spoilers for the we will be reunited quest!! And also for venti’s backstory, venti is serious for once (yes it’s a legitimate warning🤚)
☆𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 : Some angst, some fluff? Idk bye🤨
☆𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 : "It's okay, it's over now" he kneeled to be at your level, his arms still wrapped around you, and you didn't have the energy to fight your urge of nuzzling into him. "I'll always be here for you, wherever there is wind, remember I'm here too. You only need to ask." (2.8k words)
♪𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰 : i’m an idiot simp, i did this in one sitting and half asleep, english isnt my first language BLA BLA IM SORRY FOR MY POOR WRITING BUT HAVE THIS
basically you don’t know if you can trust venti or not, head says no, heart screams yes
Also, I was listening to stormterror’s lair ost while writing it, just because its fucking amazing, you might wanna listen to it too
I’m nervous to post this?/&:! This is the second fic i’ve ever finished in my whole life
i love venti and he’s hot in his god outfit i don’t make the rules
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
Saying you were exhausted would have been an understatement. After reuniting with your sibling, you had been frantically searching for clues about khaenri'ah and ways to Inazuma. With no luck, you couldn't find any traces of Dainsleif or of your twin. The ruins had been sealed and you had no idea what happened to the inverted statue or the corpse you had found there. Desperately, you clung into every little information you had, you would have turned every rock on this archon damned continent if you had to, which is what led you into those ruins near Guilli plains.
Walking along the destroyed buildings your eyes caught sight of a dandelion and you froze. You missed them so much, why couldn't they go back home with you? All you ever wanted was to be by their side why, why were they running away from you?
You remembered your travels, the moments you shared together, their protectiveness over you, the fondness in their eyes when you smiled at them. You remember the times you got hurt and healed one another with your now missing powers. You remember sleeping by their side and being grateful to the universe to let you keep your ray of sunshine everywhere with you. How ironic.
What had they meant 'once you reach the end of your journey' ? What does that even mean? Stupid twin, if they knew you were here the whole time, why hadn't they come to you? Why were they always leaving just when they were within your grasp? Why? Did they know how much you missed them and how much your heart broke when you finally saw them? Did they?
You only realized you were crying when a small gust of wind had your wet cheek react to the cold, breaking your train of thought. Wind.
The wind is everywhere, you think, free as a bird, always accompanying every citizen of this world, never truly alone. With this in mind, you resumed your exploring, slower this time.
A sigh escaped your mouth. You didn't want to admit it, but the wind did comfort you a little. Almost as if he was here. God of freedom and of the breeze, he was more a singer than a protector and you couldn't bear to think about him. Was it true? What Dain said... Did he destroy this nation? Was he the cause of the scenery that still haunted your nightmares up until 500 years later? Your brain simply couldn't accept that Venti, your Venti, you catch yourself thinking, could have made such an act of wrath. He was the epitome of freedom, why would he take the very thing he based all of his existence on from mere mortals? Barbatos simply couldn't be afraid of being overpowered, he didn't even care about power. All he wanted was freedom and happiness for his people. Surley this couldn't be right?
But then again, who were you to deny the wipe out of an entire nation? The gods did it. They were afraid that Celestia would be overthrown by the pride of humankind, the destruction of khaenri'ah by divine beings was a fact. There was no misunderstanding about this. That was the one thing you were sure of. So why did you feel like crying even more now?
The mere thought of a gentle soul such as Venti committing innocent people to an eternity of suffering didn't sit right with you. Even when his dearest friend Dvalin had turned against him, he didn't try to stop him, didn't even ask the dragon to save him. He healed and helped him, gave him a choice.
'What is freedom if demanded of you by a god?' was the same person that asked this question the same one who committed mass murder? Genocide?
Did the little wine-lover bard you had grown fond of destroy all hopes and light your kin had?
You remember that night when he freed Stanley from his burden, freed his and his friends' spirits. You had marveled at his action, in that instant he was a god, and he definitely hadn't struck you as a murderer. You remember that look of silent pain and grief in his eyes when he sang the tales of the nameless bard he had taken the appearance of. You knew he trusted you enough to share his story, something so personal, you could almost feel the war that took down the tyrant of Mond. Oh how much you cherished that evening, treating him to some well deserved dandelion wine afterwards, his favorite, and asking him to sing you more about the time where was nothing but the spirit of a breeze.
Your heart broke a little, remembering his rosy cheeks and drunk smile, you wish you could talk to him, ask him what happened. What did he do, was he really as dangerous as you had been told? If so, then why did you feel so good around him? Why did you feel like you could give hi-
You stopped walking upon seeing a ruin guard up ahead in the distance. You're so stupid, you think. Feeling this way is not gonna get you anywhere, especially with how the bard had been missing for a few weeks now. Ever since you had last seen your sibling.
Where was he, where was he wandering off to? You walk towards the disabled ruin guard, not really paying any mind to it, still thinking about the god you longed to meet with. If you could see him, what would you even say? Would he even answer your questions? Why did your stomach feel so light and funny when you thought about seeing him, why aren't you angrier?
You're almost at the killing machine's level now, so lost in your thought you don't notice the five other similar robots hidden behind a wall next to it. You notice them only when it's too late and you've already turned them on while thinking about examining them and collecting their serial numbers. When you hear the familiar tick of the mechanism turning on, you internally panic and think about running away only to calm down moments later and think to yourself that you can simply beat it and take what you came here for. Even if you are emotionally and physically tired, you can manage, you think.
That was before hearing five other consecutive ticks right after it, and all around you.
Turning around, your gaze falls upon the small army of field tillers. Fuck.
Paimon wasn't with you today, you had asked for some time alone which she hesitantly accepted, so you couldn't ask her to go fetch help. You would have been worried if you had all your capacities but with the state you were in, you were wondering how you were going to survive this fight. You were alone, none of your companions with you, and deeply weakened by the busy day you had and the few hours of sleep you had managed to steal away from the night. Was it today you would meet your doom, with all your questions and uncertainties unanswered?
You tried your best to fight with the strength you had left, but quickly grew desperate after what felt like hours of efforts to swing your blade and being able to only take one monster down out of the six. It didn't help that you got injured along the way, their blows becoming harder and harder to dodge. After being thrown on the grown for the third time, you understood you had at least two broken ribs and that your shaking legs would soon fail you as well.
Fear crept upon you, you would die here today, alone. Alone. You couldn't talk to your sibling after all, couldn't understand. You didn't even get to talk to him one last time. Him... You would die without the knowledge of the truth about your bard. You would die alone. You didn't want that, you couldn't look death straight in the eye.
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
In Mondstadt, there was a musician, a weird singer everyone had heard about at least once. He lived off of his songs and was mostly known for having a great story-telling and being an alcoholic.
The number of people who knew the true nature of his identity were few and he was perfectly content with that. He didn't wish to be a god anymore, his gnosis had been taken away anyway and it's not like he had any power over the city of wind nowadays. Even if his people still worshipped him as Barbatos, it didn't sit right with him to be called a god anymore. It actually never did, he thinks to himself with a smile, he never really took any responsibilities that came with the divine title which is why he was so weak today. But it didn't matter to him, his smile turns into a soft giggle.
Sitting on a mill that was once born from his steps he looks fondly over the city he founded. Even if they were godless, the citizens were still thriving and free. He cared oh so very deeply about the place even if he rarely, if not never, showed the affection within his heart. He remembers the day he grew strong enough to dispel the storms over his actual Mondstadt, and made the weather gentle enough so that there was no need for fireplaces. Nowadays, he loves watching birds nest into the chimney tops and seeing them found their own home. It gave him a sense of belonging like no other, not above his people, but walking among them and watching them nest into this cocoon he created. He was proud of what happened to his land and would do it all over again if he had to.
Especially since it led to him meeting you. This thought doesn't catch him off guard, you often roamed around in his mind after all, and it's not like he didn't write at least three songs about you and your feat, your smile, your courage...
Ah there he goes again, rambling about you in a whisper. He turns around to the statue of him his people erected in his honor, chuckling at how they never made the connection with his signature braids. His, but not really his, since he had stolen this form from someone who was much more deserving of this power than him. Seeing his friend being honored with the statues of the seven around the land made him happy, he hoped that it was a good enough thank you gift in return for everything that the bard whom he couldn't even remember the name of anymore did for him.
Upon gazing at the statue, he remembered telling you of his long gone friend. It was the first time he had talked about him to someone else, he didn't even mention it to Venessa, she who made him believe in himself again. He could ask himself why, but he simply knew that you had something different, more than meets the eye. Perhaps it was because you weren't from Teyvat, or perhaps it was just you being as simple as your natural self but he was simply and utterly captivated by your being. You inspired him to no end, at first he thought it was because he had never met someone like you and he loved new things! But as time grew and he got to know you, he understood quickly the meaning and depth of his passions. He thought of it with a light chuckle, content with your presence alone. He really did need and want you around.
So why did he purposely avoid you like the plague?
The wind had brought to his ears that you had met with Dainsleif.
And your twin.
