#hello 2025!! 🥳 🎉
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austinslounge · 3 months ago
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I can't wait for tonight 😏🎉🥳
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highgroundanimations · 3 months ago
Goodbye 2024, Hello There 2025! 🥳🎉🌟
Those were some busy 12 months:
Worked on a LOT of fun and diverse freelance jobs
Moved to a new city
Met a ton of lovely people at conventions and attended FMX Conference or the first time (eternal thanks to Robert Hranitzky), what a blast!
Got to wear some amazing new cosplays crafted by @sekuteskacosplay 💙
And yes, also made progress on Tukk Tales...
...although not as much as I had hoped. Finding the spare time to work on such an elaborate no-budget personal project can be tricky...
BUT! I'm as committed and motivated as ever and 2025 is the year I want to take some bolder steps to allow myself to focus more on Tukk Tales, even if it means scaling back on freelance work. I'm in the middle of making some exciting plans and can't wait to share updates with you soon! 😁
Thank you so so much for sticking with me and supporting my project despite the quietness (and me kinda sucking at social media lol)! It'll be worth the wait! ❤️
(And a special thanks to Luis Humanoide for his incredible Tukk Tales music used in this clip)
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johanxjudaiweek · 8 days ago
Hello Spiritshipping Nation! 🌈😍✨
A whole year has zoomed by since our inaugural Johan x Judai Week 2024! We're so excited to be gearing up for Johan x Judai Week 2025 as we reunite with returning participants and warmly welcome all the newcomers eager to join the excitement this year! 🤗🎉
The heart of this event is all about bringing fans together and connecting people who love Spiritshipping, Johan Andersen and Yuki Judai (a.k.a Jesse Anderson and Jaden Yuki), whether you've been a devoted fan and cherished this ship for many years, or you've just recently discovered and have fallen in love with them.
We hope and believe some of you already made some amazing friends along the way since the beginning of Spiritshipping Week 2024 last year, and we're really looking forward to creating even more meaningful connections and great memories for everyone this year through this wholesome ship! 😊🤝💞
It's time to ignite the spirit and have some fantastic time together! We’re thrilled to unveil the prompts for Johan x Judai Week 2025! 🥳🎉✨
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The countdown will begin on April 10, 2025! Time for preparation!
🤔 How to participate! ⤵️
🌈 Date: April 20th - April 26th, 2025. Each day will have a theme, you can also submit work out of order or only for the specific themes you want. Late submissions are always accepted! You can still submit after the event ends or anytime later, there is no deadline.
🌈 Submissions: fanarts, sketches, doodles, comics, fanfics, drabbles, photos, crafts, cosplays etc. You can submit on X / Twitter, Tumblr, Bluesky or AO3. It's doesn't matter the medium or size in which you show your submissions! Everything is WELCOME as long as it mainly features the couple of Spiritshipping JohanxJudai /JessexJaden. 💎🍤
If you're participating doing fanfics for this event, please share the link for your work and also add it to our AO3 collection.
If you’re participating doing comics, you can upload on AO3 and also add to our AO3 collection, or upload on Pixiv and share links, or upload just on Tumblr and X.
🌈 Tagging: we will find your submissions to reblog by searching the tags 😉 so remember to tag everything, beside the ship tag #Spiritshipping , please also add these following important tags:
On Tumblr: (with space)
#Johan x Judai Week 2025
#Spiritshipping Week 2025
On X/Twitter and Bluesky: (no space)
🌈 Other variations of Spiritshipping such as #Darkspiritshipping (Dark Johan x Judai /Supreme King) and #Infiniteshipping (Crystal Keeper/Crystal Master × Judai /Supreme King) are also very WELCOME! Just remember to add those extra specific ship tags.
👉 Feel free to participate without asking us for permission! 🤗 Just remember to submit your works using the proper tags listed above so we can find your works easily.
👉 If you have any questions, please contact us over our Tumblr, Twitter, send ask or DMs, or write us email.
👉 Follow us for more updates and future events:
Discord: there is a server for fans, artists and writers and participants to meet up, send us message to receive an invite link.
🌻 We sincerely hope that this event will bring a great opportunity for everyone to share their passion for Spiritshipping and meet up and connect with wonderful new friends.ヽ(*^ー^)人(^ー^*)ノ 🌈💖
See everyone soon in Johan x Judai Week 2025!
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mcuchallenge · 3 months ago
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Hello everyone!
