#helluba boss rewrite
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thedumestflower · 2 years ago
So in my silly remake of hb, I wanted to deepen Millie's character, and vivzepop said she had "strong family connection" or whatever and that gave me an idea for her , striker, and (to a lesser extent) Sally Mae.
Okay, and hear me out on this, what if they had a sibling rivalry? Okay let me explain. If striker , millie were siblings, that could deepen their backstory and give them an interesting dynamic.
So in my re-make, its kinda scuffed and weird but basically , they're humans who did some crime shit and now are bounty hunters/hitmen for important government company people, and stolas is like the fuckn phone operater who gives them directions and shit but blitz is still calling the shots- yeah its kinda fucked. And i know vivzepop said people don't like her because she doesn't have a fucked up backstory, and that's not true , but I'm not really making her trauma free but i'd say her backstory is alot less fucked than moxxies of blitz or loonas. So , in my head, her backstory goes a lil somthin like this:
Millie's family was kinda a bounty hunting gang turned ranch when her parents grew older, and Millie was the youngest kid in the family, with sally may being the middle child, and striker being the oldest. In her life, her siblings had always overshined her. With striker getting the most attention for being the oldest and most skilled, and sally may being praised for her technique, millie felt like she needed to work twice as hard as her siblings to keep up. eventually, her hard work and training paid off , leading to her eventually being an incredibly successful bounty hunter, almost as good as her sibling , striker, who was top of the board, and number one most wanted, though was about to be overthrown. So during a scuffle where striker and millie where hunting down the same criminal , striker took advantage and millie ended up getting thrown in prision for being wanted of,,, crime, and striker getting away scott free (dont ask how idk yet). But one of the prison overseers or whatever recognized millies strength and talent, and offered her to be in the hitman bounty hunter program for big government company, she accepts and was paired up with moxxie, they fall in love, they meet blitz, the rest is history.
and now, you might be wondering , why dosent sally may do shit? well, thats because (at the time of writing) we haven't seen much of her, so i have no fucking clue what to do with her, sorry sally may fans
Anyways, on to the character dynamics. I imagine striker and millie to hate each other, but in a fun way. I imagine in harvest moon festival, millie and striker are trying to one up each other, millie competes with striker in the competition instead of moxxie, and during one of the rest periods where moxxie is patching up millie, he askes her why her and striker seem to hate eatchother but still seem to be close, millie info dumps her backstory, but she says it in kinda a playful or lighthearted tone. Like she dosnt mind it much that striker put her in jail, like its a game to them. Because it is. its basically one big ongoing game of cat and mouse to them. So yeah, they tie for first place, striker almost end games stolas , blitz catches him, millie joins the fight, big gun shooty shooty battle scene, millie is kinda beat up but okay. and at the end of the ep, before the menacing striker scene foreshadowing his return, theres a little scene of millie getting doordashed wendys to her in her house by striker wile shes recovering, moxxie askes why the fuck he would get her wendys after he tried to end gaem her, and she revals, its kinda a tradition in their family, after a big fight happens in the family, you usually do somthing nice for the other person you fought as a show of good sportsmanship, she reflects on how they thought it was dumb as kids, since they usually had to do stuff like clean each others rooms and give eatchother money, but now its just a habbit for after they kick the shit outta eatchother, they usally go to a fast food place and eat together. reminds them that theyre family.
