hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Ashlee’s 600 follower sleepover celebration ✨
Hi y’all! I recently hit a milestone (600 of you? Wtf?) and I wanted to celebrate sooooo, let’s have a sleepover!!!
Thank you to @firefly-graphics for the dividers!
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Please read all the rules and activity descriptions <3
This event goes from Saturday March 6th to Sunday March 14th!
You can 100% send in more than one request for any of the activities
Anons allowed! The more participants, the merrier. 💕
You can request for the following fandoms: TVDU, MCU, HP (Marauder and Lightning eras)! ((Send an ask if you’re not sure about the character, I’d love to broaden my horizons!))
I am expecting to receive quite a few requests, so I ask for your patience in getting out your request ❤️
I will be using the tag #hellotvshowtrashsleepover if you want to keep up or block the tag!
Ready, set, go!
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Send me a character and I’ll give you a random headcanon I have for them
Love Letters!
Send me a character and a type of letter/situation you want (confessional, proposal, fluffy, angsty, whatever) and you’ll get a love letter from your fav. 💕
Send me your name, some things about you (personality, appearance, favourite activities, preferred fandom) and a drabble prompt, and I’ll tell you who I ship you with + a drabble! (If you include your name, I’ll use it instead of Y/N in the drabble, if you don’t want to include your name, that’s fine!)
Ask me anything! Literally anything and I’ll answer it. About fics, me personally, top 5 something, whatever!
Send me 3 characters and I’ll tell you who I’d kiss, marry or kill!
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Tagging some moots bc I think they’d have fun with this 💗 @elijahs-wife @dumble-daddy @mikaelson-emma @airamas3 @raemikaelson @auroracalisto @dizzydancingdreamer @imaginearyparties @lady-salvatore @nikmikaelsonswife @thedumpster-fire @day-trippin-dreamer​ @xxwritemeastoryxx​
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Helllo!! Can I request a wedding vows, love letter with Elijah Mikaelson? (X reader obvi)
Thanks for sending this!
My love,
I vow to always keep you safe. I vow to always love you, to make sure you never feel alone. In my thousand years, I have never hoped to find someone who could love every piece of me, until I found you. I didn’t let people in. I didn’t let myself get attached to anyone who wasn’t a Mikaelson, given my families track record with romantic interests. Thank you for loving me and all my flaws, including my insufferable siblings and all the dangers we attract.
I vow to give you the life you deserve, one filled with joy and adventure and love.
I vow to give you Always and Forever.
xx Elijah Mikaelson
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
ok, i’m sorry if i’m bothering you but... could you write an angsty or fluffy or sad (whatever you want to do ash) klaus letter with me? 😊❤️
You got it girl! (Sad and angsty it is!)
My dearest Emma,
I haven’t had the chance to say goodbye to you and I don’t know that I want to, because the moment I have you in my arms for the last time, I don’t know that I’ll be able to let go. I’ll have Rebekah and Freya explain but, I must do something to keep Hope safe, and I know you’ll hate it, but understand it at the same time. I’ve never been more sure of a decision in my life. If it keeps my family and you safe, I’ll do anything.
The Hollow is becoming a bit much to contain, but I have so much to say to you. How much I enjoy your company. How bright and beautiful I think you are. How much I love you. I never did get to tell you how much I love you, did I? I apologize for that, love. Just know that it’s infinitely more than you think it is.
Don’t cry. I’ll still be with you, always and forever, as long as you carry my memory with you. Take care of Hope for me.
Klaus Mikaelson
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
The cat hc for Eli was so cute. I almost need another hc for Eli? Pretty please? I do be simping for Eli sad boi today.....
