#help I keep making more ocs before I can even finish making their ref sheets
leslietheluna · 5 months
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Made a new puyo oc!!✨ Hes a Jester dragon whose really passionate about his job, but his serious face tends to make people feel intimidated
He wants to make people happy, but he keeps accidentally scaring them away adjhsbdksnj
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inkrabbit · 4 years
Alright alright, the bios took way too long, but now my most favorite babies are, for the most part, official <3
As I said earlier, I would be making a post of all the ideas/WIPs I have going on. So if you’re interested in seeing those, or even the bios for my characters, click on “Keep Reading”!
Daniel “Dan” Cooney: https://sta.sh/02fd5cocplks
Jeremy McCain: https://sta.sh/01ehss0wkj6g
Story Ideas/WIPs:
Red Dead Redemption 2:
~ Strauss x GN! Reader (One-shot/Kinda gift –18+) - Just one more month: Caught in debt and desperate to keep all your bones intact, you seek out Herr Strauss in order to ask for an extension on your deadline. Unfortunately for you, this Austrian already has conditions made special for you, and if you really don’t want to face his wrath, you’ll do what he says – Takes place before Blackwater, where Strauss has a nice little office - Not started
~ Pearson x GN! Reader (One-shot/Kinda gift –18+) - To Hell With Your Stories: He’s not shutting up about those damned sperm whales and you’re tired of it. Oh, you’re gonna find a way to shut him up and you’re thanking Dutch that he’s decided to go on a heist and take most of the members with him to help. - Not started
~ Kieran x GN! Reader (One-shot –18+) - Kiss Goodnight: They did this to him, those bastards. The sweetest man you could meet, and he had been brutally attacked. You’re in no better shape yourself, but you’ll be damned if you’re leaving Kieran tied up in this disgusting basement. And with his sobbing pleads, how could you turn your back on him? - This was actually meant to be a part in a story I was working on, but eventually scrapped. I loved the idea too much to let it go, however, so here we are. This story will contain spoilers, along with graphic depictions of violence and gore - Not started - planned
~ Flaco x GN! Reader (One-shot –fluff + gift) – About a Cowpoke: You’re the only one who comes up to visit him, normally to get jobs from him, but he notices how you linger around. You’ve listened to his rambling, laughed at his jokes and even brought him up some supplies without him asking. You never forgot him. You never forgot Old Flaco, and damn you for capturing his heart. - Not started - planned
Cyberpunk 2077:
~ Jealous! Johnny x Oblivious! GN! V (One-shot) – Man Who Sold the World: He never intended for this to happen; never intended to fall for the gonk who stole the relic and then got it stuck inside their head. But something about them made him wanna be a better person. Maybe it was their personality, their can-do attitude, or maybe their own thoughts and ideas had simply overrode some of his. Whatever the case may be, he had fallen hard for his little merc, and he’ll be damned if anyone takes them away from him. No, that won’t be happening again. - Not started - planned
Watch Dogs: Legion:
Daniel “Dan” Cooney (Proper story) – Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (18+): Anything for the resistance. Anything to help someone in need. His neighbor had been sweet to him, said so many pretty things to him and even opened up and had been truthful. So why was he the one laying here with a gun aimed at him, and not the one who got him into this mess? - Started
Bagley (Proper story) – This Time, I’m Staying: The… emotions he felt. They were disgusting – foreign and unwelcome. But he can’t stop himself. Arthur: the one that got away. That replays over and over and over in his little AI brain. Oh no, Arthur wasn’t getting away. Having figured everything out, and with the help of the operatives, he was hellbent on getting back the life that was unfairly taken from him. - Not started - planned
Jeremy (One-shot) - I’ve Tried Letting Go: Some things you just can’t change, especially if it’s your past. It doesn’t help when there are constant reminders holding you back, and every day, Jeremy is greeted with one. Maybe it’s finally time to admit he needs some help. - Not started
Art Ideas:
~ Moxie Zedd bust - @mallr4ts RDO OC - gift (really hoping to finish this by the 16th :x)
~ Dan and Jeremy sketch dump
~ Finally finish Dan’s stupid ref sheet holy shit I’ve had it saved for months and haven’t even looked at it
~ Maybe a smol ref for my baby Jeremy
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rockwell-light · 6 years
Goals for the New Year (2019 edition!)
