#hello 911 i have insomnia
ladyofpurple · 7 years
yesterday i didn’t fall asleep until 6:30 am and was woken up twice for being lazy (at 10 and 2:30). then i lasted until 8 pm and dozed off and on until i was woken up at 9 pm. then i couldn’t sleep again until midnight, at which point i was woken up again at 1:15 am and have been up ever since. anyway my point is that this is ridiculous and i have several complaints to register.
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buckleysjareau · 4 years
Hi it’s me the supernatural anon from a while ago and I’ve been actually working on a 911/supernatural fic because I got bored but that’s beyond the point I was wondering how you think each of the characters would react to finding out the supernaturals real? Like assuming Maddie hide it from Buck I feel like he would recognize Sam and Dean from some articles he read in the dead of night because of insomnia and start freaking out because there are serial killers at the station
ummmm, hello anon i would just like to start out by stating that this ask has made me laugh a lot after a shitty 48 hours lmao so thank you! i totally agree about buck, like i see it so clearly okay oh my God. Like can you imagine buck is just cleaning the rescue, talking to Eddie about the shit he read last night because he couldn’t sleep and then suddenly Sam and Dean walk in okay and buck just shuts up in the middle of his sentence... so Eddie’s callin from under the truck “......buck????” and Sam all tall and mysterious “serial killer” is like “so YOURE buck” like theyre best bros. and buck just squeaks out “...eddie!!!” so ofc eddies like why the fuck the secret loml scared right? so he’s squaring them up like “how can we HELP you” trying hard not glare. 
SOOOOOOOOOO sam and dean basically ignore eddie because they’re shocked to see little evan buckley standing taller than dean and buffer than sam. like holy shit man this is Todd buckleys son... maddie buckleys little brother who was seven the last time they saw him. but of course eddies not having that because buck looks like hes about to piss himself or throw up or faint so he asks buck why hes freakin and he just says “ITS THEM!!! ITS THE GUYS FROM THE ARTICLE I SPIRALED ON LAST NIGHT!!! the SERIAL KILLERS!!!”
so naturally eddie is like,,,, oh shit and sam and dean are like WAIT WAIT WAIT WERE NOT SERIAL KILLERS!!! and bring up they’re looking for maddie and bc buck shouted ab serial killers being in the station, half the station comes down including chim hen and bobby. and at the exact same time chim and buck are like “what the fuck do you want with MADDIE!!!” getting all protective and shit. and stupid protective in love eddie is still squaring up. and theyre really trying to explain themselves the best they could because its at this point they realize, unlike their dad had done with bringing them both into monster hunting, todd and madeline never let him in on it like maddie had said one day. dean keeps talking himself into a hole because like i said dudes are just shocked how grown evan buckley got and how much he grew to look like his father... soooooo dean fuckin says that and buck grabs dean by the collar and is like “HOW TF U KNOW MY FATHER” and maddie is walking into the station at this point and breaks it up before she even sees its sam and dean. then when she realizes they have this reunion and shit,,,,, and buck is still like he was in oceans 911 where hes like “im so confused can we go back” and says like “maddie why are you hugging these guys!! theyre known serial killers!!! we should be calling athena!!!!!” and bobbys like “already called” 
and maddie who knows the life of THE FAMILY BUSINESS SAVING PEOPLE HUNTING THINGS and remembers everything ab the way the survived by doing this with the LIESSSSSS shes like “no no no this is a huge misunderstanding lets all sit down and talk yeah?” bc she genuinely cares ab the winchesters and is very curious to know why theyre here before they get arrrested for being “serial killers” . so chimney naturally agrees with maddie and they all end up in the loft prayin they dont get a call. 
aaaaaand maddie starts explaining everything and fuckin eddie and FUCKING BOBBY are the ones to actually believe it and bucks just like... a fish out of water?? is the best way i can describe his shock (im sorry thats sad byt jfsdjfsdl) and hes like “so when you and dad went away on your stupid hunting trips-” (dean cuts him off like hey!!!!) “your STUPID hunting trips you were KILLING DEMONS?????  whaaaatattttt????? this is why you guys always fuckin left me with MOM???” and hes just spazzing pretty mych. and while eddie is being like a comforting presnese eddie is like, secretly so stoked because growing up he SUPER believed in the supernatural like kind of obsessed so hes like bombarding the three of them with questions like “so fuckin djinns and vampires and SHAPESHIFTERS ARW REAL????” and bucks and chim are looking “r u serious” but sam and dean are super amused and hes like “little buckley grew up with good taste” and everyone but buck and eddie snicker. 
chim really wants to believe it because,,, its coming from his girlfriends mouth u know?? but he doesnt know these men and like.... demons ?????? so chimneys just slowly trying to process the information while sam and dean r grillling maddie buckleys new cool boyfriend... they rly didnt like doug so theyre ecstatic shes dating a good man. 
hen just finds this thing entirely amusing that the monster hunting is really not the thing thats on the fore front of her mind... like the fact that buck almost got old family friends arrested because of his internet research??? and eddies automatic stance to fight when dean definitely “accidentally” flirted with buck and all of the yelling like its all nuts to her so shes just sitting back laughing to herself. 
last but most definitely not LEAST athena starts reading them the miranda right s the second she lays eyes on them and funny enough eddie is the one to jump to their defense saying buck was doing internet research and mistook them for others. and athena was like “tf bobby u coulda told me . “ and hes like “i had to listen to the story” and eddie just jumps in and explains everything which buck even after all of this also finds that hlarious. and athena deadass mutters “oh god theyve been drugged again” 
this was so LONG LMAOOOOOO sleep deprivation man. i got too hype ab this. u asked for their reactions not a whole ass scene but it just happened lmao. hope you liked it supernatural anon!!! also u should send me ur crossover fic id love to read it !!!! 
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hwangskz · 6 years
i'm a coward | valentine's! (han) jisung
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• jisung had been that guy in basketball that u had this Enormous Crush on since,,,, forever
• u even went to aLL of his games just to see him,,,, uwu
• after the game, the team would come to u in the cafeteria
• “y/n!!!! are u here to see me :DD”
• “hyunjin pls”
• they are all kIDS OK
• and ur their mom
• needless to say yall are best friends ok
• but,,,,, u just can’t talk to jisung while looking in his eyes,,,, yk
• but what u always failed to notice was the blush that grew on jisung’s cheeks when he saw u too
• “oh look jisung there’s y-”
• “i know there’s y/n sitting on the 3rd seat in the first row.”
• “………i was going to say…. that there’s your cap that u had been searching for”
• aka jisung was Exposedt too now
• “jisung it’s literally 14th in a few days just confess man how hard is that”
• “makes sense.”
• but jisung wasn’t the only one being pestered into confessing
• aka u were too
• “hyunjin pls i need to finish this assignment by tomorrow”
• “but tomorrow is valentine’s day!!!! u haVE TO CONFESS TO JISUNG U’VE LIKED HIM SINCE,,,, FOREVER (◕︵◕)”
• “i have liked him since a long time but he hasn’t!!!! he doesn’t even like me!!!!”
• “how can u be so sure about that”
• (O.O)
• (⊙⊙)(⊙⊙)(⊙⊙)
• (°ロ°)
• ((((゜д゜)))
• i would be lying if i said u aren’t malfuctioning because u dEFINITELY ARE
• so u appeared with eye bags next day at school
• “yo y/n did u nOT SLEEP????”
• “…….no…….???”“gO BACK HOME AND SLEEP U NEED TO TAKE CARE OF UR HEALTH” - chan, pushing u towards the doorway
• after a lot of bickering u finally ended up going to classes anyways so ¯\( ’-’ ) /¯
• i mean ur not complaining cause u got to see jisung !!!! again !!!!
• u didn’t really talk today??? so it kinda confused u
• jisung : yo u look tired did u not sleep r u ok
• y/n : lmao ye im fine i guess
• jisung : …….hey y/n u know what day it is today right
• y/n : …..thursday??
• y/n : valentine’s day?????
• jisung : yea so i don’t think u’ll be shook if u hear this but uh
• jisung : i’m kinda coward in real life so uh
• “y/n! no phones are allowed in class!”
• the entire time in class u just kept thinking what jisung was saying
• damn first jisung was in ur heart and now on ur mind too??? CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HHHHHH
• after class got over u went to him
• “yo jisung what were u talking about earlier?”
• “i… don’t know….???”
• “jisung tELL ME”
• “i-i’ll tell u later! bye!”
• that later perhaps never came because he kept sPRINTING AWAY FROM U THE ENTIRE DAY
• even when u were with the team he would sprint away and the team???? looked so confused?????
• “GOTTA GO by chungha yas I NEED TO GO TO MR. BYUN” - jisung, as he sprints away from the table
• “isn’t mr. byun on a leave tho..” - felix
• “it could be some other mr. byun tho” - changbin
• “babe our coach mr. byun is the only teacher who’s a male and has the surname byun in this entire school.”
• “makes sense.”
• the team then knew exactly what was going on
• bby was just too Shy ok
• so the team tells u to text him
• y/n : jisung where the fuck are u
• jisung : if i tell u something would u be mad at me
• y/n : jisung last year u broke my piggy bank to buy urself that video game that u never played and i’m still not mad at u so
• jisung : guess i feel confident???? now?????
• jisung : can u…. meet me….. rn…
• y/n : where aRE Ujisung : near our last class
• so u go to that empty hallway
• “….jisung?”
• suddenly an arm pulls u towards them
• “sung?”
• “…..hi” - jisung, cutely rubbing his nape as he replies
• “so…. what’s up?”
• jisung takes a quick breath before meeting your eyes
• “y-y/N!”
• “yeah?”
