#hello this is my first foray into making memes for this fandom
fakerashid · 3 months
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this blog is a clown4gremlin safe space. just btw.
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starvels · 2 years
3, 6, 12, and 30!!
hello sweet astri!! thank you for these questions. 💌☘
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
a very good question that i rly hard for me to answer. i think a lot of the stuff i've written this year has pushed me to work in new genres or with new techniques and so i find a lot of pride mostly in the breadth and volume of the work i've published in the calendar year.
trying to narrow that down, i will say i am quite proud of the beginning of tenenbaum (it's complex and oh so transhuman), but i am less in love with the ending (it's rushed, no easy way around it) i am very fond of the complexity and breadth of my first long foray into ults fic with stop bath, but little pieces like blue oleander or the small pieces in the long and short of it are really good examples of me trying out some new tricks and succeeding p well at them (imho)
6. Favorite title you used?
stop bath, probably!! i lingered over the title choice for this fic for a very long time and even explained it as the first chapter:
Stop bath, noun.
Stop bath is a chemical used for processing black-and-white photographic films, plates, and paper. Stop bath is commonly a 2% dilution of acetic acid in water.
Because organic developers only work in alkaline solutions, stop bath halts the development process almost immediately and provides precise control of development time. Neutralizing the alkalinity of basic developers also helps to preserve the strength of the fixer, making it last longer.
the concept of stop bath, the function and form of it mimics to do with the layers of the fic - the blackmail with a physical photo itself, the delivery of key plot points, the astringent snapshots of steve and tony's relationship, his inability to want to give up sleeping w tony, [other plot spoilers]. stop bath also echoes pacing/development of the plot and characterization to me
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
god, what a question. counting them up, i have about.....28 WIPs for 3 different fandoms in my various scrivener files. 🙃🔪👌 it is...entirely too many. 10 of these i have already started to post, but a few of them are still very smol and far out. as a surprise tho, some of them are continuations of fics marked complete on my profile ehheeehe
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
writing PWP first comes to mind. (especially a 25k PWP to start off the year with and then later kinktober. i like to GO BIG kfdsjbnjk) but writing hockey rpf is close behind lmfao. didn't expect to fall into that, what can you do, etc.
ask me more from this AO3 writer's wrapped meme!
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jayteacups · 2 years
Hey love B and D for fanfic asks😘😘
Megan dear hello!!
B and D have already been answered here 🙈 I'll copy and paste my answers again tho and then I'll expand on them for you <33
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
First response: The first fandom I ever wrote fic for unofficially was the Shadowhunters books by Cassandra Clare… it was one of those fics that explores the life of the main couples’ children lol (I never posted it though and I threw out the notebook almost immediately lol and this was before I properly discovered the concept of fanfic and online sites etc.). The first fandom I ever wrote for and published something online for was the CW Supergirl show - it was a collab with my irl friend and the plot was that our OTP for this show at the time adopted a child. That was the first fandom I ever read fic for as well
Addition: although Supergirl was my first foray into reading fic, I didn't actually regularly start reading until I got into Miraculous Ladybug (watched up to S3) and got very frustrated at the lack of progress plot-wise and romance-subplot-wise, and I don't remember the name of it but my favourite fic I read was one where Ladybug discovers Hawkmoth's identity and teams up with him to get Chat's miraculous (spoilers as to why) (if anyone knows of the fic I'm talking about please let me know what the name and author haha) as for writing fic, although my first one I wrote was Shadowhunters and hte first one I co-published was for Supergirl, AOT is the first fandom I've started regularly writing for! (Though I did heavily consider writing Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction when I was reading many fics of it at the time, especially Nino/Alya and the love square (with a Marichat preference lol), god I loved them)
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
First response: safe with me was basically a vent drabble and I wrote it when I was feeling super low one day. it’s still unedited… i should probably go back and fix it lol
Addition: Every fic does feel personal to me though because I invest a lot of feelings into them, even the less deep ones lol (but All too familiar is my angstiest piece, dug deep to make it as emotional as possible and I'm proud of how it turned out!)
Fanfic writer ask meme
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