MCUchallenge here wishing you all to have a great year! And what surely doesn't hurt if you want to have a great year? A bit of celebrating! Or a lot of celebrating! 😁 For 2025, instead of our usual monthly prompts, the challenge we have for you is to celebrate everything there is to celebrate - we are declaring MCUchallenge year of celebrations! 🍾🥂🥳🎉
This is your prompt for the entirety of the year 😊 Popular holidays like Christmas/New Year or Halloween? The birthday of your favourite actor or character? The anniversary of some in-universe event or of the movie release? Asexuality visibility day? Cat day? Anything you wanna celebrate with an MCU edit goes!! Just create a gifset/art/edit, post it on the day you're celebrating, add "@mcuchallenge year of celebrations" to your caption and the #mcuchallengefilled tag, and there you go - you're wonderful, the prompt is filled and your special day will have a place in our collection of things celebrated during the year! 😃 We'll have a special tag and it'll be like our calendar where people can see all the celebrations 😁 *we've had the birthday tag in the blog since forever, you can check it out to get an idea 😜*
As usual, for your fills you can use MCU movies, Disney+ Marvel shows, interviews with cast and crew, other videos of actors e.g. from premieres or other public appearances, from Instagram, etc. For more details see our Rules/F.A.Q. page (or for those on the app - the post) - all the same rules that we had for our monthly prompts apply :)
More fun ways to be a part of this event are under the cut (check it out, there's stuff not only for creators there! 😉), meanwhile as always we wanna thank everyone who participates and who supports creators with us, and remind the creators that we also track #mcuchallenge to see your other MCU creations, you’re welcome to tag us! We love seeing new works shared with us ❤
Please spread the word so that fans of more Marvel actors and characters learn about this event and more of them will get to be celebrated and have their day in this "calendar" that all the fills will make up throughout the year 😋
Ok, speaking of more actors being included - we'll do our share too, will be creating sets to celebrate cast members' birthdays every now and then 😉 And if you want your fave to be celebrated, you can shoot us an ask, telling us that you'd want a set for them. Just keep in mind that it has to be in advance, not the day before their birthday! 😅
Another fun activity we can organize as part of this year of celebrations are special days dedicated to something or somebody. For example, you wanna have a day of your favourite ship (or your favourite show, or your favourite character doesn't have an established canon birthday, but you want them to be celebrated as well, etc.). You can shoot us an ask with the suggested date and we can make a post, inviting anyone who wants to create something on that ship (/show/character/...) to have this celebration on that particular day. Like the familiar "appreciation week" format, just in this case it'll be an "appreciation day" 😁 Naturally the post for such an event has to be done in advance if you want people to have a chance to actually prepare something, so if you want a thing like that to happen, you should send your ask waaaaay before the date you'll be suggesting in it (think like at least a month in advance) 😉
We are up for having as much fun as we can, having all the possible celebrations and then some 😄, now it's up to you to take part in it and make this a year filled with celebrations! Let's gooooo! 🍾🥳
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cheritzteam · 30 days ago
[The Ssum] 2025 June's Birthday Event Winner Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
Did you enjoy June's birthday, who was longing to see your bright smile?
We hope June's adorable sheep hairstyle brought you joy! 🥳💛
Please give a round of applause to the winners of the two events! You can also review a part of the research data we collected as well.
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Congratulations to the winning lab participants🎉
Thank you to all the lab participants who took your precious time to participate.
June's Birthday Study winners, please collect your items from your Lab Support Box in 14 days.
SNS Event winners, kindly make sure to send us your information before the deadline as requested in the Lab Support message♡ *Reply Deadline: 6-Mar-2025 (Thu) KST
Thank you.
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yuurei20 · 3 months ago
I would like to apologize if you did make a post about this and I missed it (I am honestly not on social media a whole lot) but, out of curiosity, has your video upload schedule for 2025 changed slightly? I am okay with it if it has, I just wanted to make sure. Thank you!
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
You are very correct! I maybe should have made an announcement m(_ _)m My apologies.
YouTube uploads have shifted from every-other-day to once every three days! I appreciate very much everyone's understanding ♡
I usually try to avoid posting personal information to this blog as it is for Twst, not for me, but just for the curious there are details under the cut ^^ Thank you again!
A local company recently launched a new community outreach project and I have been brought on as translator and interpreter! 🥳
This is in addition to my full-time job, and while the income is very much appreciated (I was able to upgrade twstnote.com's storage limit for 2025 🎉) it means that there has been less time for Twst-related research and video-making 💦
October to December was particularly hectic and burned through almost all of my stock content. I was able to mostly catch up again during New Years holidays, but as this new job is project based I never know what is going to be needed or by when. Sometimes I receive three sentences to translate, sometimes I am needed three days in a row for on-site interpretation.