• “i- yk what forget it im still a coward”
• he sighed and looked down when u suddenly got an idea
• and u took out ur phone from ur pocket to text him
• y/n : if ur comfortable,,,,, u can say it here yk
• he got the notif and looked at u slyly before typing something and sending it to u
• jisung : ye but pls don’t hate me or smthg D:
• y/n : ok lmao
• he took a deep breath before typing something out rEALLY FAST
• and when he sends it to u
• ur just sjsghsbsbs AAA AA AA A A A A
• jisung : i like u ok
• (☉。☉)
•  did...ur...crush just tell u that he likes u.....
• suddenly u look at ur screen again to notice that u have a new message from jisung
• damn was he writing all this time while u were spacing out hhhh
• jisung’s fingers were on fire as he typed 
• and u could literally s e e how nervous and worried he looked for ur reply as he typed
• so before he could push the send button once again
• u hold his face and lift it up before nearing him, making u bOTH GO RED A T O N C E
• “calm down jisung, because i like u too....and even if i didn’t i wouldn’t be that stupid to end a friendship as precious as this.”
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nichknack · 6 years
Little Lion Man [Dear Evan Hansen! 3-Gatsu no Lion AU]
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Connor hadn’t lied about his age, per se. He just hadn’t refused when Aaron Puck suggested they go grab a drink after their match.
It wasn’t like Puck didn’t know Connor was underage, the fact that he was one of the younger expert chess players around was practically common knowledge. Only sixteen and with an ELO rating over 2500. It seemed impressive to anyone who wasn’t Connor. Or anyone who knew fuck-all about chess.
Maybe it was a trick? After all, Connor had wiped the floor with the old man. If anyone found that the American chess world’s young star had gotten drunk he’d be well and truly screwed.
Besides, Puck hadn’t even offered him a ride home. He’d just left him to find his own way back, barely able to walk in a straight line.
Connor stumbled his way through the dark, moving from streetlamp to streetlamp in a search for familiar landmarks. His body moved automatically, past the city library, past the convenience store with the vending machine that would spit out free drinks if you kicked it the right way, left on ninth, right on twelfth.
The air felt too thick. The sky felt like it was rotating, reminding Connor of when he’d run around in circles as a kid, purposely trying to make himself dizzy. Zoe had found it funny.
He tasted bile and his hands found the metal railing separating the sidewalk from a ninety-feet drop. How the fuck had he gotten to the bridge?
Connor stared down at the rolling water. Without the sun to light it up, it just looked like a heaving pool of darkness lapping against the supports of the bridge. He kept staring. Stared until the drop made him light-headed.
He’d thought about it a lot. Flinging himself over into the water.
Some nights--when insomnia was at its peak and he didn’t feel like studying for his next match--he’d sit on the balcony of his crummy apartment and watched the bridge, trying to pluck up enough courage to just die.
A few times he’d seen people climb over the ledge and had to call the 911. Most times they’d arrive, talk the person back over and whisk them away in an ambulance with a blanket around their shoulders. Other times he’d hear the stomach-churning sound of a body hitting the water.
Part of him knew he should go out and help them himself, but another knew he’d probably fuck that up too.
He wondered if anyone would call 991 for him.
No, he decided. He’d probably just get shit for loitering or causing a disturbance or some crap like that.
Hello, officer? A homeless-looking drunk is making me uncomfortable. Please lock him up and throw away the key. Or better yet, just push him over and let him fucking drown. It’s what he deserves after all.
“Are you okay?”
Connor’s shoulders tensed and he whirled around, gripping the railing tightly in an attempt to keep himself upright.
A woman stood in front of him. A nurse, he realised. Still wearing her scrubs.
He tried to force his lips to move, to form the words to tell this woman that, yeah, he was completely fine, but instead his mouth pulled back into a watery grimace and he started to cry. It was like someone had flicked a switch in his brain and turned on the waterworks.
“Woah. Hey, hey.” The nurse took a tentative step forward. “I’m going to touch you, is that okay?”
Connor nodded, rubbing his eyes on the back of his hand.
“Alright. Hey. It’s okay.” She reached out and put her arms around him, holding him up. “You’ve had a lot to drink, haven’t you?” There wasn’t anything accusing in her voice. Not like his parents when he’d come home late. It was more of a statement, a concern. “Come on. One foot in front of another. Let’s get you cleaned up, huh? Come on, one, two, three. There we go, just a few more steps. God, you barely weight anything. Have you eaten?”
As the nurse lead Connor down the street, he was acutely aware that she could very well be an axe murderer about to drag him to his death. He didn’t really care, though maybe that was the alcohol.
He kept walking, listening to her questions but not really giving any answers. Occasionally, he’d think he was finished with crying, but then he’d start up again and have to stop to wipe his nose and eyes on the cuff of his hoodie.
To give her credit, the nurse waited for him each time. She didn’t make him hurry up, or groan or sigh when his feet planted in place and he fumbled to find a patch of fabric that wasn’t completely drenched in snot. She just let him get on with it before helping him back on his way.
Eventually, they reached their destination, which turned out to be a rickety house on the edge of town. It looked almost as shit as Connor’s apartment.
Inside, however, it proved to be rather cozy, if a little cluttered.
“Almost there,” the nurse hauled Connor into the living room, letting him sit down on the single couch. The moment she let go of him, Connor plonked himself down onto his side, which helped the spinning somewhat. In truth, he was far too tall for the tiny couch and had to pull his knees up to his chest for all of his body to be able to lay down comfortably.
“No shoes on the couch, come on.”
Closing his eyes, Connor kicked off his boots and let them thud to the floor.
“Thank you.”
He kept his eyes closed and listened to her footsteps leave the room.
“Hey.” Out in the hall, a new voice spoke.
“Oh. Hey. I thought you were in bed.” The nurse again.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Connor’s first assumption was that the voice belonged to the woman’s husband. Then, common sense kicked in. The voice was far too young. Probably a child. A son, by the sounds of it. Or maybe a daughter with a kind of deep voice?
There was a pause.
“Uh...I-Is there a cat in there?” The new voice asked.
“Huh?” The nurse laughed. “Kind of?”
“A dog? Are you sure the others are going to....” there were footsteps, followed by another, long, pause.
Connor didn’t dare to open his eyes.
“Evan,” the nurse said quietly. “Can you get some water for me?”
The new voice--Evan--didn’t say anything, but presumably nodded and went on his way.
The room became silent again, and Connor assumed he must have fallen asleep as the next thing he knew the nurse had him sat up and was shaking him awake.
“Here,” she handed him a glass of water. “Drink up.”
Connor did, draining the glass in three quick gulps.
“Do you feel up to eating?” The nurse asked, replacing the glass with a slice of plain, white bread.
“I think so…” Connor couldn’t help but wince at how slurred his voice was.
“Good. Good.” The nurse reached to the side and seemed to pull a bucket from thin air. She placed it on the couch beside him. “Just in case. I put tissues at the bottom, helps with the splashback.”
Suddenly the bread seemed far less appetizing.
“What’s your name?”
“Okay, Connor. My name’s Heidi. It’s nice to meet you.” She had a voice like a kindergarten teacher: soft and slow, but somehow chipper at the same time. “I need a phone number, okay? I’m sure your parents will be worried.”
Connor felt his lip start to warble and crammed the slice of bread into his mouth. He swallowed it too quickly, making him gag.
“Careful!” Heidi thumped him on the back.
“They don’t know I’m out,” he wheezed, reaching for the bucket.
“All the more reason to call them. Do you think you’re doing to be sick?”
He swallowed the lump of bread in his throat and shook his head. “They....”
He could make up an excuse. Tell this woman they were dead. That he was an orphan. Then maybe she’d stop asking questions.
“I don’t live with them anymore,” he said truthfully.
Heidi’s brows narrowed. “You look a little young to be a college student.”
Again, Connor missed the opportunity to lie. “I’m not...I don’t live with them…” He held his face over the bucket, waiting for the usual barrage of questions.
Did they kick you out?
Were they abusive?
On drugs?
He’d heard it all a million times before.
But instead of asking questions, Heidi put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. “We’ll sort it out tomorrow, yeah?”
Fat tears rolled off Connor’s nose and dropped into the bucket. Why couldn’t he stop crying?
Heidi wrapped her arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. “You’re having a real rough time of it, huh?”
All Connor could do was nod.
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I Will Always Save You: Part 1
Emmett x Reader
Warnings: Depression, Insomnia, Self-hatred, abusive relationships, loss of family members (parents and grandparents), eventually fluff and happiness in one of the next ones
The circles under your eyes continued to get darker, this was your third day without sleep. “Sweetie, I need you to get up. School starts tomorrow and you have to go.” Your mom told you, you looked at her and sighed.
“I don’t understand why you’re making me go to this new school, I am a senior who knows nobody.” You told her, getting out of bed and taking your daily hour long shower. This was going to be the worst, you’ve been the new girl several times before, but never a place this small. You and your mom were on the run from the man that fathered you, but that’s not important right now.Tomorrow you were going to this place called Forks High School, that is four times smaller than the last place you went. 
“Mom, how is a smaller town safer. I’m going to be eighteen in less than a month, so I’ll be easier to find.” You told her, she looked up and smiled at you.
“Well, I know a few people here and it has been a while since we’ve been anywhere that we know someone. I thought it would be nice for a chance.” She said, but you just looked down holding back tears. Yea, she knew them, but you did not. You never got to know anyone because your father would ruin everything, he’d show up and we would run again, leaving you with no friends and only one family member, your phone only had two contacts: Mom and 911, that was it.
“Hey, there’s still plenty of light left to this day, do you want to get some new clothes?” Your mom asked you and you just shook your head no, “Okay sweetie, let me know when you need something.” That was your mom’s way of saying ‘I love you’, she never said the real thing. You finally got were in the bathroom, you stared at yourself in the mirror. The bags under your eyes, the purple turning to black, your face was even sunken in a little. The longer you looked at yourself the sicker you felt, so you decided to quit and jump in the scolding hot shower. You slid down the wall and sat allowing the water to run over you, trying to wash yourself away, but that would never work.