His first reaction was to search for you, talk to you, he wanted to be here to know what happened! You had searched so long, he couldn't contain himself, still listening to what the wind told him, he started running with excitement but... But wait, Dainsleif was... He told you what?
So you heard about Khaenri'ah. He had stopped dead in his tracks and turned back, only sending a warm current of wind your way, hugging you from afar.
He wasn't ready to talk about this yet, not ready to face you and absolutely not ready to answer your questions. He was a coward, he thought, running away like that but what else could he do, really. It was only natural for him to be as uncatchable as air.
A sorry excuse to avoid the fact that even if his past had marvelous story like the one of the nameless bard, it also had its share of darkness, something he wasn't ready to dive back into. Especially not now when your arrival has been shaking this world up like it hasn't been since at least 500 years.
But oh, how he longed to see your face or to hear your voice. So he asked a breeze to report to him what you were up to, and where you were. Just in case! he tells himself, what if you needed help ehe? But he knows you're competent and you won't need the help of a weakling coward like him anytime soon. Or so he thought.
Because when the breeze only gives him a few words back, his blood runs cold.
"Please, anybody... Just help me."
As you murmured these words in your desperate state, not really for anyone but yourself as a last resort, a prayer of some sort, you tried to stand by leaning yourself on your sword and failing miserably. You didn't dare look up as you heard the loud footsteps of the metal giants coming your way. It was over, and you barely managed to accept it.
As you rested your forehead against the cold handle of your sword, you closed your eyes, tears starting to make their ways out of your closed eyelids. All you could feel was remorse.
A soft breeze moved your hair slightly and your chest felt like a black hole had taken place where your heart used to be, regretting to not have been able to meet him under the tree at Windrise one last time.
The breeze quickly grew stronger, until it felt unnatural and you looked up from the ground, only to close your eyes again immediately when you realized the wind was too powerful for you to keep them open. If you had struggled to see though, you would have been blinded by the white light that soon illuminated the whole ruins. You didn't have enough time to register the situation when you felt a hand being laid atop your shoulder, snaking around your collarbones and pulling you back into... nothing? Another arm circled your weak form and a voice you immediately recognized said
"I've dealt with things worse than you, now crumble."
You realized that if you couldn't feel a chest behind you while still being embraced by his arms, it was because he was floating above you, and not standing behind you. A look in his direction confirmed your suspicions but what stunned you wasn't the fact that he was flying, but the attire he wore. Barely covering his body, a white set made of materials that seemed like clouds and liquid gold contrasted perfectly with his regular green clothes. His hair was glowing green and his eyes that were focused on the ruin guards up ahead had a marvelous shine that you had never seen before. He had that same aura he did the night he freed Stanley, but there was also something different about the way his hands gripped you a little too tightly or the way his voice sounded.
"Venti.." You muttered his name, relief and affection flooding you all at once, in his presence you felt as if nothing bad could happen to you. How foolish could you be, just a few hours ago you were speculating wether or not he had wiped out an entire civilisation and now here you were, being saved by him and feeling safer than you had in months.
"Close your eyes, I don't want give you a headache" he said, slowly floating legs first towards the ground. His unusually serious voice surprised you (and him) but you did as he told you. Letting go of your sword and leaning back into him, you let him deal with the monsters ahead of you.
"It's okay, it's over now" he kneeled to be at your level, his arms still wrapped around you, and you didn't have the energy to fight your urge of nuzzling into him. "I'll always be here for you, wherever there is wind, remember I'm here too. You only need to ask."
Being protected by a god really didn't feel that bad. Especially when you were in love with said god.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Thank you so much for reading whatever this is until the end :’)
Don’t hesitate to comment or reblog, tysm <3
Ps: venti loves u and so do i do pls take care of urself mwah
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gihun-my-beloved · 3 years
squid game; ep. 2
seong gi-hun x reader.
taken from my wattpad (@RickSanchezski)
words: 1790.
It was dark, and quiet. But the uncomfortable silence, that made you sick to your stomach simply because of the reason why. The massacre. You couldn't stop thinking about it.
The memories replayed over and over again, almost mockingly.
"Sang-woo, you helped me.. And you did too. You saved my life out there."
"You are alive, that is what matters."
You looked up and saw the guy that had just saved Gi-huns life. You liked him, he was very polite.
The same buzz that happened earlier. The door opened. The same hot pink suits.
Everyone stood up.
It felt way too deja vu, and you could feel yourself spiraling into panic. Gi-hun noticed that but really didn't want to come off as rude, so he simply asked;
"(Y/N)..? Are you okay..?"
Before you could answer, the masked men spoke.
"You have all made it through the first game. Congratulations. You're moving on. I will now announce the results of the first game."
You looked above to a screen, showing the amount of players.
"Out of 456 players, 255 were eliminated, and 201 players successfully completed the first game.
A hysterical woman came through.
"Mister please, listen, i'm so sorry" she cried out. "I swear i will pay what i owe. I'll do it, ill pay it all. Please sir, i have a child. Oh! so young, I still need to register, and I still need to name my child sir. Please sir, let me le-"
You felt bad for her, so desperate. but you couldn't help but admit it was kind of funny, seeing how people's attitude changed, including your own.
"Please, I'm so sorry. Sir im begging you, Let me leave and i swear I'll find a way to pay it all. Let me go home."
This started a chain reaction of people getting on their knees and begging.
"There seems to be a misunderstanding. We are not trying to hurt you or collect your debts.Let me remind you that we're here to give you a chance."
"A chance? We play some kids games. And you shoot us. You want me to choose that?
That's some chance. We may be in debt, sir... but that doesn't justify killing us all."
"This is just a game."
"Killing everyone out there was a... game to you, huh?"
"They were simply eliminated for breaking the rules of the game. If you just follow the rules,you can leave this place safely with the prize money we promised."
"Just keep your damn money. I don't care! Let me just go home. That's all I want."
"Let us leave. Let us go."
"Consent form clause 1. A player is not allowed to stop playing."
"Come on! You think you'll get away with this, huh? The police will come. They'll bust in here any minute now. They'll be here since we all disappeared."
" Yeah. And I bet they have everybody's phones tracked here already.Look at all your hostages. You're doomed if you don't let us go!"
"We're all dead-"
He was interrupted by a gunshot, and everyone screamed.
"Consent form clause 2. A player who refuses to play will be eliminated."
Sang-woo began. "Consent form clause 3. If all the players agreed to stop playing, the games are allowed to end.
...Or am I wrong?"
"You are correct."
"So let's vote on ending this. If the majority wishes to leave this place, then everyone gets to go home, right?"
"All right, as you wish. We will take a vote to decide on the termination of the game. Before we vote, let me announce the prize money for the game as previously promised."
Wads of cash fell into the golden sphere above us. Everyone looked up in awe, once again, blinded by money.
You didn't fall for it. You wanted out of this hellhole as soon as possible, and you would take every opportunity you get to escape.
The only issue was.. Gi-hun. It was a weird connection. Usually people say "How are you?" In a way which they dont actually care how you are, they used it as a conversation starter, but he was different. He asked it, genuinely wondering how you were.
You'd never felt that way. But you could live without him.
"Uh, sir... So then, if we can complete all six games, how much do we get?" It was the same lady begging to get out, the one that started all of the commotion. You were starting to suspect she was just.. out of her mind.
"Since there were 456 players, the total prize money is 45.6 billion won. And with that, we will now begin the voting."
"As you can see, there are two buttons in front of you. If you wish to continue playing, press the green button with an O. If you wish to stop playing, then please press the red button with the X instead. After you finish voting, move to the other side of the white line and wait. Voting will be done in reverse order of the numbers on your chests.
Player 456, please cast your vote."
He stared, before deciding on X.
Smart man.
"Player 455, please cast your vote."
You went up.
Looked up.
Looked at your hands.
Then, pressed X.
After me it was 454.
She went to go for O first, hesitated, went for X then hesitated again. She looked up at the glowing sphere full of money before pressing O.
"Player 218." A square guard commanded.
He exhaled deeply, staring at the two options before him. He looked as if he wasnt thinking anything. Just meaninglessly staring at something.
He ended up pressing down X. You felt disappointed. More disappointed because it was Sang-woo, more than anything else. One of Gi-hun's closest.. friends? His expression was a mix of hurt, anger and confusion. You knew Sang-woo could feel 456 staring.
Someone started to shout.
"Have you all gone crazy? We have to leave. We can't keep putting up with this insanity!-"
"So what if we leave? Tell me, what changes? Just as bad as it is out there than it is here, goddamn it."
"She's right! If we stop now, it only helps the ones who are dead. They'll get 100 million won, and not us. We made it through! They're out! That money is ours."
"Please..! think about what happened out there."
People were getting hysterical now.
"Where am I supposed to go, huh? Out there, I don't stand a chance. Cmon lets finish this thing! I'd rather stay and keep on trying in here than go back to the bullshit out there."
Another player must've had enough, because he grabbed 322 by the collar.
"You jerk! You got some kind of death wish? Go die alone! Don't drag everybody else into this, you little shit!"
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Who are you to-"
Both gasped when a square guard shoved a gun into 119's back.
"We will not condone any kind of act that impedes this democratic process. Now, let us resume and continue voting."
