#hello sana bby how are you? <3
jimilter · 2 years
hey do you know what happened to sana? rosiekoo?
hello, dear anon! sorry this is a bit late!
ah, sana had deactivated and been away from tumblr for a while. but she's recently come back as @sweetieguk, with the softest and sweetest of vibes on her blog 🥺🥰
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jungstruly · 4 years
ship your moots with nct ot21?
[Langga anon and 💛anonie, you're here too!!]
Oh dear anon, prepare for a long ass post! It took me almost a day to match my moots with NCT and I'm rambling most of the time. Forgive me :<
Also, forgive me if I forget you! That doesn't mean I love you less, I promise. I may or may not do a part two so that I can fit every people who are dear to me.
[Disclaimer: This is only just for fun and is purely based on my feeling and what I perceive that member would be. All of my ramblings are hypothetical uWu.]
Taeil - @moondustaeil The talent these two people have istg, making them a power couple oh my. Ambs, the sweetest human being who just rolled with my crazy ass. Idk but I can't imagine any mutual who would be great with this man other than you. He respects and adores you like a captain respects the sea (it's a quote i found online, i forgot where but yus, credits to that quote)
Johnny - @espresseo-cafe Warm, these two people are just so warm and I feel like Jai and Johnny have a mature relationship. I can totally see both of you just talking about life in general  at like 2 in the morning over a cup of coffee just because. I can totally see you catching up with Johnny’s playful banter. Ahhhhh, you both feel like home in general <3
Taeyong - @badwithten uwu my precious bean! I ship you with Yongie. The both of you are great with reaching out to people. With that being said, it's nice for him to have someone who can read his emotions without saying it out loud. He may get too busy thinking for the greater good of other people that sometimes make him neglect himself.
Yuta - @lucas-wongs and @lattaeswirl The very talented dancers NSKSKS. I may or may not stalked you both hihi. A couple who dances uGH! I love the fact that you embrace your individuality and you're your own person. You're also independent, making me ship Yuta with you. 
Kun - @mooneylooney1 My lovely Sarah who radiates great mom energy. I mean, you’re caring and responsible and just full of love. I ship you with Kun! I do believe that he’s going to take very good care of you. It’s high time that you would be taken care of. You basically bring the best of each other, having room for self-improvement as you grow together. The both of you would make a great pair! As for @sunshine-jaehyun , I can imagine the both of you adopting some cats ùwú The both of you would be the perfect person to look out for each other. You wouldn't baby tf out of each other that much. I def think that Kun wants the both of you to grow together. He's someone dedicated and consistent all throughout and he expects you to be too (I'm sure you are you soft bby! I love your eyes!!) 
Doyoung - @emvrd and @cupofjae two lovely ate’s, hello! I could talk to the both of you all day tbh. You’ve always looked out for me ever since. Thank you for that :< Okay, enough with the kadramahan ehehe, I ship the both of you with our little bunny prince. Doei has a different way of showing people his love and affection and I feel like the both of you will be very mature and chill when it comes to it. Sure he may tease and play around but he’s def a sensible and a reliable person all in all. Taeyong once said to Doei, “Doyoung-ah, control your face. It’s just a game.” and I feel like you guys will also remind him of that from time to time lmao KSKSK.
Ten - @scissorhands1617 Both of you had a bad bitch with a dash of punk energy HAHAAH but in reality, is the biggest simp out there. You're def someone who can keep up with Ten who's a bit hard to read. You're also open minded and easy to talk to. It's Ten for you and will always be Ten! Sometimes I see him in you nsksks.
Jaehyun - @jae-canikeepyou Ahhh, I can imagine you spending the whole day together, the both of you doing your own thing with some faint old love song playing in the background. No talking, just comfortable silence. I mean, it’ll be nice to have someone who totally understands you and connects with you on a deeper level. Jaehyun’s def the shy type to the point that he’ll come off as awkward. But because of your patient nature, he’ll be much at ease, knowing that there’s no pressure. He loves handwritten letters and I know that you’re the type of person to give him love letters uwu.
Winwin - @jinxouls Ngoc I ship you with Winwin! You can be goofy with each other as well as be serious and be on their A-game when there's a need for it. I feel like the both of you will hit off right away. I only trust winwin when it comes to you nDGSHSH. 
Jungwoo - @eyypeach Actual sweethearts, what a good combo! It's nice for Jungwoo to have someone as sentimental as him and would need . I immediately think of you right away! The fact that you can empathize well with people makes the both of you a great pair. He'll make you happy and you'll make him too as well uwu
Lucas - @neowrld Let's be real here, your whole family will love this big fella! I feel like he'll be interested to know your culture just because he wants to know you better. Istg, he'll be extra af, even learning your mother tongue just because. Xuxi may come of as goofy and funny but I can feel like he needs someone to hold him close as he becomes vulnerable at the end of the day. I can see you being that person. @neocitybynight hey sunny, i think you and xuxi will look cute together uwu you love checking up on people and you just have too much love to give the world uwu uwu and I think Xuxi would love that. That big baby needs the love and care there is in this world :">
Mark - @suhpressed and @celestialchans I would never not stop saying this but the both of you never fail to amaze me. I do believe that both of you are doing your best to become better at your craft. You're hardworking and talented, just like Mark which makes you a good couple since the both of you are passionate with each of your own craft. You push and inspire each other and I think that's beautiful.