After you got out you got ready for bed, it was actually pitch black outside instead of that dull grey, even though you didn’t mind the constant grey and rain. You told your mom a goodnight and she always gives you a tight hug before bed, always scared it might be her last. This night you actually fell asleep because the exhaustion took over you, but once your eyes closed you saw it all, here is where I explain why you and your mother are on the run. You were tiny and helpless, you’ve already been beaten to where you couldn’t even stand and blood slowly dripped down your face, you saw your mom standing there with a gun to her head and your father was the one holding it. You tried screaming, but you weren’t able to. Your mother somehow escaped and picked you up and ran out of the house to your grandparents’, but he came to their house and you heard the sound of the gun going off then your grandma screaming and fighting your father telling you and your mom to leave, then you heard the next shot, but you and your mom were driving off in your grandparents’ car. 
You woke up screaming and crying, your mom rushes into your room, “Baby girl, what’s wrong, come here,” She said wrapping her arms around your weeping form, “It’s been a while since you’ve had that dream, happens every time we go some place new, doesn’t it?” She said with a small sympathetic smile on her face. She laid down on the bed with you and you guys talked until you both finally fell asleep.
“Come on, wake up! Time for school!” Your mom could be peppy when she wanted to be, she was always good at hiding her fear. You slowly got out of bed, then went to the bathroom to get ready, the circles weren’t as dark, but your eyes were puffy from the crying, and there was nothing you could do with your hair so you threw it up into a simple ponytail.
You didn’t have your own car so your mom drove you to school, she dropped you off in front of the office area, this school was tiny compared to your last one, at least you shouldn’t get lost this time. You walked inside and the woman already knew who you were, “Here’s your papers Ms. y/l/n. It even includes a map of the school, so you should be able to find every building, and if you need help finding something don’t hesitate to ask! Anybody will be willing to help you find your class.”
You found all of your classes before school started so you wouldn’t get lost, the classes before class went by quickly, you even managed to talk to a few people, but they were mainly nosy. Eventually it was lunch time, you got in there with no idea where to sit, so you sat alone, but a few people came to sit with you, excited about the new student. People kept trying to talk to you, but you mostly ignored them, you weren’t liking this whole small school thing. You happen to look up and catch a glimpse of some people sitting by themselves towards the corner. 
“Who are they?” You accidentally asked out loud.
“That’s the Cullens and Hales. Dr. Cullen and his wife adopted them. The pretty blondes are the Hales, Jasper and Rosalie Hale. Then all of the others are Cullens, the tiny weird girl is Alice, the emo looking guy is Edward, then the brute is Emmett. They’re all a little weird and they don’t talk to anybody.” Some girl answered you, then you heard one of the girls whisper, ‘she’d fit in perfectly over there, she’s kinda a freak.’ After that comment you got up and moved to an empty table, you didn’t feel like being around those people anymore.
The rest of the day seemed to drag, turns out one of the Cullens was in your class and he kept staring at you, you just figured you looked funny so you just looked down at your desk. Once school was over your mom was already waiting for you in the parking lot, you were on your way to the car, but ended up bumping into something big and falling on your butt.
You heard a deep laughter, “Sorry about that, I haven’t seen you here before.” He looked you up and down, “Hi, I’m Emmett Cullen.”
“Hi, I’m y/n. My mom’s waiting on me or I’d talk more, I’ve got to go.” You said to him, trying hard not to sound rude.
“Nice meeting you, y/n. I hope we can speak more tomorrow.” Emmett said to you then walked in the opposite direction.
Your mom did the basic asking how your day was, did you make any friends, how was your classes, and so on. The night passed by and you actually fell asleep with no dreams that night. When you woke up in the morning your eyes weren’t puffy and the dark circles were a little lighter. 
A few weeks passed and school was the same everyday, you talked to nobody till the very end of the day when Emmett Cullen would ask you about your day, you’d answer, he left so you left. I guess you could call him a friend even. Then your mom would go over her same questions, you didn’t mind it because you liked routine, you were even a little less sad than usual. You even forgot to look in the mirror and tell yourself how horrible you were, you were beginning to ever like Forks.
You woke up in the middle of the night hearing your mother screaming, so you got up and got the gun your mother got you out from your bedside table. You ran to her room and you saw him, your father over top of your mother. She was trying to fight back, but his knee was pressed against her chest. You raised the gun and shot a warning round into the ceiling, but all it did was for him to look back and come after you. Before he got to you something tackled him and knocked him to the ground. The eyes that looked into yours was Emmett Cullen’s, your father was knocked out on the floor, so Emmett went over and checked on your mom, then came over and hugged you.
“Are you okay? I need to call the police, but I need to know if you are okay.” Emmett asked backing up and looking you over.
“Yea, what are you doing here? I mean, I’m grateful, but....” You just quit talking and sat down on the floor. Emmett sat down next to you. 
“I’ll explain later, but first I need to call the police, okay?” You just shook your head, then Emmett was standing up talking on the phone. The police showed up and talked to you all and Emmett never left your side. Chief Swan came over to talk to you.
“Hi, y/n, I’m Chief Swan and I need to know what happened here tonight, we need to take your mom to the hospital for some injuries, who is this man on the floor?” When he asked that you didn’t really want to answer him.
“That’s my father. I don’t know how he found us, I thought we were safe this time.” After you said that you started sobbing about to fall to your knees, but someone caught you and was holding you. “Is my mom okay?” You asked through the tears.
“She’ll be okay, come with me and I’ll take you to the hospital so you can be with her, Mr. Cullen I need you to come with me to so I can ask you some questions.” Chief Swan said, so Emmett and you walked to the Chief’s car and he took you all down the road. The ride to the hospital was quiet, you didn’t feel like talking, you just wanted to be with your mom, you just wanted to make sure she was okay.
The night was long an you had nurses coming in and out updating you about your mom, Emmett and Chief Swan eventually came back into the room.They both sat down with you. You expected the Chief to ask you more questions, but he just sat there next to you and occasionally patted your back, he was a kind man. Eventually the Doctor came out, he looked at Emmett and you saw it, the remorse in his eyes. 
“Hello, I’m Dr. Cullen, y/n can I speak with you alone?” He asked. You got up and followed him, “Your mother has very serious injuries the amount of force against her chest caused a lot of damage and her being choked caused a lack of oxygen to the brain, she’s....” You interrupted him.
“Just tell me, is my mother going to survive?” You asked him and before he answered you saw the sadness in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, but she won’t make it through the night. Is there anybody you can call?” He asked, not realizing you were completely alone in this world. You just walked away from him, you walked out of the hospital doors, not realizing someone was following you. Once you were outside you screamed, you screamed until you lost your voice and your power. You fell to your knees, then he was there.
“Why did you save me?” You asked him, your voice almost too horse to hear.
“I will always save you.” Emmett said, slowly pulling you into his arms. 
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Hold My Hand
  Lauren turns her head towards the soft groggy voice, meeting her fiancée’s sleepy brown eyes. She felt a smile creep on her face at the heart-warming sight of Camila laying next to her. The brunette broke out into a stretch, letting out a yawn that immediately turns into a pout.
  “Why are you still up, baby?” Camila asks, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
  Fidgeting with the the corner pages of the book she had in her hands, her green eyes darts to the nightstand to her right. The digital alarm clock that rests on top reads 1:27 AM. Lauren’s eyes widen, she must have gotten so invested in her book that she last track of time.
  “I’m sorry Camz, I didn’t realize how late it was.” Lauren says, looking back at her.
  “Lo, you can always read tomorrow. Right now, you should get some rest.”
  Camila was right, Lauren really needs to get some rest; especially if she was going to wake up in 6 hours for work that morning.
  “You’re right baby.”
  Making sure to place the bookmark in before closing her book, she places it on the bedside table; also turning off the table lamp while she was at it. Lauren adjusts her body so she would be laying down and turns her body towards Camila. Even though it was dark, she could make out Camila’s face, seeing her soft smile. Lauren quickly leans in to give those lips a peck.
  “I love you.” Lauren whispers.
  “I love you too.”
  Camila shoots her a quick smile before turning her back towards Lauren. Understanding what she wanted, Lauren drapes her arm across Camila’s waist and pulls her closer. The brown-eyed girl places her right hand on top of Lauren’s and intertwines their fingers together. After a few minutes, Camila’s breathing evens out and Lauren takes that as a sign that she was fast asleep. Her right hand fiddles with Camila’s fingers, slowly getting lost in her own thoughts.
  They’re engaged and have been together for the past 5 years. On top of that, the duo have been best friends since they were in diapers. From the moment when they both learned what love was, Lauren realized that Camila was the one. Although, for Camila, love wasn’t that easy. She grew up with severe anxiety and insomnia, and had a difficult time handling the whole idea of dating. Every crush Camila had, she was too afraid to approach or was seen as ‘too weird to date’ - she thought she would never find someone to spend the rest of her life with. So one could say, she was very oblivious to Lauren’s raging gay crush on her. However, as the years past - her feelings for the green-eyed beauty grew. Lauren was always there to calm her down during her panic attacks or be the shoulder for her to cry on. After a while, she quickly developed feelings for the girl and soon found out that those feelings were reciprocated.
  Lauren has always been there for her, and for some reason that puts her at ease. Camila used to have so much trouble falling asleep, but that was up until she got to sleep in Lauren’s arms. It was something about holding Lauren’s hand that helped put her mind to rest. From then on, Camila always holds Lauren’s hand when she goes to sleep. Then the rest is history.
  “Babe, I can’t believe you actually tried salmon! I am learning new things about you everyday.”
  “Hey! I can be adventurous!” Camila pouts.
  “If it’s not something generic, like a pizza or a hamburger, you won’t eat it.” Lauren smirks.
  “I’d eat anything except for fish eggs and monkey brains.”
  “I mean, I eat you… so your argument is invalid.”