Eventually everyone had casted their vote except for the old man, 001. The one who had been playing red light green light as if he hadn't just witnessed at least 200 die. He treated it as if he was actually reliving his childhood.
It was 50 votes for O, 50 votes for X. He had the deciding vote.
"It seems we're down to the last vote. Player 001."
He walked to go and decide on everyone in the room's fate. As if there was nothing.. pressuring about it.
He rested his hand in the middle.
"If you wish to continue playing, press O. However, if you wish to stop playing, then press X."
You closed your eyes, mind blank. You "woke up" 10 seconds later, looking at your feet, praying to god he pressed X. Some people were cheering, some simply did/ said nothing. Thinking "So.. whats next?"
You look up. O-100. X-101.
You mentally thanked the old man for possibly saving your life.
"the majority of the players have voted to terminate the game. Therefore, this game is now terminated"
"Hey! Okay, anybody who wants, they can go. But let the ones who want, stay till the end, though."
"He's right! Please let us stay! We'll keep playing the game! Half of us have died already! We can't just stop here."
"Yes! Let us continue!"
"It truly is a pity that we must say goodbye to you like this. However, we will not completely seal the door of opportunity or all of you. If the majority of you wish to participate again, then we will resume the game. So, goodbye for now."
As promised, they gave you back your stuff. The only issue was, your last memory was after the guard finished speaking, you and Gi-hun looked at each other, realizing this could be the last time you saw each other.
"Bye.. for now"
And that was it.
You thought his goodbye was genuine until you were (rulely) awoken by getting thrown out of that same sketchy white van.
You couldnt see anything, they had put a blindfold on you.
You then heard that same voice that you thought you would never hear again.
"Help! Help! Help! Hello?! Help over here! I cant see anything!" He sounded frantic, it was hilarious. You can to bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing.
"Ohh, (Y/N).."
You were lying pretty close to him, even with your hands tied you managed to get his blindfold off.
"Thanks for that.. I'll untie you hold on."
He got your restraints off, so you took off your blindfold as well. You then got rid of the wires around your ankles.
You left to get your clothes.
"What are you... oh okay. Get dressed first. It's cold." He shivers. "I'm freezing too. Oh, yeah. Hurry up now. Ooh that hurts..-"
"Chill out Gi-hun, jesus i haven't even..."
You turned to face him. What was he hiding underneath that tracksuit? Damn.
"... got my shirt on yet."
Your voice went from annoyed to quiet.
A pocket knife fell out of your hoodie, so you used it to untie him.
"Thank you, (Y/N)"
You were on your way to your friends house to crash for just a night, and remembered you still had around 90,000 won from a couple days ago. Meaning you could pay for staying at hers, for at least a week. When you were about to ring the doorbell, you saw a certain card wedged into the crack of the door.
On the back it stated the day, time and whereabouts
You realized you couldn't keep living like this, and the people in there were right.
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
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I stood staring in the bathroom mirror at the large pink scar that snaked across my forehead from my left temple to just above my right eyebrow.
It had been almost three months now, and I was still in pain, some days it felt like I couldn't escape it.
I lifted my shirt to show my tummy, yet another angry looking pink scar this one jagged from where the glass had gotten me. It still pain, dull ache ever-present, the itch constant. I frowned, frustrated with how long everything was taking to heal.
"Morning baby," Shawn whispered into my neck,coming to rest his head softly on my shoulder and smiling at me in the mirror.
"Hey," I couldn't help the small smile that pulled at the corner of my lips. He was so beautiful, even first thing in the morning, dressed in an ugly washed-out green coloured pair of scrubs,ready for another day as a doctor in the local emergency department.
"What was that frown I saw before I walked in?" he asked, still watching me in the mirror.
I sighed, "Im just sick of being sore and having these ugly scars all over my body. I can't get it out of my head," I whispered, feeling the tears welling up, an all to familiar occurance these days.
"It's gonna take some time baby," he murmured, pulling me to his chest and holding me tightly.
"Yeah I know," I sighed leaning back into his hold. He really had been the best thing and he had quite literally saved my life, both physically and mentally. Our relationship had never felt forced, we'd just naturally fallen for one another, but if I was being honest I would never have imagined to be where I was today three months ago.
-Three Months Earlier-
-Third person-
"This is a trauma call for an eta of ten minutes," a voice came over the Emergency Department intercom.
"I hate trauma calls," Brian sighed as he got geared up, placing the label that declared him to be team leader onto his protective gown, before pulling a fresh pair of gloves on to replace the ones he had just used to help stitch up a little girl's head after she took a tumble.
"Is the bed all ready?" he asked, ducking his head around the curtain of the only free bay in the department. It had been one of those nights, and it was only eight, meaning that he was only two hours into a twelve-hour shift.
"Almost," his college, and fellow critical care doctor, Connor spoke as he wheeled the crash cart into place, and situated the supplies draw.
"What do we know so far?" Michael, another doctor asked, coming to stand by the other two doctors.
"Adult female, hit and run, while crossing the street." Connor spoke, while glancing down to check his watch for the time remaining before they were set to arrive.
"That sounds nasty," Michael commented, wincing slightly in sympathy. "It's a good thing the nurses decided to page Ortho I suppose, it sounds like you'll be needing my expertise," he turned to face his colleague.
"I hate to say it, but I'd have to agree," Brian replied, sharing a knowing look with the other two doctors.
All three of them knew that pedestrian hit and runs where never good, and there was a high rate of critical injuries sustained, and of course these were usually inflicted on the innocent party. They didn't speak for several minutes, each fidgeting, just wanting to start helping the poor girl already. They didn't say it, but they knew it wouldn't be pretty. This has been confirmed when they got a message via one of the nurses, saying that Shawn, one of their friends and fellow colleague, and, emergency care physician was on route to the scene of the accident after the paramedics requested his help. This was not something that happened ogten, and only when completely necessary. The hospital liked to keep Ashton there as his expertise was so useful in many of the situations that the department faced.
All I could feel was pain. Pain everywhere. Every inch of my body was hurting.
I tried to piece together how I had come to be here, but was met with some unknown resistance when I tried to turn my head, and survey my surroundings. "Stay still honey. We're going to get you to the hospital shortly, but just bear with us okay," a voice spoke from somewhere above my head. It was then that I became aware of the hands touching me, and instinctively I tried to pull away. "Dave, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," a different voice spoke. That was the last thing I was aware of before I woke to bright lights, and calm, but still somehow urgent, voices.
-Third Person-
When Shawn and Dave arrived on scene, it was worse then they had expected. The poor girl was laying in the middle of what would normally be a busy street, onlookers everywhere watching with baited breath. "Can we move some of these guys out of here?" Shawn asked one of the many police officers that were standing around, waiting for direction. The last thing his patient needed was an audience when they were completely defenceless.
When they finally managed to push their way through the crowd of people, and get the relevant equipment set up, it was to find that things were much more complicated and critical then they had first thought.
"What do we know?" Dave, the paramedic on the case asked.
"They've not been able to give us much, but they're saying that someone ran a red, hit her, and took off. They're trying to run the plates now, track the person down," a burly police officer spoke. " I'll leave you guys to it," he spoke, patting them both on the shoulder, before getting up and going to help the other officers control the swelling crowds,"
As they both surveyed the situation, the injuries were clear to see. The girl had dislocated her left shoulder, broken her collarbone, and from the blood soaking through her pants and the angle of her right ankle, she had a compound fracture. Perhaps more concerning though was the blood that was fishing from a open head wound above her eyebrow, and flowing from her nose. The latter was usually a sign of internal bleeding.
"Hello?" Shawn spoke, as Dave started getting the collar ready. "If you can hear me, give my hand a squeeze okay," he continued slipping his gloved hand into the girl's bloody one, and praying there was a response.
After a moment there was, and they both thanked the heavens.
"Sweetheart, my name is Shawn, I'm a doctor, and this is Dave. Can you remember your name?" Shawn asked, leaning down in the hopes of hearing the young woman's response.
"Ellen," she whispered. It was barley there, but it was still a response.
"Okay Ellen, this is going to be uncomfortable, but we need to put this collar on you so that you don't hurt your neck or back okay. And then we'll get you to the hospital," Dave reassured her, before going about fixing the hard plastic to the girl. Both the medics had had to put the collar on to experience what it was like for the patients, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. Neither one could fathom how bad it would be to have injuries on top of this.
They both felt dreadful when Ellen started trying to claw at the collar, desperately trying to get it off, tears flooding down her bloody face.
"I know sweets, it's okay," Shawn tried to comfort her once they were in the ambulance and had hooked her up to an I.V. with pain medication.
"Shawn, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," he informed his partner, getting the sedative ready.
"Can you check her vitals again please?" he requested, "And get some oxygen on her for good measure," he added, before stepping out of the ambulance and heading to the driver's side. "I think she's stable enough to go," he added, before starting towards the hospital with lights and sirens on, indicating that this was a life-threatening situation.
In the back of the vehicle, Shawn was going about checking her pupil reaction, which turned out to be slow, indicating a moderate concussion. After this, he placed a mask on the girl, ensuring that the saturation levels were as high as possible, as after attaching her to the relative monitors, it was found that she was only satting a 80%.
