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thebean-17 · 6 months ago
ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔏𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 - 𝔍𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔈𝔫𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 (𝔉𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔄𝔩𝔟𝔲𝔪)
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birchshutter · 1 year ago
SP. 108-15 HellLight – Journey Through Endless Storm
Release Date: 07.09.2015 Country: Brazil Genre: Funeral Doom Metal
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legaciestolda · 1 year ago
@myersbprd moved for beta from x
if the woman is honest, she isn’t surprised upon the revelation that locator spells were failing to work. bella may not have been involved in this shadow world that was hidden within their own for more than a few years, however, she’d learned quite a lot in that time. it hadn’t just been her father’s instruction or the histories of jake’s tribe but books she’d gained access to through her father’s connections and her own familial ones too. for once bonnie and bella had become aware of each other’s crash courses into this world, they had begun to bond in a way they never had during the few and far between family gatherings that they had attended together growing up-- even if they were on opposite sides of the country. ironic that they both found themselves tangled in the webs of magic and vampires. in any case, a whole new world had been opened up to her that reached far beyond the little edward had introduced her to and bella knew, at least in theory, that there were a variety of factors that could block locator spells. victoria was anything if not resourceful and bella was fairly certain the red-head knew she wasn’t a lone sitting duck. they both had resources and allies. though why anyone would throw their lot in with a psychopathic vampire bella couldn’t quite fathom. then again, she supposed, if victoria wasn’t using a witch, it was entirely possible one of her newly turned fledglings could have some kind of blocking power. 
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she’s been there and done that already, perhaps too many times, though bella’s fairly certain she’s about to go stir crazy if she remains cooped up in the dining room any longer. besides, maybe a fresh set of eyes might catch something her and her father had missed. “anything’s better than staring at maps.” a shrug of her own shoulders follows his, her features upturning into a small grin of amusement. everything had felt so heavy lately, it was nice, if only for a moment, to have something light-hearted brought into play, even if it was merely a pun. “i’ll grab my coat and--” she pauses, dark hues drifting toward the living room couch where the young werewolf slept. if they woke him up she had no doubt that he’d want to join them. after all, he’d been bugging leah and jake to go with them earlier. but-- she wasn’t sure what exactly they could be met with tonight especially now that more people were at play on bella’s side. no, it was best to let him sleep for now. he’d no doubt end up in the fray soon enough anyway. “--lets go out the kitchen door, let him sleep.” she nods toward the living room before getting up from her chair and walking quietly to pick up her coat. “maybe we should walk. it’s only a few blocks to campus and my truck is just gonna draw attention. i still don’t know what everyone has against it. it might be a little rusty but it runs solid.” most of the time.
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seth-burroughs · 3 months ago
the fucking hellsmile
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heh... heheh........
I will now answer this ask from the ask game ive been doing i will asnwer ask... keep in mind i have a massive fever right now and im not to blame for possibly sounding haunted and tormented
Makoyomi (Yomi x Makoto) - 10/10 meowwww i daydream about it everyday
Hellxander (Yomi x Fake Zilch) - 10/10 barkbarkbarkbarkbark i daydream about it everyday2
Kokohell (Yomi x Yuma) - 10/10 refer to last post
Hellford (Yomi x Fubuki) - 9/10 point removed only cause they never interacted ingame. sad
Hellectro (Yomi x Martina) - 7/10 yay. they keep breaking up and then getting back together none of them will ever be free of each other ever
Yomisca/Hellsca (Yomi x Dr. Huesca) - 6/10 he wanted to fuck thay old man but huesca did not get any of the hidden confessions of lust in his emails and does not care. he could care but not in this timeline :( gilf fumbled as the kids say it nowadays idk
Yomiseth/Helloughs (Yomi x Seth) - 5/10 arrghhhhr ggrrrrr grrrrrr points only removed because i dont think about them as often and they will never be happy with each other even for a second. idk scroll through the seth/yomiseth tag to get why im not normal. you get me right
Yominyne/Hellnyne (Yomi x Enyne) - 4/10 I find it funny. Darn beautiful phantom thief women always eating always eating out of my trash. This is my one chance to talk about Enyne and she's trans. I'm very passionate about this
Viviyomi/Helllight (Yomi x Vivia) - 4/10 I'm not a Vivia fan but I'm intrigued. Tell me more random gifmaker. Also they're canonically divorced in my roleswap au from before I should post about it again I think
Yomihall/Hellhall (Yomi x Guillaume) - 2/10 there is nothing but contempt within Guillaume for the shitgrin creature. 2 points for funny though
Yomiakou/Hellfurio (Yomi x Yakou) - 1/10 sorry no :(
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solitudeproductions · 4 years ago
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The new album by the Brazilian leaders of atmospheric doom death metal inherits from two previous works and rises the musicians' skill to another high level. The already balanced and optimized recipe consisting of monumental keyboards and organ parts with dark guitar riffs framed by shrill solos is superimposed on the crystal sound and gives birth to the magic of HellLight. A bright, unique material touching to the depths of the soul is addressed both to keen admirers of the genre and for all fans of heavy and dark sensual music. #helllight #solitudeproductions #doommetal #deathdoom #funeraldoom https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ3V-5UpHfN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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funeraldoommetal-blog · 7 years ago
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Helllight - Funeral Doom (2008) https://youtu.be/YYJiMdTrr6E
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aphoticdysphoria-art · 2 years ago
Fixed the lighting in my room.