  Lauren’s smirk was wiped off of her face and instead was on Camila’s. They laugh off the comment and continue walking around downtown Miami hand in hand. It was fairly late, but the two didn’t seem to mind since they haven’t been able to spend some alone time together as of lately due to their busy work schedules. The two shared stories about their day, walking around a more isolated part of the town. However, their moment was interrupted when they heard a rattling noise come from an alleyway behind them. The couple’s bodys instantly tense, turning their heads to look at one another. They both took this as a sign to start heading home, so they continue walking; making sure to pick up their pace a little bit more.
  Just as they were about to turn the corner, a dark figure pops out - stopping them in their tracks.
  “Give me all of your money.”
  Normal people who are placed in this situation would be freaking out - kind of like Camila. While on the other hand, Lauren clenches her jaw and balls up her fist. Lauren was more the type to fight then flight, but in this situation maybe that wasn’t the best characteristic to have.
  “I said-”
  “I heard you the first time.”
  “Well? Hand me your fucking wallet - Both of you.”
  “Lauren, just give him what he wants.”
  “And what if we don’t?”
  “And if you don’t, I guess I’d have to take it from you.”
  The mugger reaches behind his back and pulls out a handgun. Though, taken aback by surprise, Lauren still did not back down. Instead, she pushes Camila behind her to the side and takes a step forward.
  “Give me your money now or I put one right between your eyes.”
  Lauren stands there, looking at the hooded guy straight in eye. Well, hopefully she was staring at him in the eyes because the only light source they had was the moonlight and she couldn’t make his face out.
  With his finger on the trigger, he held up the gun, “Like I said, give me your fucking walle-”
  Lauren threw the hardest right hook she ever had in her life - and that wasn’t saying much. As her knuckles came into contact with the guys face, he lets out a grunt - holding his face. Suddenly, a loud crack broke into the air - almost as loud as thunder. Everything was ringing and in slow motion. Grabbing his shoulders, Lauren lifts up her knee to come in contact with his groin. Letting out a louder grunt, the mugger doubled over, his hands instinctively went to hold his crotch. Then grabbing his head, Lauren knees that too; which was then followed back a strong kick to the gut. Toppling backwards, the man fell onto the hard concrete sidewalk - knocked out cold. Even though out of breathe, a triumphant smile appeared on Lauren’s face.
  Turning around, “Babe! Did you fucking see that! I fucked him u-”
  In that moment, Lauren felt her blood run cold and her body freezes at the sight in front of her. There stood her fiancée, eyes wide open and mouth agape, staring down at the pool of blood spreading around the wound on her stomach.
  Lauren felt tears starting to well up in her eyes. Camila’s knees gave out, but before her body came into contact with the ground; Lauren was there to catch her.
  “Camz, stay with me.”
  Brushing the stray hairs out of Camila’s face. They locked eyes with each other and Lauren can already see how pale her fiancée has gotten over the short duration. Using her right hand to pull her phone out from her back pocket, she shakily dials 911. As the call rings, Lauren feels Camila’s hand reach up to wipe away the tears from her face. The brown-eyed girl gave her an encouraging smile.
  “911, what is your emergency?”
  “H-Hello? Um my fiancée was s-shot!”
  “Ma’am, can you give us a location?”
  “Uh I-I don’t know our exact location. W-We’re in downtown Miami, p-please send an ambulance. We’re by the bayside and we’re close to some parking garages.”
  “We’ll do our best with the information we have. Please sit tight, we’ll send an ambulance. Please stay on the line.”
  “O-Okay, please hurry.”
  The words came out almost like a whisper, but nonetheless, got Lauren out of her trance. She looks down at Camila, who looked like she wasn’t holding up that well. Putting her phone on speaker, she frees her hands as she places it down on the sidewalk.
  “Stay with me baby. You’re going to be okay, an ambulance is coming.” Lauren cups Camila’s cheeks and bends down to give her a kiss on her cold forehead.
  “Lo…” Camila reaches her left palm out
  “Yes Camz?” Lauren says, being sure to reach for Camila’s hand - intertwining them.
  “Hold my hand, I am falling asleep”
  Lauren lets out a hum, the words took a second to process in Lauren’s head; the moment they do, panic filled her veins.
  “Baby, no. Don’t fall asleep on me. Stay with me.” She lightly shakes the girl laying in her arms. In the distance, police sirens could be heard. “They’re almost here, Camz. Stay with me.”
  Camila’s eyes were getting heavier. As much as she tried to fight it, her eyes starts to close.
  “I love you, Lauren.”
  “I love you too, Camila. Please stay with me, just for a few more minutes.” Squeezing the hand she had a hold of for reassurance. “They’re almost here, come on baby.”
  With her eyes finally shut, Camila let out her last breath. The panic fully rushes in once again, Lauren shakes her body - trying to wake Camila up, “No no no no no. Camila! Wake up baby!”
Lauren was full out sobbing at this point, holding Camila’s dead body close to hers. She could feel her heart aching and Lauren swore she could probably die from heartbreak. She rocks back and forth, holding Camila because right now, that’s the only thing she knows what to do.
  Everything felt numb and the police sirens were getting louder by the second.
  Lauren didn’t care though, because the only thing she cares about was laying lifeless in her arms.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MF] Fever From The Orient
His name was Matthew and he smelled of shit. He hadn't showered in 2 weeks, his crotch smelled like a combination of wet dog and rotten meat. The grease down there was thick and smelly, he reached his hands down there, wiped up as much as he could then ran his long, thin fingers through his filthy jet black hair, slicking it back. The film that developed on his inner thighs was so sticky it caused a rash to break out there from all the friction. He sniffed his fingers curiously, the rotten scent had begun to physically arouse him. He had gone stinko for so long that he gained a perverse enjoyment out of the whole thing. Every night as he went to bed he'd swear he would take a shower the next morning but so overcome by sleepiness and a lack of motivation, he also seldom left bed on time. He was chronically late to work at the customer service call center. There he had brought his habit of mumbling things to himself, it had started at home alone, then in the workplace between the all too frequent phone calls until finally, he found out that people either didn't care or just didn't want to know so he brought his verbal tics to the phone, in between sentences as some kind of period.
"Good morning sir fuck shit. What can we do for you today at the Stewards of Environmental Friendship customer service department, oh God kill me."
"Yeah hello I'm looking to file a complaint. My fuckin' tap water is fuckin' brown and it gave my fuckin' wife dysentery meanwhile I can't stop shitting over here, I'm speaking to you from my fuckin' toilet bowl. Now you gonna do something about it Sonny Boy or am I gonna have to come down there and speak to you up close, eh?!
"There's no need for that sir, here at the S.E.F. we pride ourselves on our customer service ,my life is worthless. Please hold while I transfer you to our water quality and inspections department, I have no balls."
"What's that Sonny? I didn't catch that last part? Something about balls?"
"No sir," he replied reassuringly, "I said I have many calls. Hold on, I'm transferring you now."
People didn't care. He was just another blank face in a sea of blank faces. He had grown up thinking that he would matter, that he would have an impact on society. But years of isolation and mediocrity had taught him otherwise. It had crossed his mind that one day he might break and then become one of them. Not that he wanted to, the idea nauseated him. Rather, it was the stark choice that he would one day come to out of desperation: either a purposeless life marked by sheer loneliness or one of assimilation into the mainstream. Feigning normalcy seemed to be the only way out of this god awful state he had fallen into. He could turn into a bland dullard who talked about the latest episode of the current Netflix show with his coworkers by the water cooler. A socialized consumer with the scent of status quo due to all the products he consumed with his fellow man. He had tried to fake interest in those types of things before but it was too taxing. He would rather spend his time staring at the wall for hours, idly twirling his hair and getting carried away by his overactive imagination then pretend to find stimulation from overpaid ex-convicts fighting over some kind of ball. Either that or he could go completely insane and become another type of office fauna; a mumbler, who was to be avoided. He could do his time, get a pension, and then die just like so many others. The bureaucracy had a way of reducing human. life to its lowest, basest form. Those were the paths that were laid out for him, at least until he got an idea.
It came to him one Saturday morning while he was watching the news. A new super virus had started in China. It was highly contagious and though the official number of fatalities given by the Chinese government was very low, they had effectively quarantined 3 cities making a combined total of 23 million people. If the mortality of the disease was so low like they say it seemed like an odd move to make. This had to be much worse then they were letting on, he thought. It could be the next plague and in this modern globalized world it would be very hard to contain. This idea excited him, his testicles shrunk as norepinephrine flooded his system. The news said so far there were only 3 suspected cases of it in America and they were currently being quarantined and treated for the virus. Research on the disease was still in its early stages though so the chances of those people surviving were slim. The world was so boring, every time something exciting was on the verge of happening the government stepped in and squashed it. How very mundane it all was. Mother Nature’s attempts at revenge were always being culled prematurely. Matthew reached his hands down his pants to his crotch and rubbed his inner thighs and genitals until his hands were oily and sticky. He took them out and smelled them with the vigor of a dog nose deep in another one's butthole. Then he ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times and began to think.
Matthew long fostered an unhealthy obsession with infectious diseases. This fetish was born two years ago when he was suffering from an array of unexplainable bodily manifestations that (drove him into a deep depression) started when he was in the midst of a deep depression.* Already being in a fragile state of mind, the symptoms terrified him. None of the doctors could figure out the cause. Their impotence drove him into a fit of monomania as he fell into a spiral of obsessive research and after countless hours spent scouring the Internet for clues he became convinced that he was dying from some rare, exotic malady. Squeezed in the vice like grip of neurosis, his already frail mental state was deteriorating rapidly until finally all the months of severe psychological strain and isolation came to a head when he suffered a major panic attack from which he never fully recovered.