Finally, he went about checking the heart and lungs, and by this point they were beginning to pull into the hospital, which relieved the medic immensely.
They were met with a team of people at the entrance, Shawn was glad to see this included his three colleagues, Michael, Connor and Brian.
"What do we have?" Brian asked, stepping behind the gurney to help Shawn push it now that Dave had left on a new call.
"This is Ellen, she was hit by a car side-on while crossing the road. She's got a dislocated shoulder, broken collar bone and a compound fracture to the ankle. Possible internal bleeding and concussion. The paramedic also found some swelling, possibly indicating spleen bruising. Lacerations to the head, with nasal bleeding. Her BP is low, same with heart rate, lungs sound normal, standard dose of pain medication given on route." He finished as they made it to the bay that had been set up before their arrival.
"Okay, I want a CT, scan of the head and abdomen and spine, and can someone get me an ultrasound machine, stat, and in the mean time let's get her hooked moved on the the bed so we can start preliminary examinations. On my count!" Brian commanded, directing the team in transferring her safely to the hospital bed.
The first thing I was aware of when I came to be was the bright lights above me, making me want to shut my eyes again almost instantly. After this, it was an annoying tickling sensation on my face. I moved my hand to try and swipe it away, but was met with resistance.
"Leave it there, Ellen," a calm voice spoke. A young man came into view then. "My name is Brian I'm one of the doctors looking after you, do you know where you are?"
"In the hospital," I answered, beginning to feel overwhelmed at the gravity of the situation, which was only made worse when I realised I couldn't move anything apart from my arms.
"Just try to stay nice and calm for me, you'll be fine, we just need to do a few tests and then we should be able to get you out of this contraption," he smiled sympathetically.
"Shawn?" he called. Another youngish looking doctor, this time with tanned skin, dark hair curly hair and several visible tattoos came over.
"You called?" he asked, before turning to me. "Hi Ellen, my names Shawn," he introduced himself with a smile, "I'm another one of the doctors."
"I want to roll her to do a spinal check,"
"No problem, so on three, I'm going to roll you onto your side and Brian is going to check for sensation." He explained to me, seeing the confusion I was feeling.
A few minutes later, they determined that my spine was fine, and this was confirmed by scans they had done when I was out, that came back fine.
"There you go, that's got to feel better," Shawn smiled, readjusting the blankets to provide me with more modesty.
"Ellen, are you in any pain?" Brian asked, coming over and shining a small light in my eyes.
"My tummy is really sore, and my shoulder and chest area," I told him.
"Okay, I'll get the nurse to increase the hourly dosage, there's no reason you should be in pain. You'll probably still be a little sore though, you've got a bruised spleen, which given time will heal, but you'll be tender for a while. As for your chest, you broke your collar bone on impact. We've put your arm into a sling to help limit the movement and give it an opportunity to heal. You did dislocate your other shoulder though, and we're going to have to put it back into place- don't worry though, we've got Michael doing it for you, and we're going to dose you up so you won't remember a thing," he laughed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
"You needed me?" yet another doctor walked in, dyed blonde hair, sitting across his face. "Sorry," he added, "There was an emergency in the pit,"
"Ellen, this is Michael, are you ready?" Shawn asked.
"Mmmmm?" I responded unsure.
"You'll be fine," he responded, going to adjust my meds.
To the say that the process was painful would be the understatement of the year, and I may have called all three of them some uncomplimentary names, but after the fact I got some immediate relief.
The rest of the night was spent getting my many cuts stitched up, with the doctors, helping to keep me distracted by talking to me about my everyday life. I ended up in tears when I was introduced to Shawn again,apparently I'd met him a few times before, but I really couldn't remember, who I was told was one of the main people who got me to the hospital. "It's okay," he had spoken, giving me a gentle hug. "It's what we do!" he smiled, grabbing a tissue and wiping the tears off my face.
"They told me you're studying vet science?" he asked, sitting down on a chair next to the bed Connor another doctor and Brian went back to stitching me up. I felt my whole face break into a smile.
"Yep, I'm already a certified carer, but I wanted to take the next step."
"I really admire that," he told me, "Hopefully we'll be able to get that ankle of yours fixed up first thing tomorrow and onto the road of recovery." he spoke, referring to the compound fracture in my ankle that Shawn had told me about not long after I woke. Admittedly, I had thrown up when he told me what a compound fracture was, and had gone into a panic when he explained it would need surgery, but he had calmed me quickly.
"You'll be fine, you've got the best Ortho in the place working on you, Michael. You won't know anything happened once he's done, and you're all healed.
The coming weeks were filled with highs and lows, the surgery went well, and there was no post op infection, something that made all the doctors very happy, however the pain was almost unbearable at times, and they had to give me multiple pep talks to get me through it. I did it though, we their help.
The experience had helped to shape me, and when it was finally time to leave, I knew that I was leaving with four new friends.
But the one person I could always count on was Shawn. He helped me through everything, physio appointments, monthly reviews but above everything else he was a shoulder to lean on, someone to cry to when things got tough. And I guess through all of that our relationship had blossomed without us even realising. But one thing was for sure...
-Present Day-
I turned smiling now, as Shawn looked down at me I uttered the five words that meant so much to me.
"You save me from Ruin."
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longassr1de · 4 years
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Pairing: Jeno × fem!reader
Genre: smut!!, established relationship, domestic??
Word count: ~2k
Summary: What better way to beat the summer heat than with a sweet treat?
⚠️ Warnings: pretty much another pwp, 00 liner smut, food play, ice play(?), fingering, rough and unprotected sex, oral (both male and female receiving), pet names (moreso relationship-wise though), look..very curious things happen with popsicles okay?, not yet proofread.
A/N: lmk if I missed any warnings or any typos and such! I haven't written in so long or thought up anything this filthy to the point that I even surprised myself with this one.. so much for easier the 00 line content onto this blog. Whoops! Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! xoxo (oh also im currently on mobile so i'll add the read later in a bit, i apologize in advance!!)
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It all started out with Jeno being a tease on a hot, hot summer evening. Sure, it was terribly humid out, but the way he kept sucking at the colorful popsicle even when it began to melt down to his slender fingers had you feeling wet heat in a much more personal sense. He held eye contact with you as his lips pulled away from the frozen treat, sinful eyes making it a point to devour the way you intook just a little extra air when he licked at the sticky mess upon his palm.
"Care for a taste?" Jeno offered, his deep voice filled with mirth. That's all it really took for you quickly stride across the room to join him where he'd been sat at the sofa. He tossed the remainder of the popsicle atop its wrapper on the coffee table, instead pulling you into his lap as he pushed his tongue past your lips. You could still taste the cold sweetness on his tongue even as he sucked at yours, biting your bottom lip as his strong embrace loosens in favor of grabbing at your ass.
He thanks the heavens for your wardrobe selection today, your skirt making it so much easier to grind against your pretty little panties. If the wet spot forming on his pants was anything to go by, he'd guess you were just as needy as him if not moreso.
"On your back princess, I wanna try something." Jeno helps you take off your shirt as he lays you onto the leather, straddling over your hips before slowly making his way down to your breasts. He mumbles out praises for your body as his slowly warming mouth licks and sucks at your nipples. He separates from your body, drawing out a whine from your lips, when suddenly his now cold again mouth quickly works them to stiff peaks.
"You like that, baby?" You can only nod at his question, carelessly reaching for his hair, needing something to grab onto as he presses cold kisses across the expanse of your neck down your torso. "You're so sensitive for me, does a little cold make you this wet, hmm?" You blink up at your usually sweet boyfriend, only to find his gaze to be more hungry than playful.
"Answer me, baby? Or have I already fucked you stupid without even touching you?" The loud whine your body automatically let out as a response to his filthy words has you blushing frantically, only serving to further spur Jeno's near-sadistic behavior. "Aww, it's ok princess, there's no need to be embarrassed. You're gonna sound so pretty when you're cumming for me later, I just know it."
Before you know it, your skirt's flipped up to cover your abdomen, and it's near impossible to tear your gaze away from Jeno's fingers and how they seemingly glide across your wet lips. His tongue peeks out to lick at your clit before giving it a harsh suck, pulling back to bite at your thigh with a groan, and you just know he's left you with another blossoming mark. You always make it a point to complain about Jeno's marking habits, but he knew better; after all, he's caught you staring at them in the mirror before when you thought he wasn't home.
Frustrated that you had yet to be properly touched despite all your boyfriend's teasing, crinkling sound catches your attention, only to be met with the sight of Jeno sucking at that damned popsicle again. So much for hoping it was a condom so you'd finally be getting some. "Babe, pleeaaseee," you keen, wiggling your hips before biting at your swollen lower lip, trying to entice your boyfriend, "do something, anything."
"Anything?" But it's more of a statement than a question, as you soon find out. The remainder of your clothing is dragged off your body before the cool touch surprises you, but you're even more surprised to find Jeno fucking a brand new popsicle into your wetness. "Your pussy's gonna be so sticky and sweet for me, can't wait to watch you suck it off me," he all but groans at the mere thought of your heavenly lips sucking him off. The image of Jeno's colorful cum spilling out of you doesn't last long, as the freezing treat demands its presence be known, his tongue simultaneously going back to working at your clit.