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ricardoluizshadowsmetal · 6 years ago
HellLight - The Diary (Instrumental)
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metalindex-hu · 3 years ago
Ethereal Shroud – Trisagion (2021)
Ethereal Shroud – Trisagion (2021) - https://metalindex.hu/2021/10/20/ethereal-shroud-trisagion-2021/ -
Még mindig visszhangzik a fejemben, amit nemrég egy külföldi cikkben olvastam, amely szerint a funeral doom az alapbandái kivételével nem képes tovább fejlődni és ismétli önmagát. Számomra hihetetlen, hogy valaki ilyesmit ki mer jelenteni. Igen, azt nem vitatnám, hogy évente 1-2 igazán jelentős, erős anyaggal találjuk csak szemben magunkat, de ha van olyan műfaj, ahol inkább minőségre és nem túltermelésre van szükség, akkor ez az. Amikor az ominózus sorokat olvastam, azért nekem beugrott az Ahab, a Bell Witch, az Ea, mint nagyszerű frissebb zenekarok, de a háttérben nem mehetünk el szó nélkül a Quercus és a HellLight neve mellett sem. Csak ebben az évben komoly meglepetést okozott az Ornamentos Del Miedo és a Lament Christ, tavaly pedig új témákat, hangulatokat szült a Drown, a Khazad-dum, az Atramentus, Kraken Duumvirate, Gospel Of Death, Lone Wanderer és személyes favoritom, a Felgrave. Természetesen az egyszerű elemekből épülő műfajt nem teremtették újra, de ezek mind friss zenekarok, projektek, melyek azt mutatják, hogy a funeral doom és udvarháza bizony virágzik. Nem véletlen ez, mivel a zenei formátuma nagyszerű kifejezőeszköz azok számára, akik nem egy újabb virgában, himnikus csatazajban keresik önmagukat.
Na de tegyük félre a tréfát…Az említett cikk során eszembe jutott még egy név, ami kevésbé van emlegetve, ez pedig az Ethereal Shroud volt, aminek egyetlen bemutatkozó anyaga még 2015-ben készült. A hatalmas hangulati faktorral rendelkező anyagot a maga idejében többször is meghallgattam, viszont a hírek és a folytatás hiánya miatt valahogy nálam is a homályba merült. A They Became The Falling Ash depresszív, atmoszférikus black és funeral doom keveréke azonban mély nyomokat hagyott és azonnal be is ugrott a teljes anyag, amikor Joe Hawker (Aludra, Wisp, Of Solitude And Solemn) elküldte nekem a hivatalosan december 10-én érkező folytatást. Gyorsan rávetettem magam a korongra, illetve annak összesen három, monumentális méreteket öltő tételére. Azt hiszem, hogy egy olyan darab esetében, mint a közel 28 perces Chasmal Fires, már nem beszélhetünk dalról, számról, mivel ez egy komplex zenemű. Folyamatos változással, formálódással, hangulatok és érzések sokaságával, aminek első perceiben már tudtam, hogy az Ethereal Shroud ugrott egy nagyot az erős lemez kategóriáról a kegyetlen jó felé, viszont a funeral doom jelzőtől egyértelműen eltávolodunk a hipnotikus jelzővel ellátható fekete fém felé. Ebben komoly szerepet játszik az is, hogy Joe kapott némi segítséget hangszeres fronton. Vendégként John Kerr (Marsh Dweller, Noltem, Pyrithe, Seidr) dobos például iszonyatos teljesítményt nyújt az egész anyagon, valamint Richard Spencer (Ba’al, Bleating Apocalypse) basszusjátéka, időnként feltűnő hegedője is sokat hozzátesz a végeredményhez.
