#hello i'm about to be so petty and aromantic but
astriiformes · 2 years
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chaifootsteps · 21 days
"Hello we live in HELL"
So why do people care so much about what Blitz has done, There's got to be so many people so much worse than him
Why is he the only person who has a hate party
Just because he breaks up with people badly and reads as strongly Aro-Coded. Id being aromantic worse than being a rapist in Viv's eyes or something??
How has only Blitz earned one.
If it's something like Verosika's pettiness, that could have been an interesting aspect to her character which would be fun to explore. But this party is framed as 'healthy' and 'good' ?
I've seen this take in the fandom and crit community as well and now I'm just confused
Blitz could not be as bad as to deserve a hate party He couldn't be worse than Cash, or Stella, and that's just people the show frames as bad. They don't have hate parties Why does Blitz?
~Childhood Anon
Simple answer? Because Viv's idea of "writing" begins and ends with whatever makes her feel good in the moment, and what makes her feel good is coddling her wealthy, sexually abusive bird boy.
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albatris · 2 years
happy blorbo blursday! may I near some Alex facts?
hi hello? hi. I'm several actual months late but I was wandering through my drafts and was like, oh, today is the day I am going to finally answer this apparently. wahoo surprise motivation time
anyway thank you for the blorbo blursday ask n sorry I'm so late with it ahaha
Alex facts! I can offer Alex facts <3
so, I have a bunch of posts where I explain a tonne of stuff about Alex n its personality n its backstory n history with Quinn in excruciating detail and many paragraphs and I will not subject you to this level of in depth writings, but I will give you some Basic Rundown Of Alex In General facts then I will give u some other random Alex facts, because I can c:
the Alex overview:
full name Alexis Anders.... possible joke full name Alexis Alexander Anders..... making it Alex Alexander Anders. did its parents think this would be funny
they were fucking right, it is funny
it/its pronouns with extra special friends, he/him for everybody else
aromantic and in a queerplatonic relationship with best friend Quinn. not asexual. sexuality is shrug emoji, though
kind and compassionate, firm and diplomatic...... has a reputation among most for being warm-hearted but stoic
the most petty spiteful pissed-off chaotically stubborn bastard on the planet, but you are unlikely to actually notice this unless you're very very close to it and can pick up on some very specific subtle cues. like. Alex is a genuinely wonderful, gentle, morally-upstanding person. Alex is also a huge bitch (affectionate)
fatally allergic to sunlight
once fucked off to an abandoned house in the wilderness for three months to fistfight vampire god, isolating itself from society and refusing to feed on humans, enduring near-constant agony, mind-manipulation and gaslighting from the Garble, and starvation
(the general consensus is that vampire god didn't give a fuck, and Alex would have eventually just died there, but man, idk. idk. it's Alex. I think there's a chance no matter how slim that the Garble might have flinched first)
a personal injuries lawyer! for some of the year, at least! during the winter and autumn, it lives in Melberra City, Melberra, where the weather leans towards rainy and cloudy most days and Alex is free to go about its day job with no issues :3c during sunny summer and spring, Alex returns to Darwelaide and a nocturnal sleeping pattern, n hangs out with Quinn n does some freelance work
an intensely private person and incredibly picky when it comes to friends and who it opens up to, but this is not to be confused with coldness, standoffishness or sombreness
Very Very Very Very Very Fucking Tall
gentle and adverse to physical violence but will floor a motherfucker in a debate (for profit or fun)
does not want to be a vampire. hates being a vampire. doesn't wanna eat people. yearns to be human again. mourns the life it had to leave behind
is a vampire nonetheless, however, and tries to balance out its various moral crises by hunting down and killing almost exclusively vicious, despicable human predators society will never hold accountable for their cruelty
is a fucking pro at goofy sleight of hand magic lmao
has a huge greenhouse full of herbs and flowers and veggies and other such wonderful things because Hobbies Are Good For One's Health! and is constantly trying to pan boxes of fresh produce off to whoever will take them because it grows way more than it can realistically use itself, n it's very proud of its greenhouse and wants to share :3
n now extra Alex dot points that don't belong in an overview but r fun nonetheless
the neighbourhood kids have a bunch of very hush-hush rumours between them that Alex is a vampire, 'cause it hardly ever comes outside during the daytime and its windows are all boarded up to keep sunlight out. they're right, yeah, but this is, like. goofy little kid games. it is a topic for them to play make believe with, mostly, and get over-imaginative about
the kids are not NOT scared of the idea that Alex might be a vampire, but also whenever Alex is around on Halloween it has the best candy so they will dutifully protect its secret lmao. also it helped one of their mums out with a whole workers compensation asbestos thing one time so is probably not, like, an evil vampire
(but yes, the general story around the suburb is just that Alex has a medical condition that results in extreme sun sensitivity)
Alex does canonically possess a conspiracy-theory-looking murder pinboard for planning for and researching its targets. Alex used to use a notebook but Quinn was like "no no no where's your DRAMA where's your PIZZAZZ your AESTHETIC you MUST let me help you make a murder pinboard" and Alex decided it would allow this (it seemed like appropriate enrichment for its chaotic best friend and might keep them out of trouble for a bit)
Alex's tarot card is Temperance
Alex is terrible with animals and pretends this doesn't make it sad
Alex is the only ordinary vampire in the story capable of using its blood for hypnotism!
Alex is the only vampire in the story, ordinary or otherwise, capable of using its blood for healing others as well as itself!
Alex will and often does sleep on its own, but likes to have company n only ever really sleeps comfortably and deeply next to Quinn, and later Nat
as far as vampires go, Alex has fuckin godlike levels of self-control and even seasoned vampire hunters like Zeke can rarely pick up on the fact that it's a vampire
and the most important Alex fact of all
it deserves a little kiss on the forehead and a warm mug of coffee with lots of cream and sugar <3
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