Letting out a loud moan of his name, he looks up at you, squeezing you thigh with his free hand to draw your attention back to his face, intense eyes settling upon your teary ones. "Does it feel good, baby? Is it too cold?" You're touched that he's checking up on you, but it's really difficult to form words when his cold digits take over and fuck up into you with fervor.
"Don't stop, don't stop fuck Jeno please don't stop!" Just as you cry out for more, the man in question pulls away from you completely, leaving you high and dry just when it your orgasm was building up around his skilled fingers. Your eyes open to the sight of a shirtless Jeno with his pants and briefs pushed down just enough so that he can fuck up into his hand, giving himself just a hint of relief before moving on to the main event. Complaints die in your throat as you watch Jeno grasp both his leaking cock and the popsicle between his palms, rocking against the length of the sticky mess before once again pushing it into you a handful of times, ultimately discarding it off-handedly in the general direction of the coffee table it had been melting atop. "Think you're ready to take my cock now, princess? Wanna feel how well you take me," mumbling the latter against your lips, already having his tongue nearly down your throat as he aligns his tip, drawing out beautiful, desperate moans when he finally pushes in and sheathes himself inside your wetness to the hilt. You'd never even noticed when the rest of his clothes had gone missing, but you weren't complaining either.
"Fuck Jeno, how do you feel so hot yet so cold at the same time?" you shiver, simultaneously pulling closer and farther from his body, seeking the warmth from his chest while avoiding his freezing hands. He only chuckles at this, kissing further down your jaw before pausing to suck another mark, this time into your sensitive breast. Jeno's cold hands find purchase on your hips despite all your wriggling, bodies quickly warming up as the heat in the room rises on this passionate summer night. His hips work a strong rhythm into your own, pulling lewd melodies from the depths of your chest, raking your nails down his broad back in retaliation for making your things quake.
"Please tell me you're close, because I'm so turned on I can't guarantee I'll outlast you at this rate." The sheepish confession coming from a face that's anything but has you nearly combusting on the spot. His furrowed brows, parted, kiss-swollen lips and strangled groans all adding to your current heightened state of pleasure.
"Just a little more, Jeno I'm so so close. Feels so fucking good, just like tha-at," your eyes roll back as you're speaking and the cockiness that his features don immediately spell trouble. He's found your spot and he is whole heartedly planning to abuse this newfound knowledge. Both of your thighs are pushed up and pinned in place by your chest, his knees digging deeper into the leather; the glint in your boyfriend's dark eyes shining twice as bright in the now-evening glow, vision quickly blurring as his pace picks up considerably. His filthy praises besides your ear only helping your decent further into madness, bucking your hips into his as your nails dig into his shoulders for dear life.
"That's it, good girl, let go for me, come all over my dick, you can do it." As if by magic spell, your release floods your senses, a strangled cry of Jeno's name escaping your weak lips, babbling as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm. The colorful popsicle residue mixed with your own cum leaks out of you as Jeno pulls out of your warmth, and he stops for a moment to admire the art that would soon be once again ruined by raging hormones.
True to his filthy word, once you've recovered your still-horny lover is quick to lead your head between his legs, making sure you wouldn't forget the real sticky treat he'd made sure to save you a taste of. "Your mouth feels so good, so good, all for me, yeah?" he coos down at your form, blissed out as he enjoys the view.
It's his turn to be surprised however, when you pull off his cock to wink up at him, seductively murmuring for him to use you for his own release and fuck your throat. Not one that needs to be told twice, Jeno cups your cheeks as he holds you in place, slowly slipping into your mouth once again. He stops to make sure you're sure, asking if you're okay every time you whine or gag around him, not wanting to hurt you either.
Once you reassure him you're fine and start moving of your own accord, the loudest moan you've ever heard from Jeno to date spilling out, his head thrown back in sheer pleasure from the delicious sensation. You have all but a minute's worth of the upper hand before feline eyes are back on your own, silently asking for permission to begin moving his hips. Your silent response comes in the way your hands come up to his hips, ready to stop him if you needed to come up for air. A mere three thrusts in and Jeno is doubling over, sweet and filthy words coming out slurred as he's drunk off the feeling of your thigh throat around his length. "I'm so fucking close, oh my god," Jeno's ragged voice manages to rasp out, bucking wildly as you gag around his thick dick. "Gonna cum down your throat princess, yes or no?" He tugs at your hair to get your attention, briefly stilling his fidgeting hips. Your moan of an answer and the way you claw at his thighs to brace yourself being all the nonverbal cues he needs before he pulls out, sensitive tip all the way at your lips again, and you take in a deep breath just before he pushes back in so deep you feared you wouldn't be able to take it, the evidence of white, hot pleasure coating your throat in stripes.
Rather than the usual salty tang of Jeno's cum, the sweetness of the popsicle and taste of your own essence remaining the dominant taste on your tongue. You lick at your sticky lips as Jeno slowly pulls away from your mouth, hissing at how sensitive he is after such a powerful orgasm. He lays back before pulling you with him to lie over his chest, uncaring for the sweaty sheen adorning your bodies in favor of the peaceful embrace of your love. Many peppered kisses and high praises later, Jeno gently turns to press a lingering kiss atop your head, softly calling your name to beckon your gaze.
He breaks the silence by asking, "What do you say about trying whipped cream next time?"
"Sounds... sweet," you retort, much to Jeno's chagrin. At times like this he could easily see why his friends made fun of you two for your sense of humor. But for as much as he teased, he knew he would always be twice as in love with you as he ever claimed to be. And that.. was pretty sweet indeed.
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Home - Intro
Summary: Fresh out of a divorce, Y/N moves to Sun Valley for a fresh start, a house left to her by her aunt and a new job as a nanny.
James 'Bucky' Barnes owns a law firm and has been left with three kids after his wife died giving birth to their youngest.
Bucky is nervous about leaving the kids with a nanny but he cant keep finding babysitters and the kids need someone more permanent around.
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If you had asked me a year ago where id be right now, i would have said happily married, maybe a kid on the way?
But oh how wrong i was.
I was standing in my new home (a house left to me by my aunt that i was planning on selling!) with two suitcases of my belongings, no husband, no kids.... just me.
I stood looking around the fully furnished house and sighed, it was a lovely house, a bit outdated but i could work on that gradually....I wouldn't be here that often anyway. Before making the move i had applied for a nannying job in town, single father with 3 kids, he called me within the hour to have a phone interview that lasted over an hour. 20 minutes after the call he offered me the job. He was either impressed or desperate, i hadn't worked that out yet!
I dragged my suitcases upstairs and chose a bedroom, i unpacked the suitcases hanging up clothes in the wardrobe. Found some clean sheets and changed the bedsheets before turning in for the night. I had to be at the Barnes residence at 7:30am tomorrow to meet them all in person.
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Dressed in blue jeans and purple cable knit sweater i headed to the car and made my way to the Barnes residence.
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Pulling up in the 3 car garage as directed i sat leaning forward so i could take in the size of the place! It was huge! Clearly the man made ALOT of money!!
"Well shit" i quietly mumbled to myself grabbing my purse from the passenger seat and making my way up to the front door. The door opened before i even reached it and a young blonde woman opened the door with a tight smile.
"You must be Y/N"
"Yeah, thats me. Hi" i replied giving her a polite smile.
"Im Chloe, Mr Barnes's assistant. He is just finishing up a call, he asked me to show you in"
I followed Chloe through the huge house into the living room, i couldn't help but worry about getting lost in here!
"Just wait here he wont be long" Chloe said before turning and making a quick getaway. I sat on the edge of the sofa, knee shaking nervously as i looked around the room, the place was spotless considering three kids lived here.
"Im so sorry Miss Y/L/N, unexpected early morning problems to deal with" a deep voice suddenly said from behind making me stand up to turn and great my new employer.
When i saw him i felt my breath catch in my throat, the man was beautiful! ....i was NOT expecting that at all! 
"Its not a problem Mr Barnes" i smiled trying to ignore the fact he was the prettiest man id ever seen in my life!!
"Please have a seat"
"Thank you"
"Its nice to finally put a face to the name" he smiled looking a little surprised himself, maybe he was expecting an older woman??
"Yeah it sure is, i have to admit your a lot younger than i thought you'd be"
"I get that alot, we started young" he chuckled taking a seat on the sofa across from me "so how did the move go?"
"It was fine, i got in yesterday. Still gotta make it feel like home you know"
"I get that" he nodded looking around the room "i've lived here for 3 years and still doesn't feel like a home. As i said i work alot, i havent had time to do much with the place"
"Its a beautiful home Mr Barnes"
"Please call me James, Mr Barnes is so formal"
"Okay sure, in that case you have to call me Y/N" i smiled "so where are the kids? Its very quiet in here considering you have three young ones"
"Oh it wont stay like that for long, trust me! They stayed at their Uncle Steve's last night while i got the house cleaned. Couldn't have you turning up to messy house on your first day, you would have run a mile"
"I dont mind a bit of mess, its kinda expected when kids are involved anyway" i shrugged.