He had gone to the doctor that day to be tested for a sexually transmitted retrovirus, which was impossible for him to have contracted as he was a virgin. In the days before the appointment his insomnia worsened. Every night he laid wide awake in bed contemplating his potential death sentence as the minutes ticked by ever slowly. By the time he arrived for his appointment he was a nervous wreck. He hadn’t changed his clothes in a week, he was too consumed by his thoughts to even notice. After checking in with the receptionist he took a seat in an empty corner of the waiting area away from everybody else. The scheduled time for his appointment came and went as he sat there occasionally muttering obscenities to himself. Nobody seemed to notice though or they pretended not to. It’s easy for a lonely person to lose their mind in this world where community has crumbled and from the ashes of it came a new world of atomized individuals who, like the old society, held mental health to be taboo. Matthew’s heart, strained by stress and sleeplessness began to beat faster. Knowing something was wrong, he tried to take some deep breaths to calm down but his ribcage constricted his longs keeping them from fully expanding. While struggling to inhale his left temple began to hurt then in his chest he felt a heavy, dull ache. A panic enveloped him despite his attempts to stay calm. This is it he thought, a stroke just like his father. By the time the nurse finally called him in he had forgotten the reason for his visit.
By the time the doctor had finally called him he was a nervous wreck. His brain was tingling and he was overcome by lightheadedness. Matthew frantically described what he was experiencing. The doctor nodded then had an EKG performed on him. The results were normal. The doctor left him alone in the examination room with the door closed as his heart beat faster and faster. She came back in with anxiety and depression questionnaires where you’d circle a number from 1-3 to indicate the severity of the symptoms listed with 3 being the most severe. He circled 3 on every single symptom except for the one about suicide. He knew that an honest answer on that one would send him straight to the psychiatric ward. Have you been feeling a sense of worthlessness? 3. Do you think you would be better off dead? 3. Are you unable to experience pleasure from activities you used to enjoy? 3, and so on. The doctor came back in and looked at the results of the survey.
“Doctor I think I’m having a stroke! I almost forgot what day it is and my vision is getting blurry!" He desperately cried.
“The EKG test came back normal.” The doctor replied.
“But an EKG doesn’t test for strokes, look!” He shoved his phone in her face which had a Wikipedia article open. “I gotta go to the hospital doc, I don’t wanna die!”
“You’re gonna be alright. Are you currently seeing a psychiatrist?”
“Yes for 5 years.”
“5 years?! And you are still feeling like this? Are you taking your medication?”
“Yes every day I never miss a dose.”
“Well you had better give him a call.”
“GOD DAMMIT I’M HAVING A FUCKING STROKE AND YOU WANT ME TO CALL A HEAD DOCTOR? I’M GONNA DIE IF YOU DON’T DO ANYTHING!” “If you want to go to the hospital then go but all your vitals are normal.” She replied, then exited the room.
Matthew texted his mother that he loved her,(she replied back with an 'Ok') then dialed 911 and called for an ambulance at the doctor’s office. It felt like an eternity had passed by the time the EMTs had shown up. They looked puzzled as Matthew walked out of the examination room, after all, who walks into an ambulance? They brought him out to the ambulance, sat him down, and took his blood pressure. It was a little high but not enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room.
“So how are you feeling, big guy?” One of the paramedics asked.
“Oh shit, this is all in my head isn’t it?” Matthew replied, burying his head in his hands.
“It’s alright pal just try to relax.”
They let him go after a short conversation where they had advised him to ‘go outside’ and ‘make some friends’.He couldn’t do any of that though, the motherly advice had vexed him and he was so mortified and humiliated by the whole thing, But it had all felt so real though! He had felt like he was going to die there, in the examination room. At the peak of the attack a feeling of tiredness washed over him like a warm bath as he had waited for the doctor to return. Is that what death felt like? Like just going to sleep? Huh, he thought, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be...
The idea had animated him. He got off the couch, put on his jacket, and headed out the door. He arrived in the Chinese quarter an hour later. Most of the shop signs were in Chinese which made his task difficult. He figured an old traditional medicine store would do the trick. Matthew spotted one after a few blocks, he couldn’t read the sign but the windows displayed bottles of what appeared to be ginseng and other herbal medicines. From the outside it looked cluttered, dusty and old, it looked even more so inside. A bell rang as he opened the door and went in. An elderly Chinese man with a bald spot stood behind the counter with his nephew by his side. There were a few people in line to pay and walking around browsing the aisles. He’d have to wait until they were all gone before he made his move. Matthew walked up and down the aisles several times until the other customers had all left. He went up to the counter whistling with his hands in his pockets. The old man eyed him suspiciously, Matthew looked different from his usual clientele. After all, every product in the shop had labels on them in Chinese, why would a white man come here?
“Good afternoon sir!” Matthew said loudly and then quietly: “I’m hoping you can help me find something.”
The old Chinaman looked offended. “What you want?” he asked in a heavily accented voice.
“I’m looking for something that’s been spreading pretty quickly in China, do you sell biological weapons here?”
“Huh? What?”
“Biological weapons, you know like that crazy flu that’s been ravaging China for a few weeks now. Do you by chance have any that I could purchase?”
The nephew looked at him bewilderingly.
“That’s not funny, asshole. I have family back there and they’re scared shitless!” He spoke. Through his clothes and lack of accent Matthew could tell he was Americanized.
“Oh that must be incredible! They’re at the epicenter of God’s wrath!”
“Sick! Sick! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“Oh plenty’s wrong with me but I’m trying to get better, I’m trying to fix everything. So can you sell me a vial or whatever of the virus?”
The old man had been silently watching, trying to understand what was being said but he barely spoke English. He barked something that sounded like a question in Chinese to his nephew. The nephew shouted back to him in Chinese. The conversation went on for a few minutes, at first the old man looked positively furious but in the end it seemed like they agreed on something and both started giggling. The nephew turned back to Matthew.
“So you want that flu huh? Well my uncle here just came back from the Zicheng province! He can give you it, we will only charge you $100” Matthew was elated at this news.
“Oh yes! I knew you guys would have it!.”
He took out his wallet and gave him the money.
“So how do I get it? Is he gonna spit in a test tube or something?”
All of a sudden the old man leaned across the counter towards him and hocked a loogie right in his face.
“There, now you have it. Now get out of here you creep!” The nephew said.
“But how do I know I have it? There’s barely any snot in this thing, see?”
Matthew wiped the spittle off his cheek and showed them. Then he put his hand to his mouth and swallowed it. Both the nephew and the uncle’s jaws dropped to the floor.
“Give me more, that wasn’t worth $100.”
The nephew told the old man what he said in Chinese. The old man's eyes lit up.
“More? He want more?”
“Yeah give him some more.”
The old man smiled in delight. He leaned across the counter again, this time Matthew grabbed his face with both of his hands and forced his tongue into his open mouth. The old man let out a muffled scream. Matthew ran his tongue over every part of his mouth, sucking up any saliva that was in there.
“You bastard! Let him go!” the young Chinaman screamed.
After he was sure the virus had been transmitted he released the old man.
“Thank you very much! You don’t know how much joy this has brought to me.”
“You leave! You leave now!” Cried the old man, choking back a sob.
“Alright alright I’ll go. I just want you gentlemen to know that you have just participated in a historical event. Keep an eye on the news.”
With that he made guns with his fingers and shot imaginary bullets at them, making noises with his mouth and slowly backing out of the store. This was it! He thought. Finally I’m gonna make a difference in this world! He felt full of love and euphoria as he walked out into the street. He passed by a homeless man mumbling to himself 5 doors down. Ah, he’s just like me!
“Could you spare any change sir fuckass cock balls?” The hobo asked.
“Of course my brother!” He took out a dollar bill, licked it, then handed it to him.
“Don’t you worry friend, what I’ve given you is worth a hundred dollars! Stay strong my brother! Things will get better real soon!”
The bum looked at the bill then at him.
“You son of a bitch motherfucker crusty asshole on my face!”
He got up and grabbed Matthew by the collar.
“Oh ho ho! You want to make sure I gave it to you? Who am I to deny an eager man like yourself?”
He grabbed the homeless guy’s cheeks with his big yeti hands and gave him a deep kiss. The hobo’s eyes shot wide open in terror as he struggled to get away from him. Matthew let him go after he was sure he had tasted the man’s tonsils.
“Hey mister! What the hell!” he yelled frightened, backing away.
“God bless you sir! You were my first one! I will never forget you!”
“Wh-what? That was your first kiss?”
“No it was my second one, I just had my first one 5 doors down.”
“You’re crazy! Get away from me!”
With that he took off in a sprint. Matthew gazed at him lovingly like a mother looking down at her newborn baby. After he lost sight of him he popped his collar and strolled leisurely back home.
The feeling of euphoria carried over to the following Monday. Usually Matthew wouldn’t talk to anyone at the job but he had undergone an immense psychic change that past weekend. He talked with everybody and anybody would listen. He was constantly dishing out handshakes, fist bumps, and half hugs, taking bathroom breaks every now and again to get more crotch grease and spittle on his hands. His coworkers were frightened at first, but they warmed towards him after the initial shock. One of them, Jessie, caught him in the break room drinking out of someone else’s mug. He wrote it off as an honest mistake. Another one of his coworkers found him licking the water fountain nozzle. These vagaries went largely unnoticed though as the days went by. On Wednesday, Matthew went to his supervisor’s office.
“Good morning Tracy.”
“Hello Matt. So what did you want to talk about?” she asked.
“Well, it’s just that, I’ve been on the phones for 3 years now and I’d really like to branch out to broaden my work experience. Don’t get me wrong, I love this job, I just need something more stimulating, something challenging.”
She eyed him curiously.
“Well Matt, I’ve been hearing nothing but good things about you these past few days. But allow me to ask; what exactly prompted you to come here today and ask for a transfer?”
“Oh, it’s just that I finally broke out of that funk I was in ever since….well you know. Now I want to achieve things, I want to be more useful to the agency, My goal is to get the employee of the month award. I think I’ve always wanted to deep down inside but I never had enough motivation to go after it.”
“Hm, I’m impressed with you Matt. I know things haven’t been the same since that thing happened but I am very pleased to see you are doing well. Now what line of work are you interested in?”