Mély, lassan lüktető dobbal nyitunk, amely úgy szól, mintha egy óriás kongatná az univerzum hatalmas kapuját. Hamarosan érkezik hozzá a billentyű és a hegedű, majd egy hidegrázós gitárhang. Szinte várjuk a robbanást, de a dal a bolondját járatja velünk, visszatérünk a kongatáshoz, hogy annak szünetében roppanthasson minket össze a végtelenül súlyos black metal. Ilyen nyitányra nemhogy egy világot, de egy komplett világmindenséget a vég peremére lehet sodorni. Bánatos, de nagyívű dallamokkal kísért károgás, hörgés érkezik a távolból, kezdetben tehát hagyományos darálással, ami időnként átadja a helyét az atmoszférikusabb vonalnak. Nagyon fontos tényező A szörnyeteg központjában kapunk valamit, amit szívem szerint inkább nem lőnék le nektek, fedezzétek fel magatok.
Talán a kiadvány legáltalánosabbnak tekinthető dala helyezkedik el középen, ez a Discarnate. Igazi stílusegyvelegként, bő 14 percben szállítja továbbra is a tekintélyt parancsoló, nagyívű témákat, de szinte végig nagy sebességgel dolgozik. A sűrű kátrányban, szurokban azonban rengeteg apróság található, ami leköthet minket, ezek közül a legfontosabbak a dallamok. Az jutott eszembe, hogy ez egy nyersebbre hangolt, de korai Summoning szerzeménynek is elmenne, sőt, előkelő helyet foglalna el a duó életművében. Tolkien világa helyett azonban itt belső utazás zajlik, saját gyötrődésnek, bizonytalanságnak lehetünk tanúi, hiszen a projekt ezúttal is a haláltól való félelemmel, az elszigeteltséggel és a magánnyal foglalkozik. A harmadik szerzeménynél visszatérünk a kimértebb építkezéshez és az Astral Marinerrel visszatérünk a doomhoz is. Természetesen most is összetettebb utat járhatunk be ennek ellenére, ahol találkozhatunk gyönyörű gitárfutamokkal, mélységbe rántó morgással, hörgéssel a károgás mellett és egy kis tiszta ének is belefér, csak a hatás kedvéért.
Komoly fejtörést okozott nekem a Trisagion, meg kell mondjam. Egyrészt zseniálisan felépített, nagyszerű albumról van szó, másrészt borzasztóan nehezen emészthető. Dallamossága ellenére végtelenül sűrű, ami számottevő terhet és nyomást helyez a hallgatóra. Időnként jó lett volna kicsit lassítani, megpihenni, ahogy a dobogás tette rögtön az első percekben. Ettől függetlenül nem tudnék olyat, ami felesleges lenne ezen a korongon, így csak annyit tanácsolhatok nektek, hogy megfelelő időben, körülmények közt vegyétek elő. A decemberi megjelenés ebben az esetben rendkívül szerencsésnek mondható, én biztosan beizzítom már az első ködös, deres reggeli utazások alkalmával…
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legaciestolda · 2 years ago
@everythingheard​ (enzo)
seattle had been ripe with new discoveries, a new world presented to her for while the dark-haired college student had been aware of the eldritch world that existed within what seemed to be a mundane one, this city was no forks. the inception of a system which partook in a delicate truce had been in existence far before she had even been bore into this world. factions controlled the city, a surprising number of beings living and working alongside humans. factions which now found themselves in chaos as accusations were thrown and victoria continued her war upon innocent people out of some psychotic need for revenge. here there were allies. here bella could call one of her father’s deputies to deal with the body of a vampire. here people were actively attempting to stop victoria’s plans. plans bella had been left exposed to when one family which had entered her life and become so engrained within it had decided to simply throw away the things they had once promised. while she could not be thankful for being left to endure victoria and her horrors, bella could be thankful that through the experience of loss she had built herself back up. that through the events which had followed, she had learned about her family, learned about what she was capable of. learned to protect herself because she refused to stand by and be prey. refused to stand by and let people get hurt in some game a vampire decided to thrust her into because victoria couldn’t accept that james had wrought his fate unto himself. he made the choice to target her. and that choice had spelled his end. 