"I guess its inevitable" he smiled running his hand over his stubbled jaw "So, the hours i need you will vary depending on my work load. Some days i'll be home early and you can head home, others i may get held up and need you to stay"
"Yeah thats fine, im flexible with hours anyway" i nodded "being new to town i dont have any commitments, i'll welcome the distraction to be honest"
"No family or friends in town?"
"Nope, its just me. My aunt left me the farm house when she passed away a few months ago.... i had every intention of selling the place but..... well things changed and i decided a fresh start would be best"
"Well if you ever need anything dont hesitate to ask me"
"Thank you Mr Barnes.... sorry, i mean James" i felt myself blush slightly but he just smiled at me.
"I'll get a room set up for you here too, i dont expect you stay late then drive home. Id feel much better if you would just stay over when that happens"
"Okay, that sounds practical"
"I want you to feel comfortable with us, you will become a big part of our lives. I mean I'm trusting you with the most important things in my life"
"Im sure we'll get along great, and you dont have to worry. I will treat them like they were my own, they will be perfectly safe with me i promise you"
"BUCK WE'RE HOME!" A voice called suddenly followed by the sounds of running and laughing.
"Incoming" He stood up chuckling raising his eyebrows, the door burst open and two girls came busting through the door and dived at him. James scooped up both girls planted kisses on their faces making them giggle.
"How are my girls?"
"We good daddy, uncle Stevie gave us chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast!" The smaller of the two said happily.
"He did?? Did you save me some?"
"Dont be silly daddy"
"Who are you?" The eldest of the two asked me suddenly looking suspicious.
"Im Y/N"
"You daddy's girlfriend?"
"No sweetheart, this is Y/N. She's going to be looking after you while im at work"
"No more Mrs Fisher???"
"YES!! she was mean!.... your not mean are you?"
"I dont think so" i laughed finding it amusing.
"Y/N's not mean at all! I think you guys are gonna get along just fine" James said smiling.
"Hey Buck" a tall blonde man appeared in the doorway with a toddler in his arms.
"Hey Steve, this is Y/N. Our new nanny"
Steve's eyebrows shot up quickly, he looked at James then over to me before smiling.
"Hi, nice to meet you" he held out his free hand for me to shake.
"You too, you must be uncle Steve"
"Guilty" he smiled before passing the baby over to James.
"Okay, so i guess i should introduce you to the kids".
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A/N: I will add a ‘keep reading’ later, i still cant do it on mobile!! 🤬
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 17
Notes by me
- PREVIOUSLY - they tried to help the wraith by giving them a drug that takes away their NEED FOR FEED, but oops! Team Bimbo accidently turned on the arturro device and blew up some hive ships and todd did NOT like that for some reason :\ . now they dont want a truce and todd is out for blood
- atlantis is being attacked? Whats going on
- oh theres a hive ship floating above them
- john in the chair💞
- they really have to to fix the whole 'one or the other' problem with the cloak and shield
- rodneys snappy fingers
- "disease" "help us"???? Do they have covid 😷
- once again, ronon votes violence
-its jumper time my dudes
- no life signs? Todds dead?
- "this better not be a wraith ship from another reality" ronon has some trauma from the last time they encountered a dead hive ship lmao
- john: if we die, we die
Rodney: I have some objections
- Rodney looks GREAT in this outfit thank you costume department
- the gene therapy worked!....side effects may include eventual death
- ronon has a face on like he absolutely does not give a shit
- why is Woolsey bringing up the IOA I thought he blocked and deleted them
- ronon said Let Them Die
- still cant get over the fact that john named this alien the most generic name possible and everyone just went with it
- "the wall is melting"
- ah shit hes dead :(
- awww Rodney and keller quality time
- "im not used to having the fate of the galaxy hang in the balance"
"You get used to it. It helps to have a massive ego"
I mean???? Hes right
- shoulder rubs for the happy couple
- wait a minute hold up. The ship is made of living tissue right? The ships alive? So thats why the walls are moving right? Am I right
- rest in peace to the guy with teeth marks all over him
- wtf no one told these wraith that they didnt have to eat people anymore when they took the drug? Smh
- another wall is moving bitches 5 bucks that the ship is alive
- ah yes the only way out is dropping 300 feet into the abyss. Whats plan B
- reviving todd is a bad idea (he doesnt like you guys😬)
- the disease is in the ship????
- todd: theres fluid exchange between wraith and hive
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- only 4 days thats it????
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- when in doubt, blow it up!!!
- getting a bug to suck out your diseased blood and hoping that helps somehow. Lets call that plan C
- "you owe me sheppard!"
"I dont owe you anything"
- john is unadopting all his wraith kids at once
- ronon being saved by teyla ❤
- they just have an unlimited amount of bullets I guess
- ripped in half!!!!! Shit!!!!
- "sheppard! Come in, please!!!!" So desperate 😭😭
- "THINK!!" love how johns last hope is rodneys Big Brain but also his confidence that rodney will indeed find a way out of almost anything
- todd is in depressed emo teenager mode
- "I'll take you to your Bug Planet"
- die a stupid death or save everyone and live. Hhmmm tough choice
- pissy wraith at the helm
- johns like 'heres my advice for badly landing a ship! Trust me I'm an expert'
- time to land this bitch like Anakin Skywalker
- yay! Johns readopting todd!
- "you realise this is the kind of decision that could cost me my job?"
"Arent they all?"
- "I will remember this john sheppard"
Bye todd!!! I will probably see you again. Heres to hoping ✨
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stood staring in the bathroom mirror at the large pink scar that snaked across my forehead from my left temple to just above my right eyebrow.
It had been almost three months now, and I was still in pain, some days it felt like I couldn't escape it.
I lifted my shirt to show my tummy, yet another angry looking pink scar this one jagged from where the glass had gotten me. It still pain, dull ache ever-present, the itch constant. I frowned, frustrated with how long everything was taking to heal.
"Morning baby," Shawn whispered into my neck,coming to rest his head softly on my shoulder and smiling at me in the mirror.
"Hey," I couldn't help the small smile that pulled at the corner of my lips. He was so beautiful, even first thing in the morning, dressed in an ugly washed-out green coloured pair of scrubs,ready for another day as a doctor in the local emergency department.
"What was that frown I saw before I walked in?" he asked, still watching me in the mirror.
I sighed, "Im just sick of being sore and having these ugly scars all over my body. I can't get it out of my head," I whispered, feeling the tears welling up, an all to familiar occurance these days.
"It's gonna take some time baby," he murmured, pulling me to his chest and holding me tightly.
"Yeah I know," I sighed leaning back into his hold. He really had been the best thing and he had quite literally saved my life, both physically and mentally. Our relationship had never felt forced, we'd just naturally fallen for one another, but if I was being honest I would never have imagined to be where I was today three months ago.
-Three Months Earlier-
-Third person-
"This is a trauma call for an eta of ten minutes," a voice came over the Emergency Department intercom.
"I hate trauma calls," Brian sighed as he got geared up, placing the label that declared him to be team leader onto his protective gown, before pulling a fresh pair of gloves on to replace the ones he had just used to help stitch up a little girl's head after she took a tumble.
"Is the bed all ready?" he asked, ducking his head around the curtain of the only free bay in the department. It had been one of those nights, and it was only eight, meaning that he was only two hours into a twelve-hour shift.
"Almost," his college, and fellow critical care doctor, Connor spoke as he wheeled the crash cart into place, and situated the supplies draw.
"What do we know so far?" Michael, another doctor asked, coming to stand by the other two doctors.
"Adult female, hit and run, while crossing the street." Connor spoke, while glancing down to check his watch for the time remaining before they were set to arrive.
"That sounds nasty," Michael commented, wincing slightly in sympathy. "It's a good thing the nurses decided to page Ortho I suppose, it sounds like you'll be needing my expertise," he turned to face his colleague.
"I hate to stay it, but I'd have to agree," Brian replied, sharing a knowing look with the other two doctors.
All three of them knew that pedestrian hit and runs where never good, and there was a high rate of critical injuries sustained, and of course these were usually inflicted on the innocent party. They didn't speak for several minutes, each fidgeting, just wanting to start helping the poor girl already. They didn't say it, but they knew it wouldn't be pretty. This has been confirmed when they got a message via one of the nurses, saying that Shawn, one of their friends and fellow colleague, and, emergency care physician was on route to the scene of the accident after the paramedics requested his help. This was not something that happened ogten, and only when completely necessary. The hospital liked to keep Ashton there as his expertise was so useful in many of the situations that the department faced.
All I could feel was pain. Pain everywhere. Every inch of my body was hurting.
I tried to piece together how I had come to be here, but was met with some unknown resistance when I tried to turn my head, and survey my surroundings. "Stay still honey. We're going to get you to the hospital shortly, but just bear with us okay," a voice spoke from somewhere above my head. It was then that I became aware of the hands touching me, and instinctively I tried to pull away. "Dave, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," a different voice spoke. That was the last thing I was aware of before I woke to bright lights, and calm, but still somehow urgent, voices.