Looking back at last year's journal I was pretty unfocused about my goals |D I think I had a vague idea of essentially wanting to share more of my OCs, wanting to post more, and wanting to make more time to interact with folks and draw. This year I've got a lot more substance to what I want, er, maybe a little too much? Let's review 2018 and then my new goals ;v;
What I did accomplish:
I ended up starting to make character reference sheets as a start to sharing my OCs, which wasn't a bad way to go <: This year I'd like to continue that trend for sure! It's helping me nail down appearances for some characters that have only been strictly written before, and finalizing/updating appearances for characters that I've drawn for a long time. I initially started with really clean references and then moved into more sketchy ones for the sake of saving time, and I'll probably continue to do that for most of my characters and side projects, minus the really important ones (I intend to give Rock, Cale, and Vox clean refs, for example). I also managed to post at least once every month here which was a goal of mine last year, and I'm very proud of myself for that
It seems like such a small amount of times to upload art (a minimum of 12 times all year) but it's a goal that seemed challenging with my lack of free time.
I am still working on making more time to draw and be social. The job I started at the beginning of last year really dug into my time and energy, and I ended up springing for a new one during the holidays. I've been told that somewhere probably from mid to late January (or maybe early February depending on how long it takes to train new folks) I'll be able to have less hours on my plate. This is a big deal because art is what I want to do most, and with more people slowly offering to commission me, I desperately want to have the time to do said commissions. I have turned down several friends and clients when asked (or not responded because I was unsure how to explain myself), purely because I didn't feel I could do even a single image in a timely manner, and I didn't want them waiting months for something they paid for. Fingers crossed this will be changing soon!
But that rolls into more things I did do! I took way more commissions last year than I have before, and I have a small steady queue of folks who would like more that I want to get back to! I also tried some YCHs and adopts and had some success there as well ;v; It was a goal of mine to really work at that stuff and even if it's a small amount compared to other artists, I'm really excited about it!
I also had my first ever convention table! My fiancee Cristal ( @hellscythearts ) and I got to sell our prints at an anime/geek convention and that was a dream come true! I've wanted to do that ever since attending my very first convention when I was really young. I also got a lot of practice in with clean line art and cell shading, which are two things I've always wanted to get better at, but had no confidence in ;v; and this year I really liked a lot of my pieces, enough to sell them as prints even!
What I didn't do:
I didn't end up sharing as much about my characters as I wanted to, or starting any big projects (curse you anxiety and time management!). While I did start making references for a lot of them (and their alternate universe variations because we have way too many AU versions hanging around), I didn't actually finish all of the references I wanted to. I also haven't actually TALKED about them that much outside of those posts.
There haven't been a lot of written snippets with large illustrations, or drabbles/plain writing shared. I also only did a handful of small comics when I'd hoped to do more to showcase their personalities. I do like the ones I did, I just want to do more! I'm still nervous to go in depth with many of them, even if their appearances are appealing I worry about their characterization or stories being uninteresting ;v; but I need to remind myself that I like writing them, and that should be the most important part. It's just a bonus if you guys end up liking them too!
I also didn't end up with a job that gave me more time but WE'LL SEE ABOUT THIS NEWEST ONE NOW THAT THE HOLIDAYS ARE WINDING DOWN.
What I want to do:
Okay, I have a lot of different ideas for what I'd like to work on this year. I'm going to lay out WAY TOO MANY GOALS, with the understanding to myself that I don't need to accomplish all of them. Even just one is okay. Please remind me of that too if I get too down on myself and my progress ;v; I want to do a lot but I need to take it easy on myself when it comes to productivity and output just because art isn't my main occupation yet. These goals are not listed in any particular order or priority!
Keep making references! There are lots of characters I didn't get to yet, and I want to at least get to the "main" ones and their original versions. Other sketchy AU refs are a bonus.
ACTUALLY SHARE PARTS OF MY OC'S STORIES AND MORE ABOUT THEM. This could be comics, drabbles, journal memes, or written snippets with art. It doesn't matter, make me post about my OCsand not just leave cool doodles and no information. I want you guys to start getting to know them like I know them.
COMICS. I want to start making comics. Both one off comics about my characters like I did in 2018, but also more structured ones. Cristal and I have so much writing done, and a few character stories that are basically finished, so no more excuses not to get drawing on at least one of those ones!
More Youtube: I have two different ideas about this. Last year I posted one speedpaint video almost every month, excluding November and December (although I did three in October so???) I want to try and keep that momentum. But I also want to try my hand at some other things-- specifically small animations. These would be pretty non-serious stuff, and mostly a lot of memes that fit my OCs, or maybe small 10-30 second scenes with music. So every month if I can, I'd like to post EITHER A SPEEDPAINT OR SHOT ANIMATION (with or without audio).
Attend more conventions! We've signed up for some so this is really just not to get discouraged and to keep signing up as more open. I know we won't get into all of them but I want to try to start doing it more regularly, being a part time convention artist is really appealing to me. Our first time was honestly like being paid to be on vacation and it was super good for my anxiety and stress issues.