what bella had not intended for in-between her classes and quest to hunt down victoria and her fledglings was to be thrust into the inner-workings of a secret society with ill intensions. horrific discoveries uncovered once she had allowed herself to be brought into their ranks. she had not corrected their assumptions of her attitude toward vampires though was unsettled that professor maxfield had somehow known the fate which had befallen her mother and step-father. perhaps it was ironic, that she had activ;ely sought to dispatch certain vampires and yet could still be disgusted by the treatment of others at the hands of the augustine society. once discovered, bella no more had the ability to stand by and allow their actions to continue than she could go without water. maybe if vampires didn’t have a choice in their actions she could accept it, though, even then bella was hard-pressed to ever believe she could condone torture and medical experiments upon a living or undead creature. they were still people, still felt pain, still deserved common decency and the simple fact was: they had a choice in their actions, or most which had not succumbed to a ripper-like state did. how professor maxfield who seemed so normal and respected by his students could justify what he was doing was beyond bella and prompted her to bring her father into play. 
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it’s two weeks and a few more blood bags later when she finally gathers enough evidence that her father would be able to use to make some arrests. it might not be enough to take down the society as a whole, the theft of chemicals and supplies from campus to conduct off-the-books experiments but it was a start. it was something tangible. she uploads files and pictures to her dropbox, sending a text to her father and then makes her way to the cells in the basement. she knows she doesn’t have a lot of time and it does not help that she doesn’t have a solid plan in place for his escape. but maxfield wasn’t in the house. there was a small window. she could release enzo, they could get out before he came back. perhaps it was a risk, to place trust in a vampire who had been terrorized by a society for decades. he could kill her. she knew what some vampires were capable of. and yet, she chooses to have faith. they had a choice and she had never, in the short time they’d interacted, shown him unkindness unless forced to make comments in front of maxfield which were directly contradicted by her actions toward enzo in private-- or at least as private as could be when a camera was down there, her seeming to scribble notes in a notebook as a show. 
everything goes to hell, however, once she gets the cell open because, while she had managed to disable to camera, maxfield had been able to jump into action far quicker than she’d expected. a wooden bullet is sent hurling toward enzo, getting him in the shoulder and forcing him backward and when bella takes action to try and fight she finds herself with a bloody gash on the side of her face and thrust into the cell too. she tells maxfield he isn’t going to get away with this yet he barely acknowledges her, seemingly distressed by this course of events though not enough to remove her from the cell with a vampire when she was bleeding. he leaves them like that, blaming her for what fate he believes will befall her.
 bella was getting really tired of people justifying murder. 
he wasn’t any better than the vampires he seemed to hate so much. the only silver lining to this whole situation was that if her father didn’t have enough to take them down before, he certainly would once he’d be able to charge them with kidnapping and attempted murder of a student. 
“are you okay?” she questions enzo. there isn’t fear in her voice, at least not for herself, but there is concern for him. “uh-- we got to get that bullet out of you so you can start to heal and, uh, i guess i can give you some of my blood and then.. then we’ll figure out a next step.” she’s only half-talking to him really, trying to talk out  some sort of plan. one thing at a time. 