-Third Person-
When Shawn and Dave arrived on scene, it was worse then they had expected. The poor girl was laying in the middle of what would normally be a busy street, onlookers everywhere watching with baited breath. "Can we move some of these guys out of here?" Shawn asked one of the many police officers that were standing around, waiting for direction. The last thing his patient needed was an audience when they were completely defenceless.
When they finally managed to push their way through the crowd of people, and get the relevant equipment set up, it was to find that things were much more complicated and critical then they had first thought.
"What do we know?" Dave, the paramedic on the case asked.
"They've not been able to give us much, but they're saying that someone ran a red, hit her, and took off. They're trying to run the plates now, track the person down," a burly police officer spoke. " I'll leave you guys to it," he spoke, patting them both on the shoulder, before getting up and going to help the other officers control the swelling crowds,"
As they both surveyed the situation, the injuries were clear to see. The girl had dislocated her left shoulder, broken her collarbone, and from the blood soaking through her pants and the angle of her right ankle, she had a compound fracture. Perhaps more concerning though was the blood that was fishing from a open head wound above her eyebrow, and flowing from her nose. The latter was usually a sign of internal bleeding.
"Hello?" Shawn spoke, as Dave started getting the collar ready. "If you can hear me, give my hand a squeeze okay," he continued slipping his gloved hand into the girl's bloody one, and praying there was a response.
After a moment there was, and they both thanked the heavens.
"Sweetheart, my name is Shawn, I'm a doctor, and this is Dave. Can you remember your name?" Shawn asked, leaning down in the hopes of hearing the young woman's response.
"Ellen," she whispered. It was barley there, but it was still a response.
"Okay Ellen, this is going to be uncomfortable, but we need to put this collar on you so that you don't hurt your neck or back okay. And then we'll get you to the hospital," Dave reassured her, before going about fixing the hard plastic to the girl. Both the medics had had to put the collar on to experience what it was like for the patients, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. Neither one could fathom how bad it would be to have injuries on top of this.
They both felt dreadful when Ellen started trying to claw at the collar, desperately trying to get it off, tears flooding down her bloody face.
"I know sweets, it's okay," Shawn tried to comfort her once they were in the ambulance and had hooked her up to an I.V. with pain medication.
"Shawn, I think It'll be best to sedate her for the time being," he informed his partner, getting the sedative ready.
"Can you check her vitals again please?" he requested, "And get some oxygen on her for good measure," he added, before stepping out of the ambulance and heading to the driver's side. "I think she's stable enough to go," he added, before starting towards the hospital with lights and sirens on, indicating that this was a life-threatening situation.
In the back of the vehicle, Shawn was going about checking her pupil reaction, which turned out to be slow, indicating a moderate concussion. After this, he placed a mask on the girl, ensuring that the saturation levels were as high as possible, as after attaching her to the relative monitors, it was found that she was only satting a 80%.
Finally, he went about checking the heart and lungs, and by this point they were beginning to pull into the hospital, which relieved the medic immensely.
They were met with a team of people at the entrance, Shawn was glad to see this included his three colleagues, Michael, Connor and Brian.
"What do we have?" Brian asked, stepping behind the gurney to help Shawn push it now that Dave had left on a new call.
"This is Ellen, she was hit by a car side-on while crossing the road. She's got a dislocated shoulder, broken collar bone and a compound fracture to the ankle. Possible internal bleeding and concussion. The paramedic also found some swelling, possibly indicating spleen bruising. Lacerations to the head, with nasal bleeding. Her BP is low, same with heart rate, lungs sound normal, standard dose of pain medication given on route." He finished as they made it to the bay that had been set up before their arrival.
"Okay, I want a CT, scan of the head and abdomen and spine, and can someone get me an ultrasound machine, stat, and in the mean time let's get her hooked moved on the the bed so we can start preliminary examinations. On my count!" Brian commanded, directing the team in transferring her safely to the hospital bed.
The first thing I was aware of when I came to be was the bright lights above me, making me want to shut my eyes again almost instantly. After this, it was an annoying tickling sensation on my face. I moved my hand to try and swipe it away, but was met with resistance.
"Leave it there, Ellen," a calm voice spoke. A young man came into view then. "My name is Brian I'm one of the doctors looking after you, do you know where you are?"
"In the hospital," I answered, beginning to feel overwhelmed at the gravity of the situation, which was only made worse when I realised I couldn't move anything apart from my arms.
"Just try to stay nice and calm for me, you'll be fine, we just need to do a few tests and then we should be able to get you out of this contraption," he smiled sympathetically.
"Shawn?" he called. Another youngish looking doctor, this time with tanned skin, dark hair curly hair and several visible tattoos came over.
"You called?" he asked, before turning to me. "Hi Ellen, my names Shawn," he introduced himself with a smile, "I'm another one of the doctors."
"I want to roll her to do a spinal check,"
"No problem, so on three, I'm going to roll you onto your side and Brian is going to check for sensation." He explained to me, seeing the confusion I was feeling.
A few minutes later, they determined that my spine was fine, and this was confirmed by scans they had done when I was out, that came back fine.
"There you go, that's got to feel better," Shawn smiled, readjusting the blankets to provide me with more modesty.
"Ellen, are you in any pain?" Brian asked, coming over and shining a small light in my eyes.
"My tummy is really sore, and my shoulder and chest area," I told him.
"Okay, I'll get the nurse to increase the hourly dosage, there's no reason you should be in pain. You'll probably still be a little sore though, you've got a bruised spleen, which given time will heal, but you'll be tender for a while. As for your chest, you broke your collar bone on impact. We've put your arm into a sling to help limit the movement and give it an opportunity to heal. You did dislocate your other shoulder though, and we're going to have to put it back into place- don't worry though, we've got Michael doing it for you, and we're going to dose you up so you won't remember a thing," he laughed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
"You needed me?" yet another doctor walked in, dyed blonde hair, sitting across his face. "Sorry," he added, "There was an emergency in the pit,"
"Ellen, this is Michael, are you ready?" Shawn asked.
"Mmmmm?" I responded unsure.
"You'll be fine," he responded, going to adjust my meds.
To the say that the process was painful would be the understatement of the year, and I may have called all three of them some uncomplimentary names, but after the fact I got some immediate relief.
The rest of the night was spent getting my many cuts stitched up, with the doctors, helping to keep me distracted by talking to me about my everyday life. I ended up in tears when I was introduced to Shawn again,apparently I'd met him a few times before, but I really couldn't remember, who I was told was one of the main people who got me to the hospital. "It's okay," he had spoken, giving me a gentle hug. "It's what we do!" he smiled, grabbing a tissue and wiping the tears off my face.
"They told me you're studying vet science?" he asked, sitting down on a chair next to the bed Connor another doctor and Brian went back to stitching me up. I felt my whole face break into a smile.
"Yep, I'm already a certified carer, but I wanted to take the next step,"
"I really admire that," he told me, "Hopefully we'll be able to get that ankle of yours fixed up first thing tomorrow and onto the road of recovery." he spoke, referring to the compound fracture in my ankle that Shawn had told me about not long after I woke. Admittedly, I had thrown up when he told me what a compound fracture was, and had gone into a panic when he explained it would need surgery, but he had calmed me quickly.
"You'll be fine, you've got the best Ortho in the place working on you, Michael. You won't know anything happened once he's done, and you're all healed.
The coming weeks were filled with highs and lows, the surgery went well, and there was no post op infection, something that made all the doctors very happy, however the pain was almost unbearable at times, and they had to give me multiple pep talks to get me through it. I did it though, we their help.
The experience had helped to shape me, and when it was finally time to leave, I knew that I was leaving with four new friends.
But the one person I could always count on was Shawn. He helped me through everything, physio appointments, monthly reviews but above everything else he was a shoulder to lean on, someone to cry to when things got tough. And I guess through all of that our relationship had blossomed without us even realising. But one thing was for sure...
-Present Day-
I turned smiling now, as Shawn looked down at me I uttered the five words that meant so much to me.
"You save me from Ruin."
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mythiica · 5 years
Hi! If you want requests, then I won't hold back !! and I'll bring flowers to your grave! 😹 So may I request some jealous/possessive Lucien smut? (No problem if we need to bath in holy water after reading it...if you know what I mean 😸)
Title: Chubby Bunny ChallengeFandom: Mr. Love Queen’s ChoiceCharacter: LucienGenre: smuttysmutKinks: masturbation, teasing, dirty talk, face fucking/blowjob, marking, possessiveness, cumshot, reverse missionary (?)Warnings: noneIntended Gender Audience: Female Audience Word Count: 2000 wordsPOV: second personOther comments: hi senpai im 5 years late but i hope u like! Merge with: 
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“Who would have guessed that our favorite idol and our favorite producer would be competing in a good old fashioned game of Chubby Bunny?”  the host squeals to the camera. 
          You try to wipe the drool with your sleeve to save yourself the embarrassment of rewatching this episode later. Kiro looks the same, mouth filled with marshmallows as he tries his best to say the two words without making a fool of himself. 