And so in the western energy ep, i imagine it to be just millie and blitz (ill talk abt stoliz later) to be the main dudes in the ep, and striker just snatches stolas while hes taking a smoke break because he hates confrontation , windexes him, ties him to the back of his horse or whatever, stolas calls blitz, millie recognizes striker, blitz knows stolas is in danger because he remembered striker as trying to kill him and stolas, they fuckn speed and they track down striker.Wile theyre tracking him down, striker took stolas to his cabin in the middle of the redwoods, striker tied him with some rope he made himself or whatever and tied him to a tree , and so hes taunting him and stolas taunts him back but stiker laughs repiles giddily, stating somthing along the lines of "I haven't had a fun one like ya' quite' a time now', its gonna be a bummer when i cut ya throat open so ya cant talk anymore" or some shit, striker almost kills him, stella calls him and tells him not to kill the star guy, striker tries to rough him up a little more but uhoh millie and blitz are here, big car crash gun knife forest fight scene, striker gets crushed by big redwood tree and blitz goes to get stolas and also to hopital. But wile hes doing that, millie goes over to striker, kneels down, and hands him 5 dollars and a wendys coupon, when he askes why she repies "heh' did ya forget what good sportsmanship is" or smthing like that, striker askes if she can help them get the fucking tree off of him, millie says " thats a you problem" because she knows striker will find a way out with or without her help. uhh cut to blitz cradling stolas in his arms saying somthing like "please, your all i have left i cant lose anyone else again" and millies just standing there realizing she just gave her boss's possible bf killer 5 dollars and a wendys cupon blabahblah.
One last thing i would like to mention, the striker and millie sibling dynamic would be a contrast to the barbie wire and blitzo dynamic, wile barb fucking hates blitzo for fucking up her life and never wants to see him again, millie is pretty chill with striker putting her in fucking jail, thats because millie values family over everything else in her life, yeah they did something shitty , but hey, that gives her more leverage to do something shitty in return, plus, thats her brother, the guy she grew up with, the guy she beats up/gets beat up by and then gets her wendys after, thats her fucking family.
so yeah thats my silly thing
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fizzy0bloom · 2 years ago
how to fix s2ep 2:
well that ep was something for sure
My grip with it is that Loona and Octavia barely had any time together till the end, and it felt bland for me, and the plot lines are just all over the place.
and, of course, blitz and stolas.
1: Just Loona and via having fun no need for the other plot lines :
Just like the title said, it just intrudes on Loona and Octavia's having quality step-sibling time and getting to know each other better. simple and short 
2: Same thing, but loona and via get more time but -:
So a fight ensued between loona and moxxie  loona is lazy; m&m are calssit again, and then showing blitz trying to fix it but ending up with him trying to groud her, so she storms off because her father sided with them then her (she doesn't hit him but just screems and hits the door), which left blitz rethinking what he did and what m&m did. (Loona isn't incoont, but she felt bad because her father sided with Calsist.)
Meanwhile, octavia is trying to talk to her mother and father, but they are busy bitching with each other. and Barly told her anything or take her to her magic lessons (I couldn't think of a better step up, sorry), she felt neglectful again. after they promised to care for her again 
So she ran off—not to the earth yet. (Loona and Via follow each other on Instagram or whatever they call it there.)
Loona is outside, smoking or drinking. and open her account and see a new post by via venting, or maybe she's online and posted something, idk. So loona thinks to herself that she didn't immediately know her future sister and that she and her may share the same interests. Maybe she wants a new friend. So she messages her and asks her to meet and have fun.
via agree, since she doesn't have anything to do. 
They both start to talk sh*t about their situation. and other stuff; they are both on the same page. Loona then asks her if she has ever seen Earth. and was surprised. She didn't go 
yk what happens next :) Let's say they are having a blast there hehe with a cute montage of Loona being a big sister to her 
Meanwhile, Blitz got worried because his daughter did not answer his calls after talking with m&m about their classism and promising them that he would work on Loona's behavior.
He then notices that the book is gone! then called stolas 
They both agreed to ignore what happened before and focus on finding their kids while m&m stayed in the office or helped, but they didn't get much screen time.
They found them with Stolas magic later on. because Blitz called him late (Loona is an adult too, so he wasn't that worried).
They have an awkward time, but then Loona expresses her feelings to her dad, and they begin to talk 
For Via and Stolas, Via only said sorry for going out and got home fast, leaving her dad confused.
Stolas Look at Blitz and tell him to be more careful. next time 
(Btw, they all have their human disguises too, just to remind you )
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