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solitudeproductions · 6 years ago
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The new full-length album from the Brazilian masters of atmospheric doom death metal HellLight (@helllight_official ) demonstrates the loyalty of the band to their unique sound, recognizable from the first notes, carefully combined with the development of their ideas. Avoiding copying themselves or other genre representatives, the band produced a brilliant material filled with a ponderous atmosphere, melodies, and memorable guitar solos. The feast of grief continues! https://solitude-prod.com/releases/solitude-productions/helllight-as-we-slowly-fade/ #helllight #solitudeproductions #deathdoom #deathdoommetal #doomdeath #doomdeathmetal #doommetal #newrelease #newmusic #newmusicfriday #metalmusic #metalrelease #metalhead #metalheads #doommetalband #heavymetalmusic #cdartwork #metalpesado #metalartwork #newmetal #cdrelease #metalcd https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhtZCHF5S3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ie5qfxb372d1
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atomicblasphemy · 4 years ago
aren’t they aggressively white metal (a.k.a.: christian metal, a.k.a.: metal music made specifically for the sake of proselytism, a.k.a.: a gargantuan oxymoron) just like stryper and mortification? so, you know... honestly, i’d just suggest you go for some reverend bizarre or witchsorrow or count raven. kinda similar vibes but less paradoxical.
the way i got really into doom metal was just taking that goddess of doom song by reverend bizarre and checking out all the bands they mention there.
and then I found out funeral doom is a thing that exists and scarred my mind forever. it was worthy it though, helllight is a hell of a band
Dying to find metal music posts for 80s doom metal band, Trouble and their killer debut album, "Psalm 9" but since it is labeled psalm 9 I am bound to only get Christianposting.
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moscowtodallas · 6 years ago
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stonerdoombot · 5 years ago
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funeraldoombot · 6 years ago
[Funeral doom metal|Bandcamp] Helllight - As We Slowly Fade https://t.co/6Z86I4jg7n pic.twitter.com/XhNjjabVAV
— Funeral doom Music (@funeraldoom_bot) November 23, 2018
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legaciestolda · 2 years ago
danger. there once was a time the closest bella had come to it was to be clumsy near an icy stairwell-- the recovery hadn’t been enjoyable though she had been lucky not to suffer fractures. once, her life had been normal, ordinary, mundane. now, danger had seeped it’s way into the cracks of a city where tensions raised upon every turn. a delicate balance had been assaulted, chaos fraying the edges of something that was so much bigger than her and what her life had become. seattle wasn’t arizona where her world had been filled with sunny walks and worries over her test scores. seattle wasn’t forks either, where wolves and vampires were concealed in differently than they were here. seattle was a world of it’s own where factions held control within the deepest corners of the city. where even humans had begrudgingly accepted things they’d haunt their dreams, in moderation, in favor of a greater good. 
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the papers call it a pandemic of violence. crime rates spiked. college kids missing. bodies found at the ferry docks. were there serial killers afoot? were there copycats? the papers didn’t know the truth, couldn’t know the truth and a city in chaos was ripe for further chaos to enter it’s ranks, to make moves under the radar under the cover of distraction. police were caught up in their cases, factions were pointing fingers, authority was being questioned. no one’s paying attention to people who seek to take advantage. though these things are far from the mind of the college student who’s working to balance her classes with duties of a very different variety by night-- sometimes by day. there’s other hunters too. they each do their part. 
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bag is allowed to slide to the ground as she moves forward. the vampire hasn’t sensed her and is clearly too new to be able to even have attempted to use any otherworldly powers like some of the older ones do. there’s no fog, no sensing her presence with their minds. she’s close enough to be nauseated by the smell of blood. the man is bitten, that made things more challenging. the fledging would be in a frenzy from the blood. she makes her move but misses the vampire’s heart from behind. she’s knocked backward, gets back up. funny how she could often trip over her own two feet and yet when she was focused on a vampire the training her father had taught her could let her have some semblance of grace. at least enough to surge forward again. this time, she uses his frenzied nature against him-- she doesn’t miss. the vampire drops to the ground and it’s a good thing they aren’t in a more populated part of town or out in the open. she’s going to have to report this to one of her dad’s deputies. they couldn’t have just anyone finding the body of a vampire. but first? she needs to make sure the man is okay and deal with the ramifications of what’s sure to be a shocking discovery for him. 
“hey, hey, are you okay?” she knows it’s a rather loaded question, might be seen as stupid to ask but what else is she supposed to say? “you’re okay now, the vampire’s dead. he won’t hurt you. uh.. we got to stop the bleeding though.” what point was there to try to pretend it wasn’t a vampire when this man had seen for himself what it was?
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