“Well I saw there’s an opening at the front end. I think I’d very much like it there, as I’m sure you know I have excellent customer service skills so I think it would be a good fit.”
“Alright Matt. I have to send some emails but most likely the job is yours.”
Matt jumped up out of his seat like an electric eel.
“Golly thanks Tracy! I won’t let you down I promise!”
“I know you won’t Matthew,” she replied.
He stuck out his hand for a shake. Taking her petite hand into his, he pressed his palm into hers and maintained perfect eye contact. After about 30 seconds she broke her hand away.
“Did you just use hand sanitizer or something? Your hands feel sticky!”
“Yeah right before I came in. You gotta be real careful with all those viruses going around.”
Her eyes widened.
“That’s right! I was just watching the news this morning, they were reporting on that flu. That thing spreads like wildfire!”
Matthew broke out into an ear to ear grin. He bit his tongue to keep from laughing in ecstasy.
“Well thanks a bunch, Tracy. Have a good day.”
He made finger guns and pew pewed her as he shuffled out of her office backwards. At the door he performed a 180-degree spin and briskly walked back to his desk. Tracy stood behind her desk and sniffed her right hand.
He felt exuberant. Things that would usually bother him now ran off him like water on a raincoat. He even stopped mumbling to himself, his neurosis withered away and was replaced with a feeling of contentment. During this time he would go out at night and ride the subway back and forth, occasionally getting off to visit a museum or library where he would ask the librarian which books were popular nowadays then, hidden between the aisles he would inhale black pepper and sneeze on the first few pages. On the weekends he went to the cinema to see the latest blockbuster movie. Mostly they were juvenile superhero movies that he detested but now he didn't mind taking in 90 minutes of high definition opium. His habit of daydreaming which had consumed endless hours of his time had ceased. Now he didn’t feel the need to escape into the depths of his imagination. He took to life with a new zeal and for the first time since he was a child he was genuinely excited.
submitted by /u/bipolarthrowaway01u3 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3dqX2is
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vferrw · 6 years
Sleepless Night
3:00 AM
The air in the room feels dry and I still can't sleep. I lay in bed blankly staring at the ceiling. The Autumn moon-light gives the darkness a blue hue. I shift my attention at the sound of a dog barking. Outside my window I see the architecturally similar suburban houses lined up with little to no breathing space between them. I wonder if the houses ever feel claustrophobic. I used to love living in this town when I was a kid. Maresville, Illinois. I was always fascinated by the uniform look of houses and familial feeling within cul-de-sacs. I basically grew up at the park down the street from my old house, which is also minutes away from the apartment I live in now. I wanted to stay close to home, but I also needed freedom away from my parents who didn’t really understand that twenty-year-olds need privacy too. I wonder if things would be different if I still lived at home.
It's been nearly three months since the last time I was able to sleep for more than three hours. The doctor said insomnia is the result of many things: anxiety, drinking too much coffee, or, the most common, psychological stress. It’s also the result of taking Amitriptyline, an antidepressant that they have me dosed up on. I guess being the only survivor of a car crash with three of your closest friends is a fair reason for this. I run my hand over the 5-inch scar on my shoulder and remember glimpses of that night.
5 months ago
“Anna, c’mon, I really don’t want to go out tonight,” I told my best friend while she slid into a romper in the back of her closet.
“It’s Audrey’s birthday, you have to go! The three of us literally grew up together, you can’t miss her 21st,” she pleaded and stumbled out of her closet, posing in front of me so as to ask if she looked alright.
I gave her two thumbs up and rolled my eyes.
“It’s supposed to storm today, if you guys plan on drinking you shouldn’t even be driving,” I said.
“You make a great point, Lindsay dear, BUT that just means we need you to be designated driver for the night,” she looked at me whilst burrowing her eyebrows in a sad face and pouting her upper lip, as if that would convince me.
It did.
I borrowed an over the shoulder top from her and threw on a pair of leggings. That was all the effort I’d be making in my appearance, since I didn’t really want to go. Around 7pm, Audrey arrived to Anna’s house with Connor, another one of our friends. The four of us were neighbors in childhood and never spent a summer without each other, so celebrating Audrey’s 21st together did seem like a rite of passage of sorts.
It was pouring outside by the time we left at 8pm, but the three of them pre-gamed so their spirits were high, while I was still very sober in the driver seat wishing I was home watching Wes Craven’s Freddy’s Nightmare.
The ten minutes that followed after that are still a blur.
I get up and out of bed and make my way to the kitchen of my one-bedroom apartment. The moon’s light prolongs its stay and finds itself wherever I go, casting shadows over the scuffed marble table, and making weird shapes out of the kitchen knife set that’s never touched. Jinx, my Black Labrador is sound asleep on the couch in the living room, a few steps away from the kitchen. After the car crash, my mom and doctor thought getting a dog may be therapeutic. I was never too fond of dogs, but having Jinx around makes me feel less alone. I drink my meds and make my way back to my room. I lay under the covers for a few more hours until it's time for the 9 AM psychology class that I don’t attend. I let the small TV in my room play a documentary about dreaming. I hear the static of it in the background of my consciousness. It’s saying something about being unable to read in your dreams when I feel sleep finally encompass my body.
 3:00 AM
Another sleepless night. As routine, I pour myself a glass of water and take my meds, but my eye catches a difference in the shadows. One of the kitchen knives is on the table. I grab it and reunite it with the other knives in the rack. Did I use it this morning? All I can hear is the humming noise of the ceiling fan as I stand in the shadows of my kitchen, lost in thought, completely still. I ordered take-out today, so I don’t think I used the knife. Or maybe I used it to open the take-out box. What did I even order?  
I reanimate at the sound of a loud thud from within my apartment. Startled, I nearly spill the glass of water all over the floor. Did that come from my room? I set the glass on the table and walk towards the noise. I swear if another raccoon came in through my window I’m bolting it shut. I slowly make my way down the hall and just as I’m about to open my bedroom door I hear another thud, behind me this time, in the living room. It sounds like someone dropping heavy textbooks onto the floor. I stay in front of my bedroom door and stare down the hallway that leads to the living room. I’m surprised Jinx hasn’t started barking.
My hands begin to tremble and immediately become swept with a feeling of anxiety. The part of me that loves horror films and has every Michael Myers movie memorized tells me to go back into my room and lock the door. But what if it’s raccoons and they get into my cookie stash. Fuck. I hesitantly walk towards the living room. I can feel my chest rise and fall as my breaths become shallower and shallower. I walk past my kitchen, turn the corner, and suddenly the house is silent. I don’t even hear the humming sound of the fan anymore, but everything looks normal. Outside I hear a dog barking, harmonized with the faint sound of rain hitting the side of the apartment.
Jinx is sleeping on the couch and my cookie stash seems to be in place. I walk over to Jinx to wake her, hoping she’ll sleep in my room tonight after getting worked up over nothing. The carpet feels wet under my bare feet. When my eyes adjust to the dimness, I make out a dark spot on the carpet, but I can’t tell what it is. Turning the light on reveals a dark blood stain. Blood? There’s no way that’s blood. I want to wake Jinx up, go to my room, and just sleep. God, I wish I could sleep. I call Jinx’s name. She doesn't flinch.
"Jinx!" I say excitedly, hoping she eagerly wakes up, but still nothing.
I stroke her head and realize her fur feels damp.
"Jinx?" I say, more sternly, wondering if she probably rolled around in her own piss. Do dogs get their period?
I take a closer look and notice a long deep cut along her side, hidden by the length of her jet black fur. I jump back. The gash is deep enough that if I pulled her skin apart I’d probably see the entanglement of her intestines. Someone sliced my dog open. The smell of rotten eggs fills the room. Who would do this? The door is locked and I live on the fifth floor. I'm dreaming. This is a dream. I can’t form a proper thought and I want to get away from the sight, but I stand frozen over my dead dog’s body. My body feels weak and drenched with restlessness and my eyes are heavily lined with tears that have yet to fall. My hands are shaking so much when I take out my phone. I can barely press the numbers on the screen.
"911 what's your emergency," a woman’s voice says.
"Yes, hi, my name is Lindsay. I live on 529 King Street, in Maresville. I think someone broke into my apartment," I say shakily.
"What makes you think that?" the woman asks.
"Well, my dog. I—uh—woke up to walk to my kitchen and I heard a loud thud, when I checked what it was I found my dog in the living room. She was stabbed," I say as the tears in my eyes finally flood my face and I hold back a sob.
"How—unfortunate," the woman says with a diabolical chuckle.
"Um, yes, it's very unfortunate. Could you please send someone over? I think someone may have broken in. I'm home alone so no one else could have done this,” I say irritated that she doesn’t sound the least bit concerned.
"Oh sweetie, you're never alone," the woman says slyly and suddenly the call goes out.
I let out a shriek and my knees hit the ground. It's nearly four in the morning, my dog is dead in the living room, and the police won't help me. I try calling again, but my phone signal goes out. I'll just walk to the police station and make a report. It's not too far of a walk, it’s only a few blocks down from the park. I quickly get dressed and throw on yesterday's jeans and my grey hoodie. As I’m about to head out the door, I receive a phone call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” I answer.
"We're all guilty of something, Lindsay," a man responds in a low agonizing voice. His voice sounds all too familiar and it becomes difficult to swallow.
“Connor?” my voice nearly breaks and the call drops allowing the sound of a prolonged beep ring in my ears.
I need to leave. I clumsily finish putting my shoes on, grab the house keys and run out of the door. I race down the swirled staircase and exit the building. It’s now storming and still dark outside, but its a strange type of darkness. Not the type that says it's time for bed, but the type of darkness that makes you feel uneasy. It's still and silent as I begin to walk south, away from my apartment building. All I can hear is the sound of my footsteps and rain hitting the ground. I try to remember where I'm going. I'm already three blocks down when the rain gets harder and makes it difficult to see what’s ahead of me.