It is exciting but makes me nervous about being able to meet my twst-content deadlines, and something needed to be cut back. Am currently experimenting with every-3-day uploads and hopefully will be able to keep that schedule! If things calm down then I would love to return to every-other-day, but if things pick up then I might need to cut back again somewhere in order to balance m(_ _)m
And that is the situation! Thank you very much for your understanding ♡ Will do my best to have quality improve, even as quantity may go down a little!
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sisterandscripture · 3 months ago
What’s Past is Past 🕰️
Hello again my siblings in Christ!! It’s me, your sister in Christ, Elle! 🎀
I created this blog to begin strengthening my relationship with God and I truly think it’s one of the best beginnings I’ve had this year 🥹🥹
We have officially entered a new year once again. 2025 has started and that means new beginnings for all of us! 🎉
And what better way to greet the new year than with Christ Himself?
So sit back, relax, and begin with God 🙏
📜Bible Verse of The Day
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
- ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭[NIV‬‬]
💌Something’s in Your Inbox!
Hey siblings, 2024 has ended, so take some time to quietly reflect and contemplate how your year has been.
If it has been your year, a year full of blessings and delight, then I rejoice with you. I’m incredibly glad that you found happiness this year and that God has bestowed upon you continuous mercy and grace.
But if 2024 hasn’t been the kindest to you, then I hope this will reassure you for the new year and I pray that this year brings you more joy.
I get it, this year has certainly been one of the hardest for me. I experienced some of the biggest heartbreaks in my life this year, and they were definitely difficult to overcome and move on from.
But that’s why a new year is such a blessing for us all. The glittering fireworks, blaring music, and celebrations are the temporary thrills of the new year.
A new year symbolizes hope, it represents how far you’ve gone in life. Yeah, maybe you’re still sooo far away from your achievements, goals, and resolutions— but you’ve also come a long way from where you’ve started.
All of that, made possible by our amazing Father in Heaven, God.
What’s past is past— the old is gone, the new has come. Anyone who worships God wholeheartedly and comes to Him will surely receive a bountiful new beginning this year.
If 2024 hasn’t been kind to you, then I trust that you will run to God with all your problems in 2025. Sometimes, God challenges us in life to bring us closer to Him, it’s His way of bringing us back on the right path.
The heartbreaks and festivities we have here on earth are temporary, but God is eternal. Therefore, you must go to Him, first and foremost.
Start all your beginnings with Christ 💕
2024 was full of struggles— maybe as a result, we chose to turn to sin, we chose to stray away from God. We are only human, mistakes happen, but through Christ we are forgiven and our sins are forgotten.
This is your chance to start anew with God, trust in Him and believe with all your heart that this year will bring immense change to your life.
God has a plan. Don’t stress about the year too much. He loves you, and He won’t forsake you.
Rejoice in God this year, and He will bless you beyond measure!! 🎊
📞God’s on the Line
I hope this eased your worries about the new year, even just a lil bit 🤏
If you’re still anxious about what 2025 will bring, worry not because we’ll start it with a prayer!!
Father God,
Thank You for the great blessing of the new year. Thank You for giving me the chance to start fresh and have begin again. I humbly ask that You bestow constant blessings upon me this year. I pray that You heal me from all of the heartbreaks and pain I experienced in the past. Please guide me by giving me wisdom and discernment this year. I declare that this year will be the best one I’ve had yet, and I claim it in Your name.
In Jesus’ Name,
Amen! 💫
(you may continue this prayer on your own and make it a more personal one, pray abt ur life, ur goals, and the struggles u may face this year— talk it out with God)
HAPPIEST NEW YEAR MY BROTHERS AND SISTERSSSS !! I hope this year marks the start of a new journey with Christ for all of you! God bless you! 🥰🥰
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kazooku · 3 months ago
And that's a wrap!! This year while not perfect was good enough to not warrant to the bitter angry rant I ended 2023 with lmao. I was right though that 2024 didn't have to try hard to be better than 2023.
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2024 was a huge year of adjustments and big moments. Recovering from everything that happened in 2023, senior year of high school, deciding where to go to college and what major, turning 18, senior prom, senior class trip, graduating high school, vacations, concerts, moving into college, and more. It was a huge year with a lot going on. I can say I enjoyed it. Not completely sad to see it go but not eager either.
Wasn't able to finish art every month this year between everything going on but when I could I cooked. I technically could've put something from Art Fight for July but it's a weird thing where I feel weird about including art I've made for others in my recaps so just putting a ref sheet I finished there instead lol.
I think it's funny of my to include the ref sheet of Juniper because it shows I can actually draw hands I just actively choose not to. It looks weird with my style I don't like it. Maybe one day, unlikely but maybe.