Keep accepting commissions: It would be cool if I could take more of them this year, but I'd at least like to keep doing them at all. For the tail end of last year my momentum really died down and I stopped taking almost any. I'm not sure what a realistic goal/number here would be, so I'm sort of stuck on -take them at all- right now.
Continue posting art at least once a month to dA/twitter/tumblr! My standards with this goal are pretty loose. Big illustrations would be the ideal, but comics and references or weird experimental art are also a-okay. I want to stay lax about this.
Again, I don't need to do all of these goals. Heck I could probably rotate them a little through the year. These are just all the things I'd like to work on. Drawing and writing and animating are like, the things I've always wanted to do with my life, and I keep being afraid to put myself out there more. It can be hard to balance work with this (at the moment I'm doing A LOT OF OVERTIME), but it's ultimately what would make me the most happy. I want to be financially stable, but still be creatively fulfilled. Ideally I think working part time and then taking commissions/doing conventions/comics is where I want to shoot for, so we'll see what the year brings ;v;  
Now!!! Tell me about YOUR goals. What do you want to do this year creatively? How do you want to improve your art/writing? What about none art related things? How did you do with last year? Did you make progress? Did you find something new you're passionate about/interested in? What about non-art goals?
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the-ice-reapers-art · 6 years
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+Updated Punchy Ref Sheet+
PHEW! FINALLY, I finish shading Punchy and her new ref sheet! Also, this new ref sheet comes with a bit more of Punchy’s backstory :0
Hope you all like it! :D
Punchy (c) Me The template used for this was made by @chikuto
also, click ‘Keep Reading’ if you want to see the full shaded pic of Punchy and see some extra info on her! ^^
Lillian - Birth Mother. Though she died when Punchy was little, Punchy still has fond memories of her late Khonsuran mother. Even now, as a young adult, she still misses her hippie mama. 
Robert Demers - Birth Father. Punchy was nervous about him at first when she was taken into his care- following her mother’s death. Over time though she did come to realize that he was a good man and cared deeply for her. Shame he disappeared.
Roseyln Demers - Stepmother. The silver-tongued viper of the Demers Family. Punchy refuses to talk about her. Too many bad memories. 
Jr. Demers - Older stepbrother. Punchy has nothing nice to say about this little sheep.  
Philip Demers - Younger stepbrother. One of the only good things- aside from her father- that made living in the Demers household bearable. 
Gaz - Love/Hate Relationship?????  Its....unknown how these two feel about each other. Sure, there’s no doubt they care about each other to some degree, but it doesn’t clear up much. Some days they can treat each other like old friends, while other days they’ll be verbally at each other's throats. 
Caelan - Older Brother figure. Out of everyone that makes up the catacomb trio, Punchy is surprisingly very close to Caelan. It’s not uncommon to find the two either sparing in the catacombs whenever Caelan isn’t doing something for Gaz or having a conversation in Khonsur dialect much to the annoyance of Gaz who tries to eavesdrop on them now and again. The two are very protective of each other to a high degree. 
Alice - Older Sister figure. The second person in the trio that Punchy is close to. She always goes to Alice if she needs advice, or needs to vent to someone. Fun Fact: Alice is the one who gave Punchy the idea for braiding a small bit of her hair- and attaching her necklace to it.
Jocelyne Babineaux ( @queeniiicorn‘s OC) - Best Friend. One of the few Arcadian nobles that Punchy DOESN’T want to drop-kick on sight. It’s still a mystery to a lot of people how the charming and intelligent youngest daughter of the intimidating, gun-slinging Babineaux family and the short-tempered and stubborn illegitimate child of the Demers family became such close friends. 
[More Relationships to be Added Later On]
-Extra Fun Facts- 
+Punchy’s star sign is Gemini
+ The Moonstone necklace that she wears was given to her by her mother before she died. The reason she wears it in her hair rather then around her neck is that she worries about someone grabbing it and ripping it off her neck if she’s not careful. 
+ If anyone asks her about the bandage around her neck, she’ll change the subject. Only a select few people that Punchy trusts know what the neck bandage is about.
+ There’s a rumor that, when Punchy turned 16, Gaz give her a small box full of valuable jewelry and some money. Where he got it no one knows- but it’s implied that he might have blackmailed either Punchy’s stepmother- or at least someone in the Demers’ family- to get it. Why? No one is entirely sure. All that is known is that Punchy uses this newfound wealth to help the dwellers....and keeps it well hidden within the catacombs. 
+ Punchy dreams of one day starting a school/home for the young children and teens that live in the catacomb. Though currently, that dream seems far off- and even near impossible- that doesn’t stop Punchy from putting away half of whatever money she gets from fishing/side jobs towards that dream.
+ Punchy is best wing-woman to Caelan
annnnd here is the full shaded Punchy pic! 
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