The uniform houses become blurred in my peripheral vision and the air becomes cold. I approach the local park, and slow my pace to catch my breath. As I’m stopped, a car fiercely skids past me as if the driver has lost complete control. I hear a crash, followed by a thud, and notice there is smoke coming from further down. I run towards the smoke, and just as I approach the site of a streetlight fallen onto a crashed car, the car goes up in flames.
 5 Months Ago
           I feel my head throbbing as I lift it from the steering wheel. There’s blood running down the side of my head and there’s a sharp pain in my shoulder. I look to my right and Anna is knocked out over the dashboard.
           “Lindsay,” Connor coughs from the back. He has blood streaming out of his mouth and a gash on the side of his cheek. Audrey was tossed onto his lap.
           “I’m so sorry,” I start to cry. “I’m so sorry.
           Connor pulls Audrey off of his lap and sits her up, blood continues to drip from his face. Audrey’s eyes are wide open, but motionless. Her neck snapped upon impact. She’s dead.
           “I’m so sorry,” I continue to cry while I try to unbuckle my seatbelt.
           “I’m stuck, Lindsay,” Connor says through sobs. “I can’t get the seatbelt unbuckled.”
           I push my car door open, and it falls off as I do so. I join Connor’s side and try to unbuckle his seatbelt, but it won’t undo.
           “Try Anna,” he says, and I notice he’s starting to lose consciousness.
           “Stay awake, Connor. Please. I’m so sorry,” I say with his head in between my hands.
           “Anna,” he coughs.
           As I walk around the car to get to Anna’s side, the hood of the car catches fire, and within seconds the entire car bursts into an orange and yellow explosion. I get thrown a few feet away from the crash and everything goes dark.
The hood of the car is on fire and I run towards it to see if anyone is still inside. I open the passenger side door and can’t help but believe that my mind is playing tricks on me. I see Anna knocked out over the dashboard. All of them, as they were the night they died, are in the same positions that I last saw them in. Audrey’s head is hanging low, and Connor unconscious in the backseat with dry blood splattered across his neck. But who’s in the driver seat? I make my way around, and notice that the door is already broken off and the seat is empty. While I’m leaning over into the car searching for the driver, all three of the bodies snap their heads up with blood shot eyes and scratches lining their faces.
“Turn around!” they yell.
As I do so, I catch a glimpse of her before she knocks me out cold with a piece of scrap metal.
           I wake up to the beeping sounds of a heart monitor and a raging headache. My shoulder feels sharp with pain and my legs feel heavy. I’m in a hospital. My mom is sitting at the foot of the hospital bed.
           “Sweetie, how are you feeling” she says. I can only manage to let out a cough.
           “She took a hard hit, she may need a few minutes,” a woman says.
The doctor? I try to sit up, but my entire body aches.
“Oh, no Lindsay, lay down. You got hit pretty hard,” the doctor says.
Hit? I didn’t get hit. What happened to the car? Those kids, are they alright?
“Were you told exactly what happened?” my moms voice.
“Yes, the police officers said they got a call from someone who reported they hit a young girl, your daughter. It was an older woman, she said she was driving down the street past the old park.
“Your daughter just ran in front of the car. But, she claims that it looked like Lindsay was staring at something across the street before she ran,” the doctor said.
I let out another cough and find my voice.
“No,” another cough, “I saw someone hit the lamp post. There were four kids in the car, are they okay?” I say.
The room starts to spin, and the white from the ceiling suddenly looks like the tiles on the floor.
“Lindsay, honey, you got hit by a car, okay? There were no other kids, only the woman who hit you. Do you remember why you ran in front of the car?” the doctor says this as if I’m a five-year-old being asked to explain who stole the chalk from the chalkboard.
“I didn’t run in front of a car,” I say, “I saw a car with four teenagers crash into a lamp post. I tried to help them, but…I got distracted,” my voice trails off as I remember the faces of the passengers in the car.
“It’s okay, Lindsay. Get some rest,” the doctor says and she escorts my mom towards the door. “She’s clearly been through some trauma with the car crash she was in earlier this year. The drugs she was prescribed have side effects of insomnia and hallucinations.
“Your daughter may be experiences both of these side effects. We’ll have to keep her here longer to make sure she doesn’t harm herself,” I hear the doctor say to my mother.
Hallucinations? I think about the knife on my kitchen table. Did I put it there?
I stare at the hospital room ceiling and in my peripheral vision I see three familiar bloody faces standing over me.
0 notes
313finalproject · 6 years
Deliverable #4: Script
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Scene #1 Gary back home
Start scene of driving his car to go back to home.
He was away from his house for business trip.
When he arrives home try turn on the light but electricity was gone
Gary: (Breathing and driving)
Gary arrive home
Gary: (try turn on light) “Hmmm…. it’s not working”
Man’s breathing sound effect
Car engine sound effect
light switch sound effect
Scene #2 Enter to his room and lie on the bed
Directly go to his room for getting off his luggage and to lie on the bed taking a rest for few second. He is having tired from his work and he looks to be deep in thought whether he have to stop doing this or not.
Gary: (watching his hand and rotate it side by side. frustrating by himself.) “What am I doing this for….”
Stuff moving around sound
Deep breathing sound
scene 2-1 or 2-2
scene #2-1 take a nap
Gary fall asleep in his bed. The room is dark.
Snoring/ Breathing
scene #2-2 having dinner
Electricity is coming back. He stand up from bed and go to kitchen. Wash his hand first and try cooking noodle for meal.
After done cooking meal, he is looking simon and visiting his room but he is not there.
Gary: “Hey Simon, are you there?”
No one answering
Gary: (Go to Simon’s room) “Simon?”
Simon: “...”
Gary: “Where is him…”
Get his phone out and calling to Simon
Gary: (Dial signal sound)
Gary hear the ringtone sound from living room
water sound effect
boiling sound effect
phone ringtone sound effect
scene #3 found simon(dead body at living room)
Gary found Simon at living room
Simon lying on the floor, Gary go to check on him and found him without heartbeat. Gary looks shocked and confused at the moment.
Gary: “Simon”! What happened here?
tension sound effect
Scene 3-1 or 3-2
scene #3-1 call the police
Police: Hello, how can I help you?
Scene #3-1-1 ask for help to find a murderer
Take out his cell phone and press 911 but he is hesitating whether call or not. And he made a call finally.
Police: Can I have your name?
Gary: Gary Park
Police: Your age?
Gary: 35 years old
Police: So what happened?
Gary: Simon my roommate … (crying) after when I came home after my work last night .. (crying)
Police: What is your relationship with Simon?
Gary: Ummm he is just my roommate
Police: Okay. So what is your job?
Gary: (inner voice)“Wait...I am a killer, can I ask for help from police? Well...let find something by myself. I should find a murderer before police gets suspicious about me”
Finally he shut down his cell phone.
Dialing sound
Scene #3-1-2 report a killer
Gary: I want to report a killer.
Police: What happened?
Gary: There is a dead body in my house. And the dead person is my roommate, Simon.
Police: Okay. What is your address?
Gary: 1234 ABC street, Coquitlam.
Police: Who is the killer? Did you see the killer?
Gary: No I did not. But I have several evidence.
Police: Okay. Who is the killer?
Scene #3-1-2-1 simon’s girlfriend (ending 1)
Gary: It’s Simon’s girlfriend.
Police: Alright. We will send some people to find out who’s the killer.
3 days later
Police: (knocking) Gary Park! Open the door. You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Scene #3-1-2-2 other (ending 2)
Gary: It’s _________. (Users need to type the right answer)
If the users have typed ‘Simon’s coworker’
Police: (knocking) Hello Gary. Thank you all for the evidence that you have provided. It was very helpful and he was the murderer.
scene #3-2 investigate by himself
Now he know that he felt that this house is weird and messed up now.
Fade out scene and end up the video part
Move to website
Mysteries background music
Interactive website
Website (list of objects by floors)
website for user is navigating the whole area of house to find out the evidences
1st floor (entrance, shoe storage, garage)
shoes: suzy’s high heel
mail: mail of cell phone bills
newspaper: last week newspaper
tools: tool box with a wrench missing (it could be the weapon that’s used by the murder)
washing machine and dryer: ponding water of washing machine and door opened dryer (maybe used by the killer to clean up some evidence)
2nd floor (Simon’s room, living room, kitchen)
book: mysterious novel
vitamin: melting vitamin into water (Simon doesn’t usually take vitamin)
sleeping aid: gary suffers from insomnia
computer: Simon’s personal desktop
cell phone: suzy’s iphone (old phone?/ text message with Simon about Simon found someone followed him for a few days)
movie tickets: last tuesday movie ticket
outside (backyard, deck)
plastic bag (hidden weapon?)
footprint (huge footprints, killer must be tall)
garbage can and recycle box (check for weapons or evidence)
ashtray (the ash is still fresh, maybe less than 24 hours)
Final Ending Scene(death cam of Simon)
Simon’s death camera recorded by Simon’s PC camera program. Simon during his work had vitamin melting in the water which Bob give to Simon is the chemical poison.
perspective view of Simon’s PC camera
Once he drink vitamin water(poison water). Fall on the ground.