Oh if it’s Eli sad boi you want it’s Eli sad boi you get
Tw graphic depictions of death and sadness
Sometime Elijah has nightmares of his siblings dead around him. Rebekah is laying on the ground, and he knows he could’ve saved her but he didn’t. Klaus is propped up against a cold brick wall, his eyes open and unmoving. Kol and Finn are heaped over each other, and he swears he hears Finn’s last breath. And the one that hurts the most is Henrik, little Henrik laying in the grass, his shirt bloody and his skin pale. This hurts the most because he knows this was the catalyst, this was what caused his family curse. Perhaps, if he had been there, it would have been him instead of Henrik, and maybe Esther would have been able to handle the pain of losing Elijah over Henrik. Perhaps Rebekah would have gone through with killing Mikael and perhaps Niklaus wouldn’t have needed his brother to protect him, his brother who never did when he should have. Sometimes, Elijah has nightmares of his family being dead because of him.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
!!!can we get a headcanon for my darling enzo?
He picked up cooking pretty quickly after he turned and practiced when he could. He remembered what it felt like to be alone with no food and nowhere to go and he hated that feeling and never wanted anyone else to feel like that. One of his love languages is making sure the people he loves are well fed, so when he was protecting Bonnie from the Armory and as they fell in love, he would cook her these wonderful meals and make sure she ate and he loved to watch her reactions to different foods. Sometimes she would blindfold him and have him guess what was in a certain recipe that she tried out and he would get it perfect almost every time (except the one time he didn’t catch that slight hint of nutmeg.)
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
uwu very self indulgent but could i have a ship? im like 5'4" in height, i like reading to procrastinate from writing, i like writing even though i barely write, also an art hoe for cannibalistic serial killers <3 dumbass and a clown—im eternally confused about everything. also i still don't know what a vibe check is (do you punch someone to get their vibe???? maybe i was born in the 90s). ah yes i can't cook to save a life. i would commit murder for my friends and also emotionally torture them with angst bc thAT'S JUST THE AL STYLE oh god is this my entire personality. tell emma i love her. also furry rights.
Well, obviously I ship you with @mikaelson-emma (murder wives ftw) but for this instance, I ship you with... Lexi Branson!
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I think she’d be the calm to your chaos. She’d laugh with you and probably actually really like to watch Hannibal with you. It’s okay, Lexi also has no idea what a vibe check is. She’d be there for you and always hold your hand <3 you would kill for your friends, and she would kill for you. 
Al x Lexi drabble xx
Heated as you were that Damon insulted your friends once again, Lexi dragged you away rather than letting you beat the ever-living shit out of him.
“I know, Al, he’s the worst but he would also kill you in a heartbeat and I’m not letting that happen,” She dragged you out of the house as you glared back at Damon, yelling various profanities in his direction.
“I’m gonna get him one day, Lex, just you wait,” You vowed to her and she laughed as she closed the front door behind you. She looked down at you as you huffed angrily. 
“I know, sweetheart. You will one day,” She patted your shoulder gently. “Let’s go cool off somewhere, maybe we can go to the bookstore,” She offered. 
You looked down at your feet and sighed. “There is this new fantasy novel I’ve been wanting to check out...” She laughed and led you away from the Salvatore house, hand in hand. 
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Head cannon for Elijah Mikaelson?
Thank you for sending this!
So I think that Elijah actually really loves cats. I think he has this bias against dogs now because of wolves and he thinks they're creepy, but he looooves cats. (in my own canon where neither he nor Klaus died) he owns a cat after the hollow is defeated and everything calms down. He thinks to himself that he needs to work on his loneliness and codependency so he adopts a kitty from the local shelter <3
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
hey so u already shipped me with elijah from tvd universe, but what about marvel? 🥺
obviously it’s gotta be our boy (Aaron Taylor Johnson version)
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The banter would be endless. He’s a bit of a ditz and so you find yourself explaining things to him but that’s okay because he’s so snuggly. He’s very protective of you, and he trusts you more than anyone (except Wanda). If you ask him to do something, he’s gone and back and The Thing is done in .2 seconds.
Aurora x Pietro drabble xx
“Pietro, can you -,” and he’s gone before you can even finish your sentence. “You didn’t even know what I was going to say,” you grumble.
He’s back in an instant. “The dishes are done,” he says as he relaxes into the couch again.
“Pietro, that’s not what I was going to ask,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Oh!” He exclaims before taking off again and reappearing. “The garbage has been taken out!” He beams. He’s so proud of himself, you can’t help but giggle.