         When you agreed to join him as the “guest star,” you did not expect to find yourself sitting in front of a camera playing Chubby Bunny with your best friend. 
         I completely forgot to mention that the theme is old trends! Kiro apologizes before you go live. 
         Now, the two of you are here. 
         You push another marshmallow into your cheeks and gag slightly on it before composing yourself and mouthing “Chuffy bonny–“ 
         The host raises an eyebrow at you. “I’ll let it pass! Kiro, your turn.” 
         Lucien watches this strange episode, with a slight delay, from the comforts of your bedroom. Had he remembered that the recording was happening today, he would have driven from work to the studio to watch you from backstage. 
         However, he does not really mind being at home, because it gives him the freedom to fantasize… So much so, that Lucien slips his hand into his sweatpants to stroke himself slowly. He rolls his fingers over his length and inhales sharply as precum starts to dribble from his tip. Lucien didn’t realize that he had gotten so hard from watching this mildly lewd game, but his ridge begs to be massaged. 
         Every time the camera pans to your face, Lucien imagines that your mouth is filled with his cock. Saliva slips down from the corners of your mouth, but still you continue to fit marshmallows one against another. It is truly a sight and it gives Lucien so many ideas. 
         You beat Kiro by at least five, totaling nearly seventeen marshmallows. Upon attempting the eighteenth, you gag a bit before spitting it all out.
         The white mess runs down onto the bib, only making Lucien groan louder to himself. He rewinds a bit when the audience starts clapping for you just to see you with tears in your eyes as you try to stuff marshmallows ten and eleven into your mouth. As the tension builds up in his cock, Lucien is tempted to pause the episode on your expression, but he lets it pass so that he can tuck his free hand inside his pants. Pumping his base and tip at the same time, Lucien tenses sharply, a cramp forming in his upper thigh, but he ignores it for the sake of orgasming. 
         Lucien groans as he cums, and the white of his release looks like the marshmallow concoction in your mouth. Raking his clean hand through his hair, Lucien pouts slightly, wishing you were here instead of still on the show. 
         The recording cuts to a commercial, giving Lucien a chance to clean himself up before seeing your face again. Lucien fast forwards through the host explaining the pocky game and pauses it to watch you come dangerously close to Kiro’s lips. He is well aware that you feel nothing for the idol, but he still feels a pang of jealousy and possessiveness stemming in his chest. 
         Your cheeks are a beautiful blush pink, likely from the makeup they required you wear for the episode, but it makes Lucien think about how easy it is to make you flush that color without enhancements. 
         Outside, the sound of people chattering pulls Lucien’s attention to the open window. He stands up and pulls his pants to rest low on his hips. Peeking over the windowsill, Lucien catches glimpse of your car pulling into the garage of the apartment complex. The negative emotions flutter away, replaced with happiness. 
         He waits at the door like a puppy and catches your wrist as you walk into the room. “Lucien!” 
         A smile stretches across his features. “Hello, beautiful. I’ve missed you.” Your boyfriend pulls you against his chest as he closes the door. The lock clicks into place as you cup Lucien’s face and kiss him lovingly. “You finished faster than I thought you would.” 
         “The recording is shown with an hour’s delay. And I thought you had work today.” You pick pillow fluff from his cotton shirt and smooth out the wrinkles. “I’m here now though!” 
         Lucien nuzzles against your touch and presses his forehead to yours. “You have been spending so much time with our blond friend as of late.” 
         “It’s only because I owed him a favor. He helped me last month with a last minute episode of my own show. Remember when you two played battleship?” 
         He nods and leads you to the kitchen where you set your purse down. “When I beat him badly at battleship. He’s cute, but he really does not know how to win at that game.” 
         “Be nice! He was trying to be polite.” 
         “It’s polite to lose?” Lucien teases. 
         You roll your eyes and hug your boyfriend from behind, resting your chin on his shoulder to look into the fridge. “I’m hungry.” 
         “You ate enough marshmallows and pocky to last you a week.” 
         “I had to spit them out after that challenge! I’ll have you know, I won the celebrity record of chubby bunny,” you say as-a-matter-of-factly. 
         Lucien leans back on his heels and pinches your side. “I saw, bunny.” 
         “What have you been up to?” Lucien offers you a bowl of fruit as he takes out other tupperware, trying to remember what leftovers are hiding in the back. “Besides watching me stuff my face with sugarry clouds.” 
         The smile dips into a smirk. 
         The container lands on the counter and a moment later, Lucien has you in his arms as he carries you to the bedroom. You giggle and wait to see where this is going, but are not expecting him to drop against the edge of the mattress and pull you between his legs. His grey sweatpants fall down to his ankles, revealing an erection Lucien had been carrying since you got home, and he brushes your hair back gently. 
         “I’ve been wishing you were here…” 
         Another fit of laughter bubbles in your throat, but you kiss his inner thigh before straightening your posture and dripping saliva onto his length. Lucien groans, savoring the look on your face. He remembered correctly: your eyelids dip down, giving you a lusty look. You’ve recreated it now, as you pump his length, making him harden more, before you lap at his pronounced ridge. 
         “You’re still wet from whatever you did earlier. Lucien, did you get off to me?!” 
         He smiles bashfully and nods as he lifts his shirt to expose his abdominal muscles. “You know the answer to that,” Lucien drawls. “Babygirl, I missed you–” 
         His words prompt you to start sucking along his length. The heat from your tongue makes Lucien shiver with joy, but you take pleasure in teasing him for too long. Lucien catches a handful of your hair to guide your mouth down. You swallow his cock and his tip rubs the back of your throat, making you gag slightly before you settle and start to pump his base. 
         This is what Lucien was missing – the lewd sounds you make every other moment as you try to fit him fully. Your lips swell as they move, but Lucien starts to face fuck you desperately, wanting to see how you would look with white painting your soft skin. 
         Every time Lucien bucks into your mouth, saliva bubbles at your lips, but you wipe it away and focus on sucking his length. Your fingernails dig into his thighs, making Lucien squirm and groan loudly. “Fuck… your tongue feels so much better–” 
         You do your best to smile as Lucien tucks your hair behind your ear. A moan rumbles in your throat, stimulating his cock even more. His muscles tense sharply and his mouth contorts in the shape of your name. Bitterness envelops your tongue, but you continue to suckle at his tip before popping off with a loud sound. 
         Lucien snaps quickly into reality and catches your chin between two fingers. “Show me.” He marvels at his cum on your tongue and prides himself in marking you. “Good girl…” 
         Sitting up, you turn to go to the bathroom, but Lucien catches your hand and pulls you on top of him. “Careful, we’re not done yet.” He kisses your throat, coaxing you to swallow the contents of your mouth, and you give in. A trickle of white runs across your lips, so Lucien kisses you deeply and takes care of it. 
         The next moment, Lucien strips you of your own clothes, discarding them carelessly on the floor next to the bed. He attacks your breasts next, circling his tongue around your nipple as you fumble with your pants to take them off. 
         “L-Lucien! Please, let me–” 
         Lucien grips your hips tightly as he leans backwards. You straighten your back and settle onto his cock – he stretches you more than you expect, but you moan gleefully when Lucien starts thrusting into you. He is quick to pull you down against his chest, but every time you try to sit back up, he presses his hand against the small of your back to keep you flushed down. 
         “Stay, babygirl, I like it when I can feel your warmth against my skin…” Lucien says this so softly that it makes your heart melt. Relaxing your muscles, you nuzzle against his chest and let Lucien buck up into you. Rolling your hips only allows him to reach deeper inside of you, until his cock hits against the spot that makes you moan loudly. 
         “Does it feel good?” 
         “Tell me more–” 
         You kiss Lucien deeply and run your hands across his bare chest. “I should have come home earlier if this what was waiting for me.” 
         Lucien grabs a handful of your ass and pulls your legs apart to fuck you faster. “At least now I get to mark you, no? Kiro got dangerously close to your mouth earlier, and I didn’t like it. These are mine~” He licks your lips and teethes on them slightly. 
         You gasp aloud and run your fingers through his hair to pull it back. He looks so good with his hair back, it makes you moan just at the sight. “I pulled back before we got too close though. Or did you get carried away doing.. other things?” you tease. 
         He grunts and slows his thrusts just to hold your face and look into your eyes. “We should do that some time, no?” 
         “I’m currently focused on this!” Grinding hard against him, you press your fingers down on his nipples and roll your hips. It makes Lucien frenetic, and the next moment you go numb from his powerful thrusts. 
         You fall over the edge of pleasure, your orgasm wrapping you in bliss. Usually Lucien likes to fuck you through your climax, but this time he pulls out and cums between your abdomens. His release is hot and sticky, as it rests against your skin. 
         Lucien smiles and laughs before shifting around so his cum spreads across your skin. “Hmm.. there, just like that. So you’re mine.” 
         Finally, you sit up and admire the mess on you. “Of course I’m yours, Lucien~” Leaning down, you press a kiss to his forehead. Lucien locks his arms around you for a hug, and once again he picks you up, but this time to carry you to the bathroom. You squeal and nuzzle against his neck, knowing that the two of you will be due for another round in the shower. 
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