I don't really tend to have a favorite overall favorite piece for the year BUT THIS YEAR I DO!! I fuvking love how the Amelia I did for Cringetober turned out. Favorite piece of 2024 and probably overall ngl. This year I felt a lot for comfortable experimenting with my art.
Can't really think of anything else to say except HAPPY NEW YEAR HELLO 2025 🎉🎆🎊🥳
《Reminder I don't remember who made the template I found it in 2020 and then edited it so I'm not sure anymore sorry ^v^"》
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movedtoletsbeeart · 3 months ago
MOVING TO @letsbeeart
Hello everyone! First of, happy new year guys!! wish you a great 2025 with all the happiness, love, success, health and peace to everyone!❤️🥳🎉 So new year, new start!! I'm making this post to announce that this blog as been moved to a main blog. This was my sideblog for a some time and I've made a lot of commissions through here as a part time but since I want to take this seriously and make my art as a living, I've decided to create a main blog in another account with my art there and open commissions to everyone! Please if you still love my art and want to see more of it, follow me through here!! I apologize that i haven't been active and posting my art here for a loooooong time... I have been sorting stuff out in my life, I was working for someone for a year but then... they dumped me.. I've been drawing a lot to evolve my style and learning how to make business with my art. So I will do my best to achieve everyone's expectations and draw more and post more 😊 Thanks a lot for your support you gave me here and I hope we can see each other on my new main blog and you will enjoy my new art there hehe!! Hope you guys have been doing well, wish you a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️ PS: If you could spread this post around, it would be very cool ^^ thank you!
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rtfans-collab · 1 month ago
🎉Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary of Robot Trains🥳🥳🎉
Hello? Thank you for your patience! For celecrate the 10th anniversary, I prepared some event
I wrote down the note and announcement in the link below. Please make sure to read it X)
🗓The submission period✅️
Feb 18, 2025 - May 20, 2025
✨️Period of translation and editing
May 21, 2025 - Sep 7, 3025
📌Work release date✅️
Sep 8, 2025 00:00 AM KST
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beatleswings · 3 months ago
Goodbye 2024, hello 2025! Happy New Year, friends, mutuals and followers! 🥳🎉🎉
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theweirdworld444 · 24 days ago
Happy Birthday to Me!
Hello, Weirdness Squad! Today is March 5 2025 my Birthday! 🎂🎉🎈🥳 Hope you guys wish a good birthday :)
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value-blue · 1 month ago
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This year 2025 belongs to SPD where all things happen, edition to remember our cadets 🎉🥳
Here we say hello to those of us who love our super delta patrol❤️
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halcyon-fitness · 2 months ago
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🎉 ATTENTION: LIMITED-TIME OFFER exclusively for Metrobank cardholders! 🎉 Take advantage of this amazing deal and enjoy: 👉 10% OFF on your Physical Therapy Single Session at Halcyon Fitness! But that’s not all! Halcyon Fitness clients with ongoing sessions worth ₱10,000.00 and above also get to enjoy a FREE single session of Pilates, Physical Therapy, or PTEX. 🥳💪 Promo period starts from January 15, 2025 to March 31, 2025. Terms and conditions apply: ✅ Cardholder must present and use their Metrobank Card to pay for the bill. ✅ This promo is valid for one-time use only. ✅ This promo is valid for sessions paid in full (PIF). Installment payments are not eligible. ✅ An online consultation with Halcyon Fitness or a prescription from a Licensed Physical Therapist is required for patients with serious conditions opting for Physical Therapy sessions. For promo inquiries, send a message through any of the following channels: Landline: (02) 8855 0990 Globe/WhatsApp: (63) 917 656 2363 Email: hello@myhalcyonfitness.com Facebook: @halcyonfitnessph Instagram: @halcyonfitnessph
PhysicalTherapy #Fitness #HalcyonFitness #Fitness #Motivate #Exercise #Workout #Pilates #PhysicalTherapy #StottPilates #RehabPilates #RehabilitativePilates #BackCare #FatLoss #FatLossProgram #HomeExercisePlan #SeniorsWorkOut #SportsConditioning #Makati #MetroManila #NCR
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empyrean11 · 3 months ago
YES 🥳🎉
Daily Walkoff ⚾️ Blue Jays #124 "Hello, 2025" 🟢🟢🟢🟢🚀 dailywalkoff.com
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msslytherin00 · 3 months ago
hey pretty, happy new years 🥳 i hope you had the best holidays and a lovely 2025 xoxo🤍🤍
hello beautiful 💛
I've had a nice time and hope u hv had a good time too,
Wishing u a very Joyful and Happy New Year 🎉🎊
Drink lots of fluids and eats good and tasty food
Love u
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