blitzbuckzowild · 1 day
Here is my proof that I am still alive and making HB stuff I've just not been satisfied
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blitzbuckzowild · 16 days
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Good Morning Blitzø
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blitzbuckzowild · 22 days
Whenever I see fanart depicting Stolas and Blitzø closer in size I remember these screencaps I use as reference
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Yeah their sizing is inconsistent but Blitzø is barely half of Stolas' height. Stolas while proportionally thinner is still broader than Blitzø in almost all depictions of them together.
I'm fine with him being lighter than Blitzø cause of hollow bones but this bird is bigger in all other ways (minus forearms, Blitzø you Popeye looking motherfucker)
Hope this helps other artists
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blitzbuckzowild · 1 month
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Love Languages
Based on a dream i had involving myself and my friend.
I figured Blitzø would be really into Stolas being a bad boy for him hahahaha.
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blitzbuckzowild · 26 days
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50(+) follower celebration collection.
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blitzbuckzowild · 1 month
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Sketch dump time - The second picture is inspired by Saving Us by @blitzwhore I am not quite satisfied with it so I’ll probably be going back to do some tweaking and cleaning up the rendering
The first one is one of my work outfits that I just decided to force Blitzø into for the hell of it. Really I just wanted to play with the watercolor tools because watercolor is something that lends itself to my style with colors well. Other than that just some little things i wanted to draw, especially a hell horse heh.
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blitzbuckzowild · 1 month
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More detail under the cut.
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blitzbuckzowild · 1 month
On Stolitz, Kink and Power Dynamics, and Role Reversal - Stolas Centric
So, I have been thinking a lot about the kink dynamics between Stolas and Blitzø, especially how they are portrayed in the show vs. what is popular (or more popular than you’d think) among fan works. A lot of this has probably been said, but I am unsure what has and has not, and I have only recently begun to interact with the community.
For some background, I have about 10 years of experience within the kink/BDSM lifestyle including several long-term dynamics as both Dom and sub, attendance to events, extensive engagement in online forums, etc. I’ve been in many types of dynamics and have a good understanding of the culture.
We have very little knowledge on the intricacies of the dynamic between Stolas and Blitzø but from what I can gather its a pretty standard one without very much structure. This makes sense seeing as before recent canon events, their scenes are primarily limited to once a month. There is no evidence of switching that I can find in the show, most likely they stay firm in their roles of Blitzø as Dom and Stolas as sub. There is the comment during the Loo Loo Land episode, where Blitzø say “wait till her dad tries diddling your holes”, but the keyword being “tries.” Now obviously he could be receiving penetration, but I find it hard to believe that there is any actual control given to Stolas.
This structure obviously allows for some entertaining role reversal, and (on the surface level at least) mitigates some of the issues with the power at the same time. I find myself often wondering how people would regard the dynamic between them if Blitzø was portrayed as the sub. It obviously doesn’t really fit his character as he is now, but it is a thought.
Anyway, the point is actually to explore the idea of a role reversal between the two and what this can represent. Obviously, a lot of this has been touched on in fan-works, and probably other posts, but primarily in the framework of Blitzø’s experience subbing. I think that is well-established that a lot of the draw for Blitzø to submit is the idea of him being vulnerable and letting go of control. There are many works that focus on this.
But what about Stolas? That’s something I haven’t seen a lot of.
Stolas is passive. Even if he snarks back at Blitzø and does set some boundaries a bit at the beginning of Apology Tour, and he does tease and push, it’s really not substantial. Even with Full Moon, even with the crystal, he is still so submissive to everything that happens around him. He makes his grand gesture and throws the ball in Blitzø’s court until he can’t handle what that looks like. He let’s things just happen to him for the most part. So a lot of his character growth in the show focuses on him gaining confidence and taking initiative.
Even in Apology Tour, at the Blitzø Hate party, he makes it clear where he stands on what he wants his role in a relationship to be. He wants to be pursued, like a woman in a rom-com who stereotypically and historically takes a passive role to whatever confident or goofy hunk wants her. Sure, she wants him (usually), but typically she is not doing the pursuing. Instead she rolls her eyes and things happen to her.
Stolas taking on a dominant role, taking control, even in the context of kink, can be symbolic for him learning ambition and initiative. Everything has been decided for him and he’s letting Blitzø’s actions and responses make the decision for him. Even with Octavia, he acts as if he is collateral to her behavior and emotions. It’s fair for him to want Blitzø pursue him and to take accountability. However, at some point he needs to pursue as well. You could say that the crystal was an instance in which he did? But was it really when at the first sign of resistance from Blitzø, he folds and pull back.
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All this to say, there can be some really great story telling using their BDSM dynamics. I don’t really expect the show to address this, because I think there are some intricacies here that can only be appreciated by those really involved in the BDSM lifestyle, and honestly I am not sure how knowledgeable the writers are about it outside of the mainstream knowledge (Well mainstream compared to someone like me.)
With the deal ended, and the power dynamics somewhat balancing out, the door is really opened for this type of thing. There isn’t as much baggage in Blitzø being portrayed in a sub role. The class divide is still there, but Stolas no longer holds all of the cards
There is waaaay more I can say on this in regard to the roles of sub and Dom and how they relate to Stolas and Blitzø but this is already so long. Some things to consider would be the the actual emotional needs that are filled by each role, the ways relationships in dynamics develop, different BDSM subcultures and theories on the nature of their dynamic, and more of my thoughts on how their current dynamic with Stolas subbing and Blitzø Domming impacting perceptions of their previous arrangement by viewers, how Blitzø is already submissive to Stolas in ways, the general emotional state of people when engaging in kink, etc. I could also provide my own thoughts on Blitzø subbing but I feel it’s already well addressed in the fandom.