Xiaojun - @legendnct Hannah, why do I feel like you’re a very busy person? Like you have a lot of things on your plate and stressed because of college/burnt out from time to time. Xiaojun’s the type of guy who massages your shoulder or temples whenever he senses that you need a break. He’ll give you the space that you want whenever you’re doing uni stuff, probably in the same room as you just letting you study and placing your fave snacks and drinks beside you to remind you to take a break sometimes. He’s clingy when he wants to but respecting you is his number 1 priority.
Hendery - @smolchenle The vibes man ndksjdks (Sabog and sabay, kaloka lmAO) Wouldn’t mind doing the stupidest thing with you . There would be no dull moments together, istg. You’re basically each other’s happy pill aweeee. Oooh hahaha, I can totally imagine you having a disgusted “wtf, dude,” on your face whenever he does something funny only to follow his lead a couple of seconds later. Aside from that, he’s very touchy and affectionate (I mean, have you seen him with his cats? Sana all cat NDKKSKSK Oh wait, sana all Camille yieee!)
Renjun - @jae-ffrey Zen, you’re a year older than me but wow, you are wise and sensible. You’re a great listener as well and I feel like Renjun would enjoy your company. He’s very open minded and isn’t afraid to have fun from time to time, making you complement each other.
Jeno - @nzeeten My cute babies! I want to keep you both in my pocket ugh. Tbh, I get a strong independent woman vibe from you but at the same time, a very huge softie inside. I feel like Jeno’s the type of boyfriend who’s low maintenance in a sense that he won’t be that much needy for attention. It’s like you do you, I do me but it’s nice to know that at the end of the day, you have each other’s arms to come home to. I can imagine how smol you look wearing Jeno’s jacket ahhhh domestic!Jeno + sweet baby Allie is just to pure and soft for this world
Haechan - @bumblebeenct Mimi! My sweet sweet Mimi who always checks up on me and is a literal walking ball of sunshine. Wait, two suns together? Wouldn’t that be a disaster? I like to believe that your patient and motherly side can keep up with that little rascal. You’re also someone he can have fun with, I am sure of that.
Jaemin - @4-sun Jaemin better take good care of you or else! You’re laidback and composed (like Jeno nHSSK) and I can definitely see him taking you out on a photowalk, just walking in your city without any plans and taking photos of different views (expect him to snap a photo of you from time to time uwu) and going to a café after. Also, you’re very generous when it comes to compliments. I can see Jaemin as someone who absolutely loves those things.
Yangyang - @lovelyvitamin The amount of crackhead energy that you two have sends nKSKSKSK. I want you to have someone who understands your amazing humor and listens to your weird and out of the blue stories. Yangyang’s there to top your crazy stories with his and would do everything in his power to make you feel loved, appreciated and happy-- even going an extra mile. You make each other happy and I live for that thought itself!
Chenle - @imaginedreamies I feel like Chenle is going to baby tf out of you plus treats you like a queen, don’t @ me. You push each other to be better versions of yourselves. Like Chenle, I feel like you’re much more of a giver than a taker. It’ll be nice for Chenle to feel the love he gives to other people. 
Jisung - Langga anon! (I lost ur acc huhuhu) Ahhhhh, my two kiddos. I ship you with him bc I highkey imagine the both of you having a cute puppy love romance. Ya know, just being subtle with each other when it comes to expressing your love and affection. Missed u baby! 
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victonz · 7 years
can you do a post where you ship garbage101 and other mutuals with wanna one members with description sry that u got hate i hope this lightens up the mood
hello cute anon dghshqi garbage 101 has like 25 ppl and like I have like 20 other mutuals so I’ll so about 30 pplish and make a description so this is gonna be a real long post but ily so imma power through for him (lai Guanlin)
guanlin: (gotta start w my soft boy whom I love so much) 
@l-guanlin bc she says she doesn’t fuck w boys younger than her but guanlin is cute and he’s a year younger so its good (side note: she hangs w him on the week days and on weekends I take him out for ice cream its a balance) choke u better be glad I didnt put u with a donkey
@ongeuigeon Laura probs wants Daniel but Ive GOT NEWS FOR U HONEY sijdhi2e anyway ur sorta soft but sometimes u knock me out with things u say so in a way ur guanlin so wow a match!
@laiguanlin a soft blog that I love and hdjxhdjhwsh Imma ship u with him even (it doesn’t have to be romantically) bc ur both cute !!
 ok listen but @darkpastwoojin aka visual queen gee really loves her boy and how can I deny her that !! so I def ship them wow a good looking pairing I’m 4D nutting !! fce jinhwi is shaking rn bc u and woojin are on the come up nugus can’t relate
 also @woojinnies um we don’t talk as much as I would like but ily and woojin loves u and ur so sweet so like I just feel like you’ll balance him out so good if that makes sense !! I love a match made in heaven tbh wjdhsiwje (side note: when will we ever pm tbh)
@p-arkwoojin jem the fake stan who can’t recognize whose who during their lives (jk ily!!) but she’ll always recognize woojin no matter what so um!! gotta put her w her boy!! 