“Once again, not what I was going to ask,” you say. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “I was going to ask if you could give me a hug,” you said simply.
His smile was small and happy as he drew you into his arms. He held you tightly and you wrapped your arms around his abdomen. He moved a hand up to stroke your hair, taking in the scent of you. This, he would take his time with.
Sleepover event now over
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
hi ashlee!! 💗 could i get a love letter from bucky? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 yeah i have an unhealthy attachment to him, what about it congratulations on 600 again!! ☺😚💘
Of course loml and thank you 💘
How’s my best girl doing?
I know these missions are really rough for the both of us, me being gone for long periods of time. It’ll be over soon, and I’ll come home to you. I can’t wait to hold you again, I miss the feeling of you in my arms. I know I can’t tell you where I am due to confidentiality bull, but just know that I’m freezing here without you. How you’re able to warm me up with just a smile, I’ll never know.
This mission has been kickin’ our asses. Sam’s annoying as ever, Tony’s being a know-it-all, Nat’s being irritable, Steve is oblivious to anything but the mission and I just can’t stop thinking about you. I’m confident we’ll all be fine by the end of this, it’s just takin’ so damn long, and I’m impatient. I just want my baby.
I hope you’re doin’ okay, doll. Always remember how much I love you, yeah? I’ll always come back to you, no matter what. You’ve got my damn heart, and I hope you know that. One day I’ll put a ring on that little finger that you’ve got me wrapped around.
James B. Barnes
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Hey ! Congrats on your 600 followers you deserve it ❤️
Can I get a Rebekah Mikaelson headcanon ?
Thanks so much darling!
I believe that at every opportunity, Rebekah is widening her education. Given the events of TVD and TO, she didn’t get a lot of opportunity to go back to school, but after the events of season 5, she and Marcel leave the quarter together and travel just like they always talked about. But after they settle down, she enrolls at a local college and her first major is Women’s and Gender Studies.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Hiii Ash, congrats again on 600 followers! You deserve all the love and support in the world! 🥳🥳🥳💓💓💓
I'm sending in a ship request for your celebration for the tvdu men 🌝
Now, let's feel awkward as I try to talk about myself. 🙈
I'm 20 with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm very introverted and always prefer quality time with friends over a party. I'm not very spontaneous for the most part, Monica Geller like in a sense that I like it better when things are planned and organized. Chandler like in a sense that I too am hopeless and awkward and desperate for love. While we're on the subject, I love my comfort shows and rewatch them all the time. 😂🙈
I love long car rides with music or just a whole road trip (preferably to the seaside) sounds about perfect a year into lockdowns, lol! I love, love, love music and I play the guitar occasionally. I enjoy theatre plays as well as movies.
I hate fighting with people. I also don't communicate how I feel, because I prefer to listen to others and try and help them and ignore my own emotions. 🙈
Okay, enough, ew, too much 😂😂
P.S. also a total simp and slut who wants to be ra***d 74% of the time.
Btw, I totally have a suspicion who you might ship me with as I read this 👀
Love you, you wonderful bean 💖🌺
I love you so much 😂❤️ you’re the best. Thank you for sending this in! You’re so cute also only 74% of the time?
I ship you with... Klaus Mikaelson!! (Did you guess it? I was stuck between a few lovely vamps)
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He would LOVE to go to the theatre with you, whether it be for a play or a movie. He’d adore the times you do play the guitar because he could just watch you all night, mesmerized by you. Although, he would absolutely drag you to the occasional Mikaelson Ball, but he’d make it up to you by taking you on a one on one date 💘
Tina x Klaus drabble xx
Klaus isn’t much for car rides. With vampire speed, you can really go anywhere you want in a very short time. He’d much prefer that over a cross country road trip that was way too many hours.
Until it was you that asked him and he couldn’t deny the bright excitement in your eyes at the idea, the bundle of CD’s clutched in your arms ready for the trip. He agreed, begrudgingly, but agreed nonetheless. At first he was startled by how loud the music played but your joyful singing along as the hours passed made him smile and hum along as well. He snaked his hand over the middle console and rested it on your thigh, making you look over at him and smile.