Simon: (grabbing his neck) “Help…pl..e..a..s….e”
Simon dead
Hard breathing
Fade out
Ending credit
The End
0 notes
Confront Yourself Ch. 2
Chapter 2 We arrived at the hospital and I was rushed inside. I only caught a few images of what was going on because my eyes were still very strained and sore. My head was also still trying to work up the strength to make sense of all of this. Daya stayec at my side. She was alwats there for me. I even saw Spitz there. Daya threw him out. Apparently there was a bit more to the story. Daya woukd later on confide in me that Spitz originally was gonna bring me to the hospital in his car and as he was "helping" me in he got rather "handsy". Daya had been looking for me and checked if I was smoking, which was the go to spot if I'm not waitressing. She saw Spitz and called the police and 911. I was completely unconcious the whole time and dont remember the assault or the fainting. It had to be from lack of sleep. Once the nicotine hit my sytem combined with Spitz's rage, I guess it was too much and I collapsed. I cant belive, well actually I can, but still. How could you take advantage of your employmee? Who am I kidding, its Connor Spitzman were talking about. Scoundrel extrordinare. After sometime in the ICU, I was aloud to go home and told to get rest and take a week off work. Daya stressed to the nurse that she would make sure I made a full recovery. She definitely would hold hold up her end of the bargin. She took me home and tucked me into bed. Very little was said. We both knew that I needed to just rest. What was there to talk sbout anyway, it had been a traumatic day for us both. She needed rest just like I did. When I suggested she stay the night she about cried. Daya was one of the few who knew that extending an invitation like that wasnt common for me. She thanked me and got the couch ready for her to sleep later. After a wonderful dinner of chicken cordon bleu and golden potatoes we both headed to bed. I fell back into my deep space sleep. It felt good to let go and finally recharge. As I lay there, I Kofeel tears roll down my cheeks. Why am I crying?  I thought to myself. I wiped them away and fell again into my comatose sleep. Numb. Black. Perfect. Serene. Gone too quick. Before I knew it Daya had brought me breakfast in bed. Waffles, eeggs, bacon, mixed berries, orange juice, even a side of cinnamon butter, and finally a little vase with wildflowers. The works. "Wow, thanks D." I was so grateful to gave someone who cared about me so much. She smiled and headed out of the room. Returning with my Firefly mug filled with rich Columbine coffee. "Three packs of sugar and just enough cream to coat your throught so you can drink more, right?" Daya chuckled I smiled. She knew me so well. Now before you getbthe wrong idea. No, she is not my girlfriend. She is however my best friend and I would literally die without her. She keeps me grounded and I do my best to do the same for her. After breakfast, coffee, and a morning smoke I wanna get out and go for a walk. If I'm gonna be on sick leave then I atleast wanna get some fresh air and get outside. That's the best way to feel better if youre system is upset. I tried to go for walks whenever I need to clear my head or just feel better in general. As I was getting ready Daya was in my ear telling me about how what if I fainted again and that I needed to be careful, I assured her I would be and she finally relented and let me go on my walk. I walked up the street and around a few corners. I passed pretty neighborhoods and not so pretty ones. I finally came upon a small strip mall. I wondered along the siewalk gazing st the colorful and vast stores that were included by one another. Matress store. Carribean dining. Hat repair place. Subway. I kept walking and then I saw a shop worth looking into, it was called Miss Lovely Lovely's Curio Cabinet. From the outside it looked like a vintage bookstore. I opened the door and it triggered a little bell. A lady emerged from a chair and greeted me warming then the sun after a long frost, "Hello traveler, may I offer you some Egyptian cinnamon tea?" She was a very sweet old lady. She had long almost transparent white hair and her eyes were an emerald green. Very shiny and flawless. "No thank you." I repiled. I looked around the shop in amazement. There were so many things. Clothes, books, toys, trinkets galore, and so much more. "Look around dear and let me know if you need anything." She said sitting back down. I did just that. This place was fasicinating. Vintage and modern stuff mingled together. It was beautiful and kept blinking thinking it was a dream. How have I not been here before? I ask myself. After looking at the jewlery and clothes, I gravitate to the books. After looking throught many titles I was compelled to ask her if she had a book that could help me sleep. That space sleep was temporary and I know it. "Ma'am, do have anything about insomnia?" She smiledcat my request. She disappered to the back and reappeared with a small brown leather bound book without a name. "I was hoping you would have come sooner, Reylnn Yorfath." Shd said my name, How did she know my name? I pondered in horror "Wwww-ho arrrrre you?" I stuttered "Miss Lovely Lovely of course." She chuckled "I go by many names, but that isnt important, you need this book to fix what you have broken." I didnt know what to do, so I accepted the book with no name and looked it over. It was rather tiny snd the pages were stained from the years. It also had a vintage air about it. Flipping through I saw that many of the paragraphs had multiple sentences underlined. It was very intriguing. I still didnt understsnd how she knew my name, but I wanted that book. "Hhhhh-ow much?" I asked, sounding like an idiot "No dear, this is a gift, before you can be at peace you must confront yourself." She said lovingly "Thank you." I said quietly tucking the book into my purse, I slowly made my way out of the store still amazed and looking around. Once outside I immediately light a cigarette. What just happened? I asked myself I began to make my way back to the house before Daya got worried. When I got to the front door, I looked in the window and saw Daya was sitting on the couch reading a book. I love the way her hair shimmers in the sun. To be honest I might have a slight crush on Daya, but I would never tell her. It woukd ruin our friendship. Anyway, I make my way inside and greeted her. She immediately started into how far I walkdd and if I took breaks as to not get too tired and pass out again. "Yes, Mom, I made sure to be careful." I teased her, she got a little frustrated but eventually laughed it off. I set my things down and told her about the little shop. She had never hesrd of it before. Weirdly, she checked the internet for it but there was nothing as if it didnt even exsist. Then Daya became a litte worried and asked me, "Are you sure you went there? Maybe your head is messing with you. I told you, you needed more rest." Daya huffed and looked at me concerned. I had left out the part about the book thinking she would freak out, I was even happier now I hadnt. I knew what I saw. It was real. Everything happened just like that. But then I began to question. Had I really gone there? Theres nominternet listing and my mind has been being weird lately. I swore it really happened thought. It seemed so real. Thoughts swirled around my head and I knew I had to see if I had the book. But I didnt want Daya to see and ask me about it. She woukd think I was crazy. I said rather shyly, "Well, I'm gonna go get some rest then. I guess my head is just still messed up. Anyway thanks Daya." Then I slipped away to my room with my purse. Once insixe inside I closed the door and locked it. I put the purse on the bed and stuck my hand inside. I felt my wallet, perfume, sunglasses, smokes, lighter, and other odds and ends. Where was the book? Had I really imagined all of that? I began to think to myself. Suddenly I panicked and thought once more, Am I going crazy? Did I hit my head harder then I thought? Is this insomnia eating away at my memory and thought patterns? I started to shake a bit, but I looked once more in my purse. Wallet, keys, sunglasses, BOOK! It was there. How had I skipped it the first time? Or was my mind just playing tricks on me again? I didnt know. All I knew was that I had the book and now I could finally cure my insomnia. I sat on the bed and began to read. I was shocked by how accurate and headon this stuff was. Before I knew it Daya was knocking on my door for dinner. I stashed the book under my pillow. Because for whatever reason I didnt wanna spark her curiosity. I wanted this treasure all to myself. I unlocked the door and met Daya in the living room. Waiting for me was shrimp and rigatoni. It smelled amazing. I couldnt wait to dive in. Daya gave me the pills the doctor perscribed and we ate. After a great meal and equally great converstaion we both agreed it was time for bed. "You need anything?" Daya asked as I was brushing my teeth. I shook my head. We echanged goodnights and she shut of the lights. I slid into my room, anxious to see what else the book said. Already it had me addicted. I was somewhat experiencing withdrawl when at dinner. Which I thin was more guilt then anything. I wanted to tell Daya, I really did, but I knew she wouldnt understand. So I would keep it to myself until I knew for sure it cured me of this insanity which I was desperately on the brink of. I read to myself, "Life is defined as the state or quality that distinguishes living beings from dead ones and from inorganic matter, characterized chiefly by metabolism, growth, and the ability to reproduce and respond to stimuli. The period between birth and death. But to Live means something else entirely. Live is defined as to remain alive, be alive, to exsist in a specified way. We all are given Life, but seldom do any of us Live. We need to live. Be alive and go out and enjoy the world. Get out of our comfort zones. Aid our fellow man and conquer the earth the way The Creator intended. For out Creator is Life and we only Live through Him. For the wages of sin are death, but the Gift of our Creator is Eternal Life through His Son. All you must do is believe." I shut the book and rolled my eyes, "Great, a religious book, but still how did she know I was gonna come in there, I mean Im sure she gives everyone the same book but how did she know my name?" I wondered to myself, I didnt know how to explain all of it, so I decided to try an sleep. I place the book on my nightstand, roll over, and pull the blanket up. Maybe I'd give the book another chance tomorrow, even for being a religious book it wasnt bad. I fade into a deep sleep and I'm standing in a meadow. The breeze is light and airy. I gaze around at the cloud filled blue sky and the crisp green grass benath me. Out of nowhere I hear a voice say, "Do not be afraid, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. They will spring upnlike grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams. I am the First and the Last. Apart from Me there is nothing. All who make idolsare nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. No one stops to think, 'Is not this thing in my hand a lie?' Such a person feeds on ashes, a deluded heart misleads him, he cannot save himself. I have made you,  you are My servant. I have swept away your offenses lime a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you. Sing for joy, you heavens, for the Creator has done this. Shout aloud, you earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all you trees, for the Creator has redeemed you, He displays His Glory before you. Be gratious and humble becore your Creator!" While the voice spoke everything around me was changing constantly. Before I knew it I was no long err in the meadow but up in space looking at earth from above. Just floating along in space with no problems. Then suddenly I was in the mountains looking down on the majesticness of the world down below. Then suddenly I was deep in the woods and the wind wooshed about creating a harmonious rhythm through the branches and the leaves. I was amazed by everything I saw. Out of nowhere there was a flash of lightning and booming of thunder. I instinctively dropped down out of fright. I heard the same voice one more and it spoked louder now, "I am the Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the end, there is nothing without Me. Nothing! Bow before your Creator you miserable creation." I got down on my knees and bowed, and in the blink of an eye I was back in my apartment in my bed like nothin happened. What just happened? I thought to myself. I fell back asleep after much tossing and turning, no crazy dreams this time. Just a deep deep deep sleep.
0 notes