@parkji-hoons naia a soft cutie that deserves the world and jihoon would def give it to her like !!1! I love cute bbys that deserve the stars! :’)
@jwihoon another pure soft that I love !! like :((( wtf jelly when u speak, I picture it so soft I hope ur doing well and tell Jihoon hi for me!!
@seonnho matching u with jihoon bc u spoke last night and u had me screaming sometimes so I really think thats how it is w jihoon bc u think he’s soft but then he surprises u in one hit ijhxweodh
@j7sung all I know u probs want jisung bUT listen u and daehwi? soft words r literally angelic I can not! really so pure u and him could do no wrong ok y'all deserve happiness also ily and sorry for being gross sometimes ally ;;
@kangdan101 Sarah another pure soft that deserves to be shipped w someone as equally as pure and soft :( like cute bbys must stick together so daehwi it is! stay soft! I also love u and I’m also sorry for being a nastie ;;
@wannaoneioi ur so sweet and cute and I just met u but ur truly so sweet omg :(( like u don’t deserve the hate u get bc ur seriously the cutest lemon squeeze I’m sorry I’m bad @ replying ur the best though!
@kangniel ren would probs rip my dick off if I didnt ship her Daniel but like??? ren is really cute about her love for Daniel like :// also anon u didnt hear it from me but ren is a Dom for Daniel and she asked him to neigh for her and pour milk on himself so she’s gross jot that down
@kngniel yeah she def going w this boy cause like :// um??? sana says some shit that makes me do double takes and sana h8s when I roast Daniel but she supports him through it all so !! really can’t fight her on her loyalty to him even if he said Harry poTE ://
@kimjaehwanswife I was gonna ship Lucy w jaehwan but xshxehsd ong is also extra and like I bet if we told Lucy she isn’t funny she’ll throw a fit like ong, bc they’re both great sources for laughter like validate these kids always 2kforever! (and me tbh)
@panwink nina is so cute and soft and I just adore Nina!! like :((( I want one to make her laugh all the time bc she’s so precious I know Nina is older than me but still I want her to be happy
@idaehwi Amy, my soulmate I bet u thought u were gonna be shipped w daehwi? wrong ! u and ong? probs discuss furry kinks on ur free time and watch furry p0rn :// jk but u and ong? Iconic ! y'all living in 2025 (ily)
@kimsjaehwan Macy pls ur my true soilmate u and I have the same interests and everything :// so I guess ill share u with jaehwan!! like :/// I’m jealous or whatever but ily and he better treat u like perfect or else *knife emojis*
@minhwangs Sarah def has to be w minhyun like u can’t have one without putting the other u feel me!!! I love Sarah and I know minhyun would treat her right always so thats a big plus!! another one of my fce tbh no lie love them!
@minsbugi ok yeah this pairing? soft pure cute nice sweet and everything in between ! I love kenia like she comes in every full moon but I love her presences and I also love minhyun so soft nut!
@lovebugi ok so this is an odd pairing BUT listen to me Jay, u and minhyun?? probably that one couple after hs that got together that shocked everyone like its possible bc um #1 I don’t think he’s mr vanilla at all and ur def not mrs, vanilla so um the freaky is in the cooking ;)
@memelordjisung so I was gonna put Erin w someone else but then I thought to myself, nvm know one calls him daddy better than she does like :/// he really is papi chulo and Erin makes sure everyone knows that he is so she’s his #1 supporter !!
@yjjisung another gc member that comes every full moon but its ok be we love and appreciate !! and iwdhcihd I love ur love for jisung, I must take notes truly !! ur an amazing person just like him!
@hasungswoon listen,,,, u thinking he’s a dom? try again! like sheila idk whether u r or not but this is a one way street w u guys, Sheila is the Dom in their relationship and subwoon loves it tbh, kinky I love a good adjusted couple tbh!! (side note; sungwoon sends her nudes w lingere)
@nohtaehyun ok so I love sungwoon a lot and he’s precious and like I feel the same way about Tay? like she’s precious pls!! so its only natural that I put two cuties together
Baejin: (I also forgot him omfg shoot me)
@rosybaejin UM!!! big soft nut here bc I love abia but abia loves baejin more so thats ok bc I approve ! like baejin stans? hardly heard of any abia is the #1 in the baejin cult tbh !! she loves her boy and she’s truly so soft for him :(( Ily abia
@baejinsgf bc she seems really cute and soft for him !! :( it’s really so sweet like I need to step up my game, but truly the purest!! 
@dxnghyuns oh ngan, how I love u,,,, like hdiwjdhdjhs ok what to say but ngan is the only donghyun Stan I know and like really no one can compete she’s so soft literally she turns the uglie gc soft and :(( her love for donghyun is admirable
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