Maybe road trips weren’t so bad after all, not when the love of your life was sitting next to you, singing along to her favourite songs, more stunning than ever. He thought that maybe he could learn to like road trips under these beautiful circumstances.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Can you please do a (fluffy/confessional) love letter from Elijah? Please.
Sure can!
By now, I assume you’re wondering why I’ve been.. distant as of late. I’m not entirely sure how to process the position I find myself in. I just can’t help this feeling in my chest. You bring such a happiness everywhere you go and I’m afraid it’s infected every part of my being. I feel warmth when you are around, a warmth I’ve feared I’d never experience. It frightened me, I never felt I deserved this kind of light in my life.
Your smile brings nothing but joy to me and I’d be willing to destroy anything that made you cry. Your health and happiness has become my highest priority. I want to thank you for your kind heart and vibrant laughter. I can only hope you might feel the same about me. My affections for you run deeply, and if I’m to be honest with you, My Angel, I feel connected to you.
Angel, I think I love you.
Elijah Mikaelson
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
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Congrats for the 600 followers Ashlee! It’s just the beginning of something incredible!! And let’s join the sleepover!!
Well I’m for a shop right now, maybe from TVD or MCU. I have my favorites 🤭 but let’s see who I got. my name is Nallely. It’s means I love you in Zapotec Indian language. At first I can be very serious when I meet new people, just at first. I tent to think the pros and cons of everything, my brain don’t stop to think. I’m stubborn as hell, I’m a Taurus, but very loyal. I like to spend time with my family and friends, love to play video games and even play soccer, I’m a very tec nerd girl 🤭
Thank you so much!!! 💗
I ship you with Bruce Banner!
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I think you’re both super analytical and smart!!! He’d get super flustered around you bc he thinks you’re so cute ❤️ he’d be super intimidated by you at first though.
Bruce x Nallely drabble xx
You held your hand out for him to shake, your face stoic and unmoving as you introduced yourself.
“Nallely,” you nodded, “and you are?”
“I, uh, Bruce, Bruce Banner,” he stuttered, reaching for your hand and shaking vigorously, squeezing tightly. The connection was palpable and you tilted your head slightly, thinking about just how cute he is.
“Pleasure to meet you, Bruce,” a hint of a smile tugged at your lips.
“The pleasure is mine.” Judging by the grin that spread across his face, he felt it too. Something had sparked between the two of you and it was only the beginning.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Hey!! Congrats on 600 followers! You deserve it <<3
For the sleep over can i get a fluffy letter from stefan where he's apologizing to the reader coz she's mad about something he did? (Pick any reason that you like for the reader is mad lmao)
Hi!!! Thank you so much! I love this idea :)
Please, just hear me out okay? I’m sorry. I really am. I can’t bare you being mad at me and it’s been so long. I miss you. I’d do anything to take it back, please just come home. Our bed feels so empty without you. I love you so much, I don’t know what to do with myself while you’re not here. You complete me, Anu, I hope you know that. I know I messed up, bad. But if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I will make this better.
Caroline said she thought this letter would be a good idea, and I think so too. You need to know how I feel and how ready I am to make this okay again. If you’ve made it this far in this letter, thank you so much. I swear if you come home I’ll make it up to you.
I’m sorry. I am sorry I ate your Cheetos. I’ve already bought 4 more bags, of all different flavours. Please come home.
Love always,
My inspiration for this letter:
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Hi guys
I’m sorry I didn’t do a lot of the sleepover asks today. I’m going to extend the sleepover by a day to make up for it. My cat had a procedure today that cost a lot and I haven’t been in a good headspace to write today.
Thank you for your patience. I’ll work on some tonight too.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Can we have a soft Klaus head cannon 🥺
Yessss I’d love to!
Klaus loves to treat his significant other. We haven’t really seen it in the show but dates are a MUST for Klaus. His particular favourite is dinner and a movie, a classic. He loves making you laugh over dinner and then taking you to a scary movie just so he has a reason to hold you. He loves to watch your face as you watch the movie to see how your expressions change, he just think you’re so stunning.
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