Maybe I’ll do a part 2 if it’s wanted or I get the will. I would love to engage in any discussion (agreeing or otherwise) on this, I probably missed some things, or interpreted stuff differently than others.
And here is a Poll to wrap this up
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blitzbuckzowild · 29 days
Blitzo and Pirates
I had some more thoughts about Helluva Boss recently and I’m not sure if this is something that has been addressed. A quick google search says no, but obviously that means nothing. Sorry if I’m repeating something that other people have said.
So Blitz maintains his love of horses from childhood right? However, the same cannot be said for his love of Pirates. I would say in the episode “The Circus” his love of pirates is way more prominent than that of horses. It makes sense for him to maintain both of those loves, especially horses as that could be a way to stay connected to Fizzarolli given that he made good balloon horses.
I do still think he likes horses as a kid, seeing as he knew the horse fact about them eating sugar, and then he talks about it later in the episode when he and Stolas are sitting under the tree. But yeah, he seems to really like the action and adventure of pirates. He thinks they’re cool and obviously he talks about them a lot even outside of the episode since Fizz seems exasperated in a way that indicates this is a common occurrence.
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So what could have possibly caused Blitzo to lose that interest? I think it’s very clearly shown in the same episode, “The Circus.”
I think it is safe to assume, that when Blitzo is sent to play with Stolas for the day, that robbing the house was not something he had ever done before. He seems so confused and afraid of the idea of even trying to steal, and I don’t think it’s just because they’re royals. I doubt he has even had to do a job like this before just based on his confusion about the whole situation.
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Then we look at when he actually goes to the Goetia palace to play with Stolas. He literally uses the idea of playing pirates to trick Stolas into helping him rob the place. Blitzo seems to be having fun during the whole thing, but I am wondering if when the excitement and adrenaline ran out, if he felt guilty. We obviously haven’t seen that, but it seems like a fairly strong theory.
I mean, he does not talk about pirates as an adult like at all (unless I’m forgetting a line), and the only reference we even have to it would be his flintlock pistol and its design, maybe his attire somewhat, but I don’t really think he was going for pirate.
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So, this is what I’ve been found myself wondering, if the reason that the idea of pirates have lost their appeal, whereas horses haven’t leads back to feelings of shame around what was probably the first crime he ever committed. Not to mention that he tricked someone who was genuinely kind to him into helping him. I think Blitz downplays the effect his day with Stolas had on him, because how else would he just so happen to remember the Grimoire? I that’s already been talked about. I wonder how often Blitz ruminated on what he had done let himself sit in the shame and guilt and the thought of pirates just remind him of that.
Maybe I’m waaaaay over analyzing this whole thing, but I found it interesting enough to point out and see what other’s think.
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blitzbuckzowild · 20 days
Blitzø using his small size to his advantage in combat appreciation post
I'm sad this is really only shown in two episodes (truth seekers and Oops, but mostly truth seekers) because I love the way he fights.
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The way he couples his size along with his weight and momentum to his advantage is just gorgeous.
I just like how much attention to detail there is in the different combat styles of the characters. They're all agile yes but it varies. The most agile is Millie obvious and the least would be Moxxie since he's a marksman. Loona is super agile and really strong but the least refined or consistent in her fighting style.
Blitzø though is a great combination of close combat, heavy weaponry, and general mid ranged firearm use. He's so versatile and scarily competent at his job. He seamlessly combines close and midrange combat with the way he uses his adversaries to gain height or momentum. His flexibility and strength are insane for what is considered one of the weakest races in hell.
I really want to see this kind of combat between him and Striker. In Harvest Moon Blitzø is definitely more of a brawler in the way he engages with him. I think this might be due to the fact that he and Striker are pretty much the same size coupled with him being more angry. During truth seekers he was more emotionally vulnerable but with his entire team relying on him he was able to compartmentalize better. I think there's a difference there between Striker being another imp and then fighting against humans (or the demons threatening his childhood friend) this could also be chalked up to the characterization of his preferred combat methods not being established yet.
Anyway I'm rambling, I just love watching this lizard man ride his enemies.
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blitzbuckzowild · 29 days
Things I want for Blitz and Stolas
- to have a cottage in the middle of nowhere in the human realm so that Blitz can have horses and Stolas can have a beautiful garden and watch the stars
-Blitz to wear Stolas' old sweaters from when he was younger (still too big, but not like if he wore Stolas' current clothes)
- Blitz to develop a good relationship with Octavia and Stolas to do the same with Loona
-Them to have a cozy, modest home together with spaces for their own hobbies but not so big that Blitz can't navigate it. (Lots of accommodating customizations for both of them)
- these two nerds to infodump on each other for hours
-Them to start a coupe and dismantle the establishment
- Them to go to couples therapy and individual therapy
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blitzbuckzowild · 19 days
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blitzbuckzowild · 27 days
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Some sketchy sleepiness from my cintiq. New Apple Pencil tips today so art content should pick up again.
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blitzbuckzowild · 2 months
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I don’t deserve to have my heart against your own.
Companion art piece to a fic I’m working on, in which i completely ignore canon.
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blitzbuckzowild · 1 month
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Eldritch Forms with another scene from Saving Us by @blitzwhore because I’m a sucker for some major character injury and hurt comfort angst
I have secrets I wont tell.
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blitzbuckzowild · 1 month
For the platonic cuddles meme, can you do u3 with Blitz and Loona 🥺
Oh Boy, oh boy, this was fun to draw. The only situation I could think of where Loona would let Blitzø ride on her shoulder would be if he was injured. Also bonus fun reference screenshots I took since their sizes are hard to parse and also, I haven’t drawn much Loona.
I thought they both turned out looking really cute :)
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